Download - · Web viewan intellectual response to the matter. On the one hand, many people will say that

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We begin our examination of civil rights history here in America with an often forgotten group, Hispanic-Americans, and we begin with two of the most divisive issues in the United States: illegal immigration and farm labor.

Illegal immigration is one of the most sensitive and controversial topics in the United States because it tugs at both the heart and the mind. This is because most people have both an emotional and an intellectual response to the matter. On the one hand, many people will say that in theory they want a secure border and a control of all immigrants coming into the United States. Understandably so. On the other hand, many people feel that illegal immigration is essentially a human rights issue because so many around the world lack basic necessities.

What complicates it even further is that so much of our economy is built upon the backs of illegal immigrants. They simply do the jobs that Americans won’t do (fruit picking, vegetable picking, landscaping, meat-packing etc.) The fact of the matter is that Americans would rather have cheap stuff that stuff made under proper working conditions. This is true for immigrant labor or products made in China, India, Mexico etc. Complicating this even further is the notion that the United States cannot be expected to provide resources for all the people of the planet. You can see why this is such a convoluted and multi-faceted issue.

Add to all this concepts about racism, religion, culture, and money, and you get the great questions of Chapter 1: Hispanic-American Civil Rights

Let’s start with a few philosophical debate questions (my favorite):

1. There are between 10,000,000-20,000,000 illegal immigrants living in the United States, mostly from Latin America. What should be done with them? Send them back? Let them stay? Something in between? Be specific!

2. Dreamers: Dreamers are immigrants who were illegally brought to the Unites States when they were babies. They have spent their whole life in the United States, perhaps don’t even speak Spanish, and are now in High School or college but are not legal residents? Should we deport Dreamers?

- Obama said no- Trump said yes- The courts just said 800,000 of them can stay for now

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3. What if the mother is here illegally but the children were born here and are thus US citizens. Should we deport the mother, all of them, or none of them?

4. Should the children of illegal immigrants be allowed to go to school?

5. Should they get Free and Reduced Lunch?

6. Should the children of illegal immigrants be eligible for state tuition at UCF, FSU or UF, or should they be charged out-of-state tuition?

7. Should they be eligible for college-university scholarships or Financial Aid?

8. Should illegal immigrants be allowed to get Driver’s Licenses?

9. Should you be forced to learn English to get ur citizenship? What if you’re learning disabled or very old?

10.Right now the 14th Amendment gives babies born in the US automatic citizenship. Do you agree with this or not?

11.Should we build a wall along the US-Mexico border as President Trump has suggested?

12.Should Cubans be given special immigration status just because Castro is a communist?

13.Should farm Workers be paid more than the Minimum Wage even if it means the prices of fruits and vegetables go up?

14.Hispanic-American families in the fields often allow their kids to work instead of going to school, thereby breaking Child Labor laws. The families, however, say they need the money of the families will starve. Should they be imprisoned if they continue doing this?

15.66% of Americans reported that they don’t care what we pay sweatshop workers or farm workers. All they want is cheap products. What are your thoughts on this subject?


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If there is a question on Hispanic Americans on the IB Exam, it will look like one of these 3:

A. Who was Cesar Chavez and what was the Farm Workers UnionB. The history of Hispanic-American immigration.

C. The Chicano Movement: The history of the Hispanic-American civil rights movements in the US

PART 1: THE FARM WORKERS OF AMERICAMany of the people who pick our fruits and vegetables are not only Hispanic-Americans, but in many cases illegal immigrants as well. The same is true of the restaurant industry, the meatpacking and slaughterhouse industry, as well as the landscaping and construction industries. They work for less money than Americans and are simply willing to do the jobs that US citizens won’t do.

In many cases they are treated like property instead of human beings. They are not paid minimum wage, are not given health or dental insurance, their kids are asked to work the fields next to them, and if they get hurt on the job they are afraid to ask for more money or go the police. Actually, both kids and adults get sprayed with the same pesticides the fruits and vegetables do. Americans generally don’t mind this as long as our meat and salads are sold at a cheap price.

In fact, when the tomato pickers for Publix and Taco Bell asked for one more penny per pound of tomatoes, they were told no. Sometimes, tomato pickers have to pick 4 THOUSAND POUNDS of tomatoes to make $40.00. That’s 2 TONS! Publix, Taco Hell, and Burger King didn’t want to start a precedent.

