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General Meeting

13 December 2017

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General Meeting Agenda 13 December 2017

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Cr FO Whelan (Deputy Mayor) Cr PW Lobegeier Cr PF Webster Cr BJ Zahl Cr WJ Bowen Cr RP Radel

Please be advised that the General Meeting of the North Burnett Regional Council will be held at the Mt Perry Boardroom on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 commencing at 9:00am. An agenda is attached for your information.

Mark Pitt Chief Executive Officer

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General Meeting Agenda 13 December 2017

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Order Of Business

1 Attendees ............................................................................................................................. 5

2 Welcome/Housekeeping ...................................................................................................... 5

3 Apologies/Leave of Absence .............................................................................................. 5

4 Declaration of Interest ......................................................................................................... 5

5 Deputations/Petitions .......................................................................................................... 5

6 Confirmation of Minutes ...................................................................................................... 6

6.1 Minutes of the General Meeting held on 15 November 2017 .................................... 6

6.2 Minutes of the Technical Services Standing Committee Meeting held on 6 December 2017 ...................................................................................................... 16

6.3 Minutes of the Policy and Planning Standing Committee Meeting held on 6 December 2017 ...................................................................................................... 22

7 Governance Reports .......................................................................................................... 28

7.1 GOV Fourth Quarter (Q4) Operational Plan Report ............................................... 28

7.2 C&K Kindergarten, Gayndah - deputation 15 November 2017 - building maintenance and Council funding request .............................................................. 30

7.3 Proposed purchase leased land - Part of Lot 86 SP227537 ................................... 39

7.4 Expressions of Interest - Suppliers to provide performance management software solutions .................................................................................................. 40

7.5 Propel After Hours 12 Month Review ..................................................................... 42

7.6 Quarter One Budget Review .................................................................................. 45

7.7 Proposal to adopt Corporate Style.......................................................................... 53

7.8 Finance Report....................................................................................................... 72

7.9 Councillor Meeting Schedule 2018 ......................................................................... 80

7.10 Organisational restruction ...................................................................................... 82

8 Economic Reports ............................................................................................................. 86

8.1 Trop Ag Conference 2017 ...................................................................................... 86

8.2 1ST Quarter Caravan and Camping Report ......................................................... 100

8.3 SYSTEMATIC INSPECTION PROGRAM - EIDSVOLD ....................................... 109

8.4 THOMPSONS CREEK CROSSING ..................................................................... 112

8.5 Development Statistics Report ............................................................................. 114

9 Social Reports .................................................................................................................. 119

9.1 Business Streetscape Funding ............................................................................. 119

9.2 Grants to Community Organisations ..................................................................... 121

10 Infrastructure Reports ..................................................................................................... 126

10.1 School Bus Routes in North Burnett ..................................................................... 126

10.2 Engineering - B Double Report - Miller - 111321r1v1 ........................................... 191

11 Environmental Reports ................................................................................................... 195


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12 Councillor Reports ........................................................................................................... 196

12.1 Mayor and Councillors Reports ............................................................................ 196

13 Confidential Reports ........................................................................................................ 203

13.1 Panel of Providers for Facilities Maintenance - 2909/2017-18/QTB/16 ................. 203

13.2 Pest Control Inspections and Treatment Quotation - 2909/2017-18/QTB/17 ........ 203

13.3 Financial Report - Write-Off of Debtor Invoice (Closed Session Report) ............... 203

13.4 Service Request Report ....................................................................................... 203

14 General Business............................................................................................................. 204

15 Closure of Meeting ........................................................................................................... 204

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Council will make time available at each General Meeting for public questions/ representations. This is an opportunity for members of the public to make a representation on a matter in which they have an interest on an item which is before the Council for decision e.g. development applications. Other than with approval of the Mayor, individuals will not be allowed to address Council on agenda related matters at any other time during the meeting. Public Question and Statements Time will commence at 9:30am.

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General Meeting Agenda 13 December 2017

Item 6.1 Page 6


6.1 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 15 NOVEMBER 2017 Doc Id: 849022 Author: Natalie Zillman, Executive Assistant Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Minutes of the General Meeting held on 15 November 2017 HEADING Minutes for adoption.

RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 15 November 2017 be received and the

recommendations therein be adopted.

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General Meeting Minutes 15 November 2017

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COUNCILLORS: Cr Rachel Chambers (Mayor), Cr Faye Whelan (Deputy Mayor), Cr John Bowen, Cr Paul Lobegeier, Cr Peter Webster, Cr John Zahl

OFFICERS: Mark Pitt (Chief Executive Officer), Trevor Harvey (General Manager of Strategy, Innovation and Assets), Brad Duke (General Manager of Corporate and Community Services), Mark Watt, Natalie Zillman (Executive Assistant)


The Mayor declared the meeting open at 9:30am and welcomed all attendees.






Council will make time available at each General Meeting for public questions/ representations. This is an opportunity for members of the public to make a representation on a matter in which they have an interest on an item which is before the Council for decision e.g. development applications. Other than with approval of the Mayor, individuals will not be allowed to address Council on agenda related matters at any other time during the meeting. Public Question and Statements Time will commence at 9:30am. 5.1 9:30am Gayndah C&K Director, Laura Ballantyne-Wren 5.2 Goondicum Resources Chief Operating Officer, Logan Francis 5.3 Mr Bruce Burnham



RESOLUTION 2017/1 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier 1. That the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 11 October 2017 be received and the

recommendations therein be adopted. CARRIED

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RESOLUTION 2017/2 Moved: Cr Peter Webster Seconded: Cr John Zahl

1. That the Minutes of the Policy and Planning Standing Committee Meeting held on 1 November 2017 as amended be received and the recommendations therein be adopted.



RESOLUTION 2017/3 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Bowen

1. That the Minutes of the Technical Services Standing Committee Meeting held on 1 November 2017 be received and the recommendations therein be adopted. CARRIED

5.1 DEPUTATION GAYNDAH KINDERGARTEN 9:30am – Laura Ballantyne-Wren entered the meeting and requested financial and in-kind support for the construction of a deck and building upgrade. 9:50am – Mark Salisbury, Bruce and Tex Burnham entered the meeting as part of the public gallery and discussed the maintenance of Mt Margaret Road. At 9:50 am, Cr Peter Webster left the meeting and returned at 9:54 am. 9:56am – Logan Francis, Chief Operating Officer Goondicum Resources entered the meeting and provided an update on the progress of Goondicum Mine, withdrawing from the meeting at 10:06am. The meeting adjourned for morning tea at 10:48am and resumed at 11:24am with Cr Webster and the public gallery having withdrawn from the meeting. 11:27am – The Manager of Corporate and Community Services, TA Hansen entered the meeting.


RESOLUTION 2017/4 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Customer Service Quarterly Report as presented be received as information and the contents noted.


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RESOLUTION 2017/5 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Department of Natural Resources and Mines be advised that Council has no objection to the proposed renewal of Term Lease 233505 on land described as Lot 72 RW500 and Lot 132 RW595 located at Harris Street, Mungungo. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/6 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That pursuant to section 182 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the Annual Report 2016 17, as presented, be adopted. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/7 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That the Finance Report as presented be adopted. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/8 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Contact Centre Quarterly Report as presented be received as information and the contents noted. CARRIED



RESOLUTION 2017/9 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Faye Whelan That the report on the future of Rural Getaway Promotions Group be received and the contents noted. CARRIED

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RESOLUTION 2017/10 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr John Bowen That the report by the Acting General Manager, Corporate and Community Services regarding the Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday 26 October 2017 be received. CARRIED



RESOLUTION 2017/11 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council receives the Mundubbera Regional Art Gallery report as information and the minutes from the meeting held on 09th October 2017 as presented be adopted. CARRIED


RECOMMENDATION Cr Faye Whelan requested the investigation of two (2) small air-conditioning units for the Mundubbera Library as part of the 2018-2019 capital budget process.


RESOLUTION 2017/12 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Bowen That Council approves the Streetscape Funding applications for:

• Eden Creek Holdings Pty Ltd - $550 – in accordance with general Policy 218 – Business Streetscape

• Biggenden Laundromat - $367 – in accordance with general Policy 218 – Business Streetscape

• The Den Community Craft Incorporated - $400 – in accordance with general Policy 218 – Business Streetscape CARRIED

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RESOLUTION 2017/13 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Library Quarterly Update: Q1 17-18 as presented be received as information and the contents noted. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/14 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr John Zahl That council review and approve recommendations on Community Grant funding applications received and outlined in the following table (Attachment A) for financial and in-kind assistance, under Policy 119 Lifelong Community Grants, Policy 120 Cultural and Sports Performance Grants, Policy 121 Major Events Grants, and Policy 113 Not for Profit Community Organisations and In-Kind Support. CARRIED


RECOMMENDATION That the General Manager of Corporate and Community Services look into the conditions of the Gayndah C&K Community Kindergarten lease agreement and report to Council with regards to maintenance and upkeep requirements.


RESOLUTION 2017/15 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Bowen That funding application/s for the project as presented in this report be submitted to the Queensland Government’s Queensland Anzac Centenary Grants Program. CARRIED





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RESOLUTION 2017/16 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Councillor Reports as presented be received as information and the contents noted.



RESOLUTION 2017/17 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council considers the confidential report(s) listed below in a meeting closed to the public in accordance with Section 275(1) of the Local Government Regulation 2012: 13.1 Addition of Supplier to Panel of Providers This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - e of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with contracts proposed to be made by it. 13.2 Concession for Rates & Charges This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - d of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with rating concessions. 13.3 Addition of Supplier to Panel of Providers This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - e of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with contracts proposed to be made by it. 13.4 Water Trading Report 11/17 This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - c and e of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with the local government’s budget and contracts proposed to be made by it. CARRIED

RESOLUTION 2017/18 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council moves out of Closed Council into Open Council. CARRIED

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RESOLUTION 2017/19 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That Council approves the amendment to the Panel of Providers 2909/2017-18/TTB/01 by the inclusion of Hy-Tec Industries Queensland Pty Ltd. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/20 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Faye Whelan That Council

(a) Receives the report in relation to an application for rates & charges concessions under Part 10 – Concessions Section 120 (1) c – hardship provision of the Local Government Regulations for assessment 10077-00000-000

(b) Council agrees that due to hardship the ratepayer receives a concession on the amount of the repayment for a 6 month concessional period. The amount of $112.00/fortnight is payable for the period from 1 December 2017 to 31 May 2018, followed by repayments at $240/fortnight from 1 June 2018 to ensure the debt is paid within the terms of the Rate Recovery Policy. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/21 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council approves the amendment to the Panel of Providers 2909/2017-18/TTB/05 by the inclusion of Dingo Road Services Pty Ltd. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/22 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier

(a) The following is recommended:- 1 Instruct Elders to progress the sale of 150ML of medium priority water from Jones weir at the offered price of $833.33/ML. 2. Instruct Elders to progress the sale of 150ML of high priority water from Claude Wharton at

the offered price of $2,000/ML. CARRIED

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The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12:30pm and resumed at 1:36pm.


RESOLUTION 2017/23 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council write to the Department of Education asking what their future plans are and remedial action for Riverleigh School. CARRIED

14.2 STORM DAMAGE Cr Faye Whelan discussed the damage and debris in several areas as a result of the recent wind and hail storm and possible temporary solutions for waste management facility fees for those residents affected.

14.3 CHILDCARE REPORT UPDATE It was resolved that the General Manager of Corporate and Community Services progress the North Burnett Childcare report and investigate possible future alternatives for the community.


RESOLUTION 2017/24 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr John Bowen That the General Manager of Corporate and Community Services investigate options for a funded partnership to proceed with an Expression of Interest with the Heart of Australia program.


14.5 CR ZAHL Cr John Zahl discussed the following:

• Jena Boran is in partnership with the Bunya Mountains Indigenous group and are applying for the placement of 4 rangers in the North Burnett.

• Cr John Zahl will be attending a Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism meeting in Bundaberg on Friday 15 December 2017 and the BIEDO AGM in Murgon on the same day.

• Request for batteries to recycle by the Gayndah Masonic Lodge

14.6 CR LOBEGEIER Cr Paul Lobegeier passed on the message of thanks from the Monto depot staff to the community for their assistance is the recent flooding event.

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RESOLUTION 2017/25 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Faye Whelan That Council write to the Director General of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries requesting the approval of camping at the Bunyip Hole. CARRIED


RESOLUTION 2017/26 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council delegate the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to cast Council’s vote for the Burnett Mary Regional Group 2017 Director election, with Cr John Bowen as the AGM delegate.



RESOLUTION 2017/27 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council advertise an expression of interest targeting not-for-profit community groups for the previous sports ground lighting in Gayndah and Mundubbera. CARRIED


RECOMMENDATION Cr Paul Lobegeier requested an investigation as to the tenure of the Mulgildie Hall and advised that maintenance was required on the guttering of the hall, toilets and porch.


The Meeting closed at 2:14pm. The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the General Meeting held on 13 December 2017.



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Item 6.2 Page 16


Doc Id: 849070 Author: Natalie Zillman, Executive Assistant Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Minutes of the Technical Services Standing Committee Meeting

held on 6 December 2017 HEADING Minutes for adoption.

RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Minutes of the Technical Services Standing Committee Meeting held on 6

December 2017 be received and the recommendations therein be adopted.

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Technical Services Standing Committee Meeting Minutes 6 December 2017

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COUNCILLORS: Cr Rachel Chambers (Mayor), Cr Faye Whelan (Deputy Mayor), Cr John Zahl, Cr John Bowen, Cr Peter Webster, Cr Paul Lobegeier

OFFICERS: Brad Duke (Acting Chief Executive Officer),Trevor Harvey (General Manager Strategy, Innovation and Assets), Natalie Zillman (Executive Assistant)


The Mayor declared the meeting open and welcomed all attendees.



COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/1 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the apology received from the Chief Executive Officer, MJP Pitt be accepted and leave of absence granted. CARRIED


Nil Declarations.


