
Read "-And His Violin" The Thrill- ingly Human Story of Dave Rubinoff

Bigger-better-More Detailed! The Great New Program Super-Section!


OFFICIAL STAR OF STARS My favorite Star of Stars is

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411 cc: and N11111Uei Pity and State 3 -13 -37

Mail your ballot to the Star of Stars Election Tellers, Radio Guide, 731 Ply- mouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. Paste it on a penny postcard, if you wish.


MANY, many of RA- DIO GUIDE'S read- ers have voted in

the great Star of Stars election - have boosted their favorite radio stars toward the greatest re- ward an entertainer can ask: evidence of a place in the hearts of his public. Many have al- ready done this. Have you done your part?

If you have, you will be happy to turn to page 47 of this issue and see just where your favorite ranks among the nation's greatest air entertainers. You'll be glad you helped your chosen star reach the position he now holds. And you should be. It is the kind of tribute a sin- cere admirer may properly make to a star who has given real pleasure. It is the kind most appreciated by the stars.

If you have not yet voted, there is still time to register your preferences in this greatest of all radio listener polls. Perhaps

Ken ny Baker

your favorite is already leading in his own group -or possibly it is your chosen star who is lead- ing in the highest classifi- cation, the Star of Stars! Or perhaps the star you think is the finest on the air is not even on the list. In either case, your vote is needed -now!

HE leaders, as shown in the rankings printed

in each issue of RADIO GUIDE, are subject to "sniping" by the sup- porters of runners -up. No star is so far ahead at

this time that he can be sure of victory. And at the other end of the tally, very

few stars are so far behind that they have no chance of winning.

No matter what your preferences among radio's stars, vote for your favorite now! You may help him to radio's highest honor. Do it today! (See Star of Stars Standings on Page 47)

IN THIS ISSUE Week Ending March 13. 1937

M. L. ANNENBERG Publisher

CURTIS MITCHELL, Editorial Director

Smash Features Miracle Man

The Story of Stephen Cartright by MARGE KERR

The True Story of Nelson Eddy's Operation The News -Scoop of the Year! by KEN W. PURDY

Michigan Blockade A Calling All Cars Story by ARTHUR KENT

Radio Guide's Mid -Winter Log of All American Stations






David Rubinoff ` -And His Violin"

by JACK JAMISON 4 Minetta Ellen

The Life Story of "Fanny Barbour" (Part IV)

by LOUISE LANDIS 6 Martha Raye

A Giant- Gravure Portrait 24

News and Comment Plums and Prunes

by EVANS PLUMMER Inside Stuff

by MARTIN LEWIS The Radio Week

The Latest Radio News Music of the Masters



Pictorial Features We Applaud

Orchids of the Week Dial -Time Stars

Your Favorites' Photos A Dialer's Diary

The Day- Dreamer's Dialing Vocal Varieties

Pictures of the Popular Show










Departments RADIO GUIDE'S X -Word Puzzle... 14 The Metropolitan Opera 16 Voice of the Listener 17 Slogan Contest Winners 17 Stories of Near -by Stations 18 Hits of the Week 19 Short -Wave Programs 20 Contests on the Air 31 Star of Stars Standings 47

Programs Sunday, March 7 29 Monday, March 8 31 Tuesday, March 9 34 Wednesday, March 10 36 Thursday, March 11 39 Friday, March 12 41 Saturday, March 13 44

Official Photographer: Delar, Radio City, New York

Cover Portrait by Charles E. Rubino RADIO GUIDE (Trade Mark Keclstered U. S. Pal. (office( Volume VI. Number 21. Week Ending March 13, 1937 Published by Regal Press, Inc. issued Weekly. Reim GUIDA. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Chicago. Illinois, February 24, 1932, under Act of March 3. 1879 Copyright 1937, by Regal Press. Inc. All rights reserved. Executive. Editorial. Circulation and Business office. 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. M. L. Annenberg. Chairman of the Board; Herbert Krancer, Executive Vice - President and General Manager; Curtis Mitchell, Vice - President and Editorial Director; Ed Zoty. Circulation Manager. Eastern Editorial office, 551 Fifth Avenue. New York City. Advertising orncea, 551 Fifth Avenue. New York City; Mills Building. San Francium. California; Western Pacific Building, Loa Angeles, California, and 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. Unsolicited manu- scripts should be accompanied by stamped, self- addressed envelope for return. Ten cents per .spy in the United States. Subscription rates in IT. S. and possessions and countries of the Pan -American Postal Union: six months. $2.50; one year, $4.00. Subscription rates in foreign countries: six months, $5.00; one year, $8.00. Remit by postal money order, express money order, or cheek drawn to order of RADIO 05,105. Currency sent at sub- scriber's risk.

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THE day of the miracle is not done! The blind still see. the deaf still hear, and

wonders exist today almost as they existed nearly two thousand years ago, when Christ raised Lazarus from the dead and made the stricken whole again.

This is the story of a modern miracle -a mira- cle that concerns a man whose name may be comparatively unknown to you, but whose ac- complishments make it imperative that you hear his tale.

Before I tell it, however, I want to remind you that there is no story in all radio history like Stephen Cartright's -in fact, no story like it in all the world, unless you count Helen Keller's. And hers is not quite the same, for Helen Keller was blind and deaf at birth, while Stephen Cart - right was once a normal man, with sight and hearing like yours and mine.

He works his miracle every afternoon of the week in a certain bustling radio station out in Nebraska. There, in a small room, the sun slants through studio windows and patterns little step- ladders of light on the back of a man who faces a microphone.

Outside these same windows, automobile horns honk raucously, street cars grind stolidly down well -oiled tracks, and the clop -clop of horses' hoofs beat staccato time on Omaha cobblestones.

BUT the man broadcasting cannot see the sun. He does not hear the city noises which re-

assure the rest of us that twentieth century life moves comfortably on. He is blind and deaf.

Yet he sees and hears even as you and I! "How do you do, everyone," he says into the

microphone. "This is Steve Cartright speaking." And when his clear, resonant voice cuts

through the skyways, fifty thousand radio listen- ers in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and the Dakotas draw up their chairs and lister t

Truly it's a miracle, when you stop to think about it! Here is a man who has not heard a human voice or read a line of type in more than a decade -yet he's telling thousands the news of the day. The broadcasting studio, like the outside world, is no more than a black hole of silence to him. An announcer must tap him on the shoulder to tell him when to begin his program. When he talks, he cannot hear the sound of his own voice in the microphone. As he turns from one aspect of the news to another, he fingers Braille notes be- fore he speaks. From time to time, his fingers touch the hands of an open - faced watch to judge the time.

Now he is telling his listeners about today's fierce bombardment in Madrid . .. now he is analyzing the latest poli- tical strategy of President Roosevelt ... now he is speaking of Hitler or Il Duce. of new European entanglements.



he can neither see to read nor hear words spoken to him, by what means does he come to know so much about today's world? By what miracle has a man totally deaf and blind secured the most improbable job in the world one might expect him to get? How has he become a radio news commentator and a radio personality?

Stephen Cartright answered these questions for me himself! Yes, a man who cannot see answered questions he could not hear! It sounds incredible, but it happened!

When I first called Station KFAB, I had no idea I would get Cartright's story from his own lips. If he couldn't hear, how could I ask ques- tions? "He'll read your lips," I was told.

"But if he can't see, how can he read my lips ?" I protested.

"He reads your lips with his index finger. He won't miss a single word."

And sure enough, he didn't, for he "heard" me with the delicate fingers which serve as his ears. From the minute he placed his fingers on my lips and throat, there was not a word I said or a question I asked that he did not understand per- fectly. The vibration of my lips and throat muscles formed words -his sensitive finger -tips felt the shape of these words and he "heard" as plainly as you or I.

ABOUT forty -four years old, short, but trim and erect with slightly thinning hair and dark

glasses, he cheerfully told me his life story -a story almost unparalleled in a world where cour- age and determination count for more than brawn.

Steve's story really begins, perhaps, on the evening of August 18, 1925, more than eleven years ago. That night he was listening to his ra- dio, and as he sat near the loudspeaker, Jessica Dragonette filled the room with "Alice Blue Gown." As she finished, the song and the melody slowly died and her listener snapped the switch on the radio and turned to other things.

It was the last song he was ever to hear, for the next afternoon an accident took his sight and hearing away. On that fateful day, Stephen

Decatur Cartright, aged 33, graduate of the Carnegie Institute of Tech- nology and a successful engineer in the laboratories of the American Wire and Steel Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was having the time of his life vacationing near Long Beach, California . . .

Like most vacationers, he was spending his time in the perturbed Pacific, matching his strength with the gray- capped surf which roared and tossed him through the sea. "It was a bright, sharp day," he told me, "and I decided to take one more plunge before joining my friends on the

(Continued on Page 14)

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Rubinoff and his violin! You heard him play his Stradivarius on 487 stations -and that's an all -time record!

RIJBINOFF, with his violin, as you read this, is the most widely heard artist on the air today.

Three hundred and ninety -four sta- tions broadcast his transcribed pro- grams; and on Sundays, over the CBS chain, he goes out over ninety -three more as solo artist on his famous Stradivarius and as a conductor.

His violin wasn't always a Stradi- varius. Once, not long ago, he had just a middling -good violin, purchased painfully on the installment plan. Be- fore that, there was a squeaky little fiddle that cost a dollar and a half in Russian rubles ... But always it has been a violin; Rubinoff's violin. And always that violin has been his best friend, his companion, his adviser, his interpreter -the key that has opened locked and double- locked doors to him. At home it is near his bed when he sleeps. At his office it lies on his desk, on top of the green blotter and the stacked papers, always before him.

"You may have heard people say I never talk, that I let my fiddle do my talking for me," Rubinoff says. "Why


not? It has made me every friend I own. It has made me the four friends who are responsible for everything I have today."

The four friends who have lifted Rubinoff into the big -time, where he is today, are, respectively, Louis K. Sidney, John Phillip Sousa, Rudy Val- lee and Eddie Cantor. He met every one of the four, thanks to his fiddle.

A dozen years ago, a young Russian fellow who had come to America to make his fortune was making it, in a small way, playing in movie theaters in Minneapolis and St. Paul. His mother and father, whom he had brought over from the old country on his first earnings, were comfortably settled in Pittsburgh. He often had to go on tour, but once a year, without fail, he visited the old folks. On one of these two -week visits his mother said: "David, I'm sorry you're so far away from us. I've never heard you play on the stage."

"I'll tell you what I'll do, Mamma," Rubinoff said. "I'll see if I can get an engagement while I'm here, and you

can come down and hear me play." The next day, downtown, he passed

the Aldine Theater. He knocked and was shown into a tiny office, where there sat a very stout gentleman with rosy cheeks and stern eyes.

"I'd like to speak to the manager." "I'm the manager," this man said.

"What can I do for you ?" "I'd like to appear here, at the Al-

dine," Rubinoff answered.

I'VE got all the soloists I want in my symphony orchestra." (The sym-

phony orchestra had seven musicians in it. ) "Do you dance? Can you whistle ?" the manager went on sar- castically.

Rubinoff had hardly expected that echoes of his fame -and he did have a certain amount of fame, in Minne- apolis -had traveled as far as Pitts- burgh. But at least he hadn't expected to be treated with sarcasm. His cheeks flamed. "l'm pretty good," he said pugnaciously.

"Do you mean to tell me you're good ?" he asked curiously.

and "Let me have an audition," he said. The manager agreed. Rubinoff sus-

pected that he would call in his friends and tell them, "Drop into the theater tomorrow morning if you want a laugh," so he hired the best pianist in Pittsburgh as an accompanist and practised all day. The next morning he showed up at the Aldine for his audition. Sure enough, the gruff man- ager with the tongue -in -cheek manner had brought his friends along. "All right," he snapped, "get up there and do your stuff. What will you play ?"

"What'll you have ?" asked Rubinoff grimly, climbing up on the stage.

"Anything you can play well, I'll have," said the manager, viciously chewing his cigar.

DELIBERATELY staring around the theater with a dumb look, acting

like a yokel, Rubinoff tuned his violin clumsily, as if he had never had the instrument in his hands before. Then -he played one of his own composi- tions. The cigar went out, in the man- ager's mouth, and the seven musicians, count them, of the great symphony or- chestra, who had come in for the morning rehearsal and were standing around talking and smoking, fell si- lent. When it was over, the manager - Louis K. Sidney, now a big movie mo- gul in Hollywood -said:

"My schedule is full, but if you'll work for a hundred and fifty dollars a week I'll make a place for you."

Rubinoff's mother had her wish: Dave played on the stage, and he gave her the hundred and fifty dollars. The second week his salary was doubled. Then, after he went back to Minneapolis and finished out his con- tract there, he returned to Pittsburgh. Louis Sidney and he, from that day on, were a team- inseparable. Mr. Sid- ney was rapidly rising to the top in the show business. Soon he was chief of production for all of the Loew theaters. Each time a new theater was bought by the chain he took charge, and Rubinoff went with him.

The big name which Rubinoff built for himself in the theaters helped him to win his position on the air today, and that name he owes primarily to Louis Sidney ... And, because it in- troduced them to each other and es- tablished their friendship, to his violin.

Next, John Phillip Sousa. When he was conducting the orchestra at thg Midland Theater in Kansas City eight years ago, the fiddle introduced Ru- binoff to the greatest American com- poser of marches who has ever lived, John Phillip Sousa. Sousa, even at that time, was an old man, leading his band across the country for a farewell tour. They appeared at the Midland, and the old bandleader's quick ear caught the quality of the young band- leader in the pit at once.

"What I liked about you," he told Rubinoff later, "was your tone."

That was a curious thing to bring two men together, unless they hap- pened to be musicians, but bring them together it did, and the old man and the young became fast friends. They sat in Sousa's hotel room by the hour and discussed the subject of which neither of them could ever tire: Music. And it was while they were discussing music that Sousa handed on to David

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Rubinoff the sacred trust which, today, means more to him than anything else in his life. He told him of the thou- sands of people in the country who, starved for music, cannot have it.

Since that day, not a month passes but that Rubinoff takes his violin to an orphan asylum, a hospital for dis- abled veterans, an old folks' home, or a prison. He has even played at asy- lums for the insane. He does not often speak of it. Neither did Sousa speak of it when he was doing it. But he does it, to share his music with the unfortunates of the world who other- wise might not have any of it.

"The strange thing is," he says, "that I get the benefit out of it -real, prac- tical benefit of two kinds. First I learn how to adapt my music to the public. For old people I've learned to play Traumerei and When You and I Were Young, Maggie, to make them sad, and things like the Blue Danube Waltz and Turkey in the Straw to make them laugh and dance. Insane patients have taught me that there are some people who like to watch a musician rather than listen to him; they like lots of motion, lots of technique, the most sensational compositions. I have learned that youngsters, whether they're crippled children in hospitals or healthy ones in school, know when a piece is becoming popular before I do. Second, I've received another practical benefit. The thousands of school boys and girls to whom I've played in the past eight years are growing up, now, and many of them have become my fans on the air. That's something I never expected."

HE CANNOT speak of Sousa without emotion. "There'll never be another

great man like him," he says. "His marches are so stirring that just think- ing of them always gets me excited."

The violin led Rubinoff to Louis Sidney, Louis Sidney led him to Sousa, and Sousa -and, again, the violin - led him to Rudy Vallee. This time the meeting occurred at a theater in Brooklyn, New York. Again, as with Sousa, Vallee was on the stage with his band and Rubinoff was in the pit conducting the theater orchestra. Rudy used to watch him.

They were introduced, and Rudy said: "You don't know it, but I've been an admirer of yours for years. You played at a theater in New Haven when I was in school there, and I used to come and listen to your violin."

"You liked the violin ?" Rubinoff asked. "What did you like about it ?"

And Rudy, another musician, singled out precisely what Sousa had singled out. "Your tone," he said, and went on: "And, after that, I liked you be- cause you played from the heart."

Introduced by the violin, Rudy and

Rubinoff became good friends, and soon a day came when Rudy was say- ing, while Rubinoff could hardly be- lieve his ears: "Dave, there is a coffee concern which wants an orchestra for its radio program. The concern asked me to take the job, but I'd rather stay where I am. I'm going to suggest you for the job. I know you're the man for it." And it was Rudy personally who not only arranged for the audition but went along to it to make a speech of introduction.

M EXTREMELY happy and joyous this evening, which marks the debut

of my dear friend Rubinoff," he began. "I consider it a privilege to be able to introduce and tell you something about Rubinoff ... The European con- tinent knew him as an infant prodigy with a most unusual command of the violin; and now we find a young man in whom we recognize a genius for the mixing of orchestral colors, and who has perfected to an even greater de- gree his command of the violin."

Rubinoff winning the audition hands down, Rudy made the same lit- tle speech when they went on the air for the first time. Nor would he hear a word of thanks for what he had done. He wouldn't even accept the $350 to which, if he chose to think of himself as the agent who had closed the deal, he was legitimately entitled -ten per cent of the $3,500 agreed upon as the price for the hour pro- gram. Nor would Rudy let Rubinoff, who was green about such matters, pay a cent to any of the numerous would -be agents who immediately popped up from nowhere and claimed a right to all sorts of percentages. "That's when I learned what a white man Rudy Vallee is," Rubinoff says. "Four years, that program lasted- -and I owe it all to Rudy."

Five years from the date of that first broadcast -five years to the day, on January 11, 1936 -Rudy was again to appear on the anniversary program. That night he said: "This, his anniver- sary of five solid years of pleasing American radio audiences, and the fact that it finds him going stronger than ever, makes me extremely happy in knowing that my prediction and my faith in him were more than justified. Congratulations, Dave Rubinoff!"

The fourth fateful friend to whom Rubinoff's fiddle led him was Cantor.

Eddie came on the program, al- though few remember this, when it had already been going for the better part of a year. He was new to radio, whereas Rubinoff, by that time, was an old hand at the game, able to give good advice about it. Eddie, with his ter- rific emotional "projection," as they call it in the studios, behaved as though he were on the musical comedy stage,

he . ro takes time to s .plain a passage

and tried to sing and talk straight into the mike. For days, Rubinoff checked him from the control room and coached him in the new technique which he had to learn.

They soon became acquaintances in the professional sense, Eddie and Dave but not, for a time, close friends. Theis friendship came about in quite another fashion. Again, it was the violin that was responsible. One night on the air, as the orchestra was making ready to play, Eddie wise- racked ad -lib into the microphone:

"Listen to Rubinoff! He's been on the air a year and he's just beginning to tune up!"

That, if you're historically inclined, was the first anti -Rubinoff crack Eddie ever made over the air.

The audience howled, and the next week, when Eddie pulled another gag in the same vein, the laugh was as great. Mail began to pour in literally by the sack. About half of the cor- respondents were indignant because Eddie was making fun of a fine artist. The others thought it was good fun and begged them to keep it up. Eddie asked Rubinoff if he minded.

"As long as you spell my name right," Dave quoted, "I don't care what you say."

AND it was that wise -cracking, be- gun by virtue of the violin, that

really set up their friendship. When they went out on a theatrical tour to- gether, Eddie always introduced Ru- binoff as "my public enemy," and that was exactly what he was -his public enemy, but his private friend. They like each other, personally, so much that last year Dave took his orchestra all the way to San Francisco to play a week at the Fox Theater there with Eddie. They go out to dinner to- gether and spend hours hunting for restaurants where each of them can get his pet dish -noodle soup for Ed- die, chopped liver for Rubinoff. "Eddie swings a nasty noodle," Rubin- off says.

And a month or so ago, when Rubin- off opened his new musical variety show, Eddie Cantor was the first listener -in to send him a wire. "Dear David," he telegraphed. "Was thrilled with your program. It was truly great. Love and kisses. Eddie Cantor."

394 stations! 93 more on CBS! The most widely heard artist on the air today!

All because Louis K. Sidney led to John Phillip Sousa, who led to Rudy Vallee, who led to Eddie Cantor.

And all because of -a violin.

Rubinoff and his violin may be heard every Sunday over a CBS net- work at 6:30 p.m. EST (5:30 CST; 4:30 MST; 3:30 PST).



THE darkest hour in Minetta Ellen's life came at a time when it was hardest to take.

Twenty years had slipped away since her marriage. She had been so busy working for other people, mak- ing them laugh when they wanted to cry, giving herself unstintingly to this or that need, that she had forgotten about herself.

One morning she looked into the mirror and suddenly saw a middle - aged woman there. The radiant young girl who had stepped so blithely out of the Cataract House into marriage and motherhood was gone. The woman in the mirror was still slim and straight, but Minetta gasped to see how the brightness had gone from her hair and skin. There was a network of fine lines now that made a thin veil over the clear, fine features; even her hands, the hands that had worked so hard for so many babies, showed the marks of time.

Minetta had meant to do so many things before this would happen to her! Secretly and unceasingly she had dreamed that some day, when Donna was grown, when her husband was more sympathetic toward her life's de- sire, a chance to act would come her way. But what chance would a mid- dle -aged woman without youth, with- out professional training have now, no matter how many times a day she schooled herself to read lines aloud, making the syllables clear and musical,

the words live and vibrant? It was too late. The knowledge rushed over her like a sudden torrent of cold water.

That very night, Minetta's marriage came suddenly, tragically, to its end.

She took her biggest blow as she has always taken everything: stand- ing up. She had no reproaches, no apologies, no blame for anybody and she never has voiced any.

Several years previously, business had brought Minetta's husband to the Pacific Coast and he and his family had made their home in Berkeley, that pleasant university city across the bay from San Francisco. Now Minetta de- cided to stay in Berkeley. Where else could she and Donna go? Besides, there were the Berkeley hills: they were healing; and the blue San Fran- cisco bay: it was friendly. The town lay sheltered between bay and hills, and Minetta wanted shelter.

