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ALL YOU WISH 0 B i i f h o r ST. MARYS'



Volume XXXVII Hope College, Holland, Michigan, Jan. 30, 1929



Number 75-2

Urges Everyone to "Write"

His "Story" for Here

and Hereafter


Best Milestone in Many Years

Is Prediction




Chapel Meetings Prove Interest ing To Students

Hour Service Each Day of Week was Inspiration

to Hearers




"We spend ur lives as a story,'1

was the theme of Rev. John Van* der Meulen at a public meeting in Carnegie Gynasium Tuesday eve-ning, January 22. The speaker, who was introduced by A1 Bentall, called attention to the various types of tales written in the story of life. He urged everyone to "write'-his "story" for two worlds.

Some people, he continued, spend their lives as spendthrifts, showing no preparation for the future. Oth-ers live as misers of money and time. The right way to do is to act as wise stewards of the grace of God.

Three types of stories are desir-able in every life—the story of love, the story of adventure, and the story of the gospel, which is the most important. The doctor should stand for the mercy of God; the teacher, for His wisdom; the lawyer for His justice; and the business man, for His power. The speaker described the great factor for good that men in each of these professions might become and urged that they often drop their own daily tasks to find time to talk about the King's business.

The importance of helping those "on the lower rungs of the ladder" was especially emphasized in Dr. Vander Meulen's description of the mission of a physician—"I was sick and ye visited me." He told of a doctor in Grand Rapids, a non-be-liever, who followed this teaching and on his deathbed was saved.

Preceding the talk solos were rendered by Adrian Kuyper and Howard Shade, accomoanied by Btmadine ^iebers. Paul Netting^ Icfl the singing.

Well, it's true! The 1020 Mile-stone for which we are so anxious-ly waiting is to be the best one in the history of Hope College. That is, the latest reports certainly bear out that impression. According to the reports the work on the Mile-stone has progressed very rapidly in the last month. During the last two weeks all of the group pictures have been taken, and some of the members of the staff have been putting in sleepless night mounting the group, society, and class pic-tures. Likewise, due to the efforts and abilities of the art experts the art work is coming along nicely.

As a result of the co-operation of the business men of the city in buying advertisements, the business staff has been making many fine fi-nancial strides forward in their work. The subscription manager and his assistants are busy seeking those of us who have not bought our Milestone yet. A final "round-up" will be held soon, so all of us who have not bought our Milestone better buy one in order to escape the lariats of those "soliciting ex-perts."

But we know we can't expect an interesting Milestone unless we contribute to it in some way, and a good way to help is to hunt up those laughable snapshots we took last summer and give them to "Billy" Walvoord.

Alumnus Recommends

New Book


We have a letter from a much respected alumnus, who asks that we do not mention his name, in which he recommends a book. The letter reads, in part, as follows:

"I am enclosing a short note on a book which was recently pub-lished, and which I feel should be better known among our Hope stu-dents. Will you find place in one of your next issues of the Anchor to place this short article?"

The article follows:

WE CAN SURELY BELIEVE "Under the above title Dr. How-

ard Agnew Johnston of Milwaukee has published a small book which he submits as a Christian answer to current atheism. This book should find a place next to Dr. Pie-ters' splendid book on "Facts and Mysteries of the Christian Faith" on the shelf of every student at Hope. One book supplements the other. Dr. Pieters has gone to work synthetically, building up hL argument as he goes along. Dr. Johnston has gone to work more in the manner of a debate, has marshalled his witnesses, and has these witnesses support his belief in the truth of the Christian faith, with most emphasis upon the fact and personality of God, which, of course, is to be understood, since his purpose is not to combat the modernist, but the atheist. He also makes very good use of personal experience as a pastor.

We suffer for lack of balanced reading. For anyone who is on the look-out #or a statement showing the reasonableness of Christianity,

^ n d the intrinsic folly of unbelief, these books hold out a promise of some hours of good reading, and some hours of after-thoughts which we are sure will be helpful. Dr. Johnston's book has just been placed on the market a few months ago, and can be secured at the book-store, or at the Reformed Church House."


Jan. 31—Hope plays St. Mary's in Car-negie Gymnasium.

Feb. 1—Hope opposes G e n e r a l Motors Tech at Flint. Retiring A n c h o r Staff get-together.


Dr. John Van der Meulen, former Hope Student, now President of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Louisville, was the able and in-spiring leader brought here by the Y.M. and Y.W. union for the annual Week of Prayer. Those of us who were aware of the difficulties which Dr. Van der Meulen had to over-come in his rise to a position of such great usefulness as he now holds were perhaps more fully in sympathy with the broad spirit of Christianity that dominates his whole life.

He came as a boy from Forest Grove, a small country town to the North-east of Grand Rapids, and his present position has come to him as a result of his own person-ality and ambition alone, rather than through any pushing of auspi-cious circumstances.

That he did not always feel as he does now, was brought out in his humerous reference to the time he was suspended from the college for opposition to the religious ac-tivities at work there. And then when he went on to tell of how he later came to give his life to Christ we all felt the dynamic power of his virile personality in the sincer-ity of his statements. The mighty tribute that he paid to all good women in that same sermon could not have come from other than a nature aware of the things that are basic and true in Christianity. Perhaps it is the realness, the nat-uralness of his religion and faith that have made Dr. Van der Meu-len's presence among us such an inspiration, but surely this week has meant renewal of all our efforts to live lives of worth if we have •felt even the most* fleeting touch of the warm humanity and gen-uineness of his personality.