5.1 TECHNICAL SERVICES REPORT - 16/10/2017 TO 15/11/2017

COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/2 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Peter Webster That the Technical Services report as presented be received and the contents noted. CARRIED

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COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/3 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Peter Webster It is recommended that the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator be advised that 1. Council does not endorse approval of the permit application (Case 108648r1v1 by Jovalan Farms & Transport) for 36.5 metre B-Triple vehicles to travel between Burnett Highway along Malmoe Road and A Creek Road to 450 A Creek Road, due to absence of any transport infrastructure / facility to cross the Burnett River at both Crisps Road and Halfpennys Lane (infrastructure deficiency); 2. Council does not endorse approval of the permit application (Case 108648r1v1 by Jovalan Farms & Transport) for 36.5 metre B-Triple vehicles to travel between Durong Road along Hawkwood Rd, Halfpennys Lane, Coonambula-Eidsvold Rd, Crisps Rd and A Creek Road due to the narrow bridge structure over the Burnett River and steep river bank grades with inadequate sight distances on Malmoe Road (safety issues); and Further, that the roads portfolio Councillor liaise with representative from the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Local Government Association of Queensland and the National Heavy Vehicle Register to follow-up on the ‘Governing from the Regions’ ministerial deputation. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/4 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Peter Webster It is recommended that the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator be advised that Council does not endorse approval of the permit application (Case 108648r3v1 by Jovalan Farms & Transport) for 25/26 metre B-Double vehicles to travel along:

• A-Creek Road between Burnett Hwy and Coonambula Road • Coonambula Rd / McCords Rd between Mundubbera and Cheltenham Rd, and • Cheltenham Road between Hawkwood Road and Eidsvold-Theodore Rd

due to infrastructure inadequacies and network safety concerns for the vehicle identified. CARRIED

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COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/5 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Peter Webster It is recommended that the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator be advised that Council does not endorse approval of the permit application (Case 108648r3v1 by Jovalan Farms & Transport) for 36.5 metre B-Triple vehicles to travel along:

• A-Creek Road between Burnett Hwy and Coonambula Road • Coonambula Rd / McCords Rd between Mundubbera and Cheltenham Rd • Cheltenham Road between Hawkwood Road and Eidsvold-Theodore Rd, and • Mundubbera streets (Kennedy St, Mitchell St, McIndoes Rd)

due to infrastructure inadequacies and network safety concerns for the vehicle identified. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/6 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That the Works Engineer Report as presented be received and the contents noted. CARRIED



COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/7 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Environmental Services as presented be received and that the Manager of Environmental Services investigate and produce an African Love Grass map for the region. CARRIED

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COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/8 Moved: Cr John Zahl Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That Council considers the confidential report(s) listed below in a meeting closed to the public in accordance with Section 275(1) of the Local Government Regulation 2012: 8.1 MT PERRY COMMUNICATIONS LEASE This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - c, e, f and h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with the local government’s budget, contracts proposed to be made by it, starting or defending legal proceedings involving the local government and other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage. 8.2 ADDITION OF SUPPLIER TO PANEL OF PROVIDERS - NBRC CIVIL CONTRACTORS This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - e and h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with contracts proposed to be made by it and other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage. CARRIED

COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/9 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council moves out of Closed Council into Open Council. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/10 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council resolves 1. To enter negotiations with Qld Parks and Wildlife and Mt Rawdon Operations with the

intention of entering into a lease agreement to secure tenure. 2. That the General Manager of Corporate and Community Services progress these

negotiations and all associated actions required to progress a lease agreement. CARRIED

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COMMITTEE RESOLUTION TS/2017/11 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That Council approves the amendment to the Panel of Providers 2909/2016-17/TTB/08 by the inclusion of Ken and Maryann Nicholson. CARRIED


Nil General Business.


The Meeting closed at 1:00pm. The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the General Meeting held on 13 December 2017.



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Item 6.3 Page 22


Doc Id: 849211 Author: Natalie Zillman, Executive Assistant Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Minutes of the Policy and Planning Standing Committee Meeting

held on 6 December 2017 HEADING Minutes for adoption.

RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Minutes of the Policy and Planning Standing Committee Meeting held on 6

December 2017 be received and the recommendations therein be adopted.

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COUNCILLORS: Cr Rachel Chambers (Mayor), Cr Faye Whelan (Deputy Mayor), Cr John Bowen, Cr Paul Lobegeier, Cr Peter Webster, Cr John Zahl

OFFICERS: Brad Duke (Acting Chief Executive Officer), Trevor Harvey (General Manager of Strategy, Innovation and Assets), , Natalie Zillman (Executive Assistant)


The Mayor declared the meeting open and welcomed all attendees.



COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/15 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That the apology received from the Chief Executive Officer, MJP Pitt be accepted and leave of absence granted. CARRIED


Nil declarations.



COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/16 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr Peter Webster That the Roads to Recovery (R2R) Program – Statement of Expectations Report as presented be received and the contents noted. CARRIED

Simon O’Brien (Works Engineer) enterend the meeting at 9:15am.


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/17 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr John Zahl

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That: 1. The Queensland ANZAC Centenary Grants Program report as presented be received and

the contents noted; 2. Council’s Community Connection Section liaise with Councillors, interested community

groups and or organisations (including RSL Clubs) to progress projects for this or future Queensland Anzac Centenary grant funding rounds;

3. Interested Community groups and or organisations (including RSL Clubs) be advised on their need for contributing financial or in-kind towards nominated projects as Council takes lead responsibility in grant preparation and submission;

4. That a report be presented to the 2018 January council meeting including proposed projects and the financial implications; and

5. That Council include repairs to the World War 1 Turkish 37mm Field Gun No.648 (Mt Perry) in the submission. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/18 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr John Zahl That: 1. The Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) R2 report as presented be received and the

contents noted. 2. Council progress the Gayndah Aquatic and Multipurpose Facility for submission under the

Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) R2 – Infrastructure Projects Stream. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/19 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That Council delegate power to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to authorise the Gayndah Aquatic Centre and Multipurpose Facility for submission under the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) R2 – Infrastructure Projects Stream. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/20 Moved: Cr Paul Lobegeier Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the 2017 LGMA State Conference Report as presented be received. CARRIED

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COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/21 Moved: Cr John Zahl Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That: 1. The Donation of Lone Pine Tree - Eidsvold report as presented be received and the contents

noted. 2. Council accept the offer of a donation for a Lone Pine tree for placement at a suitable

location in Eidsvold through consultation with the Parks and Garden Supervisor, and additional offer of $2,500 for assistance with fencing and watering.

In addition, that it be referred to the CEO (General Manger Strategy, Innovation and Assets) to develop a policy on the gifting of trees and plants to Council for future adoption at a Council meeting. Further, Council’s position is that it offers no objection to accepting donations of trees and plants, subject to an appropriate location being agreed with Council’s Parks and Garden Supervisor. CARRIED



COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/22 Moved: Cr John Bowen Seconded: Cr John Zahl That the Development Statistics as presented be received and the contents noted. CARRIED


10:06AM COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/23 Moved: Cr John Zahl Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That Council considers the confidential report(s) listed below in a meeting closed to the public in accordance with Section 275(1) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and now moves into Closed Session: 7.1 Request for Change Of Road Name - (Section of) Coonambula - Eidsvold Road,

Mundubbera This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage. CARRIED

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10:17AM COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/24 Moved: Cr John Zahl Seconded: Cr Paul Lobegeier That Council moves out of Closed Council and be opened to the public. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/25 Moved: Cr Faye Whelan Seconded: Cr John Bowen That: 1. The Request for Change of Road Name – (Section of) Coonambula – Eidsvold Road,

Mundubbera report as presented be received and the contents noted. 2. Council reject the request to rename the section of Coonambula – Eidsvold Road, known

locally as Riverleigh Lane to Crofts Road. While Council respects the historic value reasoning behind the request for the change; it is inconsistent with Council’s direction to best regularise naming conventions across several roads in the region as well as alleviating any confusion for residents, visitors and QLD Emergency Services Departments and the Police when urgent contact becomes necessary. CARRIED



COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/26 That it be referred to the CEO (General Manager Strategy Innovation and Assets) to investigate the mapping location used by emergency services for Langs Road and East Woodmillar Road Gayndah. The Mayor requested that this information be published the Council’s community newsletter. CARRIED


COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP/2017/27 That it be referred to the CEO (General Manager Strategy Innovation and Assets) to write to the Officers in Charge of the regional Emergency Services advising that Council will be completing the rural addressing and numbering of rural roads in early 2018 and request they provide any information / feedback on hotspots and trouble areas when identifying locations throughout the region so it can be incorporated into this project.


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The Meeting closed at 10:45am. The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the General Meeting held on 13 December 2017.



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7.1 GOV FOURTH QUARTER (Q4) OPERATIONAL PLAN REPORT Doc Id: 845886 Author: Sarah Aberdein, Administration Officer Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND An operational plan is a legislative requirement under the Local Government Act 2009 and the Local Government Regulation 2012, and is a strategic document that details the operational direction for Council of a 12-month period. The Operational Plan highlights our significant projects and activities for the year that are of most interest to Council and our communities. It can include:

• Outcomes and strategies directly from the Corporate Plan.

• Programs that the organisation has in place.

• Outputs that will deliver the strategies in the Corporate Plan.

• Significant projects and activities.

• Performance measures to track progress and identify milestones and achievements. The Operational Plan identifies priority programs or actions to achieve the corporate strategies. It links our long-term strategic direction set out in the Corporate Plan and other strategic documents to the work that we plan to deliver each year which is funded through the budget. At the end of each financial year Council’s overall performance against the Operational Plan and its success in addressing the outcomes of the Corporate Plan are reported to the community via the Annual Report.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Corporate Plan Outcome 5.6.1 Good Governance; Commit to open and accountable governance to ensure community confidence and trust in Council and our democratic values.

POLICY IMPLICATIONS Legislation compliance

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Local Government Act 2009

Local Government Regulation 2012

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Budget expenditure in accordance with adopted budget.

RISK MANAGEMENT Formally recognising customer and practice in regards to minimum standards. Issues of equality, health and safety, and expense are also factors that need consideration when establishing a dress code.


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Internal consultation has been conducted with Executive Leadership Team, Mayor and available Councillors.

RECOMMENDATION That North Burnett Regional Council receives the Fourth Quarter (Q4) Operational Plan report for the 2016-2017 financial year.

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Doc Id: 846544 Author: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Authoriser: Trisha Hansen, Manager of Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. C and K Gayndah Building Plans.pdf [847251] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Council received a deputation from Director, Gayndah C&K Kindergarten, 28 Fielding Street, Laura Ballantyne-Wren on 15 November 2017 regarding building maintenance issues (Council asset) and financial and in-kind support for the construction of a deck at the centre. The Centre has secured a financial contribution from the Bendigo Bank and from the Qld Gambling Community Benefit Fund and are now seeking a contribution of $5000 from Council as well as the waiving of applicable building/development fees of $590. The General Manager and Community Connections Manager met with the Director on-site on Friday 24 November 2017 and viewed their current financial statements. The Kindergarten is seeking urgent consideration of their request due to an April 2018 deadline.

Back of Building – proposed deck area Art Space

Internal Learning Room Art Space

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Out Play Centre

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Theme 2 - Our happy, healthy and safe region

• 2.2 - Community health and wellbeing services that meet community priorities Theme 5 - Our efficient and effective Council

• 5.1 - Customer focused

• 5.2 - Asset management


• Policy 102 – Grants to Community Organisations

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS • Local Government Act 2009

• Local Government Regulation 2012

• A formal lease was executed with Council on 10 February 2015; however was for a 5 year period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2019 with options of 3X5 years.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Under the current lease agreement, head office of C&K is responsible for paying service rates and outgoings as part of their lease with Council. Current debtor invoice is $5306.10 (including rent to 30 June 2018 and outgoings water consumption to 31 December 2017). The Kindergarten is seeking Council consideration for a cash contribution of $5000 and the waiving of applicable building/development fees of $590.

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RISK MANAGEMENT Council is responsible for ensuring the most effective and efficient risk management practices for all its assets are adhered to. Council’s building and compliance sections will development asset management plans moving forward.

CONSULTATION • Director of Gayndah C & K Kindergarten;

• Council’s Building Services Section;

• Council’s Compliance Section;

• Council’s Community Connection Section;

• Parents and P&C Group

OFFICER COMMENTS/CONCLUSION The Gayndah C & K Kindergarten continues to deliver a vital service to the Gayndah community. The supporting P & C Association has shown long term commitment to the community through a range of fund raising and grant writing initiatives. The current enrolment of 24 Children at the C&K will see the opportunity of an increase in enrolments up to 44 Children as a direct result of the extension of usable space. The Gayndah C & K Kindergarten currently employs 1 FTE Teacher, 1 FTE Assistant and benefits from 1 FTE Inclusion Support Officer. The ability to facilitate maximum capacity (of up to 44 Children) will present an opportunity to employ a second Teacher and second Assistant. This will deliver a significant employment benefit to the Gayndah town. The construction of the additional space will provide economic stimulus to the local economy through the engagement of a local (suitably qualified) builder, with supplies for the construction being sourced from local businesses. The total cost of the project will be approximately $33,000. Council’s contribution of $5590 will be relevantly minimal but essential to the project.

RECOMMENDATION That Council authorise a contribution of $5590 for C&K Kindergarten, 28 Fielding Street, Gayndah towards building improvements (deck construction) and the waiving of applicable Council fees. Further that it be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (General Manager Corporate & Community Services) to arrange this payment as soon as possible with a necessary budget review being shown in Q2 budget review.

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7.3 PROPOSED PURCHASE LEASED LAND - PART OF LOT 86 SP227537 Doc Id: 846638 Author: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Cr Lobegeier and Lachlan Brown teleconferenced the CEO and other senior officers on Monday 20 November to again propose to purchase Lease D on Lot 86 SP227537 located on the eastern side of Airport Road encompassing the Monto Airport. LJ & M Brown and SH & M Cross currently have a lease on this property from 23 December 2016 to 3 December 2034. Pursuant to Council resolution, 14 June 2017, on 10 July 2017 Council wrote to Mr Brown advising that it does not propose to sell any leased land in this area.

OFFICER COMMENTS/CONCLUSION Council direction is sought whether further work is required to progress this matter or whether the decision of 14 June 2017 still remains.

RECOMMENDATION That the report be ‘received’ and further direction be provided to the CEO on whether this new proposal to purchase leased land Part D of Lot SP227537 is to be reconsidered.

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Doc Id: 847206 Author: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Regulation 2012, it is proposed Council call expressions of interest from suitable and qualified suppliers to provide performance management software solutions, with fully integrated technology to track, monitor and report across Corporate and Operational Plans with the goal of delivering accurate business (internal and external) information, with full transparency for better planning and decision making for the region. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and senior officers recently reviewed a product on display at he 2017 LGAQ Conference. It is also recommended that Council existing corporate software providers, MagiQ and Assetic (Asset Management), Mead Perry Group be invited to provide any products they might have into the Expression of Interest.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Theme 5 – Our efficient and effective Council

5.1 – Customer focus 5.4 – Future financial sustainability

POLICY IMPLICATIONS Positive and consistent with Corporate Plan:

• Excellence in customer service

• Actively engage with the community to inform, educate and share Council decision making processes and outcomes

• Undertake robust and accountable financial, resource and infrastructure planning and management to ensure affordable and sustainable outcomes for our community

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Section 228 of Local Government Regulation 2012.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS No budget allocation for this project initiative at the moment.

RISK MANAGEMENT • Not fully exploring what corporate system capabilities Council might have available to itself

at the moment with existing corporate products and vendors.

• Not having available funds to progress the initiative

CONSULTATION Mayor, Deputy Mayor and executive management are proposing this project initiative.


