Download - US vs. Britain (British North America!) Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814? US wanted more land, were aggressors US sacked York, burned parliament.

Page 1: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

The War of 1812

Page 2: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Your Preconceptions

US vs. Britain (British North America!) Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814? US wanted more land, were aggressors US sacked York, burned parliament buildings British burned White House Pointless/draw Laura Secord brand named from this/warned British

of invasion US thought Canada wanted religious, governmental

freedom too? American national anthem Before Canada's independence/Confederation Jackson won in New Orleans?

Page 3: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

People of the War of 1812


British (England)

British (Canada)

Indigenous Peoples

What is it like being you right now?

How do you feel about the results of the American Revolution?

How do you feel about each of the other groups?

What does your group think might lead to a new war?

Page 4: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

United States of America

13 Colonies + Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio

1803: Louisiana Purchase (state in 1812) James Madison, 4th presidentSome states abolishing slaverySlave trade ends 1808 (Britain)

Page 5: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

France had taken land back from Spain

Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor)

Thomas Jefferson

Financial issues: Haiti (1792), back to war with Britain, debt

USA made the purchase, debt part of price

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Continued conflicts with France

Act of Union (1801) = United Kingdom

Industrial Revolution

War of 1812 occurs while Britain is at war with Napoleon

Page 7: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

North America

Seven Years War 1756-63

Quebec Act 1774

American Revolution 1775-83

Impacts on Canada?

Page 8: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.
Page 9: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Upper and Lower Canada

The Loyalists wanted their own colony, separate from Quebec (Quebec Act conditions)

Constitutional Act of 1791 Colony split in two: English/French Upper Canada and Lower Canada Upper Canada would be a model of

England Aboriginal Peoples not consulted

about their land Treaties ceded land to Britain (often


Page 10: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Causes of War

Britain and France at war

Both countries seize American ships sailing toward the ports of their enemy

British take cargo and crew, claiming they’re British deserters

Over 6000 Americans impressed into British Navy between 1808 and 1811!

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Dealing with the British


Jefferson and US Congress

Stopped all US international trade

Supposed to end interference from Britain and France

Ended in 1809 — hurt US economy


Adaptation on Embargo Act

Restored trade to all but Britain and France

Actually made the US further independent of Britain

Domestic industrialization

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The War Hawks

American nationalists

Members of Congress who wanted to declare war on Britain and take BNA/Canada

Led by Henry Clay of Kentucky

Page 13: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

War Hawks’ Reasons for War

Nationalism Many Americans felt that Britain still

treated the United States like a British colony

Revenge War Hawks wanted to get back at Britain

for seizing American ships

Page 14: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Warhawks’ Reasons for War

Territorial Expansion/Manifest Destiny Henry Clay wanted an excuse to conquer

Canada from Britain and Florida from Spain

Native American Attacks War Hawks felt that Britain was arming

Native Americans (like Tecumseh) and encouraging them to attack Americans

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Thomas Jefferson: “A mere matter of Marching”

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Page 17: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

The Prophet and Tecumseh Tenskwatawa, “The

Prophet”, believed that to survive, Native Americans had to give up white ways of life.

His brother Tecumseh unified many nations behind the message of the Prophet.

British promised them the Ohio Valley as a Native Homeland if they could take it back from the USA. They died and this dream was lost forever.

Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee

Tenskwatawa, “The Prophet”

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In 1808, the Prophet built a village for his followers in Tippecanoe, Indiana.

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Showdown at Tippecanoe


Growing strength of the Prophet and Tecumseh

Governor William Henry Harrison and1000 troops

Battle of Tippecanoe.

Page 20: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

The battle was viewed by Americans as a major victory, even though it was unclear which side

actually won.

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1812: The War Begins

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The War Begins June: USA declares war over sailor's rights and British support

of western frontier tribes August: Isaac Brock and Tecumseh capture Detroit without

firing a shot October: Battle of Queenston Heights

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Laura Secord

Niagara Peninsula, June 1813

Secord learns of surprise attack plans

Walked 32km to warn British and Mohawk about attack

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Battle of York (Toronto)

27 April 1813 Americans attack new capital of Upper Canada American soldiers burn legislative assembly

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YORK (Toronto) was burned by the Americans, so

Washington, D.C was AttackedBurning of Washington

24 August, 1814

British /Canadians burned Washington, D.C. on fire, including the White House (originally grey)

Payback for burning of Toronto/York

As people fled the city, First Lady Dolley Madison refused to leave without some of the nation's most important treasures-including a famous portrait of George Washington

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Page 27: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

The Star-Spangled Banner

British attack Ft. McHenry, Baltimore

September, 1814

Key watches from British ship

Smoke clears, flag still flies

Inspires “Defense of Fort M’Henry”

Became USA national anthem!