DURING the day she kept so deeply occupied with the hundreds of

things there always were for her to do that she didn't mind the loneli- ness of her new life. There was al- ways a friendly tramp to feed and question; one day her old, old friend of the Lorain, Ohio, days, Don Levy of the scarred face, came timidly to her door and she welcomed him with the biggest meal he had eaten for many a day.

But evenings were bad. Donna was going to college now and, loyal and

The Only Authorized Life Stork of


loving as the youngster was, her mother wanted the girl to have all the fun and companionship with people her own age that was part of college life. Night after night Minetta waved a cheery good -by to the girl and her friends.

Then she walked out of the empty house, into the hills that were so green in Spring, so brown in Midsummer, but so friendly and comforting at all times. Each night she walked as far

One Man's Family gathers in the garden. Standing are Claudia (Kathleen Wilson) and Clifford (Barton Yarborough). Seated are Fanny Bar- bour, Paul (Michael Raf- fetto), Hazel (Bernice Berwin), Father Barbour

as she could, then, when she seemed to have reached exhaustion, she would turn and the journey home would be sufficient to send her to bed, reeling with weariness ... and she would get through another night.

On one of these excursions she en- countered one of those trifles that may change a lifetime. It was a flower, just a wild rose, which quite evidently was having a stiff battle to fight its way out of the yellow dust of the bank where it grew. The bush had been almost completely covered with the thick yellow dust which heaps California roads in the Summer, but out of the heap of loose yellow par- ticles one stubborn blossom was push- ing its way. Some of the yellow dust clung to the small pink face it was pushing up to the sky; leaves were forcing their way to the surface like small green arms trying to free them- selves from bonds.

MINETTA had reached her nightly zero point -in mind and body.

And as she was about to acknowledge it to herself, she stopped in the Cali- fornia dusk, with a sunset flaming over the shoulder of one hill and the moon rising, opposite, and she saw the rose. She looked at the small flower -thing fighting its way through the dirt, and she brushed some of the dust from its face. And she laughed.

"I looked at that rose," she says, "pushing its nose up through six inches of yellow dirt, just for the privilege of blooming a few days and I suddenly felt like an awful fool.

"I went home and looked myself square in the eye, in the mirror - first time I'd been able to do that since the blow had fallen. And I said, 'Sure, you're middle -aged; sure, you're not as good- looking as you used to be. But you've got a lot of years ahead of you yet, and you might as well make the best of them'."

The very next day she went over to the University of California and en- rolled for dramatic studies. She was the only one in the class beyond her twenties. But there were things she knew she could learn there, things to improve in her voice and her posture and she set her teeth and pretended she was young and just beginning, like the other members of the class.

SHE opened her house again to all who needed cheer, mothering, scold-

ing or advice. And she acted, enthusi- astically and whole -heartedly, in every role she could persuade some director to give her.

First came parts in Little Theater productions," character parts, mother roles. To Minetta, who from child- hood had played parts like that in real

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life, they were easy. But she worked hard on each of them, asked for criti- cism and took it.

Then Donna married. Not until she had kissed the blue -eyed, fair -haired girl, so like herself at the same age, and waved her out of sight to the train that would carry her to Boston, did Minetta know what it meant to be really alone.

That night she lay awake, hour after hour. In her ears, strangely enough, rang a sound that she had forgotten for many years, a sound forever linked with her childhood -the echo of a cowbell tinkling, lonely, in the green hills of Pennsylvania. The years drop- ped away; again Minetta was the child of long ago, the little blond girl in the funny old- fashioned gingham dress climbing a hill, longing for a play- mate.

MINETTA wept, for the first time in years. She was free to do what

she wanted, plan her life as she willed. She would go to New York, she could go to China, she had no responsibility, no claims on her time. And being a mother she wept at the very thought.

Of course she didn't go away. She remained in Berkeley, because she had so many friends there, so many people who needed her. And about this time, young actors and actresses in com- panies in which Minetta was playing discovered what a unique personality was the small woman with the gray hair and the bright eyes who played all the mother roles. Presently they joined the crowds of Sunday night supper guests in her home.

For years Minetta held an unusual position among the aspiring student actors at the University of California. She was the official "mother" in most of their plays, and long before she ever dreamed of becoming famous she was "mothering" Michael Raffetto, Bernice Berwin and other members of the One Man's Family cast in their campus shows.

And her first big role was opposite J. Anthony Smythe, in a play at the Fulton Theater in Oakland, California. Tony, now Mr. Barbour of One Man's Family, was one of the West's hand- somest and best -loved stock -company leading men, and Minetta was thrilled beyond words when she was awarded the part of his wife. Bachelor Tony and she often joke together about their long "married life," fin they played husband and wife for several years on the stage!

THEN came the depression. Stocks which had provided Min -

+tta and her mother with a comfortable ocome fell and fell and fell. The

ung people who still gathered in .ordes in her house never knew what an effort it was sometimes for Minetta to feed them, smile with them, advise them. She needed more money than irregular theater engagements in Cali- fornia could supply and she needed it soon.

Radio was just beginning to be rec- ognized as not only the coming me- dium for entertainment, but one which would pay well, too. For months, Minetta haunted broadcasting stations and radio men in the Bay region, ap-

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M inetta Ellen and her "other family." Left to right: Grandson Charles Smith, Minetta, her daughter, Mrs. Maillard, and grand- daughter Marcia Smith. Left: Minetta with J. Anthony Smythe (Father Barbour) at the microphone

plying for auditions, hoping, fighting, for a chance. She had never actually talked into a microphone when Michael Raffetto telephoned her one day and told, "Come up to NBC -right away!"

It seemed that a new serial was to be put on the air; Mike was going to play one of its characters, a war vet- eran named Paul, and he had spoken to Carlton E. Morse, the playwright, about Minetta for the part of the mother. . Of course, it wouldn't pay much -but it would be every week and it would be microphone experi- ence for Minetta.

Wouldn't pay much! Not until long afterward did Raffetto know how wel- come his telephone call had been, how much Minetta needed any job, even if it didn't pay much. Gaily, she stepped out of the elevator into the NBC head- quarters, and there Mike introduced her to a big, scholarly looking young man whose gentle, slow- spoken words hid one of the keenest, fastest minds in radio.

When Minetta and he met, Morse was just beginning to be known as one of the pace- makers in his chosen field. He had been writing historical dramas and mystery serials and he was very, very tired of them. He had a new idea for a program, the story of a real, every -day family, not too





much idealized. He wanted to en- large the technique he had been de- veloping of having the microphone appear to follow his characters from scene to scene like a picture camera, and he wanted to try out another idea.

He wanted every actor and actress in his new serial to fulfill as far as possible in appearance and tempera- ment the kind of person he or she would play. He wanted to place these real persons in the situations he would design for them on the air, and watch their reactions to the plot as it ad- vanced. He wanted to adapt the story to their own characters, the dialog to their own language. For years the stage had been doing this, writing a play around a star; Morse wanted to write a serial around a whole cast.

For days he had been watching mid- dle -aged women, in the studios and out of the studios. And he hadn't found Fanny Barbour. So he looked at Minetta and he didn't speak.

IF YOU'RE a woman you know how she felt. "Sick!" she chuckles. "I thought,

'Oh, dear, if I were only younger and just a little bit good looking ... Here I am, a faded old woman . . . and a man, a young man, is looking me over appraisingly!'

"It was a terrifying moment but 1

couldn't let this serious young man know it. I decided that since the sex appeal had long departed from Minetta she'd have to fall back on her sense of humor. I thought I saw a twinkle in one of his blue eyes, so I looked up at him impudently and then went into one of my very best burlesques of a stage mother."

Of course she got the job. Nobody has ever been able to resist Minetta

i;Ilen when she wants to make yot laugh. But the youthful writer of One Man's Family didn't select her be- cause of that. He doesn't even re- member now how he laughed at that first meeting. Because before Minetta had plucked up courage to clown, he had looked into her face and seen Fanny Barbour there.

Minetta never did have that micro- phone audition she had been begging for! She still scarcely knew what the inside of a studio was like when the day arrived for rehearsal of One Man's Family. But up she stepped to the microphone, and with Fanny Barbour's first lines Minetta virtually turned into the kind of person she would have been if she had been able to live her life as she chose. And she has lived that beloved character's life ever since.

MINETTA'S pretty apartment atop San Francisco's Russian Hill, filled

with fine old furniture, old books and warm friendliness, is always open to her radio "family."

When Minetta's mother, a gay little lady of ninety -one, died not long ago, Fanny Barbour's usual mail -always heavy -went up several degrees. Mrs. Spencer had gloried in Minetta's suc- cess up to the time of her last illness, and despite her advanced years had an active social life. She always called herself "the grandmother of One Man's Family," and shortly before she died she whispered, "I'm so proud -why, I feel like Sarah Bernhardt's mother!"

Minetta thought back long years to the bitter night of her birth in that wintry Iowa farmhouse, and suddenly realized what a long way she and her mother had come together.

"All I could think of was how glad I was that, thanks to One Man's Fam- ily, I had been able to make the last part of our lives together happier than the earlier part had been," says Fanny Barbour's portrayer. "My mother and I had met in the midst of a storm; we parted in sunshine. How grateful I am to Fanny Barbour!"

Minetta Ellen may be heard as "Fan- ny Barbour" on "One Man's Family" over an NBC network on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST (7 CST; 6 MST; 5 PST) and on Sundays for the West Coast at 9:30 p.m. PST (10:30 MST).


THE Scene: Chicago. The Time: One night two weeks ago. The Place: A newspaper city room.

The Characters: Two reporters. As the curtain rises, a telephone jangles nervously.


bother you at this hour of the night, I know just how frightfully busy 'all you newspaper people must be at this time of night, with a paper to print in the morning, and all that news to be thought up tonight, and I could hard- ly bear to call you up, but Mrs. Zith- eritt -she lives next door, and she's a very good friend of mine -Mrs. Zith- eritt just told me that Nelson Eddy is sick and in a hospital here with some- thing terrible the matter with his throat and so I rushed right to the telephone to ask you if it could pos- sibly be true, is it true?

1sT REPORTER: (Wearily) Yes, mad-


am, Nelson Eddy is in Chicago, at the Presbyterian Hospital, suffering from a slight case of indisposition and lar- yngitis. According to the best medical opinion, however, Mr. Eddy's voice is not in danger. He is resting comfort- ably and will probably be able to sing again very soon.

FEMININE VOICE: Oh, thank you so much. My, that's a relief! (Shyly) Do you think I could, uh, get to see Mr. Eddy?

1ST REPORTER: Madam, Mr. Eddy is in Room 527, on the fifth floor of the private pavilion of the Presbyterian Hospital, located at 1753 West Jack- son Boulevard, and if you can get in to see him you are better than the best reporter in Chicago, and I wish you luck.

FEMININE VOICE: Oh, thank you. (Hangs up.)

2ND REPORTER: Well, how many is that?

1ST REPORTER: She was the fiftieth








Nelson Eddy: A throat operation made him hap- py -then news - hawks found him in a Chicago hos- pital! "No danger at present," doc- tors said -still fans disbelieved!

woman to call up and ask about Nel- son Eddy since 8 o'clock. Twenty -five more and I win the bet. (The phone rings.)

1sT REPORTER: Yes, madam, Nelson Eddy is in Chicago, at the Presbyter- ian Hospital, suffering from a slight case of indisposition and laryngitis. According to the best medical opinion, however - (There is a confused roar- ing and bellowing in the receiver, and a male voice is heard shouting loudly. Stricken suddenly pale, the reporter hangs up, very quietly.)

2ND REPORTER: Who was that? 1ST REPORTER: The boss! He said he

didn't want to know about Nelson Eddy!


YOU could have duplicated that scene (well, almost!) in any Chicago

newspaper office any day recently. For Nelson Eddy was sick, and his fans wanted to know about it! They were

worried. Day and night they bom- barded newspaper offices, radio sta- tions, hospitals, seeking information about their idol.

There can no longer be any doubt in anybody's mind: Nelson Eddy, at least as far as American women are concerned, is tops among male singers!

All day long, and far into the night, they kept the phones ringing in every center of information. How sick is Nelson Eddy? Will his voice be dam- aged? Is it true that Nelson Eddy has had an operation to make his voice higher? Is it true that he is going to be a tenor instead of a baritone? When will he be well? When can he sing again?

They wanted to know! And they wouldn't be denied!

Sometimes, so great was their con- cern, they wouldn't even believe the information that was given them! On Sunday night, February 21, for in- stance, when Joseph Bentonelli, sub- stituting for Eddy on his regular pro- gram, sang from a Chicago studio, a group of fifty of the thousand or more women who stormed the station re- fused to leave, even after the broad- cast was over. They weren't con- vinced that the handsome radio and screen star wasn't in the studio! They were sure that if they stayed long enough, they would see him!

This in spite of the fact that they were given every assurance by studio employes that Eddy would not appear.

But even more remarkable than the

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Nelson Eddy's voice is well known to radio iscrners and movie -goers who have seen him in gay operettas. But that voice has been in serious danger!

week -long demonstration of the Eddy fans' devotion itself, was the fact that there was any such demonstration. For Nelson Eddy's visit to Chicago was supposed to be a secret! He arrived without fanfare or publicity. He en- tered the swank Presbyterian Hospital under a shroud of secrecy. There were denials and counter -denials. But the fans found out -and then came the deluge!

As a matter of fact, Eddy was not seriously ill, and his voice was in no great danger. The trouble originated after a minor operation which was performed on the singer in Kansas City a few days before his arrival in Chicago for a scheduled appearance. Specialists had advised Eddy that there was a slight growth of extrane- ous tissue about his tonsils, that it ought to be removed, that an opera- tion might enhance his already bril- liant voice.

DECIDING that the value of the op- eration would justify cancellation

of one of the concerts he was touring the country to make, as well as cancel- lation of a broadcast, Eddy went under the knife in Kansas City. Performed under a local anesthetic on February 8, the operation was simple and brief, and Eddy was described as being high- ly pleased with the results.

"I'll have four notes more range," he was reported to have exclaimed, "and twice as much volume!"

Whether or not the operation on his throat was a contributing factor in the attack of laryngitis that forced him into a hospital bed on his arrival in Chicago, Nelson Eddy fans may take comfort from this fact- neither the operation nor the laryngitis that fol- lowed will have any detrimental effect on his voice.

Eminent Chicago medical men, however, expressed doubt regarding the singer's reported belief that the Kansas City operation would add four notes to his range. Although ready to believe that the operation might boost his powerful voice a tone or two, they were mystified at the means Eddy used to arrive at the exact estimate of four notes, were inclined to attribute the remark to the exuberance we all feel in that happy moment when the doctor says: "Well, I guess that's all!" Eddy's quoted claim of "twice as much volume" they dismissed in the same manner.

HAPPY as a school -boy with the re- sult of his operation, Nelson Eddy

was a depressed young man a few days later when a sudden attack of larnygi- tis forced him to enter the hospital in Chicago.

Despite his doctor's assurance that the ailment was of no consequence, Eddy was worried about its possible effect on his voice, and was troubled over the necessity of canceling yet another concert and broadcast. Be- cause of the repeated cancellations, Eddy's concert schedule, originally in- tended to end March 21, will now be extended to a future date as yet un- decided.

Two concerts and two broadcasts - those scheduled for February 14 and 21 -had to be cancelled.

But hospital rules are stringent, and hospital nurses are not easily im- pressed, even by the temperament of a great radio star -so Nelson Eddy

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went to bed and he stayed there for ten long days!

And there in the quiet of a hospital room, Nelson Eddy did what he hadn't been able to do for months -he lis- tened to the radio! He listened from early morning until late at night -and for the most part, he didn't like the programs that came to him over the air!

First in preference on the Eddy listening list were the news broad- casts; then came symphonic music; then superlatively hot, superlatively good "swing" -Eddy will sit up in bed any day to listen to the Dorsey Broth- ers or Benny Goodman! -and last in preference - but really last - Eddy ranks the daytime dramatic serials. "That's terrible stuff," he said one time, tuning out a popular serial. "I don't see how the radio audience stands it!"

Of everything on the air during his stay in the hospital, Eddy most en- joyed a concert by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra under the direc- tion of Eugene Ormandy. Ormandy held the podium as musical director the night Nelson Eddy went on the air with his first sponsored program, nearly ten years ago, and the two musicians have been close friends since. When Eddy appeared as guest artist with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra a year ago, Ormandy di- rected.

AND so, while near -frantic women battered the doors of broadcasting

studios and harried helpless telephone operators, while reporters wondered if they could get into his room disguised as mouthwash, Nelson Eddy listened to the radio, the miracle that has made him famous, and nursed his sore throat.

And after his secretary and his doc- tor had taken the precaution of sug- gesting to reporters that Mr. Eddy might be available for interviews on Wednesday, the singer quietly left the hospital on Monday afternoon to go into even more secluded seclusion. His stay in the hospital had left him well on the road to recovery, ready to re- sume his arduous concert tour.

But Nelson Eddy would probably be in the hospital yet if he had taken ad- vantage of some of the well- inten- tioned offers of assistance that came from his distraught, worried Chicago fans!

Scores of home remedies, and form- ulae for additional scores, were sent to the hospital, to newspapers, and to radio stations. They ranged from flax- seed poultices to gypsy incantations; from willow -bark tea to plain, ordin- ary, every -day aspirin!

But the all -time high was reached by a girl who called a doctor's office to say that Eddy's throat could cer- tainly be cured by massaging his fore- head!

"I'm just sure of it," she said. "It always works!"

"That's interesting, I'm sure," said the sympathetic doctor. "How is it done ?"

The reply came quickly. "Oh, I couldn't tell anybody else

how to do it! . . . I'd have to do it myself!"

Nelson Eddy may he heard Sundays on Open House over a CBS network at 8 p.m. EST (7 CST; 6 MST; 5 PST).



1S piggy face glowering, Frenchy Benoit said:

"We're taking the car. You know what that means."

The used -car salesman, Fred Wil- liams, knew all right. When two tough customers out for a demonstra- tion jam a gat into your ribs you get the idea in a hurry.

Frenchy Benoit spoke over his shoulder to Mike Delberto, alias John Smith.

"Tie his hands, Mike!" And Mike bound Williams' wrists with wire.

That all took place in Detroit's Lin- coln Park. With the helpless sales- man between them they drove out of Detroit to a spot near Toledo. It was lonely and cold -just a little while be- fore dark on a bitter January eve- ning. Frenchy Benoit, driving, pulled off the highway and stopped.

"Get out!" "What are you going to do ?" the

salesman asked. "Are you -" "Shut up," drawled Delberto, "and

you won't get hurt. Gimme the wire, Frenchy. And you -up against that tree!"

Williams obeyed. Maybe they were- n't going to kill him. Wire biting his flesh, the salesman was trussed up to the tree. They emptied his pockets. Then the two thugs drove back to- wards Detroit, leaving him alone in the woods.

It was fifteen minutes before Wil- liams worked loose. Then, towards the lights of a store he trudged. A drug store.

He telephoned . . .

And brief seconds later, radio swung into action one of the world's great- est police organizations as, in 122 cars, Michigan's famed state troopers heard:

"... watch for two men who held up and robbed a car salesman on U. S. 25 near Toledo. The number and description of the stolen car are as fol- lows: Michigan license number ..."

NEAR the north end of Monroe, Michigan, State Troopers Richard

F. Hammond and Sam Sineni were cruising in their radio car.

"Up ahead there," said Sineni. "That car answers the description of the machine those two fellows took away from the salesman."

"Ohio license," Hammond pointed out. "Car we want has Michigan plates. Still -we better stop 'em."

The swift police cruiser spurted, swerved.

"Pull over!" shouted Hammond as they swung abreast. In the suspect machine were two men. Both cars stopped. Hammond got out.

A piggy face glowered at him. "Let me see your operator's license,

please," said Hammond. "I left it in my other pants," said

scowling Frenchy Benoit. "Sorry." Hammond was crisp but

polite. "I'll have to take you in. You two, get out of the car."

Frenchy and Mike got out, tense, watchful. Hammond and Sineni frisked them. Then Hammond and Frenchy got into the police cruiser and Sineni and Mike into the "hot" car. With Sineni and his captive in the lead, they set out for the Monroe County sheriff's office.

Frenchy Benoit slumped down in the seat. The lights of the town glided past. Once the radio crackled a com- mand. Hammond said nothing.

Frenchy shoved his right hand far down into his overcoat pocket. There was a hole in the lining. Down - down reached that thrusting hand.



The wire biting into his flesh, the salesman was trussed up to the tree


Down to a heavy object that sagged the lining of his coat. Down where a cop's frisking hand wouldn't dis- cover . .

"All right, copper!" Frenchy's hand came up with a gun. "Turn this damn car around -quick!"

"You can't -" Hammond began. A savage rib -thrust with the gun muzzle silenced him.

"Next time -a slug!" snarled Benoit. "Turn, copper -and drive!"

And Hammond turned and drove, his muscles tense for a break which didn't come. Frenchy, gat to his vic- tim's stomach, took the trooper's gun from him.

In the car ahead, Sineni saw through the rear -vision mirror the turning of the cruiser. He, too, turned and clamp- ed down the accelerator.

"It's no use," whined Mike Del - berto, alias Smith. "Frenchy's got a rod."