The average American family of 4, with all the fruits and vegetables they buy, would only spend $2.50 more per month to give farm workers a one-cent raise. Still, Publix said no. To make matters worse the American public to a great extent is basically either unaware of or apathetic towards the conditions their fruits and salads are picked in. The media does not provide sufficient attention.

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Part of the problem is that companies get past the MINIMUM WAGE by paying pickers on commission. That is, by the pound and not by the hour. That means things like the 40 hour workweek, overtime, and the minimum wage….all go out the window!

The reason for this way around the law is that in the 1930’s when FDR made all those worker-friendly laws as part of his New Deal he deliberately left out agricultural workers. This was done in order to appease the farmer states like Kansas and Nebraska. As a result, farm workers don’t have to be paid the Minimum Wage and basically have to work on a kind of commission.

They also get around Child Labor Laws because kids are allowed to work a few hours on the ‘family farms’ each day. Yet, whose gonna really know if a kid is working three hours, or 10?! Essentially, many children of illegal immigrants don’t go to school and pick our grapes, oranges and tomatoes instead. The reality is that the parents need the money. The same is true in places like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and much of Asia. Technically this is illegal but the issue simply gets no media attention.

The same is true for Health Care benefits, workers compensation in case of injury, overtime laws etc. These people are, for all intensive purposes, a forgotten segment of the population. To add insult to injury when various presidents and/or governors deport them, the fields and other jobs American’s won’t do simply go unfilled.

This is why anytime a politician talks about ‘deporting illegal immigrants’ what is left unsaid is the degree to which this country revolves around and is built upon the labors of those who work in the shadows.

% of illegal immigrants in the farming industryThe vast majority of workers–78%, according to the most recent National Agricultural Workers Survey– is foreign-born and crossed a border to get here (NAWS, Farmworker Justice).

% of illegal immigrants in the restaurant industry- 20% of all cooks- 33% of all dishwashers (the lowest paid)

% of illegal immigrants in the meat-packing industry- 25% in the meatpacking industry for beef and poultry

HEADLINES:1. When Alabama scared off their illegal immigrants in 2014, nobody worked the

lettuce and apple orchards. The owners would go to halfway-houses-unemployment centers--------hire ex-cons. NO ONE STAYED for the backbreaking work.

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2. When Maine wanted only American citizens to pick blueberries at Minimum Wage, nobody showed up—even though unemployment in Maine is above 5%

3. Trump Vineyards in Virginia just asked congress for 23 more foreign workers cuz Americans wont do these jobs for the low pay. the pay iz too little and the work iz too hard!!!! Who wanted to change all this? Cesar Chavez……………………………………………….


CHAVEZ: He was born in Arizona in the 30’s but was of Mexican descent.*We will watch a great movie called Cesar Chavez starring Michael Pena, directed by Diego Luna. (An excellent film and requisite viewing for every American)

Cesar wanted to help the farm workers so he started the Farm Workers of America Union (I just last week joined the Broward Teachers Union. We’ll see how long it takes before they try to shut me up 😊)

Chavez knew that collectively they held a lot more power than as individuals. He was also following the lead of other Civil Rights icons like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X and even Nelson Mandela.

He also knew that if they didn’t band together, the farm owners would continue taking advantage of them. He then asked them to STRIKE!!! (The Spanish word for strike is ‘Huelga’). They ALL had to go on strike, however, because then the farm owners wouldn’t be able to find enough workers to replace them (Americans won’t do the work). If just a few of them went on strike it wouldn’t work.

(He had another motto, "Si se puede!" ("Yes, it can be done!")

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He also knew how TOUGH it would be for poor, migrant farm workers to stop working and actually go on strike! He also knew that they would encounter beatings, be called racist names, and receive death threats. Yet he too suffered for the cause!!

FUN FACT #1: Ya know, Chavez had eight (8) kids and it was very difficult for him to quit his job and devote all his time to helping poor, struggling farm workers start a union. In fact, President John F. Kennedy started the Peace Corps in 1961 and asked Chavez to head the Latin America division. This would mean a lot more money and basically a palace to live in somewhere in South America. Chavez said no! I guess there are more important things than money. In fact, when he died he left his kids nothing, but at the same time 50,000 people marched behind his casket! I wonder what’s more important.

