Download - FALLTRADFa IN BOOKS. WHATNEW-YORK HOUSESAUKDOING. A o>od *tl-s1iBh_ WCaXm rou-Fr-ATviiKS and TENDKNCIV- OF THE TRAI'K. It ia at thia aeason of the

Page 1: FALLTRADFa IN BOOKS. WHATNEW-YORK HOUSESAUKDOING. A o>od *tl-s1iBh_ WCaXm rou-Fr-ATviiKS and TENDKNCIV- OF THE TRAI'K. It ia at thia aeason of the



A o>od *tl-s1iBh_ WCaXm rou-Fr-ATviiKS and


It ia at thia aeason of the year thut the

results of previous iiiout'as of preparutloB ">y,

ortlst, engraver prluta r and 1-oaikLlndcr are Brat made

known to tbe public br the publlalter. Anion:* the lead¬

ing book-publishing bouses whleh are esta.dis'aai ta tbe

metropolis there ls great activity at tbo present time,

aud nearly ali of them have inailo their fall annouute-

nieuts, although some of these are a time later than here¬

tofore. Whllo those wli*> are entitled tasBBO. Mitti

authority In tbe matter unanimously agree thal tho

present year has been generally satisfactory to tho

tr.le, and that the outlook for the holidays ls encour-

a-rlu*-. lt ls asserted that fewer books have been *aa.I

lu IMI than In IM. Ibis is attributed to something

of an ovcri'roduction In ec-rt ai ti departments during the

preceding twelve monti., succeeded by a aaa IBBfOBiring-reaction mid thc development of a conservative tcmlen¬

cy on tue patt of retail dealers throughout tbe country.

lu tbe matter of costly holiday books, in particular, pBB-lishers are mt so reckless ns last year, uud thc number

of exclusively huliduy works ls much smaller. While

there la much tuat is new and Interesting anion*-tim

bette* "ort of books for childi en, there ls un absolute

dearth of new works In that class of Juveniles which

duiii'g the bat two or three setwou*. has takeu tuc (orin

¦st colored Bt_*_B.08- The amount Bf.- full and

winter trade promises tobe large, but the tendency of

the denian 1 BBpaBBI Bt bo In tbe direction af BBB)*

and substantial oditionsof stiuiflurd BBB-at- In tho

matter ot illustrations u aairhtfl BBtprareaaoat is notice¬

able.ROMI" -All-BOltl BbOB. FOR THK HOI.lDKYS.

"Weare busy as weean be," said a gentleman connectOd witb Paipat A Brothers, when BB.I. Bt regard to tho

eon-Iltioii of the book trade. "Thc lrlddlo of Hep-

tenit'er is the flood-tide of our book business, und after

that beirms thc regular fall and holiday trudi*. Toe's

.Raven'ls the principal new work for the holidays,with Colonel Knox's 'Central Africa' and _aa*B.tatEytioge's ' Ball of tbo Vegetables ' for the Jiiv-.uile read¬

ers, borne ot our old books area great ileBllBBB.iBBBOBIhan any of the new ones; for example. William Hamil¬

ton (iitisov.'s . Highways and By-ways, or BB

"Ncw-l.n.iuii'l,- aai .-.(-lectiointttttt UM 1'oeiry af Kot>-

ert Hoiiick,' with drawings by E. A. Abbey. l_t_.a-,iis lu both these books aro of thc *_gheal clti*.*-, un 1

go lo show what bus BOOB uccoiupliahcd by tho BBfttiis-oven to*Bue engraving by a.-.BM**** uud _htf_m'0,These two magazines have l-.iisod tbo B__..-d to that

degree thai we now do far better work in this country

than anywhere lu __.**** Of our DaN Uta muons of

the ' Raven,' the cugraviug of which was all da-no in

Auicricii. wc send sots ol electrotypes to ".nijlaud, Fiance

aud Germany."BOoKH Of ¦__-_*.CT VAIA'- s_-S-_-B-«

The prtti-ipal holiduy book published by Choth I t-crib-

uev's-jons ls "The Merry Adveutures of _8Ina llootl, ot

Great I'.i-bowu in -Ot_B___BBl rc." It ls original bl

text, original in U..I valliHis, origin il as lo BB*, r. .and ls

BB.Itt and ai trueliOB Inside aui out. Han aid Pyle is

the author, artist and designer; snd lu its novel liter¬

ary mi I ii-stiHtlc ieiit.,1'*. this book ls considered in uo

whit bellllul thl best work ot Waiter (.'r.-ine. With the

exccjitiuu af this bonk .BB.OB BBBUtOSSft .-ons baie n>t

iloiu* much in distinctively holiday ', A repre¬

sentative ot Hie Ina said: "Our Waa.a trade is

excellent this yeal-, aud our*l>r. lioiluud's works are en¬

joylug a genuine boom out lhere. In a place like Kan¬

sas City, for Instance, wo have had orders fur uiK) ol h.s

books, a.BB.a .t. Holland, our euinpairii series has

been selli.ig enormously, omi those two have been tbe

pawataaatfaat.ras af this season's trade. Ouroi'Jcctls to put nooks (i*i nar list ot penuauent value. As to

tho general lal! -,:fie. Hie indication*, so fiir aa. we aro

concerned, an satttatji s-tisf ictory."MEDIUM PKICE AND MILK TAI...

"There is less activity tuan usual, perlians, lu new

books in Knithiml," aaid a ivpro.-utative of Scribner,

Wclftiird dc Co. "So fur as tha Baglhh publishers art

concerned, the special of tl is year nie

book* of medium price and of solid value. Theta ts lest

flashy display timi! usual; there ure ulso fewer poorbooks, thc averupe being higher. Just now UhMaa lime In London, aud eo it ls lrnpcssiMe ta IBI

certainty of wiiat the 1/ondon publishers will do; Oct¬

ober ls the month for the Iresh stock of latpotti d books."

A Rr.MABXABLi: LITIKARY BVsX-tSB,Mr. Van Wugcucn,af Dodd, MOBt1 i Co., said that

their orders are fully os largo asst the corrcsj am,lingperiod last year, which is un agrceanle disappointment,a* they had anticipated a falling-oil. The edition of* A Score ol Etching-" a folio of examples of the mo..

oeleorate.i Bagnall artists, which is an expensive work,and of which a moderate edition has ln-cn prepar. i, botali been ordered in advance of pub!icution. ** A Historyof Sculpture," by Lucy M. Mitchell, u royal octavo with

over 250 illu*t rat lons, which bas bean n long time In

preparation, ls now ready 'ot the holiiay fade. "Ono

of the most ron.rkablo literary succusses af the day,''aaid Mr. Van Wa^euen, 'lstlie enoraious demand lor

E. P. Koe"s novels. Of'Ills Sombre Hi vals,'Hoe's rn* w

work, just being Issued, we print a first edition nf 25,000copied, ol which -O.OoO were ordered in advance. Hue's' Harr.ere Hunted Away' ls now lu ,_ forty-feurilithuu*and, bound tu cloth, while of th* same'book webave soli" eT.Uoo m paper at _0 cants, la all, we havealready sold upward of -t'JO.OOO of Hoe's ku-A*."

S-VBOlt OF (J1IKA1* g_-*TfONis.IL B'orthlngton, In speaking of the condition of the

book market, aaid: "Vie are a lona ray Knead of lust

year's sales. Home people complain, but wet have found

ruo reason for it. The standard book trade, however, ls

seriously Interfered with by the cheap editions with

which the ms-'iet lg llooated. u publisher didnot hesitate to issue au edition or 2,500 at ol a

popular author with a taaaoaaUe aasiiraars ul a ian-

prout; now the chances are lu luvor cv aloa* rala prniii. WBat tholaiaaaataof the trade dobumInternational copyright. Awhile a-."i nome of Um b.i;hume * waniei! tue pnvltega ol raataaao.orn 11 their un n

pleasuii-; now they Bad tbal tins ls no longer aptlr-iloge; ihe cheap esli'.ions an: boat.I und read BB.thrown aside. I'.niiy yeera from now tue antbors olmoder..te ri pnl.ttiou tonlay Bill Ira totally unknown, forthe turin in wini b their books ate gtvefl '..< tbe pal I.e _\fatal to tharli jH-rinaui-ney. As iu mo BteaOBt a-'its.iii,

there Will li ll be many lina booka Blade OZpreasly ,"i

holidays. Oat most elaborate work i«

flpOBssB Stone..,' i-v Jbibbb Mew, sB-it.i thirty alt j.).(.".-Btfihlnaw. with a kimi (ni e.litnii ot -j ',o copies. ' OurNorthern .md Bas ara B_*ds, by B. Apluin aad co,.,iel lUiuiratinoa, baa a lone time .u

Moparatloo. aud ls tlie ioobi cooiplete work on ..

Jeri willoh has i»« n published."'At CT. Dtn_gbatfl A Co.'ah wt

dealers gaaorally ate o Uti* fail's tnidsWill be-.-uol. While, ¦-(in.e ur tho lit,nih ...' '83 haveboto (in,-cr tlirin in '¦ii. other nsoataa BaslWBSf* luaitiUK Hie un i. -j :,!,. nt the k.hi,

woatero eua Southern buyers,wbo are about tbewno iaio nppeaie* iii the, ny rn int, lu.n^ BUCOUrao__¦¦ rep'-its noni tiieii several soettsssa.

trna travail.. raateaeatallvea oj la.emil lan a* c.. :,re

aa-ualinK i" large orders, and the deii.tiiil !... tbs stood ulWO.ia l'.i'iisiicd by this house was aevor better. Juatat the areaaut time thc American branch ls giving maotaatieiiiiiin tai aero.ling tbe advent ol The English Jllutxruteti ilton-oie, ol which So. X, volume l, boars dateOe loiter. I****.).

