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2013-14 to 2017-18BUSINESS PLAN5YEAR

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Head Office

Craven House 40 Uxbridge RoadLondon W5 2BS

T: +44 (0)20 8567 6995

East London Office

Direct HouseAbbey RoadLondon E15 3LX

Northern Regional Office

The Coach HouseHandsworth Parish CentreSheffield S13 9BZ

T: +44 (0)114 3271350

New Zealand Office

10 Stirling Street Merivale Christchurch 8014 New Zealand

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As we move through the first year of our Five Year Plan the business is enjoying an unprecedented period of growth. Buoyed by much improved market conditions and the delivery of the huge Olympic legacy project East Village, the period to 2018 should provide great opportunities for us all.

We last launched a Five Year Plan in 2010 and the contrast between then and now in market and economic confidence is huge. We were ambitious then and achieved much of what we aimed to do. We can afford to be even more confident now in what we hope to achieve over the next five years.

The Plan envisages us turning over £25m in the year 2017-2018 and, most importantly, delivering a profit of £3.7m (15% margin). This will be made possible with 330 employees globally.

The key to our business success will continue to be our Values and how we develop, empower, engage and treat our staff. Our growth will continue

to be organic. We will ensure that our positive attitude and approach continues to deliver excellence to our clients.

You will see from the details provided by the teams and support functions that there are many exciting challenges and opportunities ahead. We will spread regionally within the UK and develop an international offering spreading well beyond New Zealand. We will deliver our first projects in India. We will develop new work streams in Education, Critical Buildings and Development Consultancy.

At the same time, we will of course continue to develop our existing service offerings and there are many exciting opportunities within these areas in an improving market.

We believe we can attract the top talent, increasingly attract the top clients and can afford to be ambitious in our goals.

It promises to be an exciting five years, full of opportunities for the whole business and for all the individuals within it. By 2018 we will be a different business, much larger with a global reach, but at its heart will be the same Values and culture that have existed since its inception over 30 years ago.

Introduction and Summary

Stephen Gee Managing Partner

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In 5 year’s time...

...we will have a turnover of £25m

...with a 15% profit margin










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Team Commerical

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The commercial team’s plan is exciting and ambitious. It targets profitable growth, building business within our key markets with our existing clients, while also exploring further opportunities to broaden our client base and pursue new markets. We believe that the general economic conditions in the period of the plan will support this.

By 2018 we will be a team of 60 turning over £5.3m at a margin of 12%. Much of this growth will be in existing markets delivering our core services, of Project Management and Quantity Surveying. We will achieve this by working together building strong relationships within our team and across the whole of the company, capturing learning from other teams, clients and competitors, and sharing our experience widely. As we grow this team ethos will be essential to integrate new members to the team and our business. This will provide opportunity for all to grow individually, as there will be a wider range of clients and projects providing interesting challenges and problems for us to solve.

We will need to develop our systems further and look at new ways to work, to continue to improve delivery and efficiency. Our relationship building will extend beyond the company and across our industry; we will continue to develop more networks and contacts, while also working hard at maintaining existing strong relationships. This key marketing focus will be essential for our success and the whole team will work together to support and encourage all to embrace this.

We look forward to reigniting our Retail work, that was once the core of our business and pursuing new opportunities where our skills are transferable, such as Student Accommodation and High End Residential. We anticipate that our exciting new work in the Data Centre sector will expand and embrace other similar markets such as Critical Buildings.

Over 50% of our turnover will remain in the hospitality sector (bars, pubs restaurants and hotels), with the focus to extend our client base.

There are many challenges in our Five Year Plan but we are well positioned to embrace them and exceed even our own expectations.

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Team Planning Advisory Services

Non Residential

London South East

Complex Projects


Ten Team Members

High Profile


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When we prepared our Five Year Plan for the period 2010 – 2015 it was the team’s first Five Year Plan. It was to cover our first five years in business and in the business: establishing a viable base for sustained success, then delivering very good margins. Four years on we are well established, working with every other team, and our clients know that as a business we can provide the highest quality services from the inception of a development project to completion.

