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Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου:

«Νέος Παιδαγωγός»

Αθήνα, 1 και 2 Απριλίου 2017


Επιμέλεια τόμου: Φ. Γούσιας

ISBN: 978-618-82301-2-5

ΑΘΗΝΑ 2017

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Α/Α Ονοματεπώνυμο Κριτή















































Aγγελιδάκη Μαρία

Αγαλιανού Ολυμπία

Αγγελάκη Αικατερίνη

Αγγελίδου Ειρήνη

Αγγελόπουλος Ηρακλής

Αγγέλου Αικατερίνη

Αδάμη Κωνσταντίνα

Αδαμοπούλου Ευγενία

Αδάμος Δημήτριος

Ακριτίδου Δήμητρα

Αλεξανδρόπουλος Γεώργιος

Αλεξανδροπούλου Αργυρούλα

Αλεξιάδη Αικατερίνη

Αλεξόπουλος Χρήστος

Αλεξοπούλου Ευαγγελία

Αλεξοπούλου Πελαγία

Αλεξούδα Γεωργία

Αλέφαντος Νικόλαος

Αλημπέρτη Μαρία

Αλμπανάκη Ξανθή

Αλχασίδης Νικόλαος

Αμανατίδης Νικόλαος

Αμπουλού Ειρήνη

Αναργυρίδου Δέσποινα

Αναργύρου Αικατερίνη

Αναστασίου Αδάμος

Αναστασόπουλος Ιωάννης

Αναστασόπουλος Νικόλαος

Ανδρεαδέλλη Ελένη

Ανδρεοπούλου Ζαχαρούλα

Ανδρέου Αθανάσιος

Ανδρέου Έλενα

Ανδρούτσου Δέσποινα

Αντικουλάνη Κυριακή

Αντύπας Γεράσιμος

Αντωνίου Ειρήνη

Αντωνίου Ουρανία

Αντωνίου-Κρητικού Ιωάννα

Αντώνογλου Λεμονιά

Αντωνοπούλου Σοφία

Αντωνοπούλου-Τρεχλή Ζωή

Αποστολοπούλου Αικατερίνη

Αποστόλου Μαριάννα

Αραμπατζής Γεώργιος

Αραπίτσα Ευδοκία

Αρβανίτης Νικόλαος


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Γεωργοβρεττάκου Σταματίνα

Γεωργοπούλου-Θεοδοσίου Αικατερίνη

Γεωργοτά Σωτηρία

Γιαγκούλης Νικόλαος

Γιαγτζόγλου Στέφανος

Γιακουμάκης Γεώργιος

Γιαννάκη Μυρτώ

Γιαννέλος Αχιλλέας

Γιαννικόπουλος Ιωάννης

Γιωτόπουλος Γεώργιος

Γιωτοπούλου Αντιγόνη

Γιωτοπούλου Θεοχαρούλα

Γκανέτσου Χαρά

Γκαντιά Ελένη

Γκένιου Θεοδώρα

Γκιαούρη Στεργιανή

Γκιαούρης Χρήστος

Γκινούδη Αθηνά

Γκιόκα Αναστασία

Γκολώνη Βασιλική

Γκολώνης Χρύσανθος

Γκουντούμα Μαρία

Γκούσκος Δημήτρης

Γόγαλης Κώστας

Γουγουγιάννη Ειρήνη

Γούπος Θεόδωρος

Γούσιας Φώτιος

Γράψας Ιωάννης

Γρηγορίου Βασίλειος

Γρόσδος Σταύρος

Γώτη Ευθυμία

Δαβλάντης Ιωάννης

Δάβουλου Μαρία

Δαβράζος Γρηγόριος

Δάλλας Μάρκος

Δαμάσκου Ευτυχία-Σοφία

Δαμιανίδου Λουκία

Δαρδανού Μαρία

Δασαργύρη Χρυσή

Δέγγλερη Σοφία

Δεϊμέζη Κυριακή

Δεϊμέζης Μωυσής

Δελέγκος Νικόλαος

Δελημπέης Γεώργιος

Δελής Φίλιππος

Δελιόπουλος Γιώργος

Δεμερτζή Σταυρούλα

Δερμεντζή Αθηνά

Δερτούζου Φωτεινή

Δεστές Γεώργιος


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Σελ. 0042 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) στην εκπαίδευση. Προοπτικές και


Σελ. 0051 CLORIS. Ένα πρόγραμμα e-Twinning για το Λύκειο

Σελ. 0061 Concept Maps. A tool for teaching dyslexic students Science

Σελ. 0067 Developing an original listening lesson for primary school learners.

