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Authors Marcelo de Carvalho Pereira, PhD student at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, [email protected] "[ Click here & type Author 2 Name, Organisation/Affiliation, Email Address]" "[ Click here & type Author 3 Name, Organisation/Affiliation, Email Address]" *underline presenting author’s name(s)


The objective of this paper is the study of the dynamics of competition in the access market of the

internet sector, through the application of History-friendly agent-based simulation methodology. The

simulation model is based on neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary theory, as well as on the relevant attributes of

contemporary institutional theory. The focus of research is the analysis of the processes of industry structure

organization and change and their impact on interfirm competitive dynamics.

Internet sector was originated from the confluence of telecommunications and IT sectors, under

intense support from the US government. It became a leading economic sector following the privatization

wave that swept the world in the ‘90s. One key driver of the internet sector has been the intense

technological opportunity. However, competition in the internet access market has proved less intense, in

most countries, than in other technology-driven industries, including different segments of the internet sector

itself. The empirical results arising from the analysis of competition in the access market are not adequately

explained by evolutionary or institutional theories individually, or by traditional industrial organization. Our

hypothesis to explain this situation is that some features of the institutional environment, associated to the

evolutionary underlying forces, were determinant for the dynamics of the competition process. However, this

combination of factors is not usual in the agent-based evolutionary models available, requiring careful

modelling of the institutional features. We suggest that the integration of a dual, coevolutionary theoretical

perspective would allow better consideration of stylized facts resulting from empirical analysis on the sector.

A modelling solution is proposed to answer some of the key questions about the dynamics of

competition in the internet access market. In particular, a History-friendly approach seems to be convenient

for the task, given the availability of historical data and the possibility of using it to help parameter

calibration and results validation. Critical relationships, among equipment suppliers, internet access

providers and end users, were modelled in detail. Technological innovation is driven by capital equipment

suppliers, modelled through a proxy “monolithic vendor” whose offer mimics the expected outcome of

Schumpeterian competition. Such vendor provides access provider firms with networks able to service end

users. Access services offer is modelled in two dimensions: price and quality. End user choice is based on

those dimensions but is also influenced by decisions of other users. Strategic choice of access provider firms

is modelled as a local adaptive learning process, reinforcing the importance of both search procedures and

social networks. Model parameters and initial conditions were calibrated using empirical data as reference

whenever possible. Most data used was gathered from the Brazilian market, which is similar to data sets

coming from other countries. Sensitivity analysis was performed to suggest critical parametric space regions

and counterfactual analysis opportunities.

The results provided by the simulation model validated the theoretical hypotheses proposed. The

systemic competitive mechanisms unveiled by simulation analysis were strongly dependent on institutional

features, as expected. The establishment of social networks – among access providers and end users –

induced some relevant emergent properties in the simulated system, which simultaneously reduced

aggressive competition and reshaped user preferences beyond pure price and quality considerations. Longer

cycles of innovation diffusion – due to consequences of unintended decisions of the state – also played a

relevant role in supporting market concentration. These institutional phenomena were strong enough to

produce results that are significantly different from similar models in technologically dynamic industries but

close to the empirical evidence gathered from the internet access industry. Model results made clear the

importance of a coevolutionary, History-friendly modelling approach to the analysis of industries like

internet access services.

Key Words: History-friendly, agent-based, simulation, industrial economics, evolutionary, institutional,

complexity, internet


1. Introduction

The internet sector1 is one key element of what some authors call the transition to the “information

economy”. The sector was originated from the revolution of the information and communication

technologies (ICT). The telecommunications industry, a key component of the internet sector from its

inception, became an even stronger driver of development from the 1990s, after the privatisation,

deregulation and competition introduction processes occurred in most countries. In this scenario, superficial

analysis would envisage the resulting internet access services market (IASM) operating under strong

competition, due to the promising association of low barriers to entry, rapidly growing demand and

significant technological opportunities. However, IASM seems better described by low intensity competition

in some countries, like Brazil. The apparent contradiction between an attractive market to innovative entrants

and the reduced competition verified in practice is the central question here.

Empirical research showed that adequate answers for this question require a somewhat deeper than

usual analytical approach, as usual methods like standard industrial organization could provide only partial

answers, at best. We advocate that one critical reason for the observed outcomes is the importance of

institutional phenomena for the competitive dynamics. Furthermore, empirical evidence points also to the

importance of fast evolving technology in the shaping of the internet sector as a whole. In principle, this

suggests a neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary approach as an appropriate way to understand sectoral

competition. Most of the technological innovation in the IASM is embedded in capital equipment, centrally

developed by a few large multinationals and made available to domestic internet access service provider

(IASP) firms operating in markets all over the world. Nonetheless, the competitive configuration of the

IASM seems to be country specific, notwithstanding the technology availability. This suggests that

technology dynamics, despite significant, may have limited potential to explain large asymmetries

experienced between domestic IASMs.

To supplement an evolutionary approach, our key analytical hypothesis is that country-specific

differences are due to the relatively heterogeneous institutional frameworks, to a large extent. An

institutional perspective seems to articulate well with evolutionary theory, given the potential

complementarity between both. An institutional line of inquiry allows for the improved appreciation of inter

and intra-sectoral interactions and the role of relevant social factors, like culture, shared cognitive

frameworks, social networks, power and the state. Nevertheless, as remember Dosi et al. (2005), this

articulation is not without risks. If, on the one hand, it avoids an innocent perspective of technological

determinism, often attributed to Schumpeterian reasoning, on the other hand, it opens space for a radical

form of social constructivism.

With those issues in mind, we propose modelling both the institutional and evolutionary mechanisms

in action by adopting agent-based simulation techniques to investigate the processes that organize

competition. Obviously, one main task of the model is to test how well the institutional dominance

hypothesis holds. From a methodological standpoint, we embrace the History-friendly approach, proposed by

Malerba et al. (1999), as general guidance. On the empirical side, we selected data from Brazil to set up the

model. We believe Brazil is a compelling case to start with, because of the reasonably complex institutional

scenario and the availability of detailed data. From there it should be straightforward to reconfigure the

model to handle conditions applicable to other countries.

