Download - 03-22-2009 Exploring His Excellencies - His Power

  • 8/14/2019 03-22-2009 Exploring His Excellencies - His Power


    Exploring His

    ExcellenciesJohn Isaacs

    March 22, 2009

    KingsWay Community Church

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    Everything will

    work out fine,

    if we press into

    God's presence

    in 2009!

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    Not Knowing

    Who God Is

    The Most Common

    Barrier ToPressing Into God

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    What is God like?

    I think God is like

    God has revealed Himselfin the Bible to be

    - Will lead to idolatry!

    - Will inspire worship!

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    We experienceGod more fully as

    we knowHis

    attributes more


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    The foundation of all true

    knowledge of God must be aclear mental apprehension of

    His perfections as revealed inHoly Scripture. An unknown

    God can neither be trusted,

    served, nor worshiped.

    - A. W. Pink

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    Job 22:21

    Now acquaint yourselfwithHim, and be at peace.

    Daniel 11:32

    The people who know theirGod shall be strong, and

    carry out great exploits.

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    Jeremiah 9:23-24

    This is what the LORD says:Dont let the wise boast in their

    wisdom, or the powerful boast

    in their power, or the rich boast

    in their riches.

    But those who wish to boastshould boast in this alone:

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    Jeremiah 9:23-24 (cont.)

    that they truly know Me andunderstand that I am the LORD

    who demonstrates unfailing

    love and who brings justice and

    righteousness to the earth, and

    that I delight in these things. I,the LORD, have spoken!

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    God is who theBible (in its

    totality) reveals

    Him to be.

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    The Glory of God

    His Goodness His Power His Wisdom

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    1. He is originally good:

    Good in Himself, which nothing else is.2. He is essentially good:

    Not only good, but goodness itself.

    3. He is infinitely good:There is no measure to His goodness.

    4. He is eternally and

    immutably good:He can not be more good or less good

    than He is.

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    God issummum bonum

    The highest good!

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    God isOmnipotent

    All Powerful!

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    Genesis 18:13-14 (NLT)13

    Then the LORD said toAbraham, Why did Sarah

    laugh? Why did she say, Can

    an old woman like me have a

    baby? 14 Is anything too hard

    for the LORD?I will returnabout this time next year, and

    Sarah will have a son.

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    Numbers 11:23 (NLT)

    Then the LORD said to Moses,Has my arm lost its power?

    Now you will see whether or

    not My word comes true!

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    A Crucial Question For

    Every Christian Today

    Can God Do It?

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    Jeremiah 32:17 (NLT)

    O Sovereign LORD! You madethe heavens and earth by your

    strong hand and powerful arm.

    Nothing is too hard for


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    Psalm 115:3 (NLT)

    Our God is in the heavens, andHe does as He wishes.

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    Isaiah 14:27 (NLT)

    The LORD of Heavens Armieshas spoken - who can change

    His plans? When His hand is

    raised, who can stop


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    Matthew 19:26 (NLT)

    Jesus looked at them intentlyand said, Humanly speaking,

    it is impossible. Butwith

    God everything is


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    Can God Do It?

    YES, He Can!

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    Luke 9:43 (The Message)

    They all shook their heads inwonder, astonished at

    God's greatness, God'smajestic greatness.

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    Do We Truly Believe

    God Can Do It?

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    1. We would turn to Him

    in prayer, first.

    2 Chronicles 20:6He prayed, O LORD, God of our

    ancestors, you alone are the God who is in

    heaven. You are ruler of all the kingdomsof the earth. You are powerful and mighty;

    no one can stand against you!

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    2. We would not give so

    much credit to Satan.

    Luke 18:10And he said to them, I saw Satan fall like

    lightning from heaven.

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    3. We would not be so

    reluctant to obey.

    Ephesians 3:16I pray that from His glorious, unlimited

    resources He will empower you with inner

    strength through His Spirit.

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    4. We would not use the

    word impossible.

    Ephesians 3:20-21Now all glory to God, who is able, through

    his mighty power at work within us, to

    accomplish infinitely more than we mightask or think. Glory to him in the church

    and in Christ Jesus through all generations

    forever and ever! Amen.

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    5. We would not let our

    weaknesses limit God.

    2 Corinthians 7:9Each time He said, My grace is all you

    need. My power works best in weakness.

    So now I am glad to boast about myweaknesses, so that the power of Christ

    can work through me.

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    Can God Do It?

    Our Lives Should Be

    Different If We ReallyBelieve He Can.

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    God isOmnipotent

    All Powerful!