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1. That pursuant to section 228 of Local Government Regulation 2012, Council resolves that it is in the public interest to call expressions of interest from suitable suppliers for the purchase of fully integrated performance management software to improve existing strategic and operational reporting arrangements as required by the Corporate Plan and;

2. The reason behind Council’s decision here is to allow suppliers to provide an expression of interest, including on-site demonstrations, without having to prepare a more detailed quotation and;

3. It be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (General Manager Corporate and Community Services) to prepare expression of interest documentation for advertising as soon as possible and report back on submissions received.

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60 58















Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17

Propel - Number of Calls Taken

Calls taken

7.5 PROPEL AFTER HOURS 12 MONTH REVIEW Doc Id: 847258 Author: Hannah Cooke, Administration Officer Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Council at its General Meeting held on 15 November 2017, requested a review of the after-hours call service. Propel’s after hour services were engaged by Council from mid October 2016 to ensure consistent and reliable service is provided outside ordinary business hours. Historically, Council relied on a manual, on-call arrangement which lead to calls being misdirected, unanswered, not actioned and not reported. Customers continually expressed their frustration at after-hours calls going unanswered or to message bank; this resulted in additional calls being made. The following report provides information on the effectiveness and success of the Propel service. YEARLY CALL STATISTICS – CALLS TAKEN AFTER-HOURS


AVERAGE SPEED OF ANSWER Unmonitored 0:00:18 AVERAGE HANDLE TIME Unmonitored 0:01:04


One off set-up cost $3,000 Cost per inbound call after hours $6 Gold Service $200/week

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Council was provided with a free 3 month trial (October 2016 to January 2017) and the set-up fee was waived.

Gold Service (inc GST) $11,440.08

Call Cost (inc GST) $5,035.80

Total $16,475.88 Based on a total annual cost of $16,475.88 each call received by Propel costs Council $21.59.

IMPACT OF PROPEL Propel was a large process change for all afterhours contact with Council; it therefore impacts the community as well as Council as an organisation. The below feedback was received from customers:

Feedback Purpose “Propel officers request customer specific details therefore taking more time on the call”

This information is requested in line with the After Hours manual developed by NBRC. Provision of this information ensures that all relevant details are captured during first point of contact, therefore eliminating the need for a return call by the Section of Council to address the customer’s enquiry.

“Propel officers ask for spelling of areas and roads as they are not from the area”

Asking for spelling of road names and localities is a method of confirmation in customer service. Correct road name/locality spelling ensures that the request can be actioned correctly in the first instance. NBRC Customer Service Staff use the same consistent questioning technique during business hours.

“Propel officers do not transfer calls to staff members out of hours”

The after-hours service is an emergency contact point for Council only. This is clearly articulated at the beginning of the call. If the matter is urgent it will be dealt with as per the previous manual process (ie no change), otherwise the caller is advised to contact Council within business hours (ie no change to process).

Below is feedback received from NBRC Staff and Managers:

Feedback Purpose “The detail obtained from the caller has been consistent and thorough”

This has reduced the number of call-backs to seek clarification about the request details. This has seen an increase in efficiencies and ensuring the tasks are completed promptly.

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“Some urgent after-hours calls have not been put through to on-call staff for example wandering livestock”

This feedback has been investigated by NBRC Staff. Propel are following the correct and agreed response process (as per agreement between all sections of Council). There have been situations where the delegated after-hours phone has been out of range or on another call out. For each of these occasions, the next call out person was contacted for actioning.

“Propel officers a much more consistent and reliable service than the Manager’s after-hours roster”

Propel has been provided with a standardised manual to ensure responses are effective and consistent. This manual has been developed in consultation with each individual Section of Council.

Engaging Propel for all after-hours calls has ensured that the customer’s call is always answered, correctly referred and actioned as per the developed manual.

OFFICER COMMENTS/CONCLUSION The implementation of Propel has provided an effective and efficient after-hours service for Council. The provision of a consistent, clear message for after-hours contact has successfully reduced the amount of afterhours calls received by 69%.

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7.6 QUARTER ONE BUDGET REVIEW Doc Id: 847451 Author: Anita Corfield, Accountant Authoriser: Lisa Benham, Manager of Financial Services Attachments: 1. 2017-18 Budget Statutory Docs plus ratios.pdf [847805]

2. Percentage Change in Rates [] 3. Fees and Charges Q1 Review 2017-18.pdf []

INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Council adopted an original operational and capital budget at its meeting on 5 July 2017. This is the first quarter proposed budget.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN In accordance with Outcome 5 – Governance, Section: 5.5 Transparency in Performance


STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Council is required under the Local Government Act 2009 to have an adopted budget in place for each financial year and by resolution can amend the budget for a financial year at any time before the end of the financial year.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS This report has attached each of the required budget documents to adopt an amended budget for Council for 2017-18


CONSULTATION This report is the vehicle of consultation to advise elected members of the performance of council compared to the adopted budget combined with the recommended changes to the budget.

RECOMMENDATION That That the North Burnett Regional Council 2017-18 Amended Budget Statements including:

-Statement of Comprehensive Income & Long Term Forecast -Balance Sheet & Long Term Forecast -Cash Flow Statement & Long Term Forecast -Statement of Changes in Equity & Long Term Forecast -Financial Sustainability Ratios -Rate & Utility Charges analysis -Fees and Charges

be adopted.

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7.7 PROPOSAL TO ADOPT CORPORATE STYLE Doc Id: 847626 Author: Elly Pusen, Records Coordinator Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. Policy 000 Corporate Style.docx [812908]

2. GUIDE Corporate Style.docx [824606] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The Records Department would like to take the lead in ensuring all official Council documentation (e.g. forms, letters, plans, policies, notices) are standardised.

OFFICER COMMENTS/CONCLUSION To do this efficiently, we need an approved Corporate Style to follow.

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000 Corporate Style General Policy PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide a recognisable style for North Burnett Regional Council and consistency across internal and external documents. It is important that written documents produced by Council are clear, concise and use a consistent style. SCOPE This policy applies to all staff, contractors and volunteers of NBRC for publications, correspondence, uniforms, products or promotional material. This policy provides direction on:

a) what is classed as a Council logo and branding; b) how the logo and brand should be used; and c) who can use the logo/s.

POLICY STATEMENT The following procedure is to be undertaken for this policy:

1 All logos are saved within Council’s electronic document and records management system. 2 A logo cannot be used, either in part, or in full, in another organisation's logo or branding. 3 Council's logo may not be used by external individuals or organisations without written approval

from Council (i.e. for sponsorship or funding). RELEVANT LAW No laws relate to this policy RELATED POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Corporate Style Guide Doc ID 824606 RELATED FORMS No Council forms relate to this policy DEFINITIONS Term Definition

Logo name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition. Brand name, term, design, symbol or other feature that distinguishes one entity or product from others.

It has an important role to play in the identity, reputation and/or monetary value of an organisation or company.

APPROVAL Council approved this policy on Click here to enter a date.. REVIEW This policy will be reviewed every two years by the Director of Corporate Services and is due for review in Click here to enter a date.. REVISION HISTORY

Approval Date Reference There are no previous versions to this policy.

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Corporate Style Guide

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CONTENTS Corporate Branding ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Logo ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Colour palette ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Typeface ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Corporate Templates .................................................................................................................................... 6

Letterhead ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Policy..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Procedure .............................................................................................................................................. 9

Form .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Corporate Presentation ....................................................................................................................... 12

Technical Presentation ........................................................................................................................ 13

Appendix: Writing Styles ............................................................................................................................. 14

Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 15

Ampersand (Characters) ..................................................................................................................... 15

Apostrophes ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Author .................................................................................................................................................. 15

Borders, lines and outlines .................................................................................................................. 15

Bullets and numbering ......................................................................................................................... 15

Capitalisation ....................................................................................................................................... 15

Dash .................................................................................................................................................... 15

Dates ................................................................................................................................................... 15

Department names .............................................................................................................................. 16

Document production .......................................................................................................................... 16

Headers/Footers .................................................................................................................................. 16

Gender ................................................................................................................................................ 16

Headings ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Hyperlinks ........................................................................................................................................... 16

Inclusive language ............................................................................................................................... 16

Indenting ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Its and it’s ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Naming conventions ............................................................................................................................ 16

Publications ......................................................................................................................................... 16

Spelling ............................................................................................................................................... 17

Time .................................................................................................................................................... 17

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LOGO Council’s publishing logo is a registered trademark. Neither the company name nor logo may be varied in any aspect, such as ratio, typeface or colour. All documents with the North Burnett Regional Council (NBRC) logo must go through the approval process and approved by the Chief Executive Officer prior to publication.

NBRC’s logo is our visual identity and needs to be used correctly and care is to be taken when adjusting the logo size. To avoid distorting the logo, please ensure you adjust the size by using a corner of the bounding box to resize.

Our logo was designed by Lori Crofts of Gayndah. It incorporates our rolling green hills and the Burnett River which flows through our region.




Document ID 170250

Document ID 829240




Document ID 829246

Document ID 829245

Logo rotated Logo should always be horizontal

Logo stretched Logo should always be resized from

a corner to avoid incorrect scaling

Logo manually converted to greyscale

Approved logo uses correct tints

Logo manually tinted to single colour Approved logo uses correct colours

Logo with white background used over colour/picture

Set transparent colour to white

Logo for publications Approved logo used on black fabric

(uniform shirts, jumpers etc.)

Logo for publications Approved logo used on fabric

(uniform skirts, trousers etc.)

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BLUE C73 M50 Y0 K52 R0 G50 B125 0% transparency

GREEN C73 M0 Y58 K29 R49 G180 B75 0% transparency

ORANGE C0 M31 Y91 K1 R252 G173 B23 0% transparency













COLOUR PALETTE NBRC’s primary colour palette is inspired by those found throughout our region. The palette consists of three distinct colours; blue, green and orange.

The formulas provided ensure consistent reproduction of the colours for both print and onscreen applications.

TYPEFACE The typeface nominated for use across all communications is the ‘Arial’ family.

Size, colour, and positioning of typography should be carefully considered to ensure accessibility requirements are met.

Typeface Size Colour Other attributes

Title Arial 60 Black Bold, capitalise each word

HEADING 1 Arial 20 Black Bold, uppercase

HEADING 2 Arial 15 Green Bold, uppercase

HEADING 3 Arial 12 Black Bold, uppercase

Body text Arial 11 Black Sentence case

Photo caption Arial Narrow 10 Black Sentence case

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Title page of entire presentation Photo to be amended to suit the plan content

Plan information

Table of contents

Section page

Content page

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Title page of entire presentation

Title page for new section

Content page

Final page of presentation

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Title page of entire presentation

Title page for new section

Content page

Final page of presentation

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ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Use the full term for the first reference, followed by the initials in brackets, for example Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR). Use full stops after abbreviations to indicate missing letters; for example no. 56 Do not use full stops after contractions, acronyms or initialisms, for example, Mr, ISBN, TAFE

AMPERSAND (CHARACTERS) Use the word ‘and’ and do not use an ampersand, for example, Parents and Citizens Association.

APOSTROPHES Use an apostrophe to indicate possession, for example, the Manager’s office, the company’s mission. An apostrophe is also used in a contraction, for example, it’s (it is), don’t (do not), they’re (they are). An apostrophe is not used to indicate a plural.

AUTHOR Letters are to be written in the first person and may commence with “I am writing to advise…” or “I refer to your correspondence of the…” as this denotes the author writing on behalf of Council and is consistent with the first person approach. Council must be expressed as a single entity such as “Council is seeking…” Do not express Council as ‘us’, ‘we’ or ‘our’.

BORDERS, LINES AND OUTLINES Use colours according to the colour palette.

BULLETS AND NUMBERING Use the following bullets:

• First level, Left 0cm, By 0.63 cm.

• Second level, Left 1.37cm, By 0.63cm

• Third level, Left 2.87cm, By 0.63cm

CAPITALISATION Capitalise position titles, for example, Manager, Administrative Officer.

DASH Use a spaced en rule ( – ) for a dash.

DATES Use comma after the day only and do not use ‘1st’, ’2nd’, ‘3rd’, etc.; for example Saturday, 1 July 2017 or 1 July 2017. Use an en dash in a range of dates; for example 1-15 July 2017 Use shortened date in forms, tables and where space is limited; for example 01/07/2017

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DEPARTMENT NAMES Use capitals for the official names of North Burnett Regional Council departments, for example, Human Resources and Finance Department.

DOCUMENT PRODUCTION Documentation should be produced using Microsoft Word 2010 or higher. This will ensure portability of files and consistency of operation. Documents should be based on the enclosed NBRC templates.

HEADERS/FOOTERS Headers/Footers are used for all documents of more than one page and must contain the logo in the top right hand corner for the Header. The MagiQ ID is left-aligned and the page number is right-aligned in the Footer.

GENDER Use gender-neutral language, for example, chair rather than chairman, sales representative rather than salesman. It is acceptable to use they, them or their as singular pronouns if necessary.

HEADINGS Follow the Typeface rules within this policy.

HYPERLINKS Use two types of hyperlinks:

• MS Word hyperlinks link to cross-referenced items within a document.

• Internet hyperlinks to link to a website. Begin with “www.”. Ensure that Internet hyperlinks are accurate.

INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE Use language which does not draw unnecessary attention to gender, disability or ethnicity.

INDENTING Use full block style using the Normal style.

ITS AND IT’S Use it’s only when you mean it is, for example, it’s arriving on Monday.

NAMING CONVENTIONS A file naming convention is a framework for naming your files in a way that describes what they contain and how they relate to other files. PUBLICATIONS Use italics for state and federal regulations, acts, titles of books, journals, newspapers, films, videos and films; for example Local Government Act 2009.

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SPELLING Use Australian spelling, for example, colour, organisation, grey, coordinator and program. Refer to the Macquarie Dictionary. Check that MS Word is set to English (Australian).

TIME Use a full stop between the hours and minutes, no space between the time and am/pm and '00' is not necessary if the time is on the hour; for example 10.15am or 9pm Use an en dash between time spans; for example 9.30am – 5.30pm Use alternative to 12pm and 12am to avoid confusion; for example noon, midday or midnight

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7.8 FINANCE REPORT Doc Id: 848440 Author: Lisa Benham, Manager of Financial Services Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. November Financial Report.docx [848442] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND In accordance with Section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, a financial report summarising the progress of Council’s actual performance against budgeted performance is to be presented to Council. This report provides a summary of Council’s financial performance against budget for the financial year to 30 November 2017. At Council’s Budget Meeting on 5 July 2017, Council adopted the Operational and Capital budget for the financial period 01 July 2017 to 30 June 2018. The Income Statement outlines the result of Council’s day to day operations. The Balance Sheet outlines the impact of those operations and capital expenditure.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN In accordance with Outcome 5 – Good Governance, Section:

5.6.1 Commit to open and accountable governance to ensure community confidence and trust in Council and our democratic values

POLICY IMPLICATIONS There appear to be no policy implications.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Local Government Regulation 2012 requires that Council be given statements made up to as near as practical to the end of the preceding month.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Monitoring of budgets and actuals will remain important if Council is to achieve the financial results adopted as part of the 2017-18 budget, and any variations or anomalies will need to be investigated and action taken as appropriate.