Competition is a broad theme, so it is necessary to define our targets clearly. This paper represents

only a first step of research, about presenting the overall and initial results produced by the model. Further

refinement and detailing of the analysis is unquestionably necessary. Here, we propose focusing on the

general processes driving firms’ decisions, in terms of product prices, qualities and quantities, as well users’

preferences and choices and the resulting market organization. Under a somewhat restricted approach,

market organization and competition are evaluated in terms of market share concentration evolution, firm

entry/exit dynamics and services price/quality/margin trajectories.

The paper is organized as follow. Next section presents the literature supporting the theoretical

framework employed. Section three offers an appreciative empirical analysis of the IASM in Brazil,

1 Pertinent segments of the internet sector include: access services, equipment manufacturing, systems development and content


providing an overview of the key stylized facts identified. Section four presents some key specifications of

the simulation model. In section five, the main model results are analysed, and brief explanations for the

stylized facts are proposed, based on the model’s internal mechanisms. The paper closes with a review of the

main conclusions.

2. Background literature

From the classical economics in the XIX century, market organization and competition have been

influential subjects. As early models of perfect competition, monopoly and standard oligopoly fell short in

providing adequate explanations to the XX century complex oligopolies (see Chandler, 1990), new

theoretical approaches developed from the 1930s. A new field of studies was created, industrial

organization/economics, initially dominated by the structure-conduct-performance paradigm (Bain, 1959)

and, more recently, by the extensive use of game theory (Tirole, 1988).

Industrial organization introduced several new concepts useful for market analysis. The relevance of

(static) barriers to entry (Bain, 1959) is a key concept to understand market situations where entry of new

firms is difficult or unlikely, sometimes leading to natural monopolies, as is the usual explanation for the

telephony monopolies that prevailed until the 1990s. More recent developments, like the contestable markets

hypothesis (Baumol et al., 1982), network effects (Katz and Shapiro, 1985) and the Stackelberg-Spence-Dixit

model (Tirole, 1988), provided further analytical tools. However, notwithstanding some relevant insights on

explaining concentrated markets, mainstream industrial organization failed short so far in handling complex

dynamics comprehensively, as pointed by several authors (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Dosi, 1982; Kirman,

1997; Metcalfe, 1998; Pyka and Fagiolo, 2005).

Based on Schumpeter’s (1943) creative destruction perspective of capitalist interfirm competition,

Nelson and Winter (1982) proposed evolutionary theory. In such perspective, competition is not directly

related to static efficiency because of innovation – technical or organizational – that relentlessly change the

competitive environment, by dynamically redefining the relative advantages hold by competing firms,

making ex ante definition of competition organization impossible (Dosi and Nelson, 2010). Evolutionary

theory is particularly adequate to explain sectors driven by the technological dynamics and the interaction of

the agents beyond pure market transactions (Malerba, 2006). Competing firms have different capabilities

(Teece et al., 1997), on top of what they try to adapt continuously to the competitive scenario by innovating.

Successful innovators grow and eventually increase their profits; others shrink and may get out of the

market. Fitness, in this scenario, represent the skills that bounded rational2 firms have to solve the specific

problems – technical, organizational or political – they face in the competitive selection process (Cyert and

March, 1963; Nelson, 1995).

When Schumpeterian competition takes place, market structure becomes endogenous (Nelson and

Winter, 1982), presenting itself as an emergent property of the differential innovation capabilities among

firms (Metcalfe, 1998). Heterogeneous capabilities represent contradictory forces leading, at the same time,

to oligopolistic markets and to turbulent competitive dynamics, being the sector-specific balance between

both determinants to industry organization (Dosi, 1982). However, the coexistence, within the same sector,

of markets under highly distinct competitive profiles is not straightforward to grasp from a pure evolutionary

analytical standpoint. Once those markets share the same technological regime3 (Malerba and Orsenigo,

2000), some similarities would be expected, as suggested by the typologies proposed by Schumpeter (1942),

Pavitt (1984), Breschi et al. (2000) or Klepper (2006): high turbulence (intense entry and exit), frequent

technological innovation and constant erosion of incumbents’ dominance and market shares.

The application of concepts derived from institutional theory, in particular the approach proposed by

the organizational studies (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983), seem able to clarify some points not addressed by

evolutionary theory. Under the approach originated from organizational studies, institutions have to be

considered beyond their normative and regulatory aspects, by including a cultural-cognitive instance

(DiMaggio, 1988; Powell, 1991). In this perspective, cognitive structures shared among actors are also

institutions, because they condition the behavioural alternatives available to agents (Scott, 2008).

2 Bounded rationality is a residual category proposed by Simon (1979), characterized by any form of rationality inferior to

omniscience, or substantive rationality, due to cognitive limitations of individuals under a strong form of uncertainty. 3 As defined by the relevant technological features, like the available opportunities, the appropriability conditions, the knowledge

cumulativeness profile and the nature of the knowledge base (Pereira, 2012).

Institutionalization, in such context, is the process where patterns of behaviour or thought become shared by

actors (Jepperson, 1991; Dequech, 2009). In addition to the instrumental and formal institutions considered

by new institutional economics authors (see North, 1990; Williamson, 2000), the organizational studies

approach gives analytical emphasis to the roles of culture, cognition and social interaction in producing

informal and taken-for-granted types of institutions (DiMaggio, 1988; Thornton and Ocasio, 2008). Because

cultural-cognitive elements are based on preconscious, taken-for-granted premises, they constitute the deeper

level of the institutional framework (Beckert, 1999) and so cannot be assumed only as an instrumental tool

created by agents (Battilana et al., 2009).

