Download - . Facts and case files from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) By Hannah van der Heijde. 1 & Thijs Bouwknegt2. Twenty-two



Facts and case files from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

By Hannah van der Heijde1 & Thijs Bouwknegt2 Twenty-two years ago, immediately after the genocide in Rwanda, the United Nations set up the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UN/ICTR). In December 2015, the Appeals Chamber rendered the tribunal’s last decision in the case of the ‘Butare 6’. Meanwhile, some ‘residual’ work has been taken over by the UN’s Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT-Arusha), such as tracking down remaining fugitives, handling post-trial issues and the preservation of archives. Here we present the first factual overview of the 75 accused, the 52 cases (including contempt cases) and underlying details concerning the charges, the 59 convictions and the 14 acquittals. Among other things, the overview offers valuable insight into the background of the accused: they included politicians, interim government members, local politicians, military, para-military units (Interahamwe), police officers, businessmen, journalists, academics, clergy, a prosecutor, a medical doctor, and a pop singer. Fifty-two of them were found guilty of either genocide, incitement to commit genocide, complicity in genocide or conspiracy to commit genocide (post-April 1994). A majority was also convicted for crimes against humanity and/or war crimes, while 43 defendants were convicted for rape or other acts of sexual violence.3

1 Student, Research Master, History, University of Amsterdam (UvA). 2 Researcher, Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD). 3 The data presented here comes from the website of the UNICTR and TRIAL International. For an analysis of the UNICTR cases we refer to: Barbora Holá & Alette Smeulers, ‘Rwanda and the ICTR: Facts and Figures’, in: Anne-Marie de Brouwer and Alette Smeulers, The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2016), pp. 44-78.

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Ubutabera July 1994. As the dust slowly settled, the full scale of what had happened in the preceding one hundred days gradually came to light. What took shape were the contours of a genocide: Tutsi massacred for being Tutsi, together with Hutu for resisting the premeditated extermination. While the survivors counted the uncountable dead, the atrocity lingered on. It is carved in the minds of its witnesses and remains like a phantom pain to their descendants. But there was no perfect antidote to this poisoned past. At best, there is a mélange of strategies to deal with legacies of mass violence. Controversial cures involve forgetting and denying. More usual therapies require explaining, purging and judging. Transitional justice is the overarching treatment. Its key tropes are truth, justice and reconciliation. In the past two decades, these almost magical words have resonated throughout the hills of Rwanda: “Ukuri, Ubutabera, Ubwiyunge.” Although these goals were advocated in harmony, the pursuit for justice (ubutabera) set the tone. In the past twenty-one years, justice has been rendered at the speed of light, crossing over a dozen borders. No genocide in world history has met with as much legal reckoning as the 1994 annihilation of Rwanda’s Tutsi. The numbers are mind-boggling. On a national level alone, no fewer than 12.000 Gacaca courts dealt with over one million alleged perpetrators. To appease its conscience for abandoning Rwanda during the genocide, the United Nations responded to Rwanda’s call for the establishment of an international criminal tribunal. However, this was not the court the new Rwandan government wanted. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which was established on 8 November 1994, had no Rwandese judges and set up office more than a thousand kilometres away from the crime scene, in Arusha, Tanzania. From late 1995 onwards, Kigali and Arusha entered into a fierce competition for justice. On target were the former Hutu leaders who had masterminded, coordinated and executed the genocide. These former leaders were wanted by the Rwandan authorities but also of interest to the ICTR prosecutor Richard Goldstone. Most of them ended up at the tribunal. An exception was Froduald Karamira, a key player in the


murderous Hutu regime. Rwanda succeeded in having him extradited from India, to seize him in Ethiopia, try him in Kigali and convict him for genocide crimes in February 1997. In April 1998, Karamira was shot to death at Kigali’s Nyamurambo Stadium, during the last court-ordered execution following the genocide. Karamira’s trial had been broadcast live on Rwandese national radio. Karamira’s conviction overshadowed the first international proceedings in Arusha that had started only five days earlier, on January 1997. In the dock was Jean-Paul Akayesu, the former mayor of Taba village. Some 19 months later, Akayesu became the first ever to receive a sentence by an international court for the crime of genocide. Today, he is serving his life sentence in a prison in Mali. Akayesu was one of the 90 suspects who were indicted by the tribunal for genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes. From its first trials in December 1996, Rwanda’s classical courts had reportedly tried 10.000 génocidaires in one decade – even before the Gacaca commenced. This stands in stark contrast to the 72 Hutu and one Belgian (Georges Ruggiu) who were put before judges in Arusha over the course of 20 years. The people tried at the tribunal included politicians, military, militia leaders, journalists, priests, and even a pop singer. The tribunal’s most famous case focuses on the inflammatory radio and print propaganda. The flagship trial, furthermore, dealt with Théoneste Bogasora, the alleged ‘mastermind’ of the genocidal conspiracy. In both cases, however, the court’s judges found that the factual responsibility of the accused in question was very limited. They failed to substantiate what Rwandans know about what happened in Rwanda. Bogasora’s judgement and his 35-year sentence were among the many rulings received in Rwanda as being iconoclastic. Criticised for being a “court to acquit” rather than to convict, for Rwandans, the ICTR illustrates the incompetence of international criminal justice to punish the grave crimes of the past. Moreover, in Rwanda, the ICTR was often perceived as a western way of doing justice – unproductive, time-consuming, expensive, and not adapted to Rwandan custom. Most of all, Rwandan survivors and relatives had no means of seeing what


went on in Arusha. This became clear once more when the tribunal delivered its very last judgement on 15 December 2015. In the public gallery of the court were tribunal staff, safari tourists and the family members of the so-called ‘Butare Six’. Only they witnessed the finale of international justice’s longest and most expensive trial that had started back in 2001, and the closure of the tribunal. As the ICTR shut down without much fanfare, its final report sums up with equal hesitance the accomplishments and legacy of 20 years adjudicating one of the biggest crimes of the twentieth century:

"In the course of its investigations and prosecutions, the Office of the Prosecutor established beyond dispute that, during 1994, there was a campaign of mass killing intended to destroy, in whole or at least in very large part, Rwanda ’s Tutsi population. This genocidal campaign was orchestrated at the highest levels of government, including by members of the interim Government. It engulfed the entire country and was perpetrated by a variety of means, including large-scale massacres at places of refuge such as churches and government offices. Directives issued by the interim Government called for the use of roadblocks to identify, kill or rape Tutsis. Public media was used to incite the population to commit acts of violence against the Tutsi population and those perceived to be sympathetic to them. Widespread and systematic acts of sexual violence were perpetrated against Tutsi women and girls. In addition, politically motivated killings took place against those opposed to the genocidal campaign waged by the interim Government."4

4 UNSC, Report on the completion of the mandate of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as at November 2015 (S/2015/8884; 17 November 2015), pp. 15.



AKAYESU, Jean Paul (ICTR-96-4) .......................................................................................... 8

BAGAMBIKI, Emmanuel (1: ICTR-97-36; 2: ICTR-99-46).................................................. 10

BAGARAGAZA, Michel (ICTR-05-86) ................................................................................. 11

BAGILISHEMA, Ignace (ICTR-95-1A) ................................................................................. 12

BAGOSORA, Théoneste (1: ICTR-96-7; 2: ICTR-98-41)...................................................... 13

BARAYAGWIZA, Jean Bosco (ICTR-97-52) ........................................................................ 15

BICAMUMPAKA, Jérôme (ICTR-99-50) .............................................................................. 17

BIKINDI, Simon (ICTR-01-72) .............................................................................................. 19

BISENGIMANA, Paul (ICTR-00-60) ..................................................................................... 20

BIZIMUNGU, Augustin (ICTR-00-56)................................................................................... 21

BIZIMUNGU, Casimir (ICTR-99-50)..................................................................................... 23

‘GAA’ (ICTR-07-90-R77) ....................................................................................................... 25

GACUMBITSI, Sylvestre (ICTR-01-64) ................................................................................ 26

GATETE, Jean Baptiste (ICTR-00-61) ................................................................................... 27

HATEGEKIMANA, Idelphonse (ICTR-00-55B) ................................................................... 29

IMANISHIMWE, Samuel (1: ICTR-97-36; 2: ICTR-99-46) .................................................. 30

KABILIGI, Gratien (1: ICTR-97-34; 2: ICTR-98-41) ............................................................ 32

KAJELIJELI, Juvénal (ICTR-98-44A) .................................................................................... 34

KALIMANZIRA, Callixte (ICTR-05-88) ............................................................................... 36

KAMBANDA, Jean (ICTR-97-23) ......................................................................................... 37

KAMUHANDA, Jean de Dieu (ICTR-99-54A) ...................................................................... 38

KANYABASHI, Joseph (1: ICTR-96-15; 2: ICTR-98-42) ..................................................... 40

KANYARUKIGA, Gaspard (ICTR-02-78) ............................................................................. 42

KAREMERA, Edouard (ICTR-97-24) .................................................................................... 43

KARERA, François (ICTR-01-74) .......................................................................................... 45

KAYISHEMA, Clément (ICTR-95-1)..................................................................................... 46

MPAMBARA, Jean (ICTR-01-65) .......................................................................................... 48

MUGENZI, Justin (ICTR-99-50) ............................................................................................ 49

MUGIRANEZA, Prosper (ICTR-99-50) ................................................................................. 51

MUHIMANA, Mikaeli (ICTR-95-1B) .................................................................................... 53

MUNYAKAZI, Yussuf (ICTR-97-36A) ................................................................................. 54

MUSABYIMANA, Samuel (ICTR-2001-62) deceased before trial ....................................... 55

MUSEMA, Alfred (ICTR-96-13) ............................................................................................ 56

MUVUNYI, Tharcisse (ICTR-00-55) ..................................................................................... 58

NAHIMANA, Ferdinand (ICTR-99-52) .................................................................................. 59


NCHAMIHIGO, Simeon (ICTR-01-63) .................................................................................. 61

NDAHIMANA, Gregoire (ICTR-01-68) ................................................................................. 63

NDAYAMBAJE, Elie (1: ICTR-96-8; 2: ICTR-98-42) .......................................................... 64

NDINDABAHIZI, Emmanuel (ICTR-01-71) ......................................................................... 66

NDINDILIYIMANA, Augustin (ICTR-00-56) ....................................................................... 67

NGEZE, Hassan (ICTR-97-27) ............................................................................................... 69

NGIRABATWARE, Augustin (ICTR-99-54) ......................................................................... 71

NGIRUMPATSE, Mathieu (ICTR-98-44) .............................................................................. 73

NIYITEGEKA, Eliezer (ICTR-96-14) .................................................................................... 75

NIZEYIMANA, Ildéphonse (ICTR-2000-55C) ...................................................................... 77

NSABIMANA, Sylvain (1: ICTR-97-29; 2: ICTR-98-42) ..................................................... 78

NSENGIMANA, Hormisdas (ICTR-01-69) ............................................................................ 80

NSENGIYUMVA, Anatole (1: ICTR-96-12; 2: ICTR-98-41)................................................ 81

NSHOGOZA, Léonidas (1: ICTR-2007-91; 2: ICTR-99-54A) .............................................. 83

NTABAKUZE, Aloys (ICTR-97-30) ...................................................................................... 84

NTAGERURA, André (1: ICTR-96-10A; 2: ICTR-99-46) .................................................... 86

NTAHOBALI, Arsène Shalom (1:ICTR-97-21; 2: ICTR-98-42) ........................................... 87

NTAKIRUTIMANA, Elizaphan (1: ICTR-96-10; 2: ICTR-96-17) deceased ........................ 89

NTAKIRUTIMANA, Gérard (1: ICTR-96-10; 2: ICTR-96-17) ............................................. 91

NTAWUKULILYAYO, Dominique (ICTR-2005-82) ............................................................ 93

NTEZIRYAYO, Alphonse (ICTR-97-29) ............................................................................... 94

NYIRAMASUHUKO, Pauline (1: ICTR-97-21; 2: ICTR-98-42) .......................................... 96

NZABIRINDA, Joseph (ICTR-01-77) .................................................................................... 98

NZABONIMANA, Callixte (ICTR-98-44D) .......................................................................... 99

NZIRORERA, Joseph (ICTR-01-65) deceased during trial ................................................. 100

NZUWONEMEYE, François-Xavier (ICTR-00-56) ............................................................. 101

RENZAHO, Tharcisse (ICTR-97-31-DP) ............................................................................. 103

RUGAMBARARA, Juvénal (ICTR-00-59) .......................................................................... 105

RUGGIU, Georges (ICTR-97-32) ......................................................................................... 106

RUKUNDO, Emmanuel (ICTR-01-70) ................................................................................. 107

RUTAGANDA, Georges (ICTR-96-3) deceased after trial ................................................. 108

RUTAGANIRA, Vincent (ICTR-95-1C) ............................................................................. 110

RUZINDANA, Obed (ICTR-95-1) ........................................................................................ 111

RWAMAKUBA, André (ICTR-98-44C) .............................................................................. 113

SAGAHUTU, Innocent (ICTR-00-56) .................................................................................. 114

SEMANZA, Laurent (ICTR-97-20) ...................................................................................... 116

SEROMBA, Athanase (ICTR-2001-66) ................................................................................ 118


SERUGENDO, Joseph (ICTR-2005-84) deceased ............................................................... 119

SERUSHAGO, Omar (ICTR-98-39) ..................................................................................... 120

SETAKO, Ephrem (ICTR-04-81) .......................................................................................... 121

SIMBA, Aloys (ICTR-01-76) ................................................................................................ 123

ZIGIRANYIRAZO, Protais (ICTR-01-73) ........................................................................... 124


AKAYESU, Jean Paul (ICTR-96-4)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1953 or 1955 (unclear), Murehe sector, Taba commune, Gitarama prefecture

Date and place of arrest

10 October 1995, Lusaka, Zambia

Occupation Bourgmestre of Taba commune in Gitarama prefecture from April 1993 to June 1994; Previously a teacher and school inspector in Taba commune.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the massacres of Tutsi in Taba commune.