A process-oriented teaching approach

Σελ. 0077 Drones στην εκπαίδευση

Σελ. 0086 Effectiveness of technology tools in computer-supported instruction

Σελ. 0096 Mentoring

Σελ. 0105 Reforming the Greek VET System. An Innovation Planning Exercise

Σελ. 0115 Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience. A research

synthesis on critical thinking and empathy applied in second grade

schools of typical education.

Σελ. 0124 Venus pudica. Αναζητώντας τα ίχνη του γυναικείου στερεότυπου

μέσα από την τέχνη. Από την αρχαιοελληνική γλυπτική, στη νεότερη

ζωγραφική και τη διαφήμιση

Σελ. 0138 Έμφυλες διαστάσεις και πολιτική ίσων ευκαιριών στην εκπαίδευση.

Φαινόμενο γυάλινης οροφής

Σελ. 0149 Ανάγκες εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης στα σχολεία της Ανατολικής


Σελ. 0160 Ανάπτυξη στρατηγικού σχεδιασμού σε επίπεδο σχολικής μονάδας.

Θεωρητικές πτυχές και πρακτικές εφαρμογές στο πλαίσιο του νη-


Σελ. 0172 Ανάπτυξη της αποκλίνουσας σκέψης με τη μέθοδο των 6 σκεπτόμε-

νων καπέλων. Η περίπτωση της Πολιτικής Παιδείας

Σελ. 0183 Αναβίωση του Halloween στο χωριό μας. Ένα project για μαθητές


Σελ. 0193 Αναγωγή της πραγματείας της Τέχνης του Πολέμου του Σουν Τσου,

στην εφαρμογή του μοντέλου αριστείας EFQM στην Εκπαίδευση

Σελ. 0202 Ανασκόπηση μελετών σχετικά με την ένταξη παιδιών με νοητική υ-

στέρηση στο σχολικό πλαίσιο

Σελ. 0211 Ανατολή του 21ου αιώνα. Εκπαίδευση σε κρίση, σε μια κοινωνία σε


Σελ. 0218 Ανοιχτοί εκπαιδευτικοί πόροι. Προσέγγιση της παρούσας κατάστα-

σης μέσα από βιβλιογραφική έρευνα

Σελ. 0226 Αντιλήψεις μαθητών της Ε' δημοτικού για την έννοια της αναπηρίας.

Μία πιλοτική έρευνα δράσης

Σελ. 0236 Αντιλήψεις φοιτητών-τριών για το ρόλο του εκπαιδευτικού. Η περί-

πτωση του ΠΤΔΕ του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου. Ανάλυση περιεχομέ-

νου ηλεκτρονικών μηνυμάτων διαδικτυακής κοινότητας

Σελ. 0244 Αξιοποίηση του ιστορικού μυθιστορήματος μέσω φιλαναγνωστικών



______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience. A research synthesis on critical thinking and empathy applied in secondary schools of typical education.

Giotopoulos Georgios Teacher U.E.17.08

M.Ed. [email protected]


The present paper constitutes the composition of three papers of the writer regarding Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience (TLtAE) with a double goal: on the one hand, the investigation and production of critical reflection and, on the other hand, the use of empathy in four classes of formal secondary education in Greece. Initially, four permanent educators of different specialties of secondary education were trained on the method of Kokkos (2011a). The theory of Transformative Learning (Mezirow, 2007) constituted the theoretical background of the present paper, while the Transformative Learning method of Kokkos (2011b, 2011a) was the one applied for its implementation. These survey results showed some kind of transformative processes according to Mezirow (2007) with respect to the assumptions that the specific sample of students had, while the students were able, through empathy (Taylor & Cranton, 2013), to understand better the subject area which was researched.