Cultural-cognitive, normative and regulatory elements are the constitutive blocks of institutions

(Scott, 2008), and their alignment is critical to institutional persistence (Tolbert and Zucker, 1996). Those

elements, when misaligned, represent a resource to agents willing to change the institutional framework for

its own purposes, in what is frequently called institutional entrepreneurship (DiMaggio, 1988; Garud and

Karnøe, 2001). Culture and mental models provide the cognitive elements agents require to provide sense to

the actions of other individuals with whom they interact (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983) as well to perceive

the prevailing institutions and their changes (Denzau and North, 1994; Dobbin, 2004). As a result, agents

adopt shared mental models to structure their action and interaction, while taking in account their objectives

too. The existence of taken-for-granted institutions is not disconnected from purposeful action (DiMaggio

and Powell, 1983). A common cultural-cognitive context is required to enable interaction within a field, thus

associating an institutional framework with the context of the social interactions in that field (Bourdieu,

1972). Fields are made of specific social networks, and these networks generate differentiated power

positions to be fulfilled by agents (Hardy and Maguire, 2008; Beckert, 2010). This implies the consideration

of power relations in the establishment of cognitive structures that are the foundation of taken-for-granted

institutions (Dobbin, 2004). As a consequence, it is expected that different social network arrangements

produce distinct field organizations and institutions (Fligstein, 2001b).

New institutions depend on agents with adequate social skills, able to introduce new ideas and

meanings in their networks of influence and induce cooperation and accommodation between potentially

competing groups (Fligstein, 2001b). Ideas – mental schemes or premises – are powerful tools to the

institutionalization process because they provide actors with cognitive frames that justify and legitimate

action (Scott, 2008). Institutionalization and legitimation are critical steps of institutions development,

allowing their gradual transition from conscious habituation to cultural objectification, when social

consensus is achieved (Tolbert and Zucker, 1996). However, this development is not automatic; conflicts,

contradictions, and ambiguities are intrinsic to the process (DiMaggio and Powell, 1991). Failure in

conciliating interests or identities may block institutional consolidation or accelerate its decline (Fligstein,

2001b), once there is no structural “guarantee” of permanence (Storper and Salais, 1997).

In a perspective of “unstable” institutions, relying on social networks, powerful actors’ role becomes

relevant, because these players depend on the stabilization of institutions to keep their power (Thornton and

Ocasio, 2008). Consequently, incumbents have a common interest to minimize the impacts of challenger’s

actions and avoid institutional entrepreneurship (Fligstein, 1997; Hardy and Maguire, 2008). While more

frequently restrictive, under certain conditions institutions enable skilled challengers of the existing

institutional order (DiMaggio, 1988; Hwang and Powell, 2005). Formal or tacit agreements between capable

incumbents are a strong form of collective action to allow for a stable order under their control, being

stabilization and reproduction of fields crucially dependent on the social skills of these players (Giddens,

1984; Powell, 1991).

When markets are analysed as organizational fields (Bourdieu, 1972), it becomes evident that

hierarchical networks may foster specific taken-for-granted market institutions, usually aligned with the

interests of incumbents (Fligstein, 2001a). Field theory, then, helps us to understand how heterogeneity,

conflicts and strategic actions of agents may be reconciled with stable markets, as more frequently observed

(Powell, 1991; Fligstein, 1997). Economic processes are simultaneously “constrained and carried by

networks defined by recurring patterns of interaction among agents” (Arthur et al., 1997:6). By “absorbing”

individual agents, “social networks are the carriers of new economic practices and new ideas of what it

means to be rational and efficient” (Dobbin, 2004:5), relativizing the role of agency in its stronger forms.

Market development is in part a product of historically created institutional and political

arrangements (North, 1990; Storper and Salais, 1997). The appearance of formal and informal governance

structures, that regulate cooperation and competition in a sector, is the outcome of active institutional

entrepreneurship during its emergence or transformation (Coriat and Weinstein, 2005). In this perspective,

the neoclassical price competition mechanism becomes representative of the failure of the governance

construction process, where the absence of coordination among agents turns aggressive price competition the

de facto mode of governance (Powell, 1991). On the other hand, successful governance institutionalization

may help reducing price aggressiveness of firms and easing market stabilization (Fligstein, 2001a).

In summary, the proposed framework for sectoral analysis is based on the premise of dual dynamics,

where technological and institutional vectors drive the competition organization. Both vectors have

evolutionary nature, in the sense they involve trials, errors and learning along path dependent trajectories in

the historic time (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Storper and Salais, 1997). This coevolutionary scheme is

suggested by authors from both traditions (Hodgson, 1988; Nelson and Sampat, 2001; Fligstein and Dauter,

2007; Scott, 2008) as a more comprehensive analytical perspective in certain scenarios.

The adoption of simulation models, as analytical devices, is a feature of evolutionary theory from its

inception (Nelson and Winter, 1982; Garavaglia, 2010). History-friendly models represent a second

generation of evolutionary models, focused on the study of specific industrial sectors and their time

trajectories, at a more limited level of generality (Pyka and Fagiolo, 2005). On the other hand, simulation

usage is less frequent in institutional studies, despite several recent advances (Arthur, 2000). Complex

economic systems are usually better modelled by agent-based simulation, notwithstanding the incipient

methodological standardization, in comparison to other alternatives (see Metcalfe and Foster, 2004;

Tesfatsion, 2006). The complexity perspective, which largely backs agent-based modelling, privileges the

inquiry on “meso”-level phenomena, essential to represent the heterogeneous networks of social

relationships present on real markets (Potts, 2000; Colander, 2005). Dynamic processes determining network

connections, under the strategic action of agents and the institutional environment they are subject to, lead to

emergent events better understood under this perspective (Holland, 1988).

3. Appreciative empirical analysis4

Borrowing the fortunate concept of Breschi and Malerba (1997), we suggest that a sectoral system of

innovation and production perspective of the internet is an adequate approach to the sectoral appreciative

analysis (Edquist, 2004). In this line, analysis should focus around a given group of close products, in our

case the internet access services, and empirical investigation shall try to explore the relationships among

agents (supply and demand), knowledge (including technologies) and institutions (Malerba, 2005).