hani'>*i'mk s_srnom oi- wattmoM and vouq,ttusyw,

-loughton, MifOiu C'o.'s bulletin of mw \.<o\:> is un

nsnally fidl aud attractive. Imnni* the year there hasbeen -largerrleiutiuitiiaucvci* before fortlu-lrcditli sa OlHawthorne mid B.MBBWt, andu tliird VolBOH BaaboOOaddeil lu ilia ir sutiscili'tiou ediiiou af LoagtoUow in

time for thc hoidaya. A .-epitstatative of tho lirm,ejia aking of their fall I raale. said: » OatBBB. BSBBlari"C, uud so far aa wc are com email, wo have BQtBSBgbut Rood to report; in lui'., we have nevi_ utcl sack BOauspicious opening. Our Western trad* ihist year, ana last year showed aa exit*-.rdinaiy m-creaee over lue pr. eeimia year. Aaioi.OUr ii.,'la.noDOW work* l» uu edition de hue of Laniraofl InVolume- Mt rf a a volume. Inn.led to .Vki .< t.. Al: of themwere taken before are had apribted uawuto *iiow alew years a^o to bato BO.I r,oo sets uftri- they bad boealssue-t, by dint or udvi rMslnir aad pushlu*-, *a.--,i _nrelatin m.i'.t, '.ic is..* Tuc fancy of collector, fdr ooples olWonts HBOed in limited aditiou* ,1a par , responsible foifhaaalv.iuic diapoaal of thisi- *"ii, winch raloUniun airanco of-w ilollar or more u rolumeBbota la.a fall rel.1 pries. Some of tbe Ibnlted edltlonilro»i the aaa. paalltaata,.aaed kaal aaa aa,ans now somBt aa advance ol upward ol 100 pereent. lu November_**«/ *¦"-. t**u" for the homily irade Loo-teiiow's.Miehuel Angelo," this posthumous dramatic poem

lieni- royally lllusiratert with designs by elfin |<.-,,ii!u:at-Hsu and an e-'iuu number of the boa* aaaiava.TAnother work happily timed *or the gllVu-kiuodays ls"iwentyl'tieiiis" from Laii«ts-oa,withthaaaaia auaiberaf oaaateitet__Hitrtl_-by the poet'aarust son. KruestV. 1^'uk**) ow, wills a portrait as a r-rouUtiiteee aftertha onaiual by tba mun artist, which U coi-.ii*i.*re,i bytin*_ family io be tho b-st Rkeaeoaol Lona-feUow ev*rtns-le. Ibe i-ook s printed on whit.* pai-ar with ¦< s**a>-taiilnls'i Bh-h adds'i.atei-ially to the eAoct of the wsa-.i-oata. UoiiKhtou, Mi.Tliu A Co, Havo Bacaa toe puoiua-tloi, of a reprint of Mr Walter rtootU Jecoudlslit oi oll>*an Swills works In nineteen volumes -t t*4 a volumeUe euuiun o*iu_ llmlUMl to too sets.

.""?***» vmuait,

AB BNtXH'BAGIN'U KLEMENT.At A. D. J*, kandoipb's lt was said tbat while the

Bamber of new bsoks published this se-u-iii would not be¦julie os large us heretofore, they are more sulietautiai asto character-lid the demand ia fully as lane as heretofore.?ruiill.-H- rs ara- not rusbln. so wildly Into Illus rated books- 1*"\-',,*r*" iuld Mr- '"-"dolph; - ¦ -rood msny of then

fiir. ., a .,^"ol"° "tuny usTelies as her

are abont Issuing a 15,000 edition of" Queenie nethcr-tmi," a new novel by Mrs. Mary 1. H-alines.

A MATTEtt OF FAITH.¦ It ls a matter Cf faith,*' sahl Mi*. Futnsm, senior part¬

ner of (i. P. I.t__Bra fkini*. In response tai sn Inquirycoiicemlnt,* tbe probetolltles for the book publishers.".Tuc prospects are fulr, not brilliant," he conUuuo.

"Dur list ls more largely Americau than at anytimeAurlng the past ten yeurs. I have lust relumed fromLondon, but I -brought over vt*ri little with ina*. We

nuw huvi-a iiniiicn bonat la aad la latara oarpublications wil' bear tbe imprint ot both cities. Thutof the international Bap**!**.tl lt ls sure to cone,

sooner ol-laier. lt ls inevitable. We are (lcd.nun*

American tlction steaallly.the average pleasantlywritten novel has no chance. As betweeu paying BOci nts for au unknown or ci¦mpurutlvely unknown

American author, or 15 cents for a htanitard 1

noll.or, tbe publto will take tbe latter und the Americanauthor itoen to the wini. Our new author* have u hunler

tune than their predecessors, and tt.Be yet to corni trillhave a hard ros to hoe. Hut cheap publications are hu

Biraataati In many raaparta. aad fanni ls no possibilityut pa___eta going bai - to tho ld*- of making all their

proflts un expensive books. " The catalogue of earlynail mun publications o' <i. P. I'litiniiu's .ina Includesinauv Works partlcilallv adapted BO tha hoiialay needs,uotably -The Eaaan of Klia." the I.-lni-toii (-(Inion,wltu proof inipit-ssions of etflnngs by proiuiuent artisteon satin.a niivcitv in art pablloatiena. " Tins is thar Brattime these essay's have ever achieved the diguity of a

-tiing dress," ttto Mr. Pataaaa.U_N.tlAXC- OF TIIK>AY TRAD1".

" There have not been so ninny books sold this year at

ttot, ami uot so many made," was ..the statement made at

Bi 1". Duttou it Co. 's, where ii large anSurluicut of holi¬

day novelties In dainty book -wares is alie,,dy covering

the tables. "The market v. as Ot* ttttottti to a degree

lust aaaaoa, was tue further Muirtm nt, "11111 retaildealers ar*) inure conserva ti ve this .ten-. Weex|*ectalarger trade in NoM-iciicr Md-eoember thea la the.¦..uni- montn* of '**J. Do we count on thc holidays fora oona..rabto share of our rear's pioiits? lr it won nt

lat tba holidays, the publishers would go to the pom-l) luise Insteiid of riduii; ll chaises."

_\cxn p«l« I iranons.



THB Tl'.im NH. Ni v, .TOR.,

Instruction.For Bovs anl Yoan-r Maji.-Citv.

A.CIBCULABS of beat *>elio((lis, with etoo-. (Bl sd vice, iret to sareetai please rive all partlculara

E. MIRIAM OOYBIEBBA Co., Ill i*. l/iii-si. 'Uulon sq.)

A BNOLD SCHOOL, 29 E__1 46that, (cornerx\ ifad_*B ave.) common Prepares le

ieniitl.' schoolsorbusinoss, Sen 1 for circular er tm-

pl to ( A. MILKS, Ileauiaustoi, at ..bitu a idr.js. al ll ,'

tetnbei a.

A ( LA"-."*, for YOOBff (.ciitU-iii'-ti l)i*r,-!!)s Sep¬ta tl. Private InstrnrUon, aften.ns. Appit toMr. Thomas Keeves lab Ita Weat vaii-si. Murning*1,9to 12.

AKTHUBH. CUllaER- SCHOOL for B01 -*.

No. 'jo Weatt.tai aaa.*a Wadaaaaay,bbb*;, BBBB -td.

_Ur.Cntlei wilt hs at the school rooMSSaftar bToaday.A -COLUMl'lA GRAMMAR SCliooi,.

J-X*tlKTl-vT.. MAR M.*. l>I.-i \- AV)*.1 ,'ih year beeins MONDAY, M pi- n*...|* n .-.-.-. Mew

nit r-ji.ii om ii, Ung constru lol et twtaly foi school but('uart. Peilootla an n ¦(. ails ol n *n ti-sat an I Ten moa

iii! completely eqillppod (Ttanaa ir,1. *s. I'i .ma .-

-.Barun*at for younger boy* *» e-rtrs charges Nu inlierol pupils hunted. Applications sboill.t li earlv

l'*ii"ii.als I"*** tua, BA<"0**J. A.-. I.L. I).

Catalogues al ..nd ..! l-UtUam'S, 'a.1st

lajERKELEY SCHOOL,SANo _y_..1 tn- tnvd-waster wni b« nt t'.iu s.iikjidar.y sftei BepteniberTi, ne! ween 1 and I'J ri tn.Autumn Tenn lieflui september tl

(lolUBlbU! ItlMltilK-, 106 Weal Uit-st. _. Pow-J ler, A 11. l'a in.t Mariboruuafa han bill, Jr., Ie*.A

iua-,**r. or err ia tr, BBSia*** ali! ruin 'om.. Ri ape...

pENTRAIa PARK SCHOOL Ho. 51\J T-sih-st.. reopens -e.,tr u it ,7. Bovsprenare-lfur>ol

htmassa Bot. & 1.. BOKNKT r, A, *i. Pita.--ai.

CMK( TLAi.s of Oood Sehrnola -(¦'(..ri t ..,¦<.

J torJ*ar*.U who (iaocrlbe their wanta tor non'. rt. >¦Ai..,. ... _aa| Uti *;.. A. V.

OENTRAL COLLEQEs-PriTBta toil ob UtaV. aentlemi -i i,,r .ucietr md bil 1

ivtaa foar year* Principal I'ALTku PK v.*.an. iii, >mmeutiatiuns.eia , late carlvi*~sirStaBerd NorUuwt*-city taindi..s. abo,va


FRANK blUHLKB, A. M.. lT.rrl 10. For ci rt 11 ar* Arr., appl? at

ibe *. hool 01 11 ri,1, n.. t ur 1,

ME8-R8. WILSON St KP-LODOO,SlJH. U9-SU 6TH AVK. (4ii li I P.j

Seventh var betins BepMtaber M. 1 .n-seiferthorooab and broad preparatioa for eas. lat*'i- lu! business ourae, moOern lalcia.. Lara** aaa BjaUavaaUlaUa o_b»*-*»_s.

pHARLLEB INSTITLTE.\J UuO11tr.1i Paii. fstsl.lisli*-! I-,-,

los We".'..'Ui-.t.. V»i.*nnth nod 7Ui av-.-OAK-INC" and |>.\V nidi. i-,u _Jy_ .ih

YOl'.Mi MUX OF 7 TO 'ASTl're;,ares tt-ie 11 *.,,;. w 1 st

uni' Ssval Ao.i I -uv. -"il linnie.*. sr-u*s*.an;«h spoken ami taiuut tOriruii'-blr. stir" huer.tedpuriioaalri tho (isat-oiuiupni irirat* sobiol u ih»wond. ftsxiscli'ul yeal--.Tin ue^lu -wi-iUimbair IH Hs.

_ Pfot I Lil. ll,-., iniKior.


So. DB Vest ..ill( sL,REOPHX-r) ICOaUAT,BB*-T. 17.