Keywords: empathy, critical thinking, Transformative Learning, Aesthetic Experience


The present research was designed to investigate both the development of critical thinking and the role of empathy during the implementation of the Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience method of A. Kokkos (2011a). A content analysis was made from the material of the students and an investigation was conducted regarding whether critical thinking has been developed as well as whether empathy helped to the establishment of the subject area and to the controversy over their assumptions (Mezirow, 2007) through the method of A. Kokkos. Finally, an assessment of the results was made. The main subject of the research was racism and its presentation through the method of A. Kokkos by educators of secondary schools as well as the later implementation of the method in their classes. Furthermore, specific research questions, which had been set, were answered. The three papers that were used for the investigation are the following:

The role of empathy in the implementation of the method of A. Kokkos in two classes of formal education (dissertation by Giotopoulos, 2015);


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Fostering critical reflection with the use of the TLtAE method to students of formal education (Giotopoulos, 2014b);

TLtAE in the context of formal (secondary) and non formal education (Giotopoulos, 2014a).

Definitions of Critical Thinking and Empathy

According to Matsaggouras (2007), critical thinking is the intellectual-emotional function that activates selectively and combinationally cognitive skills, rational reasoning and post-cognitive strategies, with the help of which the persons process the data in a rational and detached way from their personal point of views and prejudices in order to have the control of their extensive diverse elements so as to reach valid and rational conclusions, ascertainments, judgements, convictions and action options.

The important role of emotional learning, namely the role of emotions in the process of a transformation perspective, is closely related to the area of relevant knowledge and transformative learning (Taylor, 2007:188). Likewise, Mezirow (2000:11 in Taylor, 2007:188) “has accepted their importance, making the statement that ‘effective participation in discourse and in transformative learning requires emotional maturity, awareness, empathy, and control… [and] knowing and managing one’s emotions, motivating oneself, recognizing emotions in others and handling relationships - as well as clear thinking’. However, despite all the research affirming the essentiality of affective ways of knowing little is known about how to effectively engage emotions in practice, particularly in relation to its counterpart critical reflection and the role of particular feelings (e.g. anger, shame, happiness) in relationship to transformative learning”. According to Goleman (1998:412), empathy has to do with understanding the emotions and concerns of others as well as with the ability of people to put themselves in their shoes.

Presentation of the Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience method

The method chosen to conduct the research of the present paper is the Transformative Learning through Aesthetic Experience. It is a methodology that was developed by Kokkos (2011a, 2011b) and presented for the first time in the 8th International Transformative Learning Conference in Bermuda in 2009. His book entitled Education through Arts - (Εκπαίδευση μέσα από τις τέχνες) - presents this method in detail. According to Kokkos (2011a:71-72), “the aesthetic experience – or in other words the systematic observation of works of art – [...] may engage the adults into a process of critical thinking, which helps them become more emancipated towards the ideologies that surround their thoughts and intend to consciously acquire the status quo, which usually acts against their vital interests”. TLtAE is “a method of observation of arts that fosters the autonomy of thought” (Kokkos, 2011a:72). The comparative control had to do with each stage of TLtAE as far as specific pillars are concerned, such as: critical thinking, participation in thoughtful dialogue, features of


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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thoughtful dialogue, observation process and transformation of initial point of view through empathy.

The implementation stages of the method of Kokkos are six in total. They are elaborated in the book of Kokkos (2011a, 97-100) entitled Education through Arts - (Εκπαίδευση μέσα από τις τέχνες).

First stage: Investigation of the need for critical thinking. Second stage: The participants express their opinions. Third stage: Determination of the opinions that will be researched. Fourth stage: Selection of works of art. Fifth stage: Critical thinking through aesthetic experience. Sixth stage: Reassessment of the assumptions.

Methodology tools

According to Vamvoukas (2010:194), observation can be used “alone as the main method in the scientific pedagogical research” and is deemed to be maybe “the most significant research method in data collection relevant to the research topic”. In these tasks, the tool of structured observation was used because “the semi-structured and mostly the non structured observation create assumptions rather than controlling them” (Cohen et al., 2008:514). Moreover, the content analysis was used, through which, according to Vamvoukas (2010:265), the features of the content, the transmitter of communication and the audience as well as the possible impacts on that can be determined.

The role of the educator

The active role of the educator as facilitator and animator acted as a catalyst for the proper and trouble-free performance of teaching. The role of the educator during the process helped to the success of the teaching implementation, which is a fact shown by the oral statements of the students at the end of the implementation of the method. The method was applied to two classes of 2nd grade vocational senior high school students (EPAL), one class of 2nd grade general education senior high school students and one class of 3rd grade junior high school students.