Page 28: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

The Star-Spangled Banner

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous


O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly


And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

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The Original Star-Spangled Banner

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C.

Page 30: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Halifax in the War

Battle of Boston Harbor, 1 June 1813

HMS Shannon and USS Chesapeake

Battle only lasted 10-15 minutes, but 252 killed or wounded

Chesapeake damaged and disabled early in the battle

British boarding party overwhelmed American defenders

Chesapeake and her crew were taken to Halifax, sailors were imprisoned

The ship was repaired and taken into service by the Royal Navy

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Being led into Halifax Harbour

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Capture of the Chesapeake

First major victory in the naval war for the British

Raised the shaken morale of the Royal Navy

In the US, the capture was humiliating, and contributed to popular sentiment against the war

Many New Englanders called it "Madison's war” and demanded that he resign the presidency, but he didn’t

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Cannons from USS Chesapeake (L) and HMS Shannon (R) at Province House

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Gravestones of victims of both ships at CFB Stadacona

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Melville Island, Halifax

Small peninsula in the Northwest Arm of Halifax Harbour

Prisoner-of-war camp to hold captives from Napoleonic Wars and War of 1812

The burial ground for prisoners was on the adjacent Deadman's Island

Melville later used as a receiving depot for black refugees escaping slavery in the United States

Now the site of the Armdale Yacht Club

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Deadman’s Island & Melville Island

Prisoners from Chesapeake

Many died of disease in harsh prison conditions

Buried on Deadman’s IslandArmdale Yacht Club, Melville


Page 38: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Dalhousie University

Founded in 1818 Funds from War of 1812 occupation of

Castine, Maine Used by American privateers as a base Turned into a customs port That money used to create the university

Page 39: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Treaty of Ghent, 1814

While it ended the war, the treaty did not resolve any of the problems between Britain and the U.S.The Treaty Of Ghent – YouTube

Page 40: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

The Battle of New Orleans

Led by Gen. Andrew Jackson, the U.S. defeated the British 2 weeks after Treaty of Ghent!

Casualties: Britain – 2,030; U.S. – 7

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The Battle of New Orleans

“Such a destruction of men, for the time it lasted, was never before witnessed”

- American Engineer Major Tatum Howell

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Importance of the Battle of New Orleans

The headlines that you see in the newspapers when word of this thing reaches are just...they're trying to figure out how to put enough exclamation points, and the whole country just erupts with pride.

It's hard to overestimate the importance of the battle in American history. It secured the Louisiana Purchase. In terms of American nationalism, it gave people a sense - you know, the outcome of this battle and the outcome of the war has been called a second American Revolution, a kind of a feeling of having decisively defeated the former Mother country. It set the stage for the march across the continent and what became Manifest Destiny - the notion that somehow America was destined to extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

- Jon Kukla, American Historian

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Results of the War of 1812

Canada didn’t become USA

Rideau Canal built in Ontario to protect shipping goods if invasion happened again

New Brunswick Border established with Maine

49th parallel with USA solidified

Both Canada and the USA felt more patriotic and distinct from each other

Britain never again fought the USA

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WAR OF 1812: 200th Anniversary

“The War of 1812 was a seminal event in the making of our great country. On the occasion of its 200th anniversary, I invite all Canadians to share in our history and commemorate our proud and brave ancestors who fought and won against enormous odds. As we near our country's 150th anniversary in 2017, Canadians have an opportunity to pay tribute to our founders, defining moments, and heroes who fought for Canada.”

The War of 1812 - Home

The Fight for Canada - War of 1812 (200th Anniversary) Advertisement (HD) - YouTube

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Page 47: US vs. Britain (British North America!)  Happened in 1812! Ended in 1814?  US wanted more land, were aggressors  US sacked York, burned parliament.

Stephen Harper’s Priority on the 200th Anniversary


The War of 1812 – Home Faces of 1812 – YouTube General Brock's Coatee : Under a New Light – You


RMR: War of 1812 Bicentennial – YouTube RMR: Rick and the War of 1812 – YouTube

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War and Memory Activity

War of 1812 commemorated on both sides

How would you promote the memory of the war? What is important to remember? How would you argue your victory? How is the war significant to your identity? Canadians Americans