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Creating Financial Management Dashboards in Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g



This tutorial covers creating Financial Management dashboards in Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g (OBI EE).

Time to Complete

Approximately 2 hours.


Oracle® Hyperion Financial Management, Fusion Edition is a comprehensive, Web-based application that delivers global collection, financial consolidation, reporting, and analysis in one highly scalable solution. OBI EE provides a full range of business intelligence capabilities that enable you to collect up-to-date data from your organization, present the data in easy-to-understand formats (such as tables and graphs), and deliver data in a timely fashion to the employees in your organization. In this tutorial, you create Financial Management dashboards in OBI EE.


Your organization uses Financial Management to consolidate and report on financial data, and OBI EE to present organizational data to management. As an administrator, you are tasked with building dashboards for Financial Management in OBI EE so that your financial data can be viewed in easy-to-understand tables and graphs.

Software and Hardware Requirements

The following is a list of software requirements:

Financial Management 9.3.1, 11.1.1.x, or 11.1.2 must be installed and configured. Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g must be installed and configured.


Before starting this tutorial, you should:

1. Have installed the Financial Management client and ADM driver on the server where OBI EE is installed.2. Have configured the Financial Management cluster on the server where OBI EE is installed.3 . Have enabled Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) on the server where OBI EE is installed.

Connecting to Financial Management Data Sources in OBI EE

To connect to Financial Management data sources in OBI EE, you must edit the opmn.xml file on each computer running the OBI EE JavaHost process to include environment variables required by Financial Management.

1. Navigate to ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OPMN/opmn and open the opmn.xml file in a text editor.

 2. Locate the ias-component environment tag for the JavaHost process.

3. Within the environment tag, add the following new variables required for Financial Management. Update the actual values as appropriate for your installation.


 4. Update the PATH variable to include ADM_HOME/bin and the client and common subdirectories of HYPERION_HOME.

 5. Locate the data id="start-args" tag and update the classpath attribute to include the location of required JAR files.

 6. Save and close the file.

 7 . Go to the directory ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/javahost/lib/obisintegration/adm and delete all JAR files

except for admintegration.jar and admimport.jar.

 8 . Open a Web browser and navigate to http://(servername):7001/em.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager login page is displayed.

 9 . Enter your user name and password, and click Login.


 10 . Navigate to your coreapplication instance.


 11 . On the Overview tab, click Restart.

Note: You can also restart by running the opmnctl.bat file located in C:\OBIEE\instances\instance1\bin.


 12 . Verify that the instance restarted, and log off Enterprise Manager.



Creating a Financial Management Repository in OBI EE

In this topic you use the OBI EE Administration Tool to create a repository for Financial Management. You perform the following tasks to create the repository:

Build the physical layer of the repository Create the business model and mapping layer of the repository Create the presentation layer of the repository

Building the Physical Layer1. Select Start > Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration to open the Oracle BI

Administration Tool.

The Oracle BI Administration Tool is displayed.

  2. Select File > New Repository.

The Create New Repository - Repository Information dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter a name for the repository. In this tutorial, the repository name is Comma.

 4. Perform the following actions:

a. Accept the default location.b. Verify that Import Metadata is set to Yes.c. Enter a repository password.d. Reenter the password.

e. Click Next.

The Create New Repository - Select Data Source dialog box is displayed.

 5 . Perform the following actions:

a. For Connection Type, select Hyperion ADM.b. Edit the URL with the name of your server and Financial Management application. In this tutorial, you

use the Comma application. Note: You must use the server name that you used to configure the Financial Management client.

c. Enter a user name and password for your application.d. Click Next.

The Create New Repository - Select Metadata Objects dialog box is displayed.

 6 . Perform the following actions:

a. Expand adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application> until the name of your application is displayed.

b. Select Comma, and click the > (Import Selected) button.c. Click Finish.

The metadata from your application is imported, and the Create New Repository dialog box closes.

 7 . On the Physical tab, expand adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application>, and then Comma.

The metadata from your application is displayed.

 8 . Double-click Product.

 9 . In the Default Member field, enter [None], and click OK.

Note: When you build an analysis, if you do not specify a member for a dimension, the default member is used. In

this tutorial, you set the default members for the four custom dimensions to [None].

 10 . Double-click Customers.

 11 . In the Default Member field, enter [None], and click OK.

 12 . Double-click Channel.

 13 . In the Default Member field, enter [None], and click OK.

 14 . Double-click UnitsFlows.

 15 . In the Default Member field, enter [None], and click OK.


