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  • 8/14/2019 00592-gusciora appellate brief


    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________:SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY

    Assemblyman Reed Gusciora, Stephanie :APPELLATE DIVISIONHarris, New Jersey Coalition for :DOCKET NO.: A-002842-04T1Peace Action, New Jersey Peace :Action, :

    : CIVIL ACTIONPlaintiffs/Appellants, :

    :v. :

    : : ON APPEAL FROMRichard J. Codey, Governor of the State : SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEYof New Jersey (in his official capacity) : LAW DIVISION, MERCER COUNTYand Peter C. Harvey, Attorney General of :the State of New Jersey (in his official :capacity), : SAT BELOW

    :Linda R. Feinberg, A.J.S.C.Defendants/Respondent. :



    Penny Venetis, Esq.Frank Askin, Esq.Rutgers Constitutional Litigation Clinic123 Washington StreetNewark, New Jersey 07102(973) 353-5687

    Attorneys for Plaintiffs/Appellants

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    1 In an effort to conserve space and avoid repetition, specific factsrelevant to the insecurities of electronic voting machines, and theinadequacy of New Jersey testing to detect software flaws and manipulationwill be discussed in the points of the argument that are related to those

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    On Election Day 2004, 7,699 electronic voting machines, otherwise known

    as Direct Recording Electronic voting machines (DREs) were available for

    use in fifteen of New Jerseys twenty-one counties. 2 Currently there are

    4,814,970 registered voters in New Jersey; 3,494,193 of them are registered

    to vote on DREs. 3 By the time this appeal is heard, Essex and Warren

    counties may also be using DREs, adding another 462,461 to the total of

    voters who can cast their ballots electronically. 4

    Even though millions of votes are cast on DREs each election day, DREs

    are not regulated. This lack of regulation is remarkable given the level of

    detail contained in Title 19 for almost every aspect of voting. The lack of

    regulation means that county officials are left to their own devices in

    conducting elections with DREs. There is no uniformity in dealing with

    2 Office of the Attorney Gen., N.J. Dept of Law and Public Safety, Divisionof Elections Voting Equipment Inventory , at (last visited June 4, 2005),(60a-61a). Hereinafter this document will be referred to as Attorney

    Generals DRE Inventory List.3 Office of the Attorney Gen., N.J. Dept of Law and Public Safety,Registered Voters as of the Close of Registration for the Primary Electionto be Held on June 7, 2005 , at (last visited June 4, 2005).

    4 Id.

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    routine voting procedures, or with special situations such as machine

    malfunctions, vote manipulations and recounts.

    Many reputable studies written by computer scientists (who are uniquely

    qualified to evaluate the security of DREs), have shown that DREs are

    unreliable and prone to errors. 5 Indeed, there is no way to determine

    whether DRE software in New Jersey DREs is functioning properly, or if it

    has been corrupted to manipulate election results. Certification of Andrew

    Appel 70, (October 14, 2004), (376a-377a); Certification of Rebecca

    Mercuri 9, 12, 35, summ. (a),(c), (October 17, 2004), (306a-307a, 308a,

    317a, 325a, 326a). This is especially true in New Jersey because the DRE-

    software testing procedures used here are inadequate to detect flawed and/or

    fraudulent software. Id. 63-70,(372a-377a); Supplemental Certification of

    Andrew Appel 1-8, 10-13, (Oct. 25, 2004), (417a-421a, 421a-422a); Mercuri

    Certif. 30-37, (315a-319a).

    As will be discussed throughout this brief, Plaintiffs expert

    witnesses, computer security experts, have certified that votes cast on New

    Jersey DREs can be fraudulently manipulated if an unscrupulous person has

    5 See Rebecca Mercuri, Humanizing Voting Interfaces , at, Jul. 11, 2002 (last visitedJun. 4, 2005); RABA Technologies, LLC, Trusted Agent Report: DieboldAccuVote-TS Voting System , Jan. 20, 2004, (87a-112a); Aviel Rubin et al.,Analysis Of An Electronic Voting System, IEEE Symposium On Security And

    Privacy 2004, IEEE Computer Society Press , May 2004 (commonly known as theHopkins Report), (63a-86a); Science Applications International Corporation(SAIC), Risk Assessment Report: Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting System andProcesses , Sep. 2, 2003, at (last visited Jun.4, 2005).

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    unobserved access to DREs for as little as five to ten minutes. See, e.g. ,

    Appel Certif. 50, 53, (367a-368a); Supplemental Certification of Andrew

    Appel 15 (Oct. 25, 2004), (423a-424a); see also Mercuri Certif. 18-29,

    (310a-315) (discussing vulnerabilities of DREs to tampering).

    DREs alter vote totals not only as a result of malicious manipulation,

    but also as a result of inadvertent error (by a poll worker, DRE transporter

    or software writer), or defective software. Appel Certif. 9-13, 45-54,

    60 (347a-349a, 365a-369a, 371a); Appel Supp. Certif. 3, 10-11, 15, (418a,

    421a-422a, 423a-424a); Mercuri Certif. 10-14, 19-21, 23-25 (307a-308a,

    310a-311a, 311a-313a).

    Because it is impossible to know whether New Jerseys DREs are counting

    votes correctly, they violate the right to vote and to have ones vote

    counted accurately, guaranteed by the New Jersey Constitution and Title 19

    of the New Jersey Code. See New Jersey Democratic Party v. Samson , 175 N.J.

    178, 187 (2002)(citing Reynolds v. Sims , 377 U.S. 533, 555 (1964)(implicit

    to right to vote is right to have vote counted as cast)); N.J.S.A. 19:48-

    1(h), 19:61-1(b) (2005).

    Notably, the same makes and models of DREs used in New Jersey have been

    rejected as insecure and unreliable by California, 6 Nevada, 7 Ohio, 8 and New

    6 Office of the Secy of State of Cal., Decertification and Withdrawal of

    Approval of AccuVote-TSx Voting System as Conditionally Approved November20, 2003, and Rescission of conditional Approval , at (April 30, 2004).

    7 Geoff Dornan, Heller: Clerks Must Use Sequoia Voting Machine , N EVADA APPEAL,Dec. 11, 2003, available athttp// (lastedvisited Jun. 5, 2005).

    8 Tom Chansky, Comprehensive Study Charts Path To Success , Spirit ofCitizenship & Democracy, Winter 2004, at 4. Available at

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    enjoin the use of all DREs in the State until they can satisfy the New

    Jersey Constitutions and Title 19's requirements that all votes be counted

    accurately and as cast. The most efficient and effective way to do this is

    through the Mercuri Method, otherwise known as a voter-verified paper


    Mercuri Method - a paper ballot is prepared using an electronic votingsystem and displayed behind a transparent window. The voter isprovided with an opportunity to verify the choices printed on the paperballot prior to performing an action that deposits the ballot into asecured ballot box. The voter must also be provided with a way ofvoiding the ballot prior to casting if it is incorrect and, in such acase, must be provided with another opportunity to verify and cast aballot.

    Mercuri Certif. 42, (320a-321a). Voter verified paper ballots have been

    endorsed by voting technology research studies conducted across the country.

    See, e.g. , RABA Technologies, LLC., Trusted Agent Report: Diebold AccuVote-

    TS Voting Systems at 23 (2004), (109a)(unanimous agreement among security

    review team members that introduction of voter-verifiable paper receipts is

    absolutely necessary in some limited form); Aviel Rubin et al., Analysis of

    an Electronic Voting System at 21 (2004), (83a). Additionally, four states

    (Alaska, 12 California, 13 Maine, 14 and Ohio 15 ) require that all votes cast on

    DREs produce a voter verified paper ballot to secure the integrity of the

    franchise. 16 Three states (Illinois, 17 New Hampshire 18 , and Vermont 19 )


    Alaska Stat. 15.15.032 (c).

    13 Cal. Elec. Code 19250 (2005).

    14 21-A M.R.S. 812 (10) (2004).

    15 Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 3506.10 (P)(Anderson 2005).

    16 Plaintiffs Complaint and brief submitted in support of their

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    require that voting be performed exclusively by paper ballot, because they

    believe that DREs are too insecure to trust with the right to vote.

    votes cast on DREs be required to produce a voter-verified paperballot. Compl. 10, 68, (4a, 32a); Pl. Br. at 50-51,(237a-238a). Oregons legislation requiring a voter-verified paperballot is still pending . H.B. 2169, 73rd Or. Leg. Assembly, Reg.Sess. (Or. 2005). When this lawsuit is reinstated, Plaintiffswill amend the Complaint to correct this error.

    17 10 Ill. Comp. Stat. 5/24A-16 (4) (2005).

    18 N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 656:41 (2004).

    19 17 V.S.A. 2478 (e) (2004).

    Although legislation has been introduced in New Jersey to require that

    DREs produce a voter verified paper ballot, that legislation is in its

    nascent stages, and is certainly not law. Because the integrity of the

    right to vote is being compromised by DREs, this Court should reinstate this

    lawsuit. It is incumbent upon the judiciary to protect the franchise in the

    event that the legislature continues to remain silent on DRE safety.


    An understanding of the procedural history of this case is critical to

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    this Courts comprehending the many ways Judge Feinberg erred in dismissing

    the Complaint, and in converting Defendants motion to dismiss into a motion

    for summary judgment.