Also, his birthday is a state holiday in 10 states. (I’ll let u guess which ones)In 1994, President Bill Clinton posthumously awarded Cesar the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, at the White House.)1

FUN FACT #2: As part of the Farm Workers Union Chavez also got these poor farmers their very own Credit Union (just like Broward County teachers), a burial program for the dead, daycare centers for snotty little kids like u, put toilets in the fields and perhaps most importantly…………built health care centers.  

He even built retirement centers for those too old to work.Hint: Day care centers here in Broward cost $700 per month!!!!!!Hint: Retirement centers cost $70,000 per year!!!!!!!!!!!

He got the growing companies and farm owners to agree to the following:1. rest periods every few hours2. toilets in the fields, clean drinking water, hand washing facilities3. banning discrimination in employment and sexual harassment of

women workers4. requiring protective clothing against pesticide exposure,

prohibiting pesticide spraying while workers are in the fields and outlawing DDT and other dangerous pesticides (years before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency acted).

5. The first comprehensive union medical (and later dental and vision) benefits for farmworkers and their families through a joint union-employer health and welfare fund, the Robert F. Kennedy Medical Plan, which has paid out more than $250 million in benefits.

6. The first pension plan for retired farm workers, the Juan de la Cruz Pension Plan, with present assets of more than $100 million.

7. The first union contracts providing for profit sharing and parental leave.


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8. Abolishment of the infamous short-handled hoe that crippled generations of farmworkers. Extending to farmworkers state coverage under unemployment insurance, disability and workers' compensation, as well as federal amnesty rights for immigrants.2

HOW DID HE DO IT: CESAR’S STRATEGIES (VERY SIMILAR TO MLK)Chavez knew what MLK knew: that the media is the ptotester’s best friend! That if he could get the media involved the world would be on his side. They would see the beatings, and see the conditions, and things would change.

He begged his followers to stay non-violent and the “truth would set them free”. He knew that their first reaction would be to “fight back”, but he also knew that in a war of the farm workers against the establishment, the immigrants would lose. MLK and Chavez told their supporters the same thing: If u get violent not only will you simply get killed but the media will portray you as violent thugs, criminals, and worse, the instigators. ‘We need to be seen as the victims’ is the brilliant epiphany leaders like MLK, Mandela and Chavez had.

He was so adamant that non-violence was the ONLY way that when violence started to break out Cesar Chavez went on a 25 day fast (hunger strike). A person can go 30 days without food if they’re super strong mentally but three days without water and that’s it. Also, one day without Starbucks=the end! He lost about 35 pounds.

**He did have water during his fast, just no food. Perhaps the most famous hunger strike was that of Mahatma Gandhi in India. In most places if prisoners conduct a hunger strike we force feed them with tubes in their mouths filled with left over school lunches.

Then he took the protest to ANOTHER level: He got American WOMEN to boycott grapes from companies that treated their workers badly (grape juice, wine, fresh grapes, raisins, whatever). It worked!!! And when the women of America want something---they get it!!!! DON’T 4GET: Money talks and &*@^%$ Walks!!!!!!! This is especially true for America’s customers.

FOR EXAMPLE:- When Indiana wanted to pass bathroom laws disallowing transgender individuals

from using them, the NCAA told them that Indiana would not get any more March Madness college basketball championships. Indiana relented!!

- When North Carolina tried to do the same thing, this time the NBA called them up and said ‘no more All-Star Game!”. Bye-bye bathroom laws

- When Texas tried, the NFL called and said ‘No more Super Bowls!!!!!!’


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- Best example: When the Majors Golf Course in Augusta, Georgia wouldn’t let women in the golf course, the N.O.W (National Association of Women) called NBC and told them any company that advertises on Channel 6 women wouldn’t shop at (Target, Publix, Wal-Mart etc.). NBC called Augusta, Georgia and----I’ll let you guess what happened.

Ok, so Chavez got American WOMEN to boycott grapes from companies that treated their workers badly (grape juice, wine, fresh grapes, raisins, whatever). It worked!!!

Then, when Richard Nixon tried to sell these grapes in Europe, Chavez actually went over there to throw the grapes in the river! --- the French, the British, the Italians, and the Spanish are FRIENDS OF THE WORKERS. Chavez is the ONLY advocate I know of who extended his protest to Europe.

DON’T 4GET that Europe is filled with Socialist-Democracies where Health care and Education are free!! Whose side do you think they will take, Chavez’s or Nixon’s?!

It worked: The farm owners in California, and all over the country, relented (money talks and %^&@#$% walks). They knew that if they didn’t cave in they would all go broke because no one was buying their grapes and stuff.

