Download - The Official publication of the Yavapai AZ H.O.G. Chapter 1271 September, 2017 Volume16, Issue 9 Sponsored

Page 1: The Official publication of the Yavapai AZ H.O.G. Chapter 1271 September, 2017 Volume16, Issue 9 Sponsored

HOGwash The Official publication of the

Yavapai AZ H.O.G. Chapter 1271

September, 2017 Volume16, Issue 9

Sponsored by: Grand Canyon Harley-Davidson

10434 Highway 69 Mayer, AZ 86333

928-632-4009 Toll Free: 1-877-888-GCHD (4243)

Table of Contents

Director’s Memo 1 Safety Officer Report 5 Hogs-n-Dogs Flier 12

Chapter Chapter Info 2 Head Road Captain 6-7 Memos & Notes 13

Chapter Mtg. Notes Pt. 1 2 Event Calendar 8 Trivia 13

Officers List 3 Assist Director’s Notes 9 Garage Party Flier 14

LOH Report 3 Gen. Mbr. Mtg. Photos 10 CPR Flier 15

Editor ’s Notes 4 Pie Ride Photos 11 Advertisers & Pricing 16-19

Chapter Mtg. Notes Pt. 2 4

Director’s Memo

Hello HOG Chapter members! As most of you know by now, we’ll be nominating offic-

ers for calendar year 2018 at the October chapter meeting. I also know that all of you

share with me the sincere appreciation for each and every individual that donated their

personal time to serve as an officer for this past year, and in some cases, for several

years in a row! Thank you all so very much! With the turn of the calendar and change

in officers, we’re sure to experience new ideas and new excitement within the chapter,

and I encourage all of you to please consider volunteering for one of the officer posi-

tions in 2018. It is only with your help and involvement that we can keep the chapter

fun and vibrant and full of good rides with good friends! If you’re even remotely con-

sidering an officers position next year, please contact any of the current officers and let

us know!

And don’t forget, we’ve still got lots of activities to enjoy this year, including the Re-gional HOG Rally in Chandler, an overnight run to Pie Town, NM, a CPR class and an Accident Scene Management class, a Poker Run in support of Breast Cancer Awareness, and much more! So again, please check the calendar on our Yavapai HOG Chapter web site ( frequently so you can stay current on upcoming rides and events that may be of interest to you! We’d really love to have you come out and join us!

And as always, my heartfelt thanks to all of you for everything you do to make this chapter fun! Let’s get out there and do some


Mike “Sprinkles” McKibben

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Yavapai AZ H.O.G. Chapter 1271 2 AZ HOG Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1035 Mayer, AZ 86333 Dealer Sponsor: Kyle Rose, 928-774-3896; [email protected] Dealer Principles: Richard and Beverly Doughton, 928-632-4009 H.O.G. Manager: Christina “Blondie” Anderson, 928-632-4009; [email protected]

General Meeting Minutes Convened 940am on 05 August Pledged Allegiance to the Flag

Board Members Present: Director, Treasurer, Secretary, Head Road Captain, Historian, LOH Officer, Membership, Photographer, Publicity (Sales), Safety Officer, and Webmaster.

Board Members Not Present: Assistant Director, and Editor.

Director’s Report/Comments: Mike made a motion to deduct $340.00 from the 4 Store Run proceeds and $660.00 from the chapter treasury for a charitable contribution of $1000.00 to a local charity. The motion was carried for a donation to a charity managed by the Mayer Fire Dept.

Nominations for officer positions will be conducted in October.

The director requested that members view the events calendar often.

Members will be notified by an email blast of upcoming rides/events. An RSVP from members who plan to attend the event would be greatly appreciated so as to have an approximate head count for planning and reservation purposes.

Please inform Mike if you are planning to attend the Regional Rally in Chandler.

Report accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasury input for June through July was $645.78. Output was $312.00. Balance as of Aug. 05 is $4112.54.

Report accepted as read.

Secretary’s Report: There were no minutes published because the July meeting was canceled due to the Goodwin fire.

Report accepted as read.

Head Road Captain: Wayne is planning a Pie Run to Pie Town, New Mexico on 09 Sept. There will be 2 overnight stays. Please contact Wayne if you are interested.

Robert Boykin was introduced as a new Road Captain.

Report accepted as read.

Historian: David is always on the lookout for chapter history. He has requested help retrieving CDs containing historical images that may be in the dealership archives.

Report accepted as read.

LOH Officer: The Christmas Party Committee is on track with preparations. Report accepted as read.

