Download -  · Web viewThis feng shui star brings beneficial energy to strengthen your overall success and good luck energy (mostly connected to your career success). This lucky star promises


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2017 House Feng shui Analysis - Premier package

Floor Plan

(732) (6)



(9) (5)

(Missing South east corner)

Missing corner

Your units have a missing corner (South east). This Corner will likely affect lady age between 31-45 yrs old, Person born in year or dragon and snake which is you and both your son. It will cause health issue such as nerve disorder, back pain, lower parts body muscle pain issue. In year 2017, star 9(Promotion, investment) fly to this location, Take care this corner to save guard your investment.

To dissolve this problem, place a Jade rooster at this corner. The head of the rooster must face out.

Place 12 real Chinese coin along the wall.


Existing main door is open along the ghost line, there is an extremely bad sha for the unit. This will lead to the family member prone to strange illness

These units will easily attract special spirit or activity in the units. The common one is the young kids could always saw other (KIDS) playing with them in the unit.

This issue is no more after you bought over the corridor.

External Feng shui

1. Main door area

Your Dragon side is the lift and white tiger got a rain water drain pipe.

Luck can be attract using the dragon tips and you need to tame the tiger.


: Place a planter box with brushes plant, red color plants/flower along the corridor wall (Left hand side)

: use a red colour deco string to coil the water pipe.

Place this plague above the main door

2. at main door entrance. Place a partition or low cabinet to block and diverting the flow to other areas rather than its flow directly out the living room window.

You can use some wood plank to construct some divider at the area you hand the cloth. Make it look like a partition instate of only the center one is a cabinet. Remember to add a raise up at the floor. No display should be place direct on the floor. Place a wooden box (inside fill with earth from rich people house, put 36 pearl, some incense powder) at the first level of the display shelve.



Location at NE of the units, which will affect second son and the person who sleep near the window.




Place to reflect all negative sha qi away. Place to resist the negative energy. Remark: Always remember to polish the item till mirror like shining. Do not allow the surface to be tarnish or it will not serve the purpose.

5. Place a , above the main door.

2017 CNY. Place a red color floor mat at the main entrance to attract luck. You may consider to put high energy wood display as the spot is best with wood as .

6. Tap facing stove. -


Ensure the tap is not facing the stove at all time. Change another type of tap.

Hang a short curtain at the kitchen door

7. MBR toilet door facing bed

Negative energy will cause illness to lower body. If woman is sleeping at right hand side, there is a potential of illness such as Gynecological health and disorders, Urinary tract infections, including cystitis (bladder infection) and kidney infection (pyelonephritis) .


Close the door at all time, place a door curtain, and place a brass emperor coin ruler to dissolve the sha qi.

8. Kitchen toilet door facing stove

Toilet is water and stove is fire. Same at no 6, .


Close the door at all time, place a door curtain, and place a brass emperor coin ruler to dissolve the sha qi

9. Career luck

You may also apply this tips at your office.(only for people who have individual room or work corner)

BEN322.5337.5 Place a Jade Horse North-north west.

Wife, Rat North east east. Place a wooden Horse North-north west.

10. Main entrance

You can place a vase with beautiful peacock feather at the entrance of your house. Vase must contain Himalaya salt, 36 Pearls, mixed crystal stone, rice & incense powder. Not advise to have live plant at your main entrance as according to your BAZI. Hang a nice Chinese calligraphy scenery drawing to attract luck into the house. A Million gold coin display to attract monies luck as gold element is suitable for you.


All Feng shui recommendations above is permanent and will not change for life.

All Feng shui recommendation below is base on , Flying star will change it location yearly.

Every FS items need to be polish, clean, wash every few months to maintain the effectiveness.



Recommend: Place 3 bronze dragon at the east corner

1. Feng Shui Tips for center Corner: ,

The Center area is expected to have excellent energy in 2017, the so-called White Star #1 will locates in the Center region of the house. This feng shui star brings beneficial energy to strengthen your overall success and good luck energy (mostly connected to your career success). This lucky star promises triumph over your competitors and brings success luck if only you know how to activate it.

When the center of the chart is afflicted by any of the positive star numbers, it affects EVERYONE in the household and it is very important to take this opportunity to enhance your feng shui. But always remember, Romance star when you activate mean you will enjoy good relationship and good sale but too much mean

Feng Shui Enhancer:

Best feng shui cures for this area are the ones that express the Water feng shui element, so feel free to add as many of Water element decor items here in 2017 as your heart pleases. One can display one Blue Crystal Ball to enhance the harmonious chi of star #1. Blue or black pillows, rugs or blankets, images of water or even a small actual water feature are all good here.