Dr. Van der Meulen wa<? at one time teacher of psychology and philosophy in our Alma Mater and has since and before served in vari-ous pulpits in the East and else-where. But the purpose of this lit-tle sketch is not to set down in orderly array the list of his achievements, it is rather intended in the spirit of a tribute, however poorly penned, to the Christian soul of a truly great man whose acquaintance we have had the ex-ceeding good fortune to cultivate during the past week. We bid Dr. Van der Meulen a hearty farewell as he leaves us in the hope that at some future time we may renew our aciiuaintance; and for the pres-ent we turn to the routine of days and weeks with a clearer vision and a surer conviction from hav-

ing enjoyed fellowship with our Southern friend and fellow student of days past.


During the past week, the stu-dents and Faculty of Hope College readily welcomed a change in their regular routine. This change was appreciated not only because va-riety seems to be the spice of life, but because that variety afforded us the privilege of hearing the Reverend Van dei; Meulen of the Theological Seminary of Louisville, Kentucky. He is a graduate of Hope College and a former pastor of the Hope Reformed Church of this city. As a result, he has many friends here and the students wel-comed him in a very kind manner.

Prayer Week was ushered in by a Vesper Service held in Winants Chapel on Sunday afternoon. This meeting was led by Reverend Ha-ger, the college pastor. On Mon-day morning. Reverend Van der Meulen took charge of the services and, after a vocal solo by Miss Gladys Huizenga, presented an in-spirational talk on the "Great Ad-venture of Life," in which he stressed the .thrill of becoming a Christian. On Tuesday morning, he discussed a much-talked-of-sub-je c t — the difference between a moral man and a Christian. The special music consisted of a trom-bone duet by Herman Laug and Ed Tallman. During the next chapel, the students enjoyed a very stirring message — "Take up your cross and follow Me." Alice Brunson and Edith Dings favored the stu-dent body with a vocal duet. "The time of repentance" was the theme of Thursday's message. The song-leader for the week, Paul Nettinga, rendered a vocal selection. The serv-vices of tho week were brought to a fitting ctoSfc" oTTTTraay looming by a talk on "The Glory of Serv-ice" and a number by the Frater Quartet.

The Prayer Week Services were well attended and were an inspira-tion to the entire student group. The students were reminded of the high ideals which Hope College has always held before its members. Many every-day problems which are now confronting the students, were discussed. A great interest was shown in the services because Dr. Van der Meulen outlined the phases of religion which appeal to college students.

The Body


Benjamin Franklin, Printer

(Like the cover of an old book.

Its contents torn out,

And stripped of its lettering and gilding,)

Lies here food for worms,

Yet the work itself shall not be lost,

Tor it will (as he believes) appear once more

In a new

And more beautiful Edition

Corrected and Amended


The Author

Fractured Skull Proves Fatal To R. Schermerhorn

Fresh Student Succumbs to

Accident at Home

in East


Code of Ethics Of Illini For

Hope Audience?

After lingering for twenty-five days in a state of coma as a result of an automobile accident New ^ ear s eve, Russell Schermerhorn, Hope College Freshman, passed in-to the Great Unknown in Ellis Hospital, Schenectady, last Friday evening about ten o'clock.

On the afternoon of December 31, Schermerhorn, driving alone was hit by a car driven by Henry Hale of Albany. Schermerhom's car was completely demolished, and he was cut with flying ? l a 8 8 . Among the other injuries of a minor nature, a compound frac-ture of the skull was sustained. I^ater an abcess formed on the brain, and death resulted on Friday as a result of these several in-juries. At a few rare intervals consciousness was regained suffi-ciently to recognize relatives, but no statement as to how the acci-dent happened.

Schermerhorn was a member of the Freshman class of Hope Col-lege, and had shown up very well in Freshman football, and basket-ball. He was a member of the Cosmopolitan society. The young man was 10 years of age, and had


Someday, someday, 1 shall go Walking, printless. In the snow. Silent, slipping Out the door To new wonders Not before Opened to My mortal eye Amid the snowfiakes Brushing by. I'll peer in thru The window-square To see a stranger Lying there. Rather vague, And rather worn, Looking just A bit forlorn. Then I'll know That all of that Is outworn as My last year's hat. And lightly skipping I shall go Without a footprint Thru the snow.

—Lit. Digest

intended entering the ministry. It is with the deepest regret, that

the students heard of the passing of their already much beloved Skimmy.' Although knowing him

but a too-brief three months, he had made himself many true friends on Hope's campus. To these friends, and to the sorrowing family, the Anchor joins with the whole Student body in tendering our sincere, heartfelt sympathy.

The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon; interment in ^chenectadv.



Subject May Be Matrimony

It is rumored around in the cir-cles that should know that the hon-orable James Dean Martin of the Senior Class is now at work pre-paring to give forth to the world in general in a short time the dis-tilled essence of many years' read-ing and observation. Mr. Martin's latest step forward in the prepara-tion of this much looked for treat-ice has been to take advantage of the facilities of the Extension Li-braries of each of our State insti-tutions, Michigan State College, and the University of Michigan, to arm himself with all available ma-terial on the subject of marriage. How soon Mr. Martin shall be ready to deliver his lecture could not be ascertained at the time of going to press, but developments are expected in the near future.

Collegians Feel Lack of Sports

Better facilities with which to promote winter sports is one of the things that Holland residents have felt the need of for many years. The common council prom-ised to have skating -rinks made, but nothing has come of this prom-ise. Since there are no hills in the city on which the young folk may use their sleds, they have flocked to the college campus as in years past. Tuesday night the girls from Vorhees and the fellows from Van Vleck and the Fraternal Hall were out coasting on the hill near the "gym." All reported a real good time. Howard Shade appeared with a beautifully adorned optic the next day, and Ruth Van Dyke has been confined to the Dormitory with a sprained ankle.