TBataagh r,r*)!"*ra:iou io: aenea-sa (oaoaaa*.f _A_*VA lil). OOLOBU-A and lu usc. I.L* au.l - .. n* ,. .. ,

'""¦Vc. ...,",. tl ANicm) mpsriBBt .iiaiaaof tacalat taaasaa ot i-ntr.i.uia.HKWBOlIaDIHO. Berti lUsatH ar ir _f**g

UIKiKAVinVKI.l.Kuril'l't Qui *l A-ICM.


TlieextiiDliia'ionof adiiiistrm will tie in on" _¦ , ra_ai,.'mates eauUlliy'.otl ,11 Juan; _** trUi nres-jit thr.nvi'Tes

at tho "ati.e Uni"Caadlaates fat adwlaslsu at tba COLLBOIAT** CO0CB]

-ii.N mu s-raseat ibamo li i at tbi¦AY, s.-pt. ..."., a- lU B.BJ 1.11. taa.ioa

SI ii', "ii a,.iillcat:oii.faa ., Ua lei tba OKABTJATR DEPART-ENT win

j'-a-neiil t'lcr* il!:,'., to tb* P1 i'lDAY KOBKINO, *,*,.. SH tn,.,..¦» ,,

(¦(auisf»a>!lu»lructlou lor the comm.: year may or, ha'. BOOBap*j.icat/tm,

SCHOOL OP Ml.Caed.ates for ad_l toa t. any ..... ,,r __ sn r,rni«r

-. MlnlT-B nairn ...*,. civil l..,*.,ue.a ,,Ara Vi- -I and Ap] ;,, .,,,

WIV-MtOI .-xai-i.Bal.oii OB ll ,. ,,A.,.-, lt j!,. .

- .null iiacil iu Juno last WU! hu lo-cx-mi,isdatti.esai.ii-niuo

BCHOOL OP POUTICAL ls ?o-ive a. a' rirw

.ft.,1 IreSlHilecM. not*, of l.,..r ,,,| r,n!e,:,,. . .arCciJllrfro- mt- _._, ,.:. stBB-bt-aiBi 01 ,,..v, uw _',,;,",;,!;.:;::,;;,;.

-J'i'1 'a e-io,- n.trlcuUtiiill Willp-itt-m I',,,,, ll:

I'r'ir s'"'' "'c <'u*-,'*{0* ,,!1 * --ii*-*-¦ :iuo

l-l-lf-Alj-ttiitaBa a? "r'°ve 'ch'>0'. wl" b^ino°


.*¦ A- '". BAKKABB, l.t.. ti., nislfl_*-'t-1 *-'111' ¦'*-it-1 -li- Itladisan and *Ui ave*., *..>-».Yuck Ulta*.

j)r. a. c«^"«^\2A^fKJH00L ta m.vs.Wt aa, ,-s Mn.p.iy, MKPTE1CBKR 24,

I) BL KVi itso.wsciij.KC'IATF. BCHOOLtr. (..r,.e, .,¦/,,....,.,, ,,.,.. .M i,.,,'(;s»Sa*ru. *«3s» .-^

aiS^r^ a«.^__a_3___,Tb* ber. CTunosK, Knox, Tb* lu v. !»,,., ,: 1, 1 1. ,' *,

.arney. l',., ,, ,,. ,*..,.),*, __ H,.r , N.V. ,"'"¦ " L'inr ..ev. I.uwardHnglit. Tba rr. I'mf c a llr.rirsiiooi.i, a. BabWaa, Beean w,.,ii,ro.,' rs''

li ..lily ptotiss..11 noi o..*.<.*,iwiir., l-i,nchai,u Bna sbl.atlii. I o.te-i) l.leeinitil I.II-.ik erilif


V O. IKELa-Niyg I LASH l7)7lK)Y.':r"TiI . M,s, :*,,..f. Aulninu tcr.-n (ipca. w.n... a,-' v...

-SAgjR?].i^ Mi- "-.""".¦" w__sH6__4Sf__*__ ' 1 !"i*i:ic-.s s.i.ooi f.t, i'.i.i,.. .

fc -° W"*"- 4- ''"1-- aurrlnl and iin-itaiat'inu

ZmX ervr'r)>__*.'T"V', __,_ H.,WUd U" ¦« ^-2i*S«* 111 every r*s^*jL insiiit-ns.-ar^icmarr tn.

JOHN Ma Ml LI.MN'S XilOoL, 1,262 BroBd..iLl^_{llS__08*__- r',"1,""* Mo",''*-r- "-et-tr,,,!,., ', 7.leruri.t»*lo to jj-iii, i* **(>tj,at? vs rat i al*«:.. and *i u., -,,. .,,,,1.

iii nuns at I'utuaiu's,

II. MORSE7! SCHOOL Foi. BOYa- -No. IU tfest Thirty el*,* itb-st.


llaj-onons l-s»iit«,iuo-)r '.ie.Tho I'iiu. n.i.. ls nuw al bouio.

LT-!tf____!M?__£!a .-'^ASSK AL SIJHOOL,aai bin blh-txt.. -will reopen HupU 10. l'niu,* arr,

U.oro.i«hly tor BBS beM colleK- and sclri,^*, tcho?.'?Twon.*|.a,ii,isnts ,*s*Dlor and J uuioF. oiurb Inud-d 11,1111^0 MiaTa1 n. I'i tuclpal* will be at Ui* -aibutil afmr .--pt. lu

P ' *

\f ISS DD VERNET, aawsUd by niabtpra. willvl^neZT^ll^1 ,0t ^_»V**Sg«g\1ISS MILLER'Si Primary Claw for Bots**?¦- wUi^iienat'.'l. we.i .,ut .n

°r ""J8_ JMDa.BAT, Oetebsr a


A -m-1 Bft'J'*,,),'vAY (Comei of Forty.tlilrd-.L)A Kraaled aciiooi for Ix.v*. e.iahu.bod with t in

Mprcial pm,,(,«. _ uiuus pupis llioroualdy bv the Heit_£-"a_y -*¦_»**w-*ac._-e-Bmaaa atlvu* ia__a iiiha-H^saaaetTST^ "*'"*'g & ^^ *rom eJ**ltl*ipnu.?'ipa?J*"''U0* c<-n*«,',,n« ft"1 tn'TUiaUon. apply to ths

IIKN KY (1 BIM KR,CBAltLlt.i-1 C. Cllii-TS,

_ Inairr.rtlO-._For Bova and Toua? Men.City.

Af W. LYON'Slvl, a oi. if;. ;*.atp: in st http*.No. 5KAIST TW-NTV **K(UM)SI ., Otiraat oIBrosalwav,

a'lens M'|iiciti i: 17. Twenty-eight!)P.ccelvers arj-s and prepare* fer e»ill*a*s or liasiarss.1 ht «rut:«.ui u whoa,- names follow I:*t» had min ol more

sons Ittaj.l for Milage:llimy M. Alemiidor.Frami* .V Henry I'. iurabB.ll. i\ N Ileur*. I). Mimi).John I'rni'k*. Wtlluua II. a tanoni.1 it lin-ld H. t oe, T). P., J tilgra- Van V, .iv.Barny bay, iini|.ii wm*.Jaine* W.'(lillie-*. Clane* ll. Wari.I'.nkM-Handy, Juba M. iMiitlu*.

Bal.moderate ne extras fore ass tait.a. Circulars stPutnam's sad Band pb's hou".torci, udu ne Pru*r*1-i,len.¦«, 6. Lexliih'ton-ave._

NEW-YORK M1LIIA1.V ACADEMY,I.BT wa-i: m. ion. .\. V.

hsl.rtl )*hed l**alPap* il,it inle'it JOHN H. HAYS, M. 1).

ill 'i)*l.N** H *:PT. 4.A Hoarding Bebeo1 ot tb* buboes grade, vrhose threefold

end. aaal scrnimionsiy followed, is to moald. at aa obi iIto- mle left nf youth lc. ., foreA ti" w.ll I"' tOedi Ute, indtbs reeling**) i iratin* '':'-*r«H|iilnt. s. iiistiiictii.ii, *t - -1, I ie. relleiou, while fltilni< foreve t a, anon.

dod oa WasMnrtoB Helgbta. abool »"ti miles np thelinds (u. tt i* rm, leo by tlK BlBta Aveaus Kl*vat*d i"-i '"

-i. aiaii'.-ea ire always in Walting-, or. nvuni ideation, the SBpeftB.O.tal meet* Un- antral of auytmn.A*' *nt and lie.ilf'n- p .iee.on un i-mln-tna-e com

BtaaaBBg tberaiiinddii.'*, an not lound along-thu rai lamed bat.* al Bbsiln.istiii. Its Ind.diiirr-.n.* rums

hara ara loi ;>- a, i tad in-

tris.*,t(st ot oak graves af.rd! taos '.t playgl< uni".Trench, (inman and .spanish spoken.AFPL1 PUB (All,

PREPARATORY SCIENTIFIC BCHOOL,I MO_BSB.TO and -ill'.ven« In .t'tnie. and t hu cal prol Are' attar 1*1 i.icif-a -. t'fuin ti,nil I uruna'.* .->¦,,:. j i. a i iii*,,ui .h.. r corps, u. o. Ma aadtTo_ Naval Au,len,-._PACKARD'S BUSINESS COLLEII Broadway, ta lh« metropolitan aadot t ba country. Herc arebookkeeping, a, nh*|Hillilcli. e. iittlilli.ills ,,|i ala. bBSI tlr;..salso aborlbsad, type writing and i. Callol bru,l lui lien,al. _ H. tACBABB, Pii-fi'deill.

ST. Louis Colic.'.-, lit! Wc*t :i7Hi--«..s. ledCali..,-apl, lal I,us.!).-ss

aoaraa Warm 1

QCHOOL OP MIXES PREFaARATORYO ecllii"! East l. " l'l l'l UAVH,( I... I'll.!)., rnucip.lL Introductory lo all o. tgaO. ir

Sept-rmher 27._THU NEW-YORK LATIN FCHi paral BelMi Ior cir. a,ai. V. BABB If, Principal.-THE COLLEGIATE SCHOOL*I .

lime N,*..! .i*i '"Hi*! ur. li ll CHA PI 1*.nco,l for '....¦.-, io bostoi ;¦¦

mem i ' ¦a Its appoint

nitti school real hi>_w

fTMVEI.'M i V GRAMMAR KCIIOOL. No.V; i.i,*: iii ...itt.-i.-. rt .' i-i » 'Tn ysar. P

( i. um. ia. ai. .'li Intsm. -.. i. AiJN, Piiaaip .