RISK MANAGEMENT There appear to be no risk management implications.

CONSULTATION Monthly Reports are sent to Executive Leadership Team for them to analyse and assess

RECOMMENDATION That the Finance Report as presented be adopted.

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PLEASE NOTE:- YEAR TO DATE (YTD) BUDGET IS BASED ON THE 2017-18 ORIGINAL BUDGET FINANCIAL POSITION As at 30 November has an operating deficit of $3,186,814 compared to a forecasted annual operating deficit of $11,520,230. OPERATING REVENUE – Target $27.839 million Actual $12,260,628 – 45.10% Income revenue for the month of November is tracking above YTD forecast, however is within expectation. Rates Revenue is tracking high at 45% and Interest revenue is tracking well at 65% of annual budget. This higher than budget interest revenue is associated with higher than expected cash balances. The first quarter payment of the federal Assistance grant is received with the second quarter now paid. Sales revenue is below expectation, however this is due to progress invoices for RPC not being submitted. Once the work is finalised, this will be invoiced. Flood operating revenue is a negative due to the finalisation of a flood project and having to adjust for emergent works v REPA works. OPERATING EXPENDITURE - Target $39.359 million Actual $14,646,368 – 37.21% At 30 November 2017, overall operating expenditure is tracking slightly below budget with actuals at 37.21% v’s YTD budget of 42% or $14,646,368 actuals v’s 13,119,756 YTD budget ($1,526,612 under budget). Operating expenditure has started to slow with the works crews moving to capital projects and flood projects. Depreciation has been applied based on 5/12th of the budget for the month of November. CAPITAL INCOME – TARGET $12.667 MILLION ACTUAL $5,791,651 – 46% Capital Income Analysis

Full Code 2016/17 Actuals

2017/18 Main


2017/18 YTD

Actuals Comments

Grand Total 4,482,052 12,667,770 5,791,651


Capital Revenue

105157000. CAP Grant - Early Warning Flood Network Enhancement Project 4,500 10,500 10,500

226160000. CAP - Insurance Income 0 0 70,000 Budget Review Needed

413160000. NDRRA-Restoration (Marcia) 500,000 336,665

414160000. NDRRA-Restoration Rain Event Feb 16 1,500,000 400,331

415160000. NDRRA - Restoration Works 2017 (Debbie) 0 2,000,000 2,126,941

5001600212. CAP - Passenger Transport Facilities 6,389 15,000 0

5001600223. CAP Grant - Power Enhancement Project Generators 13,500 31,500 30,717

5001600224. CAP Grant - RM Williams Tourism Enhancement Project 81,000 189,000 0

New Walkways 200,000 0

5001600226. Grant Works for QLD 2016/17 948,000 632,000 474,000

5001600228. Grant Works for Qld 2017-19 0 0 805,000 Budget Review Needed

700120000. CAP GRANT - TIDS 1,093,330 185,096

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700125000. CAP - Bridge Renewal Program Deep Creek Bridge 0 2,200,000 0

700130000. Royalities for th Region (Capital) 2,825,077 0 1,344,901 Final payment received.

700135000. CAP - R4R - Deep Creek Bridge 440,000 2,200,000 0

700140000. CAP GRANT - Roads to Recovery 2,031,440 0

700150000. CAP - Contributions Roads & Streets 0 0

706120500. GRANT - Bus Stops 0 0 7,500

740160000. CAP Grant - Disaster Communication Enh. Initiative 163,586 65,000 0

Total Capital Revenue 4,482,052 12,667,770 5,791,651


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION The Statement of Financial Position provides information on the breakdown of Council’s assets and liabilities at a point in time. At 30 November 2017, Council had $32,992,224 in current assets compared to $4,798,612 in current liabilities with a current ratio of 6.87:1. The ideal ration is 3:1. CASH FLOW The Statement of Cash Flows is important as it shows the real movement in Council’s cash balances, as opposed to the accounting movements shown in the Statement of Income and Expenditure. In order to maintain adequate working capital, it is estimated that Council needs around $15.00 million cash at any one time, at 30 November, the cash balance was $30.84 million (slight reduction from October which was 31.151 million).

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RATES RECOVERY At the end of November outstanding rates were $742,583. This balance is higher than the same point in time last year.

Break up of Rates as at 5 December 2017










$40,000,000.00 Councils Cashflow by Month2017-18 - Sum of Cash Balance

2015-2016 - Sum of Cash Balance

2016-2017 - Sum of Cash Balance

Sum of Balance CRLocation Credit Outstanding Grand TotalBiggenden (90,614.39) 140,833.44 50,219.05 Eidsvold (29,250.04) 262,649.72 233,399.68 Gayndah (86,969.48) 152,686.01 65,716.53 Monto (116,137.29) 264,122.69 147,985.40 Perry (32,715.41) 173,526.44 140,811.03 Mundubbera (65,841.15) 140,156.65 74,315.50 Grand Total (421,527.76) 1,133,974.95 712,447.19

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Attachment 1NORTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCILStatement of Comprehensive IncomeFor the Period ended 30 November 2017



IncomeRevenueRecurrent revenue

Rates, levies and charges 7,383,095 16,250,217 45%

Fees and charges 517,721 1,188,237 44%

Rental income 193,542 491,000 39%

Interest received 327,830 507,299 65%

Sales revenue 450,335 2,309,800 19%

Other income 280,234 585,306 48%

Grants, subsidies, contributions and donations 3,420,727 6,507,179 53%

Flood Grant Non Capital Income (12,856) 0 #DIV/0!

Total recurrent revenue 12,560,628 27,839,038 45.1%

ExpensesRecurrent expenses

Employee benefits (5,237,123) (14,552,000) 36%

Materials and services (4,932,575) (11,358,624) 43%

Finance costs (72,376) (235,760) 31%

Depreciation and amortisation (4,404,295) (13,212,884) 33%

Total recurrent expenses (14,646,368) (39,359,268) 37.21%

Operating Result before Capital Items (2,085,740) (11,520,230) 18%

Total Capital incomeGrants, subsidies, contributions and donations 2,927,714 8,667,770 34%

Flood Grant Capital Income 2,863,937 4,000,000 72%

Provision for Landfill 0 (168,000) 0%

Gain/(Loss) on sale of assets 0 0 #DIV/0!

Total Capital income 5,791,651 12,499,770 46%

Net Result after Capital Items 3,705,911 979,540 378%

Other comprehensive incomeIncrease / (decrease) in asset revaluation surplus 0 0

Total other comprehensive income for the year 0 0

Total comprehensive income for the year (exc Flood) 3,705,911 979,540 378%

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Attachment 2NORTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCILBalance SheetFor the Period ended 30 November 2017



Current AssetsCash and cash equivalents 30,840,157 17,690,904Trade and other receivables 1,621,687 4,911,088Inventories 530,380 581,665

Total current assets 32,992,224 23,183,657

Non-current AssetsReceivables 0 0Property, plant and equipment 852,593,827 897,032,485Intangible assets 0 0

Total non-current assets 852,593,827 897,032,485

TOTAL ASSETS 885,586,051 920,216,142

Current LiabilitiesTrade and other payables 1,971,646 6,648,257Borrowings 456,492 589,146Provisions 2,010,918 2,450,594Other 359,556 212,127

Total current liabilities 4,798,612 9,900,124

Non-current LiabilitiesInterest bearing liabilities 3,618,233 3,251,934Provisions 4,665,312 272,462

Total non-current liabilities 8,283,545 3,524,396

TOTAL LIABILITIES 13,082,157 13,424,520

NET COMMUNITY ASSETS 872,503,894 906,791,622

Community EquityShire capital 736,137,309 780,252,329Asset revaluation reserve 111,158,468 126,539,293Retained surplus/(deficiency) 25,208,117

TOTAL COMMUNITY EQUITY 872,503,894 906,791,622

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Attachment 3NORTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCILStatement of Cash FlowFor the Period ended 30 November 2017



Cash flows from operating activities:Receipts from customers 10,723,926 20,333,559Payments to suppliers and employees (12,912,481) (25,910,623)

(2,188,555) (5,577,064)

Interest received 327,830 507,299Rental income 193,542 491,000Non-capital grants and contributions 3,407,871 6,507,179Borrowing costs (72,376) (235,760)

Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities 1,668,312 1,692,654

Cash flows from investing activities:Payments for property, plant and equipment (6,052,600) (23,454,950)Net movement on loans and advances 0 0Proceeds from sale of property, plant and Equipment 134,798 310,000Grants, subsidies, contributions and donations 5,791,651 12,667,770

Net cash inflow (outflow) from investing activities (126,151) (10,477,180)

Cash flows from financing activitiesProceeds from borrowings 0 0Repayment of borrowings (145,113) (589,146)

Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities (145,113) (589,146)

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held 1,397,048 (9,373,672)Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of reporting period 29,443,109 27,064,576

Cash and cash equivalents at end of reporting period 30,840,157 17,690,904

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7.9 COUNCILLOR MEETING SCHEDULE 2018 Doc Id: 848729 Author: Natalie Zillman, Executive Assistant Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. 2018 Council Meeting Schedule [848731] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND In order to continue the precedence set in previous years of Council – which allow community members the ability to attend Council meetings – dates are set in advance and published in the Central and North Burnett Times and uploaded to Council’s website.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Theme 5. Our efficient and effective council

5.6 Good governance 5.6.1 Commit to open and accountable governance to ensure community confidence and trust in Council and our democratic values

POLICY IMPLICATIONS Policy 219. Standing Committee Terms of Reference Policy 220. Handling of Confidential Information (Closed Meetings)

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The following legislative provisions apply: Local Government Regulation 2012; Part 2 Local Government Meetings and Committees - Division 1 – Local Government Meetings - Section 257 Frequency and Place of Meetings.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Nil Financial Requirements.

RISK MANAGEMENT The following legislative provisions apply:

Local Government Regulation 2012; Part 2 Local Government Meetings and Committees - Division 1 – Local Government Meetings - Section 257 Frequency and Place of Meetings.

CONSULTATION The schedule was sent to Councillors and executive management for feedback.

RECOMMENDATION That Council conducts the following Council Meetings during 2017 commencing at 9:00am and at the Office Meeting Room of the locations nominated.

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7.10 ORGANISATIONAL RESTRUCTION Doc Id: 846064 Author: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Org chart by function 271117.pdf [849429] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The purpose of this report is to provide Council with information on the proposed organisational structure from Manager level down as per Council’s resolution of 11 October 2017, where Council moved that the Organisational structure, including all three management levels, be adopted, with further reports to be presented to council on additional recommendations including the amendment of titles and addition of Workplace Health and Safety and Human Resources. In undertaking the next stage of this organisational review project, further consultation was undertaken with senior staff. This consultation was focused on tasks to be undertaken by each section within the new three department structure. Consideration was also given to Councils aims to:

• Deliver a structure capable of delivering strategic objectives

• Expand or improve strategic capability;

• Allow for leadership development of senior executives;

• Establish career path options for employees Corporate and Communities The most significant changes to this area are:

• Proposed title change of the Manager Communities to Manager Community Connections. This change being based on staff feedback.

• Movement of the management of the North Burnett Transport Service from Corporate Services to Community Connections. The bus service being more appropriately classified as a community service.

• The movement of Economic Development tasks to the new Manager for Economic development

Strategy Innovation and Assets The emphasis for this new department has been identifying the tasks to be undertaken by the two new sections of Economic Development and Assets. In identifying these tasks consideration has also been given to the interaction with other departments, with particular emphasis on the working relationship and task allocation between Assets and Works. Consideration has also been given to the opportunity for a closer working relationship between Environmental Services and Development Services, particularly in the Compliance areas. Works The main changes in this area has been the greater specialisation in the Technical services area into the doing functions of Water and Waste Water. Tasks for fleet management and operations have been transferred to Civil Works. This change will enable these two areas to work more closely to produce better outcomes for fleet management from the perspective of the plant operators and the financial implications of whole of life costing These tasks have been summarised in attachment 1 Summary model and provided in more detail on attachment 2 Detailed model with task lists.

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Theme 5: Our Efficient and Effective Council

The organisational restructure aims to deliver a structure which will enable the efficient and effective delivery all of Councils strategic objectives as identified in the Corporate Plan

POLICY IMPLICATIONS Council has no specific policy relating to the organisational restructure

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The Local Government Act 2009 section 196 requires Council to adopt an organisational structure The Industrial Relations Act 2016 sets out the legislative framework that governs changes to employment circumstances, including organisational change.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS A budget has been allocated for this process

RISK MANAGEMENT Risk in relation to this organisational restructure is managed by the Steering Committee which includes specialist Human Resources advice through the involvement of Sharpe Workplace Solutions.

CONSULTATION Significant consultation has occurred with staff during the process of developing the organisational structure. More targeted consultation has occurred with managers and the newly appointed General Manager and the CEO in relation to this next stage of the organisational restructure

RECOMMENDATION That the Organisational Restructure report as presented be received.

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8.1 TROP AG CONFERENCE 2017 Doc Id: 846644 Author: Melinda Jones, Community Development Officer

Suzie Keune, Stream Leader Community Development Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. Trop Ag 2017 - Report.docx [846753] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND

This report is to inform Council of the outcomes from the TropAg 2017 Conference held on the 20-22 November 2017. The conference was attended by representatives from North Burnett Regional Council in partnership with BIEDO and BCCA.

TropAg2017 is regarded as the world’s leading tropical agriculture event bringing together the best in research and innovation, across plant, animal and food sciences. The 2017 conference theme was “high impact science to nourish the world”, reflecting the critical role that science, technology innovation and investment plays when addressing the many challenges facing tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and food production globally. The three day conference had over 700 people attend from over 50 countries.

This year TropAg 2017 incorporated the agricultural technology AgFutures conference.

OFFICER COMMENTS/CONCLUSION All North Burnett Regional Council representatives and partners attending the conference agreed that even though the conference was intended to target science and research based industries and content heavy at times, the learnings and information gained would be beneficial for our region. Attendance at this conference also provided opportunities to make significant connections around Research and Development and other support services that will benefit our rural industry. The representatives will now be able to present information gained to our local businesses throughout our Region at a later date Conferences of this nature would be beneficial, however, for greater regional benefit and information transfer it would be pertinent to include Agronomists, Veterinarians and other specialists from North Burnett Regional area.