    The Complaint was filed on October 19, 2004, is 45 pages long, and

    contains four exhibits. (1a-45a). The Complaint discusses in detail how

    DREs violate the New Jersey Constitution and Title 19 of the New Jersey

    Code. Below appears a summary of portions of most of the Complaint to

    demonstrate that it provides enough information to have survived Defendants

    motion to dismiss.

    Paragraphs 26-33, (11a-14a), fall under the subheading The DRE

    Machines Scheduled For Use In New Jersey Are Insecure. These

    paragraphs detail why New York City rejected the Sequoia Pacific AVC

    Advantage, and Ohio, California, and Nevada rejected the ES&S iVotronic

    and Sequoia Pacific AVC EDGE as insecure and unreliable. These

    paragraphs also discuss findings of the California and Ohio Secretaries

    of State that the iVotronic and the AVC EDGE can be tampered with very

    easily, and are too insecure to be trusted with the right to vote.

    This section also specifies that 160 AVC EDGEs, over 6,500 AVC

    Advantages, and 361 iVotronics are used in New Jersey.

    Paragraphs 34-49, (14a-25a) fall under the subheading Electronic

    Voting Machines Have Failed To Accurately Read Votes Cast In Elections

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    Throughout The Country. This section contains specific examples of

    how the Sequoia Pacific AVC Advantage DREs malfunctioned in South

    Brunswick and in Mercer County, and disfranchised Plaintiff Stephanie

    Harris, Mercer County resident Glenn Cantor, and other voters.

    Paragraph 43 (which is eight pages long, single-spaced), (17a- 23a),

    gives examples from around the country of how the very same makes and

    models of DREs used in New Jersey have failed to record votes accuracy.

    There are eighteen incidents discussed in the following categories:

    (A) DREs Have Failed To Register Properly All Votes Cast, (17a-19a);

    (B) Flawed DRE Software Has Lost Votes, (19a-20a);

    (C) DRE Cartridges Failed To Record Votes, (20a-21a);

    (D) Vote Tabulation Systems Used With DREs Have Failed To ProvideAccurate Vote Totals, (21a-23a);

    (E) Poorly Trained Poll Workers And DRE Industry Technicians Have

    Jeopardized Votes, (23a); and

    (F) DRE Hardware Has Hampered Voting, (23a).

    Paragraphs 44-57, (24a-28a), identify three DRE models used in NewJersey (the Sequoia Pacific AVC Advantage, Sequoia Pacific AVC EDGE,and ES&S iVotronic), and discuss in detail how those machines areinsecure, vulnerable to manipulation, and how they cannot be trustedwith our votes.

    Paragraphs 58-60, (28a-29a), fall under the heading Testing Of The

    DREs Is Insufficient To Detect Programs That Manipulate Votes and

    discuss critiques of New Jerseys DRE testing offered by renown

    computer science experts.

    Paragraph 61-66, (29a-31a), fall under the heading The Process For

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    Certifying Voting Machines Under N.J.S.A. 19-48 Et Seq. And 19:53A-1

    Et Seq. Is Not Sufficient to Ensure that DREs Will Be Secure and

    Capable of Recording Every Vote. These paragraphs discuss in detail

    how there are no guidelines whatsoever in Title 19 for certifying DREs.

    All references in Title 19 to electronic voting machines are to

    optical scanners that count paper ballots! See N.J.S.A. 19:53 A-1 et.

    Seq. They also discuss how New Jersey DREs are completely unregulated.

    Paragraph 67-73, (31a-33a), fall under the heading New Jersey

    Seriously Lags Behind Other States and Counties That Have Recognized

    the Insecurity of DREs and Have Decertified Them and Disallowed Their

    Use. This section discusses how eight U.S. states have passed

    legislation requiring either that voting machines produce voter

    verified paper ballots, 20 or that all votes be cast on paper ballots,

    and how two countries (Ireland and Venezuela) decommissioned the same

    DREs being used in New Jersey because the DREs were too insecure.

    Paragraphs 74-89, (33a-39a), discuss in detail the efforts made by

    Plaintiffs and other New Jersey citizens to persuade the Attorney

    General and Governor to make New Jersey DREs more secure and to require

    that they produce a voter verified paper ballot to independently audit

    the DREs to ensure that they tabulate votes accurately.

    Paragraphs 90-108, (40a-44a), list the causes of action under which

    Plaintiffs seek relief.

    20 See footnote 16.

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    COUNT ONE, (40a), alleges that the Defendants havefailed to implement basic security measures to ensurethat every vote is counted as cast, in violation of theNew Jersey Constitution. 21

    COUNT TWO, (41a-42a), alleges that the Defendantsviolated the New Jersey Constitutions guarantee of

    equal protection. In event of a recount, DRE voters haveno assurance that their votes will be treated the sameas ballots cast on paper ballots, optically scannedballot cards or lever machines. In the event of arecount, elections will be determined by those votesthat can be independently audited - non-DRE votes.

    COUNT THREE, (42a), alleges that because DREs cannot be auditedindependently and no instructions exist in Title 19 on how toconduct recounts, that DREs violate State guidelines concerningrecounts (N.J.S.A. 19:28-1 et seq. )

    COUNT FOUR, (43a), alleges that DREs violate thestatutory right specified by N.J.S.A. 19:48-1(d),(f)and 19:53A-3(b) that voters be permitted to cast theirvote for the candidates or ballot issue of theirchoosing.

    COUNT FIVE, (43a-44a), alleges that DREs violate thestatutory right that voting equipment be secure, asguaranteed by NJSA 19:53A-3(g).

    COUNT SIX, (44a), alleges that DREs violate the

    statutory requirement guaranteed by N.J.S.A. 19:48-1(h) and 19:53A-3(h) that all votes be countedaccurately.

    It is clear from the above-detailed description that Counts One through

    Six are supported strongly by the factual data contained in the rest of the


    21 Plaintiffs discovered an error in the Complaint. Count Onealleges that New Jerseys DREs violate Article III 3(a) of theConstitution, rather than Article II, Sec. I, Para. 3. When thislawsuit is reinstated, Plaintiffs will amend their Complaint tocorrect this error.

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    In addition to filing their Complaint on October 19, 2004, thePlaintiffs also moved for a temporary restraining order to enjoin the use ofNew Jerseys insecure DREs. The Plaintiffs brief in support of their TRO

    is 115 pages and provides detailed support for all the claims in theComplaint, (170a-302a). The structure of the brief mirrors the structure ofthe Complaint. Even a quick glance of the briefs table of contents revealsthe thoroughness and soundness of Plaintiffs legal analysis. See Pl. Br.I-vi, Table of Contents, (171a-176a).


    Plaintiffs submitted several certifications in support of their TRO.

    Those certifications, listed below, give ample support to Plaintiffs legal

    claims of how DREs violate the New Jersey Constitution and Title 19.

    Professor Andrew Appel of Princeton University is an expert in computersecurity. His certification discusses the insecurity of DREs ingeneral, and the insecurity of specific DREs used in New Jersey. TwoSequoia Pacific DREs the AVC Advantage (by far the most prevalent DREin New Jersey) and the AVC EDGE can be reprogrammed, withoutdetection, to throw an election in as little as five to ten minutes.Appel Certif., (343a-416a).

    Rebeca Mercuri, Ph.D., of Harvard University is a computer securityexpert who specializes in the security of electronic voting machines.Dr. Mercuri discusses the insecurity of DREs in general, and theinsecurity of specific DREs used in New Jersey, especially the SequoiaPacific AVC Advantage. Mercuri Certif., (303a-342a).

    Plaintiff Stephanie Harris discusses how in 2004 she was disenfranchised by a DRE in Mercer County. Certification of StephanieHarris (Oct. 13 2004), (425a-428a).

    Glenn Cantor discusses how he was disenfranchised by a DRE in MercerCounty in 2004. Certification of Glenn Cantor (Oct. 17, 2004), (429a-432a).

    Douglas Kellner, Commissioner of Elections for New York City, discusseshow, upon his urging, in 1995 Mayor Giuliani canceled NYCs contract tobuy 7,000 Sequoia Pacific AVC Advantage machines because the machines

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    are too insecure to trust with counting votes. Kellner Certif., (433a-438a).

    Beth Feehan of Mercer County, discusses how she collected 20,000signatures of New Jersey residents opposing DREs that do not produce avoter verified paper ballot, and presented the signatures to thenGovernor McGreevey in the summer of 2004. Certification of Beth Feehan

    (Oct. 14, 2004), (439a-440a).


    On October 25, 2004, the Defendants opposed Plaintiffs motion for aTRO. They filed 48 certifications (approximately 300 pages, (444a-767a)) tobolster their opposition to Plaintiffs TRO. Defendants also moved todismiss the Complaint.

    D. PLAINTIFFS OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS MOTION TO DISMISS. On October 25, 2004 , Plaintiffs filed a reply brief in support of their

    motion for a TRO, and a response to Defendants motion to dismiss.

