Download - 04 jis14 A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. 8_transitions_vet_f_roegiest

Page 1: 04 jis14 A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. 8_transitions_vet_f_roegiest

A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A.

General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

LLL Transitional

Labour Market

Supporting professional transitions

Career oriented + VET -supported






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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

The transitional

labour market

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

More people need to work longer

• With transitions from work to work

• With transitions from unemployment to work

• With transitions from education to work

• With transitions from care to work

But differently

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

The transitional labour market





Early retirement

Working longer in an

adapted job




LLL- investing in

Human Capital


The right man in the

right place



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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

The transitional labour market: VET





Working longer in

Adapted job


Optimal availability/


management / mobility




LLL-investing in

Human Capital




VET – tools to “facilitate” the bridges

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

Supporting careers on a transitional labour market

Quick scan of VET

Tools Organisation

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

Supporting careers on a transitional labour market

Quick scan of VET

Tools Organisation



themes 1 2 3 4

“ here we have good practice!”


“ here we have potential

for improvement” !

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

Supporting careers on a transitional labour market



“ here we have good practice!”

“ here we have growth potential

for improvement”

Exchange among EVTA partners

– and in local and international projects

EVTA advising

European policymakers

on strategy and projects



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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

We have tools

to / for ….

• to systematically bring our students, during training, in contact with concrete vacancies

on the labour market

• to give our students insight into their own competencies (skills assessment)

• for personal guidance for students who are likely to have difficulties

in finding a suitable job

• to actively follow our graduates in the first steps of their professional career

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

In our


• we systematically adjust our programmes based on knowledge of the

needs of industry

• learning in the workplace is structurally built into our learning pathway

• teachers / instructors know for themselves which vacancies

their students can apply for (= labour market driven training)

• there is a competency management system in place for teachers /instructors

to ensure we keep pace with the technical evolution in their profession

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

We have tools

to / for ….

• to construct a skill portfolio for workers and job seekers that maps prior

knowledge / jobseekers

• to estimate feasibility of transition to a (new) job / functions (orientation /guidance)

• to estimate the competency gap between the current and the desired profile

• to assess and validate prior learning to adjust the duration of the learning path

workers / job seekers!

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

In our


• we offer flexible programmes based on the knowledge and needs of

workers / job seekers

• we offer flexibility in training periods, place and times for learning,

based on demand from companies or workers / job seekers

• training “delivering” companies become active partners in learning

• at the end the trainee workers / job seekers receive

a competency report (mobility)

workers / job seekers!

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

We have tools

to / for ….

• to inform people who want to combine work/family or who return to the labour

market on learning opportunities related to employment

• to estimate the actual competence gap between the current and the desired profile

• to assess and to validate prior learning (also acquired in family situation)

• to support the development of a learning-working career (guidance)

Returning to work

Combining work / family

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

In our


• we offer a tailor-made training programme to “returnees”

• we provide guidance for returning focusing on their specific situation

• instruction methods are in place that facilitate

the combination of learning and working

• returnees can cumulate the assessed prior learning and actual learning

into a “diploma”

Returning to work

Combining work / family

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

We have tools

to / for ….

• to (positively) estimate the employability of older workers in the labour market

• for recognition of professional qualifications acquired

in different learning situations (school, training centres, companies)

• to give older workers a realistic view of their learning abilities

• to elaborate a personal development plan for older workers / learners

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

In our


• we adopt innovative methods to support older workers

that participate in lifelong learning

• we give support and guidance to companies

in organising (proactive) competency / learning management of older workers

• our instructors / teachers / trainers are prepared to work with older learners

• our organisation is a good example of working / learning longer

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

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A.E.F.P. – E.V.T.A. General Assembly Verona 24-25 November 2011

Early warning + rapid response

Shift in gathering information on new skills and organising

flexible learning – pathways with partners

Time to market

Temporary partnerships: Companies – Schools – PES + ..


Job-Guidance Didactical




Certification Programme

Learning outcomes

Transferable professional qualifications (link EQF)

+ Quality assurance

JOB - match Monitoring of

Changes in


qualifications (new skills)