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Trop Ag 2017 Conference 1. 20–22 November 2017

Report Introduction:

TropAg2017 is the world’s leading tropical agriculture event bringing together the best in research and innovation, across plant, animal and food sciences. Trop Ag had over 700 people from over 50 countries attend the 3 day conference. TropAg2017 focused on science and technology solutions across the agriculture and food supply chain, including technology and investment. Trop Ag incorporated the agricultural technology AgFutures conference.

TropAg2017 was a premier event for anyone concerned with addressing the many challenges in tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and food production. The 2017 conference theme was “high impact science to nourish the world”, reflecting the critical role of science, technology and innovation to the many challenges facing tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and food production globally.

Opportunities for a life time - Our Region, Your Future:

The North Burnett Regional Council invested in two joined trade displays which showcased our regions investment opportunities, as well as Research and Development Opportunities.

The display consisted of produce from across the North Burnett Region and a ‘rainbow’ soil table where participants could create their own ‘rainbow’ soil from the diverse soil found through the North Burnett Region. About 100 Rainbow Soil jars were filled and distributed, although a larger number expressed interest in the soil but were not able to take it due to travel and quarantine.

In addition to the soil and produce there was our regions investment prospectus, which provided information on the investment opportunities within our region and relevant investment information such as soil and climate information, proximity to export.

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Conference Overview:

The Trop Ag Conference had a total of 206 speakers from a diverse background such as researchers, professors, industry bodies, Universities and more from Australia and Internationally.

Over 270 information posters were displayed with key information around Future Field Crops, Harnessing Horticultural Crops, Advancing Animal Science, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Drivers and Consequences of Intensifying Agriculture and Food Systems and AgFutures Queensland.

Symposium highlights and Key Learnings:

Mayor Rachel Chambers The North Burnett was the only local government attending the conference and although we were initially apprehensive about this, by lunch on day one we knew we had made the right decision as our attendance only consolidated the notion that the region is living up to his proactive and innovative approach towards growth.

Staff and other representatives of the region (BCCA and BIEDO) did an outstanding job of promoting the regions opportunities and networking to achieve further connections in order to innovate.

The conference was profoundly science and research based which although heavy at times had some very worthy information which could be easily translated into direct learnings for our region.

There was a clear gap between the science and research and the farmers on the ground which needs more work and investigation. This topic would benefit from further research and discussions ensued with how we could go about this.

The next conference should be promoted to interested farmers from the region to attend. I have no issue sending staff to attend also, although would have to carefully consider having a trade stand.

Cr Faye Whelan Trop-Ag for me was an opportunity to gain an understanding of what is being developed across the world and how this can be related to practices that Australia has maintained historically and developed through innovation and need.

Some of the workshops I attended included speakers that were far too scientific for my intellect but in saying that I still managed to gain something out of the discussion. There were specific topics that I ensured I attended because I had a personal mission to learn if there was any crop with a good return that could be introduced on river flats that sometimes suffer inundation with water that clears the land in a reasonable time frame. I would like to explore dry land Rice and Fragrant Rice. I particularly was interested in how it is sown in trenches to retain the water instead of mounds like has been the practice.

I had the opportunity to network with crop scientists due mainly to a known contact an ex Mundubbera boy who was one of the speakers. I asked for his help to source someone who could help with a crop for our river flats at Monto and I had people coming to speak to me on our stand and leaving their cards as an invitation to seek their help in the future.

I commend our staff for the brilliant job they did with our Stand and the soils were a big hit. We had a lot of positive feedback from stall holders and delegates.

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Melanie Lavelle – Maloney – Economic Development Manager The three days were informative in my first three days of employment with Council. Most sessions were highly technical in content in relation to the Agricultural/farming industry; predominantly the growing of crops and management of livestock businesses globally. The sessions I attended did well in facilitating presentations which provided a holistic overview of:

• the situation

• the challenges

• the opportunities

• the research conducted/now and future

• future advancements

• potential solutions

• questions from the floor

Whilst spending time on Council’s exhibition booth, enquiries were constant and consistent, in relation to Council’s informative and interactive-creative display Melinda Jones had put together. Every opportunity was taken to promote our Region to other booth holders and local/global visitors. In relation to myself commencing my role as EDM with NBRC a huge amount of learning and understanding from my booth colleagues was gained. I am most appreciative of this time spent with each and every one of them. The three days were primarily educational focused; providing participants with educational information on agri-business from a global prospective. I believe that trade and investment opportunities, for our North Burnett region was limited due to the nature of this event.

I felt as many of my booth colleagues did, that a smaller representation from Council together with a small posse of North Burnett agricultural business owners/operators/manager’s whom would benefit from the wide selection of educational symposiums would be more conducive to attending future TropAg events. Another option to be explored; which could be potentially combined with the later, could be for a local Agronomist to attend the forum. They would have the ability to pull together relevant subject matter from the symposiums; and conduct a series of presentations to our local businesses throughout our Region at a later date.

Kristy Frahm – BIEDO Firstly, thank you for inviting BIEDO to participate in the TropAg 2017 Conference as part of the North Burnett team. The presentation of the North Burnett trade stand was outstanding, well-positioned and well-prepared – a credit to everyone who contributed to its creation. It was fantastic to see Conference attendees so excited to take a little piece of the North Burnett back to their part of the world in a glass bottle, courtesy of the interactive ‘Rainbow Soil’ part of the exhibit.

The Symposium itself provided a vast array of topics relating to agriculture from all corners of the globe, addressing challenges and opportunities facing agriculture with innovative, research-based theories and practices already being trialled and applied in other regions. Insights from some of the many plenary sessions include:

• Climate variability – climate information ‘not good enough to rely on, but too good to ignore’. Integrate climate forecasts into farm risk management systems as tools to assist with decision making, don’t base decisions on forecasts alone.

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• Farmers are entering a big data situation. The capacity to use, absorb and apply this information is the greatest constraint. Invest in farmer capacity to develop their ability to absorb the mass of data they are receiving.

• Livestock intensification - focuses on smallholder livestock farmers and their value chains. While policy and research are important, markets are going to help more people at lower cost in transforming those value chains. Three areas need to come together for success –institutions (research), an enabling policy environment and incentives (reasons for behaviour change). Key to develop relationships to assist with flow of information and use of research - get research into the hands of people who can use it.

TropAg highlighted an extraordinary amount of research and information that is available, and the opportunity to access, consider and apply that research through innovative trials and practices. Thanks again for having BIEDO along for the experience.

Naomi Purcell – BCCA TropAg2017 was a fantastic event that highlighted the many and varied categories of agricultural research that is currently being carried out around the world. Through attending the event BCCA was able to make many valuable connections with agricultural experts and discuss topics that are relevant to the Burnett Catchment area. While some of the presentations included very high level science, many others provided valuable information describing advancements in the agricultural industry and disseminating information that will be useful with delivering natural resource projects around the district.

The TropAg2017 program included a plethora of information and at times the choice of which concurrent symposium to attend was a difficult one. However, the stand-out sessions attended included:

• Youth entrepreneurship in agriculture (Session 1.5)

• Remote sensing in agriculture and horticulture – using satellite, unmanned aerial vehicles, robots and laser equipment to estimate yield and enhance management decisions via comprehensive mapping (Session 3.2)

• Targeted plant breeding applications of CRISPR-Cas technology-200 (Keynote Presentation, Kevin Diehl)

• Accelerated data gathering for modern agriculture – relating current technological advancements and data gathering tools to practical on-ground applications to assist producer decision-making (Session 4.1)

• Expected market opportunities and demand profiles for tropical pulses (Session 5.3)

A number of memorable quotes taken from the conference:

“We need to move on from the mining boom to the dining boom”, Peter Wilson, AGT Foods

“Best use of this data will be your idea, not ours”, Joel McKechnie, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation (DSITI)

The key learnings taken from TropAg2017 are not necessarily scientific facts or specific research findings but more a general perception of the agricultural field as a whole. Agricultural research is moving quickly and the advancements are astounding. However, the link between the researchers and the intended end-user of the research, ie the producers is somewhat overlooked. There is an opportunity for organisations such as BCCA, and individuals such as Agronomists and Veterinarians to provide that link and convert the cutting-edge research into information that is relevant and palatable to producers. Hence, if NBRC consider sending future contingents to TropAg or similar events, it would be pertinent to include Agronomists, Veterinarians and the like who service the North Burnett Regional area.

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North Burnett Regional Council must be congratulated on their impressive exhibition display – it was certainly a highlight of TropAg2017 for many. BCCA is sincerely thankful for the invitation to attend TropAg2017 and for the opportunity to build on already constructive relationships with NBRC and BIEDO. These proactive and like-minded organisations are integral to creating agricultural opportunities and economic benefits for the region.

Melinda Jones – CDO – Tourism, Economic Development & Camping Officer Trop Ag 2017 – Highlights

Creating the Exhibition display leading up to the Conference was one of the highlights for me. Our region and Council team displayed a ‘one team’ attitude in helping put this display together. Councillors, Managers, stream leaders and general staff members contributed to gathering soil and produce for our exhibition display. I would like to personally thank them for their contribution. Our exhibition display was outstanding and engaging. It was the most photographed display and used as a backdrop for a number of media backdrops.

Our exhibition booth was highly interactive and created a lot of opportunity for conversations. We received interest in Research and Development opportunities, potential investment opportunities and future exhibition opportunities such as Trade2018 (Trade 2018 is the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Trade and Investment Program developed by the Queensland Government in partnership with City of Gold Coast). Trade 2018 will bring businesses and investors together to harness opportunities working with local industries and economic development agencies, as well as local and state government agencies.

Future exhibition opportunities for consideration are:

• Trade2018 – Food and Agribusiness – Details TBA

• Outlook 2018 – Creating value in an increasingly connected world – ABARES (Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences 6 – 7 March 2018 Canberra

• Food Futures Conference 2018 – 2 – 4 July 2018 (Darwin Convention Centre NT

• Australia’s Life Sciences Conference – 31 October – 2 November 2018 (Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre)

• TropAg2019 – 11 – 13 November 2019

Key Learnings

Trop Ag and like conferences provide a great opportunity for learning and networking within the Agricultural sector. Participation in future Trop Ag or simular conferences should still be maintained with a smaller exhibition booth presence and a larger rural industry participation.

Using the ‘rainbow’ soil was a great conversational toil to showcase our regions diversity and opportunities.

Extracurricular opportunities

Trop Ag 2017 had optional sessions that attendees could participate in (at their own cost). I attended the Rural Press breakfast and the Gender and Food breakfast. Both of these breakfasts were both beneficial to attend and greatly different.

The rural press breakfast acknowledged and celebrated Ag Day which was held for the first time in Australia on the 21st of November. National Agricultural Day celebrates the remarkable contribution of Australian agriculture.

The Gender and Food breakfast focused on Women with in the Agricultural industry.

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Seven Horses - Naomi Purcell I would like to extend my thanks to the North Burnett Regional Council for including Seven Horses Australia in their recent exhibition site at TropAg2017. It was an honour to be included in the promotion of the North Burnett area. The site was well planned, looked very impressive and garnered a lot of attention. The event provided me an opportunity to network with conference attendees from all over the world, many of whom commented on what an innovative product our Longlife Chaff is.

Thanks also to the NBRC Trop Ag Team for handling enquiries on behalf of Seven Horses Australia when I was not present at the exhibition site. You were all very professional and your appreciation of the region in which we live was obvious!


It is agreed by all participants that though the conference was profoundly science and research based and content heavy at times, everyone was able to come away with worthy information which could be easily translated into direct learning for our region or significant connections around R & D or support services that will benefit our rural industry.

All participants agreed that future attendance at simular conferences was beneficial, however, for greater regional benefit and information transfer it was pertinent to include Agronomists, Veterinarians and the like who service the North Burnett Regional area. These representatives would have the ability to pull together relevant subject matter from the symposiums; and conduct a series of presentations to our local businesses throughout our Region at a later date.

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8.2 1ST QUARTER CARAVAN AND CAMPING REPORT Doc Id: 847355 Author: Melinda Jones, Community Development Officer Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. CCS - Report to Dec General Mtg - Q1 Caravan and Camping

Report.docx [847354] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Council currently maintains and contracts four (4) caravan parks. Council temporarily ceased operations on the Mundubbera Seasonal Workers Campsite and will review the use of the site in February 2018.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN In accordance with 2017-2022 Corporate Plan: THEME 1: OUR PRODUCTIVE REGION 1.5 Implementation of Tourism Strategy 1.5.3 Undertake Council owned caravan parks with appropriate business and entrepreneurial acumen THEME 4: OUR VIBRANT AND NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL REGION 4.2.2 Promote major tourism assets include water storage sites THEME 5: OUR EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE COUNCIL 5.2 Asset management



FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Caravan Park operations are funded through Council’s adopted Operational Budget and is reconciled by Councils financial department on a monthly basis.

RISK MANAGEMENT Risk assessments are conducted on a regular basis to ensure that facilities provided comply with Council’s Workplace Health and Safety standards. Financial management processes are implemented to ensure the operation of Council’s Caravan Parks adhere to the adopted budget.

CONSULTATION Caravan Park contractors are consulted in the development of quarterly reports.

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RECOMMENDATION That: 1. Council receive the 1st Quarter Caravan and Camping Report as information; and 2. The Mundubbera Seasonal Workers Campsite be made available to Not-for-Profit organisations (registered under Council’s Policy Number 113) for community activities and events (such as community BBQ’s, Girl Guide Camps, Cadets, etc) in accordance with per Quarter One Report (Doc 847354); and 3. Council introduce usage fees and strict guidelines (if this recommendation is approved) for the 2018-19 Budget.

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2. PARADISE DAM Operation of facility: Operation of facility maintained and opportunities for expansion explored. Powered sites installed to top caravan park section. Development: 12 powered sites have been fully instated in the top camping area. Annual Review due 22nd November 2017. Number of visitor for Q1: July: 92 – Average per night: 3.0 YTD Average Aug: 146 – Average per night: 4.7 Total: 387 – Average per night: 1.1 Sept: 149 – Average per night: 5.0 Total: 387 – Average per night for Q1: 4.2

3. EIDSVOLD CARAVAN PARK Operation of facility: Eidsvold Caravan Park successfully completed Hazzard inspection. Annual Review due 5th of November 2017. Development: Nil to date Number of visitor for Q1: July: 435 – Average per night: 14 YTD Average Aug: 324 – Average per night: 10.5 Total: 1204 – Average per night: 6.5 Sept: 445 – Average per night: 14.8 Total: 1204 – Average per night for Q1: 13.1

4. MINGO CROSSING CARAVAN PARK AND RECREATIONAL AREA Operation of facility: Mingo Crossing successfully completed annual review. Replacement mower completed.