    Plaintiffs also filed a supplemental Certification of Professor Andrew Appel

    who refuted statements contained in the Defendants certifications. (417a-

    424a). Specifically, Professor Appel found that the security procedures

    described in Defendants certifications for the handling of DREs were lax

    and facilitated malicious tampering of DRE software. Appel Supp. Certif .

    1-15, (417a-424a). He also found that the testing for DREs described in the

    Defendants certifications was inadequate to detect malicious software that

    can throw an election. Id.


    On October 26, 2004 , in a fifty-five page opinion , Judge Feinberg

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    denied Defendants motion to dismiss (without prejudice), and Plaintiffs

    motion for a TRO. See Gusciora v. McGreevey , No. MER-L-2692-04 (Law Div.

    Oct. 26, 2004)(768a-823a). 22



    On December 7, 2004, the Defendants again moved to dismiss the

    Complaint, in lieu of filing an answer. Defendants raised the following

    legal arguments in support of their motion to dismiss: separation of powers

    (Point I); lack of ripeness (Point II); failure to include indispensable

    parties (Point III); and lack of standing of the Plaintiff organizations

    (Point IV). See Table of Contents, Defs. Motion To Dismiss, December 7,

    2004, I, (825a).

    Most relevant to this appeal, is that nowhere in their brief or their

    motion to dismiss did Defendants refer to any of the certifications that

    they had filed with the court in October 2004, upon which the Court relied

    heavily to dismiss the Complaint.


    Plaintiffs opposed the Defendants second motion to dismiss. In their

    brief, Plaintiffs stated that Judge Feinbergs analysis of the Defendants

    22 Shortly after she issued her October 26 th opinion, Plaintiffsfiled a motion and brief to modify the Courts opinion, as it wasrife with errors. Judge Feinberg denied this motion.

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    motion should be limited solely to the four corners of the Complaint.

    Plaintiffs also submitted the certification of Daniel Preston, the Chair and

    Challenger-at-Large for the Democratic Party in Princeton Township, to let

    Judge Feinberg know that on Election Day 2004, DREs in Mercer County failed

    to register votes. Certification of Daniel Preston, Dec. 21, 2004 at 1-

    20, 24, (828a-834a, 835a).

    IV. JANUARY 27, 2005 CONVERSION OF MOTION TO DISMISS INTO A MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, AND DISMISSAL OF COMPLAINT.On January 27, 2005 Judge Feinberg granted Defendants second motion to

    dismiss. She issued a thirty page opinion (dated January 13th) supporting

    the dismissal. Gusciora v. McGreevey , MER-L-2691-04, slip op. (Law Div.

    Jan. 13, 2005) (hereinafter Jan. 2005 Op.), (136a-166a).

    Pages eleven through twenty-two of the opinion, (147a-158a), discuss in

    detail certifications that were never submitted by Defendants in their

    December motion to dismiss. As the Court concedes, these certifications

    were offered by the State [i]n opposition to the application for injunctive

    relief[.] Id. at 11, (147a) which was disposed of by the Court on October

    26, 2004.

    Thus, without telling the parties, she effectively converted

    Defendants motion to dismiss into a motion for summary judgment. In

    considering the motion for summary judgment, Judge Feinberg made all

    inferences of fact in favor of the Defendants, and weighed the evidence

    presented. While her opinion discusses extensively Defendants

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    certifications, Judge Feinberg barely mentions Plaintiffs submission in

    support of their motion for a TRO. Judge Feinberg dismissively summarizes

    the Plaintiffs submissions to the Court as follows: Plaintiffs rely on

    newspaper articles and other publications regarding alleged voting machine

    problems in other jurisdictions, and theoretical dissertations of the

    possibility of voting machine failure. Jan. 2005 Op. at 10, (146a).

    This characterization shows that Judge Feinberg failed to

    acknowledge the certifications of disfranchised New Jersey voters

    Plaintiff Stephanie Harris and Glenn Cantor, or Daniel Prestons

    discussion of Election Day 2004 disfranchisement of voters by DREs. She

    also ignored the certifications of computer security experts Dr. Mercuri

    and Professor Appel, who comment specifically on the insecurity of New

    Jersey DREs, and the ease with which they can be manipulated to throw an

    election without detection. Plaintiffs filed this appeal because

    Judge Feinberg erred in converting the December 7, 2004 motion to

    dismiss into a motion for summary judgment. She also erred in

    dismissing the Plaintiffs valid Complaint.



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    The dismissal of Plaintiffs Complaint was premature and clearly

    erroneous. Under New Jersey Court Rule 4:6-2(e), the test for

    determining the adequacy of a pleading [is] whether a cause of action is

    suggested. Printing Mart-Morristown v. Sharp Electronics Corp. , 116

    N.J. 739, 746 (1989). A reviewing courts evaluation of a dismissal is

    limited to examining the legal sufficiency of the facts alleged on the

    face of the complaint . . . For purposes of analysis plaintiffs are

    entitled to every reasonable inference of fact. Id. The Printing Mart

    rule necessitated a denial of Defendants motion to dismiss.

    In their Complaint, Plaintiffs made claims under New Jerseys

    Constitution and Title 19 of the New Jersey Code. The Complaint

    contains six causes of action. It alleges that New Jerseys insecure,

    and easily-tampered-with DREs violate the New Jersey Constitution (the

    right to have ones vote counted as cast, and the right to have ones

    vote given equal weight in the event of a recount) (Counts One and Two),

    (40a-42a). The Complaint also alleges that New Jerseys insecure DREs

    violate various provisions of Title 19 that guarantee the right to have

    ones vote counted as cast, counted accurately in a re-count and that

    voting machines be secure. (Counts Three, Four and Five), (42a-44a).

    Each claim is clearly defined, and is supported by the allegations

    contained throughout the Complaint.

    A full discussion of almost every paragraph of the Complaint

    appears in the PROCEDURAL HISTORY section of this brief, on pages 7-

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    12, and need not be replicated here. As demonstrated above, Plaintiffs

    not only articulated their six causes of action, but, in the eighty-nine

    paragraphs preceding the counts, they provided example after example of

    how the causes of action were violated. These examples include: DRE

    disenfranchisement in New Jersey, Complaint 35-41, (14a-16a);

    disenfranchisement elsewhere caused by the same DREs used in New Jersey,

    Complaint 43, (17a-23a); a thorough discussion about the insecurity

    of New Jersey and other DREs, Complaint 26-33, 44-57, (11a-14a, 24a-

    28a); and the inadequacy of New Jerseys DRE testing and certification

    process to detect flawed and fraudulent software, Complaint 58-66,

    (28a-31a). This analysis more than satisfies Rule 4:6-2(e)s

    requirement that the Complaint merely suggest a cause of action.

    Judge Feinberg erred in dismissing this lawsuit. She disregarded

    the thorough presentation in the Complaint that clearly suggested causes

    of action. Thus, this Court should reinstate this lawsuit.


    In dismissing the Complaint, Judge Feinberg improperly used a

    separation of powers analysis. Even though on page 6 of her Opinion,

    (142a), Judge Feinberg quoted N.J.S.A. 19:48-2 as authorizing a cause of

    action for challenging the approval process for voting machines, she

    nonetheless clearly misunderstood the Plaintiffs claims. Section

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    19:48-2 reads:

    The certificate of approval, or a certified copy thereof,

    shall be conclusive evidence that the kind of machine so

    examined complies with the provisions of this subtitle,

    except that the action of the Secretary of State in approving

    such machine may be reviewed by the Superior Court in a

    proceeding in lieu of prerogative writ.

    (emphasis added).

    Despite her acknowledgment of 19:48-2's cause of action, Judge

    Feinberg repeatedly stated in her opinion that Plaintiffs were

    challenging the constitutionality of Title 19. See Jan. 2005 Op. at 5-

    6, 24-26, 29-30, (141a-142a, 160a-162a, 165a-166a). She then invoked

    the separation of powers doctrine several times to find that the

    legislature should determine whether New Jersey voters should vote using

    DREs. Id. She stated that it is the job of [the legislature] to weigh

    the pros and cons of various balloting systems. Id. at 24, (160a)

    (quoting Weber v. Shelley , 347 F.3d 1101, 1107 (9th Cir. 2003)).

    Judge Feinbergs invocation of the separation of powers doctrine

    demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of this lawsuit. Plaintiffs

    are not challenging the constitutionality of any portion of Title 19. 23

    23 Thus, Judge Feinberg's citation to cases supporting apresumption of the constitutionality of Title 19 are completelyinapposite. See Jan. 2005 Op. at 5-6, (141a-142a). Those casesare also irrelevant because they do not deal with the right tovote. When a constitutionally protected right is burdened by astatute, higher scrutiny is involved, any presumption of the

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    The Plaintiffs, rather, ask the Court to protect the franchise because

    of the gaping hole in Title 19, which is silent on how to vote using


    As Plaintiffs repeatedly stated, Title 19 of N.J.S.A. does not

    discuss DREs anywhere or even contemplate the use of DREs. Compl.

    61-2, 66, (29a, 30a-31a); Pl. Br. at 76-9, (263a-266a). Indeed, the

    only reference to electronic voting systems in Title 19 is to optical

    scan machines that count paper ballots ! N.J.S.A. 19:53A-1 et seq.

    defines an electronic voting machine as one in which votes are recorded

    on ballot cards , and such votes are subsequently counted and tabulated

    by automatic tabulating equipment at one or more counting centers.