Things happened fast. Sineni reach- ed his gun -hand into the rushing

darkness, fired and fired again. Up ahead in the police car, they

heard the "plunk" of two slugs boring the back of the machine. They left the main road for the mud of a lane. Hammond swerved the wheel. But his game attempt to wreck the car ended when Frenchy wrenched the car back to its course, slugged the trooper with his gun.

And then Sineni cursed as the "hot" car mired itself in muddy ruts. He cursed again as he saw the cruiser's tail light growing ever smaller and smaller.

LOST from the sight of men, in the night which blanketed the lonely

countryside, Frenchy Benoit jerked the car to a stop. He took his hand- cuffs from the dazed Hammond. He fastened one cuff around the trooper's wrist. He jerked him savagely out of the car.

Swaying on his feet, the dead -game Hammond leaped on Benoit, knocking

his gun aside. They rolled in the mud. Frenchy swung the gat, smashed it into Hammond's face. The trooper sag- ged.

Spitting curses, the gunman dragged the trooper off the road to where a country mail -box stood. Around the post of this, Frenchy shackled the po- liceman with his own cuffs. He stood back and looked at him. Hammond was sagging down.

Welling up inside of Frenchy Benoit, then, came a terrible lust to -kill. Face twisting with a mania of cruelty he raised the gun -pointed it tensely at Hammond's head -and fired.

And there in the lonely night, a brave man died.

But even while Frenchy Benoit got back into the police cruiser, a voice spoke to him, in the silence. The car's loudspeaker said:

"Calling all cars ... all cars ... A prisoner has just kidnaped Trooper Hammond in police car ..."

Benoit gasped. But the voice of doom went on.

` ... one of the two men who earlier this evening kidnaped and robbed ..." LIKE a hunted beast, Frenchy Benoit

drove. And wherever he drove, the voice of radio followed him, forced him to hear the commands of that ris- ing army of Michigan police as they clicked machine -like into the forma- tion of the famous "Michigan Block- ade."

"Monroe police cover Pleasant Road and Bolles Harbor . .."

"Car 38, block U. S. Highway 24 at Ohio border ..."

" ... all cars, all cars . Trooper Hammond found dead ..."

And then the cooperating radio po- lice cars of Ohio, of municipalities, swung in: Ohio radio cars, blocking the roads. Ypsilanti cars, Lenawee County cars, Jackson, Brighton cars, all block- ing the roads.

And Frenchy Benoit had to listen! Then the stolen police car skidded,

slid into a ditch -as if it were a living thing, hating the creature that drove it.

A FTER daylight, there was a pound- ing on Farmer Paul Balog's door,

in the little village of Federation. Michigan.

"Up your hands!" snarled crazed Frenchy Benoit, when Balog opened the door. "I'm the guy that shot the trooper. Get out a car and drive me- or I plug you, too!"

In a light pick -up, Farmer Balog and his sixteen -year -old son Steve drove the killer. Their lights were out. Zigzagging over back roads, they reached the outskirts of Monroe.

"Drive up that lane!" snarled Benoit. "It's a police car behind us!"

It was a police car. They drove up the lane -and were trapped. A rifle bullet ground through the back seat and out through the windshield. Benoit jumped from the car, ran back down the lane and .

Four troopers faced him. A rifle, two pistols and a machine -gun pointed at him. Frenchy wilted.

"Don't shoot!" he whined. And for a wonder, they didn't.

Reverently they took the poor, manacled body of a brave man from its sagging posture, manacled to the post of a mail -box. But -because Michigan has no capital punishment -the living body of Frenchy Benoit, coward, will rot till it dies in a Michigan prison.

Thanks to police radio.





CHICAGO.-According to a dis- patch from Hollywood which was given wide publicity recently,

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone have signed an exclusive three -year contract, which will keep them busy until the Summer of 1940, for their present sponsor. By that time, Jack expects to have played "The Bee." (I hope.) Jack confirmed the news of their having signed the contract this week between trains here. He was on his way to New York where he will join Mary and from where he will present his next three programs - the broadcasts of March 7, 14 and 21. The contract gives Jack and Mary Summer vacations and an income that outshines that of President Roosevelt.

And I remember a forlorn, discour- aged vaudeville m.c. who, in the Win- ter of 1931, was ready to throw in the sponge. He wanted a certain famous orchestra booker to build a dance band around him. Yes, the m.c.'s name was Jack Benny!

Hollywood sidelight: "Ben Bernie and all the lads" will be no more after they complete their present assignment at the Cocoanut Grove. He's going to disband his band! The 01' Maestro will continue his radio and screen work, picking up an orchestra in much the same fashion as Johnny Green, Buddy Rogers and Victor Young now are doing. Bernie's decision is based on the fact that he wishes to stay in Hollywood for motion -picture and radio work, and it is less expen- sive to "pick up" an orchestra when he needs it, than to maintain his own group of horn tooters. Right now, he's hard at work placing his "lads" with other name bands -no small job, and a grand gesture!

One of the most extraordinary pro- grams on record is being broadcast from the Pittsburgh home of Thomas Atterbury McGinley, wealthy industri- alist, these Friday evenings. The show, entitled "The House that Jacks Built," features the playing by Lois Miller of a huge pipe organ in the McGinley home, and the appearance of a guest star. The peculiar angle about the program is that Mr. McGinley's com- pany has nothing to sell to the pub- lic directly -and that the show is promoting the railroad industry, one of the sponsor's best customers!

Ghost -tamer Arch Oboler, the "Lights Out" writer -experimenter, will get the husband angle into his next scripts, inasmuch as last week he se- cretly wed Eleanor Helfand, Univer-

sity of Chicago co -ed. The newly- weds are planning a New England motor ti ip with visits to all haunted houses along the route. They'll live in New York City -or maybe in Holly- wood. Oboler is being considered for a new network series for an electric refrigerator manufacturer.

Preferred diet selected from hun- dreds submitted to the reducing "Smil- in' Ed" McConnell is this: Breakfast -a hard - boiled egg, cup of black coffee (no sugar), a slice of dry toast and a can of tomatoes, hot or cold, with salt. Lunch -a head of lettuce, hard - boiled egg, cup of tea (clear) and can of tomatoes. Dinner -half head of cabbage (raw) with salt and vin- egar, cup of or- ange juice, slice of dry toast and -can of tomatoes!

Romancing: Ex- confirmed bache- lor radactor Ray- mond Johnson and Mercedes McCam- bridge, of the "Guiding L i g h t" cast ... Born: Son Bruce Miller, six pounds, nine ounc- es, to Mrs. William Miller, wife of the top tenor of "Contented Quartet."

I like this story. It's about Tom Casey, who used to be one of the neat- est and most polite page boys at NBC's Chi Merchandise Mart studios. He thought one certain quarter -hour pro- gram -that of Christine, singing pian- ist -was pretty swell. He became Christine's most rabid fan. Not long ago Casey was promoted to an an- nouncership. And Christine immedi- ately drafted him for her show!

Correction: Jackie Heller has de- cided to stay abroad a bit longer to work in France. But he'll be back late in March, because his sis, Shirley, is marrying Richard Mills.

Movie Scoutings: Jack (Poetic Mel- odies) Fulton may fly to Hollywood this week -end for screen tests as a result of an invasion of the Windy City last week by three talent scouts. Also seriously under consideration are Vir- ginia (Helen Trent) Clark and Louise (Mortimer Gooch) Fitch.

Ted Peckham, the inventor and pro- prietor of New York's Escort Bureau, stopped off in Chicago last week, while he was en route to Hollywood to start a branch here. In the Cinema City he'll appear on a Bing Crosby program and make a picture for Paramount.

SLATED for a network show are the famed Duncan Sisters, who will never be forgotten for their

"Topsy and Eva" characterizations in their version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Weber and Fields, another team that is very well known to theater- goers of years ago, are auditioning and it is very likely they will soon be heard arguing with each other in front of a mike.

The Haven MacQuarrie show for would -be actors is not likely to last much longer for the current boss, ac-

cording to the re- ports. The show just didn't click with the majority of listeners, your scribe being one of the majority.

For every well - known personality to leave the air, the spot usually is filled by some other prominent name. Thus, when Robert "Believe - it -or -not" Ripley leaves his air berth in June, it will be occupied by Ed- ward Everett Hor- ton, who has had his fling at the

mike with highly pleasing results.

Henry Youngman, who has been get- ting a build -up via the Kate Smith air- ings (he's also managed by Ted Col- lins, Kate's director), steps out in a program of his own with an orchestra. My suggestion to Mr. Youngman is that he try to avoid the dead silence after each gag he tells. As it is now, he gets off his quip -you hear the audi- ence chuckle, but he waits too long to get into his next line.

As usual, the Metropolitan Opera will go on tour this Spring. But this year only two cities are on the list - Boston and Cleveland. On April 3 and 10, the Opera broadcasts will come from the former city and on April 17, from the latter.

Edward Roecker, new "Pick and Pat" singer

Right: Jack (The Bee) Ben- ny takes a vio- lin lesson from Ben Bernie. Be- I o w: Robert Ripley with the widow of Casey Jones, famed engine driver

Paramount Pictures are setting the pace by launching a new and informal series of radio presentations featuring the movie stars at work behind the scenes in Hollywood, direct from the Paramount lot. The program will be heard starting Sunday, March 14, over the NBC -Red network.

Other program notes: The Jack Pearl show moves out of its Monday night spot and into a Friday night pe- riod ... Starting March 29, the "Mary Marlin" show will be heard twice a

Jerry Cooper, one of radio's most popular singers, is going to take a bride! She's Joan Mitchell, New York show -girl. Below: Jerry & Joan have lunch



day. The early broadcast will be heard over .31 stations of the NBC -Blue net and the afternoon airing will go over seven stations of the Red network . . .

A motor -car company starts a series of transcriptions over 300 stations, fea- turing Frank Morgan and the Victor Young orchestra along with prominent guest stars during each airing ... The "Hit Parade" is another show to start featuring guest stars. Prominent names will be heard on both the CBS and NBC shows ... Ralph Kirbery's spon- sor has asked NBC to try to clear some additional stations for the Dream Sing- er's popular broadcasts.

Bill Bacher, the able producer of the "Hollywood Hotel" shows, has been signed to doctor the Al Jolson -Sid Sil- vers- Martha Raye programs. The spon- sor is doing everything in his power to add interest to the show, which seemingly has not been a success.

A cigarette concern is likely to bring Dick Powell back to the airlanes in a variety broadcast which will originate at the Hollywood movie studios. Other big studios are also taking steps to break into the radio broadcasting busi- ness. Rumors have it that M -G -M film studios have instructed all their players to stop making radio appear- ances except players like Nelson Eddy and others who have contracts for a regular series. The idea is to keep the players exclusively for themselves just in case they need them for some con- templated airings of their own.

The merry madcaps, Chico and Groucho Marx, who need no introduc- tion to the audiences of the stage, screen and radio, are also doing a bit of auditioning for a famed cigarette sponsor. So you may expect very soon an announcement of the star of a new series featuring these comics.

Kilocycle Chatter: Sixteen -year -old Opera Singer Betty Jaynes will appear on Bing Crosby's program March 25

Jackie Coogan always telephones his mother and his girl friend, Betty Grable, in Hollywood after every broadcast ... A new program, talent of which has not yet been announced, debuts on the Mutual web on April 1.

If Gladys Swarthout ever misses a broadcast, her sponsors -the ice -mak- ers of the country -will get $50,000. Gladys has never missed a program in her long radio career, and just to make sure that record continues, her sponsor has insured her for the above amount with Lloyds of London.

11 N u 21



To 'Met' For 'Traviata'

Greta Garbo is not alone among American artists to star in "Camille" this year.

For when Bidu Sayao sings the lead- ing role in Verdi's "La Traviata" for the Metropolitan Opera broadcast on Saturday, March 6, she'll be playing the operatic version of the great love story.

"La Traviata" is based on the famous play by Alexander Dumas, fils, "La Dame aux Camelias," better known to American audiences simply as "Camille."

Miss Sayao, brilliant young Brazil- ian soprano whose Metropolitan debut was made over the air on February 13, will sing the role of Violetta Valery when the opera is broadcast in its en- tirety Saturday.

Miss Sayao, whose operatic experi- ence includes engagements at all the important French, Italian and South American operas, was engaged for the Metropolitan after her three success- ful appearances with the New York Philharmonic- Symphony last year un- derr the direction of Arturo Toscanini.

Charles Kullmann, who will support Miss Sayao, is a graduate of Yale Uni- versity who intended to study medi- cine, was diverted into a musical career by a scholarship from the well - known Juilliard School in New York.

Ettore Panizza will conduct the per- formance, with Marcia Davenport, NBC opera commentator, at the micro- phone as usual. Saturday, March 6 1:55 p.m. EST (12:55 CST) NBC

Honor St. Patrick On National Barn Dance

A St. Patrick's Day Party, with all the trimmings except a special guest of honor, will feature the National Barn Dance program on Saturday, March 13.

The Irish will have all the best of it. Pat Barrett's wife, Nora Cunneen,

will come to the party as "Bridget O'Flynn "; Lulu Belle and Skyland Scotty will sing "Paddy McGinty's Goat" and Bill O'Connor will offer "Little Bit of Heaven" and the beauti- fully haunting "Come Back to Erin." Saturday, March 13 9 p.m. EST (8 CST) NBC

'March of Time' Has Birthday With its broadcast Thursday, March

4, "The March of Time" will enter its seventh year of news dramatizations over the WABC -Columbia network.

The anniversary broadcast will be on the air at 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 CST) with the Howard Barlow orchestra and a cast of twelve of radio's foremost actors filling the character roles. Thursday, March 4 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 CST) CBS


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Stephan A. Day, founder of "Friends of the Supreme Court." 6:35 p.m. EST (5:35 CST), CBS. Speaker.

Mary Jane Walsh. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), CBS. Vallee's guest.

Freddie Bartholomew, Mischa Auer, Mary Gar- den. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), NBC. Crosby's guests.

President Roosevelt. 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 CST), NBC -CBS. Speaker, Democratic Victory Din- ner.

FRIDAY, March 5

"Fifty Dollars Extra." 8:30 p.m. EST (7:30 CST), NBC. Death Valley Days drama.

Burns and Allen and Victor McLaglen, Peter Lorre, June Lang in "Nancy Steele is Miss- ing." 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), CBS. Guests, Hollywood Hotel.

Countess Olga Albani. 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), NBC. Added to cast of Universal Rhythm.

"1 Lived with a Maniac." 9:30 p.m. EST (8:30 CST), NBC. Court of Human Relations drama.

Senator William Gibbs McAdoo. 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 CST), CBS. Speaks on the subject: "The President is Right."


The Doring Sisters. 9 a.m. EST (8 CST), NBC. Guests, Breakfast Club.

Cincinnati Madrigal Singers. 11 a.m. EST (10 CST), CBS. Broadcast with Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

Verdi's "La Traviata" with Bidu Sayao and Charles Kullmann. 1:55 p.m. EST (12:55 CST), NBC. Metropolitan Opera Matinee.

"Your Income Tax." Charles Melvoin. 4 p.m. EST (3 CST), CBS.

"A Journey Through the Universe." 5:30 p.m. EST (4:30 CST), CBS. Drama of the Skies.

"The ABC of NBC," Ben Grauer. 7:45 p.m. EST (6:45 CST), NBC.

James Melton. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), NBC. Saturday Night Party regular master of ceremonies.

Frederick Jagel, tenor. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), NBC. Ed Wynn's guest.

SUNDAY, March 7

Norman Pearce, world -traveler. 9 a.m. EST (8 CST), NBC, CBS. Guest, Sunday Morning at Susan's.

Edwina Eustis, Dana Suesse, Jan Peerce, Dr. Howard Hanson. 12:30 p.m. EST (11:30 a.m. CST), NBC. Guests, Radio City Music Hall.

Jean Sablon, Josephine Antoine, John B. Ken- nedy, Richard Himber's Orchestra. 2 p.m. EST (1 CST), NBC. Magic Key guests.

Arthur Loesser, pianist. 3 p.m. EST (2 CST), CBS. Guest, New York Philharmonic Or- chestra.

Gabriel Heatter. 5 p.m. EST (4 CST), NBC. Replaces Phillips Lord on "We, the People."

"Judiciary Issues," New York State Supreme Court Justice Ferdinand Pecora and Ray- mond Moley. 7 p.m. EST (6 CST), CBS.

"Appointment at Westminster." 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), NBC.

Myra Hess, pianist. 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), CBS. Guest, Ford Sunday Evening Hour.

George Jessel. 9:15 p.m. EST (8:15 CST), NBC. Rippling Rhythm master of ceremonies.

MONDAY, March 8

Mrs. Sarah Lockwood, interior decorator. 11 a.m. EST (10 CST), CBS. Magazine of the Air guest.

"Spring Financing with Cqoperative Credit," W. I. Myers. 1:30 p.m. EST (12:30 CST), CBS.

"Uncle Remus." 4 p.m. EST (3 CST), CBS. Treasure Next Door dramatization.

Asbury College Glee Club. 4:15 p.m. EST (3:15 CST), CBS.

"Pretty Kitty Kelly." 6:45 p.m. EST (5:45 CST), CBS. New five -a -week dramatic sketch re- placing "Renfrew of the Mounted."

"Low Tide." 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), NBC. Helen Hayes' drama.

Richard Crooks. 8:30 p.m. EST (7:30 CST), NBC. Guest, Voice of Firestone.

Grace Moore in "Madam Butterfly." 9 p.m. EST 8 CST), CBS. Lux Radio Theater guest.

"The Count and the Counterfeits." 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), NBC. Warden Lawes' drama.

Studebaker Champions. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), NBC -Blue. New time.

TUESDAY, March 9

Robert W. Horton, "Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing." 1:15 p.m. EST (12:15 CST), CBS. Also Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harrison. 1:45 p.m. EST (12:45 CST), NBC. Chil- dren's Concert.

George Rasely, Benay Venuta, Glenn Hunter. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), CBS. Guests, Hammer- stein's Music Hall.

Zeke Manners Gang. 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), CBS. Guest, Al Pearce's Gang. Nick Lucas joins permanent staff.

Adolph Menjou, Martha Raye. 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), NBC. Ben Bernie's guests.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt. 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 CST), NBC, CBS, MBS. "Fireside Chat," "The State of the Union."

George Jessel. 9:30 p.m. EST (8:30 CST), CBS. Guest, Oakié s College.


William Lyon Phelps. 11 a.m. EST (10 CST), CBS. Guest, Magazine of the Air.

"The Life of Stephen Girard." 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), CBS. Cavalcade of America drama- tization.

Lanny Ross. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), NBC. Guest, Your Hit Parade.

THURSDAY, March 11

"Story of Harry Steenbock." 2 p.m. EST (1 CST), NBC. Men Who Made America dra- matization.

Folk Music from Warsaw. 2:15 p.m. EST (1:15 CST), CBS. American School of the Air.

Sidney Sukoenig. 2:45 p.m. EST (1:45 CST), NBC. Piano recital.

Eastman School Symphony Orchestra. 3:15 p.m. EST (2:15 CST), NBC.

Margaret Sullavan, Henry Youngman. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), CBS. Guests, Kate Smith's Bandwagon.

Dr. Serge Koussevitzky, Boston Symphony Or- chestra. 8:45 p.m. EST (7:45 CST), NBC.

Andre Segovia, guitarist. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), NBC. Guest, Crosby's Music Hall.

FRIDAY, March 12

Albert Payson Terhune. 11 a.m. EST (10 CST), CBS. Guest, Magazine of the Air.

Bronislaw Huberman, violinist. 3 p.m. EST (2 CST), CBS. Guest, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

Third International Chopin Competition at War- saw, Poland. 3:30 p.m. EST (2:30 CST), NBC.

Hugh Herbert, Doris Nolan, George Humphrey in "Top of the Town." 9 p.m. EST (8 CST), CBS. Guests, Hollywood Hotel.

Girl Scouts' 25th Anniversary. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), NBC.

Walt Disney, Donald Duck, Clarabelle Cow. 10:45 p.m. EST (9:45 CST), CBS. Interviewed by Elza Schallert.

SATURDAY, March 13

Philharmonic Symphony Society. 11 a.m. EST (10 CST), CBS. Children's concert; Ernest Schelling, conductor.

"Mignon" with Gladys Swarthout, Josephine An- toine, Charles Hackett and Ezio Pinza. 1:55 p.m. EST (12:55 CST), NBC. Metropolitan Opera Matinee.

New England Music Festival Association Con- cert. 2 and 3 EST (1 and 2 CST), MBS.

Williams College Glee Club. 4:30 p.m. EST (3:30 CST), CBS.

Hans Anderson. 5:30 p.m. EST (4:30 CST), CBS. Speaker, Drama of the Skies.

Professor Quiz. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), CBS. New day and time.

Carlos Salzedo, harpist. 8 p.m. EST (7 CST), NBC. Ed Wynn's guest.

Sydney Rafner. 10 p.m. EST (9 CST), CBS. Guest, Your Hit Parade.

Fireside Chat' Planned For

Tuesday What may turn out to be the most

important of all of President's Roose- velt's famous "fireside chats" will be broadcast to the nation over the three major networks Tuesday night.

Although announced merely as a re- port "on the state of the union," there is little doubt in well- informed circles that the President's address will be largely centered on his plan for re- form of the United States Supreme Court.

Because of the fact that it has taken nearly a decade to obtain approval by only 28 states of the child labor amendment to the constitution, Presi- dent Roosevelt, it is believed, has re- jected this method of attaining judi- cial reform, and is determined to push the matter through Congress, without resorting to the slow constitutional amendment method.

Concentrated and extremely vocal opposition to the plan has decided the President to take his case to the people themselves, via the radio. He is also said to be considering a speaking tour of the country.