Indictment Date: 16 June 1997 Signed by: Arbour Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 7: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 8: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 9: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 10: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Torture (c.a.h.) Count 12: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 13: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 14: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 15: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 2 September 1998 Signed by: Kama, Aspegren, and Pillay Number of witnesses: 41 (prosecution: 28; defence: 13) Number of exhibits: 155 Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (extermination) Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 10: not guilty Count 11: guilty (torture) Count 12: not guilty


Count 13: guilty (rape) Count 14: guilty (other inhumane acts) Count 15: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 1 June 2001 Judges: Jorda, Vohrah, Shahabuddeen, Nieto-Navia, and Pocar. Upholds TC verdict. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info First ICTR trial. For the first time a judicial record defined the 1994 massacres in Rwanda as a genocide (as a reality and binding force of res justititia). Profile:


BAGAMBIKI, Emmanuel (1: ICTR-97-36; 2: ICTR-99-46)

Personal page Date and place of birth

8 March 1948, Cyangugu prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 June 1998, Togo

Occupation Préfet of Cyangugu prefecture from 4 July 1992 to 17 July 1994; Previously préfet of Kigali-Rural prefecture; Member of the MRND.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings at Cyangugu Cathedral and Gashirabwoba football field on 11 April 1994 (Cyangugu prefecture).

Indictment Date: 13 October 1997 Signed by: Arbour N.B. Ntagerura et. al (Cyangugu trial) joint indictment also against Imanishimwe and Ntagerura Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 5: Imprisonment (c.a.h.) Count 6: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 19: Conspiracy to commit genocide

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 25 February 2004 Judges: Williams, Ostrovsky, and Dolenc Total number of witnesses: 123 (prosecution: 41; defence: 82, of which 26 testifying for Bagambiki) Total number of exhibits: unclear = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 7 July 2006 Judges: Pocar, Güney, Vaz, Meron, and Schomburg Upheld TC verdict. = ACQUITTED

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


BAGARAGAZA, Michel (ICTR-05-86)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1945, Bushiru region, Giciye commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

Voluntary surrender on 15 August 2005, Arusha, Tanzania

Occupation Director General of OCIR/Thé (the controlling body for the Rwandan tea industry); Member of the prefectural committee of the MRND in Gisenyi prefecture; Vice President of BACAR bank.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The Kesho Hill massacres and events at Nyundo Cathedral.

Indictment Date: 1 December 2006 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 November 2009 Judges: Joensen, Tuzmukhamedov, and Kam Number of witnesses: 13 (1 character witness, 12 written statements from character witnesses) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: not guilty Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (complicity in genocide) Count 4: not guilty Guilty plea arrangement for count 3 (complicity in genocide) = 8 YEARS (was granted an early release on 1 December 2011)

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Profile:



Personal page Date and place of birth

1955, Rubengera sector, Mabanza commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

20 February 1999, South Africa

Occupation Bourgmestre of Mabanza commune from 8 February 1980 to late July 1994.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Killings of refugees at the commune office jailhouse in Mbanza commune on 15 April 1994; The violence in Gishyita and Gisovu commune.

Indictment Date: 17 September 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 5: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 6: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 7: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Incomplete file. For more information go to Date: 7 June 2001 Judges: Møse, Gunawardana, and Güney Number of witnesses: 3? (prosecution: 3) Number of exhibits: unclear = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

Only a summarizing file is available. For more information, turn to the file ‘Judgement (reasons)’. Date: 3 July 2002 Judges: Jorda, Shahabuddeen, Hunt, Pocar, and Meron Upholds TC verdict. = ACQUITTED

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


BAGOSORA, Théoneste (1: ICTR-96-7; 2: ICTR-98-41)

Personal page Date and place of birth

16 August 1941, Giciye commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

9 March 1996, Cameroon

Occupation Cabinet Director in the Ministry of Defence; Previously the second-in-command at Kigali Higher Military School (École Supérieure Militaré); And the commander of Kanombe Military Camp; Member of the 1991 Military Commission; Participated in Arusha Talks.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

A national authority. Planned and ordered the extermination of the Tutsi population and Hutu opposition.

Indictment Date: 12 August 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) in particular 10 Belgian UNAMIR soldiers Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 8: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 9: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 10: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) in particular 10 Belgian UNAMIR soldiers Count 12: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 18 December 2008 Judges: Møse, Reddy, Egorov N.B. Bogasora et al. (Military 1) trial against Bagosora, Kabiligi, Ntabakuze, and Nsengiyumva. Total number of witnesses: 242 Total number of exhibits: 1600 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (murder) Count 5: guilty (murder) Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (rape) Count 8: guilty (persecution)


Count 9: guilty (other inhumane acts) Count 10: guilty (violence to life) Count 11: guilty (violence to life) Count 12: guilty (outrages upon personal dignity) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 14 December 2011 Judges: Meron, Robinson, Güney, Pocar, Daqun Despite reversing a number of convictions in specific cases, the judges upheld all counts. They did, however, decrease the sentence. = 35 YEARS

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Military 1’ trial. Profile:


BARAYAGWIZA, Jean Bosco (ICTR-97-52)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1950, Mutara commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

26 March 1995, Cameroon

Occupation Founding member of the CDR; During the events of 1994 Barayagwiza was the chairman of the CDR’s regional committee for Gisenyi prefecture; Member of the Comité d’Initiative for the RTLM radio station; Previously a member of the MRND and a political director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; A lawyer by training.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Gisenyi prefecture. Barayagwiza was closely associated with Théoneste Bagosora.

Indictment Date: 13 April 2000 Signed by: Othman Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 8: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 9: Pillage (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 3 December 2003 Judges: Pillay, Møse, and Gunawardana NB. Nahimana et al. (Media case) joint trial with Ngeze and Nahimana Total number of witnesses: 93 (prosecution: 47; defence: 46, 1 testifying for Barayagwiza) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (conspiracy to commit genocide) Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (persecution) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty = 35 YEARS

Appeal judgement Date: 28 November 2007


and sentence Judges: Pocar, Güney, Shahabuddeen, Vaz, and Meron Reverses count 1 (conspiracy) and count 2 (genocide); Upholds count 4 (direct and public incitement), count 5 (extermination), and count 7 (persecution). = 32 YEARS

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info The ‘Media case’; Barayagwiza is the author of Is Hutu blood red? (Cameroon, 1995). Barayagwiza was arrested in Cameroon on request of the Rwandan authorities in 1996, but at the time the prosecutor of the ICTR did not bring charges against him.


BICAMUMPAKA, Jérôme (ICTR-99-50)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1957, Mukono sector, Ruhondo commune, Ruhengeri prefecture

Date and place of arrest

6 April 1999, Cameroon

Occupation Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the Interim government from 9 April to July 1994; Studied economic sciences at the University of Brussels from 1984 to 1987; Afterwards moved to the Catholic University of Louvain to study Administration and Management; Created in early 1990 a management consultant company; Joined the MDR party in June 1991; Was elected a member of parliament in January 1994; Was sworn in Interim government as Minister of Foreign Affairs on 9 April 1994.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

National authority. Allegedly planned and ordered the extermination of the Tutsi population and Hutu opposition.

Indictment Date: 13 September 1999 Signed by: Muna N.B. Bizimungu et al. (Government II trial) joint indictment also against Mugenzi, C. Bizimungu, and Mugiraneza Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: N/A Count 6: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 7: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 8: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 30 September 2011 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Short Total number of witnesses: 171 (prosecution: 57; defence: 114) Total number of exhibits: unclear Acquitted on all counts. = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

No appeal.

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.


Extra info ‘Government II’ trial. Profile:


BIKINDI, Simon (ICTR-01-72)

Personal page Date and place of birth

28 September 1954, Rwere commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

12 July 2001, Leiden, The Netherlands

Occupation Well-known composer and singer-songwriter of popular music; Director of the performance group Irindiro Ballet; An official in the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Rwandan government; Member of MRND party.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Was not in Rwanda between 4 April and 12 June 1994 (= defects in indictment); Composed and sang songs directed against the Tutsi.

Indictment Date: 15 June 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Persecution (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 2 December 2008 Judges: Weinberg de Roca, Arrey, and Fremr Number of witnesses: 57 (prosecution: 20; defence: 37) Number of exhibits: 234 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: not guilty Count 6: not guilty = 15 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 18 March 2010 Judges: Robinson, Pocar, Güney, Daqun, and Meron Upholds verdict. = 15 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info During the 1994 violence Bikindi had a relationship with Angeline Mukabanana, a Tutsi. Profile:



Personal page Date and place of birth

1948, Duha sector, Gikoro commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

4 December 2005, Mali

Occupation Bourgmestre of Gikoro commune from 1981 to June 1994; Previously a headmaster at a secondary school.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Incorporated sexual violence against Tutsi women systematically; Killings at Musha Church, Ruhanga Protestant Church and School in Gikoro commune (between 13 and 15 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 10 July 2000 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Torture (c.a.h.) Count 8: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 9: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 10: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 12: Pillage (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 13 April 2006 Judges: Ramaroson, Sekule, and Bossa Pleaded guilty on 7 December 2005 to aiding and abetting the murder and extermination of Tutsi civilians at Musha Church and Ruhanga Protestant Church and School. Count 5: guilty plea (murder) Count 6: guilty plea (extermination) = 15 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info During 1991-4 Bisengimana was closely alligned to Laurent Semanza (the bourgmestre of Bicumbi), the president of the MRND for the greater Kigali area, and Juvénal Rugambarara, who succeeded Semanza as bourgmestre of Bicumbi. They held regular meetings together and issued weapons to the Interahamwe militias. Profile:


BIZIMUNGU, Augustin (ICTR-00-56)

Personal page Date and place of birth

28 August 1952, Mukaranga commune, Byumba prefecture

Date and place of arrest

August 2002, Angola

Occupation Not to be confused with Casimir Bizimungu, who was the Minister of Health in the Interim government. Obtained a diploma in modern humanities in Ruhengeri sector before studying at ESM military school from 1972 to 1974; Afterwards Bizimungu was commissioned as a second Lieutenant and sent to commando training school in Bigogwe for a month (later he became an instructor in Bigogwe); Was promoted to Lieutenant in 1977 and to Captain in 1980; Attended the Royal Defence Institute in Belgium in 1982 and graduated in 1984 with a diploma in Chief of Staff studies; While in Belgium, Bizimungu was promoted to Major; He was appointed S-2 and S-3 officer of the Para Commando Battalion at Kanombe in 1984; And transferred in January 1985 to Gako, where he became a commander at Bugesera centre; In March 1988, he was appointed commander of the Ruhengeri Para Commando Battalion; Was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1991 and to full Colonel in December 1993; In January 1994, Bizimungu was appointed to commander of military operations for Ruhengeri sector; He participated in a Ministry of Defence appraisal of the Rwandan Army; On 16 April 1994 he was simultaneously appointed Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Army and promoted to the rank of Major General; On 19 April 1994 Bizimungu took up his post as Chief of Staff.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role in the massacres in Rwanheri sector; Organizing and participating in the violence at the École des sciences infirmières de Kabgayi (ESI), at the TRAFIPRO Centre, and at the Musambira commune office and dispensary in Gitarama prefecture; One of the people accused by the Prosecution counsel of having planned a genocide since 1990.

Indictment Date: 23 August 2004 Signed by: Jallow NB. Ndindiliyimana et al. (Military II case) also against Ndindiliyimana, Nzuwonemeye, and Sagahutu Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.)


Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 7: Murder (= violence to life; Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 8: Rape (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 May 2011 Judges: De Silva, Hikmet, and Park N.B. Also known as the ‘Military II’ trial against Bizimungu, Ndindiliyimana, Nzuwonemeye, and Sagahutu Total number of witnesses: 216 (prosecution: 72; defence: 144) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 6: guilty (rape, c.a.h.) Count 7: guilty (murder, art. 3) Count 8: guilty (rape, art. 3) = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 30 June 2014 Judges: Meron, Daqun, Agius, Khan, and Tuzmukhamedov Apart from reversing some convictions in specific cases, the judges upheld the TC judgement and sentence. = 30 YEARS

Historical background

Yes, covering the civil war years.

Extra info Profile:


BIZIMUNGU, Casimir (ICTR-99-50)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1951, Nyamugani commune, Ruhengeri prefecture

Date and place of arrest

11 February 1999, Kenya

Occupation Not to be confused with military commander Augustin Bizimungu. Minister of Heath in the Interim government from 9 April to 5 July 1994; Obtained a MD degree from the National University of Rwanda in Butare prefecture; And a doctorate in public health from the University of Illinois, the United States (1984); Afterwards, became a professor at the National University of Rwanda; Was appointed Minister of Health in the MRND government of April 1987 (until January 1989); Became a member of the central committee of the MRND in 1990; Was Minister of Health in the multi-party governments from April 1992 to 9 April 1994; Appointed Minister of Health in the Interim government on 9 April 1994.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning, organizing, and ordering the extermination of the Tutsi population and Hutu opposition.

Indictment Date: 13 September 1999 Signed by: Muna N.B. Bizimungu et al. (Government II trial) joint indictment also against Mugenzi, Bicamumpaka, and Mugiraneza Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: N/A Count 6: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 7: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 8: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 30 September 2011 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Short Total number of witnesses: 171 (prosecution: 57; defence: 114) Total number of exhibits: unclear


= ACQUITTED (immediate release) Appeal judgement and sentence

No appeal.

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Government II’ trial. Profile:


‘GAA’ (ICTR-07-90-R77)

Personal page Date and place of birth


Date of arrest 30 July 2007, Kigali, Rwanda Occupation Arrested for giving false testimony at the ICTR. Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Giving false testimony in the appeal against Jean de Dieu Kamuhanda.

Indictment Date: 11 June 2007 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Giving false testimony under solemn declaration Count 2: Contempt of the Tribunal Count 3: Various attempts to commit acts punishable as contempt of the Tribunal Count 4: Various attempts to commit acts punishable as contempt of the Tribunal Count 5: Various attempts to commit acts punishable as contempt of the Tribunal

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 4 December 2007 Judges: Byron, Kam, and Joensen Guilty Plea Agreement for count 1 (false testimony) and count 2 (contempt of the Tribunal). = 9 months (released in 2008)

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Induced by Léonidas Nshogoza, who was an investigator in the defence team of Kamuhanda (see Nshogoza’s case). ‘GAA’ was offered money by Nshogoza in return for giving a false testimony. In the end, ‘GAA’ never received the money.