Our progress has been remarkably consistent when compared to that original Five Year Plan despite the almost-unprecedented volatility in the development sector in the past few years. Being focussed substantially in the housing sector and principally on inner London-based projects has undoubtedly helped this performance. A major objective over the next five years is to build on this success and track record whilst also expanding significantly into the non-residential markets. As with our success in housing, working closely with other teams will be important in helping us deliver these objectives. Critically, we expect (and will challenge ourselves) to be much

more able to provide opportunities for other teams through the clients, contacts and knowledge we bring to the business.

We will continue to work across all sectors of the property industry, further aiding the ability of the business to offer a “one stop shop” service for the development process. Initiatives such as strategic consultancy, asset management and development consultancy already sit closely with planning consultancy and can help strengthen ties with existing clients whilst opening up new opportunities. We intend to remain experts in “planning” rather than in any niche service offering, property type or geographical area.

The new Five Year Plan covers a General Election and all major political parties promise further reform of the planning system. Governments have, however, been reforming the planning system for the past forty years - only the political rationale for so doing changes. Reforms undoubtedly present challenges, not only to our clients but to us as a team, but they also create opportunities for different services and

approaches and we must remain live to these. The formal planning system is typically reactive, but the development industry is dynamic, and whether it’s new ways to deliver housing, new technology-driven uses for buildings or new areas for growth we will ensure we have the skills and initiative to capture these opportunities. Regardless of economic conditions, the planning system can add significant value to land and property assets, and we have set ourselves the challenge to become integral to our clients’ land and property decision-making processes.

Our aim is to achieve significant market penetration across London and the South-East whilst remaining a high margin business. With a commensurate rise in market profile, reputation and opportunities we aim to work on high profile, complex projects across all sectors.

As we celebrate our tenth birthday at the end of the Plan period we anticipate a team of 10, delivering over £1m of fee income at a margin of 22% and we will be integral to the reputation and success of the business as a whole.

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al C




Sustainability53 Team Members

Public Sector Housing







l Wo

rks Pro



Team Public Sector Regeneration


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We offer a multi-disciplinary service, predominantly within the public housing sector. Our core services are Quantity Surveying, Project Management and Clerks of Works. With the demise of the government’s Decent Homes programme we have developed new service offerings to counter the reduction in our original work. These include Procurement Advice, Supply Chain Management, Auditing and Stock Condition Surveying. We intend to develop these additional skills further, to counter the downturn in the Decent Homes funding. We are also committed to building on the work already done within Sustainability and Education.

We view capital projects within the public housing sector market as our key business area. As a team we have recently looked at potential new offerings to supplement our current service menu within this market.

Education is the priority new market which will be focused on. With a growing rate of under 18’s nationally, the demand and necessary investment to cope means this is a key area to target. Having already joined various

Education forums and networking groups, which we are actively attending and developing a contact network, we are committed to move this forward.

We are committed to maximising the potential which our partnering alliance with Rickaby Thompson Associates can provide. We shall offer high level strategic advice as to available grants/tax incentives. This will enable us to charge premium rates and cross sell other services and bolt-ons. There are also considerable opportunities to link in with Asset Management and our Stock Condition Survey work.

In addition to the new target markets, a large increase in the team’s turnover growth over the next five years will be acquired via the regional expansion of the business. We shall use our successful track record and capabilities to deliver the same services to new clients over a wider national coverage.

Our challenge is to grow our portion of the business to over 50 people in the team with a turnover of £5.05m at a margin of 10.8%. Growth of this magnitude brings challenges in securing the work, whilst ensuring that

margins are not adversely affected. We have planned a new management structure within the team, creating a new 2 tier management structure. This comprises of a Leadership Team (STAR) and a Senior Management Team (SMT), allocating leaders to various different focus areas e.g. finance, CRM and project issues (and best practice) to different stakeholders.