In the opinion of many observers, Roosevelt will not be forced to that extreme. Claims of the opposition to the contrary, White House sources be- lieve the President's bill could even now be passed by Congress, and they are confident that a radio address will insure success of the measure. They argue that the tremendously effective persuasiveness of America's No. 1 radio personality has been amply proven and that this one speech may bring enough pressure to bear on mem- bers of Congress to issue passage of the court bill, despite the formidable array of opposition to it. Tuesday, March 9 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 MST) NBC -CBS- M BS

U. S. Children Will Hear Czech Program

From Prague, Czechoslovakia, will come the fifth international concert of folk -music presented by the "Ameri- can School of the Air" on Thursday, March 4.

The program will originate from the Radiojournal studios in the Czecho- slovakian city where children of the Prague Broadcasting Chorus under the direction of Otaker Jeremias will sing favorite songs of their homeland. At the conclusion of the concert the chil- dren will send greetings to students in the United States.

The series, planned as a means of cementing international relations, has proved highly popular. The next broadcast will originate in Germany. Thursday, March 4 2:15 p.m. EST (1:15 CST) CBS



Martha Raye And

Menjou Bernie's

Guest Stars In one of the last broadcasts you'll

hear before Ben Bernie disbands his orchestra (see "Plums and Prunes" on page 11 of this issue) the 01' Maestro will entertain Martha Raye and Adolph Menjou on the evening of Tuesday, March 9.

Miss Raye, held by many people who should know to be the torchiest torch singer on the air, will demonstrate various new techniques in swing for Bernie's benefit.

The nature of the suave Adolph Menjou's contribution to the evening's hilarity isn't known as yet. The rumor that he will tell Bernie what the well - dressed man isn't wearing this season has been denied in practically every quarter. Tuesday. March 9 9 p.m. EST (8 CST) NBC

'Pretty Kitty Kelly' To Debut on CBS Monday

"Pretty Kitty Kelly," a new dra- matic serial replacing "Renfrew of the Mounted," comes to the air for the first time Monday, March 8.

The story of Kitty Kelly, an attrac- tive Irish lass whose past is a mystery, opens as Kitty arrives in New York from her native land. Alone in a strange world, she pits herself against the metropolis and sets about earning a living.

Arline Blackburn, young dramatic actress, has been chosen to play the title role. Born in New York, Miss Blackburn began her stage career at the age of three, appearing with no less a personage than Lionel Barry - more, then one of the first idols of the stage. Later she played in "The Bride of the Lamb" starring Alice Brady.

Frank Dahm, who has been engaged in radio work for the past twelve years, is writing the scripts. Until recently, Dahm was affiliated with a Chicago station as continuity writer, and he was formerly program director of KPO in San Francisco. Monday, March 8 6:45 p.m. EST (5:45 CST) CBS

George and Gracie On 'Hotel' Program

When Hollywood Hotel presents "Nancy Steele Is Missing," new film starring Victor McLaglen, Peter Lorre, and June Lang on Friday, March 5, an extra added dash of something or other will be added to the program by George Burns and Gracie Allen, ap- pearing as guest stars.

"Nancy Steele" will mark Mc- Laglen's second Hollywood Hotel ap- pearance in the last month. He was previously heard in "Sea Devils." Peter Lorre and June Lang will be on the show for the first time. Friday, March 5 9 p.m. EST (8 CST) CBS

Lincoln Steffens Lives Again The life story of Lincoln Steffens,

famous journalist and writer whose brilliant exposes of the New York City political structure early in the century won him lasting fame, will be drama- tized during the Men Who Made America program on its daytime spot on Thursday, March 4.

Author of "Boy on Horseback," "Moses in Red," "The Struggle For Self- Government," Steffens was most widely known for his monumental "Autobiography." Thursday. March 4 2 p.m. EST (1 CST) NBC


Earhart Show Boat Guest

Appearing on the Show Boat program Thursday, March 4, 9 p.m. EST (8 CST) Amelia Earhart, famous woman flyer, will discuss phases of her proposed 27,000 mile round -the -world flight. She's shown above with Al Goodman, Show Boat bandleader

Judy Garland To Sing Torch Songs

For Oakie. Goodman, on Judy Garland, 13- year -old blues

singer who scored a personal triumph in the motion picture "Pigskin Parade," will bring her music to Jack Oakie's College for a little extra -curricular musical endeavor Tuesday night.

Judy recently guested for Bernie. The torrid swing of Benny Goodman,

in New York, will as usual alternate with Oakie's gags and music in Holly- wood. Goodman's "quartet" - piano, drums, vibraphone and clarinet - brings to the Oakie show every week probably the most authentic "jazz" on the air. Hot -music fans the country over glue their ears to the loudspeaker when the quartet begins to improvise.

Goodman, one of the best clarinetists playing today, has three acknowledged masters of hot music to follow him in the "quartet." They are Teddy Wil- son, colored pianist who is ranked among the all -time greats, Gene Krupa, often spoken of as the best drummer in the country, and Lionel Hampton, who does things with the vibraphone that have compelled the wonder of the great Stokowski himself! Tuesday, March 9 9:30 p.m. EST (8:30 CST) CBS

Loesser With Philharmonic Arthur Loesser, among the most

promising of young American pianists, will play the fascinating "Variations on a Nursery Theme" by Dohnanyi as guest soloist with the New York Phil- harmonic - Symphony Orchestra over the CBS -WABC network Sunday afternoon.

Artur Rodzinski conducts. Sunday, March 7 3 p.m. EST (2 CST) CBS

McAdoo Supports FDR Support in no uncertain terms will

be given President Roosevelt in his fight for Supreme Court reorganization Friday, March 5, when Sen. William Gibbs McAdoo of California speaks over a Columbia network from Wash- ington.

Subject: "The President Is Right." Friday, March 5 10:30 p.m. EST (9:30 CST) CBS

College Show

Walt Disney To Be Interviewed

Elza Schauert, NBC interviewer - extraordinary, will have a round- table discussion on March 12 with Walt Disney and two of his best - loved characters: Donald Duck and Clarabelle Cow.

Disney, whose Mickey Mouse is so famous that no movie program is quite complete without it, will tell all, the origin and the life of his characters. The whole serious business will be conducted in a smart and airy style, with dis- paraging remarks by Donald Duck as a sideline attraction. Friday. March 12

10:45 p.m. EST (9:45 CST) NBC

Frederick Jagel Will Guest On Wynn Show

Frederick Jagel, tenor of the Metro- politan Opera Company, who really deserves a better fate, will make a guest appearance with Ed Wynn dur- ing his broadcast with Graham Mc- Namee and Don Voorhees, March 6.

Jagel will sing the lead in another of the lisping comedian's mad opera stories in addition to offering an ortho- dox operatic aria.

Wynn himself has threatened to sidle up to the microphone and sing a duet with Jagel, and there is an ex- cellent chance of his actually doing it. No matter what the talents of his musical guests, Wynn doesn't fear comparison. The only reason he hasn't aired a conductors' duet with Arturo Toscanini is said to be that Toscanini isn't in America!

In addition to the musical extrava- ganza, Wynn will tell a joke or two, and Voorhees' orchestra will play. Saturday, March 6 8 p.m. EST (7 CST) NBC

Pianist Myra Hess

Will Broadcast On Sunday

Myra Hess, English woman pianist who stands pre- eminent among instru- mental artists of her sex, will appear as guest star on the Ford Sunday Eve- ning Hour March 7.

Miss Hess, who began her active musical career five years after her birth in London in 1890, first appear- ed in the United States January 17, 1922, and has been a favorite here ever since that time.

Alert to a changing world, she is notable for her championship of mod- em music. No faddist, her choice is always sound, her execution faultless. Her repertory is unusually wide in scope, virtually all -inclusive. Alert to the contributions of modern English composers, she excels in the sonatas of Scarlatti, the "48" of J. S. Bach, and the concertos of Mozart and Schu- mann. Beethoven and Brahms are also well represented in her active library.

"It is we musicians who train the public," Miss Hess declares. "And since the public puts its trust in us, we should respect our obligation. Nothing but the finest music should be consid- ered for presentation."

Musical appreciation, in America as elsewhere, Miss Hess insists, is what musicians make it.

The English pianist's current Ameri- can tour will include some thirty -odd appearances and will end the last week in April. Miss Hess will then sail for England, where she will participate in the Royal Academy's coronation con- cert. Sunday. March 7 9 p.m. EST (8 CST) CBS

'Top of the Town' Is

Hollywood Hotel Show Hollywood Hotel will present Uni-

versal's "Top of the Town" in a pre- view airing March 12, with Hugh Herbert, Doris Nolan and George Humphrey leading the cast.

"Top of the Town" is a madcap tale built around an heiress who decides to do something about the night -club situation -specifically, she decides it needs "uplifting."

Acquiring a night club and an orchestra, she goes to work on her premiere presentation, which threatens to become the biggest failure of all time until rescued by the bandleader.

The picture is a musical and new hit songs are promised when the show hits the airlanes from Hollywood's Ebell theater. Friday, March 12 9 p.m. EST (8 CST) CBS

Recital To Cover 134 Years Compositions written at the ex-

tremes of a 134 -year period -in 1799 and in 1933 -will feature the Library of Congress broadcast of the Coolidge String quartet Thursday, March 4.

The ensemble will play first the Quartet in G, Opus 77, No. 1, by Joseph Haydn. The second offering will be Paul Hindemith's Trio No. 2, composed in 1933. Thursday, March 4 3:45 p.m. EST (2:45 CST) CBS

Prof. Quiz On New Spot Moving out of his old broadcasting

time, Professor Quiz and His Brain - busters will be heard for the first time in the new spot Saturday, March 13.

Announcer Arthur Godfrey will con- tinue to help the genial professor demonstrate to his audience volunteers just exactly how little they know. Saturday, March 13 8 p.m. EST (7 CST) CBS


MIRACLE MAN (Continued from Page 3)

beach. I came up sputtering from water snuffed up my nose. Then, back on the beach, I asked to borrow a cig- arette."

And with that request, the sun went dim, the world went black, the roar of the ocean diminished and the voices of people were blotted out. For more than three weeks, he lay unconscious with a cerebral hemorrhage, kept ignorant of his pain and misfortune by injections of morphine. For twenty - one days during this period, death and life were twin watches at his side, until the stronger of the two con- quered and brought Stephen Cart- right back to earth again. When he awakened, he found it was dark. He listened. But there was no sound. He looked. But there was nothing to be seen. "It must be midnight," he said.

It was actually high noon on a bright September day.

I used to review my life during those endless silent hours," he said of that time. "My boyhood in Penn- sylvania, for instance . . . the death of my parents, my sister and I as orphans. Then later, going to Carnegie Tech with only $5 in my pocket. Get- ting up at 2 o'clock every morning to peddle papers before classes, and working in a drug store when classes were done. All for what? A dividend of deafness and blindness paid to a shareholder more dead than alive!"

BUT the years were not wasted after all -and though Steve Cartright

had no way of knowing it then, the double handicap that would have fin- ished the career of an ordinary man was the handicap that was to lead him straight into a brand -new calling!

For one day, not long after his acci- dent, a woman called at the hospital, and like Anne Sullivan, who led Helen Keller into the light, she opened Ste- phen's shutters wide to the sky! "She took my hand," he told me, "and printed letters with her finger on the back of it: `M -Y N -A -M -E I -S P- L- A- N- T- N -E -R,' she slowly spell- ed and she must have done it a dozen times before I understood."

From that day on, Stephen Cart - right's story became the story of Mary Louise Plantner, graduate of Vassar college, brilliant social worker and an heiress in her own right. Cartright's plight had challenged her generosity and compassion. If time and money could help him, she decided, she would contribute both to bring this man out of his silence and darkness.

And she did. In fact, she devoted eleven years of her life to doing it, and in the end was repaid by a stu- dent who graduated into one of radio's most interesting personalities.

Slowly, patiently, she taught him the Morse code ... by marking the letter of the alphabet on the back of his hand and interpreting it in telegraphic dots and dashes. Hour after hour, day after day, the two of them sat together -dot, dash, dot, dash, dot -until final- ly, Cartright learned the whole alpha- bet in Morse. From then on, the task was easier. They talked together, rapidly tapping what they had to say.

Next, she taught him to read the raised letters in Braille. But remem- ber, she could not tell him, "This is A. This is B," as his fingers moved over the raised letters. She had to tele- graph each letter by tapping his hand, and he, in turn, had to remember how each raised letter felt. Another pain- ful year passed before Cartright mas- tered Braille.

Then suddenly he could read. But it still wasn't enough. This man who had already triumphed over lack of sight, wanted to win a victory over sound. It was a staggering ambition, but Miss Plantner only smiled. When there is will to fight, the victory is as good as won!

So they went to the Perkins Speech


CkI2 1`

3 4 5 6

CJ7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16

J17 DI( 17

18 J 19 20 2I 3 *+ 24 25

26 7

t 28

* +


©39 t + t©©*'*

35 37

** 38

33 .-



__.'.:': *: .


I 42 43 9 90

r,i,1 44 1,45

© 47

© 1 7C

50 51 48 49

52 54 55 56 57 58 59

60 41 l 3

©64 65 *

« it 67 G8

69 9,w



0 0 y.{71

.73 © © © 79 u 76


2. Talley, soprano 7. Sea off the coast of Sweden

14. Cavalcade of - 16. Last name, star in the por-

trait 17. Marks in the hand or face 18. - Goodelle, singer 19. Ordinary written language 21. First name, star in the por-

trait 24. In music; slow with dignity 26. Edges of a box 27. Spanish title of courtesy 28. Harold -, orchestra

leader 29. Aside 31. Conjunction 33. Young Yankee (Abbr.) 34. Agitate 36. - Haenschen, maestro 39. Joseph -, maestro 41. Ruth -, singer 44. Plant indigenous to Egypt 45. Spanish dance 46. In law, any damage 47. Electrical unit of power 48. - Harding, announcer 50. Attracted 52. Epochs 53. Canadian province 59. Musical piece by one vo-

calist 60. Humorist 61. Fruit of the blackthorn 62. Slippery fish (Pl.) 64. Male adults 65. Enthusiastic 67. Intervening time

69. Freeman -, Amos 70. Steam towing vessel 71. Having the spirits raised 72. River in Scotland 73. Tattered cloth 74. Famous opera 75. Alice -, radio actress 76. Discoverer of electrical

waves (1857 -1894)


1. Stringed instruments 2. Rhythmic succession of

tones 3. To get up 4. Joe , bandleader 5. Congealed water

Solution to Puzzle Given Last Week




0 LT E 1O 'T aus

H I M$!E1Jt, HAENS(HEN ?.I , ó T S


Larl' LiTS E L N






6. Sandy desert 8. Who is Norris Goff ?

9. In Hawaii, a wreath 10. Chinese coin 11. A small island 12. Howard -, CBS an-

nouncer 13. Ty , Detroit baseball

announcer 15. Wilfred -, of the Revel-

ers 20. Narrow strip of silk 22. Virginia , soprano 23. Motion of the head 25. Afflictive 30. Cutting tool 32. To grow old 34. Forepiece of a cap (pl.) 35. - Darcy, singer 37. Fred -, NBC announcer 38. Social standing 39. Chateau m.c. 40. Nitric acids 42. To allow light pass through

glass 43. Sherlock Holmes is Rich-

ard - 49. Phoenix is the capital here 51. A component part 53. Popular song title 54. Man's nickname 55. Don -, bandleader 56. Governs over a country 57. A number 58. 'ro modify or change 61. Rain mingled with snow 63. Hebrew word used in the

Psalms to indicate a pause 66. Increases 68. Veltemence

Institute at Watertown, Massachusetts, and there the teacher became a- stu- dent too. She learned the shape of letters and words and taught them to her pupil, like this: "Put your index finger on my lips," she signaled him, "and the thumb and forefinger of your other hand on my throat ... I'm going to repeat the letter 'T' over and over again. I want you to remember how my throat vibrates and my lips move." And he would try to remember. Soon, on his sharp mind, that vocal vibration registered as plainly as sight registers on your eye or sound on your ear.

THOSE were hard days, months, years, but finally the sun came slowly

into Stephen Cartright's mind and stayed there. The day finally arrived when he could "hear" what anybody said by listening with his fingers in- stead df his ears.

After this decisive battle was won, he and Miss Plantner went to London for a much- needed vacation. There one of the editors of the London Times heard about him and asked if he might see him for an interview.

Just an ordinary interview, or so it seemed to Stephen. They talked of this and that in the every -day con- versational tones that one ordinarily uses in discussing the weather or the casual topics of the day. But when it was all over -when the last pleasantry had been exchanged, the editor rose triumphantly and guided Stephen's hand to a strange metallic object that hung above his head.

It was a microphone, the first that Cartright had ever touched . and surprisingly enough, the casual con- versation he had just concluded was his initial radio program on the air! He was stupified with the knowledge

. he had actually broadcast! "In London," he told me, picking up

the thread of his story, "Miss Plantner hit upon the idea of making a lecture tour through Europe. Together, we appeared on speakers' platforms in England, France, Germany, Russia."

And everywhere the lecturer went, he got as much information as he gave. He asked questions. He studied the international situation. He became an authority on world politics. Eventually,

he and Miss Plantner returned home. Here, the fifty- five -year -old teacher

decided that her pupil had progressed beyond her. The ground -work was done now -all it needed was culti- vation. Besides, she wanted to return to England and be married. She had found romance late in life, but there was, Cartright felt, no reward on earth that she did not deserve. So after a long and useful association, the two of them parted. Miss Plantner to marry . . . Stephen Cartright to -well, he wasn't sure what.

"Then suddenly," he told me hap- pily, "I remembered that night in Lon- don when a microphone had been hid- den before me. Radio -that was my answer. If I could broadcast in Great Britain I could do it in America. Or at least, I could give it a try."

SO HE went to Chicago, where, high up in the gray shadows of the

Merchandise Mart, he auditioned for NBC. And there, facing a microphone that often sends men who can see and hear down to ignominious defeat, the man who was both deaf and blind again was the unquestionable victor. Announcer Charlie Lyon worked with Cartright every day. When final ar- rangements were completed, Stephen was to broadcast his interpretation of the news over the NBC network daily, and was to appear on RCA's Magic Key program once a week.

But this isn't the story of a super- human, for Steve Cartright, too, is occasionally prey to human frailty, even as you and I. Chicago, with its cutting gales sweeping in off the lake, its hustle and bustle of hurrying hu- manity, its hog- butcher -of -the -world atmosphere, frightened him. He could not see or hear the traffic or the peo- ple, but all day long he could feel the fearful pounding pulse of the city's charged vibration.

"I couldn't stand it," he said simply. "So I fled to Primghar, Iowa, where friends lived." There in Primghar, a sympathetic banker heard his story and wrote to John Henry, general manager of the Central States Broad- casting System in Nebraska. They asked Cartright to go to KFAB in Omaha for an audition, and not more than a week later, he began broad- casting over KFAB and KOIL of the Central States network.

He's been broadcasting ever since. To prepare for his programs, he first receives news flashes from the KFAB- KOIL newsroom. These are read to him by his secretary. In the interim between flashes, the secretary reads to him continuously -from books, maga- zines, newspapers, international peri- odicals, political pamphlets, every- thing, in short, that comes in printed form, while he sits opposite, holding his fingers to his secretary's lips. Then the blind man dictates brief notes to be stamped out in Braille. When he is on the air, these one- and two -word notes remind him what his topics are to be -yet the body of his speeches is printed nowhere except in his own mi- raculous mind.

ELEVEN years ago Stephen Cartright was helpless, a lump of humanity

hardly more important than a furry, blind mole living in the rays of the sun he could not even see. Today, he's a capable, well- organized, highly per- sonalized individual filling an efficient place in a world where efficiency is almost a god.

Yesterday, few people had ever heard of him. Today, his opinions on world affairs make important d' f. er- ences in the opinions of thousands -vho hear him on the air. He's like Edwin C. Hill or Boake Carter or H. V. Kal- tenborn, yet there's one big difference that separates him from these . . .

For, when a man who can hear and see talks to an audience of thousands, it's wonderful. Yet it's only radio's magic, and we hail it with an indiffer- ent shrug . . .

But when a blind and deaf man talks to that same audience -and talks to them about world events which he can neither see nor hear -it's more than radio. It's a miracle!

0,21 %


M \ k A


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N 6:21

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A STRONG, healthy stomach (as shown above) -the normal functioning of nerves, intestines and bowels -all re- quire ample Vitamin B -the NERVE VITAMIN - each day. Add Fleisch- mann's Yeast to your regular diet to in- crease your supply of Vitamin B. It is one of the richest natural food sources of this NERVE VITAMIN.

NOT ENOUGH VITAMIN A INCREASED SUSCEPTIBILITY to fre- quent colds- weakened nose and throat linings -and lowered general resistance - may come from an undersupply of Vitamin A. Tests show large numbers of people in this country today do not get enough of this necessary vitamin. Let Fleischmann's fresh Yeast help to in- crease your daily supply of Vitamin A.

M ANY PEOPLE today suffer from some degree of vitamin deficiency, because

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A shortage of even one of these important food elements can undermine your vitality and lower your resistance to disease.

The addition of just one fdbd- FLEISCH- MANN'S fresh YEAST -helps to increase your supply of these vitamins. It assures you an EXTRA daily quota of 4 important vitamins - A, B, D and G -over and above what your ordinary meals provide.

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Just eat 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast daily -one cake about % hour before each meal. Eat it plain, or dissolved in a little water. Start now to build up your vitamin health. Order 2 or 3 days' supply at a time from your grocer. Fleischmann's Yeast keeps perfectly in the icebox.

