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RIGHT CORNER >: 1) Write: Name: _, Period: _, Date: 03/27/12, Topic: End of WWI 1919

LEFT CORNER <: Write “Opener #19” and then:

1) Write 1 high+1 low in last 24 hours2) Rate your comprehension for this week’s material so far: lost<1-5>easy3) Respond to the Opener by writing at least 1 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Announcements: None

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Misc Notes

Opener # 1)Hi & Lo………………………………………….2) # Rating Past Understanding………………3) Opinion, Question or Summary……………


SectionTitles: Notes or Activ #A “Title” +Memory Cues +Questions

Notes Here




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Bruce LeePeriod 28/25/12Asian Imperialism

Permission Slip Due Fri

Opener 1 1)Hi-talked with friends, Lo-Feeling tired2) 23) Why was Japan’s military modernizationturn out better than China’s?Notes #1aMeiji Emperor

Activ #1aDebate

Activ #1bReading

Military #1

Ruso War?

Meiji Emperor more symbol than powerYoung, handsome, wore Western clothes

1) 3 because tradition is important 2) 5 because survival is most important

1) The reason students returned was nationalism.2) I think people are more individualistic today.

Reflection #1: Closing your country to threats can weaken you.

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Notes #19a, Title: “End of War Notes” 1) German Revolts (9/1918): Shortages + near

defeat, gov negotiates end/surrender2) Armistice (11/11/1918, 11am): Kaiser flees to

neutral Netherlands, war ends.

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Official Radio from Paris - 6:01 A.M., Nov. 11, 1919. Marshal Foch to the Commander-in-Chief.

1. Hostilities will be stopped on the entire front beginning at 11 o'clock, November 11th (French hour).2. The Allied troops will not go beyond the line reached at that hour on that date until further orders.


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Tyne Cot, Belgium

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Activ #19a, Title “Treaty of Versailles”Roles: Your goalsa) US: You want to ensure lasting world peace and freedomb) France: You want to make sure Germany SUFFERS!!!!!!!c) Germany: You want ensure Germany dignityd) Colonies: You want freedom from all Western (+Japan) powerse) England: You want to make money!

Data:UK: $55 billion spent, 3 million casualties(Colonial India: 114,000 casualties)France: $50 billion spent, 5.9 million casualtiesRussia: $25 billion spend, 6.7 million casualtiesUS: $35 billion spent, 260,000 casualtiesGermany: $60 billion spend, 5.7 million casualties

Instructions: Create a peace treatyIn Your Workbook:1) Write your role (nation) and their goals2) Write down your group agreement. BE SPECIFIC.

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Notes #19b, Title: “WWI Wrapup” 3) WWI: 1914-1918, total casualties: 37mil (16 mil dead)

Allies 5.7 mil dead, Central Powers 4 mil dead, 6.8 mil civilians dead.

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Notes #19b, Title: “Treaty of Versailles” 4) US: Wilson: Fights for honorable peace and self

determination for all

5) France: Clemenceau: Fights to ensure Ger. never strong enough to fight again

6) Treaty of Versailles (1919): 11 months long, terms dictated to Germans (Russia NOT invited).

a) Germany accepts full blameb) Germany cedes it’s western land back to Francec) France access to Ger. coal depositsd) German army reduced to 100k, 0 planes/subse) Germany pay $30 billion ($2 trillion)f) German + Ottoman colonies given to allies

g) East Europe unified under multiethnic countries: Yugoslavia+Czechoslovakia to deter Russian power

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Germany lost 13% of its population, 15% of its coal, and 50% of its iron ore.

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Title: “Treaty of Versailles” 7) Weimar Republic: a) Ger. ppl feel gov surrendered, giving up too muchb) Communism growing (Soviets/clubs spread)c) Solders esp. feel lost and angry

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8) League of Nations: Europe creates Wilson’s world organization to collectively resolve conflicts (Ironically, US Senate rejects the treaty, and the League of Nations will fail b/c of lack of US)

9) Lost Generation: War left a whole generation broken in body+spirit

a) Distrust in govt (poor handling of war)b) Distrust in capitalism (companies got rich of war)c) Distrust in religion (horrors of war)

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Activity #19b, Title “Video: Treaty of Vers”

1) Copy Source Title: Indiana Jones

2…) Discuss questions on the board with a partner. Summarize your discussion (include their name at the end).

Remember participation points are deducted if off task. 5 Reading/Film Qs Come From These Activity SectionsTime Bookmark: 00:00

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Activity #19c, Title “Treaty of Vers Scene”Role 1-Actor 1: Presents which side your country fought, and what they did during the war (30 seconds)Role 2-Actor 2: Present what they want from the peace treatyRole 3-Textbook Researcher: Looks up info (Ch 13, Pg 424)Role 4-Web Researcher: Looks up info in iPods (google)

Countries: UK (George), France (Clemenceau), USA (Wilson), Germany, Italy, Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh), Iraq (Prince Faisal)

In Your Workbook:1) Write down your person and explain what your role does2) Write down a outline of your script or the text of your script

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Homework: 1) Complete your 5+ sources with

work cited page for them, 15+ quotes/facts/ideas in MLA in-text citation format.

Works Cited Page:use citation machine

In-text Citation: (web article title).

Journal Check: If your name is called, drop off your journal with Mr. Chiang (if requested, points lost if your journal is not turned in)

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Reflection #20 (place at the end of today’s work)

Pick the 1 most important thing you learned today to share with your partner.

1) Write down the main idea of today.(include their name).

2) Summarize Mr. Chiang’s closing remarks

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Activity #20a, Title “AV Prep: Test Review”1-2 Min Cartoon: Explain your termRole 1-Leader: Improves/edits the script, rehearses script with the presenter, directs the presenter during the recording, maximizes group contributions, and holds larger responsibility (+-1 EC point). Runs iMovie post editing.Role 2-Actor: Writes the script, is the primary voice of the cartoon, but assigns voices to other group members.Role 3-Researcher: Works with the textbook to do research, looks up extra info online (shares the iPod with the Animator)Role 4-Designer: Runs the design app, snaps photos from the Internet and textbook to use. Conceptualizes the design.

1) Write down your role and what it does2) Write down your section prep.

Remember: Indiv Project Grade + Participation Grade

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White Board ReviewTake turns explaining

the topic (don’t be afraid to be wrong!):

1) Say and draw your answer

2) Group members say and write edits/ additions

For each concept, switch people.

You get points for trying and listening, not for being right!

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World Grading PoliciesEveryone must use a spiral notebook!Daily Notes Quizzes: Unannounced quizzes on class notes from just the day beforeUnit Test: Any test you get below a 60%, you can retake for a max of 70%. Participation: Same, but be warned will be taking off for talking out of turn/delaying the classNotes: We don’t have reading/much HW, in return, there are day class notes are heavy.Notebook: Follow the format, make sure to have openers/closing reflections. “Activ” must have!If You Are Failing: Each time you come see me at lunch for review, you will earn back 10 points.