We shall also continue to value and invest in personal development of the team members to sustain our planned growth without sacrificing quality. Our new management structure should free up capacity to support our staff in growing their marketing and business development skills, hence increasing the likelihood of spotting and securing additional work from inside those client organisations. We shall also investigate new partnership alliances with other companies offering complimentary services and continue to raise our industry profile through attendance and sponsorship of networking and industry events.







al C




Sustainability53 Team Members

Public Sector Housing







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rks Pro



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Strategic Advice

26 Team Members


CDM Coordinator Services

Policy Writing




Network Rail Approved Safety Reviewers


Team CDM Coordinator

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At the time of the last Five Year Plan the CDM Team formed a small but important part of the Building Surveying Team. Our vision for the next five years is to break away and build on our considerable success and expertise to compete on a one-to-one level with leaders in the market. Our team currently provides specialist services to the commercial, public and private sectors and we understand the need to tailor our services to meet specific client goals and objectives.

Our expertise in the Health and Safety sector has grown considerably over the years, and we have grown from strength to strength from just one employee back in 2008 to being a six strong team in 2014.

Our services now cover:

• HealthandSafetyStrategicAdvice

• CDMCoordinatorservices

• HealthandSafetyInspections

• NetworkRailApprovedSafetyReviewer (ASR)

A key part of the plan is to concentrate on building the Health and Safety consultancy side of the business and to offer a wider range of services, including:

• AssistingclientsindevelopingHealthand Safety policies and procedures particularly in light of recent legislative changes

• InternalHealthandSafetyauditsto assist clients and their employers in compliance with policy and procedures

• Constructionsitesafetyaudit

• HealthandSafetyadviceforthe built environment

• Training–CITBconstruction,IOSHconstruction and non-construction, Asbestos etc

• Corporate–gapaudits/reviews of systems in line with HSG 65

• FireRiskAssessments

A huge focus is to provide a Health and Safety inspection service nationwide which could grow from the changes to the CDM regulations due in 2015.

Our vision is to be the consultant of choice for all our clients and to continue to build positive relationships. By the end of the five year period it is planned that we will turnover close to £2.3m at a 17.9% margin and have 26 people in the team. It is anticipated that our growth will be built steadily over the years, built on good solid foundations via the new work streams.

The introduction of CDM 2015 is currently anticipated for release in late 2015. This may bring some challenges, however, if we pre-empt those challenges there is no reason why we cannot improvise, adapt and exploit the new opportunities the revised legalisation will likely create.


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B u i l d i n g F o r e n s i c s

Dilapidations Advice







Team Building Surveying The Building Surveying team vision is:

• ToreachthestatusofTrustedAdviserwithour major clients such that we are their 1st choice consultant for building surveying services

• Toforgecloserrelationshipswithourmostimportant clients cross selling them more of our service lines, whether direct or through other teams

• Tosignificantlyincreasetheworkdonewithnew commercial clients to rival that of the existing clients

• Toraisethestandardofservicesandadvicedelivered through training and developing team members and strategic recruitment

• Tobepassionateaboutourworkandhavefun doing it. Be pleasant people to work with and ensure our clients enjoy working with us

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Our Targets within the Five Year Plan will be:

• TheCDMCoordinatorTeamtobreakoutfromtheBSteam and become a standalone team

• Increaseturnovertoatleast£3.2m.Increaseourfeemargins to 16% or higher. Grow the team to 40+ people

• Continuetoinnovateanddevelopnewworkstreams– react quickly and with enthusiasm to opportunities identified

• ContinuetodevelopandgrowthenewservicelinesoftheBuilding Forensics Partnership (BFP) and the Fire Risk Intrusive Surveys (as a consequence of the Lakanal House fire)

• Continuetodeliverandexpandourcapabilityinthe following existing service lines:

–PartyWallandNeighbourlyMattersAdvice–seekto extend this to commercial clients

–TechnicalDueDiligenceSurveys–Buildthelevelofexperience across the team and target existing and new commercial clients

–DilapidationsAdvice–Utilisetheteamsspecialistexpertise to pro-actively market to clients