You have a water feature at this corner which is good. It can further enhance if you add a small water feature and blue crystal ball here as according to your bazi, you need water element.

The feng shui decor items to avoid here in 2017 are the ones with strong Wood or Earth element colors, shapes, etc

The Illness Star #2located in the North West in 2017:

The black star #2 is a star that brings with it illness and sickness. This in particular affects the older members of the family, especially the Father, those already sick and anyone born under the Boar or the Dog. If you have a house facing or positioned northwest you need to have a suitable cure in position such as a brass Wu Lou. As one of the ominous stars, star #2 causes arguments, damage, lawsuit, etc. All daddies in the household, I have to stress that it is very important to take proper feng shui precautions.

Feng Shui cures:

The best way to deal with it is to focus on decorating with the Metal element. So use colors white, gray, gold, silver, as well as round shapes or actual decor objects made from metal. In the case of 2017, it is necessary to suppress the illness star. Those requiring stronger Feng Shui cures to combat the illness star should consider this very powerful cure, which harness the divine energy of the Medicine Buddha.

Your MBR toilet located at this sector, remember to close your toilet door at all time. Make sure you check this toilet often to ensure no small fly appear in this toilet. If it do occur, very likely illness star is being activated (Contact me ASAP if fliers appear)

Father will likely to fall ill often this year. Place/at bed side

Avoid Earth and Fire element in your northwest area. Avoid constant noise, redecoration or renovation in this area in 2017.

3. Feng Shui Tips for west OF the House:

Flying star #3 will locate in the west region of the house. As one of the inauspicious stars, star #3 causes arguments, damage, lawsuit, etc.

The number 3 star is one of the most aggravating stars of the annual Feng Shui chart of 2017; the number 3 is particularly troublesome if movement, sound or excessive disturbance activates it.

One thing you can do to lessen this stars impact is to keep the West sector as calm and silent as possible. Avoid sound and a lot of movement in that area.

Feng Shui Cures:

Since star #3 belongs to wood element, one can hang or display more red items in this area to mitigate the wood energy of this ominous star. one red wooden Horse Statue is best feng shui cures to suppress the energy of star #3 in this region. In general Fire element decor is the best way to keep under control the energies here be it fire colors, fire images, or an actual fire feature such as a fireplace or a grouping of candles. The most effective feng shui cure that I will recommend is to place a red light (must be on 24/7) at the west sector of the house to dissipates the energy of the 2017.

Your Kitchen is located at this corner, Please take more care at this area. As the kitchen is at this area, argument among the household is unavoidable.

Place a red floor mate at the entrance of kitchen and main door is recommended. Deco your main door with lot of red CNY deco also.

4. Feng Shui Tips for NORTH EAST:

The Romantic and Scholastic Star #4 located in the NORTH EAST in 2017

Lucky star #4 locates in the northwest region. Well known for its creative energy, star #4 is extremely beneficial for education, people who engaged in artistic fields or someone who needs inspiration to overcome a block. So those living in NORTH EAST -located rooms will find themselves enjoying more than their fair share of love luck. Romance blossoms and there could even be marriage for those eligible As NORTH EAST is the place of the youngest son, young man residing in NORTH EAST rooms are likely to have a girlfriend.

Feng Shui Enhancers:

Students or others who wish to improve their learning or academic prospects can strongly enhance these activities if they display the Chinese Calligraphy Set in this region. So, both Water and Wood elements decor and feng shui cures are very good here because they nurture the energy of the visiting feng shui star.

Both your boy bedroom is located at this sector, you can consider to hang blue color curtain to attract the education luck. To help them on their study, hand each a on the wall.

Make their study corner at this room.

Do not place red / brown color items here.

5. Feng Shui Tips for south:

The Five Yellow located in the south in 2017

Star #5, known as the notorious Five Yellow, locates in the South region of the house. Five Yellow belongs to earth element. It possesses the most unstable energy of all nine flying stars and always brings about vicissitudes and accidents to life. This is generally regarded as the most feared star of the flying star chart, as it usually heralds loss, misfortune, bad luck and accidents. Those living or working in a sector afflicted by the five yellow is likely to suffer loss related to both income and relationships. Therefore, the South region should be kept calm and avoid any reconstruction and remodeling.