A prominent characteristic of the internet is its governance organizations. Derived from innovative

institutional entrepreneurship, internet’s regulation and standardization bodies are powerful, mostly non-

governmental and open to most of the sectoral actors (Mowery and Simcoe, 2002). These organizations

were crucial to the required coordination of agents, in a complex and uncertain technological environment,

leading to the construction of highly sophisticated knowledge and production networks (Kavassalis et al.,

1996). Because of this institutional setup, technical innovation processes in the sector, to a large extent, took

a collective prospect that defined key properties of its knowledge base (Cerf et al., 2000). Despite the

intrinsic cumulativeness of the knowledge base required to implement the physical internet and the services

around it, the collective dimension of its construction – associated with explicit (non-tacit) standardization –

resulted in relative low levels of appropriability. This potent mechanism offered vast technological

opportunities for an unusual large number of competing agents; collaboration and competition processes

were key factors to the fast development of the internet and its supporting technologies (Corrocher, 2001).

Simultaneously with internet development, the telecommunications sector went through a significant

change process during the 1990s. State owned monopolies all over the world were swiftly privatized,

frequently at the same time when competition was introduced in those markets (Edquist, 2004). Considering

the growing importance of data communication infrastructure to the deployment of the internet, telecom

operators’ legacy physical networks naturally became the initial fabric of the internet (Dalum and Villumsen,

2003). Remarkably, physical networks were not the only legacy from the telecom sector to the internet.

Taking advantage of their early hold of essential parts of the new sectoral system, privatized telecom

operators typically leveraged their position in the florescent IASM (Davies, 1996), obtaining significant

competitive advantage during the critical market formation period (Edquist, 2004). This experience is

4 For details on all empirical data presented in this section, and the respective sources, see Pereira, 2012.

markedly different from other segments of the internet sector, like hardware, software or content, where

many prominent firms are relatively young, originated inside or around this other growing internet markets.

It should be noted that IASM concentration has some distinctive characteristics from the situation

prevailing during old-time telephony monopolies. Owing to the mostly nonproprietary and non-tacit nature

of internet knowledge base and technologies, as well the strong standardization efforts of its governance

organizations, interconnection among competing physical networks are almost universal and costless5.

Consequently, the significant network externalities offered by the internet do not provide larger IASPs with

relevant competitive advantages in most situations6. Thus, differently from the natural monopoly case of

telephony, it is in principle possible to entrant IASPs to challenge incumbent operators successfully (Noam,

1994), as demonstrated by relevant examples in many countries.

There are three milestones in access services technological trajectory. Dial-up access was the initial

“narrowband” technology available to most internet users during the 1990s. Based on direct overlay usage of

the existing telephony network, its implementation was painless and not dependent on collaboration from

telecom operators to a large extent. Not surprisingly, this was the most competitive phase of the IASM in

many countries. Fixed broadband was the second mainstream technological step, introduced in the late

1990s. Contrary to dial-up, fixed broadband technologies where specifically designed to take advantage of

incumbents’ network infrastructure, making their offer hard to be replicated by entrants without explicit

support from legacy telecom operators. Mobile broadband is the latest form of internet access, based on the

utilization of state-allocated radio spectrum to provide wireless services. Despite existing infrastructure and

user base provide an edge to incumbent telecom operators, wireless technologies open more competitive

opportunities for entrants. There are other niche access technologies available, like satellite and fibre optics,

but they still have relatively small penetration in most countries.

In most OECD countries, each consecutive technological step has diffused in decreasing timeframes.

While dial-up access took 5 years from the launch of first offers to the beginning of massive adoption, fixed

broadband poured out in less than 4 years, and mobile broadband took between 3 (3G) to 2 (4G) years to

achieve mainstream market penetration. On the other hand, in cases like Brazil the same process has taken

the opposite direction. From 5 years to dial-up diffusion, diffusion took 6 years for fixed broadband and 8

years for 3G mobile broadband (no 4G yet). As mentioned before, new access technologies are embedded in

new network equipment and terminals, developed and supplied by few large multinational firms, so their

availability is relatively universal. Thus, new technology diffusion is critically connected to domestic

operators decisions, sometimes also associated with the availability of some required complementary assets,

like state-granted radio spectrum.

Anecdotal evidence shows that the singular diffusion pattern observed in Brazil was not fortuitous.

Intense action by the incumbents was targeted on the regulatory agency to postpone the issue of licenses to

new operators. The intimate cultural-cognitive and personal connections between operators’ representatives

and the new administration agents, usually coming from monopoly period, enabled the establishment of a

harsh regulatory environment to entrant operators. This effectively prevented any new competitor to

anticipate the launch of both fixed and mobile broadband. When new technologies where finally “allowed”,

the incumbents were in the right timing to embrace them. This was even more apparent in the case of mobile

internet, where 3G/UMTS and 4G/LTE radio spectrum auctions were kept on hold for more than 4 years,

based on the general understanding – between incumbents and administration – that was necessary to

depreciate the existing networks adequately before introducing new technologies. In our view, this was not a

usual situation of regulatory capture. Even market analysts and specialized journalists, at the time, used that

same argument to justify the regulatory agency “moderation”. No relevant debates took place at the time on

the subject of the eventual consequences to the competition (one of the three pillars of the formal regulatory

regime). After all, this was the way telecom infrastructure was operated in the past 100+ years. Under the

state monopoly regime, it was perfectly rational to maximize the lifetime of scarce capital. Thus, it seems

reasonable to suggest, ex post, that this same worldview was taken-for-granted as part the now prevailing

institutional framework.

5 At least among same tier IASPs, but anecdotal evidence is that, even for smaller players, interconnection costs are not significant

barriers for domestic competition in most countries. 6 To most users it is irrelevant if accessing the internet from a large or small IASP, assuming both adopt the same technical quality

parameters, once all networks are interconnected.

Internet access services became a highly concentrated business in Brazil. The 4 incumbent players,

originated from the privatization of the telecommunications monopoly, dominate almost 80% of the national

IASM. If we exclude dial-up access, their share goes over 90%. All the usual indicators (HHI > 0.25, C4 >

0.85) point to high market concentration at the national level, in a scenario of market share stability and

limited competition among the incumbents, which usually concentrated in different geographical regions.

When analysed at the state level7, concentration is even higher: the local privatized incumbent operator alone

holds in average 60% of market share. Despite the formally open market and the 1900+ small firms

providing internet access services in Brazil (as of March 2011), only one new company successfully

managed to enter the IASM and become a significant player, in the last 10 years.

The impact of IASM organization on prices is evident. Minimum access prices are 32% higher than

the OECD average, despite the much lower average access bandwidth in Brazil. The 2011 International

Telecommunications Union (ITU) broadband costs ranking shows Brazilian fixed broadband in position 56

among 165 countries (higher ranks represent more expensive services) and mobile broadband took the last

position among the 21 countries considered. In a similar survey done by UNCTAD, mobile broadband prices

in Brazil got the worst place among 78 countries.

Notwithstanding the high relative prices of internet access in Brazil, average price per connected

internet user has fallen at a fairly steady rate of 13% every year (2004-2010). However, markups were kept

by incumbents at a relatively stable level, above 50%. When comparing price reductions with service

penetration rise, it seems sensible to suppose that it was the interest of incumbents in augmenting the user

base that led price adjustments. The observed price reductions were close to the ones required to match the

increase in the number of users in the period 2005-2010, except for 2006. In other words, if price reductions

were smaller, as was the case in 2006, service penetration growth would have been reduced significantly8.

Consequently, it seems logical to the incumbents to move prices along the demand curve, increasing

marginal revenues while average unit costs keep at least constant9, as for the classical monopolist.

In summary, the evidence gathered in empirical research can be synthesised in four key stylized

facts. First, Brazilian IASM presents persistent market concentration, with the dominance of legacy

incumbents – originated from the privatized public monopoly – and restricted room for new competitors.

Second, empirical data shows a low rate of successful entry, despite entry is neither formally blocked nor

impossible de facto, as the single counterexample available demonstrates. Third, longer than expected

technological diffusion cycles have characterized the introduction of new generation services, even though

the required technical artefacts were readily available to both incumbents and entrants, in a pattern of

succeeding longer diffusion cycles when compared to more competitive markets. Fourth, evidence suggests

reduced price-based competition, in the face of limited product differentiation and high markups enacted by

existing IASPs, being price reduction apparently instrumental to the growth of incumbents.

4. Model definition

The next analytical step is the specification of the simulation model. The main objective of a

History-friendly model is to test if its theoretical hypotheses are logically compatible and to what extent with

the empirical stylized facts (Malerba et al., 1999; Windrum et al., 2007). However, the purpose of the model

goes beyond hypothesis testing. It intends, in more general terms, to select, submit, and combine ideas and

hypotheses – including causal relations between variables – while staying compatible with stylized facts

(Pyka and Fagiolo, 2005). Furthermore, the model may generate results that are not immediately or readily

derived from theory, enabling deeper understanding of fundamental causal mechanisms of complex systems

(Axelrod and Tesfatsion, 2006).

The proposed model was specified to study the interactions among sets of users, IASP firms,

technologies and critical institutions, as pointed by theoretical and empirical analysis, to enable the

identification of the main features of an artificial representation of the IASM. The model is based on a set of

difference equations, defining discrete time series for selected state variables of the model. Each simulation

7 Brazil is divided in 26 states plus the federal capital district. 8 On the other hand, higher growths would have been limited by the rise of the number of available unconnected terminals, which are

the upper hard constraint for internet services penetration. 9 There is strong empirical support to the presence of economies of scale on the provision of telecom services, including internet


run is then defined by a set of times series from all state variables. The model is time driven and all

contemporaneous events are supposed to take place simultaneously, in each time step t (t = 1, 2, 3, …, N,

where N is the simulation length). Such contemporaneous time convergence requires that the order of

equations valuation to be specified properly, to avoid ambiguities. This is achieved through the careful

specification of the lag structure of each variable and the definition of a fixed evaluation order for the

equation set.

Behavioural difference equations are processed in the following sequence: (a) the proxy monolithic

network equipment vendor performs technology search, trying to increase the productivity of existing

technology vintages and, eventually, launch new, more productive ones; (b) prospective entrant IASPs

evaluate convenience (profitability and opportunity) of entry, and, if so, select initial network capacity and

strategy; (c) IASPs select prices and investments for the period, given the (myopic) expectations of increase

(or decrease) in the number of users; (d) new potential users come to the market while market saturation is

not reached; (e) users whom do not have an assigned IASP (new comers or without contract) choose a new

IASP, according to their preferences, budget and the influence of other users; (f) IASPs decide about

investment financing and use of profits; and (g) bankrupt or too small IASPs leave the market.

Full model documentation is available at Model

specification was coded in C++ using the Laboratory for Simulation Development (LSD) created by Marco

Valente (2002). The model is composed of 42 main equations, of which 25 are critical, because of the

incorporation of key theoretical premises. Full explanation for each behavioural difference equation in the

model is presented in Pereira (2012). Next, we briefly introduce some equations that model critical features

of the model in three areas: demand and supply clearing, strategic learning, and technological innovation.

Demand is modelled through heterogeneous users, in two dimensions: budget and preferences. User

k is interested in contract internet access services for multiple time steps paying a fixed price each. IASP i

offers a single combination of access price and quality in any given time step t. Every time a user is

out of a contract, she ranks all IASPs according to a utility function10

and selects the IASP with the

highest utility considering her budget .


This mechanism represents an implicit replicator equation (Metcalfe, 1998) because, as all

individual users chose their IASPs, it defines the resulting market shares for each IASP, in every period.

Parameters , and represent user preferences weight in terms of price, quality and market share, for

any IASP. is the weighted market price. is the quality of IASP i as perceived by user k and is its

market share. The third term in (1) is a proxy to the relational influence of other users’ choices on the

individual preferences and represents a positive externality to (larger) firms. It should be noted that this is not

the classical network externality (Shy, 2001), bearing in mind users have no direct benefit in choosing the

same IASP as her acquaintances. On the contrary, such a disposition might cause the user to choose an IASP

with inferior objective attributes (in price or quality), but more “popular”, even in the absence of tangible


The quality offered by the IASP to all its users in t, is inversely proportional to the utilization of

its network total installed capacity . By definition, the capital equipment vendor designs one unit of

network physical capacity in order to meet the demand from one user. Thus, is the current number of

users of IASP i. q is a fixed parameter and accounts for nonlinearity between capacity mismatch and quality.


10 The use of continuous utility functions is criticized for its poor adherence to the empirical experience (VALENTE, 2009).

Nevertheless, the simplicity of a traditional Cobb-Douglas function was preferred for the initial analytical stage.

The total installed capacity depends on the productivity and the stock of each technology

vintage j installed in IASP’s network. Every IASP has distinct vintages in operation at time t.


IASPs assess the need for increasing installed capacity each time step. All required investment

adopts the most current technology . Firms decide investment based on the expected network capacity

required plus the incurred depreciation . is the unit price of technology . Investment is

subject to a technology-specific minimum scale . is a non-fixed parameter defining the target

quality, according to the current strategy of IASP i.


Firms plan network capacity prospectively for n periods, by setting expectations for

acquisition (or loss) of new users. Smaller firms (market share below the parameter ) project demand

from the customer base evolution in previous planning period. Parameter represents the qualitative

expectations about the future ( representing accelerating growth). Larger firms ( ) evaluate

future demand in terms of total market growth ( ) and on the expectation of relative

performance ( pointing to market share rise).


When firm has an expectation of reduction in the number of customers, it keeps the existing installed

capacity. If necessary, reduction of capacity occurs through depreciation without equipment replacement.

Prices are determined, in principle, based on the desired price compatible with target

profitability . However, each available strategy, to be presented next, defines also different

complementary objectives and those may conflict with . is the total running cost per period.


For example, we present the price setting criterion for strategy type 1 (Table 1). Here, strategy gives

priority to increase market share, while preventing prices below expected unit cost or above . New

price decision is taken in consideration of the rate of market share change and its significance with

respect to the sensibility threshold parameter . is a price change “aggressiveness” parameter.


Organizational innovation is modelled as an evolutionary process of strategic search by IASPs that

seek “satisficing” rates of return on investment under the largest market share compatible with this rate. To

pursue it, they can adjust their short term goals for price and quality and some other behavioural parameters.

The model allows different algorithms to implement strategies, including adaptive mechanisms, i.e., the

search for better strategies if current strategy fails. This process is based on the comparison of IASP own

results with those of competitors. Thus, the model allows strategies to pass through a selection mechanism

based on learning and imitation. However, the model supports only a predefined set of strategies, listed in

Table 1. IASPs in distinct social groups – incumbents or entrants – have somewhat distinct strategy sets, in a

“small world” organization (Watts, 1999). It is supposed that every firm knows the set of strategic

alternatives available in its social group and their average performance over time.

Table 1 – Available business strategies.

ID Strategy Group Description

1 Share seeker I/E Maximize market share, keep profitability at target if possible under fixed quality target

2 Share seeker +

low quality I/E

Maximize market share, keep profitability at target if possible under low quality target

3 Group price follower

I Follow weighted average incumbent price under fixed quality target

E Follow weighted average entrant price under fixed quality target

4 Group price & quality


I Follow weighted average incumbent price and quality

E Follow weighted average entrant price and quality

5 Market price follower I/E Follow weighted average market price under fixed quality target

6 Market price & quality

follower I/E Follow weighted average market price and quality

7 Profit seeker I/E Seek profitability only under fixed quality target

8 Top quality I/E High quality target under high price

9 Low price I/E Set price to weighted average market unit cost under low quality target

(I/E: available for incumbents and entrants; I: incumbents only; E: entrants only)

Strategic learning algorithm works as follow: after a fixed period since the last change of strategy,

each IASP assess whether its profitability target is reached. If so, it maintains the current strategy. If not,

it evaluates whether the strategies of competitors, within its social group, are providing better outcomes over

time, in terms of the weighted average results obtained by the adopters. If this is the case, it imitates the best

strategy. In exceptional situations (multiple periods of negative cash flow or market share close to zero), the

assessment of strategies becomes less demanding and imitation requires only profitability or market share

exceeding those of problematic IASP. Entrant IASPs pick the best current strategy practice on start.

There are two types of technological innovation in the model: incremental, associated to

improvements of existing technology vintages, and radical, when new vintages are introduced by the proxy

monolithic vendor. Accordingly, two types of search routines are configured, both modelled as two-step

stochastic, productivity-enhancer processes. At any time, there is a single best practice in terms of the most

productive technology and all IASPs are aware of it. Thus, stochastic components are not present in the

technical search of IASPs, since the model assumes that they simply pick the most current equipment

available when required.

There is a probability in each time step of a technological advance. This probability

has Poisson distribution as presented and (incremental innovation of existing vintages) or (radical

innovation, generating new technology vintage) is the success parameter.


If first stage spawns an advance, a new potential for productivity (incremental) or (radical)

is produced with normal distribution, based on current productivity or respectively. Standard

deviation of incremental productivity improvement is decreasing as technology gets older. ,

and are parameters.



Technological advance is adopted only if it improves productivity.


5. Model main results

Most of the model’s 41 parameters and 9 lagged variables requiring non-trivial initial conditions

were calibrated using empirical data, as appropriate in a History-friendly approach. Simulation time was

adjusted so 1 time step is equivalent to 1 quarter (3 months). All model results were evaluated by statistical

parameter estimation over samples of 100 simulation runs, due to the presence of stochastic elements in the

model. Sample size was selected to ensure at least ±5% precision at 95% confidence level. Statistical

distributions of most variables were unimodal and sufficiently symmetrical to justify the adoption of

averages and standard deviations as representative parameters of model results. After initial calibration,

sensitivity analysis of all parameters and initial conditions was performed, to identify critical parameters.

Parameters and initial conditions were extensively tested around calibration figures in ranges large enough to

encompass maximum and minimum values compatible with reasonably expected empirical magnitudes.

Interestingly, only a relative small number of parameters were critical on producing the main model results

associated to the simulated market organization. Impact analysis of parameters and initial conditions on 10

selected structural indicators11

was performed by ANOVA tests at 1% significance. Of 50 parameters and

initial conditions, 13 showed overall significant statistical impact, but only 5 were relevant in a qualitative

dimension, meaning their variation generated different competitive outcomes effectively. For details on each

step of model setup and test, see Pereira (2012).

Simulated IASM starts with 4 IASPs and 1.8 million potential service users, conforming to empirical

data. Potential user growth is modelled as a contagion process, leading to the usual logistic shape, adjusted to

the Brazilian data. User growth reaches saturation around . New users have random individual

budgets distributed according to real data. They also have heterogeneous preferences defined randomly and

uniformly over the allowed ranges.

Observing model output, it is not evident that price-based competition is moderate. Weighted

average price and quality in the virtual market had an undeniable down trend, more intense for prices. During

the phase of fast market growth ( average prices fall quickly, but stabilize afterwards, as detailed in

Figure 1 (cf. calibration curve). Conversely, average profitability decreases during the fast growing phase

11 Indicators included concentration indexes, number of firms, market size, profitability, age of competitors, and market price and

quality weighted averages and variances.

and stagnates after all, as represented by the gap between the average price and unit cost in Figure 1.

Nonetheless, incumbent’s rate of return on invested capital (RoIC) can be up to 10 times higher than

entrants’ when market matures ( ). These model outcomes are all compatible with empirical data.

Figure 1 – Average weighted price and unit cost per time step (in BRL).

(Empirical calibration plus 2 price sensitivity scenarios).

Analysis of model runs shows that incumbents usually decrease prices less frequently than entrants,

due to the stronger “lock-in” of users to larger IASPs and, more important, to the typical strategic profile

adopted by them. During the growth phase, entrants drive price-based competition, by usually choosing

strategies more aggressive than incumbents. Strategies 1, 2 and 7 (see Table 1) typically predominate among

incumbents, representing a higher priority on profit-oriented targets (preventing price reductions whenever

possible). On the other hand, entrants more frequently adopt pure price strategies (3, 5 and 9), becoming

more frequently involved in aggressive price-based competition led by survival pressure. IASPs are free to

select strategies from the available options, by an adaptive process where local learning is critical for the

results. When compared to a counterfactual scenario where there is no learning from the choices of others,

the calibration scenario represents a remarkable reduction in price-based competition and slower price

erosion. Under the adaptive-without-social-learning counterfactual scenario, virtual market dynamics and

organization get closer to standard Schumpeterian competition: incumbent average lifespan is reduced

significantly, entry becomes less risky and concentration gets weaker (but far from perfect competition). As a

consequence, in the counterfactual scenario, price and margin erosion is more intense.

The strategic divergence between incumbents and entrants, to distinct profiles, creates an intriguing

emergent phenomenon that reduces dominant players’ aggressiveness and helps the stabilization of the

market. This seems in line with empirical evidence, supporting the stylized fact that reduced price-based

competition is a characteristic of the IASM, compatible with the selected theoretical framework. However,

differentiated strategic profiles are not the only mechanism preventing more accelerated prices decline.

Surprisingly, another relevant element is the threshold that defines the minimum price changes considered by

users (pstep, set at 5% in model calibration). The threshold models a known cognitive characteristic of users,

whom usually do not acknowledge price differences they subjectively consider as “too small”. This

characteristic is recurrently mentioned on anecdotal evidence on the firm’s price setting routines. Figure 1

presents the impact of different pstep threshold levels in overall average prices (cf. the pstep indicated curves).

If IASPs could perform smaller adjustments in their prices during the competitive process, model shows that

price erosion may slow down significantly and conversely. However, this depends entirely on modifications

in cognitive frames usually shared among users, in the real system, and so on a form of institutional change.

Obviously, it is in IASP’s interest to be able to adjust prices in the smallest possible steps (limited only by

“menu costs”), as to minimize the impact of a price reduction. However, it is not so obvious that this option,

globally, would create an emergent form of price rigidity that is negative to users. Said in another way, the

more the users become collectively sensitive to price changes, the smaller are going to be the price

reductions due to the competitive process.









1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226

Avg. unit cost

Avg. price (Pstep = 20%)

Avg. price (calibration)

Avg. price (Pstep = 1%)

The total number of IASPs in the market usually grows up to , from 4 to around 10 players,

falling from there on and converging to about 5 firms at (the end of simulation process).

Nonetheless, there is a turbulent process of entries and exits of IASP firms behind those average figures. The

persistent low margins captured by the average entrant make them financially fragile, particularly in

moments of radical innovations, as model produced data shows. The comparatively low RoIC of entrants are

somewhat intriguing, given the usual advantage of more up-to-date technology hold by entrants,

consequently operating under higher productivity and lower costs when compared to incumbents. The

simulation data on average age of networks of incumbents and entrants in Figure 2 (cf. calibration curves)

shows the relevant advantage of entrants.

Figure 2 – Weighted average age of network equipment (in time steps).

Model data analysis shows that lock-in of most users on incumbents’ networks, the presence of

economies of scale, and the low aggressiveness among incumbents are the key drivers of the low RoIC of

entrants and, accordingly, of their higher probability of failure. Moreover, calibration scenario does not

presume any correlation between investments from incumbents and new technology introduction. However,

if we consider the operation of a “synchronization” mechanism between these two matters, results can

change substantially. The curves marked “synchro” in Figure 2 show the effects of new network

technologies being delayed and introduced only when most of incumbents’ networks are old enough for

depreciation, as suggested by empirical analysis. In this scenario, it becomes clear that incumbents are much

more responsive in replacing their networks following a radical innovation, while the behaviour of entrants

barely changes. This move reduces considerably the cost advantage hold by entrants, decreasing their

lifespan expectancy by about 45% in regard to the calibration scenario. This last point can be further

reinforced by Figure 3, which shows the quantitative impact of longer average times between new

technology vintages (radical innovations) on entrant average lifespan. As a result, those model outcomes

seem to be compatible with two stylized facts coming from appreciative analysis, the low rate of successful

entry and a longer than expected technological diffusion cycles, with significant impacts on competition.