Creating the Business Model and Mapping Layer

1. On the Physical Tab, click adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application>.

  2. Drag adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application> to the Business Model and Mapping tab.

A grey cube and a red circle are displayed next to the name of the business model.

3 . Right-click adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application>, and select Business Model Diagram > Whole Diagram.

4 . Verify that all dimensions from the Comma application are displayed.

Creating the Presentation Layer

1 . On the Business Model and Mapping Tab, click adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application>.

  2. Drag adm.native.HsvADMDriver:<server>:<application> to the Presentation tab.

A blue cube is displayed next to the name of the subject area.

.3 . Click Save.

The repository is saved.

Validating the Repository

After building the initial business model, you must validate the repository before continuing. You do this by checking the repository for errors using the consistency check option.

Note: When you run the global consistency check, you must mark the primary keys of the Physical Hierarchy objects as nullable in Consistency Check Manager. This is a known issue in the 11g release, and it will be fixed in a later release.

1. In the OBI EE Administration Tool, select File > Check Global Consistency.

A message indicates that the repository is consistent.

  2. Click Yes to mark the repository available for queries.

Consistency Check Manager is displayed.

3 . Select the first error message, and click Go To.

The Physical Hierarchy dialog box is displayed.

4 . Click the Columns tab.

5 . Double-click Scenario Name.

6 . Clear the Nullable check box, and click OK.

7 . Click OK.

8 . Repeat steps 3 through 7 for the remaining dimensions, and then click Close to close Consistency Check Manager.

9 . Click Save.

The repository is saved, and you are prompted to check global consistency.

10 . Click Yes.

A message indicates that no errors or warnings were found.

11 . Click OK.


12 . Navigate to the Business Model and Mapping tab, and verify that the gray cube icon changed to green.


Deploying the Repository

In this topic, you deploy the repository in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

1 . Open a Web browser and navigate to http://(servername):7001/em.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager login page is displayed.

 2 . Enter your user name and password, and click Login.


 3 . Navigate to your coreapplication instance.


 4. Click the Deployment tab, and then the Repository subtab.

  5. Click Lock and Edit Configuration.

6 . At the confirmation message that the lock was completed, click Close.

7 . In the Upload BI Server Repository section, click Browse.

8 . Perform the following actions:

a. Navigate to the directory where your repository is stored.b. Select your repository.c. Click Open.

9 . Enter the repository password, and then reenter the password to confirm it.

10 . In the Catalog Location text box, scroll to the end and replace the existing repository name with HFM.

11 . Click Apply.

12 . In the BI Server Repository section, confirm that the Default RPD is now HFM with an extension. In this example, the file name is HFM_BI00013.

13 . Click Activate Changes.

14 . At the confirmation message that the changes were activated successfully, click Close.

15 . Click Restart to apply recent changes to navigate to the Overview page (this may take a moment).

16 . On the Overview tab, click Restart.

17 . At the confirmation message to restart all BI components, click Yes.

18 . Allow the Restart All processing to complete. This may take a few moments.

19 . At the confirmation message that all BI components were restarted, click Close.

20 . Confirm that System Components are 100% and that five components are up.

Building a Financial Management Dashboard

After creating and deploying a Financial Management repository in OBI EE, you create a dashboard to display Financial Management data. You perform the following actions to display Financial Management data in an OBI EE dashboard:

Create an analysis Format the analysis as a graph Embed the analysis in a dashboard

An analysis is a query against your organization's data that provides answers to business questions. A query contains the underlying SQL statements that are issued to the Oracle BI Server. Analyses enable you to explore and interact with information by visually presenting data in tables, graphs, pivot tables, and so on.

You can save, organize, and share the results of analyses. You can save your analyses in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, integrate them into any OBI EE dashboard, and enhance them through features such as graphs, result layout, calculated items, and drilling.

Embedding an analysis in a dashboard causes it to execute automatically and display the most current results when the dashboard is accessed. 

Creating an Analysis1. Log on to OBI EE by performing the following actions:

a. In a browser window, enter http://localhost:9704/analytics.b. Enter your user ID and password.c. Click Sign in.

2. Select New > Analysis.

The Select Subject Area dialog box is displayed.

3 . Select the Comma subject area. Note: the displayed name comes from the Presentation Layer. You can rename the name in the BI Administration Tool.

Oracle BI Answers is displayed.

4 . In the Subject Areas pane, perform the following actions:

a. Expand Entity.b. Double-click Entity Description.c. Double-click Entity Name.

Entity Name and Entity Description are added to the Selected Columns pane.