GACUMBITSI, Sylvestre (ICTR-01-64)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1947, Rusumo commune, Kibungo prefecture

Date and place of arrest

20 June 2001, Tanzania

Occupation Bourgmestre of Rusumo commune until April 1994; Chairman of the Banque Populaire de Rusumo (1983-1994); Previously a teacher in Kibungo prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings in Rusumo commune and at Nyarubuye Parish.

Indictment Date: 20 June 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Rape (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 June 2004 Judges: Vaz, Reddy, and Egorov Number of witnesses: 37 (prosecution: 15; defence: 22) Number of exhibits: 24 (prosecution: 15; defence: 9) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: dismissed Count 3: guilty (extermination) Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (rape) = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 7 July 2006 Judges: Shahabuddeen, Güney, Daqun, Meron, and Schomburg Dismissed Gacumbitsi’s appeal and added count 4 (murder). Consequently, increased the sentence. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


GATETE, Jean Baptiste (ICTR-00-61)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1953, Rwankuba sector, Murambi commune, Byumba prefecture

Date and place of arrest

11 September 2002, Democratic Republic of Congo

Occupation Directeur in the Ministry of Women and Family Affairs headed by Pauline Nyiramasuhuko during the Interim Government from 9 April 1994 until mid-July 1994; Member of the MRND and active at both national and prefectural levels; During the events of 1994 he was a leader of the Interahamwe; Was appointed President of the MRND in Murambi commune in June 1993; Bourgmestre of Murambi commune from 1982 to June 1993.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The attacks at Rukara, Kiziguro, and Mukarange Parish; Supervising the massacres in Byumba and Kibungo prefecture.

Indictment Date: 10 May 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 31 May 2011 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Akay Number of witnesses: 49 (prosecution: 22; defence: 27) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: dismissed Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (extermination) Count 5: dismissed Count 6: not guilty Mitigating factor of ‘undue delay of length pre-trial detention’ (arrest in 2002 and commencement of the trial in 2009). = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 9 October 2012 Judges: Daqun, Güney, Pocar, Vaz, and Agius Grants that Gatete’s right to be tried with undue delay was violated; Grants that the Trial Chamber erred in considering the same factor in assessing the gravity of the offences and as a separate aggravating


error; Dismisses all other aspects of the appeal. = 40 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Gatete was dismissed as bourgmestre in 1993 (during Dismas Nsengiyaremye’s second multi-government) due to allegations that he had persecuted Tutsi in Murambi commune. Profile:


HATEGEKIMANA, Idelphonse (ICTR-00-55B)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1 February 1964, Mugina commune, Gitarama prefecture

Date and place of arrest

16 February 2003, Congo Brazzaville

Occupation Commander of the Ngoma military camp in Butare prefecture; Held the rank of Lieutenant; Acted under the command of the ESO (military school) and Lieutenant Colonel Tharcisse Muvunyi.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The massacres in Butare prefecture.

Indictment Date: 29 November 2000 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 4: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 5: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 6 December 2010 Judges: Ramaroson, Hikmet, and Masanche Number of witnesses: 40 (prosecution: 20; defence: 20) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 4: guilty (rape) Count 5: left out =LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 8 May 2012 Judges: Pocar, Robinson, Güney, Vaz, and Agius Upheld TC verdict. Dismissed appeal. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background

Provides only a direct context + power structures.

Extra info Profile:


IMANISHIMWE, Samuel (1: ICTR-97-36; 2: ICTR-99-46)

Personal page Date and place of birth

25 October 1961, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

11 August 1997, Kenya

Occupation Commander of Cyangugu military camp (also referred to as ‘Karambo military camp’) from October 1993 to July 1994; Held rank of Lieutenant; Allegedly held the position of officer of staff of the G-3 bureau in 1993, which was attached to the General Staff of the Rwandan Army in Kigali.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

A military authority in Cyangugu prefecture.

Indictment Date: 13 October 1997 Signed by: Arbour N.B. Ntagerura et al. (Cyangugu trial) joint indictment also against Bagambiki and Ntagerura. Count 7: Genocide Count 8: Complicity in genocide Count 9: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 10: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 11: Imprisonment (c.a.h.) Count 12: Torture (c.a.h.) Count 13: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 25 February 2004 Judges: Williams, Ostrovsky, Dolenc Total number of witnesses: 123 (prosecution: 41; defence: 82, of which 23 testifying for Imanishimwe) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 7: guilty (genocide) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: guilty (murder) Count 10: guilty (extermination) Count 11: guilty (imprisonment) Count 12: guilty (torture) Count 13: guilty (violence to life) = 27 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 7 July 2006 Judges: Pocar, Güney, Vaz, Meron, and Schomburg Reverses count 7 (genocide) and 10 (extermination); Upholds counts 9 (murder), 11 (imprisonment), 12 (torture), and 13 (violence to life).


= 12 YEARS (released in 2009)

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


KABILIGI, Gratien (1: ICTR-97-34; 2: ICTR-98-41)

Personal page Date and place of birth

18 December 1951, Rusunyu sector, Kamembe commune, Cyangugu prefecture

Date and place of arrest

18 July 1997, Nairobi, Kenya

Occupation During the events of 1994 he was the Chief of Military Operations (G-3) within the High Command of the Rwandan Army; Enrolled in ESM (military school) in 1971 and graduated as second lieutenant in 1974; Underwent senior officer training at the military academy in Hamburg (West-Germany) from 1986 to 1988; Was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in 1988 and to full Colonel in 1992; Was Director of Studies at ESM from 1988 to 1991; Commanded the 21st Battalion at the Mutare frontline from 1991 to 1992; Appointed commander of military operations in the Byumba operational sector from June 1992 to August 1993; Head of the G-3 bureau on the general staff of the Rwandan Army from September 1993 to 17 July 1994; After the FAR’s defeat, Kabiligi was named deputy commander and commander of the Bakavu Squad of the newly reorganized Rwandan Forces High Command in exile; Later took part in the Movement for the return of Refugees and Democracy to Rwanda (RDR).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Military authority.

Indictment Date: 13 August 1999 Signed by: Muna N.B. Joint indictment also against Ntabakuze Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 18 December 2008 Judges: Møse, Reddy, and Egorov NB. Bagosora et al. (Military I trial) also against Bagosora, Nsengiyumva, and Ntabakuze)


Total number of witnesses: 242 (prosecution against Kabiligi: 2; defence: 180 for all four) Total number of exhibits: 1600 = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Military I’ trial. Profile:


KAJELIJELI, Juvénal (ICTR-98-44A)

Personal page Date and place of birth

26 December 1951, Rwizovu cellule, Rwinzovu sector, Mukingo commune, Ruhengeri prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 June 1998, Benin

Occupation Bourgmestre of Mukingo commune from 1988 to 1993; Was re-appointed in June 1994 (until mid-July 1994).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings and other violence at Mukingo commune.

Indictment Date: 25 January 2001 Signed: Del Ponte Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 8: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 9: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 10: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 1 December 2003 Judges: Sekule, Matanzima Maqutu, Ramaroson, and Dieng Number of witnesses: 42 (prosecution: 14; defence: 28) Number of exhibits: 91 (prosecution: 35; defence: 56) Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: dismissed Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: not guilty Count 8: dismissed Count 9: not guilty Count 10: left out Count 11: left out = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 23 May 2005 Judges: Pocar, Shahabuddeen, Mwachande Mumba, Schomburg, and Weinberg de Roca


Vacates count 2 (genocide) and 6 (extermination); Dismisses the rest of the appeal. Finds that Kajelijeli’s rights were seriously violated during his arrest and detention. Therefore, decreased sentence. = 45 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Had close ties with MRND’s national Secretary-General Joseph Nzirorera. Profile:


KALIMANZIRA, Callixte (ICTR-05-88)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1953, Muganza commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

Voluntary surrender 8 November 2005, Nairobi, Kenya

Occupation Close ally of President Théodore Sindikukwabo and Prime Minister Jean Kambanda; Held several top positions in the Rwandan government: Was the Coordinator of Agricultural services at Kigali prefecture; Director of the Rural Development section at the presidency of the Republic; Secretary General and Chief of Staff of the Ministry of the Interior under the Interim government (9 April-mid July); Was acting as Minister of the Interior from 6 April to 25 May 1994; Was a prominent member of MRND; Sous-préfet of Butare and Byumba prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the Kabuye Hill massacre.

Indictment Date: 21 July 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 22 June 2009 Judges: Byron, Kam, and Joensen Number of witnesses: 66 (prosecution: 24; defence: 42) Number of exhibits: 199 (prosecution: 82; defence: 117) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: dismissed Count 3: guilty (direct and public incitement) = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 20 October 2010 Judges: Meron, Güney, Pocar, Vaz, and Agius Upholds all counts, but decreases the sentence. = 25 YEARS

Historical background

Close to none.

Extra info Profile:


KAMBANDA, Jean (ICTR-97-23)

Personal page Date and place of birth

19 October 1955, Gishamvu commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

9 July 1997, Kenya

Occupation Prime Minister of Rwanda from 8 April until mid-July 1994; Prominent member of the MDR; Before April 1994 Kambanda was the MDR’s Vice President of Butare prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

National authority planning, organizing, and ordering the extermination of the Tutsi population and Hutu opposition.

Indictment Date: 28 October 1998 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 4: Complicity in genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 4 September 1998 Judges: Kama, Aspegren, and Pillay On 1 May 1998 Kambanda pleaded guilty on all 6 counts. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 9 October 2000 Judges: Jorda, Vohrah, Shahabuddeen, Nieto-Navia, and Pocar Appeal dismissed. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background

Only power structures.

Extra info Although Kambanda pleaded guilty on all counts, he was still sentenced to life imprisonment. Profile:


KAMUHANDA, Jean de Dieu (ICTR-99-54A)

Personal page Date and place of birth

3 March, 1953, Gikomero commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

26 November 1999, Bourges, France

Occupation Held the office of Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Interim government from late May until mid-July 1994, thereby replacing Nbangura; Before that Kamuhanda was first the Director of Higher Education and Scientific Research and later a counsellor to President Sindikubwabo until May 1994; A member of the MRND.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role in the massacre at Gikomero Protestant Parish in Gikomero prefecture.

Indictment Date: 27 September 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 7: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 8: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 9: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 22 January 2004 Judges: Sekule, Matanzima Maqutu, and Ramaroson Number of witnesses: 64 (prosecution: 28; defence: 36) Number of exhibits: 141 (prosecution: 53; defence: 88) Count 1: left out Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: dismissed Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 19 September 2005 Judges: Meron, Shahabuddeen, Mwachande Mumba, Schomburg, and Weinberg de Roca


Vacates counts 2 (genocide) and 5 (extermination). Upholds sentence. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


KANYABASHI, Joseph (1: ICTR-96-15; 2: ICTR-98-42)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1937, Mpare sector, Huye commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

28 June 1995, Belgium

Occupation Bourgmestre of Ngoma commune in Butare prefecture from April 1974 to 4 July 1994; Joined the PSD after the advent of the multiparty governments.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The Ngoma massacres at Matyazo clinic and the Kabakobwa cellule killings on 22 April 1994.

Indictment Date: 2 November 2000 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 24 June 2011 Judges: Sekule, Ramaroson, and Bossa N.B. Nyiramasuhuko et al. (Butare Six) also against Kanyabashi, Nyiramasuhuko, Ntahobali, Ndayambaje, Nsabimana, and Ntezinyayo. Total number of witnesses: 189 (prosecution: 59; defence: 23 for Kanyabashi) Total number of exhibits: 913 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: dismissed Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (persecution) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: guilty (violence to life) = 35 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Very extensive + power structures.


Extra info ‘Butare Six’ trial. Kanyabashi chose not to testify; Kanyabashi’s wife, Bernadette Kamanzi, is a Tutsi. Profile:


KANYARUKIGA, Gaspard (ICTR-02-78)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1945, Kivumu commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

16 July 2004, South Africa

Occupation Businessman in Kigali and Kivumu commune (Kibuye prefecture); Owned a pharmacy in the Nyange Trading Centre in Nyange sector, Kivumu commune; Part of a joint criminal enterprise.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Helped planning the Nyange Parish Church massacre in Kivumu commune.

Indictment Date: 5 December 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 1 November 2010 Judges: Hikmet, Park, and Masanche Number of witnesses: 24 (prosecution: 11; defence: 13) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: left out Count 4: guilty (extermination, has become count 3) = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 8 May 2012 Judges: Robinson, Güney, Pocar, Ramaroson, and Vaz Appeal dismissed. = 30 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


KAREMERA, Edouard (ICTR-97-24)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1 September 1951, Rucura sector, Mwendo commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 June 1998, Lomé, Togo

Occupation Minister of the Interior and Development in the Interim government of 8 April 1994 (sworn in on 25 April 1994); First Vice-President of the MRND; Member of the MRND’s Steering Committee (from July 1993 onwards); Trained as a lawyer at Louvain Catholic University in Belgium (1971-1976).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

As a national authority Karemera took part in many anti-Tutsi meetings such as a mass meeting at Umuganda stadium in Gisenyi prefecture and the assembly of the Kibuye communal committee.

Indictment Date: 24 August 2005 Signed by: Jallow N.B. Karemera et al. joint indictment also against Ngirumpatse, Rwamakuba, and Nzirorera. Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 3: Genocide Count 4: Complicity in genocide Count 5: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Murder and violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 2 February 2012 Judges: Byron, Kam, and Joensen Total number of witnesses: 153 witnesses heard and 114 witness statements Total number of exhibits: over 1400 Count 1: guilty (conspiracy) Count 2: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 3: guilty (genocide) Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (rape) Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (murder and violence to life) =LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 29 September 2014 Judges: Meron, Pocar, Ramaroson, Tuzmukhamedov, and Afande


Reversed the findings at first instance, but confirmed that Karemera was guilty. Affirms sentence. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background

Some + power structures.

Extra info Nickname ‘Rukusanya’. Profile:


KARERA, François (ICTR-01-74)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1938 or 1939, Huro sector, Musasa commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

20 October 2001, Kenya

Occupation Appointed préfet of Kigali-Rural prefecture in April 1994 (until mid-July 1994); Previously sous-préfet of the Bugesera region in Kigali-Rural prefecture (1990-April 1994); Also served as a bourgmestre of Nyarugenge commune in Kigali-Ville prefecture (for over 15 years); Prominent member of the MRND.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Anti-Tutsi campaigning in the areas mentioned above.