**It’s funny, the American public has SO MUCH buying power, so much economic authority, that we could get whatever we want on the planet. The only question is, “What do we want and what are we willing to sacrifice to get it?!!!” We could get rid of sweatshops, child labor, even climate change. But we want cheap clothes instead!!!!!!Plus, the news channels focus on the Oscars and the Golden Globes instead of what’s really important and the average human being is…not….reading…this!

BTW: When Bernie Sanders was running for President against Hillary Clinton CNN conducted a little known poll. They asked people, “What would you rather have, cheap prices or products MADE IN USA?” 66% of Americans responded that they would rather have low prices. Unfortunately, what they don’t understand is how shortsighted this is. By buying products that only come from other countries or really cheap labor, they are taking jobs away from themselves. Its “shooting themselves in the foot”. Yet, 50% of Americans don’t believe in Climate Change and 50% don’t believe in evolution so………………..50% don’t vote anyway!!!!!

**We will watch scenes from the movie “Cesar Chavez” starring Michael Pena. IF ur good!


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The BIG question: WHY do so many immigrants from Latin America risk jail, kidnapping and even death to come to the United States?

*When a priest told 50 smugglers that 25 of them would DIE in the Arizona desert trying to get across, all the hands still went up! If someone is willing to DIE to come here, good luck tryin’ to stop them.

Because Spain and Portugal left them with:1. Illiteracy

2. Massive Inequality3. No factories

4. No Middle Class5. Corruption, corruption, corruption!!!!!!

6. And DON’T 4GET patriarchy!!!!

Just to give you an idea of how poor Central America is even in 2016:1. Honduras has a 75% Poverty Rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2. Guatemala has the HIGHEST murder rate in the world.3. 100,000 kids from Central America snuck into Arizona and California in 20154. Another 30,000 kids tried to come to the US in 20165. Obama has been haunted with what to do (no amnesty) and so will the next

President. A wall, deportations…we shall see!

I’m gonna give u my opinion (this time): The only real way to stop illegal immigration is to cure the POVERTY that exists in Mexico and Central America. Good luck!

When Simon Bolivar helped Latin America get their independence from Spain in the 1800’s, he told the people of Venezuela, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador- “Become ONE COUNTRY- The United States of Latin America!” That way u could compete with the United States of America. But they didn’t listen and have doomed themselves to poverty ever since. They cannot survive individually. U think El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru etc. can really ever achieve Middle Class status on their own? Do u think S. Carolina, Louisiana or Mississippi could survive without America?! They would be broke!

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This is exactly what happened in the southern hemisphere and I’m afraid that unless Latin America, in particular Mexico and Central America, develop a large Middle Class, then there will always be people pouring across the border.

Currently there are anywhere from between 10,000,000-20,000,000 illegal immigrants living in the United States, mostly from Central and South America, and 63% from

Mexico in particular.

THE NEXT BIG QUESTION: Should America let them stay or not? And how many? And for how long? And what about their families? Etc.

HISPANIC-IMMIGRATION FROM 1945-1965-2018- beyond

America has had a history of discrimination against immigrants for a LONG TIME- Protestants protested the Jews in the 1700’s- The English protested the Irish in the 1800’s- The Irish protested the Chinese in the 1800’s- The Chinese protested the Mexicans in the 1900’s- Southerners hated Catholics and Jews in the 1900’s

There have always been many Mexicans living in Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico because of how close they were to Mexico (we have a 2000 mile border). Don’t 4get that when we took Texas in the Mexican-American War of 1848 a LOT of Mexicans stayed in Texas. (look at the maps found on the next page)

BTW: The length of this borer is exactly why enforcement of any particular immigration

policy is difficult to enforce.

In 2006 President George W. Bush (the son) authorized the building of a 1000 mile fence along the US-Mexico border. Yet the border is 2000 miles long and the fence actually stops and then starts again all over the place. The fence cost us $1.2 million per foot and is essentially seen as an engineering mistake, an environmental disaster, and is seen as doing very little to stem the flow of illegal immigrants and migrant farm workers into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. (Remember, companies WANT cheap labor and so does the buying public!)

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I’m not saying that all walls/fences will be as ineffective, but if a person is willing to die to come over, then the resistance must be just as strong. Things we have found around the fence:1. Underground tunnels with air conditioning and electricity!2. Man-made drug smuggling subs near California with oxygen for days.3. People using dynamite to make holes in the fence.