LESTER STOEFEN Giant California Tennis Star, has the steel -like strength, energy and stamina that show he is well supplied with these 4 essential vitamins -A, B, D and G.

Copyright, 1937. Standard Brands Incorporated



day makes her only radio appear- nce this season on the coming

"Sunday Evening Hour." And she, as every connoisseur and lover of the piano knows, is Myra Hess. For where else can one turn to find as richly gifted an artist combining so admir- able a taste, so discriminating a sense of style and period, and so warm and appealing a love of her work?

It is one of the platitudes of critical dictalogy in these nimble times that there is only one Myra Hess. What she does and how she does it is as per- sonal to her as Paderewski's perform- ances were to him. And that is say- ing much! Surely no other artist ever performed in our generation who held such a magnetic power over his hear- ers or radiated such light as Mr. Pad - erewski. Miss Hess is, in her way, like him. She radiates an ineffable charm. Perhaps she wouldn't like this com- parison, for there are many ways in which they differ, and this analogy, like all others, has its limitations. But no matter! Miss Hess, along with Pad - erewski, knows full well that music is an art which has the power to make the eyes hear as well as the ears see.

Jose Iturbi revived the age -old ar- gument the other day as to whether men or women are the greater artists. "Their efforts," he said, "while often praiseworthy and reaching real artis- try, never achieve greatness. They are physically limited from attaining the standard of men, and are limited tem- peramentally, besides."

Naturally a storm of protests de- scended upon Mr. Iturbi from every side. There is much to be said on the subject, which we shall have occasion to say in a few weeks. We tried, in vain, to draw Miss Hess out on the subject. As a recognized leader of her sex, her views would be interesting. "I see no need for the distinction," she claimed. "Why should I be called a woman pianist? There are good or bad artists. Nothing more need be said. Plain `pianist' is good enough for me, and I am happy if audiences think I am good."

YOU certainly would not describe Miss Hess as a feminist, and yet she

is undeniably a woman. That, too, has an influence, perhaps impenetrable and mysterious and not capable of analy- sis, on her playing and her moods.

She did, however, express some hopeful dicta about American listen- ers. "As I have in the past fifteen years grown to know your audiences, I have learned that the better the mu- sic you play for them, the more re- sponse you have. Even in small cities, I have been surprised to see throngs of people coming to a recital that had not a single show -piece on it.

"I feel that it is, finally, the perform- ing artists who educate the public. Why, let me ask, should we educate listeners to enjoy something super- ficial and sensational? We can as eas- ily give them the best and the- worth- while and present it as it should be, in its proper setting. That, to my mind," concluded Miss Hess, "is a re- sponsibility of all artists . and the bigger name the artist has, the bigger his responsibility."

No doubt long before this Deems Taylor has had a mis- statement called to his attention. Some time ago when he spoke of Jean Sibelius, Mr. Taylor mentioned that he had written six sym- phonies. As every music -lover knows, seven symphonies by the great Fin- nish master have been published, and


there is an Eighth, a program sym- phony, still in manuscript, in the Hel- sinki University library. It bears the title, "Kullervo," and along with the two early Sibelius tone -poems that have been missing thirty years, should be played in this country.

The tone - poems, "Lemminkainen and the Maids of Saari" (a strangely sensuous and mystical love exaltation not unlike the "Tristan" Liebestod) and "Lemminkainen in Tuonela," are companion pieces to the familiar "Swam of Tuonela" and "Lemminkai- nen's Return," which all our leading orchestras play. So far, these newly re- discovered manuscripts have not been heard outside Scandinavia, where I was privileged to hear them last No- vember. The composer, puzzle that he is, is not certain that they would be a success, and is reluctant to let them out of his hands. Our enterprising con- ductors should not rest easy until they have them in America, for no contem- porary pieces that I know would make so rich and valuable an addition to the tone -poem literature.

ONE listener, at least, will be grate- ful when our symphonic program

makers give us frequent performances of the last four Sibelius symphonies. Now we hear only the Finn's lesser output, his first two essays in the sym- phonic form. Why neglect the great- est, the Fourth and Seventh? To be understood and appreciated, as they deserve to be, they require frequent hearing. Here is a pioneering task for Doctor Rodzinski who, this Sunday, gives the Wagnerites a treat and next week plans an all- Russian pro- gram including the Tschaikowsky vio- lin concerto and the Miaskovsky Sixth Symphony. On March 21, the Philhar- monic- Symphony presents a concert version of Richard Strauss' "Elektra," not exactly Palm Sunday music, but the Easter presentation of the last act of "Parsifal" will be redeeming.

The final CBS broadcasts of the Coo- lidge String Quartet from the Library of Congress occur this week, on Tues- day and Thursday afternoons, and they are full of interest for every mu- sic- lover, bringing an almost unknown quartet in F minor of Pierre Vachon (1731 -1802), two Beethoven and a Haydn opus and of contemporary out- put, quartets by Randall Thompson, Serge Taneiev, and Paul Hindemith.

CRANK CHAPMAN is too intelligent and experienced to allow himself any

wishful thinking. And, certainly,* that must be what he is doing. For, if my radio can be trusted, he should never attempt such dramatic and intense baritone arias as Tonio's prologue from "I Pagliacci," which he sang last week, and the Toreador Song from "Car- men," which he has programmed for this. Nature unfortunately did not en- dow him with a voice capable of put- ting over these arias on any first lyric stage and, by, no stretch of the imagin- ation, does the microphone supply his natural deficiencies. If anything, it ex- aggerates them.

Moreover, in singing these familiar arias, he invites comparison with the sonorous and colorful baritone voices of our greatest artists, Lawrence Tib- bett, John Charles Thomas, Nelson Ed- dy, and Richard Bonelli, to mention the best -known. Comparisons are in- evitable and the result is not flattering to Mr. Chapman. Would it not be sat- isfactory all around if he would con- fine himself to the simple and less tax- ing ballads which he can do superbly?

Bidu Sayao: She returns to the air for the Metropolitan

Charles Kullman will star with Miss Sayao March 6

Soprano Lucille Browning is to sing the role of "Annina"

Norman Cordon, well -known basso, will sing "Dr. Grenvil"

By Giuseppe Verdi

March 6, 1:55 p.m. EST

(12:55 CST; 11:55 a.m. MST; 10:55 PST)

NBC -Blue Network

Violeta Bidu Sayao

Alfredo Germont . . . Charles Kullman Flora Thelma Votipka Giorgio Germont . . . . John Brownlee Baron Douphol . . . Wildred Engelman

Annina Lucille Browning Gaston Angelo Baba

Marquis d'Obigny . . George Cehanovsky Dr. Grenvil Norman Cordon Ballet . . . American Ballet Ensemble

Conductor_ Ettore Panizza

Bidu Sayao, the extraordinary South American coloratura who made her debut on February 13 in "Manon," returns to the Metropolitan broad- casts Saturday, March 6, as "Violetta Valery" in Verdi's "La Traviata." Although Miss Sayao by no means needs to furnish additional proof of her ability, her performance Saturday will be of great interest, since "La Traviata" is traditionally con- sidered a "test" opera for coloratura sopranos. By the technical brilliance -or the lack of it- she displays in executing the soaring arias of this score, a coloratura is judged, and no soprano who fails here can expect to succeed elsewhere.

The touching, always -appealing story of love misinterpreted is recounted again in "La Travi- ata," perhaps as superbly and as tellingly as it has ever been set down.

As the opera opens -it is set in France at the time of Louis XIV -we find Violetta, a courtesan, holding forth in her salon, the meeting -place of the gayer element of Parisian society. Alfred Germont, an ardent admirer, is introduced to her, and at her request, sings a drinking -song, in which everyone joins. This is the famous "Libiam nei lieti calici."

The song finished, the dance begins. But Vio- letta is attacked by a sudden faintness -a warn- ing of what is to be her fatal illness. All the guests -except Alfred -leave her. Violetta is touched by this display of devotion, and in the beautiful duet, "Un di felice," they express their love.

When all the guests -Alfred, t,00 -have left, Violetta dreams of the new life his love will bring her. She sings here the two great arias, "Ah fors e lui" and "Sempre libera."

As Act II opens, Violetta, yielding wholly to her new love, goes with Alfred to a little home near Paris. But their blissful existence is inter- rupted by practical things; Alfred learns that Vio- letta has sold all her jewels to maintain their little menage. He is deeply ashamed.

When Violetta returns from a visit to Paris to obtain more funds, she finds Alfred absent. She is visited by Germont, his father, who is greatly distressed by what he conceives to be his son's foolish entanglement. Violetta, however, maintains such dignity that he soon changes his attitude and throws himself upon her mercy. Alfred, he tells Violetta, has a younger sister, whose marriage to a nobleman will be jeopardized if Alfred's mesalliance becomes known.

Violetta, against her every wish, agrees to go out of Alfred's life. She writes a farewell note, and leaves for Paris.

Returning to be confronted by Violetta's inex- plicable departure, Alfred is unconsolable. Be- lieving he has been diliberately jilted, he rushes to the city, intent on immediate distraction from his sorrow.

The opera rises to a climax in the second scene of Act II. This scene is laid in Paris, where Vio- letta has attached herself to another admirer, Baron Uouphol. At a gambling -party given by her friend Flora, she encounters Alfred, who chal- lenges the Baron to play, and wins heavily from him. Violetta privately implores Alfred to leave the house; he refuses, and denounces her before all the guests. At this moment, Germont enters, to sing the great "Alfredo, di questa core" (Al- fred, Thou Knows Not).

Act III brings the tragedy to its inevitable end. Violetta's illness, now intensified by sorrow, has brought her to her deathbed. As she lies mortally ill, a note from Germont informs her that the Baron and Alfred fought a duel, that the Baron was wounded, and that Alfred, now abroad, has been told the reason for her desertion of him, and is returning to seek her forgiveness. Violetta rea- lizes that it is too late, and she sings her beau- tiful farewell, "Addio del passato."

Alfred finally arrives, only in time to hold Vio- letta in his arms as she dies.

8:'21 N


More Winners of Radio Guide's Big

Slogan Contest In accordance with its policy of

printing the names of ALL the winners in its contests, RADIO GUIDE lists below more lucky con- testants in the Slogan Contest concluded recently. More winners will be named next week! Look for them!

$5 Prize Winners Albert Welch, McDonald, Tenn. Ruth Newman, 18410 Prairie Ave., De

troit, Mich. George Simons, 1327 East 8th St., Ok

mulgee, Okla. Walter A. Wirt, R. R. 2, Crown Point,

I nd. June Engle, 90 Mt. Pleasant Ave., New

ark, N. J. Mrs. M. E. Baker, 6b Pullmer Apts.,

Winnipeg, Man., Can. Marion Michael, 4761 Broadway, New

York City. Mrs. Ethel Cooper, Reynolds, Ind. Wm. F. Murray, 135 W. Adams St.,

Sea Cliff, L. I. Mort Hall, 139 Watkins Ave., Wood

bury, N. J. Delia M. Teardale, 1107 Prospect Rd.,

Peoria, Ill. Henrietta Wilkins, 301 W. 5th St.,

Pine Bluff, Ark. Josephine Peterson, R. R. 1, Cherry

Valley, Ill. Elie Rivers, 323 W. 2nd St., Junction

City, Kans. J. E. Hageman, Box 259, Grand Forks,

N. D. Doris E. Steiner, 626 Hazel Ave., Lima,

O. Mrs. Scott Collins, 406 E. 5th Ave.,

Knoxville, Tenn. Alfred R. McClure, Portola Jr. High

School, San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. Cleone Goss, 1119 Maple, Mena,

Ark. Mrs. S. P. Edmonds, Jr., 1668 W. Beach,

Biloxi, Miss. Mrs. Mary E. Jackson, 2606 Stanford

St., Houston, Tex. Harru E. Heintz, 912 E. Main St., Mill

ville, N. J. Besse T. Braes, Route 1, Trinway, Ohio. Edward Blaschke, 1414 31st St., Des

Moines, Iowa. F. W. Gibb, Warren, Wyo. Mrs. Lois E. Richmond, R. R. 4, Grand

Rapids, Mich. Samuel H. Hann, 165 Hoffman Ave.,

Trenton, N. J. Mr. Wm. Crawford. 433 Main St., Tor

onto. Ont., Canada. Mrs. Willie J. Golay, Nashville Rd., 8,

Hopkinsville, Ky. Mrs. T. P. Meadors, Prescott, Ark. -Ioye Scantlin, Haviland, Kans. Henry M. Dorgan, 1 Laurel St., Ells

worth, Me. Lola Burrell, 625 Taylor Ave., Avalon,

Pa. Mrs. Edna M. Colbert, Huntington,

Penna. Jeanne Lascelles, 216-32 111th Ave.,

Queens Village, L. I. Mrs. Doris Beaudoin. 3748 Columbia

St., San Diego, Calif. Max N. Fleischer, Box 214, Albuquerque,

N. M. Nellie Rutherforl, 725 K St., Aurora,

Nebr. Frances McCormack, 708 8th Ave., Ab

erdeen, Wash. Jack Brennan. 7133 Bruno Ave., Ma

plewood, Mo. Carl P. Spina. Mundelein, Ill. Wm. F. O'Donnell, 310 Columbia Drive,

Lake Worth, Fla. Bernice Berland, 617 7th Ave. S., St.

Cloud, Minn. Winfield McCrory, Peru, N. Y. Clara L. Nye, 804 8th Ave., Shenandoah,

Iowa. Beryl Scott, 1431 Cuthhertson Pl., Ft.

William, Ont., Can. Helen A. Hunter, 1246 4th St. N., Fargo,

N. D. Phil B. Willis. 2025 36th Ave. N., St.

Petersburg, Fla. Carl F. Reinhard, 459 Grand Ave. W.,

Eau Claire, Wisc. Carl B. Canterbury, 1527 11th Ave.,

Moline, III. Mrs. C. E. Wescott., 1035 Cleveland

Ave.. Wausau, Wis. Paul Murray, Box 1364, Winston Salem,

N. C. Jessie M. Clark, Genoa, III. Russell W. Werner, 202 Maple St., Leb

anon, Pa. Mrs. Fred Borough, 725 Main St., Find

lay, O. Charles H. Kopp, 711 N. E. 6th St.,

Oklahoma City, Okla. Gilmore Van Olst, 458 Iowa S. E.,

Huron, S. D. Jess L. Tadlock, Box 103, McCracken,

Kans. Mrs. Dennis Cooley, 303 W. Main St.,

Decatur, Ill. Mrs. M. F. Robinson, 5 La Have St., S.

Portland, Me. E. G. Honard, 304 Delgado St., Santa

Fe, N. M. Mrs. F. R Griswold, Anthony, Box 161,

Kansas. W. S. Holmes, 712 E. Knapp St., Mil

waukee, Wis.

A u :1


The "Voice of the Listener" letter - forum is a regular feature in Radio Guide each week. These columns are offered to the readers as a means for expressing and exchanging opinions about radio.

Radio Guide will pay prizes for fine letters as follows: $10 for the best let- ter each week; $5 for the next best, and $1 for others.

Sit down right now and tell what you think of the program on your ra- dio this minute. It'll be interesting to others -and perhaps profitable to you!


($10 Prize Letter) Voice of the Listener: I've often

wished there were some school where radio listeners could learn to receive the most from their listening. I often compare listening to a program to taking a walk through the country. Some persons return refreshed and enthused, having seen the most won- derful sights -while others simply complain because the road was rough and the birds sang too loudly. Some listen to a program in a critical mood, ever ready to kick about the advertis- ing, to find fault because their favor- ite waltz wasn't played -while others relax, forget their troubles, and meet the radio entertainers half -way, even taking the time to write in a word of praise now and then . Elizabeth Kaelo, Fort Hunt, New York.


Voice of the Listener: Here is an idea for a new kind of program - maybe it's a good one, maybe not. Anyhow, how about having a good reader of poetry read poems submit- ted by listeners everywhere? . .

The late Vachel Lindsay believed that nearly everyone has tried at some time to write a poem, and some of the poems might live if they had a chance. Mr. Lindsay, as a young man in Springfield, Ill., gathered around him- self a group of young men who did study and write poetry, and the influ- ence of those days has stayed with some of them all of their lives ... - Mrs. Glen G. Render, Peoria, Ill.

"DON'T- LIKE" DIALING Editor, RADIO GUIDE: My radio dial-

ing would be much more enjoyable if I didn't have to listen to the following:

Mary Livingstone, who is very un- funny, and would have been off the air long ago if Jack Benny were not her husband.

Pick and Pat, the so- called come- dians, who seem to think that jokes grow better with age . . .

The Al Jolson show, which would be very mediocre if it were not for Martha Raye. Sid Silvers as a comed- ian is terrible.

Portland Hoffa (Mrs. Fred Allen), who, like Mary Livingstone, is on the air only because her husband has a program.

Lastly, I think that the silliest thing I have ever heard on the air was the studio audience applauding the corn - mercial announcements on Major Bowes' amateur hour.

Of course, I may be all wrong . . .

-Janet Lowery, Chicago, Ill.

BENNY'S DIXIE Voice of the Listener: I am a regular

listener to Jack Benny's program and have always enjoyed it. Yet I can't say it is perfect, because of his im- personations of southerners. It makes my blood boil every time such stars give impersonations of southerners on their programs . If they would keep their popularity they had better "lay off!" ... -M. Helms, Charlotte, N. C.

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MENTAL TEST (1) The Pditmaster General is given office by: (1) Congress. (2) The Civil Service Commission.

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(2) A train makes 3/5 of its trip in 54 minutes. In how many minutes will it make the entire trip Answer

(3) MAILBAG is to LOCK as LETTER is to: (1) Stamp. (2) Seal.

Number of Answer (3) Cancellation.

(4) A letter is given special protection if mailed (1) Special Delivery. (2) Registered. (3) Air Mail

Answer (5) A clandestine meeting is one that is (1) Secret. (2) Accidental. (3) Romantic.

Answer (6) If it takes 16 clerks, 30 minutes to sort a certain mail, how many clerks will be needed to sort

the same mail in 25 minutes. Answer

(7) Wheeling, W. Va. is (1) North. (2) South. (3) East. (4) West, from Trenton, N. J. Answer

(8) The saying "Many hands make light work," means most nearly (1) When several work together the task is easier. (2) There are often too many on a job. (3) Most people prefer easy jobs.


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Yee, I want to know more about CAN -O- LITES. Please rush me free sample offer, tree plane and money -making details.



City ,t te


OST entertainers make good - and go to Hollywood. Here's the story of a lad who went

to Hollywood -and then made good! Sixteen years ago, a gawky, awk-

ward kid sneaked out the back door of his home and attended an amateur night. He came home with first prize and was soundly scolded for partici- pating in the affair.

Recently, that same boy went home to his wife in Hollywood and they both rejoiced. He had finally succeeded in going on the air from Coast -to -Coast in a program of his own.

That boy is Tommy Harris . . . the "Little King of Song."

Just turned twenty -five, Tommy has had a full and eventful life.

At the age of nine, Tommy began a stage career that finally was to lead him to success. His endeavors were directed mostly towards amateur nights, country store nights and parties -and he had to sneak out to go to all of them -because his family didn't want him to go on the stage!

Until he was sixteen years old, Tom- my sang on the stage and in vaude- ville. One of his first jobs was in the old Granada theater in San Francisco. Later he organized a band of his own.

The publicity agent for the Dollar Steamship Lines heard Tommy's or- chestra and immediately signed them for a tour of the world during which they were to play aboard one of the ships.

IT SEEMS that the captain of the par- ticular ship to which they had been

assigned did not like Tommy. At that time Tommy couldn't play an instru- ment. His job was simply to lead the orchestra and to do the vocals. Well, the captain sensed this and demanded that Tommy tell him what instrument he could play. The young singer felt that the xylophone should be easy and named that. Many a night thereafter the passengers were forced to listen to a xylophone dubbed in with the or- chestra!

At the termination of that trip, the orchestra disbanded and Tommy went back into vaudeville.

A booking agent for a chain of theaters in Canada heard Tommy and signed him for a tour of the circuit.

It was while he was playing in Port Arthur, Ontario, three thousand miles away from home, that the little "King of Song" was stricken with appendici- tis. Tommy was just sixteen at that time and lied about his age in consent- ing to an operation. His health bad, he returned to San Francisco and went to work for his father.

It was during this time that Tommy missed his carefree days the most. Still coursing through his veins was the blood of the trouper, and Tommy couldn't resist the temptation to sing. He sang for parties and school events until he was nineteen years old.

It was during one of the school events that he met the girl he married. They were both kids . . . she sixteen and he nineteen. But age didn't stop them . . .

THE urge to sing was too great to resist after he became married and

Tommy left his father's business to go to Radio Station KFRC in San Fran- cisco. He started the hard way.

If you had been listening at that time you would have heard the voice of this youngster every morning at an early hour. The "dog watch" always listed Tommy among its artists. The worst hours in radio were his.

Then he went with Meredith Wilson. It was there that he became known as the "Little King of Song" and it was at that time that Tommy began a defi- nite march to success.

At NBC he sang with Ted Fio -Rito, Meredith Wilson, and was a member of the original Al Pearce's Gang. He be-

came so popular that NBC decided tc send him to New York and build him. Tommy went, with joy in his heart and a song on his lips.

But joy, no matter how sweet, sel- dom lasts for long.

One of those bugs that cuts all men down, big and small, got into Tommy's lung one month after he arrived in New York -and it was back to the Coast for him.

It was while he was lying in a sani- tarium that Tommy realized how many friends were his. They piled his roorr with flowers, and, his fan mail num- bered hundreds of letters.

After leaving the sanitarium, he went back to his best friend, Meredith Wilson. Tommy wasn't completely well, but the fire that burned within drove him on and on, as it always had in the past. Singing with Meredith wasn't enough . . . he M -C -ed anc

Tommy Harris, the "Little King of Song," beat his jinx

sang in one of San Francisco's most exclusive night clubs. He was wan and weary in those days, a ghost of the former Tommy Harris who had a smile and a joke for everybody.

They began to forget the voice that had once charmed five million people.

Meredith Wilson was a good friend. He watched over the lad who carried a jinx, taught him all that he possibly could, instructed him to improve the voice that was slowly coming back.

Tommy recovered! Not slowly over a period of weeks, not through a long - drawn -out process. His voice was ter- rible one day, and suddenly, without any warning, he had it back the next.

The jinx had left him for good. Once more the audience thrilled to

the melodious tunes that floated through the air. Once more Tommy was the toast of the town -and Holly- wood was inevitable.

With a program of his own on the Coast, Tommy packed his toothbrush and started for the city of glamor.

It was the same in the film city as it had been in San Francisco. Tommy was a hit! His program was sent Coast - to -Coast by a national concern!

The Little King of Song is still rid- ing that crest. His health is restored, his voice is better than ever. He start- ed out with a handicap and tried to make his way all over the world . .

But it remained for him to go to Hollywood to make good- instead of making good and then going to Holly- wood!

"Moon Glow Melodies" with Tommy Harris is heard in Chicago over WMAQ Thursdays at 6:45 p.m. CST.



PART Iv concludes the complete frequency log which has been ap-

pearing in RADIO GUIDE. If you missed the start, back copies are available at ten cents each. Ad- dress Circulation Dept., RADIO GUIDE, 731 Ply-

mouth Court, Chicago. The explanation of the

log is repeated below: DARK FACE TYPE in-

dicates that the station is a network member.

KEY -networks are in- dicated as follows: N- National Broadcasting

Company; Nb - NBC's basic Blue Network; Nr- NBC's basic Red Net- work; C indicates Colum- bia Broadcasting System's basic stations; c indicates an optional CBS station; M- Mutual Broadcasting System stations.

1370 218.8 Kilo. Meters Ala. -Decatur WMFo 10(1 Ala. -Dothan WAGF 2;0 Artz. Todcon KGA1t 100 Ark. -El Dorado KEI.D 100 Calif. -Bakersfield KERN N 100 Calif. -Berkeley KItE 100 Colo. -Durango KIUI' 10) Can., N.B., Moncton CKCW 100 Fla. -Jacksonville WMBR o 100 Ga.- Atlanta WATT. 100 Ind.-Evansville WEOA 100 Ind, -Fort Wayne WGL e 100 Ind. -Albany WGRC 210 la.-Boone KFGQ Mu Ia.- Davenport WOO c 100 Mo.-Augusta WI;DO -M 100 Md.- Baltimore WCBIM 100 Mass. -Lowell WLLH M 100 illex.,1Iexico City XEI.Z 100 Ile x.. 9lorelia XEl 125 Mex.,San Luis Potosi XECZ 100 Mich. -Calumet WADI` 100 Mich.-Jackson WHIM 100 Minn.- \!'polls -St. Paul WMIN 100 Minn.- Virginia WHI.B 100 Miss. -Ifa ttieshurg \VFOR 100 Mo.- Kansas City Kl'it0 100 N.Mex. -Clovis KI('A 100 N.Mex.- Roswell KGFL 1110 N.Y.- Albany WABY N 100 N.Y. -11u MI lo \V !IN Y 100 N.Y. -Buffalo \VSVS 60 N.C. -Wilmington WMFD 100 Ohio -Portsmouth Wl'AY 100 Okla. -Okla. City KGFL 100 Ore.- Astoria KAST 100 Ore. -Salem KSLM 100 Pa.- Philadelphia WDAS 100 Pa.- Williamsport WRAK 100 S.D. -Rapid City KOBH 100 Tenn. -Memphis WHBQ 100 Texas -Fort Worth KF.IZ 100 Texas -Galveston KLUF 100 Texas- Longview KFRO 250 Texas -San Angelo KGKL 100 Texas -San Antonio KMAC 100 Texas -San Antonio KONO 100 Texas -Temple KTEM 100 Vt.- SL- Albans WQDM 100 Va.- Danville WBTM 100 Wash. -Everett KRKO 50 Wash. -Seattle KVL 100 Wash. -Seattle KEEN 100 Wash. -Walla Walla KUJ 100 Wis.- Racine WRJN 100 Wyo.- Sheridan KWYO 100

1380 217.3 Kilo. Ala. -Mobile WALA Conn.-New Britain WNBC Nev. -Reno KOH Ohio -Dayton WSMK Pa.- Pittsburgh KQV \Vis. -La Crosse WKBH

M eters c 600

250 e 500

200 500


1390 215.7 Kilo. Ariz. -Phoenix KOY Ark. -Little Rock KLRA Can.,Sask.,Yorktnn t-JGX Ohio -Cleveland WHK

M eters c 500

c 1,000 I 0 c 1,000

1400 214.2 Kilo. Ind.- Indianapolis WIRE N.Y. -Brooklyn WARD N.Y. -New York WBBC N.Y. -New York WLTH N.Y. -New York WVFW N.Y. -Olean WHDL Okla, -Tulsa KTUL Utah -Ogden KLO Hawaii -Hilo KHBC

M eters Nr 500

000 500 500 500 250

c 500 N 500


1410 212.6 Kilo. Meters Ala. -Montgomery WSFA e 500 Can.. ncanver CKFC 50 ('Till.. I3.('.,\'aucouver CK\IO 100 Ill.- itoukfnrd AA'ROK 500 Mass. -Boston WAAB M 600 bitch. -Buy City W1tCM 500 N.D. -Gruul Forks KF.IM 500 Texas -Amarillo KGNC N 1,000 W.Va.- 1310elield \VHIS 500

1420 211.1 Kilo. Meters .\ I . -SI) u. Mold \VSMD 101 Ariz. -Yuma KU5EA 700 ('alII. -San Francis,, K'GC 100 Ca us ('Ki:13 100 Gun ,Ont.- Toronto CRCY 11)0 Colo.- Alamosa 'K GIW 1011 Colo. -Lamar KID\V 11)0 Del. -Wilmington WI LM 100 Fla. -Daytona Beach \VMFJ 10)1 Ga.- Albany \VGP1' 1011 Idaho -Lewiston KIU.0 100 IIL- Cicero AVHF)' 100 111. -Springfield VVI'I)S 100 Kan. -Hutchinson KWBG 10l Ky.- Lexington \V I.AP 700 Ky.- Paducah \\'PAD 100 La.- Alexandria K.\1.11 1(10 La. -Baton Rouge 1\'.)110 100

100 c 100


1110 100 1011 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1(10 100 700 100 100 100

c 100 100 100 100 100

Mont. -Wolf Point KGCX 1,000 "..I.-Jersey City WHOM 250

011io- Cleveland WGAR M, Nb 500

1460 205.4 Kilo. Meters D.C. -Washington WJSV C 10,000 Minn. -Minneapolis -St. Paul

KSTP Nr 10,000 N.Y,- Rochester WHEC c 500 Ohio -Columbus WBNS c 500 Pa.- Harrisburg WHP c 500 'l'eus.- Aiemphis VVNBR 5001

1470 204.0 1 Kilo.

bl l'esllue Isle AN

Mass. -Springfield WMAS Mich. -Battle Creek WELL Mich.- Detroit WAIBC Mich.- Iroun'ood \V.ISIS Mo.-Joplin WilIBI! N.C. -Rocky Mt. WEED Okla.- Shawnee KGFF Ore. -Eugene KORB Ore. -Portland KXL Ore. -Portland KI3PS Pa. -Erie WI-EU Pa.- Hazleton WAZL S.D. -Aberdeen KA13B Tenn. -Chattanooga WAPO Texas- Abllene KRBC Texas -Midland KItIH Texas- Palestine KNET Texas -Pecos KIUII Texas -San Antonio KABC Texas -Texarkana KCMC Texas -Waco WACO Utah -Price KEUB Va.-Charlottesville WCHV W.Va.- Parkersburg WPAR Wis.-Fond du Lac WFIZ

1430 209.7 Kilo. Meters Calif. -Los Angeles KECA Nb 1,000 Ia. -Des Moines KSO Al, Nb 500 Nel,. North Platte KGNF 1,00(1 N.Y. -Albany WOKO C 500

1440 Kilo. ('a li f.- Oakland KLS Ill.- Peoria WMBD Mex.,Chihua Sua XEFI N.C.- Greensboro WBIG Pa.- Allentown WCBA Pa.- Allentown WSAN Texas -Houston KXYZ Wyo.- Casper KDFN

208.2 Meters


Meters Tenn. -Nashville WLAC c 5,000 Wash.- Spokane KGA Nb 5,000

1480 202.6 Kilo. Meters N.Y.- Buffalo WKBW C 5,000 Okla. -Okla. City KOMA c 5,000

1490 201.2 Kilo. Meters Calif- Sacramento KFBK N 5,000 Ohio -Cincinnati WCKY Nb 5,000

1500 199.9 Kilo. Meters Ala. -Selma WITBB 11)0 Ark. -Pine Bluff KOTN 100 Can.,Ont.,Sault St. Marie CJIC 100 Calif. -El Centro RICO Calif. -Santa Ana KVOE Calif. -Santa Barbara KDB Conn.-New London WNLC Ga.- Augusta WRDW Ga.- Griffin WKEU Ga. -Rome WRGA Ill. -East St. Louis WTMV Ill, -East Dubuque WKBB Ind. -Richmond WKBV La. -Lake Charles KPLC Mass.- Boston WMEX Mich.- Detroit WJBK Mich. -Muskegon WKBZ Minn.- Duluth KDAL .

Miss.- Kosciusko WHEF Neb.- Scottsbluff KGKY N.Y. -Brooklyn WI1 BQ N.Y. -New York W('NW N.Y. -New York W WRL N. C,- Durham WDNC N.D.-Valley City KOVC Okla. -Muskegee KBIX Ore.- Roseburg KRNR Pa.-Lancaster WGAL Pa.-Pittsburgh WWSW Penn.- Bristol W(IPI Texas- Austin KNOW 'texas -Brady KNEI, Texas -Corpus Christi KGFI Texas -Tyler KGKB Vt.- Rutland WSYB Wash.- Wenatchee KPQ ('an.,Ont.- Waterloo CKCR

M 100 M 100 M 100

100 100 100 100 100

o 100 1(10 100 100 ] 011

100 100 100 100 100 100 100

0 100 100 100 11)11

100 100 100

c 100 100 100 100 10(1 100 100

eSO! 1510 199.1 c 1,000

Ki 500 lo. Meters 500 Cnn.,Out.- Kingston CFRC 100

1'000 1530 196.0 Sru

1450 206.8 Kilo. Meters Conn.- Waterbury WBRY M 1.000 Kilo. Meters Mo.- Kansas City KXBY 1,000

Can., B. c., Victoria CFC'l' 50 Can.,P.E.I.- Summerside CHGS 50 Calif- Eureka KIEM 500 Ga.- Athens WTFI 600 Kilo. Meters La.- Shreveport RTES N 1.000 Calif.- Bakersfield KPMC M 1,000 Mass. -Fall River WSAR M 1,000 N.Y. Nett York WQXIS 1,0(10 Ilex.,Juarez. NEE 100 N.Y. -Binghamton WNBF e 100

1550 193.4

MAKE A DATE WITH DATA RADIO GUIDE is consistently giving its readers, every week,

new and varied lists of stations, programs and other statistical information available in no other publication.

Next week you will be greeted with a cross -index of the log just published. This new log will have all the stations in the United States, Canada and Mexico arranged alphabetically by call letters and showing locations and frequencies. Look for it!


THIS week's song- sensation is not "When My Dream Boat Comes

Home," 'which holds first place for the second straight week. Any song good enough to reach the top should be good enough to hold it two weeks. The real surprise is "This Year's Kisses," which is continuing its rapid rise, this week going from the No. 5 spot it had last week to third position.

"I've Got My Love to Keep Me

Warm" is another fast comer. It's in fourth place this week, and probably will go higher. Time will tell -and this week time has shown these songs the nation's favorites: 1. When My Dream

Boat Comes Home 2. Good Night, My Love 3. This Year's Kisses 4. Love to Keep Me

Warm 5. Chapel in the Moon-

light 6. Trust in Me 7. Rainbow on the River 8. May I Have the

Next Romance?

9. Plenty of Money and You

10. Pennies from Heaven 11. Moonlight and

Shadows 12. Little B a m b o o

Bridge 13. Serenade in the

Night 14. Something in tie

Air 15. Love and Learn





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Log of Foreign Stations Whose Programs Are Listed

(Megacycles or thousan CEC. Chile 10.67 CJRO, Canada 6.15 CJRX, " 11.72 COCD, Cuba 6.13 COCO, 6.01 COCQ, " 9.75 CSW, Portugal 9.94 DJB, Germany 15.2 DJC, " 6.02 DJD, " 11.77 DJL, 15.11 FAQ. Spain 9.87 EA9AH, Spanish

Morocco 14.045 FOBAA, Tahiti 7.11 GSA, England 6.05 GSB, 9.51 GSC, 9.58 GSD, 11.75 GSF, 15.14 GSG, 17,79 GSH, 21.47 GSI, 15.26 GSL, 6.11 GSO, 15.18 GSP, 15.31 HASS. Hungary 15.37 HAT4, 9.12 HBL, Switzerland 9.60 IMP, 7.80 HC2CW, Ecuador 8.20 HC2RL, 6.66 HH2S. Haiti 5.925 HJ1ABE, Colombia 9.5 HJ1ABP, 9.618 HJII. " 9.51 HP5J, Panama 8.60 HRN. Honduras 5.87 HS8PJ. Siam 9.35, 19.02 AVJ, Vatican City 15.12 JVA, Japan 14.6

ds of kilocycles shown) JVN, Japan 10.6E JZI, 9.535 JZJ, 11,80 32K, " 15.16 KIO, Hawaii 11.68 KKH, " 7.52 KRP, " 16.03 LRII, Argentina 15.29 LRX, " 9.66 LSX, " 10.35 OLE, Czechoslovakia 6.01, 6.03, 9.55, 11.76,

11.84 and 15.32 ORK. Belgium 10.33 PCJ. Holland 9.59. 15.22 PHI. " 17.775 PRADO. Ecuador 6.62 PRF5, Brazil 9.50 RAN, Russia 9.60 RNE, " 12.00 RV15, " 4.273 RV59, " 6.00 SPW, Poland 13.64 TFJ, Iceland 12.23 TIPG. Costa Rica 6.41 TI4NRH. 9.698 TPA2, France 15.24 TPA3, 11.88 TPA4, 11.71 2R03. Italy 9.635 2R04. " 11,81 VE9DN, Canada 6.005 VK2ME, Australia 9.59 VK3LR, 9.58 VK3ME. " 9.51 VPD2, Fiiis 8.719 YVERC, Venezuela 5.80 XECR, Mexico 7.38 XEFT. " 6.12 ZBW3, China 9.525 ZBW4, " 15.19

'Time given Is CST; for MST subtract one hour. Short-wave programs of American stations are shown along with the regular listings beginning on page 29. These are indicated. for example, by (sw- 11.87) in parentheses following a program list- ing. This means that on 11.87 megacycles the same program may also be heard over an American short- wave station. Please note that foreign stations do not always adhere precisely to their annoi.nced program schedules.

News Broadcasts Daily -2:40 a.m., GSB, GSG, GSO; 3:45, TPA3;

5, LRU; 6, TPA2; 6:55, GSB, GSG, GSH; 8, JZI, JZJ; 10:30, GSB, GSF; 12 noon, GSB, GSD, GSI; 1:30 p.m., TPA3; 3, GSB, GSC, GSF; 3:15, OLR; 4:15, EAQ; 5:40, HP5J; 6, RAN; 6:15, CSW; 6:40, GSB, GSC, GSD; 7, TPA4; 7:15, DJC, DJD; 8, LRX; 9, COCD; 9.30, DJC, DJD; 9:40, GSB, GSC, GSD; 9:45, CJRO, CJRX; 10 :30, TPA4; 11:05, JVH.

Daily except Sundays -5 a.m., VK3ME; 6:30, VK3LR; 8, 2R04; 12:20 p.m., 2R03; 5, 2R03.

Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri. -3 p.m., RNE, RV59. Sun., Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. -7 a.m.. 7.8W (9.52

or 15.19).

Sunday, March 7 *3 a.m. -English programs from Siberia: RV15 *6:40 a.m. -Int'l Church of the Air: COCQ 07 a.m. -Variety program: DJL *7:45 a.m. -Concert: OLR (11.76 or 11.84) *8 a.m. -Overseas hour: JZJ JZI *9:30 a.m. -Vatican City topics: HVJ 10:10 a.m. -BBC singers: GSB GSF GSH *12:30 p.m.- Program from Belgium: ORK 12:40 p.m.- Iceland hour: TFJ *1 :25 p.m.- Czechoslovak variety program: OLR

(6.03) *2:50 p.m.- Latest war news from Spain: EA9AH 03 p.m.- Overseas hour (East coast): JZJ JVN 330 p.m.- Musical program: LRU *3:55 p.m.-Listener greetings: DJB DJD *4 p.m.-Variety program: LRX 5 p.m.- Sunday evening program: DJB DJD 5 :30 p.m.- Religious services: GSB GSC GSD *6 p.m.- Moscow broadcast: RAN 6:30 p.m. -Gay musical hour: DJB DJD 7 p.m. -Two hours with Cuba: COCO 7:30 p.m. -Royal Hawaiian band: KKP 8 p.m.- Episcopalian services: GSB GSC GSD *8:30 p.m. -Dance music: LRX 9 p.m. -Music appreciation hour: HRN 9:30 p.m. -Hilda Searle, soprano: GSB GSC GSD *11 p.m.- Overseas hour (Pacific coast): JZJ

Key to Symbols Used: *Daily; tWeek Days; *Monday, Wednesday, Friday; §Monday, Thursday.

Monday, March 8 §7 a.m- Siamese broadcast : HS8PJ (19.02) #11 :30 a.m. -Polish hour: SPW I:20 p.m.- Variety; whispering violins; Eddie

Pola and the Vagabond Lover: GSB GSD GSI 2 p.m. -BBC Empire orchestra: GSB GSD GSI 3 p.m.- Soviet women at the microphone: RV59 $3:55 p.m.- URSlgrams; scientific data : W 1 XAL

(11.79) 4 p.m.-Argentina hour: LSX 4:15 p.m.- Ballads on animals in sound and

word: DJB DJD 4:30 p.m.- Brazilian hour: PRF5 5 p.m.-Concert of light music: DJB DJD 5:30 p.m. -Opera from Scala theater: 2R03 t5 :45 p.m. (ex. Sat.) -Jorge Leal, Spanish com-

mentator: W2XE (21.52) §6 p.m.- Variety program for North America:

OLR (9.55) 6 :15 p.m.- Otalora, soprano, and Roberti, violin-

ist : 2R03 1-7 p.m. -Pan- American variety hour: W3XAL

(6.1) 7:30 p.m.- Little German reader: DJB DJD 8:15 p.m.- Concert; Georg Kniestadt, violin: DJB

DJD t8:30 p.m. -Sea melody orchestra: YV5RC 9 p.m.-DX program : HJ 1 ABE 11:30 p.m.- Hawaii calls: KKH

(Continued on Column Four)


BY CHAS. A. MORRISON, president,

(Figures in Parentheses Are Megacycles)

ON MONDAY, March 1, DJB (15.2) of Zeesen, returned to the air with the evening pro-

gram from Germany, beamed on North America, thus ushering in the Spring season for short -wave reception much earlier than usual. Further evidence of increased activity on the 19 -meter band is found in the excellent signal - strength of GSF (15.14) of Daventry, England, which is now transmitting the last part of transmission IV, daily from 4 to 5:45 p.m. EST (3 to 4:45 CST). Evening reception from Europe on the 25 -meter band is also far ahead of the usual seasonal activity, both GSD (11.75) , Daventry, and DJD (11.77) ,

Zeesen, providing enjoyable recep- tion, at times reaching mid -Summer strength.

On Tuesday evening, February 16, a new Mexican station, giving its fre- quency as 12 megacycles but actually logged on 11.895 megacycles (hetero- dyning the new Panama station, HP5I) announced its call letters as XEWR when signing off at 9:15 p.m. EST (8:15 CST).

In line with the general improve- ment in reception, the amateur bands are also becoming increasingly active. Australian amateurs are again being heard on the 20 -meter band from day- break to as late as 7 or 8 a.m. EST (6 or 7 CST). On Wednesday, February 17, at 8:15 a.m. EST (7:15 CST), VK2OG on approximately 14.1 mega- cycles, provided the loudest signals ever heard from a VK amateur.

VUB (9.565) of Bombay, India, one of the hardest of all stations to log in the United States, is now operating on Fridays and Saturdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST (10 :30 a.m. to 12 :30 p.m. CST).

Plans for Italy's new imperial short- wave center, recently approved by the Italian Council of Ministers, in- clude increasing the power of 2RO's present two transmitters from 25,000 to 40,000 watts each and the building of two new 100,000 -watt transmitters and a 50,000 -watt reserve transmitter. Any one of the four principal new broadcasters will be able to work on either of two wave -lengths, each car- rying a separate program. The an- tenna system, both directional and omni -directional, will include fourteen 240 -foot, lattice -work towers.