Indictment Date: 19 December 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 7 December 2007 Judges: Møse, Egorov, and Arrey Number of witnesses: 49 (prosecution: 18; defence: 31) Number of exhibits: 130 (prosecution: 52; defence: 78) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (extermination) Count 4: guilty (murder) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 2 February 2009 Judges: Pocar, Shahabuddeen, Güney, Daqun, and Meron Upheld TC verdict. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


KAYISHEMA, Clément (ICTR-95-1)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1954, Bwishyura sector, Gitesi commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

2 May 1996, Zambia

Occupation Appointed préfet of Kibuye prefecture on 3 July 1992; Acted as préfet until fleeing to Zaire in July 1994; Was the medical director of Nyanza hospital from 1986 to 1991; Joined the PDC in 1992; studied medicine.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The massacres at the Catholic Church, Home St. Jean, and the stadium in Kibuye Town (18-19 April 1994); The massacres at the church in Mubuga; Bisesero area.

Indictment Date: 19 April 1995 Signed by: Goldstone N.B. Kayishema et al. trial, joint indictment against Bagilishema, Muhimana, Ryandikayo, and Ruzendana Massacre at the Catholic Church and Home St. Jean (1-6) Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 5: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions) Count 6: Violation of Additional Protocol II (to Article 3 of Geneva Conventions) Massacres at the stadium in Kibuye Town (18-19 April 1994) Count 7: Genocide Count 8: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 9: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 10: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 11: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions) Count 12: Violation of Additional Protocol II (to Article 3 of Geneva Conventions) Massacres at the church in Mubuga Count 13: Genocide Count 14: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 15: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 16: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 17: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions) Count 18: Violation of Additional Protocol II (to Article 3 of Geneva Conventions) Massacres in the area of Bisesero Count 19: Genocide Count 20: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 21: Extermination (c.a.h.)


Count 22: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 23: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions) Count 24: Violation of Additional Protocol II (to Article 3 of Geneva Conventions)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 21 May 1999 Judges: Sekule, Ostrovsky, and Hussain-Khan NB. Joint trial against Kayishema and Ruzindana (Kayishema et al. trial) Number of witnesses: 79 (prosecution: 51; defence: 28, of which 7 testified on behalf of Kayishema alone, 5 for both, and 16 on behalf of Ruzindana) Total number of exhibits: ± 410 (prosecution: over 350; defence: 59) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2 and 3: left out Count 4: not guilty Count 5: not guilty Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (genocide) Count 8 and 9: left out Count 10: not guilty Count 11: not guilty Count 12: not guilty Count 13: guilty (genocide) Count 14 and 15: left out Count 16: not guilty Count 17: not guilty Count 18: not guilty Count 19: guilty (genocide) Count 20 and 21: left out Count 22: not guilty Count 23: not guilty Count 24: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 1 June 2001 Judges: Jorda, Vohrah, Shahabuddeen, Nieto-Navia, and Pocar Appeal dismissed. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background

Short + power structures.

Extra info One of the early trials. Later on, specific events were grouped under one type of violation/count. Profile:


MPAMBARA, Jean (ICTR-01-65)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1954, Rukara commune, Kibungo prefecture

Date and place of arrest

20 June 2001, northern Tanzania

Occupation Bourgmestre of Rukara commune in Kibungo prefecture. Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the killings at Gahini Hospital on 9 April 1994 and Rukara Parish from 9 to 12 April 1994.

Indictment Date: 7 March 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 12 September 2006 Judges: Reddy, Egorov, and Lattanzi Number of witnesses: 26 (prosecution: 10; defence: 16) Number of exhibits: 73 (prosecution: 25; defence: 48) = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

No appeal.

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


MUGENZI, Justin (ICTR-99-50)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1939, Rukara commune, Kibungo prefecture

Date and place of arrest

6 April 1999, Cameroon

Occupation Minister of Commerce in the Interim government from 9 April until mid-July 1994; Was in the army shortly in the 1960s (starting from 1961); Afterwards worked as a teacher and school administrator Then opened a small retail shop in Kigali; Started an important business and plastics factory; Founded the PL on 14 July 1991 and served as the party’s Chairman; Became Minister of Commerce in July 1993 in the multi-party government; Continued to hold this position in the Interim government.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Direct and public incitement to exterminate the Tutsi population.

Indictment Date: 13 September 1999 Signed by: Muna N.B. Bizimungu et al. (Government II trial) joint indictment also against Bicamumpaka, C. Bizimungu, and Mugiraneza Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: N/A Count 5: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 6: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 7: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 8: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 30 September 2011 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Short Total number of witnesses: 171 (prosecution: 59; defence: 114) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (conspiracy) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: N/A Count 5: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty


Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty Count 10: not guilty = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 4 February 2013 Judges: Meron, Robinson, Daqun, Vaz, and Tuzmukhamedov Reverses count 1 (conspiracy) and count 5 (direct and public incitement). = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Historical background

Very extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Government II’ trial. Profile:


MUGIRANEZA, Prosper (ICTR-99-50)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1957, Kigarama commune, Kibungo prefecture

Date and place of arrest

6 April 1999, Cameroon

Occupation Minister of Civil Service in the Interim government from 9 April to late July 1994; Studied law at the National University of Rwanda (1978-1982); Was appointed deputy prosecutor in Byumba in 1982 and promoted to the position of prosecutor of Gisenyi prefecture in 1985; In 1987 Mugiraneza was transferred to Kigali; After holding the position of secretary-general in the Ministry of Justice, he was appointed Minister of Labour and Social Affairs on 30 December 1990; Subsequently appointed Minister of Public Service and Professional Training in the multi-party governments of March 1992 and July 1993. Appointed Minister of Civil Service in the Interim government on 9 April 1994.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the extermination of the Tutsi population.

Indictment Date: 13 September 1999 Signed by: Muna N.B. Bizimungu et al. (Government II trial) joint indictment also against Mugenzi, C. Bizimungu, and Bicamumpaka Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: N/A Count 6: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 7: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 8: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 30 September 2011 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Short Total number of witnesses: 171 (prosecution: 59; defence: 114) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (conspiracy) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty


Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: N/A Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty Count 10: not guilty = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 4 February 2013 Judges: Meron, Robinson, Daqun, Vaz, and Tuzmukhamedov Reverses count 1 (conspiracy) and count 4 (direct and public incitement). = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Historical background

Very extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Government II’ trial. Profile:


MUHIMANA, Mikaeli (ICTR-95-1B)

Personal page Date and place of birth

24 October 1961, Kagano cellule, Gishyita sector, Gishyita commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

8 November 1999, Tanzania

Occupation Counsellor for Gishyita sector from 1990 until 1994. Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the massacre at Mubuga Parish Catholic Churc, the events at Mugonera complex, and the violence in the area of Bisesero.

Indictment Date: 29 July 2004 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 28 April 2005 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Short Number of witnesses: 52 (prosecution: 19; defence: 33) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: dismissed Count 3: guilty (rape) Count 4: guilty (murder) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 21 May 2007 Judges: Pocar, Shahabuddeen, Güney, Daqun, and Schomburg Appeal dismissed. =LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Also known as “Mika”. Profile:


MUNYAKAZI, Yussuf (ICTR-97-36A)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1936, Rwamatamu commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 May 2004, Democratic Republic of Congo

Occupation Businessman and commercial farmer in Bugarama commune, Cyangugu prefecture; A military leader of the MRND’s Interahamwe militia in Bugarama commune.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The violence in Bugarama commune, the killings in Bisesero area (13-14 May 1994), and the events at Cyangugu Cathedral in April 1994.

Indictment Date: 29 November 2002 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 5 July 2010 Judges: Arrey, Rajohnson, and Akay Number of witnesses: 31 (prosecution: 11; defence: 20) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (extermination) = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 28 September 2011 Judges: Robinson, Güney, Daqun, Vaz, and Agius Upheld TC judgement. = 25 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


MUSABYIMANA, Samuel (ICTR-2001-62) deceased before trial

Personal page Date and place of birth

6 July 1956, Mwendo commune, Kibuye prefecture (died in detention on 24 July 2003).

Date and place of arrest

26 April 2001, Kenya

Occupation Bishop of the Anglican Church in Shyogwe Diocese, Gitarama prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings at Shyogwe Diocese.

Indictment Date: 7 February 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Musabyimana died in detention on 24 July 2003.

TC judgement and sentence


Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Profile:


MUSEMA, Alfred (ICTR-96-13)

Personal page Date and place of birth

22 August 1949, Butare commune, Byumba prefecture

Date and place of arrest

11 February 1995, Switzerland

Occupation Director of the Gisovu Tea factory in Kibuye prefecture (1984-1994); Musema’s areas of responsibility were Kibuye and Ginkongoro prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The violence in Gisovu and Gishyita commune, Kibuye prefecture.

Indictment Date: 6 May 1999 Signed by: Adeng Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 8: Violence to life, health and physical or mental well-being (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 9: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 27 January 2000 Judges: Aspegren, Kama, Pillay Number of witnesses: ±28 (prosecution: 22 witnesses, 1 investigator, and 1 expert witness; defence: Musema’s testimony and 5 other witnesses) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (rape) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 16 November 2001 Judges: Jorda, Vohra, Shahabuddeen, Nieto-Navia, and Pocar Reverses count 7 (rape). Affirms all other counts.


= LIFE IMPRISONMENT Historical background

Short, direct context, starting from when the presidential plane was shot down + power structures.

Extra info From 1993 onwards, Gisovu Tea factory was the biggest tea factory in Rwanda. Its head office was located in Kibuye prefecture. Profile:


MUVUNYI, Tharcisse (ICTR-00-55)

Personal page Date and place of birth

19 August 1953, Mukarange commune, Byumba prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 February 2000, London

Occupation Held the office of Commander of the École Sous Officiers (ESO) (was appointed on 7 April 1994); Had the authority over the Gendarmerie and Ngoma military camp and all military operations in Butare prefecture; Was a MRND affiliate.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Speaker at an anti-Tutsi meeting in Gikore centre, Nyaruhengeri commune and Butare prefecture.

Indictment Date: 23 December 2003 Signed by: Diallo Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 4: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 5: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

On 12 September 2006 Muvunyi was convicted for several acts of genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, and other inhumane acts and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment. On 29 August 2008 the Appeals Chamber set aside all convictions and the sentence, and ordered a retrial of only 1 allegation: direct and public incitement to commit genocide (see Appeal judgement). Date: 11 February 2010 Judges: Byron, Kam, and Joensen (= Appeals Chamber) Count 3: guilty (direct and public incitement) = 15 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 1 April 2011 Judges: Robinson, Pocar, Daqun, Meron, and Agius Appeal dismissed. = 15 YEARS, granted an early release on 6 March 2012 (See:

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info Profile:


NAHIMANA, Ferdinand (ICTR-99-52)

Personal page Date and place of birth

15 June 1950, Gatonde commune, Ruhengeri prefecture

Date and place of arrest

26 March 1996, Cameroon

Occupation Member of the Comité d’Initiative, the founding body of the RTLM radio station, and an ‘ideologue behind the creation of RTLM’; Shareholder and senior official of RTLM; Member of the ‘Hutu Power’ movement; First a member of the MRND, then of the CDR; Became Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Culture under the Arusha Accords of August 1993; Was also a member of the Comité de Salut at the National University of Ruhengeri prefecture and; Director of the Rwandan Information Agency (ORINFOR) from 1990 to 1992.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The Prosecution counsel accused Nahimana (and Barayagwiza, Ngeze, and Ruggiu) of a genocide conspiracy between 1990-1994.

Indictment Date: 15 November 1999 Signed by: N. S. Meron Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 4: Complicity in genocide Count 5: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 3 December 2003 Judges: Pillay, Møse, and Gunawardana NB. Nahimana et al. (Media case) joint trial also against Barayagwiza and Ngeze Total number of witnesses: 93 (prosecution: 47; defence: 46, of which 13 testifying for Nahimana) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (conspiracy to commit genocide) Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (persecution) Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT


Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 28 November 2007 Judges: Pocar, Shahabuddeen, Güney, Vaz, and Meron Reverses Article 6(1), thus count 1 (conspiracy), 2 (genocide) and 6 (extermination; Affirms Article 6(3) in respect of the RTLM broadcasts after 6 April 1994, and thereby count 3 (direct and public incitement) and 5 (persecution). = 30 YEARS

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info The ‘Media Trial’. Profile:


NCHAMIHIGO, Simeon (ICTR-01-63)

Personal page Date and place of birth

7 August 1959, Gatare commune, Cyangugu prefecture

Date and place of arrest

19 May 2001, Arusha, Tanzania

Occupation At the time of his arrest, Nchamihigo was working for the ICTR as an investigator for the defence in the case against Imanishimwe (under the false name of ‘Bahati Weza’); Was Assistant Prosecutor at the Cyuangugu Court of First Instance from 1991 to 17 July 1994; Issued counterfeit warrants of arrest against Tutsi; Took part in political activities of the MRND and CDR; Was an Interahamwe leader in Cyuangugu prefecture (1 February – 17 July 1994) and; A member of the Security Council (April-July 1994), a Tuvindimwe member.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Was working under a false name for the ICTR; Played an authoritative role in ordering the killing at Kamarampaha stadium (16-18 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 11 December 2006 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 12 November 2008 Judges: Byron, Kam, and Fremr Number of witnesses: 61 (prosecution: 24 and 1 rebuttal witness; defence: 36) Number of exhibits: 154 (prosecution: 81; defence: 73) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: guilty (murder) Count 3: guilty (extermination) Count 4: guilty (other inhumane acts) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 18 March 2010 Judges: Robinson, Pocar, Daqun, Meron, and Agius Reverses guilt in some specific cases, but upholds all 4 counts. = 40 YEARS

Historical background



Extra info Name sometimes spelled ‘Nshamihigo’. Profile:


NDAHIMANA, Gregoire (ICTR-01-68)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1952, Rukoro sector, Kivume commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

11 August 2009, Democratic Republic of Congo

Occupation Bourgmestre of Kivumu commune in Kibuye prefecture (he was indirectly elected in June 1993, assumed his position in October 1993); Before that worked as an agronomist.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the Nyange Parish massacre.

