Download - Hypatia...Hypatia . WP3 Deliverable: D 3.1 European Advisory Board Contributors: Maya Halevy, Eti Oron, Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem Version: Final . Date: 26-11-2015 . This

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WP3 Deliverable: D 3.1 European Advisory Board

Contributors: Maya Halevy, Eti Oron, Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem

Version: Final

Date: 26-11-2015

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 665566

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Contents 1. Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 2

2. The Role of the Advisory Board (AB) ..................................................................................................... 2

3. The Structure of the Advisory Board .................................................................................................... 3

4. AB Communication ............................................................................................................................... 5

ANNEX ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

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1. Summary

HYPATIA project is a collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Science with and for Society. HYPATIA aims to bring together, schools, science museums, research institutes and industries, policy makers with gender experts and teenagers themselves, to develop pilots activities and disseminate a unique modular toolkit of activities and guidelines for engaging teenagers in STEM in a gender inclusive way. HYPATIA will also create Hubs in the 14 participating countries that will provide a sustainable basis for these activities to be carried out on the long term focusing on dissemination through networks and stakeholders' engagement allowing the project's impact to multiply.

An advisory board, that includes European representatives of formal education, policy makers, museums, research and academic institutions and industry will advise on the implementation of the project tasks, ensuring the actions are best adapted for a wide range of European countries and contexts, and for the various types of stakeholders. This deliverable outlines the names of the Advisory Board members, their duties, and tasks that will need to cover during the project duration.

2. The Role of the Advisory Board (AB)

The project aims to bring together European representatives of schools, museums, research institutions and industry in a board that will advise on the implementation of the project tasks, with a particular focus on ensuring the actions are best adapted for a wide range of European countries and contexts, and for the range of types of stakeholder.

Linking the stakeholders of the national hubs to a European Advisory Board of expert stakeholders allows the project to take advantage of their rich diversity of expertise and provides a valuable support to the consortium.

The role of the AB will be to provide comments and recommendations, highlight constrains and opportunities help to maintain the involvement of STEM professionals and policymakers throughout the project’s duration, and support dissemination of its results.

The AB will

• Advise National Contact Persons (NCP) - coordinators of the National Hubs on how to involve national and local stakeholders such as Industry and Academic institutions, education and research ministries' representatives, public and private research institutions representatives,

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gender experts, schools and informal science education institutions, Civil Society organisations and Policy Makers in the development and the operation stages of the project.

• Provide a Pan-European perspective on the action plans and activities that the partners will develop and offer during the project.

• Give feedback on RRI issues, and in particular on how compatible is the gender approach of the project as part of the RRI process

• Help to identify obstacles, constrains and opportunities for reaching the projects objectives.

• Disseminate the project activities among professional peers and European organisations.

• Help to contact key persons in European and International companies and organisations in order to engage with their local branches, and to pave the way to local industries.

3. The Structure of the Advisory Board

The AB provides a representative image of the diversity of the sector and of the STEM careers in Europe, and the issues they face in communicating STEM to teenagers in a gender-inclusive way.

A number of the Board members were identified and were approached during the preparation of the proposal and have agreed to join the project, (their letters of intent were attached as annex to the proposal and are also attached in annex of this deliverable). During the first months of the project, the AB coordinator consulted with the project coordinator and with members of the consortium and recruited more members in order to reach a diverse range of stakeholders from different countries .

Members of the Advisory Board


• PPG Industries, Ken Armistead – U.K. ; • L’ Oreal Foundation, David MacDonald - France

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Policymaker & Education

• French Ministry of Higher Education Research & Innovation, Caroline Belan Menagier - France

Gender expert & Education

• ORT Braude College Israel, Judith Abrahami - Israel

S&T Research

• Euroscience, Jean-Pierre Alix - France • Dark Cosmology Center, Anja C. Andersen - Denmark

Formal education

• ESHA, Monique Westland - the Netherlands

Informal education

• Bloomfield science museum Jerusalem, Maya Halevy – Israel

Coordinator of the Advisory Board

Maya Halevy, Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem, Israel

Invited participants

Hypatia coordinator-

• Meie van Laar, Aliki Giannakopoulou - Science Center NEMO the Netherlands

Ecsite – European network of science centres and museums

• Andrea Troncoso, Ecsite, Belgium

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4. AB Communication

• Members of the AB will physically meet twice during the lifespan of the project : at the Kick of Meeting (KoM) on Month 4 in Amsterdam and at Month 19 in Milan, Italy following the third consortium meeting of the project.

• In between, the AB will stay in touch via online communication (emails), access to the project internal website (basecamp), and Teleconference calls (skype meetings), that will be organised every two months, depending on the project needs but at least every 6 months.