–PlannedPreventativeMaintenance–Developthisholisticadvice service for occupiers and landlords

–ReinstatementCostAssessments(forInsurance)–Buildthisservice line targeting clients who insure multiple properties

–SiteInspections/ClerkofWorks–Establishdifferentiatorsfor this service and marketing proposition

–AssetOptimisation–Developthisintoaproperlystructuredand standalone service line with a distinct USP

–RepairandRefurbishmentProjects–Buildastrongertrackrecord in this work possible off the back of the BFP service

Our Proposed Actions to Achieve the Plan are:

• Totaketheleadonmarketingourservicesandeducatingotherteams (e.g. through workshops) so they can cross sell additional services

• Proactivelymarketourselvestoselectedtargetclientsaswellas Agents and Solicitors with the focus on commercial sectors such as, offices, retail, hotels, leisure and industrial. Utilise new BS Partner’s knowledge, experience and contacts to tap into new commercial clients

• Getthewholeteamthinkingaboutwinningnewbusinessandto actively pursue opportunities. Recognise and reward the successes they achieve

• Throughourmarketingactions(e.g.presentations,pressarticles)raise our profile and enhance our reputation in both new and existing markets

• Focusonensuringwearechargingtherightleveloffeedepending on the client and that instructions are profitable to improve our margin

• Driveimprovementsinteammember’stechnicalcompetence,improved knowledge of best practice and better standard documents

• Implementa‘WorkingSmarter’initiativetoinvestigatehowwecan improve our processes and embrace new technology

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Team Residential Development and Regeneration

- Registered Providers - Developers - 47 Team Members - ALMOs - Financial Institutions- Regeneration- Development Consultancy


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Our vision is:

1. To be the consultant of choice for all our clients

2. To significantly grow our business with One Housing Group and Network Housing Group to become the next A2Dominion Group

3. To build positive relationships with some of the G15 members (London’s 15 largest Registered Providers) and beyond; key targets include: Circle, Peabody, Hyde, LandQ, Affinity Sutton and Family Mosaic

4. To grow one or more of these clients into the next One Housing Group and Network Housing Group

Within the Five Year Plan we will:

• Bealeaderinthemarket

• Continueto“PricewithPride” and have a commercial mindset

• Increasemarginsupto15%

• Increaseturnoverfrom£2.3mto£4.3m

• Increaseourprofitableclientbasefrom 8 to 26 whilst maintaining current profitable partners

• Growtheteamfrom27to47people

• AttractprofitableLocalAuthority(LA) and Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) clients as well as Registered Providers (RPs)

• Attractprofitablelargedeveloper/house builder clients

• Movepartofourbusinessintoconsultancy such as development appraisals

• Workonmoreprofitable,highprofileschemes

Our aims and objectives are to:

1. Expand our client base to include selective and profitable:

a. G15 RPs - at least 1 per year on average

b. LAs/ALMOs - at least 1 per year on average

c. Developers (Crest, Berkeley, Redrow etc.)

d. Financial institutions (e.g. AVIVA)

2. Build on existing regeneration and JV experience

3. Train and re-train the team to service emerging trends (construction management, high rise construction etc.)

4. Provide specialisms to add value and become a key player in the new build and regeneration housing sectors e.g. development appraisals and audits

5. Provide management consultancy services e.g. development consultancy and managing client departments

6. Expand geographically to outside of the M25

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Maintenance Reviews

Regenerations Advice

11 Team Members

Strategic AdviceStrategic Reviews

Stock Option Model

Stock Rationalisation

Asset Investment Model

Team Asset Management

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Maintenance Reviews

Regenerations Advice

11 Team Members

Strategic AdviceStrategic Reviews

Stock Option Model

Stock Rationalisation

Asset Investment Model

Our vision for the Asset Management team over the next five years is to expand our client base, establish the team as a recognised and well-respected provider of asset management services, create and take advantage of opportunities across the business and increase our income to form a significant part of the business’s overall turnover.