Indictment Date: 5 July 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 30 December 2011 Judges: Arrey, Tuzmukhamedov, and Akay Number of witnesses: 45 (prosecution: 15; defence: 30) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: dismissed Count 3: left out Count 4: guilty (extermination) = 15 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 16 December 2013 Judges: Meron, Sekule, Ramaroson, Agius, and Khan Dismisses Ndahimana’s appeal. Affirms counts 1 (genocide) and 4 (extermination) and sets aside one of the mitigating factors (acting under duress). Increases sentence. = 25 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


NDAYAMBAJE, Elie (1: ICTR-96-8; 2: ICTR-98-42)

Personal page Date and place of birth

8 March 1958, Cyumba sector, Kibayi commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

28 June 1995, Belgium

Occupation Bourgmestre of Muganza commune in Butare prefecture as of 18 June 1994; Previously held the same position from 1983 to 1992; Holds a degree in social and economic sciences and management (graduated from the National University of Rwanda in Butare prefecture in 1981).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role in planning the extermination of Tutsi in Muganza commune.

Indictment Date: 11 August 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Murder and violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 24 June 2011 Judges: Sekule, Ramaroson, and Bossa N.B. Nyiramasuhuko et al. (Butare Six trial) against Ndayambaje, Nyiramasuhuko, Ntahobali, Nsabimana, Nteziryayo, and Kanyabashi. Total number of witnesses: 189 (prosecution: 59; defence: 24 for Ndayambaje) Total number of exhibits: 913 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: dismissed Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (persecution) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: guilty (violence to life) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement TBA.


and sentence Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Butare Six’ trial. Profile:


NDINDABAHIZI, Emmanuel (ICTR-01-71)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1950, Gasharu sector, Gitesi commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

12 July 2001, Verviers, Belgium

Occupation Minister of Finance in the Interim government from 8 April 1994 until mid-July 1994; Appointed Minister of Finance in September 1992; Joined the Social Democratic Party (PSD) in 1992 and was voted Executive Secretary in 1993.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the Gitwa hill massacres.

Indictment Date: 8 July 2003 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 15 July 2004 Judges: Møse, Khan, and Bossa Number of witnesses: 34 (prosecution: 15; defence: 19) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: guilty (extermination) Count 3: guilty (murder) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 16 January 2007 Judges: Schomburg, Shahabuddeen, Güney, Daqun, and Meron Upholds verdict. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Profile:



Personal page Date and place of birth

1943, Nyaruhengeri commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

29 January 2000, Belgium

Occupation Since 2 September 1992 and as a Colonel, held the position of the Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie Nationale; Joined the military in 1966; Attended war college in Belgium from 1971 to 1974; Was appointed Minister of Youth and Sports in 1982, while concurrently rising through the ranks of the Rwandan Army.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings at Kansi Parish; The killings by his gendarmes at St. André College in Kigali (13 April 1994) and at CELA (22 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 23 August 2004 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: N/A Count 7: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 8: N/A

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 May 2011 Judges: De Silva, Hikmet, and Park N.B. Ndindiliyimana et al. (Military II trial) against A. Bizimungu, Ndindiliyimana, Nzuwonemeye, and Sagahutu Total number of witnesses: 116 (prosecution: 74; defence: 144) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (murder, art. 3) = 11 YEARS (= immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 11 February 2014 Judges: Meron, Daqun, Agius, Khan, and Tuzmukhamedov Reversed convictions for all counts. = ACQUITTED


Historical background

Yes, on the civil war years.

Extra info Profile:


NGEZE, Hassan (ICTR-97-27)

Personal page Date and place of birth

25 December 1957, Rubavu commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

18 July 1997, Mombasa, Kenya

Occupation Founded the newspaper Kangura in 1990 and held the position of editor-in-chief ( Worked as a journalist from 1998 onwards; A founding member of the CDR, he held the position of advisor to the party; A shareholder in RTLM radio station.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Kangura was published between May 1990 and 1995. In December 1990 the newspaper (issue 6) published the notorious ‘Ten Commandments’. No issues of the newspaper were published between April and July 1994.

Indictment Date: 10 November 1999 Signed by: Sankara Menon Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder/extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 7: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 3 December 2003 Judges: Pillay, Møse, and Gunawardana N.B. Nahimana et al. (Media case) also against Nahimana and Barayagwiza Total number of witnesses: 93 (prosecution: 47; defence: 46, of which 32 testifying for Ngeze) Number of witnesses and exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (conspiracy) Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: not guilty Count 6: guilty (persecution) Count 7: guilty (extermination) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 28 November 2009 Judges: Pocar, Shahabuddeen, Güney, Vaz, and Meron Reverses count 2 (genocide) and 6 (persecution). Affirms count 1


(conspiracy), 4 (direct and public incitement) and 7 (extermination). = 35 YEARS

Historical background

Extensive information on media and national power structures.

Extra info Also known as the ‘Media case’. Profile:


NGIRABATWARE, Augustin (ICTR-99-54)

Personal page Date and place of birth

12 January 1957, Ruhondo cellule, Munanira sector, Nyamyumba commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

17 September 2007, Germany

Occupation A former professor at the National University of Rwanda; Held the position of Director General in the Ministry of Mines and Artisanry before being appointed Minister of Planning as part of the:

- MRND governments of 9 July 1990 and 4 February 1991; - the first multi-party government of 31 December 1991 - the second multi-party government of 16 April 1992; - the third multi-party government of 18 July 1993; - the Interim government from 9 April 1994 to mid-July 1994;

A senior member of the Prefectural Committee of the MRND for Gisenyi prefecture; After secondary school Ngirabatware went to Switzerland for 10 years to study; He was employed as an assistant lecturer in Switzerland from 1981 to 1986; And obtained a doctorate in economic sciences in 1986;

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the extermination of Tutsi and political opposition.

Indictment Date: 14 April 2009 Signed by: A. Obote-Odora, in name of Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 20 December 2012 Judges: Sekule, Bossa, and Rajohnson Number of witnesses: 55 (prosecution: 20; defence: 35) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: withdrawn Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: not guilty Count 6: guilty (rape) = 35 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 18 December 2014 Judges: Meron, Justice Moloto, Flügge, Hall, and Daqun


Reverses count 6 (rape), confirms count 2 (genocide) and count 4 (direct and public incitement). Decreases sentence. = 30 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Son-in-law of Felicien Kabuga, a very wealthy businessman closely aligned with Habyarimana; Profile:


NGIRUMPATSE, Mathieu (ICTR-98-44)

Personal page Date and place of birth

12 December 1939, Rulindo, Kigali prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 June 1998, Bamako, Mali

Occupation Was elected National Secretary of the MRND in May 1992 and National Party Chairman and Chairman of the MRND’s Executive Bureau in July 1993 (until 1994); Minister of Defence from December 1991 to 7 April 1992; Studied humanities at St. Paul College in Bukavu (now DRC); Planned to study law in Burundi, but due to the security situation in the Great Lake Region he had to return home to Rwanda after 8 months; Began working in the prosecutor’s office in Butare prefecture and eventually became the head prosecutor in Kigali, where he continued his work until 1973; Since 1967, Ngirumpatse was a member of the Rwandan delegation to the Organization of African Unity; In 1974, he was appointed as Ambassador to Ethiopia by president Habyrimana (until 1977) and in 1979 as Ambassador of Germany; In Germany he completed his PhD in Law at Strasburg University; Returned to Rwanda in 1985, where he was appointed diplomatic advisor to president Habyarimana in 1986; In 1990, president Habyrimana appointed him as the general manager of the Societé Nationale des Assurances au Rwanda (SONARWA), Rwanda’s national insurance corporation; Entered domestic politics in 1991, when appointed chairman of the MRND in Kigali-ville prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning the extermination of Tutsi and political opposition. Involvement in the Bisesero Hills killings. Killings outside Kigali.

Indictment Date: 24 August 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 3: Genocide Count 4: Complicity in genocide Count 5: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Violence to life, health and the physical and mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Convention, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 2 February 2012 Judges: Byron, Kam, and Joensen N.B. Karemera et al. trial against Ngirumpatse, Karemera, Rwamakuba, and Nzirorera


Total number of witnesses: 153 and 114 witness statements (on behalf of Ngirumpatse, finally, 35 witnesses) Total number of exhibits: over 1400 Count 1: guilty (conspiracy) Count 2: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 3: guilty (genocide) Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (rape) Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (violence to life) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 29 September 2014 Judges: Meron, Pocar, Ramaroson, Tuzmukhamedov, and Afande Reverses count 1 (conspiracy), but affirms sentence. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Was an active participant in civil society organizations and particularly interested in music. Founded the Kigali Choir and was a composer of Rwandan music and poetry. Ngirumpatse’s lyrics were included in a poetry anthology used in Rwandan secondary schools; Remarkable initial process of joinder and severance, the number of accused ‘fluctuated frequently, once reaching a record high of 8 accused’. Profile:


NIYITEGEKA, Eliezer (ICTR-96-14)

Personal page Date and place of birth

12 March 1951, Gitabura, Gisovu commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

9 February 1999, Nairobi, Kenya

Occupation Minister of Information in the Interim government (8/9 April 1994 – mid-July 1994); Previously a journalist at Radio Rwanda; Member of the MDR and associated with the ‘power’ wing.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the violence in Kibuye prefecture.

Indictment Date: 25 November 2002 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape: c.a.h.) Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Damaged file. Document contains only the first 3 pages. Date: 16 May 2003 Judges: Pillay, Møse, and Vaz Number of witnesses: 24 Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (conspiracy) Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: guilty (murder) Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: not guilty Count 8: guilty (other inhumane acts) The Prosecution counsel withdrew count 9 and 10 due to lack of proof. =LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 9 July 2004 Judges: Meron, Shahabuddeen, Mwachande Mumba, Schomburg, and


Weinberg de Roca Appeal dismissed. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info Profile:


NIZEYIMANA, Ildéphonse (ICTR-2000-55C)

Personal page Date and place of birth

5 October 1963, Mutura commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 October 2009, Kampala, Uganda

Occupation Held the rank of Captain in the FAR; Held the position of S-2 and S-3 and was in charge of intelligence and military operations at the École des Sous Officiers (ESO) in Butare prefecture during April and part of May 1994; An anti-Tutsi extremist.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the events at Butare University and Butare Hospital; The massacres at Cyahinda Parish (15-20 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 17 December 2010 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 5: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 6: Rape (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 19 June 2012 Judges: Muthoga, Park, and Fremr Number of witnesses: 77 (prosecution: 38; defence: 39) Number of exhibits: 136 Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: guilty (extermination) Count 3: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (murder, art. 3) Count 6: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 29 September 2014 Judges: Meron, Sekule, Güney, Daqun, and Ramaroson Reverses count 2 (extermination). Decreases sentence. = 35 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info First name sometimes also spelled as ‘Idelphonse’: TC judgement writes ‘Ildéphonse’, news articles use both spellings. Profile:


NSABIMANA, Sylvain (1: ICTR-97-29; 2: ICTR-98-42)

Personal page Date and place of birth

29 July 1951, Mbazi commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

18 July 1997, Kenya

Occupation Préfet of Butare prefecture from 17 June to mid-July 1994; Before that was responsible for the Civil Defence of Butare prefecture (thus had the authority over Interahamwe militias); Attended agricultural academy in the Soviet Union, starting in 1974, and obtained a maîtrise degree in agronomy in the Soviet Union in 1981; Was an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Agronomy at the University of Rwanda; Studied in Canada from 1984 to 1986; In 1987, specialized in maize biology at an international institute in Mexico; Went to Denmark by the end of 1988 to study seed pathology; Returned to Rwanda in 1989; Got in charge of the development of sub-prefecture Busoro towards the end of 1990; Between April 1993 and April 1994, Nsabimana was employed as a director of the Coffee Pilot Project in Kigali; Was a PSD party member since its founding and headed the Mbazi section of the PSD in Butare prefecture; Following his relocation to Kigali, he became head of the PSD in Kigali-Rural prefecture; Was préfect of Butare prefecture from 19 April to 17 June 1994, until he was replaced by Nteziryayo.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the extermination of Tutsi.

Indictment Date: 12 August 1999 Signed by: Muna N.B. Joint indictment also against Nterziryayo Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art.3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 24 June 2011 Judges: Sekule, Ramaroson, and Bossa N.B. Nyiramasuhuko et al. (Butare Six trial) against Ndayambaje,


Nyiramasuhuko, Ntahobali, Nsabimana, Nteziryayo, and Kanyabashi. Total number of witnesses: 189 (prosecution: 59; defence: 11 on behalf of Nsabimana) Total number of exhibits: 913 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: not guilty Count 5: dismissed Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (persecution) Count 8: not guilty Count 9: guilty (violence to life) = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Extensive + power structures

Extra info ‘Butare Six’ trial. Profile:


NSENGIMANA, Hormisdas (ICTR-01-69)

Personal page Date and place of birth

6 August 1954, Kinyamakara commune, Gikongoro prefecture

Date and place of arrest

19 March 2002, Cameroon

Occupation Priest who held the position of Rector at the Collège Christ-Roi in Nyanza, Nyabisundi commune, Butare prefecture; Ordained a priest on 27 July 1980; Undertook doctoral studies in Rome from 1983 to 1989 and obtained a doctoral in Classical and Christian letters; Was appointed director of the Collège Christ-Roi in August 1989 (left in May 1994); Sought refuge in Bukavu (former Zaire, now DRC) in late June 1994, where he was received and accommodated by the archbishop of Bukavu at the Murhesa major seminary; From 1994 to August 1995 Nsengimana taught at a school in Bukavu at Walungu Parish and arrived in Cameroon on 4 August 1995; In eastern Cameroon Nsengimana was appointed as a priest in another parish; Later he travelled to Yaoundé and joined a monastery run by the Saint Jean Brothers.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Direct and public incitement to exterminate Tutsi; Participating in anti-Tutsi violence; Involvement in the events at Collège Christ-Roi.

