Download - €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

Page 1: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

Home Alone

A. Home Alone is a movie that was produced in 1990:

1. We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

2. I loved it, too! Having grown up in a large family, there were times I wanted my family to disappear, too.

B. McCauley Culkin played the role of Kevin McCalister – the youngest child in the family:

1. It’s the story of a boy who was accidentally left behind when his family flew to Paris for Christmas vacation.

2. Initially Kevin enjoyed his time alone, but it didn’t take long for him change his mind!

C. Being alone at Christmas is just about as lonely as it gets!

1. But, loneliness is a common, every day experience.2. Carin Rubinstein, Carl Shaver and Letitia Pelau are the

authors of a famous study on loneliness (1979).

D. 15% of the population feels lonely most of the time …

1. 78% feel lonely some of the time … while 6% of us never feel lonely.

2. That means, on a typical Sunday, 498/530 who attend WHCC suffer from some form of loneliness.


E. I can think a lot of lonely people this Christmas!

Page 2: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

1. The soldier who is stationed away from home …2. The inmate who sits alone behind bars …3. And the divorced man/woman who resides in a sparsely

furnished apartment.

F. The lonely include …

1. The widow/widower who just buried their one true love …2. The adoptive couple who is waiting for a child …3. And the college graduate who moved long-distance to begin

their working career.

G. Loneliness is the executive who has reached the pinnacle of his career, but has forfeited close friends to get there …

1. The Alzheimer’s patient who sits in silence …2. The missionary who lives overseas …3. The parent whose adult children are w/the in-laws …4. And the child of divorce who aches for his missing Dad.

H. According to the Census, in 1940 7.7% of the population lived alone, but in 2010 25.8% live alone:

1. But you can be lonely in a crowd!2. I stopped to eat at Ryan’s Steakhouse in Champaign.3. Sat in a booth behind an African-American family.4. “Do you feel out of place?” -- “I do now!”


I. If you’re shopping in a crowded mall by yourself …

1. Attending an office party alone …2. Sitting in Banker’s Life next to an empty seat …

Page 3: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

3. Or standing alone for worship surrounded by 500 people, you can feel all alone.

J. Remember that Three Dog Night song?

One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do.Two can be as bad as one,

It's the loneliest number since the number one.

K. Loneliness is compounded at Christmas b/c it’s the traditional time for families to gather:

1. That’s why sad songs are sung in December.2. It’ll Be a Blue, Blue Christmas Without You.3. I’ll Be Home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.

L. We’ve been in a series called Route 66:

1. We should have concluded the OT last week (snow).2. Next Sunday I’ll conclude w/Malachi – on January 8 we’ll

start w/Matthew.

4M. I want to focus our thoughts on the loneliness of Joseph:

Matthew 1:18 This is how the birth of Jesus came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.

Page 4: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

I. Joseph Felt Betrayed by the One He Trusted

A. Joseph/Mary did not date or fall in love.

1. Their engagement was arranged by their parents.2. A girl’s parents wanted a man who could provide; boy’s

parents wanted a girl who could produce offspring.

B. In all probability, b/c Nazareth was a small town, Joseph/Mary knew each other:

1. Their engagement was legally binding …2. It lasted between 12-24 months …3. They were known as husband/wife … weren’t intimate.

C. I’ve been in several countries where the preachers bartered for a son-in-law/daughter-in-law:

1. That was shocking at first … but after some of the boys who paraded thru our home it made a lot of sense!

2. I believe that Mary never got the chance to explain herself to Joseph!


D. She was “… found to be pregnant before they came together.”

1. Luke 1 tells the story of the angel’s visit to Mary.2. He told Mary that she was highly favored …3. That she would conceive/give birth to a son …4. But she asked, “How can this be since I am a virgin?”

Page 5: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

E. Luke 1:39, “Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea.”

1. There’s no conversation between husband/wife … and there’s no explanation from wife-to-husband.

2. One day she was engaged … the next day she was gone … three months later she was showing!

F. If you were Joseph, what would you conclude?

1. No words can explain a baby bump!2. Even the best of fathers would have said, “Honey, I love

you, but what have you done?”3. And the rumors began to swirl!

G. You know what it’s like to live in small-town America!

William Cowper wrote: “God made the country … man made the city … and the Devil made the small town.”