Continued on page 4


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2016 Officers

Director: Mike McKibben [email protected] 913-638-2974 Assistant Director: Troy Weigel [email protected] 623-258-6641 Treasurer: Garry Young [email protected] 928-710-8251 Secretary: Steven Beck [email protected] 928-515-2757 Membership: A.E. Morgan [email protected] 928-759-5797 Activities: TBD [email protected] Ladies of Harley: Shannon McKibben [email protected] Safety Officer: Bob Hastings [email protected] 773-251-9233 Head Road Captain: Wayne Schwetje [email protected] Photographer: Wayne Schwetje [email protected] 908-347-6763 Historian: David Owens [email protected] 928-910-9657 Publicity: Don Ridlon [email protected] 602-695-5367 Webmaster: Todd Carter 623-694-7979 Editor: Troy Weigel [email protected] 623-258-6641

3 LOH Notes

Hello Everyone! Hope you are enjoying end of summer activities

and anticipating the cooler weather!

We’ll have a short LOH and Christmas Party Committee

meeting following the Chapter meeting this month.

I’ve reached out to Rosa’s Pizzeria for catering this year – will

hopefully have some details before the meeting this Saturday.

Need some simple and easy ideas for table decorations that

we can also auction off for our charity giving!

The Christmas party is scheduled for December 9th – so put your artistic and creative caps on for Silent Auction items and dona-tions! Please feel free to send me your ideas and suggestions!

REMINDER – Ladies Garage Party this Saturday, 9/2 @3PM GCHD Mayer – sounds like fun!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Shannon McKibben - LOH Officer

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Editor’s Notes Hello Chapter Members and Friends, If you have received the agenda for the September General Membership meeting you should now know that I will not be coming back as the HOGwash Editor for 2018. I have had fun for the last two years as Editor. However, now is the time to pass the torch. So if any chapter member likes to be creative and help keep the chapter membership in-formed please let myself or the Director, Mike McKibben know by the October meeting. Don’t forget that we are still doing the hidden membership number contest. Somewhere in the newsletter are hidden National H.O.G. membership numbers. If you find that it is yours you need to attend the chapter meeting for the month that your number is listed (Sept.), let a chapter officer know where you saw it and you get first shot at one of the door prizes. I hope to hear from you soon!!! Troy Editor, HOGwash

Continued from page 2

Membership Officer: Morgan updated the chapter with the current membership status.

Report accepted as read.

Public Relations Officer: Please contact Don with questions concerning new advertisements for publica-tion in the Newsletter.

Report accepted as read.

Web Master: Todd gave an update on Linda’s condition since her mishap when they were riding through Montana. She is recuperating and our prayers are with her.

Report accepted as read.

Safety Officer: There is a CPR class in September and an Accident Scene Management class in October. Re-view the Newsletter for specific dates and times. You will receive Road Warrior Points for attending clas-ses.

Report accepted as read.

Brian Ray: Brian requested help driving to Virginia for towing a trailer back to Arizona. It will be sometime around Labor Day. He will cover all expenses.

Yavapai HOG vest: The dealership received an email pertaining to a recovered chapter vest with the road name ”Grumpy”. If any member knows of this person’s location please inform the dealership.

Accident Scene Management: During the raffle draw Christy Gransee won a seat for the October Accident Scene Management Class.

Attendance Award: Howard Kerstine had the winning ticket and received $175.00.

Adjourned: 1033am

Next General Meeting: 02 Sept. 2017 at 930am


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Hello Fellow HOG Members!

We will be hosting a CPR class at Mayer Harley Davidson on September 30th.

If you are interested you can sign up at the next 2 chapter meetings or email me at [email protected]. This class is $25.00 and will be limited to the first 20 peo-ple that sign up. So if you are interested don’t hesitate.


September 30th

Mayer Harley Davidson

8:00 to 12:00

Instructor: Teresa McClelland

Cost is $25.00

Limited to 20 people

Get out and ride and ride safe!

Bob Hastings

Safety Officer


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Group Riding Tips

1. At every club meeting, officers should encourage continued rider edu-cation and set the example by organizing and participating them-selves. All riders should be encouraged to improve their riding skills through rider education or a mentoring program, if qualified riders are available to help.

2. Pre-ride meetings must outline the route and rider expectations, con-

tact information and a regroup location should riders get separated. 3. Group ride policies should be somewhat flexible. Take lane position

for example. Typically, lead riders always stay in the left half of the lane and stagger is always maintained, regardless of traffic consider-ations. It would be better for the lead rider to be positioned where vis-ibility is best and escape options are maximized. Riders should not be expected to stay in mandatory positions that compromise safety.

4. When the lead rider repositions, the group should change stagger to


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5. Encourage all members to wear All The Gear All The Time(ATGATT). 6. Consider dividing a large group into smaller factions. Large groups can

easily become unmanageable , and too many riders in one formation on the road can restrict the flow of traffic while needlessly making ene-mies of those who see the group as an obstacle. Five groups of ten are far better than one group of 50 and 10 groups of 5 are better yet. Allow several minutes between each group.

7. Never ride twisty roads in a stagger or side by side and allow a space

cushion of at least 2 seconds between riders. The faster the group trav-els, the bigger the gap should be.