Indictment Date: 10 August 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 November 2009 Judges: Møse, Egorov, and Arrey Number of witnesses: 43 (prosecution: 19; defence: 24) Number of exhibits: 105 (prosecution: 31; defence: 74) = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

No appeal.

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


NSENGIYUMVA, Anatole (1: ICTR-96-12; 2: ICTR-98-41)

Personal page Date and place of birth

4 September 1950, Satinyi commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

27 March 1996, Cameroon

Occupation Ranked as a Lieutenant Colonel, he was the Commander of Military Operations for Gisenyi sector since 13 June 1993; Had the authority over the Interahamwe (MRND) and Impuzamugambi (CDR) militias; Before that exercised functions of Chief of Military Intelligence within the High Command of the Rwandan army for several years.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The Nyundo Parish massacres (2-9 April 1994); The Mudende University massacre (8 April 1994); Accused by the Prosecutor counsel of planning the genocide since 1990 (together with Bagosora et al.).

Indictment Date: 12 August 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Conpiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape (c.a.h. Count 8: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 9: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 10: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 18 December 2008 Judges: Møse, Reddy, and Egorov N.B. Bagosora et al. (Military I trial) also against Bagosora, Kabiligi, Ntabakuze Total number of witnesses: 242 (prosecution: 82; defence: 160) Total number of exhibits: around 1600 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (murder) Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: not guilty Count 8: guilty (persecution) Count 9: guilty (other inhumane acts)


Count 10: guilty (violence to life) Count 11: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 14 December 2011 Judges: Meron, Robinson, Güney, Pocar, and Daqun (Bagosora and Nsengiyumva versus Prosecutor) Reverses count 5 (murder) and count 9 (other inhumane acts); Affirms count 2 (genocide), count 6 (extermination), count 8 (persecution), and count 10 (violence to life). = 15 YEARS (since 1996, thus immediate release)

Historical background

Extensive + power and territorial structures.

Extra info When in Cameroon, he became a member of the RDR (the movement for the return of Refugees and Democracy to Rwanda); Also known as the ‘Military I’ trial. Profile:


NSHOGOZA, Léonidas (1: ICTR-2007-91; 2: ICTR-99-54A)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1961, Rukeri, Kiyumba, Muhanga (since 2006’s geographical reforms, located in the Southern Province of Rwanda)

Date and place of arrest

8 February 2008, Arusha, Tanzania

Occupation Investigator for the defence counsel during the trial of Kamuhanda; Studied Law at the National University of Rwanda (graduated in 1986); Began working for the Kamuhanda defence by the end of 2001; Officially joined the Kigali Bar and became a lawyer in April 2005.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Contempt of the Tribunal.

Indictment Date: 7 January 2008 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Contempt of the Tribunal (Rule 77(A); A(ii), and 77(G)) Count 2: Contempt of the Tribunal (Rule 77(A); A(ii), A(iv), (B), and(G) Count 3: Attempt to commit acts punishable as contempt of the Tribunal, contrary to Rule 77(A), A(iv), (B), and (G) Count 4: Attempt to commit acts punishable as contempt of the Tribunal, contrary to Rule 77(A), A(iv), (B), and (G)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 7 July 2009 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Akay Number of witnesses: 16 (prosecution: 5; defence: 11) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (contempt) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: not guilty = 10 MONTHS IMPRISONMENT (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 15 March 2010 Judges: Robinson, Güney, Pocar, Daqun, and Vaz Affirms judgement. = 10 MONTHS IMPRISONMENT (immediate release)

Historical background


Extra info Between 1 March 2004 and 31 August 2005 Nshogoza was not a defence investigator under contract (in regards to the appeal) and therefore not officially entrusted by the Tribunal.


NTABAKUZE, Aloys (ICTR-97-30)

Personal page Date and place of birth

20 August 1954, Karago commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

18 July 1997, Nairobi, Kenya

Occupation Commander of the elite Para Commando Battalion; Promoted to Major on 1 April 1991 with retroactive effect from 1 April 1990; Underwent military training in the United Stated (1986-8); Was transferred to head the operational sector of Gitarama on 3 July 1994 (fled Rwanda on 17 July); Then was appointed deputy commander of the Goma Squad of the newly organized Rwandan Armed Forces High Command; Later joined the movement for the return of Refugees and Democracy to Rwanda (RDR).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Crimes by the Para Commando Battalion’s members in Kabeza; The Nyanza Hill killings (11 April 1994); Accused of planning genocide since 1990 by the prosecution counsel (together with Bagosora et al.).

Indictment Date: 30 July 1998 Signed by: Muna NB. Joint indictment also against Kabiligi Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 18 December 2008 Judges: Møse, Reddy, and Egorov N.B. Bagosora et al. (Military I trial) also against Bagosora, Kabiligi, and Nsengiyumva Total number of witnesses: 242 (prosecution: 82; defence: 160) Total number of exhibits: around 1600 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: guilty (murder)


Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (persecution) Count 8: guilty (other inhumane acts) Count 9: guilty (violence to life) Count 10: not guilty =LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 8 May 2012 Judges: Meron, Güney, Pocar, Daqun, and Ramaroson Reverses count 8 (other inhumane acts); Sets aside the finding that Ntabukeze is responsible for the commission of crimes by his militiamen; Reverses count 4 (murder); Affirms count 2 (genocide), count 5 (extermination), count 7 (persecution), and count 9 (violence to life). = 35 YEARS

Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info Also known as ‘Military I’ trial. Profile:


NTAGERURA, André (1: ICTR-96-10A; 2: ICTR-99-46)

Personal page Date and place of birth

2 January 1950, Karengera commune, Cyangugu prefecture

Date and place of arrest

27 March 1996, Cameroon

Occupation Prominent member of the MRND in south-western Rwanda; Was involved in defining the political orientation of the MRND; Served as the Minister of Transport and Communication from March 1981 to July 1994 (thus also in the Interim government).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the extermination of Tutsi in Cyangugu prefecture.

Indictment Date: 29 January 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h) Count 5: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 6: Complicity in genocide

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 1 September 2004 Judges: Williams, Ostrovsky, and Dolenc N.B. Ntagerura et al. (Cyangugu trial) also against Bagambiki and Imanishimwe Total number of witnesses: 123(prosecution: 41; defence: 82, of which 33/34 witnesses on behalf of Ntagerura Total number of exhibits: unclear = ACQUITTED

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 7 July 2006 Judges: Pocar, Güney, Vaz, Meron, and Schomburg Upholds TC verdict. = ACQUITTED (= immediate release)

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


NTAHOBALI, Arsène Shalom (1:ICTR-97-21; 2: ICTR-98-42)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1970, Tel Aviv, Israel

Date and place of arrest

24 July 1997, Kenya

Occupation Son of Minister Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (see Nyiramasuhuko’s case). While a student, Ntahobali led a group of Interahamwe men (MRND) in Butare prefecture; Studied at the National University of Rwanda in Butare prefecture since 1992, was registered at the Faculty of Applied Sciences in 1993 and 1994; At the same time was also a part-time manager at Hotel Ihuliro, located in Muramba cellule, Butare-ville sector, Ngoma commune, Butare prefecture; Got married in early 1993.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the killings and rape at the University Hospital of Butare.

Indictment Date: 1 March 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte N.B. Joint indictment together with his mother Pauline Nyiramasuhuko Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: N/A Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 8: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 9: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 10: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 24 June 2011 Judges: Sekule, Ramaroson, and Bossa N.B. Nyiramasuhuko et al. (Butare Six trial) against Ndayambaje, Nyiramasuhuko, Ntahobali, Nsabimana, Nteziryayo, and Kanyabashi. Total number of witnesses: 189 (prosecution: 59; defence: 23 for Ntahobali) Total number of exhibits: over 1400 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed


Count 4: N/A Count 5: dismissed Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (rape) Count 8: guilty (persecution) Count 9: not guilty Count 10: guilty (violence to life) Count 11: guilty (outrages upon personal dignity) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info ‘Butare Six’ trial; Son of Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and Maurice Ntahobali. Profile:


NTAKIRUTIMANA, Elizaphan (1: ICTR-96-10; 2: ICTR-96-17) deceased

Personal page Date and place of birth

1924, Ngoma sector, Gishyita commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

29 September 1996, Texas, United States – was released, but re-arrested on 26 February 2008.

Occupation Pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church at Mugonero Complex, Kibuye prefecture; Was the president of the Rwandan SDA Union for several times.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The violence at Mugonero Complex; The events in Bisesero.

Indictment Date: 7 July 1998 Signed by: Stewart N.B. Joint indictment also against his son Gérard Ntakirutimana Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 7: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 21 February 2003 Judges: Møse, Pillay, and Vaz Total number of witnesses: 43 (prosecution: 19; defence: 24) Total number of exhibits: 149 Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: not guilty Count 5: not guilty Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty = 10 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Damaged file. Only summary available. Date: 13 December 2004 Judges: Meron, Mumba, Güney, Schomburg, and Weinberg de Roca Upholds verdict. = 10 YEARS (released on 6 December 2006)

Historical background



Extra info Deceased on 23 January 2007. Was the first released convict of the ICTR. Initially there were 2 separate indictments against both Elizaphan and his son Gérard: the joint ‘Mugonero’ indictment (20 October 2000) and the joint ‘Bisesero’ indictment (7 July 1998). Profile:


NTAKIRUTIMANA, Gérard (1: ICTR-96-10; 2: ICTR-96-17)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1958, Ngoma sector, Gishyita commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

29 October 1996, Ivory Coast

Occupation Obtained a degree in medicine in 1985; Was first a staff member of the Centre for Public Health at Butare University; Then studied in the United States and completed a masters’ degree in Medicine in Public Health at St. Louis, Missouri (1992); Returned to Rwanda in March 1993 and joined the staff of SDA’s hospital at Myonero Complex in April, where he worked as a medical doctor.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The massacres at Mugonero Complex in April 1994.

Indictment Date: 7 July 1998 Signed by: Stewart N.B. Joint indictment also against his father Elizaphan Ntakirutimana Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 7: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 21 February 2003 Judges: Møse, Pillay, and Vaz Total number of witnesses: 43 (prosecution: 19; defence: 24) Total number of exhibits: 149 Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (murder) Count 5: not guilty Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 13 December 2004 Judges: Meron, Mumba, Güney, Schomburg, and Weinberg de Roca Affirms count 1 (genocide) as aiding and abetting genocide and enters a new conviction for aiding and abetting extermination as a crime against humanity (count 5).


Dismisses count 4? (unclear) = 25 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Son of Elizaphan Ntakirutmana. Profile:


NTAWUKULILYAYO, Dominique (ICTR-2005-82)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1942, Kibeho, Mubuga commune, Gikongoro prefecture

Date and place of arrest

17 October 2007, France

Occupation Senior public official and sous-préfet of Gisagara in Butare prefecture. Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Involvement in the Kabuye Hill massacres (late April 1994).

Indictment Date: 26 May 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 3 August 2010 Judges: Khan, Muthoga, and Akay Number of witnesses: 35 (prosecution: 12; defence: 23) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (ordering, abetting, and aiding genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 14 December 2011 Judges: Agius, Güney, Daqun, Ramaroson, and Vaz Reverses the conviction that Ntawukulilyayo ordered the killings at Kabuye Hill, but affirms that he aided and abetted them. = 20 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


NTEZIRYAYO, Alphonse (ICTR-97-29)

Personal page Date and place of birth

26 August 1947, Akagashuma cellule, Nyagahuru sector, Kibayi commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

24 April 1998, Burkina Faso

Occupation Director of the Communal Police from September 1991 until 17 June 1994 (as part of the Ministry of Interior and Communal Development); Was appointed préfet of Butare prefecture on 17 June 1994; A soldier by training; In 1960 he spent 1 year of preparatory school in Burundi; From 1965 to 1966 taught at a school in Save, Butare prefecture; From 1966 to 1970 Nteziryayo studied human sciences before teaching at the Collège Inférieur in Cyangugu prefecture; In August 1971 he enrolled at the military school École des Officiers in Kigali and graduated in 1973; the same day he was appointed head of the platoon of the Military Police Company; In 1974 Nteziryayo undertook commando training in Belgium (he was trained as a sports and physical education officer, and in para-commando), and trained at the École Superieure Militaire (ESM); From 1975 to 1980 he was seconded to the gendarmerie; Trained in France in 1975 and in 1976; Assumed the rank of Captain and became Criminal Investigations Officer in 1979; From 1977 to 1980 he was the Chief of the Fichier Central (the central filing office); Was appointed as Commander of the Military Police (MRND) in 1980 (until 1984); Resided at the military training academy in Paris from 1984 t0 1985; From 1987 to 1989, he was Commander of the Huye Battalion in Kibungo prefecture, was involved in a counterattack against the RPF from 6 to 18 October 1990; On 26 October 1990 Nteziryayo was appointed Commander of the Butare Company at Ngoma camp; From April to September 1991 he was Commander of the Kibuye Company.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The area of Butare prefecture. Allegedly planning and ordering the extermination of the Tutsi population.

Indictment Date: 11 August 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Persecution (c.a.h.)