    N.J.S.A. 19:53A-1(e) (emphasis added). Chapter 53A governs the physical

    requirements of optical scan machines only, and does not contemplate the

    use of other types of electronic voting systems such as DREs. Pl. Br. at

    76-77, (263a-264a). 24

    Because Title 19 is silent on how to conduct elections using DREs,

    each county using DREs is left to its own devices every election day.

    There are no guidelines whatsoever in the event DREs malfunction (like

    failure to count votes or mis-allocate votes) or are tampered with; nor

    is there any instruction on how to conduct a recount.

    validity of the statute disappears. See Bell v. Township ofStafford , 110 N.J. 384, 395 (1988).

    24 This portion of Title 19 was last modified in 1973, ten yearsbefore Atlantic County purchased the first DRE in New Jersey.Oct. 2004 Op. at 36, (804a).

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    That is why Plaintiffs brought this lawsuit. They asked the Court

    to protect the right to vote because the legislature and executive

    failed to do so. Plaintiffs did not ask Judge Feinberg to overturn any

    portion of Title 19 or to exert unauthorized power over the legislature.

    Rather, they asked her to find that the unregulated use of DREs violated

    the Constitution and Title 19's requirements that all votes be counted

    as cast, and that all votes be given equal weight in the event of a

    recount. Judge Feinbergs separation of powers analysis is clearly

    erroneous; and her dismissal of the Complaint is reversible error.


    Contrary to Judge Feinbergs findings, the legislature requires

    her to rule on the issues presented in this lawsuit. N.J.S.A. 19:48-1

    states that: Any thoroughly tested and reliable voting machines may be

    adopted, rented, purchased or used, which shall be so constructed as to

    fulfill the following requirements . . . . The statute lists fifteen

    specific statutory requirements that must be fulfilled in order for

    voting machines to be thoroughly tested and reliable. See N.J.S.A.

    19:48-1 (a)-(o).

    Although the Attorney Generals approval of a voting machine

    presumes its compliance with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 19:48-1,

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    Title 19 that was silent about balloting procedures. 175 N.J. at 184.

    N.J.S.A. 19:30-20 states that if a vacancy among the candidates occurs

    51 days before the general election, a State committee must select a

    replacement candidate at least 48 days before the general election. The

    statute does not discuss what happens with ballots when a candidate

    withdraws from a race less than 51 days before an election.

    Despite this legislative silence, the New Jersey Supreme Court

    permitted another candidates name to be printed on the ballot when

    then-Senator Torricelli withdrew from the Senate race only 36 days prior

    to the 2002 election. Id. at 199-200. The Samson court held that

    unless there is actual statutory language preventing the judiciary from

    filling-in statutory holes in election laws, the judiciary is obligated

    to do so. Id. at 190 (contrasting Title 19's silence to New York and

    Colorado statutes that expressly prohibit the replacement of a

    candidates name on a ballot a certain number of days prior to an

    election). The Samson court justified its actions by stating that:

    [e]lection laws are to be liberally construed, so as toeffectuate their purpose. They should not be construed so asto deprive voters of their franchise or so as to render anelection void for technical reasons.

    Id. at 189 (quoting Kilmurray v. Gilfert , 10 N.J. 435, 440 (1952)).

    Samson , is directly applicable to this lawsuit. As Title 19 is

    silent on the use of DREs, there is no express language preventing New

    Jersey courts from taking measures to protect voters from unregulated

    and unreliable DREs. Judge Feinberg acted improperly by failing to

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    recognize the special role New Jersey courts play in protecting the

    right to vote, and by citing the separation of powers doctrine to

    dismiss the Complaint. Thus, this Court should reinstate this lawsuit.


    In dismissing the Complaint, Judge Feinberg applied a standard of

    review that is not authorized by the New Jersey Court Rules. Doing so

    was clearly erroneous. Rule 4:6-2(e) requires that a complaint merely

    suggest a cause of action to survive a motion to dismiss. Printing

    Mart , 116 N.J. at 746. Courts should not be concerned with Plaintiffs

    ability to prove their case at such an early stage in the litigation.


    [A] reviewing court searches the complaint in depth and withliberality to ascertain whether the fundament of a cause ofaction may be gleaned even from an obscure statement of

    claim, opportunity being given to amend if necessary. Id. (quotation marks omitted). See also Grobart v. Society for

    Establishing Useful Mfgs. , 2 N.J. 136, 151-2 (1949)(The grand objective

    of the movement for simplified procedure by rules of court is the

    elimination of the interminable prolixity and absurd technicalities of

    special pleading . . . .). 26

    26 New Jerseys standard for analyzing motions to dismiss isconsistent with F.R.Civ.P. 8(a). In striking down a heightenedstandard of review created by some lower federal courts toevaluate civil rights cases, the U.S. Supreme Court stated: Wethink that it is impossible to square the heightened pleading

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    Despite the clearly-defined and permissive standard for evaluating

    motions to dismiss, Judge Feinberg used a much more stringent standard

    of review (of her own making) to dismiss the Complaint. In dismissing

    the Complaint, Judge Feinberg stated:

    Although N.J.S.A. 19:48-2 expresses that the findingsregarding voting machines are conclusive, the statuteprovides a mechanism for review by the Superior Court. Thelanguage in the statute evidences intent by the legislatureto, at a minimum, establish a rebuttable presumption in favorof the Secretary of States approval, thereby placing theburden on plaintiffs in this case to prove otherwise . . . .[T]his court finds that plaintiffs have not overcome itspresumption in demonstrating that there are no conceivablegrounds to support Title 19's validity.

    Jan. 2005 Op. at 6-7, (142a-143a)(emphasis added); see also Id. at 24,

    (160a)(Plaintiffs have not overcome the presumption in

    demonstrating that there are no conceivable grounds to support Title

    19's validity . . . .).

    Even if a presumption exists that the Attorney Generals

    certification of a DRE means that it complies with Title 19's security

    requirements, that presumption is rebuttable because 19:48-2

    specifically authorizes judicial review of the certification process.

    Thus, challenges to the certification of voting machines (such as in

    this lawsuit) were contemplated and endorsed by the legislature.

    Implicit in this endorsement is the endorsement of the rules of

    procedure governing litigation. This includes the standard for courts

    standard . . . in this case with the liberal system of noticepleading set up by the Federal Rules. Leatherman v. TarrantCounty Narcotics and Coordination Unit , 507 U.S. 163, 168 (1993).

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    to evaluate complaints on a review of a motion to dismiss.

    The no conceivable grounds standard created by Judge Feinberg

    requires Plaintiffs to prove their case in their Complaint, and ignores

    that Plaintiffs need only suggest a cause of action to survive a motion

    to dismiss. Requiring Plaintiffs to show in the Complaint that there

    are no conceivable grounds to support the certification process raises

    the bar for pleading requirements to an unacceptable standard. See

    Printing Mart , 116 N.J. at 746; Leatherman , 507 U.S. at 160.

    Judge Feinbergs creation and application of a new standard for

    evaluating the Complaint in a motion to dismiss is clearly erroneous and

    warrants reinstatement of this case.


    DISMISS INTO A MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT.In addition to ignoring strong evidence that clearly suggests

    a cause of action, the Court improperly converted Defendants

    motion to dismiss to a motion for summary judgment, without ever

    notifying the parties. Her actions were clearly erroneous.

    Conversion of the motion to dismiss into a motion for summary

    judgment was improper. Rule 4:6-2 states:

    If, on a motion to dismiss based on the defense numbered (e)[failure to state a claim upon which relief can begranted], matters outside the pleading are presented to andnot excluded by the court, the

    motion shall be treated as one for summary judgment anddisposed of as provided by R. 4:46, and all partiesshall be given reasonable opportunity to present all

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    material pertinent to such a motion. N.J. Court Rules , 1969 R. 4:6-2; see also Luiz v. Sanjurjo , 335 N.J.

    Super. 279, 280 n.1 (App. Div. 2000).

    Defendants raised only legal arguments in support of their

    December 7, 2004 motion to dismiss. The headnotes of Defendants brief

    read as follows:






    December 7, 2004 motion to dismiss do Defendants refer to the

    certifications they had filed in October 2004.

    Nonetheless, twelve out of thirty pages of Judge Feinbergs

    opinion dismissing the Complaint are devoted to discussing the validity

    of these very certifications. Jan. 2005 Op. 11-23, (147a-159a). Judge

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    Feinberg clearly did not realize the reversible error she was committing

    when she considered the October certifications in deciding the December

    7, 2005 motion to dismiss, as she readily admits to using the

    certifications for her deliberations. See Jan. 2005 Op. at 11,

    (147a)(In opposition to the application for injunctive relief , the

    State offered the certifications of election officials, employed by

    county and state election offices.)(emphasis added).

    The Courts analysis of and reliance on the Defendants October

    certifications in addressing the December motion to dismiss was

    erroneous. See Leon v. Rite Aid Corp. , 340 N.J. Super. 462, 471-72

    (App. Div. 2001). Had Defendants submitted certifications in support of

    the motion to dismiss, the Court could have converted the motion to

    dismiss into a motion for summary judgment. But, here, Defendants did

    not submit facts beyond the pleadings in their motion to dismiss.