Presentation of the classes participated: Responsible educators

Baritaki Maria, UE 19

Stavropoulos Petros, UE 19

Gavriilidis Ioannis, UE 19

Misichroni Alexandra,

UE 03

Classes 1, 2, 3, 4

Class 1: 2nd Grade of the 1st Vocational High

School (EPAL) of Amaliada, Ilia Specialty: IT

Class 2: 2nd Grade of

General Senior High School of

Diakopto, Achaia

Class 3: 2nd Grade of the 2nd Vocational High

School (EPAL) of Amaliada, Ilia

Specialty: Financial and


Class 4: 3rd Grade of the 17th High School of

Patras, Achaia


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Services Age range 16 - 17 16 - 17 17 - 18 15

Boys 7 4 0 2

Girls 4 9 9 17

Total 11 13 9 19

Table 1: Presentation of classes

Results from comparisons of the 1st method stage.

Investigation of the need for critical thinking.

Topics that concern the students: school violence, racism, health problems, poverty, unemployment, violence, crime, religious fanaticism, migration, addiction to drugs. Topic selection: racism. Technique of approach: brainstorming. During the 1st stage, students in classes 1 and 4 mentioned racism as the fourth most serious social problem. Students in classes 2 and 3 mentioned racism as the first social problem.

Results from comparisons of the 2nd method stage.

The participants express their opinions.

All teams raised topics that regard discriminations in colour, religion, race, social class and financial capacity, in diversity and generally in separation that can exist and lead to groupings. They gave definitions for racism, either general or specialised. In one case, there was a reference to the topic of bullying that can be caused either by diversity in race or external appearance or, to a lesser extent, by religion. Subsequently, there was a reference to violence (verbal, physical, sexual and psychological) that is exercised against people subject to racism. Technique of approach: brainstorming, discussion, group work.

Results from comparisons of the 3rd method stage.

Determination of the opinions that will be researched.

Classification based on number of joint responses

Number of classes where it appears

Order of appearance of responses per class, according to the number of the same responses

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

Why should there be racism? 4 3 2 3 1

Why do we do things that we don’t want others to do to us? 3 2 1 0 10


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Why doesn’t society do anything to manage racism? 3 4 3 1 0

Table 2: Creation of critical question and number of relevant responses

The question “Why should there be racism?” appeared in all 4 classes, while the idea of empathy is included in the critical question “Why do we do things that we don’t want others to do to us?”. In this stage, a difficulty is observed on what is a critical question as well as on how to express it properly. Technique of approach: Discussion, group work.

Results from comparisons of the 4th method stage.

Selection of works of art. Category Number of

classes where this response appears

Number of classes where it appears

Movies Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4

American History X 2 1 1 0 0

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 2 0 0 1 1



John Lennon 2 0 1 0 1

Books - Poetry

The Diary of a Young Girl 2 1 1 0 0

Uncle Tom's Cabin 2 0 1 0 1

Table 3: Common questions of classes regarding the 4th stage

The responses given based on Table 3 are shared, since the common works that the students find appear in 2 classes maximum.

The works of art that were used are the following:


______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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Figure 1: “Racism/Incident at Little Rock” - Domingo Ulloa, 1957

Figure 2: “New Kids in the Neighbourhood” - Norman Rockwell (1967)

Results from comparisons of the 5th method stage.

Critical thinking through aesthetic experience.

Critical thinking was observed during the 5th stage. Specifically, by the end of the four phases of Perkins (1994) and after the 5th stage, the points of view of students were recorded both in writing and orally. The students’ observations had to do with the expression of their feelings and the way in which they experienced this process. Through empathy on the part of victims, they were shocked by negative feelings due to derision, offence and finally rejection. On the other hand, those experiencing this story on the part of the offender underlined that they were also “victims” trapped in the choices of other stronger groups. In this stage, it is obvious that their imagination was stimulated and their thought was urged to multiple interpretations, which was something that promoted critical thinking (Kokkos, 2011a:64).

Results from comparisons of the 6th method stage.

Reassessment of the assumptions.


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Is there any change in your behaviour after attending this teaching session?