JOHN ii \!.t. i> i'.' ini MeI_1 I'm.i. rall? i- "rs ..¦ (I. In Hs Oil li

lion, Inni' nt nf Helenic.


Ior i i tbsKU ¦".¦''.' itioxOmi ¦¦.

n! lie¦ i iii in i ...ii with prole ¦*', ol lol

expel a

¦1 he ii si ¦ on will hr tie' I l,i is, at Ina, m.,


«» W :. \V. RICH »RD -'- ho il HoyaV V i.

.io eonplsv send lot dr

For 1At Mi--- - PERKINS1 SCHO IL, 2,0'_1 Fifth-

av., Mewl ot -..

HBO; ** »'_

A ll Ucl I.

1. lil A

4 .MADAME ROCIFH -' H .!. 71S MailF-IV .

» ..


4 THIRDai. un homa:li IG

I KA' IMMiTAIfor all ar: Iud.Ul- .>


lorna.. Ire s

C*<]i'. L'L IRS-

GI i'i.**' -Cil- il.. '.. SVl -.

. '.A-N.N.I

IACK -n't SEMINARY, bid. t i,i .,* ma



MISH l.l!":;i)\*- i mi'! I i. mil.-eho'ii for girls,

AI In- REYNOLDS, i r in1*1 il.s iiaim . m. ire.


MISS M. A. CLARK A -. o lotimct,

I II ir., 1 .. 111 .,'. SI UOOl'._

\|KS. SAL1 il cornera» I M lal ... ir' I WI ie pea

I"VI I.s. LEOFOLD WEIL i iounuiv| t.a.ii.*s and Kia * ¦- it, li*tw**a &_

a | Tua.1 If, - -,,.i-.a r s

Iii IRS r.AI.L<)\\"> l.n.'lisi, :i,,.l i'i-.-.,,-', school.»1 im Yonac * sad Uaw olrla, 5*vaa a*ast**a*V*t,

1rluir - lay. *)e*atsm ter -a"7.

\\ll-. JONSON and Miss JONESJ Bnorrlin,-**»l .nu' I.uv m in ... i..i Voaag «

'1 il. t. ..,*¦ - *-..... | 1

MU*. \VlLLiAME-- ENOLlaSH-O-FRENl ilIU .Ml. - ae.l . l . I..

'.' MTesl :.. ia i. Keopsna . ].'. I oa ati- nun rear.)

MRSi GRIFFITTS trill i,<,|,.., :. ilr. in li and lennai VoaoBSB i.l *-. e la ,. ir . ,i a ati).,

¦i " iel ll Is.h.i.

MISS s. L. CHAFMAI... J. I. ll -VI WT ,1



MI'S. J. A. GALLAHEK willWilli*;

I.die* and lan rAl NO. 450 M A ri \ A\

fo r> rai on t,,iri snd separal.


ri .", i. ,. -..». ...... ... Lom*ave, al,' n., eta ll

l**s ll W\l.s AND MLL ..MBBd MI.LK. in: l'.!-.'-VV RUi'H. Im .:

teucluai a e.., a *

I:-. H -TyVLINS' ENGLISH, FRENCIl muiKM A N Bo*Ming SBa1 lu; *-,aM

will r*opa a si lambsPi K lia* tl .. ibi i and nattailie .*.

Aliss NORTH AND Ml-s BARNES, rVhoolill li.i Vi.. ¦ _t SB. l.'all M ' ir LS a! «[.:

r ir i mallen ami ,., ,ii nliiiit- i-i «|m*i taiurana sea, at W*ile*ley wiih-.o- rzainlnstloa.(ICKdlc! I,

MLLE. RUEL and MISS ANNIE BROWNwill r«o;i«*i tlicir Kniirli and Hos and

Hay Mehotil, s.-iio* nli.-i :1 1 s>t.i.1 anil 71 t I* !*-| Il a Vf*'..

tinrch,,nsi i.i-;...¦ Caairal H lr'a.tlualints n ci nula iiion

MISS J. F. WREAKS' HOARDiNG ANDDAV -"".-HOOL I*(iil i'H--*H LADII.1 AM) I lill.-

1'iti."*.ianut tltat 17. ('."i itllisll ur!!,,n Ul rs|,,*,*. il art-.i'i.,inailicinalle- ii! i..i*.--i n n.ilirij.ii len I lass A l.u-lleaniii ,. rstemi ii ..,s n-tadiei- ,i.

Mira. Svlvniiil-s Uri r|'.*s iKinnli: in,),1; ,]tor tb_bi laa_s sad IWe atria, a aaa a Bast :. :.t *i..

betwi nu Alli snd Madison 4T(*s.. ".. *i (Osnlral Part c., rr.*illojnat* in.),;!!im.-ni ihuroairh. rsi«ririal itada

ii,.tte!. I'llin-iry ali,I Tte,.ala,,av lir-uai Tiaent*. la, .im ii (geot tho school. Mfla*Oct. t, 1

MME, C. BfEARS-Sl.N<il.I>ll. KliK.-li'll AND Ul* P.MAN* BOARDIJfU

AV ti 1>AV -(ll'di.Inr loung Lad.* (toaiM**d ISS'0, No. iBt MadlsonaT*.,New- *li,lk, oom 111 W-«t!iB.s.Ur. rselllfli. linnellI* tho laUKIIatre nf Hm Urmlv audi'leneii aad (lena*. by smlnsnt pi il * ursj especial ait->auoapaid to tugilsli and nani lb i'rniiaiv linem.

aline A. i'. .Ml.A I. .*., iilu.ripal.

\f ISS MARY HARRIOTT NORRIS, -ldITS Bast38..¦*» !-<iop»ni u-*r .sea,ni fir Tubbs ladles and¦issssoet lu ela**.for adults preparation *i Vassar. Wetlnilnv. -nmill dil K.r.rTsi.1 uta iiiiiailons sdVS. Iclasses, lu Aru Llteraiureorlnuenaiid .M.iih*matt. anusualadvant./-e, for "Jo.lciii Lana.t**as and Kusle l«,iar.!lD-;pupil* limited tull". A dil. silo, Sept, 15, BOO.NTO.N, S.S.

REV. DU. AND MU'S. c. ]|. GARDNER-Knfllsh French sud norniin boarding snd dar school

ior roung l-l'es sud luhlren. No. boil 5lti-stc. Twenty-»lxiLyeai liBiiii* -, iit.-ii::*,-r lt, 1MH1I.

RUTGERS FEMALE COLLEGE, Noaa. CsOann (l-l West aM'i-s*. Obit chartered Collegs for

Women In Now.York. Kally equipped In all Depart rn ntsfer hoarding aod day pupils. Art. minto, Klndnrgarte*. Ao.Taoa opens heptouiuer !2ii. Addres

K h. nt'KciiaiiD, D. n

_President.¦s»lT. JOHN'S, 21 ami 23 WEST 321>ST,

IOI OCT. H, lnsa.Mrs. TUBObORR liivixa.

lits* U I. II'.WK.At ti niue afut -cpl. 15.

TIIE U1BSE8 CUADEAYNE reorwn theirKrcnrh and l-.uglnh bosidlug and dajr »( hool ***| tl

ai illa .Ma.lnoii are. 'I hev milln* _a.^l,le<l l.y Mis. Walton.

MISS JAUDON'S Behool for Youm.- LkIk.s,MS Madison ave., shove 4,-liri st. will replica Keptoiaher

27. Languac.uughlby the .Natural Method._rPHi: MISSUS PERINE,

al NO .18 741 li St.Iiiir'lih and I'rench school for Youn*; Ladles. Thoiougbaaouxs*. '1 he nuuiUnr o! resident puiili* BHSB. Ociohci 1.

*______________-For Totm» Ladiet.Oitr.

THE Mir-ws GRAHAM (-»nccp.*-"r>r<*" to th©Mi.MBiiBalIK.s. form-rlT el No. I S-B.****_ wil i-v

open llieii knsluh au.l "-'renell lloardlag Sad Hay -*rl*o(>! ,at *. on ni D i: *i>.\ Y. tieptemoer 117, a; Nu. bi filia-"»\... N.-w- Yara dtp._THE MISSES ORINNELL'S Er.r-Hisli nmlJ traotm mama ow l*oo_a Ladim and i.itti.k

(il..I.-.."' Ila*t ,..-.!ll-<". ll '.T.i ile ¦: ...OH-.IVS.) Willreopen oe inlier 1. Thor ugh Ooltesiate Ceaias. Leutuiea eaArt. aod literal ni a, Dpeclol stao.Bta leenired inBil depart nea i.s. HBBBTBte OlSSiSS lair hoys OOtB.M i. Kin-der traill*n. _____

VAN NORMAN INSTITUTE, for yonog la-V liles. BIB Wast iTtii-st., *ffBW-*fOfk. Will mips) *i*p-

I. rnliet*-..-. lill. A -Hi \' I ". NOR *. t '.'. i'd'..


IM ITn-AVK., NiSW YORK.i-i on kb munday, *i*..*r. .*.. at i r. \t.

ne.limlnt for a ai pet*, Wwii PajMl .,tn. 1'iiiit, allTernlea, and te: H - and Wood, tj

1 rae .ally i .miri.t.nuder practical des'u: *p u-w WatM (.batu mcred

i. Brass and Coi per.>i lie-'oration

tan*-'" i*i .'li it> -1 marmienta,I'lie In-trliiti- 0*0*1 . in women Wbo alf air" tn .e, >,p se'f.

topi ortln i,u-i.ts ot in--.: . c inf.iii.i.'-ina ...1 ujiou or

1,1,,-si.'llNcii A. lu*li'*Mo ,, ecrotary.

VOUNG VV0M1 N'S CHRI8TIAN ASSOCIA-I 11 *. 1 Kawl olssses tn book keep.a.

!.', morrapbih.- cireofi * is, and

rectory, lustra min hand an.I icwiacAll kinda of . .-!.¦'! ont lo viniiieii al«o situ*-li.,i,s lo.ind for nuiticn ni .... Ol ,. a (.. ll al i-i, pt hoi.B'lold

-.* sunday at 3 p. ra.