U.S. 2505435

Ride Safe!! Wayne

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Calendar Yavapai AZ H.O.G.

Sponsored and/or sanctioned rides and events. Listings are/may be subject to change.

August 2017

2 Chapter meeting, GC H-D , Mayer, 9:30 a.m. Hogs-n-Dogs immediately follows 11:00 to 1:00. 2 Ladies Garage Party, 3-6 p.m., GCH-D Mayer, Refreshments will be provided. 8-10 Combat Veterans Organization Convention; Rides to all GCH-D locations. Hot dogs will be provided at Mayer location. 9-10 Pie R2 Ride; Pie Town, N.M.; Meet at Chevron in Camp Verde (Route 260 & I-17) on the 9th at 9:00 a.m. with KSU at 9:30 a.m.; Call hotel at 928-333-4365 to book room; Contact Wayne Schwetje at [email protected] or Phone 908-347-6763 for more info. 15-16 Thunder Valley Rally, Cottonwood, AZ.; Go to for more info 19 Chapter Officers meeting; 1800 hrs, Garcia’s, P.V. 21 Chapter monthly dine out. Check calendar and look for future emails for details. 23 Open House GCH-D, Mayer, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; George Thorogood give away sometime during the day; contact dealership for more details. 30 CPR class GCH-D, Mayer, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.; see flyer in HOGwash, check calendar and call dealership for further details.

Have a Great Idea for a Ride or Event? Contact a Chapter Officer!

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Assistant Director’s Notes

Hello Fellow Chapter Members, The official end of summer has come with the Labor Day weekend. However, the riding season is go-ing strong. The chapter calendar has plenty of events listed. Our chapter has an awesome two day Pie Ride to Pie Town, N.M. It is being led by our Head Road Captain Wayne Schwetje. If have never been on a Pie Ride with Wayne you will be in for a real treat on this one. Wayne ALWAYS picks awesome routes to keep it fun and interesting. There several events going on throughout the state, especially in the Phoenix Valley area. Check the internet for info on these events. The West Regional H.O.G. Rally is taking place September 14th through the 16th. It is being held in Chandler, AZ. If you have never been to a H.O.G. Rally this is your chance. This is NOT a state rally, it is a regional rally. H.O.G. has discontinued state rallies, so this might be your last chance for awhile to enjoy a rally in your backyard. Go to the H.O.G. National site for more info about the rally. We as your chapter officers are always open to ideas about events and rides. Let us know what you might want to do, on or off the bike. Saddle Up, Lets Ride!!!!! Troy Assistant Director

Bowling Thunder “RIP:” Due to low participation all future Bowling Thunder events have been

canceled. It may be reviewed in the future and considered for reinstatement.


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10 August General Membership


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11 Pie R2 Ride; Wikieup, AZ

Luchia’s Restuarant

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Harley-Davidson Trivia

1. Willie G. is the grandson of which “Founding Father” of Harley-Davidson? 2. When did Willie G. retire from Harley-Davidson? 3. How many H-D executives teamed up to buy H-D from AMF? 4. What year did they buy H-D from AMF? 5. In what year did H-D change their bikes from black to gray? 6. What was the nickname of the new gray bike? 7. In what did the motorcycle replace the powered bicycle? 8. Who was H-D’s major competitor during the early years? 9. What were the names of the founders of Harley-Davidson? 10. How many different models are in the 2018 H-D line-up? 11. What major model line was discontinued in 2018?

Happy Birthday!

You get 10% off all purchases you make at GCH-D during your

birthday month. U.S. 4712715


For every chapter ride, you

must be at the meet up location

15 minutes prior to the KSU for

a safety meeting.

No exceptions!

Sept. Jackpot:


Reminder All submissions, articles or

photos, need to be turned in-to the editor by the 24th of

the month.

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HERE Mention ad and get 15% off

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Mention HOG Save 10%





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2016 Advertisement

Price Listing Ads must be camera ready.

If sent via email, images need to be in a JPEG file.

Business card: $10 month $90 annual ¼ page: $15 month $135 annual ½ page: $25 month $225 annual Full page: $50 month $450 annual

Make your check payable to: Yavapai AZ HOG Chapter 1271

Mail to: Yavapai AZ HOG ATTN: Don Ridlon Grand Canyon H-D

P. O. Box 1035 Mayer, AZ 86333

If you wish, you may also hand deliver your ad with payment to the Grand Canyon Harley-Davidson dealership, located at 10434 Highway 69 in Mayer, AZ. Please state “ATTN: Don Ridlon” on the envelope. We look forward to hearing from you. As an advertiser, you will be sent, via email, the HOGwash for each month that your advertisement runs. Thank you. Questions? Contact: Don Ridlon, Publicity Officer Yavapai AZ HOG Chapter 1271 [email protected], 602-695-5367

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