5 . Perform the following actions:

a. Expand Account.b. Double-click Account Description.c. Double-click Account Name.

Account Name and Account Description are added to the Selected Columns pane.

6 . Expand Period, and double-click Period Name.

Period Name is added to the Selected Columns pane.

7 . Expand Comma, and double-click Value.

Note: This field contains the data values for the dimensions in the analysis.

Value is added to the Selected Columns pane.

8 . Expand Year, and double-click Year Name.

Year Name is added to the Selected Columns pane.

9 . Expand View, and double-click View Name.

View Name is added to the Selected Columns pane.

10 . Expand Value, and double-click Value Name.

Value Name is added to the Selected Columns pane.

11 . Expand ICP, and double-click ICP Name.

ICP Name is added to the Selected Columns pane.

12 . In the Selected Columns pane, click the toolbar icon next to Entity Name, and then click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

13 . In the Value drop-down list, select the following members, and click OK:



14 . In the Selected Columns pane, click the toolbar icon next to Year Name, and then click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

15 . In the Value drop-down list, select 2005, and click OK:

Note: The data file that is packaged with the Comma sample application has data in 2005. You can query against that data.

16 . Click the toolbar icon next to Account Name, and click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

17 . In the Value drop-down list, select the following members, and click OK:


18 . Click the toolbar icon next to Period, and click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

19 . In the Value drop-down list, select all of the months, and click OK.

20 . Click the toolbar icon next to View, and click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

21 . In the Value drop-down list, select Periodic, and click OK.

22 . Click the toolbar icon next to Value, and click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

23 . In the Value drop-down list, select USD, and click OK.

24 . Click the toolbar icon next to ICP, and click Filter.

The New Filter dialog box is displayed.

25 . In the Value drop-down list, select [ICP None], and click OK.

26 . Click Save Analysis.

27 . In the Name text box, enter a name for your analysis, and click OK.

28 . Click the Results tab.

29 . Verify that the filter retrieves the data that you want to display.

Formatting an Analysis as a Graph1 . Select New View > Graph > Bar > Horizontal to format your analysis as a horizontal bar graph.

The default Graph view appears below the Table view.

2 . On the Layout tab, drag Period Name to Graph Prompts.

3 . Drag Account Description to Vary Color By (Vertical Axis).

4 . Drag Entity Name to Excluded.

5 . Drag the following elements to Excluded:

Account NameYear NameView NameValue NameICP Name

6 . Click Edit Graph Properties.

The Graph Properties dialog box is displayed.

7 . Click the Style tab, and in the Style drop-down list, select Gradient.

 8 . Click the Scale tab, and perform the following actions:

a. For Tick Type, click Specify.b. Click Show Major Ticks.c. Click Show Minor Ticks.

9 . Click the Titles and Labels tab, and perform the following actions:

a. For Vertical Axis Title, clear Use column name as axis title.b. Iin the Vertical Axis Title text box, enter Region.c. Click OK.

10 . Click Done to return to Compound Layout.

11 . Click Save.

12 . In the Table area, click Remove View From Compound Layout.

13 . In the graph area, perform the following actions:

1. Click the Period Name drop-down list.2. Select the January period.3. Verify that the graph is updated with new data.4. Click Save.

Embedding an Analysis in a Dashboard1 . Select New > Dashboard to embed your analysis in a dashboard.

The New Dashboard dialog box is displayed.

2 . Perform the following actions:

1. Enter a name and description for the dashboard.2. Click the Location drop-down list and select a location for the dashboard.3. Select Add content now.4. Click OK.

Note: If you save the dashboard in the Dashboards subfolder directly under the /Shared Folders/first level subfolder, the dashboard will be listed in the Dashboard menu on the global header. If you save it in a Dashboards subfolder at any other level (such as /Shared Folders/Sales/Eastern), it will not be listed. If you choose a folder in the Dashboards subfolder directly under the /Shared Folders/first level subfolder in which no dashboards have been saved, a Dashboards folder is automatically created for you.

3 . In the Catalog pane, select the analysis that you created and drag it to the Page Layout pane.

4 . Click Save.

5 . Click Run to view the dashboard.

6 . Verify that your embedded analysis is displayed in the dashboard.

7 . Place your cursor over a bar, and verify that details about that bar are displayed.

You have completed the tutorial.


In this tutorial, you learned how to:

Connect to a Financial Management data source in OBI EE. Create a Financial Management repository in OBI EE. Validate and deploy the repository Create an analysis Format an analysis as a graph Embed an analysis in a dashboard