The fellows who are out for bas-ket ball that live south of the cam-pus report they have been trans-ported from the gym to Twelfth street on large "bob sleds." They claim this is great sport. We hope some of the faculty may also take advantage of the hills and their ice.

At a mass meeting held on their campus recently the students of the University of Illinois adopted a code of ethics which, we think, should be interesting to Hope read-ers. The code follows:

1. Consider all athletic oppo-nents as guests and treat them as such.

2. Accept all decisions of offi-cials without protest.

3. Never hiss or boo a player or official.

4. Never utter abusive or irri-tating remarks from the sidelines.

5. Applaud opponents for good play and good sportsmanship.

6. Never rattle an opposing player.

7. Seek to win by fair means only.

8. Love sport for the game's sake and not for what a victory may bring.

0. Apply the Golden Rule. 10. Win without boasting, and

lose Without excuses. Some of these are not needed at

Hope, and some are. Numbers 3 and 6 are some times broken by a few Hope students. Number 5 is seldom used to its proper advan-tage in home games. And we ask those who are complaining to read carefully Number 8. However, they have fx right to complain if victory goes to inferior opponents. And last, we might point some of our players to the last part of Number 10. Hope is a good winner.


The Pact of Paris has been signed by the president of the United States. It marks the first real step that the States have made toward international peace. Hereto-fore this country has drawn up the treaties for other nations to ratify, but now she has acted definitely. Indeed, this action cannot in itself prevent war, but it reflects the as-piration of humankind: "to move through peaceful means toward the solution of differences from which war might arise." World peace is not yet here; "but yet she cometh. Lo! her feet are on the mountains —the call of her clarions ring on every breeze; the banners of her dawning fret the sky! Who will hear her as she calleth; who will bid her come and welcome?" And we feel that the signing of the Peace Pact is an answer to the call; and that it is a whole-hearted invitation to International Peace.


Serge Rachmannoff, the great

Russian pianist, recently stated that New York had become the mu-j sical center of the world and that American taste in music had great-j ly impressed him. This is an ex-traordinary compliment, we think, for Rachmannoff is not a spend-thrift in compliments; and, further-more, because he has toured this country often enough so that he is: able to note progress as well as

present conditions. And It is still of greater importance when we call to mind the fact that the United States has not provided subsidies for art, but that such cultural progress as has been made is the result of public benevolences.


The Great Northern Railway on January 12 opened a new tunnel— the longest in America, and the fifth longest in the world. The hole is approximately eight miles in length, was built in three years, at a cost of $14,000,000. It eliminates forty-six curves, and six complete circles in a distance of seventy-two miles; and in this way reduces the required time for passenger trains one hour, while freight traffic will save three hours. The drilling crews in the Cascades established a world's record when in June, 19?7, they excavated 1,164 feet of twenty-six by eighteen feet bore. Modern machinery, operated by skilled workmen, characterized the project.

o Fame is a vapor, popularity an

accident, riches take wings, those who cheer today may curse tomor-row, only one thing remains — CHARACTER. (Source unknown).

The opportunity of a lifetime must be taken during the lifetime of the opportunity. (Source un-known).




^ Eftrle E. LanfreUnd .. .. Alic« Brunnon. Donald Wade

-.. .Bernard Arendiihori«t, Watnon Spa«I«tra

Evelyn Steketee

Bernndine Sieberi

i. Donald Martin

Paul Brower

Associate Editors — Athletics - —— — Campui N t w i

A lumnl — . Exchanges ...-x — ;

Ifcad Reporter — —~-

R o ^ r t e r i Marion Alday, Adelia Beeuwkea. Nicholas Burggraaff , Anne Buth, William

Clough, Harold Hoover. Tillie Mawellnk. Esther Mulder, John Mulder. Ar thur

Nlenhuia, Robert Notler, Cynthia Palmer . Lillian Sabo. H a r r y Ver Strato.

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager - Raymond McGllvra

AHls tan t s - Loala Damstra . Lois De Wolfe

Circulation Manager H a r r y K -


^ £ & « S ' > A HOPE IS A



o |




Have you heard the new H.K.K.

song? Here it is:


Wife to clean and scrub, • Mend my socks and cook my grub,

- Must be handsome, bright and gay. Thirty-two if she's a day, Widow woman not deterred One kid, maybe—none preferred. She must have some cash to spend, An intellect with learned trend, That is what my wife must be, Hum te dum te diddle-dee.

As a pleasant faced woman pass-ed the corner, Mike L. tipped hi? hat and remarked to his friend:

feathers, the sene."

whale for its

Famous Last Lines She was only a farm girl but she

knew her Horace "Oats." o

"Do you know Delia?" "Delia who?" "Delia cards and bid."


On Friday, March 1, the annual meeting of the Michigan Oratorical League is to be held at Alma Col-

kero- lege- Hope College will be repre-sented there by Miss Alice Brun-son, and Mr. Arthur Michmerhui-zen, both of the Junior Class.

These two contestants, winners in the Intramural contests held last spring, have been spending much time and thought upon the prep-aration of their orations. Beginning the first Monday in February, each will be given intensive training in delivery, under the coaching of Dr. J. B. Nykerk.

Dr. Nykerk intimates that Hope

We're sure lo have what you want in the line

of Sporting Goods

"Use 'juicy' in a sentence." "Juicy the girl I was with last


Millions of men have marched will be a strong contender for the to the tune of Parlez-Vous and honors, and that neither orator is Mile, from some indiscriminate lacking in the ability to win. We place, but billions have marched to look to our candidates for a "Glory this universal war song, "Here Day," the tradition of which bids

Where All Sports-men Meet.

mother or a rela-that lady."