    Thus, the conversion to summary judgment was improper.

    This Court should thus reinstate this lawsuit.


    Even if the conversion of the motion to dismiss into a motion for

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    summary judgment had been proper, the granting of summary judgment to

    Defendants and the dismissal of the Complaint would still be clearly

    erroneous. Summary judgment:

    shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings, depositions,

    answers to interrogatories and admissions on file, togetherwith the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuineissue as to any material fact challenged and that the movingparty is entitled to a judgment or order as a matter of law .An issue of fact is genuine only if, considering the burdenof persuasion at trial, the evidence submitted by the partieson the motion, together with all legitimate inferencestherefrom favoring the non-moving party, would requiresubmission of the issue to the trier of fact.

    N.J. Court Rules , 1969 R. 4:46-2(c)(emphasis added).

    In granting summary judgment to Defendants, the Court erred in

    three ways. First, the Court failed to grant every reasonable inference

    of fact to Plaintiffs in determining whether genuine issues of material

    fact were raised. The Court completely ignored all the evidence that

    Plaintiffs presented that DREs are insecure, unreliable and not

    thoroughly tested. Additionally, the Court accepted Defendants

    assertions as irrebuttable fact.

    Second, the Court erred by weighing the evidence presented in the

    parties pleadings, rather than in just determining whether the triable

    issue of fact existed. But, Judge Feinberg also erred in the way she

    weighed the evidence. Her justification for dismissing the Complaint

    were based on her faulty reading of Defendants three-month old


    Third, the Court erred in dismissing this case (involving a threat

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    to the fundamental right to vote by unregulated DREs) at such an early

    stage, where Plaintiffs were not given the opportunity to develop a

    record. See Slohanda v. United Parcel Service Inc. , 193 N.J. Supper

    586, 594 (App. Div. 1984)(cautioning against granting summary judgment

    of a meager record where the ruling would have a broad social and legal



    In dismissing the Complaint, Judge Feinberg failed to grant

    Plaintiffs every reasonable inference of fact.

    [T]he motion judge [must] consider whether the competentevidential materials presented, when viewed in the light mostfavorable to the non-moving party, are sufficient to permit arational fact finder to resolve the alleged disputed issue infavor of the non-moving party . . . .

    Brill v. Guardian Life Ins. Co. , 142 N.J. 520, 523 (1995).

    Judge Feinberg completely ignored strong evidence submitted by thePlaintiffs that New Jersey DREs are unreliable, insecure, not properlytested, and can be manipulated easily to throw elections. She alsoignored evidence that New Jersey voters were disfranchised. Instead,she took as fact her erroneous reading of certifications submitted byDefendants in conjunction with a motion that was no longer before thecourt.

    1. Judge Feinberg Ignored All Examples Of DRE Disfranchisement

    Of New Jersey Voters, And All Examples Of DRE Malfunctions That Led To The Disfranchisement Of Voters.

    The Complaint discusses three instances of voter

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    disenfranchisement. Plaintiff Stephanie Harris, who used an AVC

    Advantage DRE to vote in the 2004 primary was not able to cast her vote.

    Compl. 36-37, (15a). She was instructed by a poll worker to press

    the DREs CAST VOTE button four times. Id. 36, (15a). But the poll

    worker was not certain whether Plaintiff Harriss vote was ever cast.

    Id. 37, (15a). The same happened to Glenn Cantor. Id. at 38-41,

    (15a-16a). He too was instructed by a poll worker to press the CAST

    VOTE button four times when the DRE he was using switched his vote, and

    lost power. Id. He is not sure if his vote was registered properly by

    the DRE. Id. 41, (16a). Moreover, in opposition to Defendants December motion to dismiss,

    Plaintiffs provided the court with a certification that stated that on

    Election Day 2004, at least twenty voters were disenfranchised by DREs

    in Mercer County. Preston Certif. 2, (828a-829a). More would have

    been disenfranchised if Mr. Preston, a Challenger-At-Large for the

    Democratic Party, had not intervened. Id. at 1, 5-22, (828a-835a). 27

    Additionally, in their Complaint and brief supporting the motion

    for a TRO, Plaintiffs devoted significant space to examples where the

    exact make and model of DRE used in New Jersey malfunctioned elsewhere.

    See Compl. 34-43, (14a-23a); Pl. Br. 31-43, (218a-230a). These

    27 Judge Feinberg mischaracterizes Mr. Prestons certification,saying that, at most, two voters were disenfranchised in MercerCounty on Election Day. Jan. Op. at 11. Mr. Preston certifiedthat at least twenty voters were disenfranchised. PrestonCertif. 2.

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    malfunctions involved failure to properly register all votes cast, loss

    of votes, failure of DRE memory cartridges to record votes, and failure

    of tabulation systems to provide accurate vote totals . Id. These

    malfunctions were significant enough for New York City, California,

    Nevada, and even Ohio to decommission their DREs (for a full discussion

    of the decommissioning of these DREs, see Compl. 67-73, (31a-33a);

    Pl. Br. at 52-58, (239a-245a)).

    Yet, Judge Feinberg did not consider these examples of voter

    disfranchisement important. She dismissed them, in passing, merely

    stating [t]he reality, albeit unfortunate, is that there exists no

    guarantee of a perfect voting system. Jan. 2005 Op. at 11, (147a).

    This was erroneous. As Plaintiffs pointed out, Pl. Br. at 3-4, (190a-

    191a), every vote manipulation, no matter how small, must be taken

    seriously. Yale University researchers concluded that the manipulation

    of simply one vote per machine would have been enough to change the

    outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Anthony DiFranco et al.,

    Small Vote Manipulations Can Swing Elections , Communications of the ACM,

    Oct. 2004, at 43-45, (127a-129a).

    The examples of disenfranchisement discussed in the Complaint are

    also relevant because DREs of the same make and model allegedly contain

    the same software. 28 That means that flaws in one version of the

    28 Through this suit, Plaintiffs show that it is impossible toverify this allegation, and that every DRE needs to be carefullyand independently audited through the use of voter verified paperballots.

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    software exist in all machines containing the same software. Thus, any

    mis-allocation of votes anywhere in the world by the same DRE software

    that is contained in New Jersey DREs means that New Jersey DREs also

    mis-allocate votes. The examples of DRE disenfranchisement offered by

    Plaintiffs are thus not hypothetical, as Judge Feinberg stated, but

    rather, highly relevant to this lawsuit and should have been of great

    concern to the Court.

    DRE malfunctions can compromise the constitutional and statutory

    guarantees that all votes be counted as cast. It was clearly erroneous

    for Judge Feinberg to ignore the gravity of the examples of

    disfranchisement that the Plaintiffs presented.

    2. Judge Feinberg Ignored Strong Evidence Presented By Computer Security Experts That DREs Are Unreliable, Insecure, Not Adequately Tested, And Have Mis-allocated Votes.

    Plaintiffs submitted to the Court over seventy pages of expert

    certifications (plus exhibits) from renowned computer scientists Rebecca

    Mercuri and Andrew Appel who discuss the unreliability and insecurity of

    New Jersey DREs. 29 These experts also discuss with specificity how the

    29 Dr. Mercuri is a Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for AdvancedStudy at Harvard University. Mercuri Certif. 1 (Oct. 17,2004), (303a-304a). Her field of expertise is computer security.Id. 1-2, (303a-304a). Her impressive credentials appear inMercuri Certif. Ex. A, (329a).

    Professor Appel is a professor of computer science atPrinceton University. Appel Certif. 1, (343a-344a). His areasof expertise are computer security, software engineering anddesign, programming languages, computer architecture, operating

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    testing procedures used in New Jersey are inadequate for detecting

    whether DREs have been maliciously manipulated.

    Ignoring these certifications, Judge Feinberg relied instead on

    the boilerplate language of certifications submitted by county

    employees, including low-level county employees, in dismissing this

    lawsuit. Judge Feinberg devotes twelve pages out of her thirty page

    opinion discussing and analyzing Defendants certifications. Jan. 2005

    Op at 11-23, (147a-159a).

    By contrast, the only thing she says about the Plaintiffs

    experts substantive discussions about DRE insecurity was that

    Plaintiffs submitted newspaper articles and other publications

    regarding alleged voting machine problems in other jurisdictions, and

    theoretical dissertations of the possibility of voting machine failure.

    Id. at 10, (146a). This statement is wrong. Plaintiffs computer

    security experts offered their highly relevant opinions on how DREs in

    general, and New Jersey DREs specifically, are vulnerable to fraud, and

    how the voting machine testing process used in New Jersey cannot detect

    this fraud.

    systems, and other areas. Id. 2, (344a). His impressivecredentials appear in Appel Certif. Ex. A, (382a-390a).

    a. DREs Are Inherently Insecure And Vulnerable.

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    Plaintiffs experts have certified that it is not difficult to

    write a computer program that can sabotage an election, and then cover

    its tracks. Indeed, any individual with basic knowledge of computer

    programming can write code that would cause a computer to display A on

    the screen, record B in its hardware, and lie to the tester by

    stating that it recorded A (when it had in fact recorded B).