*There is a documentary called ‘The Fence’ on HBO we’ll watch IF ur good!

B4 WW2: - During the GREAT DEPRESSION we deported 450,000 Mexicans because there simply

weren’t enough jobs to go around!!! Geography made them a constant presence but the Great Depression changed our views.

After WW2 this all changed because…… - After WW2 we NEEDED more agricultural workers because of everyone was having

babies (Baby Boomers). Did u know that 10,000 Americans turn 65 years old EVERY DAY!! This is going to put a HUGE financial burden on this country in terms of health care and long term care. Boy, I’m sure glad it won’t be MY generation that has to deal with it 😊

- Because of the baby-boomers and this huge jump in our population we needed more workers. As a result we started to allow farm workers from Mexico who did the backbreaking work for little-no wages. This was known as the BRACERO PROGRAM. This is Spanish for “manual laborer”!

- Between 1945-1965 4.5 million young, male Mexicans came. **You had to be YOUNG, MALE, STRONG (the anti-IB boy) and could only get 6-month visas.

- You could RENEW your VISAS after 6 months and eventually get:1. Permanent resident status2. Citizenship!!!!!!!!!!!!!3. But……..most of our immigrants were still form Europe. We only wanted Hispanic-

Americans to do the back breaking work on the farms. Immigrants from other countries we had no problem letting in a little at a time. Was this racist?

AFTER 1965………………………………….. B$ 1965 we had what was known as a QUOTA system for immigrants. It looked

something like this:35% from Northern Europe25% from Western Europe10% from Russia and Eastern Europe10% from Asia

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5% from Africa15% from all of Latin America

This was seen as RACIST!!!! LBJ was president because John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. He got rid of COUNTRY-BY-COUNTRY quotas.

As soon as he did that our geography asserted itself and 50% of new immigrants were from Latin America. In fact, Mexico alone represented 25% of ALL new immigrants!

Hispanic-American residents as of 2014 (Pew Research). 2020 is the next census- New Mexico- 48% Nevada- 20%- California-39% Arizona- 31%- Texas-39% New York- 19%- Florida 24% Colorado 15%

Illegal immigrant populations- California 2,000,000- Florida 600,000- Texas 1,000,000- NY 500,000


1. Skilled workers (Tier 1- Tier 3)

TIER 1 : International acclaim (Shtrakhman-like) in: Sciences, arts, business, education or…athletics.

TIER 2 : Masters of PhD in your area (usually have to get a new Doctor’s License or Law License here) That’s why we have engineers from Pakistan and Russia driving cabs in NYC

TIER 3: 2 years of work in the area or a Bachelor’s Degree (This is usually not enough)

NOT FUN FACT: President Trump’s wife Melania got in on a Tier 1 Visa but that was kind of illegal. B4 that she was only in one or two commercials in her native Slovenia. She should NOT have been allowed in! Once she got in she brought her parents over a few years later. This is called chain-migration and it is the VERY thing President Trump actually campaigned against!

Student Visas are known as F-1 Visas.(We all LOVE Student Visas, right?!)- 1,000,000 students in the US on Student Visas

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300,000 are from China India 100,000 South Korea 65,000 20% study engineering 20% study business 12% study math (Eww)

The problem with this system is that AFTER they graduate we make them go home when we should, theoretically, be asking them to stay here and work. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like American citizens have the same love of study and expertise and cannot fill the jobs at Microsoft, Amazon, Google, IBM etc.

Why do you think this is?____________________

(Bill Gates has testified in front of Congress telling them that Microsoft CANNOT find enough qualified Americans to do their software and hardware jobs, and he wants more Indians, Korean, Chinese etc. to be allowed in. Isn’t that pathetic!?)

Also, I have read that there are currently 2,000,000 – 6 million positions open because we are un-qualified. The American educational system has a problem. (CO-OP, VOCATIONAL, INTERNSHIP, APPRENTICES----we must use ALL OF THESE

THINKING QUESTION: Does a country have the right to only let in the best and the brightest or must we give everyone an equal chance?

**ALSO, and this is either the coolest thing or the most hypocritical thing depending on how u look at it, IF you invest $500,000 here OR can create 10 permanent jobs, you can apply for a Green Card and Permanent Residency immediately!!