.j-^W!.-*!' 1 ::.»ill-.*-* 1'. I lu- Mis*!*, Jacot'Bi)»l sc* ol fD' Tonne tadlas renpeo* Sept**s|. ,-. ,1lints mi*, cd in 'ii.i.leia 'lien o.i Pi na nv Deparl



I .w MADISON AVE. -Mi *. RORIl*-lO ilia w*fm I nert ¦;

For I'ota aScrc*i.'Jit*/.AMERICAN KINDERGARTEN NORMALJV Kl ll' it ed ji-.t

'1 I.l I ..I Hil. I.l! ¦¦

sy.isin andmail*:..i. *'-;- Ki om *l), V Y.

4 -NEW HORK .SCHOOLAa Ol* I Wt.! Vd U.S."-"Kurili Y.AK.

1.4*1 I* HOAUMCl-,.. | for ll 1 ' r"-

man. I1.',,.!,. I*i a ini i. i

Y I. r* !¦

-. M fl I* -.

*1 i. '-\'s.

/-A ULI si.!; INSTITUTE, 572 Mad na ¦'.V.J i.e

.i; i *il i ;i-* , i. ll all depart

ul (lenna., I.i.i i.l

... I.

C-RIJ VUNARY, Ea- Bixteeiith_t1 *'(.ni" nlfii also

,ai mi ¦.-

nlaiii mo.. iii. rn.Ill ll. A. M..

j Ieh u ii:. **."-' i. *

I I i..i ive north i ..I ii ir Ia li).

Af 1» S. l>. DOREMIJ * hi i) »Y.Tl I sud CHU


Ll ISS WARREN, No. 71 \V. -i 47t_**8t.. re-.»! . ,i. Ut


1- .. ,.


I'ark __ .___

VIOOEL KIM \." I i from il to 10

Mi INSTITUTE .foii.i.Itt] IS


\| ISS COMSTOCK N wini 31I. -tn lal

If ME. I'. C SERVA1TUS' »r to.»! is isl. Praries '.-.-nn.iii- .11 t'hlldi

ii Ml 'rs UV¦ Ur*

MME. DA SILVA _ MRS. BRADFORD'S<H .!Tiiia*rs, I.n -I -',

¦Bd '..'. . i. for 1 1 a !e*sl.e*l .¦ i. \o 17 Wi-si ..sia-.t s. * lurk, will

\ r letterer pea*



IJ I ERN'S SI ii""!, ol LANGUAGES, ofI' '... -,,i* Bill M'I !. II>..-,.. i am h.'¦. ,.* itavs i14. s' m ,e k .*,'.. rr .ni

sm .a ai.n.rt --i.*.ii« -. ii.ioi el an

..-......¦ weenMa..i» tl .uni alli aT>-s



III. MISSES MASON'S ENGLISH ANDKIIKNCII Hool., lol t . and chndieii.

.1 .., r ... , , ,;


( llSlleie in liji.


For Boya a *1 Toting Mon.ConV I '¦¦:. t"l .¦ > ON ME HUDSON.N.T.JV

Pt, i c aol i«i,


1 > '.et.

\ GOOD BOARDING SCHOOLof htty-fmit' ¦ r.

lt.* 'V l>. c.'¦¦.'!.

i Li.1.1',ur in- i iiii K,"¦I il IRD, Cl

' ri Aiad.-mT,ro naiad by

a, les ,,

un Ida lions ilo'in* I.ail.I.. 'Lorim, lil*, ut

. ...

< *VS uti I VOUNG MEN lirir.i'.*lv lille I »rST*, ) 1,11 1 -I illili ii

I l-l. 'lia. '.ll Cr-' l| l N \

IIETTS MILITARY ACADEMY, Statiifoi-ti,I t, . (.l.i t .-11r11t.

(Dir, - .ii alala.'io.

I) IRDENTOW \ UILITART INSTI i!'l fi.s foi I'nr. ... College, «,r West I' Ke'ur.aaeaa ri.lunvon ia patron i, Nawsirk, N. J.

ri ii-vii N f.H. J. milman. I'en int. chi, e. I'hlladeli Ul*.

Addiesn Kev. \\ 'I C. I;. .WIN, *.. .tl., I rtai lp Ul I "tlrielSA.MLI.l. I*. KL-;', ((jiina in,lani,

¦mi".-!!. N. J.


.mai .*.. a. ITLJS l', i-ti,inca!.

pO'l I'AOE HILL SCHOOL, l-^OUOHKEEP-VJ sill, N. Y. me iain il., i I'.ili",--, s,.,,.ini.i ia 1lioirni H'm .sin ii. ...u tor Bnsmos* J01IN Mil.RY,ftiucipaLPOLLEGIATE WU COMMERCIAL INS ri-VJ lilli*, N l*.-.V'.ll.\V'i*;\.-l'iirii.iialon- li in:ie*.-(\ Ul*

Tt iii .- arr s.* US, ail a lt rt -at, tilth i ina l<aun -ff.* it, .malary or rfin ir. ni i au ll ill] a r. in IBan-sa ,.i ian.;.*.urnla for at.ella! (amas, i"«iuic. skatl.i*,

AO. '¦. l-I.I A tl I.. Ill ssl.I.l.. lilli. ¦,,,,!.I "si.. PINNEO'S FAMILY SCHOOL Fol.I "

''V, i'nun will e.i;i,in BAB. ll).

VIA'- HIV. (N. V.) ISSI ll Iii; BOARDINGA Hill* iii, fm vo'in* nn n au l iinya. Up*B* 1'iieilai-. ^ltn.

lamber If. AddrvM M. >.. i*\ 'tell _DFREEHOLD iNSflTUTE, F*r_cho'.4, N. J.-J r... i; ,v*. t*eara*a 0_rll.,Helaotlla, 'lassioat, "talin l .a ,a'-s. l-'uriratalu-iiu.iappl/to tUd i' KeT.Ali. CHA llllllls.


I IK.ULAND MILITARY ACADEMY,1 1 Wiin e.], r. Mas*. -?th rear I'-ir lull InfiiiinatJonap-plytoo. n. .ii i' Al i'. a. M.. isupann.adeot._LIIGHLAND FALLS ACADEMY (for BS I on iii* ii, ene mtlss'iuci ol *.. est I'olut. For cir*iii.i*. .,,11.cai,int lllsi;, i*rin.lin!.

II.MI-: iiikI INSI'KITI l"N.- I'liiniiiy orioIIox* preparatory for two hot* or y.niiis noaa In a

i li*r*.'lui .n's laiin.T Iii IAS Country g satllfai loir nfereui-a.rlveu. Ailinn A U tAHi"*/, with Irl. S. Jaffray, 350Hrouilwav, Wsw.ToS._

HUDSON ACADEMY. . C-Ukill ncloM j.xct'llrut lunn* for four hov*. I,el ween IO and 14. In

principal'* family, and best educational ailvaniajj,-* Kori in ula:s. term*. Ac, sildre«i I'HIMJll'AU Box 'J, liudHou,H Y_IRVING INSTITUTE.

1 TARUYToWS, N. Y.Hoys prepared for L'ollsse or lor ho*Adtlios IiAVIn A. IIOWI", A- M..


| KW IS COLLEGE..Seietitlflc, C-tuieal andMiliUiy. Hp«cail Connie* io I'bmuistry and Civil 1*.b-

ilr***TAKT, L-WIB lOl.I.HOI-:, Nortntl.1.1. Vt,_

MOHEGAN LAKE SCHOOL, Pt-ki-illi N. Y.a'ollei(e and liuslin*** piejiarBtlnn, wlih military disci*

pUss. Kur uaw cadaioguu addroaaVf. C. W H.I.' IOX. A. M.

MANHATTAN COLLEGE, MunhatUthe-Ilinlv,d. llveiy faf..T for tliornuah lluitllsli,

Clssstrai. *x*l*utlilc aad t'ommoroisJ 1..I n *u,iu. studio* ro-

«u_*d ilUM-Ai, ¦xHit-niuur J.BUOrilliB -BtTBONT,



Jualrartiott.For Bot* ami Youu-f DCaa-^ij-motrr

MORRIS ACADEMY FOR KO.S. MORRIS¬TOWN. X. J.-the Aa.-"*mr has l-easn for lite past

two year* under the successful nianaaiem-nc of Mr. AN-1),;. Vt I-'. W'laST. uow i'roi'ws-tri'i Pilucetam t.'nliesce. Ila-oiei;stntsyear wiidvusda v, si* pi. it. Bnstaow, CIm.u aland i*.lent.loOenaa Hoarders naasra. tor omavlai s apply to lue 1'riu, i.. .1.


Foi morly of Dr. Plaft-ry'***tliuol, Killah, tl), S.J.


at-HIn,-sLu-ou thu Hudson. Cf, msirti. tlon *»>raaaa ui* (o:i..wiiia* depart-

menus: Classical, *.fodeni Laii-fii-ites. Kle a tua arv. Matli-vniauval. I**u,"Slti'tltM. and Natur il*.\ Classes ar*

also loiiutd lu Musle, Dia.T, u. i-'-ur.iu,aad "."location. At.*iorouEli.f nr.MiiliAd Mintary uapor Baot, Btdteg Behool,with weil-lralii'sl honei, ,yiuu»*l:i u. aai. Will rasinonfhursa.u>, sitpicuil).-! l.t. J. uuWirl Ai.LKN. l'nuciual.

FEES-KILL <N.Y. MiliUrv Ac-domy..Forit a.ldie* Col. C. J. WmUI1T. A. il.. Principal.

DABS institute;IKYM, N*. V.For Doria, wt'**) a var. H KMRT TAT-OOK, Pri uri nil.

pOUGHKEEreiE, N. Y.t MILITARY INSTI-L ".T.'tf...Dr. Tfarte*r*a Itoard.wtBaaeol Thoreagb, Mee*,ima tu.d acapar, MiMtair net tba prUt.pel ihm<


'.'?(' **.* iroi.'-ia lept* lier U. Di!! ll-i ra _WW.auperioi ao'ioiiu n tats. Civil gaeta i-rlafc

l'l.uiioal,' '*i.ite. I'lii/iiJli Co_*s*AUer-re.** onto;-',-I.

COL. MIKO. HYATT. Hrost-lOilt

UYE, N. Y.Bradford Manuion ScbooL Willin nen a*****.ab** ls. f.j. cit.l.i Ns, I'lln* l*,.til.


K't'for lay Colt*,* urOoyeiuraOBt *tt*t»l' nr.

Hon-asi'lranta foi collers admlttaaoa r-eeiTo t iii |irni>*ra-m. i.ett. ami uniiury

dilllr, i--t -I [. itteattoa. Aildriy'''mi; H*_-I-*".l r.