"Is it your tive?"

"No, doggonit, my landlady." o

It's a fortunate thing there is "another chance" in school- Bud Vreedevoogd has our sym-work as well as in business and religion. Of course, there pathy. Some time ago he dropped

"Gee, Pop, I sure owe a lot to comes the bride." (Found in the "Mission House News.")

fair to be lost unless something is done about it in the near future.

Dr. Nykerk expects that facili-


comes a time when the last flunk is given, and the last chance a Patter at the Warm Friend Tav-

is wasted, but right now we are concerned with the possibility frtter^u^td-^You're fir^Tbut of redemption for this semester's work. Fortunately we still Bu(j 's g o i n g b a c k because on the have an opportunity of squaring ourselves — another last outside it read, "Return after five name is'a quand7y, but here is the chance before the school year is over. Now is the period of days to the Warm Friend Tavern." connexion:


o Per "The Hillsdale Collegian, ^jeg f o r transporting supporters to

per the "The University of Cincin- A l m a w i l I ^ a r r anged, and says nati News," arrives this choice in- t h a t t h e o r a t o r s expect the usual formation: ^ n e SUpport from the Student

"When the varsity wins a basket p^iy. o ball game, several local members

of the House of David pledge them-selves a shave."

o How this paper secured Wade's

inventory for scholars and would-be scholars; a breathing p^f. Lampen, Jr.: "They call a 0 f f i c e r : D o you w a n t t o join t h e

space, these few days between semesters, when it is well for man's wife his better half, don't ^ah-aUon Army? * ,L. 9

us to pause and take stock. Wherein have we failed? Why? W a , l e : W h o m a r e t h c y fightlnK-How seriously ? What else could we have done ? Are we getting our money's worth out of spending our time and energy here? All vital questions and deserving of considerate thought.

they, daddy? "Yes, sonny." "Cut, daddy, what happens when

a man gets married twice?" o

—The Thomtonit -o Echo submits the

Last Chance!!

Final Cleanup SALE

— O n —

Boots and Shoes

Perhaps the most constant wail of college students is 'Busy! Too Busy!" and yet those that holler the loudest are

The Olivet Song of the Open Nose: "It doesn't breathe, it doesn't smell, It doesn't feel so very well; Van Oss, the commutator of vow-

els, was living in the long and un- '/ ' . . , , I am discouraged with my nose, cut during a part of last summer.

the least busy. Really busy people have no time to complain 0 n e m o r n i n g h e w a s t ry i l l (? i n v a i n Th^ only thing it does is blows."

of their busyness, and if they did have the time, they wouldn't t 0 s h i i v e outside the tent. Another classic continually. complain because they realize that intense activity is the road camper, strolling by, politely re- Excerpt from a drug store a l-to success. No high degree of efficiency was ever gained marked, vertisement, discovered in the "Col-without concentrated effort; no student can expect to be a J"1 s«e you're shaving on the out- lege Chronicle":

. i • j j • side this morning. "Purest castor oil. Something success in life without having succeeded in numerous insig- ..iN.aturally d o ^ nificant and detailed duties. When the work piles up this next l i n e d w i t h f u r ?„ semester, don't squander valuable time in exhausting vocifera- — • — tions, but get to business. Frequently more time is fooled away Ha! Peoples, CandeM&gence for in futile complaint than in actual study. t h e "Worry"

Oy! Oy! Oy! folksis, let me tol'

Mr. Howard Sluyter, graduate of '2.S, who is at the present time con-nected with the Michigan Bell Tel-ephone Company, has been trans-ferred to the Ann Arbor branch for an indefinite stay.

Miss H. Byers, '27, with a friend. Miss D. Eringa, a missionary at I fa Op|K P. Ofice

Buy with us, Save with us.

Holland Boot Shop Ferris Institute in Japan, visited Miss Miyo Tase over the week-end. Miss Byers is en route to White's Bible Seminary in New York City,

new! No more persuading to where she is to begin a course of give youngsters castor oil. study. Special price IDc" James and Neil McCarroll were Hm, I hear several licking lips also visitors on the campus during

already, Becker! the past few days. "Jim," a gradu-, - - .. . . , vv. wv. vvi auimib. act me toi — ! 0 . a t e -8, is studying medicine at

Another thing wherein most of US fail IS that we make our y o u v u n c e s u m p t i n g y e t w h a t e f T e r A cynic IS one who knows the l h e tetroit Medical College, while studies an end instead of a means. When we consider daily y0U (j0 y0U'|i gonna have two al- every t^n^' t^e %a 'ue Neil is continuing his course at the assignments as ends in themselves; we are blind to the real tematiifs Eider your Professor iss o f n o t h i n g " — 0 s c a r W l , d e ' Detroit City College. benefits that they conceal.* Of what assistance, we say, will easy or he iss hard. Well, eff he iss* 0 o — Homer's Theory of equations be to US in selling automobiles easy you aind't vas gotta worry; Snobbery is the pride of those /Ule, and the world that we feel

or nursing? Practically, none. But the mental training in e f f h e i 8 h a r ( i ^ o u h a v e t w o a l t e r - w h o a r e n o t s u r e o t t h e i r P o s i t i o n - o u r h e a r t s "O'' imagination.