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Caretakers have successful applied for a food licence. The little café has been successful and full credit to Dave and Fran for their initiative and drive to make this facility a fantastic experience. Development: Building our Regions and Building Better Regions funding successful. Building Better Regions funding unsuccessful Regional Jobs and Investment Packages – Local Infrastructure application completed – awaiting outcome. Annual Review due 26th of May 2018. Number of visitor for Q1: July: 465 – Average per night: 15 YTD Average Aug: 884 – Average per night: 28.5 Total: 2065 – Average per night: 5.7 Sept: 716 – Average per night: 23.9 Total: 2065 – Average per night for Q1:

5. MOUNTAIN VIEW CARAVAN PARK Operation of facility: Contractor successfully completed annual review. Land leased from Show Grounds has been developed for Caravan Park overflow. Development: Negotiations with QBuild to obtain State owned sites on outside of park - ongoing. Contractor has requested an amendment to there current contract for them to supply consumables at cost. Number of visitor for Q1: July: 1469 – Average per night: 47.4 YTD Average Aug: 1276 – Average per night: 41.2 Total: 3745 – Average per night: 10.3 Sept: 1000 – Average per night: 33.3 Total: 3745 – Average per night for Q1: 40.7

6. MT PERRY CARAVAN PARK Lessee: Maclean Parks Pty Ltd Expires: 30th of June 2028 Site managers: Kristy Lane.

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Hazzard inspection conducted. The number of park users remains very low, the average stay is two nights, over the last 12 months occupancy is around 40%. The single men’s quarters has 17 rooms, over the last 12 months occupancy is around 50%.

7. CANIA GORGE CARAVAN PARK – BIG 4 Lessee: Rankin Bailey Investments Expires: 28th November 2036

8. MUNDUBBERA SEASONAL WORKERS CAMPSITE Operation of facility: The Mundubbera Seasonal Workers Campsite is currently not operational as Council declined the caretaker tender as presented and review the use of the site in February 2018. The Mundubbera Seasonal Workers Campsite was used as the location for Mundubbera Enterprise Association Long Table Brunch and proved very successful. Recommendation: That the Mundubbera Seasonal Workers Campsite be available for Council approved Not for Profit Community Organisations, as per Policy Number 113, be able to utilised this campsite for activities such as community BBQ’s, Girl Guide Camps, Cadets. That Council set usage fees and strict guidelines if this recommendation is approved. Development: Nil Development

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8.3 SYSTEMATIC INSPECTION PROGRAM - EIDSVOLD Doc Id: 848591 Author: Phil Easterbrook, Compliance Officer Authoriser: Lex Webster, Manager of Development Services Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Report prepared by: Phill Easterbrook - Compliance (Local Laws) - Stream Leader

PURPOSE OF REPORT To provide a written plan for a Systematic Inspection Program for the Eidsvold township with the purpose of helping owners of aggressive dogs, through education and the registration of identified animals as recommended in Policy and Planning standing committee meeting on the 01/11/17.

Council Animal Management Enforcement is currently conducted by 1 full time Animal Management Officer and assisted by 1 Local Laws Stream Leader. This compliance team currently conduct patrols of all townships within the North Burnett Regional Council area for the purpose of identifying any breach’s in Animal Management State and Local Laws. Due to the size of the operational area the time available for patrols is spread as evenly as possible amongst all of the areas of responsibility. Proactive patrolling has proven beneficial in the detection and actioning of offences under the Animal Management Act 2008, in particular dogs that are residing in this region and not registered with Council. The availability of compliance staff due to the investigation of received tasks, officers conducting animal pick ups, animal audits and the investigating and resolving of all other Local Laws complaints does sometimes impact on the available time officers are available to conduct Pro Active patrolling. Council Compliance Officers do follow a procedure, in which all serious Animal Related Matters are dealt with as a matter of urgency and also when locations/areas of concern are identified or reported they conduct a period of increased patrolling and presence. Eidsvold Impound Figures Jan 2017 to Current

22 Cats impounded 20 destroyed, 1 rehomed, 1 in pound

4 Dogs Seized (Attack other animal) 3 destroyed, 1 returned to owner 3 Dogs surrendered 1 destroyed (diseased), 2 rehomed

10 other Dogs impounded 6 returned to owner, 4 rehomed 3 Penalty Infringements Issued 23 Caution Advices issued 3 Compliance Notices issued

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Option 1 – Compliance officers conduct a door to door knock of all properties in the Eidsvold Township to identify unregistered dogs and to provide notices to register and information leaflets to identified dog owners on the keeping and control of animals. Information leaflets to be sent by mail to all dog owners already registered with Council in the Eidsvold area.

• May locate additional dogs kept indoors

• Higher risk of conflict due to entering properties unannounced

• Unable to enter properties with locked gates must leave if requested

• Time consuming may take a few days up to a week to complete if diverted with other tasks.

Option 2 – Compliance officers conduct a door to door drive by of all properties in the Eidsvold Township to identify unregistered dogs and issue notices to register to those detected (Notices to register and information leaflets to be placed in mailbox) Information leaflets to be sent by mail to all dog owners already registered with Council in the Eidsvold area.

• High Probability of being conducted in 1 day

• Less risk of conflict as no entry to property required.

• May miss some small breed dogs kept in side at the time of visit however small breed dogs determined as low risk.


Animal Registration for the North Burnett Regional Council area is currently in the renewal / audit period. Eidsvold Currently has 50 dogs re-registered to 37 recorded owners, the numbers of registered dogs prior to September this year reached approximately 72 dogs registered. Of those 22 not re-registered after September at least half were removed due to Council enforcement actions and it is probable the remaining have relocated to other areas or out of the region. Eidsvold like other towns has part of the population that are considered itinerant and move regularly to other areas, most newly identified dogs belong to people visiting the town for short to medium term stays. Usually as a result of notice issue or Compliance officer attendance to a property over unregistered dogs, it is more common for dogs to be removed or relocated from the property to unknown areas rather than registered with Council. Prior investigations have revealed other issues with compliance requests in this area, such as the inability to pay high registration costs, the condition of public housing properties fencing and inability / reluctance for dog owners on these properties to construct more appropriate fencing. Also repeat offenders who lose dogs due to impoundment and do not reclaim them and then proceed to just acquire other dogs. These type of issues are present in all Townships within the region not just Eidsvold.

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An animal audit registration is already due to commence towards the end of November involving all Areas of the North Burnett Regional Council area. Regular patrols conducted during this period and through ongoing patrol duties has already shown to be effective in identifying most new animals to the area.


• Nil

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN 4.5 Compliance - Ensure compliance with Council’s policies, procedures, and local laws, and other legislative requirements.


STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS North Burnett Regional Council Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011 & Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008


RISK MANAGEMENT Compliance with Relevant Legislation for this area

CONSULTATION Reference made to Compliance action / recording register for statistics

RECOMMENDATION That Option 2 – lower risk of conflict, will be just as effective as any other option, less time consuming and maintains workable relationships with residents. In addition to Option selected

An Information/education display board can be set up in Eidsvold Library (responsible dog ownership) with brochures, registration forms and other information at hand.

A Council information booth/display manned by both compliance officers can be set up at the next Eidsvold show 06/05/18. Ability to answer any questions, provide feedback discuss issues on site.

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8.4 THOMPSONS CREEK CROSSING Doc Id: 848603 Author: Phil Easterbrook, Compliance Officer Authoriser: Lex Webster, Manager of Development Services Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND

The purpose of this report is to provide to Council an update as a result of a new survey conducted at Thompsons Crossing Ban Ban Springs, by Wayne Say & Associates (Consulting Surveyors) Policy and Planning Standing Committee Meeting conducted on the 01/11/17 recommended the following actions. 1. That Council advise the landowners of the recent update

2. That Council refer the matter to its solicitors for further recommendation.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN 4.5 Compliance - Ensure compliance with Council’s policies, procedures, and local laws, and other legislative requirements.


STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS North Burnett Regional Council Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012


RISK MANAGEMENT Compliance with Relevant Legislation for this area

CONSULTATION • Latest survey of property boundary conducted by Wayne Say & Associates (consulting

surveyors) on 21st September 2017.

• Survey findings referred to King & Co for further recommendations

RECOMMENDATION Notification purposes only An update on the recent survey and findings has been sent by post to the adjoining property land owners Jennifer and Bradley Spry; no response has yet been received.

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The matter has been referred to King & Co, no information or recommendations have yet been received. Any updated or received information / recommendations to be included in ongoing future reports.

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8.5 DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS REPORT Doc Id: 848647 Author: Sue-Ann Jensen, Administration Officer Authoriser: Lex Webster, Manager of Development Services Attachments: 1. Att_Development Stastics - 131217.docx [848618] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The attached report details Local Law Compliance Statistics and Building, Planning, Plumbing Statistics. a) Details of Customer Service Requests for compliance issues b) A summary of compliance actions taken to manage NBRC’s Local Laws, and c) Information on the number and type of building and development applications received for

the month.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN 5.13 Building and plumbing certification 1.7 Planning to facilitate industrial, commercial and residential growth 5.15.1 Provide animal control services to a high standard in line with community expectations and legislative compliance.


STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Sustainable Planning Act 2009; Planning Act 2016; Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002; Building Act 1975; NBRC’s Local and Subordinate Local Laws; Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008


RISK MANAGEMENT In accordance with Council’s Risk Management Plan and Risk Management Procedure – Policy 213.

CONSULTATION Council’s ‘in house’ Staff (Planning, Building, Engineering and Environmental Health), Council’s Consultants (Town Planners, Plumbing Inspector, Engineers etc.) and Government Departments if and when required as Referral Agencies.

RECOMMENDATION That the Development Statistics as presented be received and the contents noted.

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ECON Development & Compliance Statistics




Wandering Dog 1 1 4 0 0 0 6

Menacing Dog/Unregistered 1 1 1 2 0 1 6

Welfare 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Noise - Dog 0 0 1 1 0 0 2

Noise - Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Unauthorised Camping 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cat Related 0 1 0 0 0 2 3

Other Animals 0 0 0 1 0 1 2

Abandoned Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

Footpath Obstruction Permit 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Overgrown/Unsightly 1 1 1 2 1 0 6

All Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 3 4 8 6 1 5 27



Compliance Notices issued 4 0 18 2 2 2 28

Animal Impoundments 0 2 29 0 0 3 34

Caution Notices 2 1 18 5 1 6 33

Overgrown/ Unsightly 1 1 8 12 0 0 22

Infringement Notices 0 0 2 2 0 0 4

TOTAL 7 4 52 21 3 9 121

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MONTHLY COMPARISON – Complaints and Local Law enforcement

TYPE Nov-16













Total (13


Complaints 49 21 40 33 33 45 50 36 44 28 37 32 27 475

Local Laws Enforcement 64 23 29 52 55 79 81 69 54 33 50 59 121 769

TOTAL 113 44 69 85 88 124 131 105 98 61 87 91 148 1244




MCU 1 3 2 6

ROL 1 1 2



ZONING 0 Bldg Work Assessable Against the Scheme 0


Compliance 0

All Other 2 2

TOTALS 3 0 4 0 1 2 10


TYPE Dec-16













(12 months)

Planning enquires 11 18 22 23 15 20 26 20 20 23 20 10 228

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Biggenden Eidsvold Gayndah Monto Mundubbera Perry TOTAL

PLANNING * MCU 1 1 * ROL 0 * Other 1 1 2

Sub - Total Planning 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 BUILDING *Domestic (Dlwg/Shed/pools etc) 1 3 1 1 6

$ value of work $24,376 $595,263 $48,700 $668,339 * Commercial/Industrial 1 1

$ value of work 0 Sub - Total Building 0 1 4 1 1 0 7

PLUMBING * Domestic (Dwg/Shed) 1 1 1 3 * Commercial/Industrial 0 Sub - Total Plumbing 1 1 0 0 1 0 3

TOTAL 1 2 5 2 2 1 13

MONTHLY COMPARISON – Planning, Building and Plumbing applications received















Total (13


Planning 1 3 1 2 3 5 7 2 3 0 1 1 3 32

Building 17 8 11 3 11 10 13 8 5 12 4 9 7 118

Plumbing 2 0 0 3 3 3 1 10 2 5 1 6 3 150

TOTAL 20 11 12 8 17 18 21 20 10 17 6 16 13 300

Note • The number of Building Applications is the combined total of all those received by Council and Private Certifiers. • The total projected figures are for the calendar year not financial year. • The total value of building work may not be accurate. The values are extracted from the information provided on the application forms and in some cases they are absent or understated. • The applications noted above are those received for the month stated, some may not yet be approved.

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North Burnett Regional Council Approvals Report

Planning, Building and Plumbing applications for the month of NOVEMBER

Application No. Property Address Description Assessment

Number Project Value ($)


PLANNING - operational works advertising device 50074-00000-000 $0

0173/17 266 MOUNT LAWLESS ROAD, MOUNT LAWLESS QLD 4625 BUILDING - Dwelling 31669-40000-000 $534,128

0174/17 25 EDISON STREET, MONTO QLD 4630 BUILDING - Shed 40112-20000-000 $0


BUILDING - Kitchen renovations 30080-00000-000 $0


PLUMBING - Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling 60575-00000-000 0


BUILDING - Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling 60575-00000-000 $48,700


BUILDING - Camp Kitchen and Sculpture 20459-00000-000 $24,376

0180/17 CARINYA, 512 WATHONGA ROAD, EIDSVOLD WEST QLD 4627 PLUMBING - Dwelling 20560-90000-000 $0


PLANNING - Concurrence Agency Advice - Building Works Assessable Against Planning Scheme

31262-10000-000 $0


PLANNING - Material Change of Use - vacant --> dual occupancy

40599-50000-000 $0

0183/17 109 MESON STREET, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 BUILDING - Pool and Deck 30133-00000-000 $15,000

0184/17 85 GORDON STREET, GAYNDAH QLD 4625 BUILDING - Shed 31262-10000-000 $46,135

0185/17 509 SWINDLE CREEK ROAD, LAKESIDE QLD 4621 PLUMBING - Dwelling 10533-05000-000 $0


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9.1 BUSINESS STREETSCAPE FUNDING Doc Id: 846954 Author: Tanya Walters, Administration Officer Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The purpose of this report is to present the following applications for Business Streetscape Funding:

• Mulgildie School of Arts Inc. 1. ABN 77 781 207 981 2. Doc ID 845336 3. 4.

It is Council’s objective to enhance the appearance and standard of maintenance of buildings fronting the main Urban Business Development Areas. The success of the program rests on Council’s ability to raise and maintain awareness amongst local businesses of the available streetscape funding. Councillors, the economic development team, the community development team and management carry the program message and place it as they meet with businesses or chambers of commerce or related entities/individuals. Council Customer Service displays application forms and policies in customer service centres. Council’s Business Streetscape officer is available for detail consultations with interested applicants. Mulgildie School of Arts Inc. have submitted an application to repaint the front hall entrance of the Mulgildie School of Arts.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Theme 1 – Our Productive Region 1.1 Jobs and Career Stimulus 1.6 Diversity of the economy through research of potential new industries

POLICY IMPLICATIONS The allocation of funding for Business Streetscape funding is based on and in accordance with Statutory Policy 218 – Business Streetscape.


FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Allocation of $12,000 has been made in 2017/2018 budget. Approval of a maximum of 50% of the

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project cost, up to a maximum of $1,000 per application is available.

RISK MANAGEMENT Recommendations provided in this report for the allocation of funds have been made in accordance with General Policy 218 – Business Streetscape. Council Administration Officers utilise the Business Streetscape process and checklist to ensure that all grants are administered and acquitted in accordance with the policy.

CONSULTATION Applications for Business Streetscape Funding have been reviewed by the following compliance sections of Council:-

• Development Services

RECOMMENDATION That Council approves Business Streetscape Funding of $1000 for Mulgildie School of Arts Inc. - $1000 in accordance with general policy 218.

Month Applicant Project Amount Grant Approved Aug Mulgildie Supermarket $ 3,000 $ 1,000 Aug Gavin Ford Mobiles $ 2,550 $ 1,000 Aug Monto Pharmacy $ 1,703 $ 851 Oct Sando Farming $ 1,960 $ 980 Nov Eden Creek Holdings $ 1,100 $ 550 Biggenden Laundromat $ 734 $ 367 The Den Community Craft $ 800 $ 400 Total $ 5,148 Amount Remaining $ 6,852

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9.2 GRANTS TO COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS Doc Id: 847253 Author: Tanya Walters, Administration Officer Authoriser: Brad Duke, General Manager Corporate and Community Services Attachments: 1. Attachment A Community Grants Dec 2017.docx [847495] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The purpose of this report is to present Council with the community requests for funding and in-kind support. Recommendations made in this report are in accordance with policy guidelines set by Council. The 2017-2018 Operational Budget has allocated funding of this nature to provide support to not-for-profit community organisations.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Theme 3 – Our United Region 3.6 United Communities

POLICY IMPLICATIONS The guidelines for assessment and allocation of funding for not-for-profit organisations is based on and in accordance with the following policies:

• Statutory Policy 119 – Lifelong Community Grants • Statutory Policy 120 – Cultural and Sports Performance Grants • Statutory Policy 121 – Major Events Grants • Statutory Policy 113 – Not for Profit Community Organisations and In-Kind Support

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Sections 194 and 195 of the Local Government Regulation 2012

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Budget Policy 120 – Cultural and Sports Performance Grants $6,000 Policy 119 – Lifelong Community Grants $22,000 Policy 121 – Major Events $15,000 Parks and Gardens Budget – Water Charges $18,500 Policy 113 – Not-for-Profit Community Organisations and in-kind support $20,500 Mowing $8,000

Total $90,000

The following funding remains in the original budget and is accessible by way of fee waivers:-

Area Budget Spent Available Policy 120 – Cultural and Sports Performance Grants

$ 6,000 $1,500 $ 4,500

Policy 119 – Lifelong Community Grants $22,000 $21,350 $ 650 Policy 121 – Major Events $15,000 0 $15,000 Parks and Gardens Budget – Water Charges $18,500 $15,844 $ 2,656

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RISK MANAGEMENT Recommendations provided in this report for the allocation of funds have been made in accordance with the following adopted Policies:

• Statutory Policy 119 – Lifelong Community Grants • Statutory Policy 120 – Cultural and Sports Performance • Statutory Policy 121 – Major Events Grants • Statutory Policy 113 – Not for Profit Community Organisations and In-Kind Support

Council’s Community Grants Officer is responsible for the administration and co-ordination of the Grants Policies. This Officer liaises with the relevant sections of Council to ensure that work is costed and delivered in a timely manner. Council’s Community Grants Officer also seeks technical advice from other sections of Council regarding any compliance or permit related matters.

CONSULTATION • Development Services

RECOMMENDATION That Council approve recommendations on Community Grant funding applications received and outlined in table (Attachment A) for financial and in-kind assistance, under Policy 119 Lifelong Community Grants, Policy 120 Cultural and Sports Performance Grants, Policy 121 Major Events Grants, and Policy 113 Not for Profit Community Organisations and In-Kind Support.

Policy 113 – Not-for-Profit Community Organisations and in-kind support

$20,500 $23,527 (-$ 3,027)

Mowing $ 8,000 $ 553

$ 7,447

Total $90,000 $62,774 $ 27,226

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Doc ID Date Received Organisation Proposal

Description Event Date Details

2016/ 2017


Requested Cash


Requested In kind Estimate

GM’s Recommended Cash Donation

GM’s Recommended

In kind Donation

Project Comments

845193 13/11/17 Monto Rotary Club Incorporated

Monto Rotary are requesting assistance to host the 2017 Christmas Street Party. They wish to close off Newton Street and have rides, market stalls & musical entertainment.


$500 cash requested is to pay for the children’s rides. After recent rain events the Monto Community has suffered financial hardship. Council’s contribution would allow more families to attend. “In Kind” support is requested for street closure.

0 $500 $234 $0 $234

“In kind” assistance sought to close off Newton Street- $234. Recommend Council approve ”in kind” request as per Statutory Policy No 113 Not For Profit Community Organisations & In Kind Support. Recommend Council decline $500 cash as not in line with Statutory Policy No 102 Grants to Community Organisations.

844080 06/11/17 Eidsvold Race Club Incorporated

Eidsvold Race Club would like assistance to host its 130th race meeting, involving a full program of 5 races and various other entertainment.


$2000 cash requested for Fashion on the Field Event and Entertainment. In Kind assistance with bins, marquees, water truck, mowing and printing of race books.

0 $2000 $2,618 $0 $2,618

In Kind assistance sought:- 20 bins @ $11 = $220 Delivery P&G = $225 1 Eidsvold Marquee = $110 8 marquees @ $60 = $480 Council water truck = $990 Mowing/Whipper snipper $343 Printing 1000 pages .25c = $250 Total “In Kind” = $2618 Recommend council approve “in kind request” as per Statutory Policy No 113 Not For Profit Community Organisations & In Kind Support. Recommend Council decline $2000 cash requested as not in line with Statutory Policy No 102 Grants to Community Organisations.

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843986 06/11/17 Mundubbera Enterprise Association

Assistance with waiver of fees relating to building of Mundubbera Men’s Shed.


Mundubbera Enterprise Association have recently built the Mundubbera Men’s shed. They have now been charged Infrastructure charges in relation to the development, which they would like Council to waive.

$3911 16/08/17 0 $386 0 0

An “in kind” waiver has been submitted for waiving of these fees. Council approved an “in kind” Grant to waive building & planning fees associated with this project earlier this year for $3911. Approved at GM 16/08/17. Council has provided significant assistance to the group this year, therefore seeking a resolution from Council in regard to waiving of these fees.

846912 24/11/17 Mt Perry Men’s Shed Associaton Inc

Assistance with Building of Men’s Shed


Mt Perry Men’s Shed Assn would like council to waive the Building and Development Fees applicable to the building of the Men’s Shed.

$2765 04/10/17 0 $2302 0 0

An “in kind” waiver has been submitted to Council for waiver of Building and Development Fees associated with the building of the Men’s Shed. Earlier this year, a Community Grant was approved at the Standing Committee Meeting on 04/10/17 to provide “in kind” assistance to the group to prepare and level the site for placing of a concrete slab for the Men’s Shed. Value of support was $2765. Council has provided significant assistance to the group this year, therefore seeking a resolution from Council in regard to the waiving of these fees.

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846358 22/11/17 Connor Pashley

Applicant has been selected to represent Wide Bay in Under 13 Qld Junior Cricket Intrastate Champion-ships.


Applicant is to pay $1350 to attend- covering travel, uniforms, meals, grounds prep and umpires.

$250 $250 0 $250 0

Grant application completed in full, evidence of qualifying for event supplied. Recommend approval of $250 for State Level Events as per Statutory Policy 120 Cultural and Sports Performance Grants.

Donations Requested

Request for Cash Donations $2,750

Request for In Kind Donations $5,540

Total Donations requested

$2750 $5,540

GM Recommended

Recommended Request for Cash Donations $250

Recommended Request for In Kind Donations $2,852

Total Recommended for approval $250 $2,852

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10.1 SCHOOL BUS ROUTES IN NORTH BURNETT Doc Id: 848213 Author: Lucy Connolly, Administration Officer Authoriser: Simon O'Brien, Works Engineer Attachments: 1. SBR Financials.pdf [848326]

2. School Bus Mapping and Route Information.pdf [848325] INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND A report on Council’s maintenance of School Bus Routes was requested by Councillors following a workshop conducted on 13.11.2017. The report was to cover;

• what ones we have,

• what has been done historically,

• what have we done this year,

• what do we propose to do for the rest of the year, and

• identify any gap School Bus Routes make up 679.76km of Council’s Road Network, 371.32km of sealed roads and 308.44km of unsealed roads. As of April 2017, 696 students use the School Bus to attend 12 different schools across the region as well as two schools outside of the region. This report identifies 29 School Bus Routes that traverse 82 Council Roads as well as the maintenance expenditure over the last three consecutive financial years. The attachment ‘School Bus Mapping and Route Information’ outlines the first and the attachment ‘SBR Financials’ addresses the second and third points. Council’s Supervisors were asked to advise which of the bus routes in their area, after review, are in need of a maintenance grade, either substantially, partly or not at all. This was to enable a more accurate assessment of the proposed bus route maintenance “for the rest of the year”. Unfortunately, due to available time and workload this was not able to be completed at the time of submission of the report to Council. It is hoped to gather this feedback and present it to Council together with the submitted report. It’s worth noting, in researching and preparing this report much confusion was encountered;

• What exactly are Council’s obligations ?

• How frequently are the bus routes to be maintained ?

• Whether or not Council receive funding to carry out maintenance of bus routes, and so on.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN NBRC 2017- 22 Corporate Plan, NBRC Operational Plan 2017/18

Theme 1. Our productive region 1.2 Safe, well maintained and effective local road networks 1.3 Safe, well maintained and effective state road networks

Theme 2. Our Happy, Healthy and Safe Region 2.4.3 Maintain and improve public transport routes / availability Theme 5. Our efficient and effective council

5.2 Asset management 5.4 Future financial sustainability

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POLICY IMPLICATIONS All relevant Policies are adhered to where applicable

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS All relevant Standards and Codes are applied where required

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Approximately $347,684 has been spent on maintenance of School Bus Routes during 2017/18. In Council’s asset management plan Council commits to grade School Bus routes once a year. Council would need to quarantine budget in excess of $800,000 for this purpose. The following information attempts to provide a snapshot of Council’s progress vs budget;

• 41 unsealed School bus roads with little or no expenditure this F/Y.

• Of the 41 roads, 182.1 Km of School Bus road length may require maintenance - assuming the entire length of gravel bus route road requires maintenance.

• Based on $2,500/k to grade, water and roll the budget required to maintenance grade the School Bus sections of roads is $455,250.

• Balance of Council Rural roads maintenance budget as at the end of Pay 11 $1,111,761.

• 41.51% of the F/Y gone 52.29% of the budget allocation expended.

RISK MANAGEMENT Utilising Council’s Risk Rating matrix and the process outlined in Council’s Risk Management Strategy for the listed categories, the worst anticipated risk was identified and rated for each category. 9. Categories

10. Consequence 11. Likelihood 12. Rating

13. Financial 14. Major 15. $400K to $1M 16. Likely

17. Has occurred at NBRC

18. High

19. Reputation/ 20. Political

21. Moderate

22. Moderate customer sensitivity, and damage to brand name impacting noticeably on business activities and profitability

23. Unlikely

24. Occurred at another Council ?

25. Medium

26. Regulatory/ 27. Environmental

28. Moderate

29. Fines due to regulatory non-compliance. Report to CEO and Council.

30. Unlikely

31. Occurred at another Council ?

32. Medium

33. Strategic/ Operational

34. Minor

35. Minimal impact on Strategic/operational objectives

36. Possible

37. Occurred at multiple other Councils ?

38. Medium

39. People/ Community

40. Insignificant

41. Short term absences, work interruptions, minor work cover claims (medical and like), disciplinary action (incl. termination).

42. Unlikely

43. Occurred at another Council ?

44. Low

There is a regulatory overarching requirement established by the High Court of Australia that Council is “obliged to take reasonable care that the exercise or failure to exercise those powers does not create a foreseeable risk of harm to a class of persons …. Where the state of roadway, whether by design, construction works of non-repair poses a risk to that class or persons, then , to discharge its duty of care, an authority with power to remedy the risk is obliged to take reasonable steps, by the exercise of its power within a reasonable time to address the risk”

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For each listed category, based on the assumption Council continue to monitor the affected area and rectification is completed should the location exceed intervention levels, particularly with regards to safety, the following worst risks were identified; Financial The Financial risk rating has been arrived at on the assumption that a majority of identified works exceed safety intervention levels. This represents Council’s estimated worst case over and above the currently budgeted levels. Reputation/Political It is not expected that Council’s reputation will be irreparably damaged should Council manage the tasks, and resulting identified works, using Council’s asset management intervention levels in a planned maintenance program. Regulatory/Environmental Whilst it is not expected that Council would be exposed to regulatory or environmental requirements, the failure of which would result in material fines, penalties or restrictions on business the Medium Risk Rating recognises Council’s overarching responsibilities to reasonably manage the risks that Council are aware of that the road users are exposed to. Strategic/Operational It is not expected that Council’s strategy and operations will be impacted beyond the current maintenance / construction teams structure, current resourcing of plant and employees or impact other areas of Council. People/Community It is not expected that people’s and community exposure will exceed inconvenience, minor $ wear and tear, irritation of existing health conditions, minor work interruption / absences.



NBRC District and Senior Supervisors

NBRC Special Projects Manager NBRC Assets Team No consultation has been undertaken with School Bus operators or the wider community

RECOMMENDATION That the School Bus Route Report as presented be received and the contents noted; 1. The School Bus Route Report be updated and presented to Council at a frequency to be

determined by Council, propose a six monthly basis. 2. Council commit to condition assess the School Bus Routes on a six monthly frequency,

Council’s other roads are currently condition assessed on a yearly basis. 3. Council consider, during future budget discussions and in line with Council’s Asset

Management Plan and policies, quarantine monies for the purpose of maintenance of approved current Bus Routes.

4. Council’s Engineering ; (a) Seek meeting with Translink counterparts to better understand Council’s obligations (b) Report back to Council

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(c) Communicate Council’s obligations, and plan to meet those obligations, School Bus Route operators

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10.2 ENGINEERING - B DOUBLE REPORT - MILLER - 111321R1V1 Doc Id: 848333 Author: Lucy Connolly, Administration Officer Authoriser: Simon O'Brien, Works Engineer Attachments: Nil INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND This report recommends a response for Council’s consideration to respond to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) in relation to a B-Double permit application, seeking to utilise 25/26m B-Triple vehicles carrying up to 62.5 tonnes of general freight. This report, in response to application NHVR Case Number 111321r1v1 received by Council on 8 November 2017. The application is to consider the suitability of Ross Crossing Road from Eidsvold-Theodore Road to “25 Ross Crossing Road” for 25/26m B-Double combinations carrying general freight to a load capacity of 62.5 tonnes. Eidsvold-Theodore Road is part of the declared state network under the management of Transport and Main Roads (TMR). TMR will address these network components and intersections to their network. This report considers the components of the routes that utilise Council road infrastructure only.