Count 8: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 9: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 24 June 2011 Judges: Sekule, Ramaroson, and Bossa N.B. Nyiramasuhuko et al. (Butare Six trial) against Ndayambaje, Nyiramasuhuko, Ntahobali, Nsabimana, Nteziryayo, and Kanyabashi. Total number of witnesses: 189 (prosecution: 59; defence: 23 for Nteziryayo) Total number of exhibits: 913 Count 1: not guilty Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: not guilty Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty = 30 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info Was a member of the National Olympics Committee of Rwanda from 1984 to 1994 and the President of the Athletics Federation of Rwanda from 1992 to 1994. Profile:


NYIRAMASUHUKO, Pauline (1: ICTR-97-21; 2: ICTR-98-42)

Personal page Date and place of birth

April 1946, Rugara cellule, Ndora sector, Ndora commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

18 July 1997, Kenya

Occupation Minister of Family and Women’s Development under the Interim government headed by Jean Kambanda; At that time resided in Kigali, went back to Butare prefecture regularly; After completing studies in 1964, worked in a social welfare centre in Cyangugu prefecture for 3 months; Was then trained in Israel for 4 months in community development and adult literacy; Then worked as a trainer in Gitarama prefecture; Trainer in Kibungo from 1966 to 1967; Became inspector of social development centres in 1968 and operated from her office at the Ministry of Social Affairs in Kigali until late 1968; Then married and transferred to live in Butare prefecture, where she worked as a trainer at the Social Development Centre in Ngoma commune; Took part in seminars in Israel in 1970 (where she also gave birth to her son, Arsène Shalom Ntahobali) for African women leaders; Around 1972 she taught the wives of soldiers and worked in social welfare until 1973; Transferred to the Ministry of Health’s personnel department where she worked from 1974 to 1976; In 1976 her husband was appointed Deputy Director of IPN; Nyiramasuhuko worked for the Ministry of Health in Butare health region until March 1981, when her husband got appointed as a Minister (in Kigali); Obtained a diploma in social welfare in 1985 and enrolled to university; Obtained a bachelor degree in Law at Butare campus (her application to a ‘second cycle’ was denied); From late 1990 to 1992 held a position in the Ministry of Interior in Butare, where she was in charge of the secretariat of the MRND’s prefectural committee; Was appointed Minister of Family and Women’s Development on 16 April 1992 in the first multi-party government; Was also elected as a MRND National Committee member, representing Butare prefecture.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the extermination of the Tutsi population; Ordering militias to rape Tutsi women.

Indictment Date: 1 March 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte N.B. Joint indictment also against her son, Arsène Shalom Ntahobali


Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 8: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 9: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 10: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 11: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 24 June 2011 Judges: Sekule, Ramaroson, and Bossa N.B. Nyiramasuhuko et al. (Butare Six trial) against Ndayambaje, Nyiramasuhuko, Ntahobali, Nsabimana, Nteziryayo, and Kanyabashi. Total number of witnesses: 189 (prosecution: 59; defence: 26 for Nyiramasuhuko) Total number of exhibits: 913 Count 1: guilty (conspiracy) Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: dismissed Count 4: not guilty Count 5: dismissed Count 6: guilty (extermination) Count 7: guilty (rape) Count 8: guilty (persecution) Count 9: not guilty Count 10: guilty (violence to life) Count 11: guilty (outrages) = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Extensive + power structures.

Extra info Profile:


NZABIRINDA, Joseph (ICTR-01-77)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1957, Sahera sector, Ngoma commune, Butare prefecture

Date and place of arrest

20 December 2001, Belgium

Occupation At the time of his arrest, Nzabirinda was an investigator for the ICTR’s defence counsel in the case against Nsabimana; A former employee of Ngoma commune, an encadreur of the youths (organizer of the MRND’s youth movement); An authority and wealthy businessman.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Kabakobwa Hill massacres on or about 22 April 1994.

Indictment Date: 6 December 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Rape (c.a.h.) NB. The ICTR website seems to have linked the wrong file, namely an indictment against Bernard Ntuyahaga.

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 23 February 2007 Judges: Ramaroson, Sekule, and Bossa Number of witnesses: 7 (5 character witnesses, 2 written statements) On 27 March 2002 Nzabirinda pleaded guilty for murder as a crime against humanity (for aiding and abetting the killing of Pierre Murara and Joseph Mazimpaka). Thus, the indictment was amended on 8 December 2006, now only including 1 count = murder (c.a.h). In consequence, the TC sentenced Nzabirinda to 7 YEARS imprisonment. Nzabirinda was released on 19 December 2008 after serving his sentence. For more information, go to or

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Nickname ‘Biroto’. Profile:


NZABONIMANA, Callixte (ICTR-98-44D)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1953, Kavumu sector, Nyabikenke commune, Gitarama prefecture

Date and place of arrest

18 February 2008, Kigoma, Tanzania

Occupation At various times held the positions of Minister of Planning (1989-1991), Minister of Youth and Associate Movements (1989-1994); Was the Minister of Youth and Associate Movements under the Interim government in 1994; Member of the MRND at both a national and prefectural level; Chairman of the MRND in Gitarama prefecture; Studied in France in 1972 and remained there until 1973.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Nyabikenke communal office killings (10-15 April 1994); Ntarabama Parish killings (10-15 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 24 July 2007 Signed by: B. Majola for Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 3: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 31 May 2012 Judges: Bossa, Tuzmukhamedov, and Rajohnson Number of witnesses: 59 (prosecution: 19; defence: 40) Number of exhibits: 242 (prosecution: 96; defence: 146) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: guilty (conspiracy) Count 3: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 4: guilty (extermination) Count 5: dismissed = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 29 September 2014 Judges: Güney, Sekule, Ramaroson, Khan, and Afande Reverses count 1 (genocide). Upholds counts 2 (conspiracy), count 3 (direct and public incitement) and count 4 (extermination). Affirms TC judgement. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


NZIRORERA, Joseph (ICTR-01-65) deceased during trial

Personal page Date and place of birth

1950, Mukingo commune, Ruhengeri prefecture

Date and place of arrest

5 June 1998, Benin

Occupation National Secretary of the MRND since July 1993 and a member of the MRND’s Steering Committee since early 1991; Member of the Deputy Chamber in the National Assembly, representing the MRND and Ruhengeri prefecture; Served as the president of the National Assembly in the Interim government from 8 April until mid-July 1994; Previously was the Minister of Public Works in the MRND government of 15 January 1989 and the; Minister of Industry, Mines, and Artisanry in the MRND government of 9 July 1990 and 4 February 1991.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and ordering the extermination of the Tutsi population and Hutu opposition; Providing training and weapons to the Interahamwe militias.

Indictment Date: 25 August 2005 Signed by: Jallow N.B. Karemera et al. trial, joint indictment also against Karemera and Ngirumpatse Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 3: Genocide Count 4: Complicity in genocide Count 5: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 7: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

N/A On 1 July 2010, during the trial, Nzirorera died in detention in Arusha, Tanzania.

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Profile:


NZUWONEMEYE, François-Xavier (ICTR-00-56)

Personal page Date and place of birth

30 August 1955, Ruli, Musasa commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

15 February 2000, France

Occupation Commander of the Reconnaissance Battalion (the troops that killed the UNAMIR Belgian soldiers, the PM, and other Hutu moderates) within the Rwandan Army; Enrolled in ESM (military school) in 1975, graduated in 1978; Was assigned to the Para Commando Battalion in Kanombe, first as a platoon leader, then as company commander; Was sent to North Korea in 1979, where he completed courses in intelligence, security, and protection; Was transferred to the General Staff of the Rwandan Army in 1980 as an officer in the G-2 division (he led the internal security apparatus of the army and taught courses in accounting); Was promoted to Lieutenant in 1981; Completed further advanced studies in Paris in 1983, military administration in Brussels in 1986, and a second course in military administration (‘BAM’) in the United States in 1988; Was promoted to Captain in 1984, to Major in 1987, and to Full Major in 1990; In October 1990, he was transferred to the G-3 office and assumed command of the secretariat of operations; In 1991, appointed commander of the 42nd Battalion in Gisenyi prefecture; Appointed commander of the 94th Battalion in January 1993; Appointed commander of the RECCE Battalion in November 1993 (until July 1994).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role in the killings of the Hutu political opposition (‘Hutu moderates’) and UNAMIR Belgian soldiers.

Indictment Date: 23 August 2004 Signed by: Jallow NB. Joint indictment (see TC judgement) Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: N/A Count 3: N/A Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: N/A Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 7: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 8: Rape (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 May 2011 Judges: De Silva, Hikmet, and Park N.B. Also known as ‘Military II’ trial against Bizimungu, Ndindiliyimana, Nzuwonemeye, and Sagahutu.


Total number of witnesses: 216 (prosecution: 72; defence: 144) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: not guilty Count 4: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (murder, art. 3) Count 8: not guilty = 20 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 27 February 2014 Judges: Meron, Daqun, Agius, Khan, and Tuzmukhamedov Reverses count 4 (murder, c.a.h.) and count 7 (murder, art.3) in aiding and abetting the killing of the PM. = ACQUITTED

Historical background

Only power structures.

Extra info Also known as the ‘Military II’ trial. Profile:


RENZAHO, Tharcisse (ICTR-97-31-DP)

Personal page Date and place of birth

17 July 1944, Kabare-1 sector, Kigarama commune, Kibungo prefecture

Date and place of arrest

29 September 2002, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Occupation Préfet of Kigali-ville (senior public official); Chairman of the Civil Defence Committee for Kigali-ville; Held the rank of Colonel in the FAR; Member of the crisis committee that was set up on the night of 6 April 1994 and composed of senior military officials; Member of the MRND.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role at St. Paul’s Pastoral Centre and St. Famille Parish Church in Kigali; Killing campaigns in Kigali-ville; Killings at CELA (Centre d’Étude des Langues Africains) on 22 April 1994.

Indictment Date: 16 February 2006 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 5: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 6: Rape (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 14 July 2009 Judges: Møse, Egorov, and Arrey Number of witnesses: 53 (prosecution: 26; defence: 27) Number of exhibits: 231 (prosecution: 113; defence: 118) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (murder) Count 4: guilty (rape c.a.h.) Count 5: guilty (violence to life) Count 6: guilty (rape, art. 3) =LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 1 April 2011 (date of arrest now 11 August 2003?) Judges: Agius, Güney, Pocar, Daqun, and Meron Reverses count 4 (rape c.a.h.) and 6 (rape, art. 3). Affirms count 1 (genocide), 3 (murder), and 5 (violence to life). = LIFE IMPRISONMENT


Historical background


Extra info Profile:


RUGAMBARARA, Juvénal (ICTR-00-59)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1959, Bumba sector, Tare commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

11 August 2003, Uganda

Occupation Worked as a medical officer in Bicumbi commune; Was appointed bourgmestre of Bicumbi commune on 4 August 1993 and served as such from 16 September 1993 to 20 April 1994.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative responsibility for the mass killings in Mwulire sector, Mabare sector, and Nawe sector (7-20 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 2 July 2007 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 16 November 2007 Judges: De Silva, Hikmet, and Park The prosecution and defence counsels filed a joint motion for the consideration of a Guilty Plea Agreement: Rugambarara pleed guilty ‘for having failed his duty to take the necessary steps to ensure punishment of his subordinates for their crimes’. The defence called 5 character witnesses and 1 adduced witness. Count 1: guilty (extermination) = 11 YEARS (was granted early release on 8 February 2012)

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Lived most of his life in Bicumbi commune. The original indictment of 13 July 2000 included 9 counts. Profile:


RUGGIU, Georges (ICTR-97-32)

Personal page Date and place of birth

12 October 1957, Verviers, Belgium (Belgian nationality)

Date and place of arrest

23 July 1997, Mombasa, Kenya (NAKI operation)

Occupation Journalist and broadcaster at the RTLM radio station; Moved to Rwanda in November 1993 to work for the MRND and RTLM.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

A Caucasian Belgian, who moved to Rwanda in 1993 and who soon became a well-known radio broadcaster.

Indictment Date: 18 December 1998 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 6: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 1 July 2000 Judges: Pillay, Møse, and Dolenc On 15 May 2000 the prosecution and defence counsels reached a joint agreement on a guilty plea for count 2 and 5. Count 2: guilty (direct and public incitement) Count 5: guilty (persecution) = 12 YEARS Ruggiu was transferred to Italy, where he was granted an early release on 21 April 2009 this was a violation of ICTR law.

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Extensive + media structures.

Extra info Profile:


RUKUNDO, Emmanuel (ICTR-01-70)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1 December 1959, Nyagakambe cellule, Rugogwe sector, Mukingi commune, Gitarama prefecture

Date and place of arrest

12 July 2001, Geneva, Switzerland

Occupation Military chaplain at Ruhengeri prefecture (appointed in February 1993) and transferred to Kigali in May 1994; Had been a Hutu extremist for decades; Was ordained a priest (Kanyanza Parish) in July 1991.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings at Kanyanza Parish (north-Kabgayi); The Petit Séminaire de Saint Léon rape and the CND killings.

Indictment Date: 27 March 2003 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 27 February 2009 Judges: De Silva, Hikmet, and Park Number of witnesses: 50 (prosecution: 18; defence: 32) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: guilty (murder) Count 3: guilty (extermination) = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 20 October 2010 Judges: Pocar, Güney, Daqun, Meron, and Agius Affirms counts 1 (genocide) in aiding and abetting genocide, count 2 (murder), and count 3 (extermination). Decreases sentence. = 23 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


RUTAGANDA, Georges (ICTR-96-3) deceased after trial

Personal page Date and place of birth

1958, Masango commune, Gitarama prefecture

Date and place of arrest

10 October 1995, Lusaka, Zambia

Occupation Agricultural engineer and businessman; General manager and proprietor of Rutaganda SARL; Member of the National and Prefectural Committees of the MRND; Shareholder in RTLM radio station; On 6 April 1994, Rutaganda was serving as the second Vice-President of the National Committee of the Interahamwe.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killing of Emmanuel Kayitare and the attack on the Official Technical School (ETO).

Indictment Date: 13 February 1996 Signed by: Goldstone Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Extermination (c.a.h.) Attack on the ETO school Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Nyanza killings Count 5: Murder (c.a.h) Count 6: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Killing Emmanuel Kayitare Count 7: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 8: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 6 December 1999 Judges: Kama, Aspegren, and Pillay Number of witnesses: 41 (prosecution: 27; defence: 14) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: guilty (extermination) Attack on the ETO school Count 3: not guilty Count 4: not guilty Nyanza killings Count 5: not guilty


Count 6: not guilty Killing Emmanuel Kayitare Count 7: guilty (murder) Count 8: not guilty = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 26 May 2003 Judges: Meron, Pocar, Jorda, Shahabuddeen, and Güney Reverses count 7 (murder) but adds count 8 (violence to life). Affirms counts 1 (genocide) and 2 (extermination). = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Died on 11 October 2010 after illness. Profile:


RUTAGANIRA, Vincent (ICTR-95-1C)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1944, Mubuga sector, Gishyita commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

Voluntary surrender on 4 March 2002, Arusha, Tanzania

Occupation Conseilleur Communal of Mubuga sector from 1985 until July 1994. Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The massacres at Mubuga Church (14-17 April 1994).