VOCAB TERM: THE 14 TH AMENDMENT The 14th Amendment was passed in 1868, three years after the Civil War. It was created

to give slaves who were born in the US and then subsequently freed the same rights as all other citizens. This is because people wanted ex-slaves to be treated differently and essentially as non-citizens. This is why Congress and the states felt they needed to amend the Constitution. Passing an amendment is a deliberately very difficult process; it requires 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the states for ratification. Treatment of freed slaves was so bad we got not just the 13th Amendment, but the 14th and 15th as well.

The problem is that many feel it is misinterpreted as giving anyone BORN in the US full citizenship. That is, born on US soil. As a result, many people have used this Amendment to give birth to their babies in United States hospitals thereby making them United States citizens automatically.

14 th Amendment : “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

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There are even ‘MATERNITY TOURISM’ companies who will bring you here in your 9th month of gestation for the sole purpose of giving birth in a US hospital. The hospitals must BY LAW help deliver the baby and the child is now and 4ever a US Citizen. That doesn’t mean the mother can stay but it could make family deporting more complicated. I know a Russian woman who came here on vacation 8 ½ months pregnant. Her daughter is now a US citizen.

Women will cross the Arizona desert in the heat of the day just to give birth to their child on US soil and give their child hope 4 a better future. What was created as a remedy for freed slaves has now given EVERYONE born on US soil full citizenship.

AMNESTYThe most awesome document on the planet: a US Passport!! Worth $10,000 on

the Black Market and will get you 10 years in prison for faking!

Citizenship: The GOAL!!!!Amnesty: Means “forgetfulness” in both Greek and Latin. It means “ALLOWING”

illegal immigrants who have been here a long time the right to stay.

President Reagan passed an “AMNESTY BILL” in 1986 giving anyone already here the freedom to stay and eventually become a CITIZEN. This effected 6 million people. Even though Reagan is considered a VERY conservative president, he did this in the 80’s. But any business who hired illegal immigrants was supposed to be punished and you had to live here before 1982. People who came in 1983-86 were NOT given CITIZENSHIP

President Obama actually deported even more than President Bush. However, Obama wanted to give one group in particular the ability to stay here: Dreamers!

Dreamers are people who were brought here as babies (through no fault of their own) and should be allowed to stay as long as they are either in school, the military or have a job, plus no criminal record. *Obviously the criminal –record is a deal breaker for even the most ardent immigration amnesty proponents. Yet criminals account for a very small percentage of the whole group.

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President Trump has started to send Dreamers back. By the way, that’s why its so important to get one’s citizenship as soon as possible. If you get arrested you will be deported, even if u came here as a baby and don’t even speak Spanish!

Miami Herald (5/9/2018): A form of legal immigration status will expire soon for 300,000 Haitians and Central Americans residing legally in the United States, some for nearly two decades, but the Trump administration has given little indication it plans to renew the benefit.

The immigrants have been allowed to live and work in the United States under a program called Temporary Protected Status (TPS) that shields some migrants from deportation if their nations are stricken by natural disasters, civil wars or other calamities.

Permission to stay must be periodically renewed by the Department of Homeland Security, and in the coming weeks, the agency will decide the fate of about 195,000 Salvadorans, 57,000 Hondurans, 50,000 Haitians and 2,550 Nicaraguans. Once the protections lapse, those immigrants would be subject to deportation.


Any Civil Rights movement (African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, feminism, LBGTQ rights) will all deal with the same 3 or 4 fundamental issues: jobs, school, housing, $$$ and police.

The Chicano Movement dealt with these same issues just as MLK or Malcolm X.

The Chicano movement is also known as the HISPANIC AMERICAN MOVEMENT - Obviously it was in the 60’s since that was when…….happened!!!!!!

1968: High School students in East LA and Denver staged a walk out over unequal skools

Started “ Hispanic American History and Culture” classes at colleges and universities around the country.

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1970: A 30,000 person Anti-Vietnam march! (Cuz the Vietnam War disproportionately involved minority teenagers and was considered by many civil rights leaders to be a colossal waste of money, especially while ½ the country essentially lived in poverty.)

VIETNAM (an entire chapter in the Cold War)People like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Cesar Chavez HATED the Vietnam War not because they agreed with communism or disagreed with going to war to fight it. They disagreed with it because it costs so much $$$ and we had so many poor people here in the United States.