H. We know what the people of Nazareth thought of Mary b/c 30 years later, the Jews disputed the identity of JC:

1. In John 8, the Jews claimed to be Abraham’s children.2. But JC called them, “Sons of another father!”3. In John 8:41 they protested! “We are not illegitimate

children!” (The implication being, but you are!)

I. Mary believed that her child was God’s Son, but Joseph stood alone

Page 6: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

w/his private thoughts:

1. He was engaged! 2. His fiancé was pregnant! 3. And the only thing he knew for sure was that he had not

fathered her child.

J. According to the OT Law, Joseph had options:

1. 1st, He could have insisted that she be stoned (rare) …2. 2nd, He could annul the marriage (not the father) …3. 3rd, He could end the marriage w/a divorce.

K. After mulling his options over, he made his choice:

19 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.


L. Joseph was the type of person who avoided confrontations:

1. He felt betrayed …2. His pride was hurt …3. But b/c he loved Mary/respected the Law, they’d part quietly

– drawing as little attention as possible.

M. Has someone you trusted been disloyal?

1. My cousin’s wife came home and said, “I don’t love you anymore.” She demanded that he move out.

2. He tried to reason w/her … suggested counseling … and

Page 7: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

then he learned another party was involved.

N. Lifelong friends grew up dreaming of going into business together:

1. But minor irritations bubbled to the surface …2. Cliques formed in the office …3. And it wasn’t long B4 their dream turned into a nightmare

from hell.

O. When someone you trust is disloyal, you consider numerous options. But Joseph was a righteous man:

1. He loved God w/his whole heart, and he loved Mary, too.2. Her pregnancy – minus a believable explanation – was too

much to swallow, so he opted for divorce!

8 II. Joseph Felt Abandoned in Nazareth

A. Joseph felt alone – but he wasn’t alone. Vs. 20 mentions the appearance of an angel who spoke w/Joseph.

20 Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.

21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

B. Several months B4, Gabriel appeared in person to Mary:

1. Here, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream.2. I know that I dream – but they aren’t memorable.3. But the dreams in the Bible are vivid/spectacular … and the

Page 8: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

dreamer can recite them by heart.

C. Joseph never wondered about the authenticity of his dream:

24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.

25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

D. B4 the dream Joseph felt alone:

1. During the dream Joseph dialogued w/an angel.2. When he woke up, the bachelor took home a wife who was

expecting his stepchild.


E. The traveling Viet Nam Wall came to C’ville. A sign was posted: “Remain quiet: this is hallowed ground.”

1. The Lane House was as quiet as I’ve ever heard it, until I heard my name shouted!”

2. “How’s my good buddy, Tony!?” (Bryon Smithers)3. Saw Christie. Yelled, “I need a hug!”(Wished I was alone)

F. The next time you feel betrayed/forsaken remember: you are never alone!

1. God will see you through every difficulty.2. He is there all the time.3. And if God be for us, who can be against us?

Page 9: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

III. Joseph Felt Overwhelmed by His Responsibilities

A. Luke 2 …1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a

decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.

B. B4 the Romans could tax the Jews, every person had to return to the place of their birth:

4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David.


C. The K.J. language is beautiful, but it doesn’t reflect the difficulties Joseph encountered:

1. They were teenagers.2. Bethlehem was 70 miles south of Nazareth.3. Mary was nearly full term … feet swollen … had to walk …

lonely w/o parents … Joseph was a typical husband.

D. While Mary walked 70 miles on swollen feet, he worried about the finances:

1. He was a carpenter. If he didn’t work, he didn’t get paid.2. Do we have enuf money to survive a 2-week trip?3. What will we eat? Where will we sleep? How much will I

owe? Can we afford a midwife? Find midwife?

E. Joseph wondered, “God, where is your hand in this mess?”

Page 10: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

1. Remember the story of the Good Samaritan?2. “A man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was

attacked by robbers” (Luke 2:30).3. Bethlehem was 5 miles south of Jerusalem!

F. Joseph was an inexperienced husband … his business was less than a year old … and a first-time stepfather:

1. You talk about pressure!2. He was overwhelmed!3. And then he arrived only to be told, “There’s no room in the

inn” (vs. 7).