The services we are focusing on with the Five Year Plan are:

• AssetInvestmentModel(AIM)

• Stock/EstateOptionsModel(SOM)

• Strategicreviews

• Maintenancereviews

• Stockrationalisation

• Regenerationadvice

• Strategicadvice

We have focused our energies on delivering the AIM and SOM because these can be delivered within the current team at an excellent margin, and there is a real need for these models within our target client base. A key factor in our strategy is that once we have implemented a model with a client, we will focus on winning other work with them. Over time, with our new team member and as we build up case studies, we will be able to move into delivering high-level strategic work.

Our approach to success is:

• FormanalliancewithHACTtogain access to a range of clients and jointly offer the AIM online via subscriptions

• Useexistingrelationshipstoouradvantage

• GiveourservicesaUSP(particularlyafocus on return on social investment)

• Concentrateongrowingexistingclients where possible rather than chasing new ones

• Developingastrongproposition that convinces the clients why they need us


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Team New Zealand / International Rescue

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Our business has always remained flexible and our response to the Christchurch earthquake 3 years ago is a fantastic example. Since then we have provided many seconded staff to New Zealand to support associated business in the country.

Over the next period we plan to build on this expertise and create an ability to react to disasters around the world both in an initial humanitarian response but also in the medium term by using the expertise gained in Christchurch to help deliver reconstruction programmes.

Together with our work in New Zealand we hope to complete 2018 with a team of 24 turning over £1.92m at a margin of 22%. We will develop this work in conjunction with our New Zealand contacts and potentially in association with rapid response firms in the UK


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– Train The Local Workforce To Uk Standards

– 7 Team Members

– Establish An Office

– Develop Our Brand


Team India

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We will have a turnover of over £650k by 2018 at a margin of 20%.

Within our Five Year Plan we continue to be the consultant of choice for our partners The Haathee Group. Through working closely with them we will establish an office in India and develop new clients. We will have a team of 7 people and they will grow our brand and live our values.

Our strategy is to develop and market existing skills in the local construction industry and train the local workforce to UK standards working on more than one large project.

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Team Human Resources


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A key focus for the Human Resources (HR) team is to determine the skill and experience levels required for our expanding workforce. In the first instance, promotion from within is preferred. However, evidently, with the significant recruitment required from 2015 onwards, a structured plan to ensure that we are recruiting and developing the key skills required is essential.

The preference is to hire junior employees, so that we can continue to grow and develop our teams, which is what we’re so good at. The intention is to focus on recruitment into more junior roles, and focus on training and development of our current employees. A structured Graduate Development Programme will continue, graduate assessment days, visit to universities and year out placements will be vital. We will where necessary assist in specialist, high level recruitment enabling us to develop new work streams.

SkillsandExperience–thekeyareaoffocus for training will be management training–toenableouremployeestonurture and develop their more junior team members, giving them feedback

and coaching to enable them to develop into our future Partners. This has been initiated with the Inspirational Leadership Programme and the Managing Essentials Programme. The other key area for focus in training will be technical training.

Culture,EngagementandValues– as the organisation grows, its essential to protect our culture. John Rowan and Partners is a great place to work, and we need to find innovative ways to keep this alive while we grow and expand. We will continue our Best Companies survey to monitor how we’re doing, and consider different ways to keep our Values alive especially as we grow and expand in our Regional Offices. Additionally, we are currently considering increasing our level of Investor’s in People Accreditation, as a tool that will help us to ensure systems, processes, policies and procedures are in place to enable us to deliver the planned growth and provide excellent PR opportunities.

Reward–weneedtokeepupwiththe market. Currently, we collect data informally through our contacts, which sitting alongside more general research from the HR team seems to be working ok. However, we may wish to re-visit the option of paying for formal salary surveys in the future.

HRTeam–afulltimeHRManager, HR Officer, and part time Recruitment Manager (3.5 days approx.) and part time HR support currently work together with payroll and the Managing Partner to cover all HR duties. An additional role of an HR Adviser would enable the team to respond to the expanding organisation, and provide further career progression.