The Vietnam War costs us about $1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion dollars). That could feed a lot of people. That could send a lot of people to college. That could build a lot of houses. BTW: The war in Afghanistan (2001---today) will cost us 2 trillion and the war in Iraq (2003-today) will cost us 3 trillion. And I’ll bet you 85% of the adults you speak to don’t even know the capitals of either!

To add insult to injury so many of our troops came from minority backgrounds and yet this country was just coming out of a civil rights war. I mean, Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968 and 1968 was the year Lyndon B. Jonson sent 568,000 troops to Vietnam. That means we were still essentially segregating the entire South and yet asking them to go fight our wars. Martin Luther Kinga and Cesar Chavez HATED this. They had moral disagreements with the war, but they had economic and social disagreements with it as well!

The worst thing was that AMERICA DIDN’T ….DRAFT U…..IF U WENT…..TO COLLEGE!!!!That means that the United States of America valued college students MORE than the other kids. My mechanic makes more $$ than me and so does my electrician and my AC repair guy. Yet, if u went to college you didn’t have to go fight! And guess what? Many minority individuals in the 1960’s couldn’t afford college (there weren’t as many scholarships and financial aid packages available).

THINKING QUESTION: Does a country have a right to protect those citizens it deems more intelligent or more valuable, and thus use college attendance as a way out of having to go fight in a war?

MILITARY BUDGET INFO (2018): We spend $700 billion per year (that’s $100,000,000 per hour!)

FUN FACT #1: we spend HALF the entire planet’s budget on the military (1/2 the planet Earth)FUN FACT #2 : We spend MORE than the next 8 countries COMBINED: Russia, China, France, England, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia and Germany. Nice!FUN FACT #3: Right now, 15% of America lives below the Poverty Line, 50 million people are on Food Stamps and 75,000,000 need free health care

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WOMEN IN THE CHICANO MOVEMENTUnfortunately, Latin America is one of the most PATRIARCHAL cultures in the world. As a result, women had to start their own Chicano group. This goes back to Catholicism and Spanish/Portuguese colonization:

FOR EXAMPLE: The following Latin American countries make it ILLEGAL even in case of RAPE, INCEST or even to save the life of the mother.1. Chile2. Dominican Republic3. El Salvador4. Nicaragua5. Haiti and Honduras have very strict laws as well.

P.S. Half of Colombian men admit to abusing their wives or girlfriends (according to a 2010 U.N. report.) **U will learn more about this in Civil Rights Chapter 2: Feminism

*Of course, Cesar Chavez was a PART of the Chicano movement. It is an umbrella term.

HINT: U get xtra points on IB exams for ‘thinking outside the box’. For providing a wider context or more interesting and applicable historical details. For example, if u were asked to write an essay on President Obama, wouldn’t you get more points for comparing him to either President Bush or President Trump?! Wouldn’t you get more points for bringing in Russia, or China, or Global Warming? - Historical context- Opposing views- Different variables: This is not just how you get IB points but how you get points in


CHICANO: WHO NEEDS MONEY FOR A LAWYER, OR FOR BOOKS ? Did u know that 80% of the people arrested in the United States cannot afford a lawyer. Instead they are given a Public Defender by the United States government. This is because the 6th Amendment gives us a right to an attorney, a right to a jury and a right to see our accuser in court (this last part I don’t agree with).

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But…….this country only spends 5% of its TOTAL criminal justice system on these ‘free lawyers’. That means that many defendants spend months in jail just waiting to see their lawyer. That’s because Public Defenders are crazeeee busy with like 100 clients!

We spend $250 billion on our criminal justice system but only $5 billion on public defenders!

So, if u want to help Hispanic Americans, or any marginalized group, address the court system.

Another problem is reading and math scores. Michelle Obama once said that without an education she wouldn’t be where she is today (She went to Princeton). Yet there are many students who drop out of school, come to school and fail every class, or simply cant read and write properly. In fact, here are the NATIONAL test scores for 2018:

MATH4TH graders: Only 48% proficient8th graders: Only 29% proficient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

READING4TH graders: Only 41% proficient8th graders: Only 35% proficient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CAN U BELIEVE IT!!!!!! Hoe are any of these individuals gonna get jobs, I ask u? Sooooo, education becomes a Civil Rights issue, right!?

