Download - { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

Page 1: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{Uglies VS 1984

By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd

Page 2: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Scott Westerfield

Born 1963, Texas Grew up with stories Inspired by society

around him Taking his thoughts to

the extreme

George Orwell

Worked for David Astor’s Observer -Editor liked his “"absolute

straightforwardness, his honesty and his decency"

Influenced by recent totalitarian regimes like Hitler’s Nazi Germany and World War II

Orwell worked with Indian Imperial Police in Burma

Encouraged his exploration in lives of urban poor

Worked for English Ministry of Information during war, compares to Winston working for Ministry of Truth

Background Information

Page 3: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

Ways of Manipulation Uglies: Physically 1984: Mentally

Conformity Everyone thinks/looks the same Fear of being different

Illusion of perfect society The people feel safe

Manipulation of the Mind

Page 4: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Uglies

“The lesions aren’t an accident, tally. They’re part of the operation,… It’s part of the way being pretty changes you.” (265)

“Maybe the reason war and all that other stuff went away is that there are no more controversies, no disagreements, no people demanding change. Just masses of smiling pretties and a few people left to run things” (267)


“two soft pads, which felt slightly moist, clamped themselves against Winston’s temples. He quailed. There was pain coming, a new kind of pain. O’Brian laid a hand reassuringly almost kindly, on his.” (257)

“ Even on the coin the eyes pursued you… always the eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you…no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull” (27)

Ways of Manipulation

Page 5: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Uglies

“”I look like every other new pretty in the world””(43)

“”Until you do help us, to the very best of your ability, you will never be pretty”” (110)


“He loved big brother” (298) “”Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia!

Not me! Julia! I don’t care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me!”” (286)


Page 6: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Uglies

“The big eyes and lips said: I’m young and vulnerable, I can’t hurt you, and you want to protect me. And the rest said: I’m healthy, I won’t make you sick. And no matter how you felt about a pretty, there was a part of you that thought: If we had kids, they’d be healthy too.” (17)


“The sun on his face and the girl’s smooth body touching his own gave him a strong, sleep, confident feeling. He was safe, everything was all right” (217-218)

Illusion of perfect society

Page 7: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ Rebellious Behavior

Page 8: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Uglies “She opened her hand and threw

the necklace into the center of the fire”(Westerfield 267).

Her betrayal to the government, joined the smoke

“Tally pushed her way through the drunken dancers, out the other side of the procession, and ran down a side street toward Garbo Mansion, wearing the face of a pig”(10).

Sneaks into New Pretty town, one of her tricks

1984 “We want to join it and work for

it. We are enemies of the Party. We disbelieve in the principles of Ingsoc. We are thought-criminals. We are also adulterers. I tell you this because we want to put ourselves at your mercy. If you want us to incriminate ourselves in any other way, we are ready”(170).

They’re giving themselves up, they hate the party. Want to work against it


Page 9: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Uglies

“Zipping it open, Tally saw that the magazines were still there, each one lovingly wrapped in its own plastic cover. She slung the bag over her shoulder, glad to have salvaged something from the library, a small victory over Dr. Cable”(Westerfield 316).

Magazines represent a collection of objects that are protected

Untouched by the specials They were saved even after the

Boss was killed


“Never mind, dear. There’s no hurry. We’ve got the whole afternoon. Isn't this a splendid hide-out? I found it when I got lost once on a community hike. If anyone was coming you could hear them a hundred meters away”(Westerfield 120).

Julia and Winston rebel against the governments rules and sneak off to be together

Have to hide out in order to talk in private and not get caught


Page 10: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {Uglies

“Then one of his hands touched the back of his neck, traced the slender chain there, down to the cold, hard metal of the pendant”(Westerfield 265).

Represents how Tally chooses to join the smoke rather than continuing to help the government

How David was one of the main reasons why Tally chose to join the smoke

David touching the pendant represents how he took over


“Someone had picked up the glass paperweight from the table and smashed it to pieces on the hearthstone”(Orwell 223).

When smashed, their hope is gone Coral represented something

untouched by the government, something beautiful

It being destroyed also predicts their future, which is awful

It breaking, symbolized the future and how their “freedom” was all gone


Page 11: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.


Page 12: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {The Uglies

“’You did this!’ [Shay’s] whole body writhed like a snake in its death throes. ‘Stealing my boyfriend wasn’t enough? You had to betray the whole Smoke!’” (Westerfield 301).

“’More beautiful than Shay?’ They both stood silent, their mouths gaping. The question had popped out of Tally before she could think. How had she uttered something so horrible?” (Westerfield 277).

Tally goes behind Shay’s back when she dates David.

Tally cares about Shay, does not want to hurt her

Socially forbidden


“He flattened it out. On it was written, in a large unformed handwriting./ I love you./ For several seconds he was too stunned even to throw the incriminating thing into the memory hole. When he did so, he knew very well the danger of showing too much interest…” (Orwell 108).

Winston and Julia are not allowed to love each other

The government forbids it Fearful of government, but

love each other anyways

Forbidden Love

Page 13: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {The Uglies

“’Then I’ll make you a promise too, Tally Youngblood. Until you help us, to the very best of your ability, you will never be pretty” (Westerfield 110).

“But the magic was all based on lies. [Tally] didn’t deserve the look in David’s eyes” (Westerfield 249).

Tally has been raised to conform to the government

She betrays the Smoke but later feels guilty for it.

Hides her betrayal because she is so ashamed.


“’Sometimes,’ she said, ‘they threaten you with something- something you can’t stand up to, can’t even think about. And then you say, ‘Don’t do it to me, do it to somebody else, do it to so-and-so.’ And perhaps you might pretend, afterwards, that it was only a trick and that you just said it to make them stop and didn’t really mean it. But that isn’t true.’” (Orwell 292).

Winston betrays Julia willingly He does it out of fear for

himself Not shameful


Page 14: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

{ {The Uglies

“David looked at them both, unable to believe any of it. Finally, he found words. ‘You were a spy?’/ ‘Yes. At first.’/ He shook his head.” (Westerfield 418).

“She wondered how long it would take after the operation, before she would stop missing David” (Westerfield 424).

After hearing of her betrayal, David becomes mad at Tally

Leaves Tally Tally keeps fighting for him More inspiration to fix her



“They did not speak again. She did not actually try to shake him off, but walked at just such a speed as to prevent him keeping abreast of her… He was overwhelmed by a desire not so much to get away from Julia as to get back to the Chestnut Tree Café…” (Orwell 292-293).

Julia and Winston’s relationship ends

Go separate ways Brainwashed into not loving each

other Winston still feels connection with

JuliaLove Ends

Page 15: { Uglies VS 1984 By: Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd Kat Staley, Kaitie Hess, and Emma Boyd.

Conformity. Digital image. Kitimat Daily Online. N.p., 2011. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <>.

Glass Paperweight. Digital image. Glow In The Dark Glass. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <>.

Government Brain Wash. Digital image. Tea Party America. J. D. Longstreet, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <

longstreet.html>. McCrum, Robert. "The Masterpiece That Killed George Orwell." The Guardian. Guardian News

and Media, 09 May 2009. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. < orwell>.

Magazine Collage. Digital image. The GLoss. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <>.

Orwell, George. 1984: A Novel. New York, NY: Published by Signet Classic, 1977. Print. "Uglies." Uglies « Westerblog. Ed. Scott Westerfeld. Scott Westerfeld, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.

<>. "Uglies Wiki." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.       <>. Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies. New York: Simon Pulse, 2005. Prin "1984." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.       <>. "1984 Background." Study Guides & Essay Editing. GradeSaverLLC, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012.


Works Cited