G. What else could go wrong?

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger.

H. Suddenly, Joseph faced the pressure of raising the Son of God. You talk about pressure!

1. Parents w/special needs children face a tough task.2. But it’s also difficult raising a gifted child (academically …

artistically … athletically).3. Mary: “Be careful. Don’t drop the Son of God!”

I. Honestly, Joseph doesn’t get half the credit he deserves:

1. Mary was told by Gabriel that she was “special,” that her name would be remembered/blessed.

2. Joseph? He was known as the husband of Mary.

Page 11: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

J. Guys, how would you like to be known as …

1. The husband of Amelia Earhart?2. The husband of Jennifer Aniston?3. The husband of Chris Evert?4. The husband of Hillary Clinton? Heavy burden!


K. If you’re the mother of a newborn and you’re up for that 2:00 a.m. feeding, you’re lonely (tired):

1. If you’re a father and the kids are asking for more than you can provide, you’re overwhelmed.

2. Moved to Indiana (1994): What’s it gonna take? Abbie said, “I want a horse.” She has two dogs.

IV. Joseph Felt Relieved Because He Wasn’t Alone

A. Joseph anticipated the birth of a son, but it wasn’t long B4 he welcomed a multitude of guests:

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

B. Have you ever entertained unexpected guests?

1. Most of us like surprises.2. Few of us like the surprise of unexpected guests who arrive

when we least expect it!3. But Joseph wasn’t alone.

Page 12: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

C. But the guests didn’t stop w/shepherds:

1. Matthew 2 tells us about wise men from the east.2. They had traveled for 100s of miles – and they came

bearing gifts.3. Joseph wasn’t alone.


D. We have discovered that perceived annoyances are really blessings in disguise:

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to stran- gers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

V. Joseph Felt Opposition to His Child

A. Matthew 2 tells the story of the Magi’s visit. We always read about the gifts – but we seldom read about the flight to Egypt:

13 When the wise men left, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream.

13b “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.

B. Talk about alone! Joseph immediately woke up Mary, and they took JC to Egypt until Herod died:

1. Moving is expensive.2. Restarting/establishing a business is expensive.3. How did Joseph finance that trip?

Page 13: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!

C. Remember those unexpected blessings/annoying visits?

1. The Magi brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.2. They didn’t have relatives … didn’t know the language …

unfamiliar w/the culture … but they had resources.


D. The most opposition we receive at Christmas is a scowl/frown when you wish someone “Merry Christmas!”

1. Or maybe a neighbor boy kidnaps JC from your nativity!2. Or someone rejected your invitation to church.

E. I’m a big Dennis Miller fan (smart … funny … unafraid):

1. He doesn’t just say, “Merry Christmas.”2. Says, “Merry JC is our Lord and Savior Christmas!”3. And if he sees an Atheist he says, “Hey man, have an okay


F. We are totally unfamiliar w/opposition:

1. No angel has ever said, “Get out of Dodge, somebody’s gonna assassinate your child!”

2. Maybe the NT Joseph thought about the OT Joseph who experienced opposition by his own brothers?

G. The OT Joseph also made an unplanned trip to Egypt:

1. Sold as a slave …2. Falsely accused/imprisoned …3. Revealed Pharaoh’s dreams but totally forgotten …4. Just one Hebrew surrounded by millions of Egyptians.

Page 14: €¦ · Web viewHome Alone. A. Home Alone. is a movie that was produced in 1990: 1.We have three girls, and in 1990 they were 13, 10, and 5-years-old – and they loved it!


H. But Joseph discovered that God was in Egypt all the time:

1. Pharaoh promoted him as VP over his own son …2. Joseph taught the Egyptians stewardship lessons …3. When his own brothers came to Egypt, Joseph sold them

grain to keep his own, aging father alive.

I. And when his brothers feared for their lives, Joseph said:

20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

J. The next time you fell alone and under attack, would you remember:

Hebrews 13:5 Be content with what you have, because God has said: Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.

K. If you feel alone, I’m not asking you to pretend that all is well:

1. But I would ask that you trust God’s hand on your life.2. Maybe next Christmas … or in 20 Christmases … you’ll look

back and be able to say: “God was there all the time.”3. Isaiah prophesied, “His name shall be called Immanuel.”