Yes No No response Total

Classes 1 and 2 19 4 1 24

Class 3 7 2 0 9

Class 4 14 5 0 19

Total 40 11 1 52

Table 4: Changes in behaviour after the 5th stage

In this stage, the students expressed themselves in a written way regarding whether they observed some changes in their points of view with respect to what they said or written in the 2nd stage. Their points of view had been brought together, while many of them were expressed also orally at the plenary session. The students stated orally that this method was something different for them. Some of them got excited and some others said that they liked this alternative teaching approach. Out of 50 participants, no one stated in a written or an oral way that they did not like the procedure in general or that they did not like some specific stages of the implementation.

Discussion - Implications

A female student notes: “I believe that I obtained some good stimuli. However, in order to change something in me, this would need more time and not just three hours. Of course something changed inside me, but not to such a great extent!” An adult educator also agreed with this point of view in the interview given. Mezirow himself believes that “over time, a series of such transformations in the points of view of someone [...] will possibly lead to a transformation of a mental habit” (Cohen, 1997 in Mezirow et al. 2007:60). It is not a simple procedure. On the contrary, it is a hard and strenuous procedure, which will cause the individuals to fight against themselves and to question their assumptions. Furthermore, the use of empathy from the students is observed. The students express their emotions with more intensity, when they take on the role of the victims. However, taking on the role of the offenders, they are concerned and try to understand what it is that urges them to such actions and behaviours. From the research (Giotopoulos, 2015), it is obvious that “the female superiority on the EQ is replicated” (Baron-Cohen et al., 2003 in Lawrence et al. 2004:912), provided that the girls experiencing empathy above 50% are more (9) in relation to the boys (3). The sum of both classes is 24 students, 11 of whom are boys and 13 girls.

The educators stated that, the method sharpens the creative and critical thinking, while it also helps weak students to participate in the educational procedure. What is more, it helps the groups to come closer to each other and, finally, to be even more active


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participants. Through these works, it was obvious that the TLtAE method of A. Kokkos can be implemented to students, since it fosters critical thinking, while at the same time the students are able, through empathy, to understand better and embrace the subject area taught. It is a method especially active and participatory, which, on the one hand, promotes students’ cognitive development and, on the other hand, strengthens critical thinking, detecting any of their assumptions and bringing them against themselves for the purpose of changing attitudes, behaviours and stereotypes. It may have very good results to people with assumptions on the subject under research, while it may strengthen people that do not have assumptions in other levels on that specific subject, e.g. cognitive, cultural, etc.

This method may act as a supplement to courses of a philological, sociological and financial interest and generally where there are stereotypes and strong assumptions. As a new teaching method, more research should be conducted to as many subjects as possible so as to achieve a complete evaluation of results. According to Giotopoulos (2014a: 9), “in any case, although some of the participants may not have been led to a deep research regarding their assumptions, the controversy, in which their personal points of view have been set, may direct them to self-awareness. In this way, they will be able to adopt a more critical approach towards the works of art or even towards a change of attitude to life”.


This particular observation method of arts “fosters the autonomy of thinking” (Kokkos, 2011a:72), because it removes the stereotypes from the thought of the participants and “sets the assumptions that they have embraced into controversy under the influence of socialisation” (Kokkos, 2011a:72). Through empathy, the students experienced more intense emotions of sorrow and fear, which is a fact that acted as a catalyst for fostering their cognitive field regarding racism.

The method of Kokkos can contribute to the gradual fostering of critical thinking and, even from a relatively early age, help them realise the differences that may be in their way of thinking in order to help people become critical thinkers towards this everyday ‘attack’ of image and information that they receive from the various technological means around them (Giotopoulos, 2014b:215). According to Kokkos (2015:23), Transformative Learning can “encourage the development of a more complex framework of thought, which is necessary in order for the citizens to interpret their experiences in a critical way and to be more adept at their occupation with the unstable and uncertain reality, in which they live”.


Cohen, L., Manion, L. Morrison, K., (2008). Μεθοδολογία εκπαιδευτικής έρευνας. Αθήνα: Μεταίχμιο.


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______________________________________________________________________________________________ Τα Πρακτικά του 4ου Συνεδρίου «Νέος Παιδαγωγός» Αθήνα (Ίδρυμα Ευγενίδου) 1 & 2 Απριλίου 2017 [e-Book/pdf]

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