HRSystems–anupgradetoHRSystemswill take place, led by IS, to automate many of the current HR processes and support higher level HR work. These systems will be fully integrated into the main systems.

Team Human Resources

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Network Infrastructure

Cloud Platforms

Valued Added Tools

Mobile Devices

On Site Data Collection

Team Information Systems and Technology


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Network Infrastructure

Cloud Platforms

Valued Added Tools

Mobile Devices

On Site Data Collection

The Five Year Plan anticipates that the number of staff will more than double over the next five years. This brings with it some interesting challenges with regards to supporting these numbers. It could be easy to suggest that we just need to buy more IT equipment. However we believe that taking advantage of technological innovations and streamlining our business processes to work smarter could mean that we can not only support the new staff numbers but also improve the way we do things now.

In the future we envisage that staff will be working from an assortment of mobile devices, including computers, tablets and smartphones, across a number of different platforms to access virtualised applications and services located in the cloud to carry out their daily work.

The end-user experience will be the same regardless of which device they use and the location they are accessing it from. This gives users flexibility and control of how they work which in turn helps to promote a happier workforce. Integrated platforms and devices combined with cloud capabilities mentioned

can also help mature the IT practices of going green by enabling the workforce to be more mobile.

Internal processes will be analysed and improved to meet these changes in a manner which takes into consideration the security and resilience of our systems.

The future of our IT services will be delivered with strong support from the Information Systems (IS) team. After five years as a separate fee earning team, the IS team has been re-established as a key service team under Core Solutions. We believe a different financial model will encourage teams to use our expertise more, encourage cross-selling and help us focus on streamlining our internal systems.

The next five years will see IS continuing to provide essential added-value tools and services to the teams, our clients as well as supporting Core Solutions. Systems development, data mining and clever reporting requirements on jobs will continue to grow. Typically we will solve a problem by developing a tool that can be re-used on several other jobs or sold-on to clients and making us ever more efficient.

Whilst innovating, a key challenge will be to maintain the quality of the products and services we offer our existing clients and services. Our USP over the years has been our understanding of job and client requirements and skills knowledge which we will encourage in newer members of the team. Research and development will be a key part of our success.

A big IT driver for development will be the proliferation of smarter, lighter mobile devices (tablets and smartphones) and 4G providing an “always on”, faster internet connection. This allows us to provide better systems for on-site data collection and reporting, speeding up and supporting the growth in several key surveying services. Internally, the focus will be on establishing a central corporate database with an online “self-service” interface allowing staff, wherever they are in the world or on site, seamless yet secure access to our network, documents and database systems. We will assist with the introduction of BIM to deliver client services.


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Facilitate ProduceDriveRecommend and GuidePlan ReportShare KnowledgePromoteResearch

Team Marketing


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In order to help deliver the Five Year Plan the Marketing and Business Development team will:

1. Plan strategies, activity plans, individual work streams / sub sectors plans and all resulting activity from these

2. Research markets, sectors, companies, competitors, clients, opportunities and trends and feed this information back to the business in user friendly formats

3. Facilitate and be the catalyst for marketing and business development activity via articles, meetings and other forms of communication (verbal, emails etc.)

4. Share knowledge we gather through our day-to-day activity and ensure it is communicated throughout the business for the benefit of everyone

5. Recommend and guide the business, teams and individuals to take positive and beneficial steps forward

6. Produce marketing material, processes, templates and products to help, aid and support all in their goals

7. Drive forward strategies, activity plans, individual work streams / sub sectors plans, resulting actions and all other marketing activity

8. Promote the business the teams and individuals (both internally and externally), in the most positive and proactive way possible

9. Report on all of the above to the Members, the Exec, the teams and the business as a whole

Our team will grow in line with the business to ensure we continue to support it. By the end of the Business Plan we will have grown to a team of 8 people, each with individual specialisms.