Keep the South region as quiet as possible in 2017. Keep windows and doors closed. Do not play loud music. Move the television out of the South region. In the garden, do not dig or prune trees in the South region, as this triggers the ill effects of the five yellow, causing residents to sustain loss and accidents. Do not undertake renovations in the South region of your garden or house.

Feng Shui Cures:

The best way to mitigate the threatening is to display 5 Element Pagoda & Brass Wu Lou in this corner. Feng Shui remedies for 5 Yellow should be placed in the south sector of your homes, offices and rooms. An excellent cure is the 5 Element Pagodas or the Heart Sutra Pillar. If your house is very large, get three of these pagodas or a larger size to strengthen their potency.

Your TV is located directly at this sector this year. Since there is no possible to keep this sector quite at all time, a wind chime is a must and you are strongly recommend to have all necessary items in place since you have an elder in the household. Male owner is very likely to fall ill this year, you can carry a white jade mantra pendent to reduce the seriously/ frequent of illness.

Please relocate your purple crystal cave from here.

Place/at TV console

6. Feng Shui Tips for north:

Star #6, the career star, will visit the North corner this year. Representing career, promotion, benefactor and positive changes, #6 is one of most eminent stars in the nine-star family.

North corner this year represents the middle-aged male, or the second son or boy between 16 and 30 years old, or zodiac Rat, etc. As a result, people who were born in the zodiac sign of Rat, middle-aged male, or the second son or male between 16 and 30 years old, or have main door located in the North will all be affected by the ominous energy of #6.

Under the Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui, the number 6 metal star () is considered as one of the 9-stars which will bring money fortune (), the other star is the number 1 water star. In 2017, the number 6 metal annual flying star is located at the South sector.

Feng Shui enhancers:

This is one the most auspicious stars and it often surprise with its good luck. If you gamble and you have rooms in the North you can benefit along with those who have entrances that are placed or face North. Along with mentor luck and heavenly support you gain authority and power. It is also important to note that just decorating with Metal element is not enough here, as the native energy of the South bagua area (Fire) can melt any Metal. So, focus on also bringing a good presence of Water element decor (blue and black colors, flowing shapes, etc) to support this beneficial visiting star.

Since its element is metal, we can place yellow color, gold color objects or ceramic ware (it shall be six (6) numbers in total) at this area of the house to enhance this auspicious star. My personal favorite feng shui enhancement for the number 6 metal star is to place 6 white jades(precious stones) in a round container fill with water. In some cases, a yellow crystal ball is also good to use. If you are the BOSS of the company, get a bronze nine head dragon seal and this dragon will make you feel like emperor that all your staff treats you with respect.

In 2017, both you and your wife will enjoy the windfall and career luck, especially your wife. She will expect to had her work recognize

Place a blue color floor mat at your room entrance to enhance this star.

Change your room curtain to blue

Changes your room color as brown do not suit you anyway.

Place a jar of water at your bedside table to prevent work conflict with your co-worker

7. Feng Shui Tips for south west:

The #7 Robbery Star in the South west Sector in 2017

Flying star #7, implying theft and loss, will locate in the South west region in 2017. It may sound untenable to have the property lost all of a sudden. Nonetheless, the most common case is, according to our experience, that we may lose value in our stocking market or housing market. Therefore, investing will be very careful. The star will always find certain way to drain money.

South west in the original bagua symbolizes the Mother or elder woman, , or the female between 55 and 80 years old. As a result, the female between 55 and 80 years old beware of huge lose in investment and never lent out money as you will throwing in the sea.. Use blue feng shui floor mat in the coming year if the main door of one's house or office locates in the north. People always ask me how to increase their personal luck let me disclose to you. Love extra much to the female household will efficiently bring you good luck this year.

Feng shui cures:

Display or hanging one Blue or gold mandala in the South west corner is the best feng shui remedy to this menacing star. Place one Blue Rhino and Elephant Standing on Treasure Box to the "Anti-Burglary Plaque" will secure your wealth. Blue crystal ball will be alternative. Blue and black color decor items, pillows, art, as well as flowing shapes are all much welcomed here in 2017. Be sure to avoid Fire element decor.

Your wife is advice not to do huge investment this year, she should particularly careful about figure/ monies as she will be prompt to figure error from her co-worker. Place a wall hang blue mandala frame at her office If you have existing investment, my golden advice is never safe money on those feng shui items that will cost you loss even more.

Avoid red element here, remove your existing green crystal bowl from this sector.