RUTHERFORD INS! 11 UTE, Ruiliwrford, N.IV .!. .,u 1 Blas-ta ' Bis liitf! ne-

V le, i" \iii.i V t ar. -milli and at erroll**!**. I'rus e..-

I Dr. 1 i. Dnlkl*7, ROT. Nelson K. Hoes. 1). H. i*.

i. ISH3.An*,,. -M'lliN.ll'AI. liLTlli.ltFOIiJUIN.sTITUTK,

_I utlieiioid, __J.__RUTGERS COLLEGE.

OtleflB" in 1771.).'., 1 hour fi a .'. v rort "ii Peon. R.R-

on i.*.-i..s iBiaiiitss.isl for *iiins.iioni .*)ept. io, i-tsit.

i ..1/...S r.ii: B_HT C_A-B-OA_) KNTUANU l-l___TH ui ins

1st. ie**** ttlMea**.t! -j.t. tm "'Ii"SMIC.miBl i-n.' ult. New lilirary fund. So* int.MB

I i'i*.steal course full aad th iron ti,I RI -illi I-' MMI.ITl s !.,!,* I,|;.; SIT |>1I. N lKI)(aKHMA*4 WITH A VTBWTO PBACTt.iii, r work for iii st.tooti ra enemUtry,

Wella rvatsry tat .ti'.ouu' usa*,

Killi neill., a il ..ll-t.ito;... rss. Ina.rand ss Iot rears.

ute Ci ie ..

( BUS)I*, naifo iiy * ired prod is il* positionsIn ;in,'e< h tieott fie BO ..

TUB AIM Ot* TIIK IM LI. Kt iM-rilOl'.'iUOIIN'K.-rriS VtALL WoKK.

hest faelllil*.* and poisons! ;;t. .'n'lori fo- ove'T s"t'!<-nt..Ni. io .1 ll ii li. a'l Who pinn *. lie i lo .1 ed to t(i ve lip lils col io^o course for want ot SO.ue

ni .', Pnaiion ad,hp** ,Src'e*ruy liul/ers Colley*.v...a;.i,:. hinvAi-us QATs.. PA .>., bl. ,>.

lie I. Bt,


.ir. AlKiU.I) fi.rlnoipS.

CT. JOH s's SCHOOL FOR I10\- s.0 liriimh wini* .Minas, i'mlilsBd.i; e -eil,,,,, 0(i( c Aid: dael I'at. Fol adtnla-

lissa ,n-,.*. A.. nectar.

CEDOWICK INSTITUTE, Oreo, n-in-i-iu-r-m,»v I..--. \** et f.enllv school lor bora. The fall temi

j BV. II, '. VAX! I*"!. IP, ... I)...-.SKI*. A. 1).


Til- ai A-KatTO lu-. I* a ni Ita * r op 1 Bl VtBVBtni.> . 1 ii. Ol 1 ,- INOl.DUV,

lui* r-at* batwaa sta sa t .b ri *.. Soooks i. **i. r..0P*_< ..a: 17. H.:.

issi iii .( los OtVBM is ... i n r andIS J .a.lvllAM) A.NU

r) ' N I.'Al. Dl'A WI.VO.

I ' PER ANNUM.m:\-h.: i.!.i's. o I*iii*,

. tiie a; niioa.. | i

' * real Iustt-.m.-

TIIK HOPKINS GRAMMAR JWHOOL, New-1 Ila vi a, . , i, i ni s. . i linn ir fsls i rt. tri*.

ta -. il ». -V Oil ir. . -V. Lits, Lita, ).. Pet*fe**a*i P.A. rt! rr, t. IL I i ru if, C t.. 4. I. .' *rmr,bl*, ¦>-. ..'»!.'. nor-.. .V. till. A-PUI.H..V. ... u * 11 v


W'LSK'N MI1.1 1 .RY INSTI i CTE,IT,\l V 8 U*.

Nu-ntieiiif n.ira limit* i. Terms rea* mi,:«.(.' ntl ni nutt 'vsuisii '' "'.. ' ' ''''fu¬

ll, *.s

C. I *.-: ro YEART-^Joard anil'~ I t't I.; *..,,. a,:. .-¦ PA I. BCUOOIaM,

.llel.L N, J.

i'i. iiiii ^ YEAR fir roana* ra n aod btrya'fa Iv fl t ,! Mena Pana I tdernv, la mites fro-n

i. .a. phi i trains dal y. In u -11 i:.!!».;:. a. M. (Rarrtrd Coilece*ie I'rlin'lpal aud l'ro|irietor.

For YounT L-dios.Coaatr-r.DRiVDFGRD ACADEMY1) ron Yorsi; r.Anrrs.

iKhty.flrst V.* .*¦> ie* i.-e. -.*r.t. l, ]<*! :*'or ,*tr**n.

lar«sii|ilv in ANNI. a*.. JOHNSON, Pt.etpal, Brad.


For "iO'ius ladIsa, lit, atlTa.iia.-,**. i'Davesr. Mrs.(ia-iii i.i. OK wi it, Prto al. Dr. mo i.i.'Vi.s, wr*o>

I..... 0 liars.

DOaARDINQ AND DAY SCHOOL for _ir_AS amt voiidrr women.

HOW AUD COI.1.1 '.IA ll. INBlTiUP.iWest Ortdfowatee. Msss.

OPONB o. luiii.ii ;. i> i.

Paritreolars aad .iU pac.suiar a, .iiratstu* nnneiiisi.lilli KU -MA'li l.t.. I'll. I).

aa'e of sirarihti! >rj Collo*-*. BobBm I alver.iity' andNetarnaaiii o'live, am ni I.*', .u ;ia 1.

/*ni>K's COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, forVj tn ., i.a tl'.,*.*. i ivir^asi .!. UKO.OK W.COOK. i"n. D.. i- i .. \

mLLKciATK.-ciloML FORGIRLS, Eojrie-V'sitar .i spools ty. ada-

tOLI I 'I '.ll. M -.1. A. it.

I.m-.W LADIES1 SEMINARY, Carmel,N.Y.1" lliraie-l ie, ia >i-*iii r>i. |,r >.'; >,.i.¦«, ,n. w Illus

ii aiai .. ii KO. UIII1 ti. A. a.

f^-ROVE HALL..Mi*"** .Mom.oi-i'-* achool forVA T..!i,ri. tua_

I I iLlaSlDE SEMINARY, Brldjrcport, Conti.-il I i*-.,r romiB ladle* and lillie itlrla Dla ni grad nanon,

ar ll it v. ii snd i oluin its ¦.. 'ann it lons.Ki -TONK, MAKIAN- I h KOPUOW.

\IORRIST0WN S.A.. MISS STEVENSON'Si'i i i..ii. h sud Knuitsii -i!i,m,i for Oil s reopens 8a

i ru ni- .v.-. ior .in.-iii;.'i, mos faluting. (S.

Miss wil.LIAMS's SCHOOL for YOUNGI.Alu *. J9 Chatham's*., Wornier Mass. .Kroucii

ami Gem ni 'iiokini iu Um lauitir.

AI RS. S. L. i'ADVs -0_ri_n8 ind Day School.*1 :¦¦ )* t t i i. ,i

*. I '.- -ll!

Miss Aikens boarding and day.. rona I, Conn.. it.,|..iir

ir* ..I U'Mt *I -s I*. Al :,

M- BULKLEY- BOARDING and DAYi >I. i.n- ol III.s. iairvi 'itu oii-t'ie.'liiUm will

i, s,r|,i,'iu.'iur i j. Address ay iuiui-uutiir-i |,:, nber l.

ai -*s E. L. ROBERTS-**} BoHrdioc and DayLl I Hi nt tor Yeaai Lad.a, tit llcllevUle, New-Jersey, ro

0|,,*lu* si*,i. ni.ii-i* Cl.

Miss NOTTS Enpriish and Preneh Famll*ami Day School for Yonaa lilies, i:; MTall-S. New.

Data n, iJO'i. Ile* lill T,*.ir retina lansliy* BOptSM.et20, Oiicniara sent upon application._

MitPLEWOODin iiri'ii*; "-ol', i.-idiks.I-. i'll ,. ,. Mi ipertoi Sdva_tai(*f. Wellknown for Its ho.tbfut and uharmiua looauoa Ad.f.a. to;eatai -*rno,et., LoO MO Bl AM fO I,

Vliss E. ELIZABETH DAN V-*lil KN'OI.I'-II AM) KitKNCIl HOA.lll'IN'0 -CnOOt,

Poll YOI Ml LA Di BM, M ('UKI sl'lf.V.V, N. l.Heopens s,.:,i. m. KniarffOal S.i-Mt-raoi.I sad /thina*!um.

ind attraotlve snmod. i ¦¦'... sdvaat-ut**ia everraopartuient lloaid and laitioa in i-insiisli aaa .au,s towtpei au.iiiin. Tar iac ulai sdUresa Una PrtnrJpai._IVYACK SEMINARY; Nyack, N. Y.

i.1For elnnittr-t adi'n- sMi*. IMOOBNI KKftTHOf.P.

^EW--CANAA*>, !K.StiT-TB PO- YOCN-LADltCtS experienced feie.'iera un ni leis limited.

Addie. all*. _ ll'. A Viv *,XeiY-Cati.ian. Conn.

OSSINING INSTITUtE POR YOUNG LA-Ul KS AND MIsSK-i. sim sin,, ***. Y..-laO0atlml ,!.-

llKh'ful one ho,ir tra o few-vorlc rotlnad Chrisitaa in-

Bbbbomi tastntotion thoron*)) m m- iii arl Brsi o isaterms luoderato, opeus Scnumbsr in. Pur rataloa-uesaaerasa. hbv. c. i>. ki ci..

_Prtn.-yatPLEASANT. THOROUGH, SAFE..Hom*a. -seminary for youii, tallai. lIlsutsCoiTu, ."-f. J., lottiyrac ll hutu,lari. Kev. Of. IL WiILL*). PrIU-BaL

UYE SEMINARY. RYE, aNEW-YOlilv.Pur psrtlo liars addrssi

sir*, -j. j. laira

QTAMFORD, C0NN..MI8S LOW. aiini*iiaanrtey to Mts. Iii lr.ui!«on. l'n,lish. French sad (.*nn*u board-ins UI|d dav wainui. Henpens senteiuliei ii.