Indictment Date: 29 April 1996 Signed by: Goldstone NB. Joint indictment against 7 others. Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 14: Genocide Count 15: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 16: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 17: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 18: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions Count 19: Violation of Protocol II, 4(a)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 14 March 2005 Judges: Vaz, Lattanzi, and Arrey Guilty Plea Agreement on complicity by omission in the case of extermination (c.a.h.). Number of witnesses: 3 character witnesses (defence) and 3 written testimonies. Count 16: guilty (extermination) = 6 YEARS (released on 2 March 2008 after completing his sentence)

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background

Power structures.

Extra info Profile:



Personal page Date and place of birth

Around 1962, Gisovu sector, Gisovu commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

20 September 1996, Nairobi, Kenya

Occupation Commercial trader from a wealthy Hutu family who was well-known and respected within his community;

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Massacres in the area of Bisesero (9 April-30 June 1994); Allegedly, Ruzindana brought member sof the Gendarmerie Nationale and other armed people into the community and directed them to kill.

Indictment Date: 11 April 1997 Signed by: Goldstone N.B. Original joint indictment against 7 other people (among whom Rutaganira) Count 19: Genocide Count 20: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 21: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 22: Other inhumane acts (c.a.h.) Count 23: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions) Count 24: Violation of Additional Protocol II (Geneva Conventions)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 21 May 1999 Judges: Sekule, Ostrovsky, and Khan N.B. Joint trial against Ruzindana and Kayishema (Kayishema et al. trial) Total number of witnesses: 79 (prosecution: 51; defence: 28) Total number of exhibits: around 410 (prosecution: over 350; defence: 59) Count 19: guilty (genocide) Count 20: left out Count 21: left out Count 22: not guilty Count 23: not guilty Count 24: not guilty =25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 1 June 2011 Judges: Jorda, Vohrah, Shahabuddeen, Nieto-Navia, and Pocar Affirms TC judgement and sentence. = 25 YEARS


Historical background


Extra info The parents of Ruzindana’s wife were Tutsi, although the father’s ID stated he was a Hutu (presumably a result of bribery). Profile:


RWAMAKUBA, André (ICTR-98-44C)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1950, Nduba, Gikomero commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

21 October 1998, Namibia

Occupation Minister of Primary and Secondary Education in the Interim government from 9 April to mid-July 1994; Qualified as a doctor, having studied at Butare University, in Zaire (now DRC), and in Belgium; Public health specialist; Was appointed Director of the Kigali Health Region in 1992; Sworn in Minister of Primary and Secondary Education on 9 April 1994; Member of the MRND.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning, organizing, and participating in the extermination of Tutsi and Hutu opposition.

Indictment Damaged file. Indictment unavailable. For more information, go to TC judgement. Nb. Joint indictment? Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 10 June 2005 Judges: Byron, Hökborg, and Kam N.B. Initially the trial against Rwamakuba, Karemera, Ngirumpatse, and Nzirorera. Total number of witnesses: 153, 114 witness statements, for Rwamakuba alone: 49 (prosecution: 18; defence: 31) Total number of exhibits: over 1400 = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Appeal judgement and sentence

No appeal.

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


SAGAHUTU, Innocent (ICTR-00-56)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1962, Gisuma commune, Cyangugu prefecture

Date and place of arrest

15 February 2000, Denmark

Occupation As Captain held the position of second-in-command of the Recoinnaissance Battallion (RECCE) and of; Company commander of ‘A Company’ of the Battalion; Enrolled in ESM (military school) in 1981, graduated in 1985; Was commissioned as a second-Lieutenant and assigned to the gendarmerie in Gikongoro; Transferred to the Recoinnaissace squad as a platoon leader in 1987; Also completed cavalry and junior officer courses in 1987; Held the command over Squadron A from 1990 (when the Recoinnaissance was enlarged to a Battalion) until 1994.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The killings of Hutu opposition (‘Hutu moderates’) and UNAMIR Belgian soldiers.

Indictment Date: 23 August 2004 Signed by: Jallow N.B. Joint indictment (‘Military II’ trial) Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: N/A Count 3: N/A Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: N/A Count 6: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 7: Murder (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 8: Rape (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 17 May 2011 Judges: De Silva, Hikmet, and Park N.B. Ndindiliyimana et al. (Military II trial) against Bizimungu, Ndindiliyimana, Nzuwonemeye, and Sagahutu Total number of witnesses: 216 (prosecution: 72; defence: 144) Total number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: not guilty Count 4: guilty (murder, c.a.h.) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: guilty (murder, art. 3) Count 8: not guilty = 20 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 27 February 2014 Judges: Meron, Daqun, Agius, Khan, and Tuzmukhamedov Reverses count 4 (murder, c.a.h.), but affirms count 7 (murder, art. 3)


in aiding and abetting the killing of the UNAMIR Belgian soldiers. = 15 YEARS

Historical background

Only power structures.

Extra info Profile


SEMANZA, Laurent (ICTR-97-20)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1944, Musasa commune, Kigali-Rural prefecture

Date and place of arrest

26 March 1996, Cameroon

Occupation Bourgmestre of Bicumbi commune for 20 years, until he was replaced by Rugambarara in 1993; During the events of 1994, Semanza was a member of the Central Committee of the MRND; Was nominated as an MRND representative to the National Assembly of the transitional government (Arusha); Very influential in Bicumbi and Gikoro commune and an authority of the Interahamwe;

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Closely cooperating with Gikoro bourgmestre Paul Bisengimana; Authoritative role in the killings at Musha Church.

Indictment Date: 12 October 1999 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 5: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 6: Persecution (c.a.h.) Count 7: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 8: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 9: Outrages upon personal dignity (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 10: Rape (c.a.h.) Count 11: Torture (c.a.h.) Count 12: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 13: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 14: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 15 May 2003 Judges: Ostrovsky, Williams, and Dolenc Number of witnesses: 51 (prosecution: 24; defence: 27) Number of exhibits: 63 (prosecution: 24; defence: 63) Count 1: not guilty Count 2: not guilty Count 3: guilty (complicity in genocide) Count 4: not guilty Count 5: guilty (extermination) Count 6: not guilty Count 7: not guilty


Count 8: not guilty Count 9: not guilty Count 10: guilty (rape) Count 11: guilty (torture) Count 12: guilty (murder) Count 13: not guilty Count 14: guilty (murder) = 25 YEARS, minus 6 months because Semanza’s rights were violated prior to his transfer to the Tribunal. = 24,5 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 20 May 2005 Judges: Meron, Shahabuddeen, Güney, Pocar, and Weinberg de Roca Enters count 1 (genocide) and affirms count 3 (complicity in genocide and count 5 (extermination); Enters count 7 (violence to life) and count 13 (violence to life). = 34, 5 YEARS (35 years minus 6 months)

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


SEROMBA, Athanase (ICTR-2001-66)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1963, Rutziro commune, Kibuye prefecture

Date and place of arrest

Voluntary surrender on 6 February 2002, Arusha, Tanzania

Occupation Catholic Father/priest at Nyange Parish (Nyange sector, Kivumu commune, Kibuye prefecture).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The events at Nyange Parish Church.

Indictment Date: 5 July 2001 Signed by: Del Ponte Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 13 December 2006 Judges: Vaz, Hökborg, and Kam Number of witnesses: unclear (prosecution: 15; defence: unclear) Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: dismissed Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (extermination) = 15 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 12 March 2008 Judges: Shahabuddeen, Robinson, Daqun, Meron, and Schomburg Affirms counts 1 (genocide) and 4 (extermination). Increases sentence. = LIFE IMPRISONMENT

Historical background


Extra info Profile:


SERUGENDO, Joseph (ICTR-2005-84) deceased

Personal page Date and place of birth

24 August 1953, Kipushi, Congo (now DRC)

Date and place of arrest

16 September 2005, Libreville, Gabon

Occupation Member of the Comité d’Initiative, the governing board of the RTLM radio station; Technical Chief of RTLM; Technical Chief of Radio Rwanda within the Rwandan Information Agency (ORINFOR); Member of the National Committee of Interahamwe (MRND) and of its Comité Parréllele (had control over Kigali Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, the allied militia of the CDR); Owner of La Terminus, also known as ‘Chez les CDR’, a bar in Kigali (a notorious meeting place of leaders of the MRND, CDR, Interahamwe, and Impuzagambi).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

See ‘Occupation’.

Indictment Date: 15 September 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Direct and public incitement to commit genocide Count 5: Persecution (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 12 June 2006 Judges: Møse, Reddy, and Egorov On 12 January 2006 the prosecution and defence counsels filed a joint motion for the consideration of a Guilty Plea Agreement for count 4 (direct and public incitement) and count 5 (persecution). The defence called 2 character witnesses and Serugendo made a brief oral statement. = 6 YEARS (Serugendo died on 22 August 2006 in Nairobi Hospital, Kenya)

Appeal judgement and sentence


Historical background


Extra info Profile:


SERUSHAGO, Omar (ICTR-98-39)

Personal page Date and place of birth

24 April 1961, Rubavu commune, Gisenyi prefecture

Date and place of arrest

Voluntary surrender on 9 June 1998, Ivory Coast

Occupation One of the five Interahamwe leaders in Gisenyi prefecture (led a group militia men).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role in the Nyundo Parish massacres.

Indictment Date: 14 October 1998 Signed by: Muna Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Torture (c.a.h.) Count 5: Rape (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 5 February 1999 Judges: Kama, Aspegren, and Pillay Number of witnesses and exhibits: unclear Guilty Plea Agreement for count 1 (genocide), count 2 (murder), count 3 (extermination), and count 4 (torture). NOT count 5 (rape). = 15 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 6 April 2000 Judges: Jorda, Vohrah, Shahabuddeen, Nieto-Navia, and Pocar Affirms TC judgement. = 15 YEARS (was granted an early release on 13 December 2012)

Historical background

Yes + power structures.

Extra info Also known as ‘Omari Faizi’; NB. Serushago admitted that a Tutsi genocide had taken place in Rwanda. Profile:


SETAKO, Ephrem (ICTR-04-81)

Personal page Date and place of birth

5 May 1949, Mukamira cellule, Nkuli commune, Ruhengeri prefecture

Date and place of arrest

25 February 2004, The Netherlands

Occupation Lieutenant Colonel in the FAR (since late 1991); Director in charge of the Judicial Affairs Division of the Ministry of Defence and; Director of the Communal Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (previously, Setako had been a judicial advisor in, first, the Ministry of Defence and, later, in the personnel section in the Office of the Chief of Staff of Rwandan Army); Was a member of the War Council and a judge at the Court of National Security; Represented Rwanda in the Neutral Military Observers Group of African Unity (NMOG).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Authoritative role in the killings at Mukamira military camp on 25 April 1994.

Indictment Date: 23 June 2008 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Murder (c.a.h.) Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 5: Violence to life, health and the physical or mental well-being of persons (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II) Count 6: Pillage (Art. 3 Geneva Conventions, Add. Protocol II)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 25 February 2010 Judges: Møse, Egorov, and Arrey Number of witnesses: 56 Number of exhibits: unclear Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (extermination) Count 5: guilty (violence to life) Count 6: not guilty = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 28 September 2011 Judges: Robinson, Güney, Pocar, Daqun, and Agius Affirms TC judgement and sentence. = 25 YEARS


Historical background


Extra info Profile:


SIMBA, Aloys (ICTR-01-76)

Personal page Date and place of birth

1938, Musebeya commune, Gikongoro prefecture

Date and place of arrest

27 November 2001, Senegal

Occupation A retired Lieutenant Colonel; Member of the ‘Comrades of the Fifth of July’, who participated in the coup d’état that brought former president Juvénal Habyarimana to power in 1973; Member of Parliament for the MRND (1989-1993).

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

The massacres of the Tutsi population in Gikongoro prefecture and Butare prefecture between 14-19 April 1994; The killings at Murambi Technical School and Kaduha Parish.

Indictment Date: 10 May 2004 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Genocide Count 2: Complicity in genocide Count 3: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 4: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 13 December 2005 Judges: Møse, Egorov, and Byron Number of witnesses: 36 (prosecution: 16; defence: 20) Number of exhibits: initially 215 (prosecution: 56, but removed 3; defence: 159, but removed ‘many exhibits’) Count 1: guilty (genocide) Count 2: not guilty (withdrawn by prosecution) Count 3: not guilty (withdrawn by prosecution) Count 4: not guilty = 25 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 27 November 2007 Judges: Pocar, Güney, Daqun, Meron, and Schomburg Affirms TC judgement and sentence. = 25 YEARS

Historical background


Extra info Profile:



Personal page Date and place of birth

2 February 1938, Giciye commune, Gisenyi prefecture (also the birth place of Habyarimana)

Date and place of arrest

26 July 2001, Belgium

Occupation Brother-in-law of president Habyarimana (Habyarimana’s wife was Zigiranyirazo’s sister); Préfet of Ruhengeri prefecture from 1974 to 1989; Entered politics in 1969; After spending over 20 years in Rwandan politics, Zigiranyirazo resigned and left Rwanda to pursue further studies at the University of Québec in Montreal, Canada; Returned to Rwanda in 1993 as a businessman; During the events of 1994 Zigiranyirazo was a wealthy businessman in Giciye commune.

Region/distinctive feature of crimes

Planning and organizing the extermination of the Tutsi population in Gisenyi prefecture; The massacres at Kesho Hill and Rurunga Hill.

Indictment Date: 8 March 2005 Signed by: Jallow Count 1: Conspiracy to commit genocide Count 2: Genocide Count 3: Complicity in genocide Count 4: Extermination (c.a.h.) Count 5: Murder (c.a.h.)

TC judgement and sentence

Date: 18 December 2006 Judges: Weinberg de Roca, Khan, and Muthoga Number of witnesses: 66/67 (prosecution: 25/26; defence: 41) Number exhibits: 227 (prosecution: 115; defence: 112) Count 1: not guilty Count 2: guilty (genocide) Count 3: not guilty Count 4: guilty (extermination) Count 5: not guilty = 20 YEARS

Appeal judgement and sentence

Date: 16 November 2009 Judges: Meron, Güney, Pocar, Daqun, and Agius Reverses counts 2 (genocide) and 4 (extermination). = ACQUITTED (immediate release)

Historical background



Extra info Nicknames ‘Monsieur Z’ and ‘Zigi’. Profile: