Download - Considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived › Sculptor, architect, scientist,


Key Figures of the Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci Considered to be one of the greatest

painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived› Sculptor, architect, scientist, inventor,

engineer, artist› The “Renaissance Man”

Known for› Mona Lisa› The Last Supper› Vitruvian Man


Sculptor, painter, architect, engineer

Known for › Statue of David› Sistine Chapel Ceiling › The Last Judgment› Pieta


Painter and architect Known for

› The School of Athens› Frescos in the Vatican› Madonnas (paintings of the mother mary)

Johannes Gutenberg

Invented movable type on the printing press› Made printing much faster and

cheaper! The Bible = first major book to be

printed with movable type› People could now read it for

themselves and started to question the Church!

William Shakespeare

Wrote many plays and sonnets during the Golden Age of Queen Elizabeth in England

Plays were performed at the Globe› Only male actors

Known for works such as Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew, Macbeth etc.

Geoffrey Chaucer

Author, poet, philosopher Often called the Father of English

Literature One of the first writers to write in the

vernacular Known for his work The Canterbury


Sir Thomas More

English philosopher, humanist and statesmen

Wrote books: Utopia, and History of King Richard III.

Worked closely with Henry VIII who later had him arrested and executed

Is a Saint in the Catholic Church

Isabella D’Este Considered the First Lady of the

Renaissance Patron of the arts and a leader in

fashion Patron of arts for artists such as

Leonardo Da Vinci