1947: The Supreme Court rules that schools can’t discriminate against Hispanic-American students1954: The Supreme Court rules Hispanic-Americans must be chosen for juries. The 14th Amendment gives “EQUAL PROTECTION FOR ALL CITIZENS”

1968: MALDEF is created. It is the NAACP of the Mexican-American community and is called the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)

As we will learn in the chapter on African-American civil rights, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peoples) was a legal defense fund set up specifically to help African-Americans with the law. The NAACP was created way back in 1909 by the very famous W.E.B Dubois and provided people with lawyers, advice, money etc. Well, the equivalent for Hispanic Americans was the MALDEF and it wasn’t created until 1968. This was all part of the Chicano Movement.

FAMOUS MALDEF CASES: (Chicano)1969: Gave $$$$ to 2000 people for low income homes

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1970: Had Hispanic-Americans defined as “minorities” for the 1st time1973: Free school tutoring in reading and math (Today they tutor 20,000 kids)1986: Got Texas to stop using ‘English only’ in the DMV, FPL, IRS etc.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTSIf there is a question on Hispanic Americans on the IB Exam, it can have 3 parts, all AFTER 1945:

A. Cesar Chavez (Farm Workers of America)B. History of Immigration C. Hispanic-American movement in the US

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #1: It has been said that America has a symbiotic relationship with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT LABOR: We pay them very little and we get cheap products in exchange.

Are u prepared to have the prices of chicken, beef, eggs, restaurants and construction to go UP if illegal immigrant labor is removed? And what does this say about American priorities?

Don’t 4get that 66% of Americans polled responded that they would prefer cheap goods to Made in the USA labels. Are they wrong? Will they be able to afford new and more expensive products? What is the solution?

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #2: What was Cesar Chavez’s strategy and why was it effective?

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #3: U can see how powerful American boycotts are. Our wallets are in essence one of our strongest weapons. If there were one or two things that you wish the American Middle Class would boycott or address, what would they e and how?

PART 2: ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION (POST 1945)- How does our geography influence Mexican migration?

- Why did we deport so many before WW2?

- Why allow Mexican immigrants after 1945?

- How EXACTLY did we change our immigration philosophy after 1965?

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #1: Do u see the “Skilled Workers” and “$500,000” requirements under the 1965 Immigration Act as fair or discriminatory? In other words, doesn’t a country have the right to only let in the best and the brightest or must we give everyone an equal chance?

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LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #2: Why do you think people like Bill Gates and the guys at Google think they NEED immigrants to fill their top jobs? Why do you think Americans aren’t rising to the challenge (MY FAVORITE QUESTION OF THE NEW YEAR)

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #3: What is your SOLUTION to illegal immigration?

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #4: THE DREAMERSA) Dreamers are people who were brought here as babies but are now either teenagers or adults. Some people want to deport them because they are here illegally after all. They also argue that letting them stay would encourage others to bring their babies moving forward. What do you think?

B) Also, the 14th Amendment allows any baby born here full citizenship. What do you think about that? Should we repeal it or allow it to stand?

LONG RESPONSE QUESTION #5: CHAIN MIGRATION:If a person is ALLOWED to come here, either because they are a special talent, or a student whose allowed to stay, should they be allowed to then bring their families over (not just kids but perhaps mother and father like Melania Trump did)?

PART 3: THE CHICANO MOVEMENT1. How does the Chicano movement parallel to the Black Power movement?

2. Why did Cesar Chavez tell his people to stay NON-VIOLENT?

3. Why would women start their own?

4. Which judicial victories did the Hispanic-American movement win in 1947 and 1954?

5. What are some peaceful strategies of the Chicano movement?

6. Do you think the Chicano movement (Hispanic-American movement) is still relevant today? Remember, it includes Chavez too.

EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT: POEM Here is a poem I wrote about Farm Workers. Please choose either illegal immigration or

farm workers and write your own.

Poem by (THE) Mr. ShtrakhmanThe food that you eat comes from………

The food that I eat comes from………

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The food that your mom eats,and the food that your dad eats……………. comes from…….

Oh, they’re not beaten, and they’re not whipped,

but they are……. none the less.

Maybe not our slavesAnd maybe not your slaves

But slaves of the world none the less.

Slaves of their livesAnd slaves of their countries.

Slaves of their timeAnd slaves of their karma.

And with each bite of lettuceAnd of tomatoOf blueberryAnd of grape.

We eat and drink their blood, their sweat,

and their tearsBon Appetit!!!!

Please move on to the next chapters: 2. Civil Rights: Feminism3. Civil Rights: Native Americans