The role of the AB Coordinator

The AB coordinator will be responsible for setting up the meetings (time and agenda), writing protocols, and disseminating recommendations of the AB to all project partners

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CV's of Advisory Board members


Mr. Ken Armistead – PPG, UK Ken is the Director of Corporate Communications for PPG Europe Middle East and Africa. He is responsible for Employee Communications, Media Relations and all Community Engagement including Corporate Social Responsibility activities across the region.

Mr. David Macdonald – L’Oréal, France

David is the Director of the L’Oréal Foundation’s scientific projects. He is responsible for running of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme across 111 countries to address the underrepresentation of women in the sciences. He also developing 'For Girls in Science', a pilot programme in France with the national education ministry to inspire girls to study sciences.

Before- worked in a number of communications roles at L’Oréal since 2008 and previously managed corporate communications for the company's subsidiary in the UK where he worked with the local UNESCO commission and scientific institutions to run the For Women in Science programme locally. He also developed the L'Oréal Young Scientist Centre at the Royal Institution.

Prior to that David worked for French telecommunications company Orange.

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Policymaker Ms. Caroline Belan-Menagier – Head of Department for European Higher Education and Research Area Strategies - Ministry for Education, Higher Education and Research, France Caroline is Head of Department for European Higher Education and Research Area Strategies in the ministry for Higher Education and Research in France. Prior to that, Caroline served as the French representative in the Helsinki Group on gender in R&I and as the institutional expert on gender in Higher Education and Research in the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Office at the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in France

Gender expert & Education Dr Judith Abrahami - ORT Braude College, Israel

Advisor to President of the President of the College on women’s issues ; Lecturer in academia for over 40 years; Former Head of Teacher Training Department in ORT Braude School of Engineering. Taught many pre-service and in-service training courses for teaching staff on equal opportunities in education

Board member of Israel’s Association of feminist Studies and Gender Studies ; Member of committee of Israel’s Higher Education council to promote women in science and academia. She is Israeli member in EC GENDERA project (2009 – 2013) to promote gender equity in research and science. Member of committee set up by the ministry of Education to check for sexism in school text books.

Judith is also the Founder of the educational committee of Israel Women’s network.

Science & technology Research

Mr. Jean-Pierre Alix - M.U.RS. France General Secretary of M.U.R.S, a French association dedicated to scientific responsibility; Member of the EUROSCIENCE BOARD, the organiser of the European Science Open Forum manifestation ; Member of the RRI Toolkit consortium (2014-2016); Consultant to

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UNESCO for the revision of the 1974 Recommendation concerning scientists (2015). Prior to that Jean Pierre was an Adviser to the Minister of Education, Higher education and Research (1995-1997); Chief development executive, Cite des sciences et de l'industrie – today Universcience - , Paris (1997-2004); Adviser to the Chair of CNRS, in charge of the Science in society programme (2005-2009). ; Member of the Conseil Superieur de la Recherche et de la Technologie, France (2004-2014).

Dr Anja Andersen - the Dark Cosmology Center, Copenhagen University, Demark

Associate professor/ Her research is focused on the role of cosmic dust on the thermal, dynamical and chemical conditions in different astrophysical environments, astrophysics of dust, including dust formation, dust aggregates, optical properties of dust, galactic extinction curves and presolar grains from meteorites

Anja is a member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences and many European and Danish science Associations , and member of few networks of Women in Science

Anja wrote and published few book on cosmology for children teenagers and adults.

Formal education

Ms Monique Westland – ESHA, European School Heads Association, the Netherlands

Monique Westland is a Consultant at ESHA. Her background is in the ICT where she has worked as a project manager for many years. She has international experience and is well connected since she has lived abroad for 10 years in Germany and in the United States. While living in the United States of America for 8 years she has founded a Dutch school for Language and Culture of which she has been the president for 5 years. After returning to the Netherlands she has joined the Dutch association of school leaders as a general board secretary and is also working as a consultant for ESHA. Over the past three years Monique has been involved in various projects within ESHA like EPNoSL (European Network of School Leaders) and on the topic of promoting multilingualism within Europe.

Informal education

Ms Maya Halevy - Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem Israel

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Maya Halevy is the Executive Director of the Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem

Maya is a member of the steering committee of the national initiative to promote excellence in science education in Israel, and a member of the national committee to promote women in science. She initiated and is involved in various programmes on national and regional levels that promote the connection between informal and formal science education and foster scientific culture within the general public from all ages and sectors of the Israeli society. Maya is active in various international science museums organizations; she builds cooperation with science museums in Europe and in North America and is a member in professional committees. Under her leadership the museum takes part, initiates and leads projects with the European Commission support.

Maya served as an expert representative of Israel in the Science & Society Committees of the European Commission during the FP 6 and FP 7.

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