PHI, Huizen, now on its Summer frequency of 17.775 megs, is operating on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays, Fri- days and Saturdays from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. EST (6:30 to 8 :30 CST) and on Sundays from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. EST (5:30 to 6:30 CST).

New and interesting amateurs to try for: ON4CGW (14.033) in Tondo, Bel - giano Congo, heard with loud signals, calling CQ America, at 6:15 p.m. EST (5:15 CST); CN8AA, Casablanca, Mo- rocco, heard using three frequencies of 14.3, 14.085 and 14.115 megacycles, near 5 p.m. EST (4 CST). Dr. Earl Hall of Winchendon, Mass., says this amateur often works VE1DC of Can- ada. CN8MB, also in Casablanca, broadcasting on 14.3 megs, has been heard at the same time.

The new Canadian broadcaster, CFRX (6.07), that recently took the air, is owned by the Rogers Majestic Corp. Ltd. and relays the programs of broadcaster CFRB of Toronto. It trans- mits weekdays from 8 a.m. to 12 mid. EST (7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CST) and on


Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 12 mid. EST (9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. CST), signing off with the familiar "God Save the King."

Try for the following African com- mercial stations being heard at pres- ent: ITK (16.38) of Mogadiscio, Ital- ian Somaliland, on the air daily from 5 to 6 a.m. EST (4 to 5 CST); IDU (13.38) of Asmara, Eritrea, working IAC, Coltano, Italy, near 7:30 and 10:30 a.m. EST (6:30 and 9:30 CST); IUG (15.45) of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, phoning from 9 to 10:30 a.m. EST (8 to 9:30 CST) and IUC (11.955) of the same city, operating from 12 mid. to 1:30 a.m. EST (11 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. CST).

Answering queries from two listen- ers of Norwegian birth, LKJI at Jeloy, Norway, heard poorly here, is the only station there broadcasting short -wave programs. It operates on 9.53 megs daily from 5 to 8 a.m. EST (4 to 7

CST), and on 6.13 megs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST (10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST).

9MI, aboard the S. S. Kanimbla, 11,000 -ton luxury liner, which calls at all Australian ports, is being well heard at present on a frequency of 6.01 megs, notwithstanding its power of only 50 watts. Paul Dilg, Evanston, Ill., states that the station comes on the air near 6:45 a.m. EST (5:45 CST), on Mondays and Fridays and irregularly other mornings. A lady gives frequent station identifications. At 7 a.m. EST (6 CST) the ship's whistle is blown three times. An un- identified good -night song sung by a contralto, followed by "God Save the King," are the closing selections, after which the station leaves the air at 7:30 a.m. EST (6:30 CST) . The only other ship broadcaster, ZMBJ (8.84), aboard the S. S. Awatea, is still transmitting almost daily between 6 and 8 a.m. EST (5 and 7 CST).

The new daily schedule of W2XE of New York City, New York, fol- lows: With a European antenna, on 21.52 megacycles, from 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon EST (6:30 to 11 a.m. CST); on 17.76 megacycles, from 12 noon to 1

p.m. EST (11 a.m. to 12 noon CST) ;

on 15.27 megacycles, from 1 to 6 p.m. EST (12 noon to 5 p.m. CST) ; with a South American antenna, on 21.52 megacycles, from 6 to 7 p.m. EST (5 to 6 CST) ; on 11.83 megacycles from 7 to 10 p.m. EST (6 to 9 CST) and using a non -directional antenna, on 6.12 megs, from 10 to it p.m. EST (9 to 10 CST).

A new Latin station, HP5I (11.89), Aguadulce, Panama, is being heard ir- regularly from 8 to 11:30 p.m. EST (7 to 10:30 CST).

NEW Mexicans, thicker than mos- quitoes in a swamp, are causing

many an experienced listener to shake his head in bewilderment. The latest to be reported by Lyle Nelson, Yamhill, Ore., and E. H. Clark, Hollister, Calif., are XEXR, on 11.895 megs, until 8 p.m. EST (7 CST) and then 6.065 megs; XEXS (6.2), Mexico City, on nightly until 11:30 p.m. EST (10:30 CST), or later, frequently request reports; XEXF (6.05), Mexico City, signs off around 11 p.m. EST (10 CST) ; XEBQ (6.03), Mazatlan, heterodyned by COCO, signs off near 11 p.m. EST (10 CST); XEXA, Mexico City, has shifted to 6.133 megs and has added a new channel of 11.88 megs, where it is heard in the afternoon. Another new one with a call sounding like XERV is being heard on a frequency of 5.91 megs. Many fans are logging XERV.

(Continued from First Column)

Tuesday, March 9

11 :30 a.m. -Wynford Reynolds octet: GSB GSD GSI

12:45 p.m. -First Hause Tuesday: GSB GSD GSI 1 p.m.-Milford Haven to Billingsgate: GSB GSD

GSI 2 p.m.-Scrapbook for 1912: GSB GSD GSI 4:15 p.m.- Serious jokes by Wilhelm Busch: DJB

DJD 5 p.m.- "India," Viscount Halifax: GSB GSC

GSD 5:30 p.m.- Belfast and Antrim: GSB GSC GSD 6 p.m.- Arthur Dulay quintet; Arthur Brough,

bass- baritone: GSB GSC GSD 6:30 p.m. -Light music: DJB DJD 7:30 p.m.- Report on the women's work: DJB

DJD 8 p.m.- Classical music: HC2RL 8:15 p.m.- OPERA, "A FESTIVAL ON HADER -

SLEVHUUS," Kurt Gerdes: DJB DJD 8:45 p.m. -Old folks at home: GSB GSC GSD 10 p.m.- Program from Tahiti: FO8AA

Wednesday, March IO 11:15 a.m.- ll,n,ce music: GSB GSC GSD 1:45 p.m. -BBC symphony orchestra concert:

GSB GSD GS! 3 p.m.- Children's theaters and movies in the

Soviet Union; children's songs: RV59 3:20 p.m.- Alleyne and Leonhardt, two pianos:

GSB GSC GSF 4 p.m. -BBC military band: GSB GSC GSF 5 p.m.- Potpourri; evening operetta: DJB DJD 5:30 p.m. -Folk songs: 2R03 5:45 p.m. -Talk, "Events of Interest": 21103 6 p.m.- Selections from operettas: 2R03 6:15 p.m. -Gober Hernandez' orchestra: YV5RC 6 :30 p.m. -Hour of the Young Nation: DJB DJD 7:30 p.m -Press review by Chief Hans Fritzsche:

DJB DJD 8 p.m.- National tourist program: TIPG 8:20 p.m. -Otto Ferrari Players in "Romantic

Airs ": GSB GSC GSD 8:30 p.m.- Tramps: DJB DJD

Thursday, March I

11:15 a.m. -"This is England," Anthony Wey- mouth: GSB GSD GSI

1:15 p.m.- School of the Air: DJL 1:30 p.m- Variety: GSB GSD GSI 2 p.m. -Dance music: GSB GSD GSI 3:20 p.m. -ROYAL PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY'S

CONCERT: GSB GSC GSF 4 p.m. -From the spirit world: DJB DJD 5 p.m.- Special evening concert: DJB DJD 5:30 p.m- "Mexicana,' songs and dances of Mex-

ico: GSB GSC GSD 6:30 p.m.- Military concert: DJB DJD 7:30 p.m. -Juan Alvarado, songs: YV5RC 8 p.m- SCENES FROM "HENRY IV," William

Shakespeare: GSB GSC GSD 8:15 p.m. -Betty Boop: YV5RC 8:30 p.m.- Friendship Salute: KIO 9 p.m.- Canadian hour: HH2S

Friday, March 12 11:45 a.m. -Dorothy Hogben's singers and play-

ers: GSB GSD GSI 12:20 p.m.- Reginald King's orchestra: GSB GSD

GSI 1:20 p.m. -Irish songs; Jessie Rankin, soprano,

and George Beggs, baritone: GSB GSD GSI 3 p.m.-From February to October, 1917: RV59 3:25 p.m.-Fred Hartley's sextet; Brian Law-

rence: GSB GSC GSF 4 p.m.- Argentina Hour : LSX 5 p.m. -Organ symphony concert: DJB DJD 5:30 p.m. -"A Welsh Notebook," Miss Megan

Lloyd George: GSB GSC GSD 6 p.m.-Rome's Midnight Voice: 2803 6:30 p.m.- Hello, Old Dominion: DJB DJD 6:45 p.m.- Popular orchestra with comedians:

YV5RC 7:30 p.m.- Hollywood intimacies, Carlos Borscos-

que: YV5RC 8:15 p.m.- PLAY, "March Violets" : DJB DJD 8:45 p.m. -Music Society of the Berlin State Op-

era: DJB DJD 10 p.m.- Program from Tahiti: FO8AA 10:45

W2XAF p.m -"(9.New

53) Zealand," Miss Bathie Stuart:

11 p.m. -DX club: W8XK (6.14)

Saturday, March 13 12 noon -Chapel organ: W2XAF (9.53) W2XAD

(15.33) 12:45 p.m. -H. M. Royal Marines band: GSB GSD


(17.79) W2XAD (15.33) W2XAF (9.53) W8XK (15.21)

2 p.m -Music Hall: GSB GSD GSI 3:30 p.m. -Dance music: LRU 3:50 p.m.-BBC theater orchestra: GSB GSC

GSF 4 p.m.- Hitler youth program: DJB DJD 4:15 p.m. -"This America of Ours ": WIXAL

(11.79) 4:30 p.m.-League of Nations: HBL HBP 5 p.m -Dance music: LRX 5:30 p.m. -PLAY, "Ulenspeegel, der Geuse ":

DJB DJD 6:15 p.m.- Carmen Portocarrero, cubais music:

YV5RC 6:45 p.m.- Theater of the air: YV5RC 7 p.m. -The waltz hour: YV5RC 8:30 p.m.- Haunting harmonies: GSB GSC GSD 9 p.m.-English hour: HJ1ABP HJ4ABB 10 p.m.- Messages to the Far North: VE9DN

6/21 5


. . for Joe Penner's and Gertrude N iesen's singing of a swing duet at the big show which opened CBS Studios in Hollywood

- - -


. . . for the brand new radio comedy that Ven- triloquist Edgar Ber- gen gives to dialers

. . . for Francia White and Conrad Thibault (above), who bring tuneful solos ard duets to the Fred Astaire airings each Tuesday

. . . for Andre Kostelanetz (left) and Nino Martini, who air fine music every week 21


Coast -to -Coast from San Fran- cisco-that's the honor her new role in the popular dramatic radio se- rial, "One Man's Family," brings to petite, blond Helen Musselman

Photo by ROMAINE

The talented John Held, Jr., piles up more laurels! Al- ready a cartoonist, novelist and hu- morist, he finds his job as a radio mas- ter of ceremo- nies well suited to his many abilities



Starred at nine- teen! Billed as the youngest news commentator on the networks, Lad- die Seaman's air personality rapidly is gaining for him an enthusiastic au- diences! He's good!


She started out to be a teacher, but work in the college glee club provided Annette King with train- ing which proved to be a shortcut to a career as a

radio songstress


o y Ova Sr

"GUESS? NOT ME!" SAYS CAROLYN ROBERTS, rank- ing tennis star. "I kñow that the coffee I buy just couldn't be anything but really and truly fresh .. .

because I buy Maxwell House in a can you open with a key!" Yes -you never guess with Maxwell House. It is one coffee that always comes to you strictly roaster -fresh.

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"A REAL 'FRESHENER -UP- PER'!" SAYS PAUL HAAKON, famous dancer now star- ring in the Broadway hit, "The Show Is On" ... "that's what Maxwell House Coffee is to me! Its friendly stimulation picks you up ... drives away that tired feeling ... puts you on stop' in great shape!"

ARE YOU WASTING MONEY? Next time you buy coffee, ask yourself this: "Am I paying money for something I don't get? Am I getting all the flavor, freshness and full -bodied coffee goodness I'm paying for ?" Then remember - Maxwell House is one coffee that always gives you full value for your money!

For Maxwell House is packed in the super- vacuum, Vita -Fresh can- the only way science knows to always bring you coffee without loss of flavor ... coffee as fresh and delicious as the hour it left the roaster! So, be sure you get what you pay for. Get a can of Maxwell House Coffee -today f Coesrirh. General moan Gore.. 1987

"We just changed to Maxwell House recently," says Mrs. John Carver of Brooklyn, N. Y. "And I must say that we never knew before how wonder- fully delicious coffee could be! It's always so deliciously fresh and full fla- vored, packed in the Vita -Fresh can!"




C o




. _


-0 C ro




z*-'*-' '',.::,


a dialer's did BY THE DAY -DREAMER

Today I was tak- ing my ease after a full Sunday din- ner, when the good wife did dial the "Penthouse Sere- nade," a sprightly show indeed, and F. Martin played

Tonight -'tis on a

Tuesday evening - came over my ra- dio set the voice of a page -boy call- ing lustily, but in answer came mu- sic by Russ Morgan

Today, a Monday, and a blue one too, but did finally find a note of cheer in the gay music of Horace Heidt and His Brigadiers, as gay a group of minstrels as I have heard in this past six- month. And I'll hear them again



Of all the iaried music on the air. there is nothing that doth so move me as the full- throated song of the symphony orchestra - and so toda., was I deeply thrilled to hear from Chicago a full concert orchestra playing Nith devotion and care, the great works of the mas- ters, under th- direction of one Henry Weber, a scholar and an artist

One Friday my aimless dialing brought me to the zany Victor Moore. a droll fellow, to be sure. With him was one Helen Broderick, a female jester of great talent whom I have often seen in vastly humorous moving - picture plays

Passing hard it is to tell, from the lilt of a lady's voice alone as it comes over the wireless, whether or not she be a

comely lass. But today I heard such a

one -Muriel Wilson -and I was sure she had other beauties than of voice



WLW's "Smooth- ies" are an im- portant unit of the "Vocal Vari- eties." Here they a-e in an unusual portrait: Babs. Little Ryan. and Charlie Ryan

The "Smoothies" again! This time they're snapped during a broad- cast. with Little Ryan at the left. Charlie Ryan cen- ter. & Babs next





Above. right: Singing Sisters: The three deVores. Marjorie. Ruth, and Billie. in a serious moment at tn.e microphone. In the left background. Chic Gatwood. guitarist. At right, Announcer James Leonard puts "Vocal Varieties" on the air! Below: The entire vocall orchestra - except Baba Perron of "The Smoothies-- grouped around a pair of WLW microphones. William Stoess is conducting. the deVore sisters are in front with an even dozen men -count 'em! -in attendance!



March 7


6:00 a.m. ('ST WAAF-Top o' the Morning

7:00 CBS -On the Air Today; Organ

Reveille: (sw- 21.52) NBC -Melody Hour: KWK, WMT

WLW WAAF -Baud Concert WIND -Early Morning Varieties

7:15 KMOX -Rise & Shine WJJD- Happy -Go -Lucky Time WOWO Choir & Ensemble

7:30 ( I:S Lyric Serenade: (sw- 21.52)

BC Tone Pictures; Ruth Pepple, uianist; Mixed Quartet; Mary Merker, sop.; Gertrude Fc:ster, contr.; Richard Maxwell. tnr.; I -con Salathiel. basso: KWIC

i lOX- Church of the Air WRAF- Morning Devotions w tHM- Variety Prgm. lV'ISN -[]St. Boniface Church WJJD- ̀ ;Catholic Service WLW -.Church Forum WMT -.Family Altar WOWO -.Old Time Religion

7:45 CbS -Radio Spotlight: (5w- 21.52) WCBD -B'nai Brith WFBM -Solving Today's Problems

8:00 NBC -Harold Nagel's Orch.:

WIRE WCFL WBOW CBS-Sunday Morning at Aunt

Susan's children's Prgm.; Ar- tels Dickson, bar.; News; Norman Pearce, guest: WCCO KMOX WBBM WFBM (sw- 21.52)

NBC Coast to Coast on a Bus, Children's Prgm.: WMAQ KWK WIBA WLW (sw- 15.21)

WAAF -Uncle Ulmer Reads Com- ics

WCBD Hit Tunes WHAS -News WIND- .Roumanian Church 4VL- Everybody's Hour WMBD -Uncle Bill Reads Funnies

-imam Comic. WSBT -.Sunday School of the

Air WTAD -Gospel Singers WTMJ -.Evan Luth. Synodial


8:15 WCBD- Jungle Jim, sketch WHAS -Sunday Morning at Aunt

Susan's WJJD- Happy -Go -Lucky Time

8:30 NBC -Cheyney State Teachers

College Chorus: WBOW KMOX- Roy Busch, songs WAAF- Children's Bible Stories WCBD- Polish Bible Class WCFL -.Swedish Church WIND -Hungarian Air Theater WIRE .East Side Church WISN -Aunt Susan's (CBS) WJJD -.Ava Maria Hour WROK -Morning Musicale WTMJ -Our Club

8:45 WAAF-Symphonic Hour WIBA -.Bible School

9:00 NBC -.Radio Pulpit; "Life's

Loose Ends," Dr. Ralph W. Sockman: WIRE (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Cloister Bells: WI.W WMAQ (sw- 15.21)

CBS -.Church of the Air: WCCO KMOX WRBM WMBI' WOC WHAS WFBM (sw- 21.52)

.C111 s,OWO WHO

News: WROK WTMJ KWK -/',Bible Audnorium WBOW -Sunshine Hour WCBD -Meditation Moments WCFL-German Pram WGN- Morning Serenade WIBA -[;Norwegian Hour WISN -.Spiritual Fellowship WJJD -Happy Go Lucky Time WLS -.Little Brown Church WMT -Lou Webb. organist WSBT -News; .Gospel Taber-

nacle WTAD- Island Serenaders

9:15 NBC -Hollywood High Hatters:

KWK WLW WMAQ WHO -.Seventh Day Adventists WJJD -Vaudeville Show WOWO -Music & Flowers WROK -Mudge Rutherford WROK-On the Mall WSBT- Sunday Serenade WTAD -Popular Dance Revue WTMJ- Masters of Rhythm

9:30 NBC -Walberg Brown String En-

semble: KWK WLW (sw- 15.21)

* CBS- Children's Variety Hour: (sw- 21.52)

CBS- Romany Trail, Emery Deutsch's Orch. KMOX WISN WCCO WOWO

NBC -Music &' American Youth: WIRE KSD (sw- 15.33)

Haw ul Mu.i, N' Hi News: WMT WMBD WTAD WBBM -1 of C Recita' WBOW Brotherhood Class WCBD -Hungarian Prgm WCFL -Moment Musical WFBM -.Christian Men Builders WGN -Sunday Morning Concert WHAS -.Sunday Jail Service WIBA -.Watchtower Talk WMAQ -News; Morning Greetings WROK -Rhythm Makers

9:45 WAAF -Hollywood Brevities WCFL -Interlude WIBA -Melodic Interlude WIND- Invitation to the Waltz WJJD- Happy -Go -Lucky Time WLS Old Music Chest WMAQ- Sunshine Hour WMBD- Rontany Trail (CBS) WMT- Morning Matinee


NBC -News; Ward & Muzzy, piano duo: WHO WIBA (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Organ Moods; Ann Leaf, organist: WCCO WISN WSBT WOWO WMBD WOC

KMOX -Book Review. Dorothy Godwin

KWK -Singing Birds WAAF -Vaudeville Theater WBBM- Sunday Sunshine WCBD -Jewish Hour WCFL - Melody Revue WDZ -The Buccaneers t WGN -Northwestern Reviewing

Stand WHAS -.Presbyterian Church WIND -Leaders in Dance Time WIRE- .Baptist Church WJJD- Bureau of Missine Persons WLS -Concert Hour: Soloists WLW -News WROK -Morning Concert WTAD -Movie Chatter WTAQ -.St. Joseph Catholic



NBC -Peerless Trio: WHO (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Hendrik Willem Van Loon, author: WMT WLW

KMOX -Piano Recital KWK- Musical Prgnt. WBBM -Singing Canaries WCFL -Grace Wilson. contralto WDZ-Nathaniel Shilkret


Cat! Klo- Power Letters cycles Watts Location

Net- work

KMOX 1090 50.000 KOA (9 pm on) 830 50,000 KSD 550 1,000 KWK 1350 5,000 WAAF 920 1,000 WBAA 1400 500 vi:L'M 170 50,000

WBOW 1310 250 WC BD 1080 5,000 VVCCO 8i0 50,000 WCFL 970 5,000 WDZ°k 1C20 250 WENR 870 50,000 WFBM 1230 5,000 W G N 720 50,000 WHA 940 5,000 WHAS 820 50.000 WHO 1000 50,000 WIBA 1280 5,000 WIND 560 2,500 WIRE 1400 5,000 WISN 1120 1,000 WJBC* 1200 250 WJJD 1130 20,000 W.1 lit 750 50,000 W LB L 900 2,500 VVLS 870 50,000 W L W 700 500,000 WMAQ 670 50,000 WMBD 1440 1,000 WMBI 1080 5,000 WMT 600 5,000 VVOC 1370 250 W OW 0 1160 10,000 WRJN 1370 250 WROK 1410 1,000 WSBT 1360 500 WSUI 1200 250 WTAQ 1330 1,000 WTAD - 900 1,000 iAiTAMj' 1070 50,000 WTMJ 620 5.000

St. Louis, Missouri CBS Denver, Colorado NBC St. Louis, Missouri NBC -R St. Louis, Mo. NBC & MBS Chicago, Illinois Local West Lafayete, Indiana Local Chicago, Illinois CBS Terre Haute, Indiana Local Waukegan, Illinois Local Minneapolis -St. Paul, Minn. CBS Chicago, Illinois NBC Tuscola, Illinois Local Chicago, Illinois NBC -B Indianapolis, Indiana CBS Chicago, Illinois MBS Madison, Wisconsin Loca; Louisville, Kentucky CBS Des Moines, Iowa NBC -R Madison, Wisconsin NBC Gary, Indiana Local Indianapolis, Indiana NBC Milwaukee, Wisconsin CBS Bloomington, Illinois Local Chicago, Illinois Local Detroit, Michigan CBS Stevens Point, Wisconsin Local Chicago, Illinois NBC -B Cincinnati, Ohio NBC & MBS Chicago, Illinois NBC -R Peoria, Illinois CBS Chicago, Illinois Local Waterloo, Iowa NBC -B & MBS Davenport, Iowa CBS Fort Wayne, Indiana CBS Racine- Kenosha. Wisconsin Local Rockford, Illinois South Bend, Indiana Iowa City, Iowa Quincy, Illinois Cleveland, Ohio Green Bay, Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Local CBS

Local Local

NB( -R Local NBC

NBC -National Broadcasting Company CBS -Columbia Broadcasting System MBS -Mutual Broadcasting System NBC -B- National Broadcasting Company

Basic Blue Network NBC -R- National Broadcasting Company

Basic Red Network t -Night Programs Only * -10 a -m. to 5 p.m. Only

SHORT WAVES Symbol after a pro-

gram, like (sw- 9.53), means that program is broadcast on short waves on 9.53 mega cycles.