    Mercuri Certif. 38, (319a); see also Appel Certif. 27, (356a-357a).

    If a program is stored on a medium that is writable, such as anordinary hard disk or a RAM memory cartridge, then it can modifyitself. This means that a fraudulent program can be programmed tothrow an election, and then at 7:55 p.m. on election day,

    overwrite itself with a copy of the certified, non-fraudulentprogram. This property of software-the inherent erasability [sic]of the medium-is unlike mechanical machines or paper.

    Appel Certif. 31, (359a).

    It is a tenet of computer science theory that it is impossible to

    know for certain that any computer is performing a certain set of tasks,

    and no more. Mercuri Certif. 9, (306a-307a). Indeed, it is

    impossible to prove that any computer is not infected with malicious

    code. Id. This also holds true for DREs. The impact of this

    fundamental flaw on voting systems means that no matter how stringent

    the testing and certification may be, this can not guarantee that the

    system will be 100% secure and 100% reliable. Id.

    New Jersey DREs are insecure. Plaintiffs experts certified that

    anyone with physical access to a Sequoia Pacific AVC EDGE machine for as

    little as five minutes and who knows the user password (which is not

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    difficult to guess) can install a new program into the machine. Appel

    Certif. 50, (367a). That program can manipulate votes, and can throw

    an election without being detected. Id. 12, 14, (349a).

    They also certified that the Sequoia Pacific AVC Advantage is an

    insecure system. Appel Certif. 53, (368a); Mercuri 18-19, 21-23,

    (310a-312a). Anyone with access to an AVC Advantage for as little as

    ten minutes can replace the chip that contains the program that runs the

    machine, and change the behavior of the machine to throw an election.

    Appel Certif. 53, (368a); Appel Supp. Certif. 15, (Oct. 25, 2004),

    (423a-424a). Judge Feinberg did not even acknowledge the computer

    scientists warnings about the insecurity of these New Jersey DRES.

    Judge Feinberg also ignored Professor Appels discussion of the

    grave security risks to the franchise posed by county practices

    discussed in Defendants certifications. Many DREs in New Jersey are

    delivered up to two weeks before an election (Bergen, Burlington,

    Gloucester, Hunterdon, Union). 30 The remainder of the DREs are

    delivered within a week before the election (Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex,

    Ocean, Somerset, Salem, Atlantic). 31 Specifically referencing

    30 See Certification of Patricia DiCostanzo 16, (no date),(479a); Certification of Joanne Nyikita 12, (Oct. 12, 2004),(488a); Certification of Mark Harris 11 (Oct. 24, 2004),(498a); Certification of Richard Lynch 11, (Oct. 25, 2005),(516a); Certification of Dennis Kobitz 12, (Oct. 23, 2004),(575a).

    31 See Certification of Lisa Gentile 12, (Oct. 22, 2004),(508a); Certification of Robert Lester 13, (no date), (526a);Certification of Richard Plantec 11, (Oct. 23, 2004), (535a);

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    Defendants certifications, Professor Appel stated that [d]uring this

    advance period people could have unobserved access to the machines for

    several hours at a time. Machines could be tampered with. Appel Supp.

    Certif. at 10, (348a). Software that will manipulate elections can be

    installed in a period of five to ten minutes. Appel Certif. 50-53,

    (367a-368a); Appel Supp. Certif. 15, (423a-424a). Judge Feinberg did

    not even acknowledge Professor Appels warnings that the early transport

    of voting machines could lead to election tampering.

    Judge Feinberg also ignored Professor Appels findings that the

    alleged tamper proof seals described in the counties certifications32

    Certification of Robert Giles 16, (Oct. 24, 2004), (546a);Certification of Edward Mach 14, (Oct. 24, 2004), (566a);Certification of John Burke 13, (Oct. 23, 2004), (610a);

    Certification of Joann Armbruster 14, (Oct. 25, 2004), (626a).32 See DiCostanzo Certif. 24, (481a); Nyikita Certif. 19,(490a); Harris Certif. 18, (500a); Gentile Certif. 19, (509a-510a); Lynch Certif. 18, (518a); Lester Certif. 19, (527a-528a); Plantec Certif. 18, (537a); Certification of AlfonsoSantoro 24, (no date), (558a); Kobitz Certif. 19,(577a).

    do not protect against the installation or use of fraudulent software.

    It is possible to fraudulently replace the tamper proof seals after

    loading malicious software. Appel Certif. 52, (367a-368a); Appel

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    Supp. Certif. 5, 10, (419a, 421a). Instead of finding that a genuine

    issue of material fact existed, Judge Feinberg accepted the insecure

    tamper proof seals as valid safety measures. Jan. 2005 Op. at 19,


    Judge Feinberg erred by disregarding the concerns and warnings ofcomputer security experts that New Jersey DREs are insecure and can bemanipulated easily to throw elections.

    b. The Only Way To Ensure The DREs Are Functioning Properly, Is To Conduct An Independent Audit,

    Using Voter Verified Paper Ballots. Plaintiffs experts both certify that the only way to ensure that

    DREs are not manipulating our votes is to conduct an independent audit

    of election results. The most reliable method for doing so is by using

    a voter verified ballot system (or Mercuri Method).

    Mercuri Method - a paper ballot is prepared using an

    electronic voting system and displayed behind atransparent window. The voter is provided with anopportunity to verify the choices printed on the paperballot prior to performing an action that deposits theballot into a secured ballot box. The voter must also beprovided with a way of voiding the ballot prior tocasting if it is incorrect and, in such a case, must beprovided with another opportunity to verify and cast aballot.

    Mercuri Certif. 42, (320a-321a); See also Appel Certif. 14-25, 78-79, (349a-350a, 379a-380a).

    The paper ballot must not provide any feature that could beused to violate voter privacy or encourage coercion and voteselling. These voter verified paper ballots should be used toproduce the certified vote totals and be available forscrutiny in case of election contest or recount. When

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    properly implemented, the "Mercuri Method" ensures that paperballots will not be removed from the polling place nor addedto the ballot box.

    Mercuri, Electronic Voting: Who Created the Voter Verified Balloting

    Concept? . 33

    The use of voter verified paper ballots, as an effective means of

    independently auditing votes, has been endorsed by voting technology

    research studies conducted across the country. RABA Technologies, LLC.,

    Trusted Agent Report: Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Systems 8, 23 (2004),

    (94a, 109a); Aviel Rubin et al., Analysis of an Electronic Voting System

    21 (2004), (83a); Science Applications International Corporation

    (SAIC), Risk Assessment Report: Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting System and

    Processes (Sep. 2, 2003). 34

    Judge Feinberg erred in failing to acknowledge Plaintiffs

    experts discussion of the voter verified paper ballot as the most

    effective way to ensure that: each vote is counted as cast, and that all

    votes will receive equal treatment in the event of a recount.

    c. Current Testing Procedures Are Insufficient ToGuarantee The Accuracy And Performance Of DREs.

    (1) New Jersey Testing Process Cannot Detect

    DRE Software Flaws Or Manipulation.


    At (last modifiedMar. 6, 2004) .

    34 At (last visited Jun. 4, 2005).

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    Id. 2, (418a).

    The logic and accuracy tests (LAT) performed in New Jersey are

    insufficient to guarantee DRE security. Appel Certif. 30, (358a-

    359a); Appel Supp. Certif. 2-8, (418a-421a); Mercuri Certif. Summ.

    C), (326a). These tests are run using the machines software itself.

    Appel Certif. 30, (358a-359a); Appel Supp. Certif. 2-3, 7-8, 13,

    (418a, 420a-421a, 422a).

    They can be useful in detecting malfunctioning hardware. . . [h]owever they cannot be relied upon to detectintentionally fraudulent software, for two reasons:First, they are part of the very software that might be

    fraudulent; and second, . . . the fraud might beprogrammed to take place only at certain times of day.

    Appel Certif. 19, 30, (351a-352a, 358a-359a). Because computers,

    including DREs know the time and day, they can be programmed to

    perform according to expectations during pre-election tests, and then to

    activate a malicious code on Election Day that will sabotage the

    election. Id. 30, (358a-359a).

    Plaintiffs experts certified that if unintentional bugs are

    difficult to detect, malicious bugs implanted in software, that are

    deliberately hidden , are even more difficult, if not impossible to

    detect. Id. 27, (356a-357a). Such fraudulent software is easy to

    install in DREs. Fraudulent election software can be installed in New

    Jersey DREs during the manufacturing stage, or after their manufacture.

    Appel Certif. 54, (368a-369a). The voter verified paper ballot is the

    most effective way to protect votes against malicious software. Id.

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    14-25, 78-79, (349a-350a, 379a-380a).

    (2) The New Jersey Voting Machine Certification Process Is Incapable Of Detecting DRE Malfunctions Or Tampering.

    Judge Feinberg ignored Plaintiffs certifications that show that

    New Jerseys voting machine certification process does not detect flaws

    or fraudulent software. N.J.S.A. 19:48-2 requires the certifying

    authority (previously the Secretary of State, now the Attorney General)

    to subject voting machines to an examination by a committee of three

    experts, one of whom shall be an expert in patent law and the other two

    mechanical experts. Certification of Richard Woodbridge 4, 5, 7,

    (October 25, 2004), (453-454a). Those experts must submit a written

    report about the machine.