Our focus will continue to be our clients and the important relationships we build with them. Looking after our existing clients, pro-actively tracking contacts as they move organisations and making the effort to network and meet new contacts are all key to our success.

Alliances, joint ventures and partnerships will play an important part in our growth. When we do not provide a certain service (or feel it is not beneficial to do so on a full time basis) we will call on our trusted and respected partners to help us. With the procurement of services gaining wider scope all the time this method of inflating our business to meet the market needs will play an important part for us.

As we grow globally our marketing and business development will also become global. We will take into account how different countries, cultures and people will like to receive our marketing messages.

As social and digital media continue to grow and change the way we communicate we will ensure we align our activity accordingly to take full advantage of new technology.

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Team Offices, Facilities and Support

S u p p l i e r s H o t D e s k i n g O f f i c e S p a c eE q u i p m e n t M a i n t e n a n c e R e g i o n a l O f f i c e s


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With growing staff numbers, focus will be on ensuring our head office in Ealing can accommodate our staff comfortably. Generally this is achievable during the first 12 months of the Five Year Plan by implementing a revised office layout along with agreeing a formal hot-desking policy. We will look to advances in technology to find smarter and more flexible ways to work thus minimising the need for additional office space if feasible. Our break clause for Craven House can be exercised in October 2016 and a review will be undertaken prior to this date on whether we remain at Craven House or look for alternative office accommodation as we will require significant additional office space to deliver the Plan.

Our head office should be somewhere we are proud to bring our clients, therefore this should be well maintained and arrangements will be made to undertake cosmetic repairs and minor refurbishment works as required.

With global growth also predicted the need for subsidiary offices worldwide will be reviewed to ensure we can provide high levels of service delivery, whether that is in Asia or Europe. The Five Year Plan also includes the provision of regional offices, we will need to ensure these are in the right locations and have the infrastructure in place to best serve our clients.

Ongoing reviews of our maintenance contracts will be undertaken to ensure we obtain good service and value for money from our suppliers. Office equipment will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is fit for purpose, can meet our growing demands, and enables us to run the office in an efficient and cost effective manner.

Our support team is crucial to the success of the business and we will continue to work with the Management Assistants’ across all teams to ensure they are supported in their roles, are well trained, and have opportunities to progress in their careers.


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Team Finance

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The Five Year Plan shows a very good level of growth year on year. For any growth, large amount of funds are required especially for a firm like ours where the key costs are our staff and additional floor space.

The main pressure for growth is having enough funds in place to support the additional expenditure. We are in an excellent position to support the growth over the next five years. This will help us to fund the additional space and the large number of recruits. We will have to make the sure cash flow is still managed carefully and have tight control over expenditure.

The cash flow does show a short spell where we will need additional funding. We will overcome this nearer the time by negotiating with our bankers or external sources to make sure we have the funds in place to meet our outgoings. Making sure the cash flow

is equipped for the big leaps over the next year will be our biggest challenge but we have an excellent starting position.

As we and the industry grow we have to make sure we make reasonable margin on our fees. Our plan currently shows breaking away from our current model of 10% to well above 15% over the next few years. In order to achieve this we will need to update our charge out rates on a regular basis and making sure we are not under-pricing. This will help us to achieve the right margin and also avoid taking on loss making jobs.

We will continue to conduct more vigorous reviews on our expenditure. We should continue to do this regularly going forward so that we always drive to reduce overheads which lead to an increase in margin. We are not going to achieve over 15% by increasing our fees so overheads reduction will help

us to reach the high level of profits we expect to make over the next few years.

As we have done over the last few years, continuous and regular monitoring of projections and business plans by us will help teams achieve their targets and we will continue to do that going forward.

The finance team are well equipped to support the business in achieving it’s targets. It is anticipated the team will have a small increase in numbers and we have the necessary systems in place. As well as these existing systems we will, where possible, have new measures in place to provide the business with more accurate and detailed information to help make strategic decisions quickly. This will range from raising invoices, to having money in our account, monitoring suppliers, and paying staff correctly.

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The Numbers

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