QTEUBENVILLE (niuo) FEMALL BEML*J NA HY. H.-antliiillT locaXeJ on tha (Hilo Hirer witt*.BB Taais' *Ui-oe*sful eiperlenoo. I-'oi* liifni-m Kl ni, sddrets

_t_ I'K**, A. t_. ItKll) AND WIOiir.*4AN._OTAMF(^D. CONN.-Mi-n* IhhIw*IIi» Whito'a_J .s.jj^i ip, Yoau, lauUe* will r*-*u*n (0. V.) Bopt.*, otiiniuudedOy i'rosiduul .-isolje an prepaiaioijr to audiUc ,ile<e. _

TL M I'LL G HOV B LA DI KS' S BM I NARY, S|ii*jnr«, tl. Y. Twenty.ulnth Tear l,e.jiu* *s«tnt. ll.

tsru.ll.n teat book QUA Kia.M li'. UOW I). A..U. 1're.sldeuL

HPHE ELMS..Fondly and ilav lohool for1 i.lil*. No. 141 llisb-*t. sirlii-tUald, Mas. Ir'oi clrculara

a ali. st 1.r.i 1'iiii. ij.als. Mls-r. riiitrillttlt C1IAMPXKY.^

THE HANNAH MOUE ACADEMY FORA ililli.*i near Ilaltlmnre. Voted lor healthfulness.Il,,niiu,a instruction, careful trslnlu, sud iennui, inlluencesaa hi 1*1 lau hollie. I lie noll t' nu will l)"siu nLI'Ti.M liKH

,< Her. ai; mi tu J. I'.icu. A. ii., ii. I)., Ussitsir,lisisisitowu, Md. i


JStislTsttioa.For Tooa-p T-g-R-M^oantr-r

TWO LADIES livinj- in a d--h*.htfiil coimrrwihome well sn-an-tM fer wlnUr eoLfort anil ImS?*p-*i.,u-sjr..r.uds. Wo h ur* .lutaat iron, SmTtTS m.ul_t...ive hr**-, or four youusr Uri-, nnlertweico year, of _-

*'Ixmreina- punils, kividc th.n eacsdeat car* «_i , ___£____HIn Kn*lisli. F,**,ic_,.Mlc..i_ Lat. a If SSJr'Ja k"JJS___*Hev. Ar'hor Hrcoits. New York CitT H.-* p r firract*:UMtwwmwu., a. Y. A.l_**-_ l^^.Wwi.^'.iVa"-^1*1*-41 I 7.1 A YEAH. (W_H .an-l miriam. .?____tflJ I .* ¦fumina'-B175*aIliira^Aaaa*m--isi\-_J..i*-__*, healttiyi host care. -****-BBjj___g»aV*^a^

For Both S-Jxes.-CountrrA MENTA SEMIN'AKY, tor both ^Ko.-; $22-5-C- per year. Unsuriiassad tuya, it*,*_ for cir . .Sf.**dress WILLIAM Ml'. Joli V. Iter-L-iU--. Amenu NV* *4*

i FAMILY SCHOOL lt mile* troro N^T-_ Yorit. condren lei-etToa mmhor**.rt*. "eV7"

Mrs. ll. C. MOKKl-lLl* Maohsau*- i r

/^O'ENVVIOH ACADEMY. Tor Wh 9ty_wm~^\ * Hie bm il laterarjr Coai-KM. wiui If uik*_ ln«l-__l__Commercial collen- roundel iso.*. i0-t.. ,r,A i*,t?^?*n-ll-noii-t. Hnmncirein'leo'nfortj. Char-uln-tv 'o-iLi rNai!a,.tns.-t Ilav. a-il-m dlreot rout* trtm Se* vi.,, ,

Boston, iitind opportonltaV** ur s»lt-w*ter bstsijT*Jthon h.. iv|r||,,)i. .clent DvnraUlit. Terms rn-i-diarv* ._"heiiieuiie-r :), caii.otoie Ire.). I'.ey. y _, u, ."*~..J!0*'!*A. M., I'llliciiil. l.i.1 iii*,. *n.y..*!i. il. .'.

**.."* K-WLICl-r.O.ME .SCIluoL forCHILDREaN, C-IBtkuTN.J.-«l-M)noryr5jr. ""'"lia"g%

Miss A. _U>irOV_a, Prl-ioi-iBLINSTI 1 UTE-

ll-__» l;othMAPLEWOODsexes- Conoordvin*, I'onn., twenty-two m>***'f.sL*!

HloM-ar. -,,!.,*,, I*,* .d.eihla Mit lWlll-1 i_SS. 11 Iv sr,, !»in ,,.,,-. ,, .,,... ', ,


la I*. Is,1 i-tri.IUiiK. *_ U. IMujiu*- ' ll***

ROCKLAND L'OLLLOl-..l»-ou ll;...rlu um lilli saxes.

logue W ','. lllVMil'KK, A. M.Sea\l for cat*.

COUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE,IO l!nd:reton, New.Jersev.I'.o'li's. PullC(.r|isuiU».liors. l*mruc'"ou lliirao,-.

Hosie, Painting, Drawfn*-. CUraat*ralUI terr u iltur lil-.'ii,* -,-;it. I.' iS'tdr-.s ii. K. I-.tA-.-i, Pr

-THE MISSES MASTERS -rill reo*-*«n _m_B. (¦chat/*,; f,,r toiiiix ladles sn I cMldr-o. st ftohl**

torry, 1. Ysept, l-l. DuBta* -u.*. *u.,ii-* ,*"i.. "',7l.t.. I - no*.,dlnto |,**-tnl -, :1 ., .] ... ,,,,,,. ..r...tJT*I-. 1.1 iy for 1 1* sefn-il. aol iratheieforsprsparel io tata ii. a lunn, im jil* iuw iheir la'Utiy.


Cruoklnn 6chof.[».DROO-JaYN HEIGHTS BEMUIARY.£"T_*__?U '""*'¦ l¦'»-."» rhlv eui-lp--. oriTit* so'llilfor ihe hi jiher adBDSttBB of yotnix Utui tIQ ne r-»>ii.iii«lBsaasasae* rt.


A fa,idly hone in tis l_Mtott** tri,, na orari I tl (ittllmiieil nu niH-ror inili.

Psi ntntnlsrsadSrsM ciiaklks _ west. Priu a**_

_KMIJfontagM-St- Bro..lyn. V V


A school for th* tnoroaaB lesenlntol Yoan, latdie*.T. i. DACK I-, 1.1, d. Presldeal ot in* Pacalty

Admission of new -tel -u ., -e-o 19-21.18*13. ChstMatatniti.'ii In In IBs term; In liii-he**, ciaase*. ju,tenn. .No ciui .di.; *..* lor UM'ruction lu (Ireea. !*»ia.i--r, mil. ilcrtnan. Drawius. und Choral iHnctaa Par fhaIhiit-.ef.'lit'i tmnruil Criialocio. aa'.drnas PACKKU CoLLB.C.1AII*. l.\.-l 1 1 U ll, Hr.aililvn. .'. Y

-inn Sc'iooh.A NNUAL SESSION (2.")th) of the LawSaliooltl ol -ii' UBiverelur _ the City ut New York Uo_as Oot*.Bl-I ti 1*. an I 'ii I* fin*-'. !*l*'l. A. I. V'ands.-io;!. I,I.ft.

I* Midi.toll K LaWPSSUltV. Pur eataloil lei, Ac. ap..lrt»Protcasor I. F. Ill' -si.i.l, .71 Hen l.v iy. *r D, _JAQ-_4"i-i-eUry. lbw Pacalty, Bryant H'dMlru SJ i.iherty.s*.

Q0L01_-IA COL_EGE LAW -SCHOOL,Mast ls.I st., neut tlatlsiniTr

The iw-aiv-sii.thauuual term ot tills luiritminu vvi'.l co*.ineme M 'he Hrs' Moniaf ot (),;to mr. I.ld, SB ssa I.W8. hajoi nnihliB,. in '.'. sal iiicist.. bel 1 mb Ita mi Malisonave*., ass.1 sid'. mt win aarta ibwHI nu ici.

Tlieconrseo: stud.- SBB.MBB two taara allin ldii,':i»lt»mic'nil and aC'-'ir^Coiuiu-u BM iu -u* ^n ticl^lo i a j. 1 ^raa*tier of thc law.Por esta.(BM. Ac address it s"iot«.

TIIKdt'OFt. Of. DWIORT, Warden. &e.

Damiin %ttiBsm*tt,\ LLEN DODWORTHS School for D_odil_

atV No, 981 arin re-o|iei aui claise a will oom-li.eau ua IBV .' arr-).

/ *A RL viARW IO'S SCHOOL for DANCING,V^ 07 Kadiao..vat sa**)**. OasaBat '-'. s,.uj tor cir.


\ HARVARD 'rr ul nita*, wirh «.(*.* I real.ra_aatj(i.sii.-s 'iiiv.1!,- pupils or a p iltwa Ina school. Adities*

\V. H.. Hoi I-', lt .; .* Cpl -*i Bi-oadway.

AV'ALEDIC IORIA.N aad tori_er tutor tlYale » ISBM0M ar Iwo 'r*t.-3to tiupils. Addles* w'. lt,

1.A1.I.. Co a*Tort_

\V.\I.L GRADUATE, aa exp ri- nc-<1 in*stiuetoi aad ortvat* Ira* an eur?teeii.'.nt.

one or moi e no* rs ,!.' t. Add is W. I . r-Duua Oltce.

VLAD. a»i' expfrieace, who i-* cn-iableotr Kn,*iis*i. Preeeh tot I.uln. (:e«:rei * pert-

Picas* a.ldre.s.1 (1). loo, Aubuis,

i VASSARJX tour i upi s needin/ pnyatc mst net lon I.tts s sp*>

ORADUAIE wi-s't-r, rliree otcst uction I.tin s sp*.

beat ol raferaacee atvaa. Addie** Va*.<aO, i-.o,I ox .iii.

A RESIDEMT GOVERNESS, thorooflfIV eomaeteBt so teach Kufitsh. ant Pr*och <th«latin- nilli I'aiisian ic cull, ls re.i'iued for thieeroan*lae, s. .... s :;, ta l g univ iad i*s of ti.tar* and iiioittit-sasrni..y address, with tull suMiuent of sxnerteae* aaal uualli...OBS, BHOOKLYN, BOS l.'ila. WsW-Vatll l'o«t (Jfiif*.