1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226

Incumbents (calibration)

Incumbents (synchro)

Entrants (calibration)

Entrants (synchro)

Figure 3 – Weighted average lifetime of entrants (in time steps).

Detailed investigation leads to the conclusion that restless turbulence among entrants, associated to

relative stability among incumbents, has an unequivocal outcome: the tendency of lasting concentration of

the IASM in the hands of few incumbents. Figure 4 shows the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) trend for

market shares (cf. calibration curve). Calculation of the HHI for capital shares (network sizes) provides

similar results. Concentration, in any case, is substantially above the levels that conventionally characterize a

market as highly concentrated.

Figure 4 – Herfindahl-Hirschman Index for market share.

(Empirical calibration plus 3 counterfactual scenarios)

Simulation results, as exposed, are consistent with the persistent market concentration stylized fact.

It should be noted that this market profile is not a structural outcome of the model; adequate counterfactual

parameter sets can generate remarkably distinct competitive results. Figure 4 presents some HHI results

when employing three different counterfactual scenarios, chosen because they represent some compelling

limit cases. Of interest here are scenarios 1 and 2, where concentration is strongly reduced. Reviewing the

processes enabled by these counterfactual parameter settings, three mechanisms seem to explain the effects

observed: (a) the importance of the reference to the choice of other users in the selection of IASP (b3

parameter), while the single most influential factor to the results obtained; (b) the presence of economies of

scale (cs parameter); and (c) the impact of user subjective acuity among objective differences in quality of

IASPs (q parameter).







1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226

Período de simulação

prad = 12

prad = 20

prad = 28

prad = 48

prad = 36







1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226

Scenario 3

Scenario 2

Scenario 1


The importance of economies of scale in a sector such as the internet is probably the mechanism

better established in the literature. However, this factor alone is not capable of changing the model results in

any qualitative way, in spite of its modest quantitative relevance. Even if we eliminate economies of scale

completely, HHI would be reduced, at most, by less than 0.20 as indicated in counterfactual scenario 3 in

Figure 4. On the other hand, two new phenomena, of eminently institutional nature, seem evident in the case:

the importance of social references in IASP selection, through collective choice feedback, and the relative

nature of quality metrics, based on the cognitive inclination of users in not acting on “too subtle” changes in

grades of service. These are not usual empirical justifications for market concentration, despite being points

spotted by other authors, such as Jonard and Yildizoğlu (1998) and Birke and Swann (2006). It is noteworthy

the significant impact on market concentration that takes place even with small changes of parameters b3 and

q. The introduction of endogenous features in individual preferences formation, even in a small proportion

amongst other factors considered by users in their judgment, caused emergent processes of downward

causation nature (Hodgson and Knudsen, 2004). There is a clear feedback process going on here, between

the emerging structure, represented by the set of cognitive schemas collectively adopted by users and the

individual choice of the IASP by users. This feedback increasingly affected the dynamics of the sectoral

structure over simulated time.

6. Conclusions

The rapid convergence of multiple heterogeneous agents to the internet sector represented a complex

institutional building project. The new institutional environment then developed, equally cooperative and

competitive, was a collective form of mitigation of strong uncertainties, associated with a new environment

like the internet, allowing increased investments and attracting new entrants to the industry. However,

different cooperation-competition profiles among industry segments were established. In Schumpeterian

terms, time trajectories guided markets like equipment, systems and content to a more creative destruction-

type dynamics, while others, like access services, apparently took a creative accumulation path in some

countries. In our perspective, this was due, to a large extent, to the persistence of certain institutional

characteristics of the former telecommunications monopoly regime. This legacy, we argument, facilitated the

dominance of the IASM by firms originated from the privatizations of the 1990s. Such circumstances seem

to fit nicely the case of Brazil, as empirical research presented. Appreciative analysis suggests the description

of the arrangements in the Brazilian IASM by at least four stylized facts: persistent market concentration,

reduced competition through price mechanisms, low rate of successful entry, and longer than expected

technological diffusion cycles.

The proposed History-friendly simulation model produced results that were quite close, in qualitative

terms, to those observed in the actual economic system. Some of the main reasons for market concentration

and limited competition were identified as emergent institutional phenomena. Of interest is the strong impact

of other users’ choices in the setting of user preferences (downward causation) and the effects of relational

networks of firms on adaptive strategic learning and aggressiveness profiles. The model also provided

explanations on some mechanisms softening competition, highlighting the sometimes crucial effects of social

networks, established conventions or cognitive issues of governmental agents. The role of technological

dynamics for the IASM organization was clarified, including how its effects are potentially contradictory,

especially in case of successful institutional entrepreneurship. Counterfactual analysis pointed out that a

significantly less concentrated market structure depends critically on unlikely scenarios, based on a change

of some stable empirical parameters, at least in the short term. The dominance of institutional processes does

not mean that traditional elements of industrial analysis, such as those from industrial organization or

evolutionary theory, have not played their expected role. However, as the model demonstrated, some of the

results, usually explained exclusively by these traditional elements, depended crucially on the concurrence of

institutional factors. For example, the model rejected the hypothesis that the removal of economies of scale,

in isolation, would be enough to change market concentration in qualitative terms.


I wish to thank David Dequech, José Maria Silveira, Marco Valente, Esther Dweck, Paulo

Fracalanza, Mariano Laplane, Thadeu Silva, and André Gimenez for their helpful comments on earlier

versions of this work or otherwise their invaluable support to it. I am responsible for all remaining errors.

The financial support of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas is also gratefully acknowledged. This work

was done with the support of CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico –



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