8. Feng Shui Tips for east:

Wealth Star #8 in the east sector in 2017

The wealth star #8 will locate in the East region in 2017. This auspicious star will bring you career luck and prosperity. The auspicious 8 Wealth Star flies to the East bringing enormous benefits to the elder son and Rabbit-born, (4D punter can buy IC number of those people) as well as to residents of houses that face or sit East. The strong #8 star brings renewed prosperity and money luck to those occupying such houses. People whose rooms are located in the East part of their homes will also benefit. Fortunes improve and there can also be happiness occasions, which usually means a wedding, a big birthday celebration for a respected elder of the family or a new addition (a baby) in the family. If one or all of these things happen for you, it is very auspicious indeed. Those wanting to renovate their homes should consider starting work in the East as it ensures that the renovation process goes smoothly.

This star represents fame, wealth and property fortune. Since we are now in Period Eight (2004 2023),it is referred as one of the most auspicious and timely star ().

In 2017, the number 8 earth annual flying star is located at the East sector which is virtually the money sector () of the house. Therefore, it is very important that we will enhance the feng shui at the East sector in every home in 2017

Since flying star #8 belongs to Earth element, you can use 7 Natural Citrine Crystal Balls on Star of David or Yellow Jade Wealthy Pot with Ingots to activate flying star #8. It is important to squeeze out the money luck that this star brings by using the Citrine Crystal Ball (L) for Wealth Luck. A Himalayan salt lamp or "Yellow Jade Wealthy Pot with Ingots". Crystal tree with 8 coin. Personally, my personal favorite feng shui enhancement is to place eight (8) jades or precious stones in a round container filled with water (the water must be kept clean and refilled constantly). For my return customer, I will ask you to conduct a wealth puja and offering a tibetan Zambala wealth vase and wealth cabinat at this sector .

Note: Better to use Earth Element in this area.

Your mother room is at this sector in 2017, put the wealth tree at this corner. Wealth Vase at this corner is recommended.

You should buy number related to your mother / elder son if you are a 4D punter. Her IC number, Birth date or any number unintentionally speak out from them will be the golden number.

Burning the yellow zambala paper to assist you to gather your fortune this year.

9. Feng Shui Tips for south East:

Star #9 is the star of bliss that signifies delight events, such as promotion, new start of enterprise, marriage and giving birth of new baby. The Fire Element is in harmony with 2017 and the Happiness Star resides here, bringing wonderful good fortune and excellent prospects for the future. To further benefit your marriage or other personal/business relationships, place a Good Fortune Nightlight, a Red Crystal here. If your front door opens to the east, you can hang a Double Happiness Couplet facing the southwest to promote good relationships. Use caution when using green or red colors for enhancement. Southeast in the original Ba Gua represents elder daughter, female over 45 years old, Chinese zodiac Dragon and snake. Therefore, flying star #9 will affect mostly to people who are in this category and those whose main doors locate in Southeast of their house.

Avoid strong Water element colors here in 2017 (blue or black colors), as well as an actual water feature or images of water. Why? Because in the destructive cycle of the 5 feng shui elements the Water element puts down the Fire element of the visiting star.

To sum it up, focus on strong Wood element decorating with a touch of Fire element decor. With any feng shui decor cures that you bring to this bagua area, represent your strong intent for wealth.

Feng shui Enhancers:

Flying star #9 belongs to fire element. One can display Purple Crystal with one Buddha Lamp in the Southeast area to stimulate the propitious energy of star #9. For Business owner, get a bronze nine head dragon seal and this dragon will make you feel like emperor that all your staff treat you with respect.(special puja needed)

Note: Better to use Fire Element or Earth Element in this area

My personal choices is to place a RajaKayu wood at this corner as wood produce fire, Ask from WindZ, he should able to pass you one small pieces as he is local supplier for the rare white rajakayu.

As your existing house had a missing corner at this area, you must did what I had advise at page 4 in order to activate this star. Your purple crystal cave can shift to this corner and it must be place on a red color carpet.

Your Piano at this location is black, place a red color table runner on top.

You are born in year of snake, I am sure you will enjoy good fortune luck in 2017.

Avoid water element at here.

Special Note

The above house Feng Shui Analysis and recommendation is purely base on your unit landscape/ direction/ year/personal Bazi of your and all member in the house. You will find that certain items do not following the normal FS advice of other FSM as we take into considerations of your personal BAZI and the elderly members in your household.

We will not be hold any responsible if these reports are being use by any other people.

Special note will be highlighted during the meet up and special Puja will be conducted to activate/enhance those feng shui items.

Mr WindZ