    Plaintiffs experts certified that this requirement is

    insufficient for DREs, as DREs are not mechanical machines. Testing

    must be conducted by electrical engineers and computer scientists who

    can appreciate the complexities of DRE technology. Appel Certif. 63,

    (372a-373a); Mercuri Certif. 30, (315a-316a). Patent law and

    mechanical experts will not be able to properly review the overwhelming

    majority of the complexity of a DRE machine, which is found in the

    electronic circuits and . . . computer software. Appel Certif. 63,


    Defendants Woodbridge certification also states that a machine

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    model , rather than each individual machine, is certified. Woodbridge

    Certif. 7, (454a). This certification method does not guarantee that

    every voting machine of the same make and model (of the tested model) is

    free of fraudulent software. 35

    The technology of DREs is such that every single machine must be

    inspected and certified, especially when the DRE produces no voter

    verified paper ballot. Appel Certif. 56-62, (369a-372a). Examining

    a single model of DRE will not ensure that the computer program in each

    machine can be relied upon to count votes accurately. Appel Certif.

    56, (369a).

    The Sequoia Pacific AVC Advantage, which was used by at least 2.8

    million registered voters in the general election of 2004, is not the

    same as the one which the Attorney General claims was certified in 1987.

    Appel Cert. 59, (371a) ( Citing AVC Advantage Security Overview 5

    (2004), (396a)). The manufacturer literature of the AVC Advantage

    admits that Sequoia Voting Systems AVC Advantage has been

    significant[ly] updated since 1987. See AVC Advantage Security

    Overview 5 (2004), (396a). Both the hardware and the software of the

    AVC Advantage have been updated since then. Appel Certif. 59-60,

    35 This method of certification is akin to stating that if onemake and model of a single automobile is tested, then all carsproduced by the manufacturer have also been tested, and neverhave to undergo individual inspections. See Mercuri Certif.34, 36, (317a-318a). We know that such a blanket endorsement ofautomobiles would be dangerous, and could lead to the loss oflife. Id.

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    (371a-372a). Thus, the 1987 certification of this DRE is invalid.

    The lifetime certification of New Jersey DREs ignores the fact

    that software is always changing and must be re-checked.

    Every time a program is updated, the software can be corrupted. Appel

    Certif. 60, (371a-372a).

    Even the smallest change to a computer program-even a change ofjust one letter-can radically alter its behavior. It is entirelypossible that program bugs (which could miscount the vote) orfraudulent modifications to the program could be inserted intoupgrades. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that, if themanufacturer makes changes to the software, the new version of thesoftware is subjected to

    . . . [a] scrupulous certification process . . . .

    Id. ; see also Id. 65, (374a-375a). When substantive changes are

    made to a DRE, it is necessary to revoke any certification and re-test

    and re-certify the machine. Mercuri Certif. 33, (316a-317a).

    Additionally, lifetime certification ignores that election software can

    be corrupted whenever the software is used in conjunction with a

    commercial software or ancillary computer equipment such as tabulation

    software. Mercuri Certif. 50, (323a-324a).

    Despite Plaintiffs experts detailed analyses of how DREs in New

    Jersey are insecure, and that New Jersey DRE testing and certification

    procedures are incapable of detecting flawed or fraudulent software,

    Judge Feinberg never cited Plaintiffs experts certifications anywhere;

    nor did she acknowledge their words of concern about the real

    possibility of vote tampering using New Jersey DREs. This failure to

    acknowledge Plaintiffs experts, let alone give every reasonable

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    inference of fact to Plaintiffs, is reversible error.

    3. Judge Feinberg Erroneously Made All Findings Of Fact In Favor Of Defendants. She Also Made Serious Factual Errors In

    Her Evaluation Of Defendants Certifications. Judge Feinberg clearly erred in failing to make all reasonable

    inferences in favor of Plaintiffs. See Brill , 142 N.J. at 523. As

    discussed directly above, Plaintiffs submitted ample evidence that DREs

    are insecure, unreliable, not thoroughly tested, and can be manipulated

    easily to throw elections without being detected. Plaintiffs also gave

    example after example of how voters using DREs were disfranchised.

    Judge Feinberg, however, ignored this evidence and relied only on the

    certifications submitted by Defendants to dismiss the Complaint.

    Moreover, in evaluating Defendants certifications, Judge Feinberg

    made serious factual errors. She then relied on the factual errors to

    improperly make all inferences in favor of the Defendants, and to

    improperly grant summary judgment to Defendants.

    a. Five Counties Did Not Endorse DREs In Any Way And Said Absolutely Nothing About DREs Being Accurate And Reliable.

    Judge Feinberg concluded that [i]n essence, the certifications of

    election officials and staff assert that the [DRE] machines are accurate

    and reliable. Jan. 2005 Op. at 19, (155a). These conclusions are not

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    supported by the certifications.

    The certifications of four county officials lack any endorsement

    of DREs whatsoever. See Lester Certif., (522a)(Mercer County); Plantec

    Certif., (531a)(Middlesex County); Certification of Rudolph Filko, (Oct.

    25, 2004), (616a)(Passaic County); Certification of Abigail McCaw, (Oct.

    25, 2004), (470a)(Sussex County). Moreover, Morris County officials did

    not submit any certifications.

    These five counties use a variety of models and quantities of

    DREs. Mercer County owns 600 AVC Advantage DREs. 36 Lester Certif. 3,

    (523a). Middlesex County owns 662 AVC Advantage DREs.37


    Certif. 2, (532a). Morris County owns 805 AVC Advantage DREs. 38

    Passaic County owns 420 V-2000 DREs. 39 Sussex County owns 361 iVotronic

    DREs. 40 McCaw Certif. 2, (470a). None of these 2,858 DRE machines

    were endorsed by any county officials. These 2,858 41 DREs make up

    37.22% of the total DREs used in New Jersey. (7,679 DREs were used in

    New Jersey in the 2004 election.) 42

    Thus, Judge Feinberg erred in concluding that all DREs in New

    36 Attorney Generals DRE Inventory List, (60a-61a).

    37 Id.

    38 Id.


    Id.40 Id.

    41 Id.

    42 Id.

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    Jersey had been used successfully and were accurate and reliable. Shealso erred in her specific discussion of the AVC Advantage and herfinding that all counties that use this specific model of DRE have foundthose machines to be accurate and reliable. Jan. 2005 Op. at 19,(155a).

    b. Judge Feinbergs Finding That the electionrepresentatives have certified that: . . . no vote count has been changed as a result of a recheck nor has any election been overturned due to a machine malfunction Is Not Supported By The County Certifications.

    Judge Feinberg found that the election representatives have

    certified that . . . no vote count has been changed as a result of a

    recheck nor has any election been overturned due to a machine

    malfunction. Id. at 12, (148a). But, nothing in the certifications

    submitted by Mercer, Middlesex, Passaic, and Sussex counties support

    this conclusion. Moreover, Morris County did not submit a

    certification. As discussed above, these five counties offered no

    endorsement for their 2,858 DREs, which comprise 37.22% of the total

    number of DREs used in New Jersey.

    Additionally, officials from six out of fifteen counties using

    DREs failed to include any language that would support Judge Feinbergs

    conclusion that no vote count has been changed as a result of a

    recheck. Those County officials are from Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex,

    Passaic, Salem, and Sussex Counties. Collectively, these six counties

    use the Sequoia Pacific AVC EDGE and AVC Advantage and the ES&S V-2000

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    and iVotronic. 43

    Judge Feinbergs global conclusion about the accuracy and

    reliability of DREs is clearly erroneous because it fails to acknowledge

    that half of the county officials who submitted certifications did not

    make any such endorsements.

    c. Judge Feinbergs Finding That this is the first time . . . [DRE] use has been challenged Is Not Supported By The County Certifications.

    Based on the statements of only two county officials (Gentile

    Certif. 24, (511a)(Hudson); Burke Certif. 21, (613a)(Salem)), Judge

    Feinberg drew the universal conclusion that [a]lthough these voting

    machines have been used successfully in this State for over a decade,

    this is the first time their use has been challenged, Jan. 2005 Op. at

    7, (143a), and dismissed the Complaint. This global conclusion about

    the accuracy and reliability of DREs is clearly erroneous and

    unsupported by the county certifications.

    As discussed in the sections above, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris,

    Passaic, and Sussex counties did not certify that their DREs have been

    used successfully. The thirteen other counties that submitted

    certifications never stated that their DREs performance and accuracy has

    never been challenged. These counties collectively have 6,939 DREs (out

    43 Attorney Generals DRE Inventory List, (60a-61a).

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    of a total of 7,679 state-wide). 44

    Most strikingly, Atlantic Countys certification directly

    contradicts Judge Feinbergs finding. See Armbruster Certif. 31,

    (629a) (stating that [s]pecifically, pursuant to a court order, in 1996

    the functionality of a particular machine was challenged). Thus, Judge

    Feinbergs unequivocal and bold statement that the use of DREs was never

    challenged before Plaintiffs filed this lawsuit is clearly erroneous.

    d. Judge Feinbergs Finding That election

    officials . . . certify for use each and every voting machine Is Not

    Supported By The County Certifications. In dismissing the Complaint, Judge Feinberg found that election

    officials . . . certify for use each and every voting machine. Jan.