CORPORATE/OPERATIONAL PLAN Theme 1: Our Productive Region 1.8 Improving transport routes for product and produce

1.8.1 Work with industry. Facilitate discussions with the heavy vehicle sector to map current and future networks and needs

1.8.2 Work with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) on improving effectiveness of the heavy vehicle system

POLICY IMPLICATIONS None identified at this time.

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 5. While not a statutory requirement, this Route assessment has been evaluated and reported by an experience local government engineer holding registration under the Professional Engineers Act, Qld. The assessment was undertaken with reference to the following documents National Heavy Vehicle Law, NHVR Approved Guidelines for Granting Access (February 2014), NHVR Access Conditions (March 2016), NHVR/NTC Performance-Based Standards Scheme – Network Classification Guidelines

(June 2007), NHVR/NTC Interim PBS Road Classification Guidelines, Austroads Guidelines for Assessing Heavy Vehicle Access to Local Roads, and TMR Multi-combination guideline.


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6. In general terms, the expansion of heavy vehicle access across the North Burnett Regional Council can have a financial implication on Council’s operational budget, given the warrant to maintain these roads to a higher level of safety and maintenance than would otherwise warrant. If it is Council’s desire to allow these larger vehicles wider access, new road construction and road rehabilitation should also be designed and constructed to cater for these vehicles – impacting on bridge and carriageway widths, gradings etc.. 7. 8. The proposed vehicle shall have additional axle groups over the as-of-right 19m semi-trailer but not have any additional axle group loadings that would impact vertical loadings on the pavements but may have impacts associated with sheer loadings on grades.

RISK MANAGEMENT Section 156 (Subsection 3) of the Heavy Vehicle National Law, namely (highlighting added by author) nominates the following assessment requirements: (3) The road manager may decide not to give the consent only if the road manager is satisfied—

(a) the mass or dimension authority will, or is likely to— (i) cause damage to road infrastructure; or (ii) impose adverse effects on the community arising from noise, emissions or traffic

congestion or from other matters stated in approved guidelines; or (iii) pose significant risks to public safety arising from heavy vehicle use that is

incompatible with road infrastructure or traffic conditions; and (b) it is not possible to grant the authority subject to road conditions or travel conditions that will avoid, or significantly minimise —

(i) the damage or likely damage; or (ii) the adverse effects or likely adverse effects; or (iii) the significant risks or likely significant risks.

9. 10. Legal advice received indicates that “significant risk’ relates to a significant risk associated with the route use by the Class 2 PBS vehicle - either the probability or consequence. If there is not a ‘significant’ risk, and other criteria are met, the route should be approved, with or without conditions. 11. 12. The focus of any route assessment is based on suitability of the route for the vehicle combination and safety for all road users. This can be evidenced by insufficient sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignment (sharp curves, stopping capacity and traction), structures, cross falls etc. 13. 14. Also a consideration is the impact on the existing infrastructure and pavements. The vertical loadings per axle / axle group are no greater than other semi-trailers but the impact of the drive axles pulling the additional load can be detrimental to the pavements. This is particularly a concern where the vehicle is pulling up steep grades. 15. 16. With general ‘as-of-right’ traffic, the driver accepts responsibility for ensuring the road is suitable for usage. Council undertakes development and maintenance of the roads having due regard for their corporate plan and budget considerations. At no time does Council provide any assurance as to the condition of the road for any component of this traffic. However, in these

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permit applications, Council is receiving an assessment report and then endorsing or not endorsing the route as being acceptable / unacceptable for the larger PBS vehicles. With any acceptance, there would be a moral and likely legal expectation or responsibility that Council maintain the route suitable for these vehicles.

CONSULTATION 17. There has been no consultation with the applicant or the community in relation to this particular application. 18. The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator will be advised of Council’s position on the application who will then consider all responses and make a determination regarding the application. 19. 20. OFFICER’S COMMENT/CONCLUSION 21. 22. Vehicle Configuration The application is for a 25/26m B-Double operating with loads up to 62.5 tonnes. The vehicle has been assessed under the NHVR Law and regulations. The individual maximum axle-group loads are standard to a 25m B-Double.

The risks for council’s infrastructure are associated with

• The existence of adequate road infrastructure, • the additional effort required on the drive axles to haul the additional load, and • the adequacy on any structures.

23. 24. Route Conditions The nominated route using Local government roads is along Ross Crossing Road generally south from Eidsvold – Theodore Road. The final destination was described as “25 Ross Crossing Road” but the mapping associated with the application has been used as a guide to confirm that the route extends south of the Burnett River crossing. The Burnett River crossing at 3.8km south of the Eidsvold – Theodore Road turnoff is a two span bridge structure with a width of only 3.2m between kerbs with steep grades that are quite narrow on approaches. The NHVR guidelines nominate an absolute width of 4.0m for any permit vehicles with a traffic usage less than 150vpd. Additionally, the grades into and out of the river crossing are excessive at 12.0% and 9% for these long vehicles. The grades also have significant curves at the ends and on the bridge structures, without any formation widening to cater for the turning circles of the longer vehicles. The elevation change, the grades inclusive of curves also can ‘hide’ vehicles approaching in the opposite directions with the narrow road width giving no escape path, especially on the northern approach. Additionally to this major constraint, the roads

• south of river crossing are narrow formation (3.5 – 4.5m), and

• north of the river, between chainages 2.8 to 3.5km, are a 5.0m formation with an undulating road and tight reverse curves.

These unsealed road formation is deficient being significantly less than the desirable widths {7.2m for L2 Road Class (25/26m B-Double)} even without curve widening. This route therefore is assessed as unsuitable for a 25/26m B-Double vehicle.

TMR Route components

Issues associated with the TMR road – Eidsvold-Theodore Road and associated intersections are issues for consideration by Transport and Main Roads, as the road managers for the state network.

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Upgrading Considerations There are no recommendations for upgrades to allow this application to proceed as the works would be extensive and require detailed investigation and design.

25. Options for Conditions 26. There are no options clearly identifiable that would allow either component of the application to be approved and no apparent alternative routes that would achieve the desired access.

RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that “the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator be advised that Council does not endorse approval of the permit application (Case 1111321r1v1 by Miller Interstate Haulage) for 25/26 metre B-Double vehicles to travel along Ross Crossing Road south from Eidsvold – Theodore Road and across the Burnett River due to infrastructure inadequacies and network safety concerns for the vehicle identified.

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12.1 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS REPORTS Doc Id: 849024 Author: Natalie Zillman, Executive Assistant Authoriser: Mark Pitt, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Cr Zahl.docx [849038]

2. Bowen.docx [849031] 3. Cr Lobegeier.docx [849040] 4. Cr Whelan.docx [849039]

INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Councillors provide a monthly overview of appointments, delegations and community activities.

OFFICER COMMENTS/CONCLUSION Attached for information.

That the following Councillor Reports be received.

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Date Function Location Comments / Action

01.11.2017 Standing Committee Meeting

Biggenden Mayor councillors and staff – normal monthly meeting

02.11.2017 and 03.11.2017

Gayndah Residents Concerns

Gayndah Colouring competition judging and visit residents

04.11.2017 Ban Ban Springs Unveiling Function

Ban Ban Cr. Bowen Event – with Mayor Councillors and Public – Unveiling of Entry Signage

Gayndah Mayor and Councillors meeting with State Election Candidate

05.11.2017 Indigenous Rangers Program Application

Biggenden Meet with Staff to lodge formal Application

Mundubbera View Storm Damage and Report

08.11.2017 Joint Consultative Committee Meeting

Mt. Perry Mayor CEO and Staff – Meeting in relation of Employment Matters

Gayndah RADF Meeting with Staff - 09.11.2017 North Burnett

Community Services Advisory Committee

Mundubbera Meeting with Community

Biggenden Attend School Awards Night to present Awards on behalf of Council

10.11.2017 Visit to Tree Planting Areas

Gayndah Visit with Staff -

11.11.2017 Remembrance Day Service

Gayndah Attend Service at 11am and RSL Dinner Function that Night

13.11.2017 Councillor Workshop Mundubbera Mayor Councillors and Staff Gayndah Gayndah Development Association Monthly Meeting 14.11.2017 Social Economic

Meeting Monto Flood Update – Meeting with Staff

Councillors and Community 15.11.2017 Genera Meeting Monto Normal Monthly Meeting 17.11.2017 Staff Meeting Gayndah Meeting with Staff Gayndah Assist in Town Hall set-up for public

function 20.11.2017 Solomon Island Ladies

Visit Gayndah Provide Morning Tea – Visitors and Church

Group 21.11.2017 Disaster Committee

Meeting – Local Support Gayndah With Staff And local groups

Gayndah St. Josephs Award Night – Attendance to Present on behalf of Council 22.11.2017 Disaster Co-ordination

Training Gayndah Staff and Councillors

23.11.2017 Disaster Coordination Training

Gayndah Staff and Councillors

Mt.Perry Inspections in Afternoon with Cr. Bowen 24.11.2017 Residents

Concerns/Town Gayndah

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Inspections 25.11.2017 NBRC Christmas Party Monto - Cania -Wonderful Afternoon 28.11.2017 And 29.11.2017

Rates Modelling/QTC Review, and Assets Management, with PMC Meeting

Mundubbera Staff and Councillors – Information from Finance Section and QTC Staff – Assets Management Review with Staff- (Conducted over 2 days)

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October-November 2017


Meeting Mt Perry

18-11-17 Mt Perry Race Day Mt Perry 21-11-17 Talking about

Railways Mt Perry RDA F Program in Mt Perry

22-11-17 Visit Gayndah 25-11-17 Council Xmas Party Cania dam 29-11-17 PMC Meeting Mundubbera Phone IN 2-12-17 Mt Rawdon Mine

Xmas Party Mt Perry

5-12-17 Mt Perry School

Award Night

6-12-17 P & p Eidsvold 8-12-17 Biggenden Kindy

Xmas Party Biggenden

12-12 17 Recovery Meeting


13-12-17 General Meeting Mt Perry

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December 2017

Date Function Location Comments / Action

20-11-17 RADF Age Care BOM

Monto Great experience Ongoing

21-11-17 Disasters Management Monto !/4 Meeting went well 22-11-17 Many appointments Monto Main street upgrade talking to many

parties and other issue Farmer forum 23-11-17 Road inspection Monto

North A lot of Damage still no road Post TC Debbie

24-11-17 Cadets Unite DIPA

Monto A meeting with all parties to map out a way forward for this group DIPA is building a new web site. .Rural Getaway is now a member. All Councils will have to produce data for the web site

25-11-17` Christmas Party Cania What a great day 27-11-17 Special Age Care BOM

Rate Payer

Monto Staff Matters Normal business One family believes there road is the only road but this is ongoing for many years

28-11-17 Future Budgeting Mundubbera Ongoing 29-11-17 PMC Mundubbera Ongoing 30-11-17 LDMG Gayndah 1-12-17 A look at Monto Monto New GM 4-12-17 SCSC

Age Care Members Teleconference Monto

5-12-17 H&C Australia Day


6-12-17 P&S Eidsvold 8-12-17 Rail Line Mungungo 11-12-17 Errolyn Party Monto 12-12-17 Recovery 17B Monto 13-12-17 General Mt Perry

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General Meeting Agenda 13 December 2017

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9th November, 2017 to 6th December, 2017

Date Function Location Comments / Action

9.11.17 Meeting with Wesley Life Force

Mundubbera Service delivery in North Burnett and partnerships

North Burnett Community Service Advisory Committee

Mundubbera Demonstration of new Portal which is expected to be running by end of year. Presentation by NDIS and NDIA Managers. Large attendance of services which makes a strong committee for support of NB residents

11.11.17 Heritage Rail Meeting Mundubbera 13.11.17 Councillor Workshop Mundubbera 14.11.17 Meet Candidate Mulgildie Meet QRA Officer Monto Disaster Recovery

Meeting Monto

15.11.17 General Meeting Monto 16.11.17 Meet Candidate Gayndah 17.11.17 Interview GM Works Biggenden Meet ABC Reporter Mundubbera 19.11.17 Travel Brisbane for

Trop-Ag Brisbane

20.11.17 – 22.11.17

Trop-Ag Conference Brisbane Great stand planned by staff. Presentation of NB is a credit to all involved. Refer report to Council.

20.11.17 Telelink Meeting Mundubbera –Jandowae Road Group

Thanks to BIEDO for getting this Group up and running. I can see very helpful data coming out of members. Main members being AgForce ,DSD,TMR, SBRC,NBRC, RDA, Food Group

23.11.17 Meeting with new GM Corp & Communities


25.11.17 Staff Christmas Party Cania Dam 27.11.17 Management Meeting Gayndah Restructure 28.11.17 Rates Modelling Mundubbera QTC Strategic Review Mundubbera Social Cohesian

Meeting with Communities Manager


29.11.17 Social Cohesian Meeting with Orchardist


30.11.17 Drug and Alcohol Awareness Training


NB LDMG Gayndah MCDA AGM Mundubbera 1.12.17 Aged Care and

Disability Sub Group Gayndah Discussion around the NDIS and NDIA

Rollout next year in NB

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Meeting Christmas in the Park Mundubbera 2.12.17 MCDA Christmas Party Mundubbera 4.12.17 Aust Day Panel Mundubbera Meeting with Salvation

Army Mundubbera Discussion around Social Cohesian and

Treatment of Itinerant Workers Social Cohesian

Meeting Mundubbera and Tele link with Monto and Gayndah

Archer Park Meeting Mundubbera 5.12.17 Mundubbera Jandowae

Road Group Meeting and Road Trip

Darr Creek to Mundubbera

Mundubbera Disaster Sub Group Meeting


6.12.17 Standing Meetings Eidsvold Burnett Catchment

Flood Resilience Strategy Risk Profile Session


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RECOMMENDATION That Council considers the confidential report(s) listed below in a meeting closed to the public in accordance with Section 275(1) of the Local Government Regulation 2012: 13.1 Panel of Providers for Facilities Maintenance - 2909/2017-18/QTB/16 This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage. 13.2 Pest Control Inspections and Treatment Quotation - 2909/2017-18/QTB/17 This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage. 13.3 Financial Report - Write-Off of Debtor Invoice (Closed Session Report) This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage. 13.4 Service Request Report This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 275(1) - h of the Local Government Regulation, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

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General Meeting Agenda 13 December 2017

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