4 Vlsi I'INO Ti;A('HKiii-li;ii')ra'asSJOdquar-a'\ l-r for ,.n.»stW*|o:i a ay-aek. *Hd for two. and Moa. TMaesaioooonsl.'sol tour hoars, twoof »_*h arc deyoed to

a niall s. listory an-l liter.iturs, Md BM tu a iwi

Klein h. lei man or I.i nu an 1 oas Us aiusiC. A fr,eil 'i-f»hait< liiose-ssious: afaiUitul nov or .ti-1 can eisllv MfaBSBBJ..iraniity and ajualltvof work ast i!*:it raasoMSt l'ree«lni c. former pu-ul* Will UMt'.rr to (lill Also souci il le*.uon rca-onatile tei ui*. Address ll. Xi. M')>K, 35 I'ulSSll**-tll '.rn, _. V.____I "OM PETITITE EXAMIKATIOS-i com-Vj inti! tye exaiiilriatlon fora tut.,' slop will he he!'! Si the

cit,Kt-of trie city of New-York. co*B«r of la-xluj-..»»«.auil'.'lid'-sl-.on We-lrieslav reit, **ept*'ii'ier 19. U lOtt-li-c^ii. m. '1 I.e ox (uili.auo:! have iiiei ia' rsfeiesee tu luith*matt, I. ,'e*,*i1pilye it*,.nieiry and diawtnr. Apt) tc ir.ti will

attend at D:4J a. IB. lty order or ih* Kxecailve i em.LAW tt.-NCh P. Kl *¦ - __¦__,

l_f ISS HESSE* S6 Weal 2lat-*-, ioraj*4_aoMi-JI p*titm teachers, tutors. a-OTornsaaei; ootwrt, i-a-ate.

ke.peis. heit adVtCOriV*B IO 'iretlts on ,'ia. .. * ,.n'__,Hsfarenee* iiy tavor Bon. Himlltoo Pishsod ex--e-. rttrto,

MARY L. RUNYON. Uro jotn Vetxehttsi1.,-ur .t.u ni a ker laaaim.L Brookiya. ala -)*« ?n-

T.t-a!nl cia s nisirtictiou. SOBOlal rsic for «cho*ls. *.»

\Vc*l --.' st.

S-riiw-Jonts mid Unilronb9.


;. fool ol l'ia.-«L. h. U.-7.1IU. S.JO, WAS,Kai... :*. m.

l\.\..t bOATllS,BV,**_S,

1:0.), Irll i. m.*. uud Anncj Ila*** SO TU rici an S(iO(Uy

Lc»ve laiac I-la.i'Uily for:,. * lt.*-, SiDS, ,:W.i p SI.

IO, '.((H)*. m., 7:3S, ISrOO p. m.

lo sud 1:35 j>. ia. dalif. «-**aJ« Siindar.., .. m. :;.l<-.. 4:35. 5:113 p. m. BM-B* *.»*.

I*'1**-'-'.»».. ....... a.lil OPEita.mOtowtT-ms 1...0.*.. ___^_^_.*2__>_2,5 :io*dJ" H

'ii ii». Ll a. a.' t**"1- . ,..«.-

lt ,i,l. L t tv. li O-Oj a. re., Ho, .*-.--.. *__^__1G l". p. m. IlfclS nlsltl, Wrilu-.Uv ua] Salunlaj* calf. MBBSfSW('lilas RL Garden . ;.. m.fc/.Silen l-ir,. Se,'

.' .". t.jr-»fl_iRr,::;:,. r,:ii5 p. m. iBB-lays »>.. a m-. o^. mu*

'''llarrti'i.ooii, BST_SBStB*-MI A O. -»-35. 0:3»1>- *»- ¦**.*>" **

¦'.^T-D:(»3 a. .."-,4:1*5 p. ta Sasdcy, 9:03 *. vu Itoakaa.

,U1»_R9>*.?* a ii It-aa «. ta,____M7*05 0, in.. «-S*aj "!'.'- .¦¦¦¦¦.

only, ia IS nlcht. HuaJt.y-. 9-33 llt.15 s. m., »:.». J-*4*'' °"w

,*..||e«r Pi-iat, tt*:.|!eit-,a-s-*-.3\ P:«5* _»¦'»¦ "f ^ftMut -J .(.'. SIMS' I ¦'¦>. .¦!>' -'.ii. .:".. ''¦¦.''*,' '-,',Kiri.-, ,,. rt-., i-.-is -daisi. _tm__^_J^_h_iil_\ ioMllt30a. ._. TUib. Tib. -SA, _35, B:3-7;(I.Sfl Betvh-lltOS e. m-t 4t30 n. *B

'¦a. m.. I:-'". I'- "I. Siaautij-* HtdO.^Unm. .Botil.lag leave Loi_ lieach 1.-o aaii 4 -¦> I'*

BsssrslM :-*''', '""f?1:00 ». at- :Wri

URANCH RR._JUK., foe". Coiila-wt-as

'hflm-stes-it ,___Jfl". A- Ki*«a. UK., fatot U***|-7***»

I,"VY1' M1WY0RK. cntnoieiiclu*-*..-». ll. ls-H. IKorRouthAmboy ria Phil .'.- Re-*a]laf Ult. IAS, 9, H .__"-..

'.'r*4a. i. H p. ra. Sajitiar-. s 43 a. m.. 12 m., 4 |\ "¦: *¦|*'^,1,.lllt.. Trill -ll) -luiiiv A.D i.ii.Nt»v | pcaasytvssu*

hLilion* la Kew-Torlt. < snd'ltehmai.Phi'.,. A- Kc

-luu.'.aj. i', - m.. (ii ¦. I

l*ir.M»Mw»n. -te., yiaPlills. A Rcs "nu Kit, 7:45 9, ll *. *»1:4". a. m.. 12 ***.. 4 p3"-l JJ

g p. a. Sun*-/". ¦ B.»B

-.ha-rrs-4. «sa«aiT-k, S iiiLtaj

lei plO*-'*''*- "C***"^ * J\ »¦

or Albury I _-»), HIS «. m., Iii m.. 4 p. m.i ria I'ess. ¦".. '."_?a. iu.. 12 m., 3:1(1 5, ftp. m. Bui).ri tso» Hoy-'ts* »« ***"».

(IniTe or Aiiiury P«rk). D. a. m., fi p. m. Q_ai_*PorLskewtK-tl, Tuan HiTer, Bamerit. -ft, tis Pttle- * ¦"."¦""¦a,

UK., 7* ISs. bi., *-i8.4 p. m. .,__t_iKer Krti-hold, ri* Pldln. A Rc*d1iir RR.. TriP 0. "


i »r ,s,Hi,.w*n, tKe., vi* i linn, ar n..

J'S. *. 4r.i0, ll p. m. Sui»d»y». 8:4'IVini. lt. H., 7:10 - m., Ti au, 6,5 e. ra.Fur ii«l U**k, Lo*g Brsnnh, Oo;aa Or. re, Ai

Point l'l isa***, 4.*.. lia Pillia. A Readiuif it..,2:SS, aitlt. 4, 4:8a). « p. m. Stiadari (nm «**'l

.. 'fatK-aasstk vatl**aa_ _'a«_i-»-ra. m.. ".'45. 4.HO, (J p. m. For Vlnr-nd. Ur'.ii.eU*4Vat "ir. n rn

4:11(1, U p. BL* lt


U a auMl«*.. 7;4*i -Vii-.3, A.JidC Ct****}

"<\ o. fiAxrocic, j. a. wood. h. ¦JOgU-0. P. * T. A.. P A K. PR."_0. P. A. P. UH.

__-of* «"."*._- CliMKAL AND ii'^Jll RIVliK KAILHOAD-rotaaiencItt 8*pt. 17, it-* «"«<*»*¦

Ix.ilat will leave«ir*iida'eatr*J Depot: a_«i^i8 a. m., Wo-tcrn .Keir-York and lioi.wa X-rprasa w-1 «.'»1*.>

room enr* to Muatrral sn 1 lg Hochmtar. ^.^.Hr40 a. m.. K**t Utull-sl Chltssro Kripr-tstwith (Halt-f <*J*j___\

piriaj al All.*y. Cl.*, *tt._e**-, Bu***., Ri. u»t-~-m

indTiiledo. arrlytait tt I htt-i-a lOr'JO *. m. next Jay. ,.,.__,lD-.tOf* m., rklfiiajo R>*im.i* dniwliiar-rtsom e*r» to t*n_i_u_Z_

R.vhi**.r, Bot.I a. asd klcb.. Spiia<S, ao***-*** .*"-;11°-' m., to AINibt sad TroT, c--.-_ce«s-* IBcCtK**, ttrttmi

Olen . Falli, Lake tirtir'*-* sad BuUaa.8:30 o. m.. Sarstaira ipeotiil. Thronjh dr*wlns-i«»*»i <*.".

4 p. m., S.SSSBB1.MSja to AltisnT aad Troy. ¦*__.IJ D. m.. (at. Loni* Kxpi-S, wlU -J-»u;m Of- H"'M^igB

B.itT»lo, tiaolnaati (eicept S-**__A .W-*i *-"*fc1, M 1

ri'.'ltj p. m., txprtm. -rith tle***ls-r tart I* ByiaeM* **< . AsMO"*.*dj also to is._ea;* and MoatreaL RnhlBt.9 p. m.. Paolrlc ExurMs, wtlU »i«-»p!nr eauri for R-^*"8**"'. ,Z_ZmS

Cleveland, Toledo, Ds-troil, I tilcuro Ht. touU, C*pe VI*.-*" va»-*i

Sunday), sad Clayton (exoept Saiairday.) ,.- TreJ-Bll p. m., Itlalit Exprris. with .leopiu* tan to AlbaW_»ita._n

Conneoti with tb* »ornUj ImiM for _S Wes! <-4 Mi-rtk l«x-^hT_Ja o*f«t- st Or._t*I Depot. ** 6 ll*wl-f <>'£:£$SSS US larw-*r»r sail *t W**looB;. K»,a-*» __tMr__M-* .*!sad 7-a.S *nj 94W a**.dway. Xiw-Voci. and IJB, WSSBWa- .i

*5d4 KiilionK. BriKiklyo, **J 79 4t.-**.. VS lill-.*.«».Bs.'«*«-e e-i-ai fer aad checked fruin n-mleno-. ...

Trii-aHM^.?s,¦*,v,*, <UU" A "*" *** *-?Wa-D-j« _*'M.i ia» i-saSi **-»