    2005 Op. at 12, (148a). This finding is supported by only four county

    certifications. 45

    Officials from nine out of fifteen counties using DREs omitted any

    mention of machine certification in their affidavits. 46 Based on only

    four certifications, Judge Feinberg erroneously made the universal

    finding that each and every DRE used in New Jersey is certified. This

    44 Attorney Generals DRE Inventory List, (60a-61a).


    See DiCostanzo Certif. 10, (477a)(Bergen); Giles Certif at. 10, (544a)(Ocean); Santoro Certif. 10, (554a)(Ocean); BurkeCertif. 11, (610a)(Salem).

    46 While the McCaw Certif. 3, 14, 21, (471a-473a)(Sussex)mentions certification, it does not state that election officialscertify each and every voting machine.

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    global conclusion about the accuracy and reliability of DREs is clearly


    e. The Certification Of Richard Woodbridge Does Not State

    That Every DRE In New Jersey Is Certified. Judge Feinberg states that the certification of Richard Woodbridge

    represents that all of the electronic voting machines in the State are

    certified voting machines and meet all of the requirements of Title 19.

    Jan. 2005 Op. at 21-22, (157a-158a). This finding is clearly erroneous.

    Mr. Woodbridge does not certify that every electronic voting

    machine is certified. He states that [a] voting machine must first be

    certified before it may be used in any election in New Jersey. Def.

    Ex. C, 3, (453a). He further states that [o]nce a voting machine is

    approved by the State of New Jersey, a certificate of approval is

    issued, serving as prima facie evidence that the kind of voting machine

    so examined complies with the spirit of the provisions of N.J.S.A.

    19:48-1, et seq. Def. Ex. C. 7, (454a) (emphasis added).

    Mr. Woodbridges certification clearly does not support Judge

    Feinbergs finding. First, Mr. Woodbridge does not even certify that

    the machines he certifies comply with the law. He states that the

    certified machines comply only with the spirit of the law. Thus, his

    certification, on its face, offers no proof whatsoever that the

    certification process for DREs satisfies Title 19.

    Second, Plaintiffs experts specifically stated that certifying a

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    make or model of computer (as is done in New Jersey) is not equivalent

    as (a security measure) to certifying each and every machine. See

    Mercuri Certif. 34, 36, (317a-318a). Examining one machine does not

    reveal details about every machine, because not all machines are exactly

    alike. Appel Certif. 56, (369a). Examining a single model of DRE

    will not ensure that the computer program in each machine can be relied

    upon to count votes accurately. Id. Certifying one DRE and stating

    that all DREs of the same make and model are certified is like

    inspecting one car and saying that all cars of the same make and model

    are also certified. See Pl. Br. at 81-82, (268a-269a); Mercuri Certif.

    34, 36, (317a-318); Appel Certif. 56-62, (369a-372a).

    Thus, Judge Feinbergs findings that every DRE in New Jersey is

    certified is clearly erroneous. Her reliance on the Woodbridge

    certification in any manner is also clearly erroneous, as Mr. Woodbridge

    never states that any certified DRE complies with the actual

    requirements of Title 19.

    f. No Evidence Was Submitted To The Court Showing That Computer Experts Are Part Of The States Voting Machine Certification Team.

    On page 23 of her Opinion (159a), Judge Feinberg states that the

    State represents that it has been the administrative practice, for the

    States examination of voting machines since the 1990's, to include

    experienced personnel in the field of computers. ( See generally

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    Woodbridge Certif. [(452a)]). This finding is unsupported by any of

    Defendants certifications.

    The Woodbridge Certification states that N.J.S.A. 19:48-2

    specifically provides for a three-member Committee (Committee) to

    consist of a patent attorney and two mechanical experts to examine the

    machine. Woodbridge Certif. 4, (453a). It does not state anywhere

    that the members of the Committee include experienced personnel in the

    field of computers.

    The exhibits attached to the Woodbridge Certification list the

    members of the teams that certified the Sequoia Pacific AVC EDGE (Letter

    from Richard Woodbridge to George Nyktas, May 29, 2001, (461a)) and ES&S

    VT-2000 (Woodbridge memo 10/8/1998), but do not address their


    Thus, Judge Feinbergs conclusion that computer experts examine

    New Jerseys DREs is clearly erroneous.

    g. Judge Feinbergs Finding That all voting machines areequipped with emergency paper ballots Is Not Supported By The County Certifications.

    In dismissing the Complaint, Judge Feinberg found that all voting

    machines are equipped with emergency paper ballots. Jan. 2005 Op. at

    12, (148a). Only one of the fifteen county election officials who

    submitted certifications made this statement. Armbruster Certif. 12,


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    Two certifications make no mention of paper ballots. See Filko

    Certif., (616a)(Passaic); McCaw Certif., (470a)(Sussex). The remaining

    eleven certifications of county officials state that the law requires

    that all voting machines be equipped with emergency paper ballots. 47

    They do not state that their DREs actually are equipped with emergency

    paper ballots.

    This bland statement about statutory requirements is a far cry

    from Judge Feinbergs finding that all DREs are equipped with emergency

    paper ballots. Thus, again, her characterization of the Defendants

    certifications is clearly erroneous.

    47 See DiCostanzo Certif. 27, (482a)(Bergen); Nyikita Certif. 21, (491a)(Burlington); Harris Certif. 20, (501a)(Gloucester);Gentile Certif. at 22, (510a)(Hudson); Lynch Certif. 20,(519a)(Hunterdon); Lester Certif. 22, (528)(Mercer); PlantecCertif. 23, (538a-539a)(Middlesex); Giles Certif. 27,(549a)(Ocean); Santoro Certif. 27, (559a)(Ocean); KobitzCertif. 21, (577a-578a)(Union); Burke Certif. 20,(612a)(Salem).

    4. Judge Feinberg Committed A Clear Error When She Weighed All Certifications Equally Regardless Of The Certifiers Level Of Authority, Equating The Word Of The Superintendents Of Election With Those Of Warehouse Workers.

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    N.J.S.A. 19:48-4 requires each county to designate one official to

    preserve and maintain all voting machines. In counties that have

    Superintendents of Elections, that individual will

    have and exercise all the powers of, and be charged with all

    the duties had and exercised and required to be performed by,

    the superintendent of elections and the commissioner of

    registration in any county, including the custody and control

    of voting machines heretofore or hereafter installed in the

    county in any manner provided by law . . . .

    N.J.S.A. 19:32-49. Superintendents have the statutory duty to maintain

    the security of the election and the devices used. N.J.S.A. 19:32-

    49, 19:48-4, 19:48-6. In those counties that lack a Superintendent of

    Elections, the county Board of Elections is statutorily responsible for

    the custody of voting machines. N.J.S.A. 19:48-4

    Of the fifteen counties using DREs, six have Superintendents of

    Elections. 48 But, only four of these six counties submitted a

    certification from their Superintendents of Elections: Atlantic, Bergen,

    Burlington and Passaic. The Superintendents of Elections from Hudson

    and Morris counties did not submit certifications. This means that the

    certifications for Hudson and Morris Counties can be disregarded, as the

    county employees submitting them do not have the statutory authority to

    48 Office of the Attorney Gen., N.J. Dept of Law and Pub.Safety, Local Election Officials Index , at visited May 10, 2005).

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    comment on voting machines.

    As discussed above, the certification of Rudolph Filko, the

    Superintendent of Elections in Passaic County, does not endorse the use

    of DREs. Thus, only three Superintendents of Elections submitted

    certifications endorsing DREs. This analysis further exemplifies that

    Judge Feinberg erred when she stated [a]ll of the county election

    officials that have submitted certifications in those jurisdiction that

    have utilized DRE technology for prior elections have certified that

    they have been used successfully. Jan. 2005 Op. at 11, (147a).

    Judge Feinberg also erred by giving great authority to statements

    made by low-level county officials who do not have the authority or

    knowledge to speak about the successes and failures of DREs and/or

    elections. Judge Feinberg relied upon the certifications of warehouse

    supervisors (Mercer and Middlesex counties) and a voting machine

    technician (Somerset county). Id. at 19, (155a).

    Moreover, Judge Feinberg relied on the certifications of county

    employees whose jobs and responsibilities are not defined in the

    certifications. Without a description of the certifying employees

    positions in Gloucester, Hudson, Hunterdon, Ocean, Salem, Somerset,

    Sussex and Union counties, it is impossible to determine whether these

    employees have knowledge of DREs or the statutory authority to comment

    on the use of DREs in their counties. Thus, any statements these county

    employees made in endorsing DREs should have held no weight for the

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    Thus, Judge Feinbergs conclusion that all counties machines are

    accurate and reliable has no real authority, and is clearly erroneous.

    We cannot rely on the vast majority of the certifications because their

    authors are not statutorily authorized to preserve, maintain, or even

    have knowledge about any voting machines, including DREs.


    Judge Feinberg also erred in weighing the evidence in the parties

    pleadings. The judges function is not himself to weigh the evidence

    and determine the truth of the matter but to determine whether there is

    a genuine issue for