Arnolds Confectionery

solving Algebraic problems by this method is of definite value t u n U t b t Z g s ^ E i f to us in innumerable ways. Always when preparing the routine y o u s tU( ly eamesstly you don't work of the day we should remember that these studies are gotta fret mit stew; eff you bluflem mere exercises to develop the muscles of the brain. you got two altematiffs, eider you

• a. \ i.\. l 11 i » pull mit drag de wool over his There are many other mistakes that we all make, some e y e 8 o r u d d e r w i s e n o t Efr y o u r

making more of one kind, some anothei. Whatevei they aie, bluffingness vorks you don't gotta we can easily place our finger on them. A glance at the past, be lookout; if she don't vork you and the future looks bright — to most of us. Let's look ahead got two altematiffs yet sommort. and make a record this coming semester as has never been E i ( l e r >,ou ^e t canneditioned, udder-

. . . * vise you gonna flunk. Eff you get made before. y e t c a n n e d _ I mean-canoneditim*

you don't gotta be flabbergastioned becuza you got two altematiffs,

THE PRESENCE aind't i t? Eider you pass mit suc-ceed in six weeks or you failure-

It has come and gone— the change of five days ill our life's self. Eff you succeed, veil deli program from haphazard, carefree activity to a careful con- your worries are besettled und eff templation of the power which our Christian religion must vou 18,1 ^ d e n you flunk a n d

hold in our souls. Days come and go so rapidly that we do not X ^ m L ^ e r V ' w h y worr^ often arrive at the proper spirit of appreciation, when we can ^ m e d a t !

do justice to the unlimited realms of spiritual thought. No — o — matter how completely we may apply ourselves at other times ^ ' T h e ^ there comes during the Week of Prayer a compelling sense of ] e g e women are working men. future possibilities within ourselves. We see at our right and o

left hand the quiet, reassuring faces of those friends and Arthu^reaMy'trying?''18 b0y' acquaintances whom we meet every day. Behind their out- Hooker: Very. ward expression we find existing a restless questioning that o — finds expression during Prayer Week. That unassuming per- A n d ^ ^ h a s Before son, who never spoke much before, firmly states his views and y s t a n d B hjnd B 4 ^ fin(1

you find yourself listening with respect, for you know that he what the 2 B hind B 4. is prompted to speak by a desire that commands respect. He <>—

, , , i. ..x* J 1 i j r success comes in "cans," failure opens for you a world of ambition and a new knowledge of c o m e s i n . . c a n . t s „

insufficiency. The meetings with a leader who invites one's lo intellectual interest, and points out the rewards of a construc- M o s t olJr ( lear Voorheesites tive Christian life, all these things create a unified striving on they""™ lie' right ̂ o our campus. We are re-awakened to the task we have before and go to sleep. us. we arise refreshed and glad that we can go on to meet the ^ o

The height of several things is L i g h t t h a t is c o m i n g . a n absent-minded professor^callin^

himself on the phone to find out whether he is supposed to go to a meeting which he has decided to

—Braley. —Hunt.



h Announcing a New Depart-ment that every Student

will be interested in!

Circulating —OF—


There are two classes of people who climb mountains. The cancel if he finds out he has to go.

sight-seer who goes to the top, catches glimpses of the other —o side and then goes back down to the same place from which who'^Guilty ?By ^ F a c u l t y

he came. There is also the one who climbs the mountains " a blizzard is the middle of a because he has resolved to make his way to a place beyond, hen." And after he has seen the glorious view from the top of the "Geometry teaches us how to bi-mountains, he descends resolutely down a path, perhaps new . . .

* o li. 11 . • . j t • i • When Cicero delivered his ora-and more difficult, on the other side. Last week we were tion he was a prefix."

viewing things from the mountain top. Which way are we "A circle is a round straight line going down ? with a hole in the middle."

"A mountain range is large-sized 0 cookstove."

One of George Bernard Shaw's injunctions to youth is: . u T y t i T h e ^ t C "Remember that the progress of the world depends on beating." • •

your knowing better than your elders." 'The chamois is valuable for its

Latest Ficton & Non Fiction All late Books that have a popular

appeal will be listed. Opens Feb. First. Come in and

see how it operates.

FRIS BOOK S i l t E 30 West 8th St.

A 4


m DifiRatlsfaction with the college

of today is becoming more specific, echoes are heard in several colle-giate papers, and the Hillsdale paper boldly censures students, fac-ulty and alumni for beinf insti-gators in nation-wide degeneration

,-of the American College. Last year in the oration of Miss Alber's dis-gust, even despair, spoke:

"Today, jazz is our concep-tion of music; tabloid news, our idea of literature." In the Kalamazoo College Index

is a similar condemnation:

"The athlete has supplanted the savant The fraternity house has shouldered out the literary society. 'Seething syn-copation* has driven the 'Selec-tions from Browning off l i ter-ary* societies' programs. The 'Bat,* not 'Edipus, Rex,' is pro-duced by dramatic talent The pathetic little philosophy class is over-shadowed by the ar-mies that patronize the eco-nomics department—yet, which is most needed?"

Surely, this a a scathing de-nunciation! Yet we here at Hope have the smug idea of immunity to this latest turn of "Americanism." Some days ago 1 was talking with a well known, respected Senior. "What is your opinion of So and So?" I asked. "A heck of a good scout; wittier'n a buck," was the astonishing reply. Perhaps we are not suffering from the above named complexes, nevertheless our own individual glossaries have glorious-ly expanded, even to the point of seizing as our own the parlance of him of the s t r ee t

Admonition comes from the Mac-alester of Minnesota, which is ger-mane to examinations: . "Don't crack your books—it

might effect their resale value." This is a new note on the mar-

ket. Wall street will observe care-fully, which is the prediction of the "Central Ray," when they saw "the dean deal out reams of the vile stuff (exam, paper) to the con-tented profs."



THE DUST PAN (All the Campus Dirt)

Haven't we been having a grand time sliding around on icy walks and steps these days? Traffic on the campus has been moving slowly and cautiously for the last week. "Watch your step" seems to have become the universal principle for safe traveling. Most of us have been walking with "feeble step and slow," and even then all of us haven't managed to stay up. The walk to Zeeland is most hazardous, and an ascent or descent of the chapel steps is made with fear and trembling. Lucky are they who have survived the week without a fall.

Headlines in the Wheaton Rec-ord:

Junior and Senior Debaters Lose To Freshmen

This recalls to the memory of the Editor a certain spring day, known as Interclass Day, during which the Frosh literally and truly ran away with the day. So you see, class distinctions are mere loud winds, signifying nothing.

Found in the same periodical this pertinent joke:

"Can you define 'scholop-- sky' for me, Wyngarden?"

"A scholopsky is a shrub rare to the immediate vicinity, resembling a cactus and be-

- longing to the Upper-liptus family."

-o Albion co-eds are required to "go

straight." This precept harmonizes with Dr. Nykerk's warning, "Girls, you're wrong!" All co-eds, there-fore, must be demoralized. In Al-bion it is "slouchy posture" week.

Last week Monday the Van Vleckites decided to give a coasting party. After Mr. Diephouse had collected a number of sleds and toboggans, the Voorhees girls were invited and the fun began. The campus hills were in fine condition for coasting and the weather was ideal. All would have been well if it had not been for the trees.

Several people in the party tried to embrace the sturdy oaks, or are they beeches? Numerous were the spills and tumbles, and, sad to say, not everyone came up smiling. Among the injured were Martha Van Buren, Ruth Van Dyke, How-ard Schade and Bud Vredevoogd. However, they all seem to be recov-ering and Mr. Schade was able to sing from "the midst of his afflic-tions" on Tuesday night. We hope that if another coasting party is held someone will put red lights on the trees so that fewer casualties will occur.

are worn. Sometimes hats are worn 'even when there are no brains, to hide the need of haircut Ears often help to hold hats up. In many cases it would be preferable if nothing held them up so that they could slip right down over what's under-neath them. Faces are usually under hats, although this statement may be disputed."

Regular, old-fashioned blizzard last Friday, wasn't it? Some of the Hope students from Zeeland weren't able to get here and thus enjoyed a day of vacation. It 's too bad the Albion team couldn't get here. Everyone was looking forward to the game and the A.D.D. girls had ordered two kinds of frost-bites, too.

Page Three

H O P E I T E S : You are invited to use the Banking

facilities of

THE FIRST STATE BANK The oldeit md the largest Slate Bank in (he County

Are you planning to go to the Athletic Association "All College Night?" It's on Monday, February 4, at the gym. You had better de-cide to come. It will be a good way to celebrate the opening of the new semester. The Athletic Asso-ciation needs your help. Be a booster for Hope!


(Successor to W. R. Stevenson)

Eljjin Watches for Ladies and Gentlemen

Wacth Inspecters for the P. M. Railway

We want to congratulate Miss Boyd and her faithful Ford for get-ting to school on time every morn-ing in spite of snow storms and slippery roads.

On Sunday, January 20, the 4* Girls' Gospel team went to Sara-nac. Those who made the trip were Alice Brunson, Marie Wagnaar, Edith Dings, Alice Lammars, and Josephine Lippinga. The girls con-ducted two meetings, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening.

COLONIAL BARBER SHOP Beauty Shop in Connection

Call for Appointments 2071

We take an uncalled for inter-est in athletics. Some students know more about the itinerary of the basket ball team than they do about their lessons. The name stu-dent is now applied in derision, to one as if apart from the race of men, a species unnatural. This dis-gust is not confined within colle-giate walls, but is finding expres-sion on the outside. "The Mucker Pose," outstanding article in the November Harpers of 1928, is the cry at home, while "America Come of Age" is the subtle rejoicing from abroad. .

' o

Via the "Kalamazoo College In-dex" comes .this ancedote:

"The coin slot of a public pay station, which had been recently installed, was left open; consequently the ma-chine generously refunded nickels, dimes, quarters, etc. When the fact became extant, not a few of the students took advantage, calling home, girl friend, and each other names all for nothing. After Christ-mas recess, those who had en-joyed this chargeless preroga- • tive found bills from the tele-phone company, requesting them to pay by check. And so, little ones, there was great mourning in that college, stu-dents weeping for their money, and would not be comforted because it was not."

Evidently Hope is not the only school in Michigan having trouble keeping their band intact for in the Student Opinion in the Albion Col-lege Pleiad, the following was found:

Will some one please tell me why a college the size of Albion can't support a good band? Here was Kalamazoo, the visiting team, with a peppy band, not so big, but pretty good, and where was Al-bion?

Nothing adds quite so much to a football or basketball game as a good band. It doesn't have to be a big band. It doesn't have to play like a symphony orchestra. All it needs is a lot of pep with enough harmony to make it sound like something besides a foundry.

I'd like to see about twenty mu-sicians out at the next home game. And why not send them to Hope Friday night? Certainly Albion isn't so bad off financially that this can't be done. Let's get a band to-gether and give them some support at the same time. We need i t The team deserves it. R. F. D.

o— From the University of Illinois

word comes to us by way of Pro-fessor Lampen of the progress there of • Mr. Marvin De Jonge, 1928, who is a student in the Grad-uate School of Mathematics there. In the letter from Dr. E. J. Town-send we read in part as follows: "Mr. De Jonge has been doing some very excellent work here this se-mester. He is in my class in Real Variables and is one of the sub-stantial members of the class. You have every reason to feel proud of him as one of the graduates from your department"

It has been reported that there is to be a fire drill at the Dorm some time in the near future. Bet-ter begin deciding what you con-sider valuable enough to save. It's always well to be prepared. Safety first, you know.

Drama in one act. (Now don't tell us this didn't happen, because we know it did.) Time—Monday morning. Place—West corridor at Voorhees Hall. Dramatic Per-sonae—A youth, a maiden, Mr. Cress.

The youth takes the maiden ten-derly in his arms and is in the act of implanting a kiss upon her rosy lips when Mr. Cress comes hur-riedly around the corner. A mo-ment of embarrassment, and as the unwonted spectator fades into the background, the youth and the maiden run out the back door. Shakespere was right. "Truth will come to light. Murder cannot long be hid."

COLONIAL SWEET SHOP c , n " V u r V ^ ^ ^

O P P O S I T E T A V E R N The evening lunches served by

the Glee Club girls are getting big- ^ ger and better. Wednesday night the girls served waffles, and hot fudge sundae was the menu for Thursday night. The girls will be conducting a restaurant before long. But nevertheless these lunch-es served at your very door cer-tainly are convenient.

Q u b j Sktc Repitag

Tbal's Ov B i w t u

"Dick" theShoe Doctor

Electric Shoe Hospital D. Schaftenaar, Prop.

Phont 5328 13 E. 8th St.

Wc Call For and Dtlivcr

C L A S v S B S itat have gone before have shown appreciation of the interest and courteous attention that we make a part of our printing service.

Holland Printing Co. Fine Printing


210 Colltge Ave., HOLLAND

in the percentage of college students whom we are privileged to serve 6

LAUGHLIN'S RESTAURANT Where Food is most like Mothers'*

i tm

We found this little dissertation on Men's Hats in the Washington University "Tyee": "Hats are ar-ticles of apparel that are some-times used to keep brains warm. When there are no brains, no hats

Roomers Wanted 108 E. 14th St.

Phone 2783

Camburn's Delicious Candies Sold only in bulk and fresh each Friday night

Assorted Bon Bons 43c a pound Assorted Chocolates 43c a pound Assorted Mint Wafers 50c a pound

MODEL DRUG STORE 33-35 W. 8th St.

Green Mill Cafe For a Good Lunch after the Show


CHRIS KOROSE, Proprietor


A R T I C Ice Cream


28th W. 9th St. Phone 5470

Phone 2465 •

The Ideal Dry Cleaners "The House of Scrvicc"

Geaning and Steam Pressing Auto—Gill Delivery—Service

College Ave. and 6th St. HOLLAND, MICH.

Holland Photo Shop

D. J. DU SAAR ,10 East Eight St. Holland, Mich

Kodaks and Kodak Finishing,

Framing and Gifts

Don't Delay Be Photographed



LACEY STUDIO 19 E. 8th St»t Upstairs

Morses' The Prefered Chocalates " Eat Better Candies "

A. P. FABIANO Ice Cream Fruit Candy

We Cof Your Hair the Way Yoa Lie It FORTNEY'S BARBER SHOP

R t a r of OIIIm cal l S7M tor A w . l n t n w n t

REPAIRING Try us for all kind of Jewelry

and watch repairing

COZY INN Gi?efl each Individual Hope Student the

Best Service and Food possible.


9 I I I ! • • m

Huizinga M Ml/ aKRVim QM ALL WA'l'l'H HEEAlRlffl


Boston Restaurant T h « O l d n t and B t t t In t h . City

12 W t i t 8 th S t .


Page Four T H E A N C H O R

. A T H L E T I C S



Prayer Leader Gives Stirring

Appeal "The Face of the Lattice" was

the Theme of Night


Orange and Blue Ringsters

Beaten by Admittedly

Inferior Team

Frosh Exhibit Fas t Footwork


Exhibiting a very inferior variety of their usual fine work, the expe-rienced Hope squad again went down to defeat before the Hills-dale crew by a score of 27-25. It is said that the Hope men played a very fine game, but evidently it was just two points lacking being fine enough. The team themselves admit that in neither encounter should they have been beaten, and yet, each score indicates a lack of the necessary push to put in the winning basket.

Cook and Martin were the only two Hope men who showed up well at all. Martin did some of the fin-est shooting that has ever been done by him on a foreign floor. Six field goals went thru the ring for him; and one foul. Cook suc-ceeded in dropping three field goals thru, and also one foul. The only other scores made from the floor was a basket by Vanderhill. The other three points were made by the rest of the team on fouls.

For Hillsdale Uestifo scored sev-enteen points, of which one was a foul. The rest of the team also ran.

Well, anyway, the season is not over yet; nor are Hope's title chances completely shot. And so we look forward to seeing a team that can put over a few wins, espe-cially against inferior opponents.



If the poor Frosh are not getting one thing they are getting another. Most of them have one or two sub-jects over in the Zeeland suburb. This necessitates making the long tour from one end of the campus to the other. Last week many Freshmen ended their journey in rather awkward positions and man-ners. As one travels up the walk to the "Gym" he will find the ice very treacherous. Many a diligen* student has met his downfall on this walk.

As one approaches the building known as Zeeland, the treacherous ice is more abundant. It is rather comical to watch some of the fel-lows and girls go down the icy steps. Wednesday two girls decided to sit down while descending. They proved very graceful.. A few fel-lows were also noticed limping. However, the janitors have now remedied the situation.

Dr. Van der Meulen gave to the student body a stirring address last Thursday evening in Winant's Chapel. It was the final service in the nature of an appeal to those who wished to either consecrate their lives to Christ for the first time or to those who wished to take another thoughtful step in ad-vance for a better, fuller Christian life. His message was centered about the text found in the twenty-eighth verse of the fifth chapter of the book of Judges:

The mother of Sisera looked out at the window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his char-iot? f

His theme was "The Face at the Lattice." He pictured for us the face of a woman who is waiting. This is the burden that God has laid upon woman because only He and she can bear it. The mother is waiting in deep anxiety and fear for her son is in grave danger of his life and of his soul as he is fighting against the stars of his mother and of God and there is no hope for anyone who is struggling

against these. Bird'and anifnal mothers mani-

fest their deep love for their little ones 'but human mother love is highest and Christian mother love is the finest and best anyone could desire. The face at the lattice was the symbol of the face of God who is waiting anxiously, and full of love for each one of us. Dr. Van der Meulen ended his message by appealing to those who were afraid of taking the forward step because of the fear of later backsliding.


Hope High School

Wins In Debate

The College High School Thurs-day night won over the team from Lake Odessa in the last of the pre-liminary series of debates in the Michigan Debating league. The local debaters upheld the negative side of the Merchant Marine sub-sidy question. The judge was Prof. Harvey 0. Miller, coach of debate at Kalamazoo College. The judge commended the team for its splen-did analysis of the case and for the forceful manner in which it was presented. The debate was held at Lake Odessa.

The College High School debaters are Deane Knoll, John Eckweelers, and Henry Kuizenga. The coach is Lawrence Vredevoogt of the Se-nior class in the college.


Professor Paul S. MacLean was a visitor to Holland, and Hope Col-lege for a short time last Friday.


Not long ago, on a beautiful moonlit winter night, Willard Meengs, an erstwhile freshman lover, decided that he wanted to visit his young lady friend in the neighboring city of Zeeland. Upon engaging this particular friend of his in conversation over the tele-phone, he received explicit direc-tions as to which residence to come to. Arriving in that flourishing metropolis, our young hero became lost in the heavy traffic and the intricate,, winding maze of busy thoroughfares. Undaunted by this, he approached a large Colonial heme, surrounded with a large veranda, supported by huge, white pillars. He tacitly inquired, upon admittance, if Miss was at home. No trace being found of her, Willard tearfully retold his sad story, and was politely in-formed that this was the city hos-pital. Receiving the right direc-tions, our gallant hero stumbled out the doorway and down the steps exclaiming bitterly: "Ah, such is life. Rebuffs at every hanli, even in love."

We have heard that the old An-chor staff is going to have one last slide on February 1. We hope the weather and the hills will be good for sliding.

Would you believe it? We saw three girls playing "Fox and Geese" in the moonlight the other night on the athletic field on the south side of the gym.

With so many newly elected so-ciety officers, there should be plenty of "officers' treats." It doesn't pay to get elected.

If Maurice Marcus looks upset these days just forgive him. He's the villain in the Drama class play and he's having a hectic time mak-ing love to three young ladies at once.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

HOPEITES! We're all set. Our stock is

complete of Fountain Pens, Note and Text Books, Dictionaries.



DU MEZ BROS. 8th Street

Under This Name You Know So Well

Columbia Hat-Suit Cleaners Suits Pressed while You Wait

Experts in Hat Cleaning Prompt SerWce Skilled Work

11 West 8th St. Phone 4656

Aren't we glad exams are nearly finished? It's a great relief, isn't it? Here's hoping that all of us pass our exams.

Just a little reminder. You know, or at least you should know, that contributions to this column are always welcome. This column isn't like culture—you can't pick it up in fifteen minutes a day. We've got to be looking for material all the time. So please help us. If you know something that would be in-teresting for this column, tell us about it.

See! Hea r !


Drama Class Feb. 12-13

For Things Musical Pianos and Yictrolas Rented

New Records Every Friday

MEYER MUSIC HOUSE 17 West 8lh St. Phone 5167

Good Taste Commendseo Good Sense Demandsco

B r o w n - b i l t shoes Men w h o l i k e s m a r t f o o t w e a r — w h o p l a c e q u a l i t y o n a n e q u a l f o o t i n g w i t h s t y l e — wear Brown-bilt shoes t h e year 'round. And it saves t h e m a tidy sum, too . Brown-b i l t shoes are unmatched for val-ue, anywhere. Made by p i c k e d c r a f t s m e n , of t h e finest leather to be had , they're just about < he b e s t s h o e b u y in t own .


Hundreds of Pairs of New Spring Oxfords, Pumps

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Step in and Look them over

P. S . Boter & Co,

20% reduction on all Overcoats

Leather coats and Sheep lined coats

10% Reduction in Suits

VISSER & BAREMAN 60 East Eighth St.

"We want you to feel

at home with us."


We Enjoy our Friendship with Hope Men and we believe that the Goods we sell, in the way we sell it, and the price we sell it for, is responsible for our pleas-ant relationships.

Holland, J. J. RUTGERS CO.

19 W. 8th St.

Pre-Inventory Sale

- N O W O N -

L O K K E R - R U T G E R S


KEEPER'S Restaurant


Ladies & Gentlemen Holland Grand Haven

AFTER STOCK TAKING S A L E o f D R E S S E S W e are determined that not a single winter

dress shall remain in this store and our determinition is backed up by a fixed policy of starting each policy each sea-son with an entirely new showing. That's why these dresses must go at the following prices: $12.50, $15.00 & $19.75.

Values up to $35.00 37 E. 8th R O S E CLOAK S T O R E Holland

«• >


We do it the way yoa want it Done

Whhe Cross Barbers

Nick Unema Electric Shoe Repair Shop 230 River Opp. Pott Office


Holland, 18 West 8th St.


We Too Have to Pass Examinations! But our work always gives us

an "A." Send your next soiled garment to us so you too can "Pass" our work with an "A."

"Let Flick Do It"


Phone 2064 WE CALL FOR AND

• «

* \