NOTICE The programs as presented here were as correct and as accurate as the broadcasting companies and RADIO GUIDE could make them at the time of going to press. However, emer- gencies that arise at the studios sometimes necessitate eleventh hour changes in program listings, time, etc.

Bell n. indicates rzligious services and programs Star * indi- cates high spot selections.

If your favorite station is not listed at quarter or half hour periods, consult the time listings immediately above. The chances are that a network program of 30 or 60 minutes' duration is on the air at a quarter -hour when you do not find your station listed.

WGN -Sunday Mornnig Concert WIBA- Madison Hobby Hou, WIND -Rhythmania WJJD -Happy -Go -Lucky Time WMBD- Sunday Drivers Club


NBC -Joe Sines' Dress Rehearsal (Iodent) ; Orch.; Mable Al-

bertson, Pinky Lee, comedians; Morton Bowe, tar.: KWK WMT WLW WIBA WMAQ

NBC -The World Is Yours drama: WBOW WHO (ow- 15.33)

* CBS -Major Bowes Family; Helen Alexander, sop.; Ed Matthews, bar.; Nicholas Cos- entino, tnr.; Charles Magnante, accordionist; Three Dalton Boys; Waldo Mayo's Orch ;


WAAF -Musical Varieties WBBM -Air Flow Harmonies WCFL -.Seventh Church of

1 h n.t 'dentist WDZ -The Dreamers WFBM Stardust Melodies WIND -News WIRE -Melody Hour WISN- German Hour WROK -Organ Reveries WSBT -St. Mary's Program WTAD -Vermont St. Methodist



WAAF- Melody Parade WDZ- Hoosier Vagabonds WGN- American Radio Warblers WIND -Speaking of Love WJBC -APark Methodist Church WJJD -Henry King's Orch. WLS -Guest Speaker WROK -.Swedish Mission Tab-



NBC- Moscow Sleigh Bells: (sw 15.21)

CBS -Major Bowes: (sw- 17.76) NBC- Southernaires' WLS WBOW

(sw- 15.33) KWK -Swing Ensemble WAAF -Frank Wilson, tnr. WBBM -Pliner & Earl, piano duo WDZ -.M. E. Church Services WGN- Modern Melodies; Paul

Small, tnr.; Alice Blue & Priscilla Holbrook, piano duo

WHO -.St. Ambrose Cathedral WIBA -Workers' Alliance- WIND-News from Life WJJD.Dr. Preston Bradley WLW -Cadle Tabernacle Choir WMAQ -Silver Streak Review WMBD - .Trinity Tabernacle WMBI- .Moody Church Service WMT- ALutheran Church WSBT -News; Reverie

WTAQ -Gems of Melody WTMJ -Serenaders

11:15 WAAF -The Hat Band WBBM -Magic Numbers IVIBA , first Cone Church WIND Let's Dance WSBT -.Presbyterian Church WTMJ- Alfred Wallenstein's Orch.

11:30 NBC -Univ. of Chicago Round

Table Discussion: WMAQ WBOW WIRE (sw- 15.33)

* CBS -Salt Lake City Taberna- cle Choir: WISN WOWO WHAS (sw- 17.76)

* NBC -Radio City Music Hall; Symphony Orch. dir. Dr. How- ard Hanson; Jan Peerce, tar.; Edwina Eustis, contr.; Dana Suesse, pianist -composer: KWK (sw- 15.21) Mies Enstis:. "By a I.oue!V

Forest Pathway" (1;riffcs); "Spring Song of the Rubin Woman" from "Shanewie" Ica dma n)- M r. Peerce: "Hills" (La Forge); "The Ballad of John Henry" (Co- hen). Orchestra: "Scherzo" ( Berwald): "Andante" (Du- bensky): "Gossips" (Millen- sky/ ; Suite from "Merry Mount" (Hansen); Skating Ballet (Hermann).

MBS -Ted Weems' Orch.: WLW WGN

KMOX- String Ensemble WAAF -Encores WCCO -Golden Dragon WFBM -Cupid Interviews WIND- Reading the Funnies WLS -Building Better Citizens WOC- Stepping Out WTAQ -News WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

11:45 CBS -Salt Lake Tabernacle:

WMBD WSBT KMOX -Golden Dragon WAAF -A Toast to Romance WCCO-Musical WDZ- .Watchtower WLS -Elsie Mae Emerson WTAQ -Hollywood Len,


NBC -Dorothy Dreslin, sop.; Fred Hufsntith, tnr.: WIRE (sw- 15.33)

CBS ;,Church the 4ir KMOX WOWO WCCO WSBT WHAS (sw- 15.27)

News: WOC WMBD WAAF -Musical Hour [VHRM -New, with Music WBOW -.Watchtower Prgm. WCFL Sung Parade WDZ -Westville on the Air WENR-Radio City Music Hall

Symph. Orch. (NBC) WFBM -Mellow Melodies WGN - Reading the Comics WHO -Hour of Smiles WIBA -Tony Salerno's Orea. WIND -German Hour WISN -Hollywood Matinee WJBC- Lonneÿ s Orch. WLW -.Lutheran Hour WMAQ -Matinee Greetings WMT -Music of the Moment WTAQ -Duchow's Red Ravens WTMa Heinle s Grenadiers

12:15 WBOW -Mr. Mooney, pianist WCFL -New Songs WIRE -Strolling Tom WMAQ -Swingtime Topics WMBD- Musical Request Prgm. WOC -Gala Galesburg WROK -WPA Orch. WTAD -Sports Summary

12:30 * NBC -Melody Matinee (Smith

Bros.); Muriel Dickson, sop., Morton Bowe, tar.; -Cavaliers Quartet ; Victor Arden's Oren. WIRE KSD WTMJ - WIBA WHO WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Poetic Strings: WHAS WFBM WMBD WOWO WCCO (sw- 15.27)

PHIL BAKER Sun. 6:30 pm CST

NBC -Our Neighbors: WENR WBOW


KMOX- Travelogue WD/.-Leo Headley, pianist WISH- Variety Prgm. WJJD- Sunday Rhythms 1VMRi Music & Message WROK -Marimba Melodies WSBT -Funny Paper Man WTAQ -Hurlbut Varieties

12:45 CBS -Headlines & History; Bob

Trout: WOWO WCCO WFBM KMOX WOC (sw- 15.27)

WCFL- Music in the An WHAS -.Rabbi Solomon N.

Bazell WISN -Coplin Concert WJJD- Musical Highlgihts WMBD -A Dancing Mood WROK -(;Judge Rutherford


RCA; Symphony Orch.; Frank Black, cond.; Milton J. Cross, m -c; Richard Himber's Orch., Jean Sablos, Josephine An- toine & John B. Kennedy, guests: KWK WIBA WENR WLW WMT WTMJ (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Music of the Theater; How- ard Barlow's Concert Orch.; WFBM WCCO WOWO WMBD K)IUX WMBD WHAS WOC ,. 15.27)

E -., opts from Gilbert and Sul - livan's "lobtnthe "; "Love SIRS Wings" from "Sari" "Stein Song" from "The Prince of Pilsen "; and "Beau- tiful lady" from "The t'ink Lady "

NBC -Landt Trio (Hudson Coal): (sw- 15.33)

WAAF- Hollywood Melodymakers WBBM -Clucas Octet WBOW -.Rev. Drake WCFL -Your Personal Reporter WDZ -Greenup Prgm. WGN -J. Manley Phelps KSD -Community Forum; News WHO- Golden Dragon WIND -Polish Prgm. WIRE- Robert Bowers' Band WISN -Highways of Rhythm WJJD- Helenic Hour WMAQ -D u n e an Macpherson's

Golf Clinic WROK-Dan. the Funny Man WTAQ -Van Zeeland's Serenaders

1:15 NBC -Choral Voices: WMAQ

WIRE KMOX -Front Page Patrol WBBM -Art Kahn, pianist WCFL -Light Classics WGN -Music of the Churches WHO -.Country Church of Hol-

lywood WISN -Jewels of the Air WTAD- Lawrence Glossmeyer, tar. WTAQ- Souvenirs of Song

1:30 NBC -Thatcher Colt Mysteries

(Scalptone & Pine Tar Soap): WMAQ KSD WIRE WBOW WHO (sw- 15.33)

WAAF -Tower Tunes WBBM- Builders of Happiness WCFL -New Songs WDZ -Grace & Eddie Albert WGN -Men of Destiny WJJD -Henry King's Orch. WMBD -Walter Hill, bar. WOWO- American Family WROK- Luncheon Melodies WSBT -News; Hungarian Hour WTAD -Winifred Simister Nicholas WTAQ -News

PLEASENOTE. Symbol in parentheses, such as (sw- 9.53), appearing after a program listing indicates that this program may be heard by tuning in 9.53 megacycles frequency on your short -wave dial. For foreign short -wave programs, please see page 20

e 6/2i 29


Sunday March 7


1:45 QS- Cook's Travelogue; Malcolm

La Prade, globe trotter; Lew White, organist: WBBM (sw- 15.27) .

CBS -Aeolian Trio: WOC WISN KMOX -Ben Feld's Orch. WAAF- Novelettes WCFL -New Songs WDZ-Lee Lynch Co -Op Prgm. WFBM -Dick Harold WHAS -Little Church Singers WJJD- Sterling Young's Orch. WMBD -Cost Versus Quality in

Education, Robt. E. Juerjens, speaker

WOWO -King Chapman WTAD -Public School Prgm. WTAQ -Club Cabana

2:00 * CBS -N. Y. Philharmonic Sym-

phony Orch., dir. Artur Rodzin- ski: WFBM WMBD WBBM WOC WCCO KMOX WHAS WSBT (sw- 15.27) Mr. Loeser: Variations on a

Nursery Air for Orchestra and Piano Obligate (eleven varia- tions and a finale fugato, with elaborate developments and witty jiiggiinga) by Dohnan- yi. Orchestra: Water Music Suite; A series of Wagnerian excerpts including Prelude and Finale from "Tristan and Isolde," Siefgried's "Rhine Journey" from "Goetterdam- merung," Watan's Farewell and Fire Music from "Die Walkuere," and "Ride of the Walkyries" from "Die Walk -


* NBC -Metropolitan Opera Audi- tions of the Air (Sherwin Williams) ; Wilfred Pelletier. cond., guest greeter: KSD WIBA WIRE WMAQ WHO (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Romantic Melodies: KWK WENR WBOW

NBC -Adventures of Captain Dia- mond (Diamond Match): (aw- 15.21)

WAAF- Mothers, drama WCFL. Sanctuary Hour WGN -Music of the Churches WIND -News WISN -Polish Merrymakers WJJD- Father Charles E. Cough-

lin WLW -Jacob Tarshish, talk WMT- Halligan's Demitasse WOWO- OMissionars Hour WROK -Ave Maria Hour WTAQ- Genevieve Johnson WTMJ- Variety Prgin.

2:15 WAAF -Swing Time WDZ -Man on the Train WGN- Concert Orch. WIND- Lithuanian Prgm. WJJD -Musical Matinee

WLW- Choral Echoes WMT- Fireside Phantasy WTAD -Radio Matinee WTAQ -Boy Friends

2:30 * NBC -Int'I Br'cast from Lon-

don; Alistair Cooke: WBDW WCFL

* NBC -Campana's Grand Hotel: The Ghost Walks in Grand

Hotel," drama; Starring Anne Seymour & Lester Tremayne; WIBA WHO WMAQ WTMJ (sw- 15.33)

MBS- Romantic Serenaders: WGN WLW

KWWK-Musical. Prgm. WAAF- Legion of Future Stars \VCBD-J(Zion Services WDZ- Georgetown on the Air WENR -Tuneful Topics WIRE- jCalvary Tabernacle WISN -Harry Mason WJJD- Community Sing, dir. Ben

Kanter WMT- Famous American Homes WOWO -ARadio Temple Service WROK- Amateur Hour WTAQ -Bill Bardeen's Hobby

Chat 2:45

NBC -Lee Sullivan, trim: WCFL KWK- United Chari;.ies Reporter WENR -Viennese Sextet WGN -Alice Blue, pianist WISN -Music That Lives WLW -Interlude WMT Your Lawmakers WTAQ -Fiddlers Three

3:00 NBC -Penthouse Serenade (May -

belline) ; Freddie Martin's Orch.; Betty, Jean & Jim: WIRE WMAQ (sw -9.53)

NBC -Nat'l Vespers; Every Man's Religion His Own," Dr. Harry E. Fosdick: WENR KWK WBOW

MBS -Harold Stokes' Orch.: WGN WMT

WAAF -Jimmie Kozak, pianist WCFL -Madame Louise WDZ- Jitter Bug Club WHO- Mansion of Dreams WIBA- Education Hour WIND- Roller Skating Derby WJJD -To be announced WLW -Listen to This WROK-Musicale WTAQ -Organ & Poetry WTMJ -Police Headquarters

3:15 WAAF -St. Francis Retreat League

Prgm. WCFL- Robert Harmon, bar. WHO -World Dances WIND -Carnival WISN- Sunday Songsters WJJD -News WTMJ -Jack Randolph, songs

3:30 NBC -Senator Fishface & Prof.

Figgsbottle; Jerry Sears' Orch.. Kathlyn Barry, sop.: Showman Quartet: WENR WBOW

NBC -Musical Camera (Rogers Bros.); Josef Cherniaysky, dir.; Willie Morris, sop.; Con cert. Orch.: WMAQ WLW (sw 9.53)

MBS -J(L u t h e r a n Laymen's League: WISN WCFL KWK

WAAF- Arthur Trask's Book Chat

WDZ -Mack Willis' Orch. WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WHO- Playhouse WIBA -Dane County Rural Fed. WIRE- Sunday Players WJBC -Matinee Players WJJD- Hawaiian Echoes WMT- QWalnu St. Church WOWO- ñChurch of the Air WROK- Monito Views the News

WTAQ -Varieties WTMJ Newsboys Amateur Prgm.

3:45 WAAF- Gaieties WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WIND -It Happened This Week WROK -Judge Rutherford; Mu-

sicale WTAD- Church Prgm.


(Calumet Baking Powder); Gabriel Heatter; Mark War - now's Orch.: WENR KWK WLW WMT (sw- 15.21) Guests: Adele Nelson, who keeps

three elephants as pets and yard help; William Kaisr, legless man who Manufactures artificial limbs; and a post- man who will give advice to letter writers.

CBS -Your Unseen Friend, drama; Arlene Jackson (Personal Loan); Guest: WBBM KMOX WHAS WOWO (sw- 15.27)

* NBC -Marion Talley, sop. (Ry. Krisp) ; Joseph Koestner's Orch.: WMAQ WTMJ WIRE WIBA KSD WHO (sw -9.53)

WAAF -Sweet Music WBOW -Waltz Time WCCO -Lamplighting Time WCFL -Round Table Discussion WDZ -Juvenile Matinee WFBM -Bohemians WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WHA- Readers' Spotlight WIND -Down the Mississippi WISN -Down by Herman's WJBC -Do Do Sextette WJJD -Salon Echoes WMBD- Education in Religion WOC-News WROK- Hawaiian Guitar Club WSBT- Musical Mirror; News WTAQ- Beacon Lights

4:15 WAAF -William Nevins, bar. WJJD -Dude Martin WMBD- Remald Glenn WOC- Codettes WROK- Concert Hall WTAD -Quincy Little Theater

4:30 * NBC -Col. Stoopnagle & Budd

(Minute Tapioca); Don Voor- hees' Orch.; Gogo de Lys, vo- calist: WIRE WENR KWK WMT (sw- 15.21)

NBC -Smilin' Ed McConnell, sing- ing Philosopher (Acme Paint) Palmer Clark's Orch., Choral Group. Irma Glenn, organist: WMAQ WHO KSD (sw -9.53)

CBS -Cheri McKay & the Three Notes: WOC WISN

* CBS -Guy Lombardo's Orch. (Bond Bread) : KMOX WFBM WHAS (sw- 15.27)

To be announced WOWO WLW WAAF -The Lawyer's Legislative

League Roundtable WBBM- History in the Making WBOW -Dick Boyle WCFL -Organ Recital WDZ- Concert Hall WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. WIBA -Frautschi's Half -hour WIND- QMethodist Vesper Hour WJBC-Farmer City School Band WJJD -Pickard Family WMBD- tlChurch of Nazarene WOWO- Kiddie Time WROK -In Old Mexico WSBT- America in Peace WTMJ -Week End Revue

4:45 WAAF- Harmony Hall WBOW- Spanish Strings WISN -Questions & Answers WOC -Eddie House, organist WOWO- American Family WROK- Rudolph Friml Jr.'s Orch. WTAD- Gilbert Rhinn, Hhmns


Sunday 8:45 to 9:00 A. M. WJZ New York WTAM Cleveland





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i 3



NIGHT 5:00 * CBS -Joe Penner, comedian

(Cocomalt) ; Gene Austin, vo- calist; Coco & Malt, harmony team; Jimmie Grier's Orch.: KMOX WCCO WFBM WBBM WJR WHAS (sw- 21.52)

NBC- L.Catholic Hour; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, Our Wounded World -The Fourth Word ": WMAQ WBOW WIBA WIRE (sw -9.53)

MBS -1937 Radio Show; Ray Knight's Cuckoos; Arnold Johnson's Orch.: WGN WLW KWK

KSD -News; Musicale WAAF- Harlem Minstrels WCFL - ,Rosery Hour WENR- Amateur Hour WHO -Air Is Yours WISN -Organ Melodies WJJD -Polish Prgm. WMBD- Juvenile Theater WMT- Cupid's Court WOC- Geraldine Morrisey WOWO- Little Show WROK -Boy Scout Bulletin WSBT -Pages from an Old Hymnal WTAQ- Studio Players WTMJ- Concert Pianist

5:15 KSD- Office Girls: Allan Clarke WISN -Baton Varieties WOC -Songs of Eventide W ROK- Dreamers WSBT -News WTAD -Dance Parade WTMJ -Spice of I,if e


drama (Princess Pat) with Joan Blaine: WMAQ (sw -9.53)

* CBS- RUBINOFF (CHEVRO- let) with Virginia Rea, sop., Jan Peerce, tar.; Orch.: WOC KMOX WMBD WBBM WFBM WJR WHAS WCCO WISN WSBT (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Golden Gate Park Band Concert: KWK WIRE (sw- 15.21)

K SD- Pepper Uppers WAAF -Lamplit Hour WGN -Stars of the Milky Way WHO- American Families, Inc. WIBA- Madison School Hour WIND- Moissaye Boguslawski WLW -Court of Human Relations WMT- Modern String Ensemble WROK- Gospel String Band WTAD -News WTAQ -Dance Hour \VTM.1 Milner How

5:45 KWK -Sport Review WHO -Headlines of the Week WIBA -News WMT- Rhythmettes

6:00 HAVE YOU VOTED YET in the

big Star of Stars election? If not, do so now by filling out the coupon which appears on Page 2 of this issue.

* NBC -Jack Benny's Jell -O Prgm.; Kenny Baker, tnr.; Phil Harris' Orch.; Don Wil- son: WHO KSD WIBA WLW WMAQ WTMJ (sw -9.53)

CBS -"Judiciary Issues," Justice F. Pecora: WBBM WMBD WISN WFBM WJR WSBT (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Helen Traubel, sop.: WIRE WENR (sw- 1l.87)

KMOX -Hollywood Serenade KWK -Music You Remember WBOW -QRev. Archie Brown WCCO-Musicale WCFL- Folish Prgm WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch. WHAS -News WIND-Ave Maria Hour WJJD -The Pickard Family WMT -Music for Dancing WOC. Snort Geemmary WROK -Eve Bargren, sop. WTAQ- Dinner Hour

6:15 KMOX- Carveth Wells, explorer KWK -Helen Traubel. sop.(NBC) WGN- Income Tax Talk WHAS- Melody Road WIND -Ava Maria Hour WOC- Melodic Strings WROK- Dinner Music


Ripley (Bakers Broadcast); Ozzie Nelson's Orch. ; Shirley Lloyd, vocalist: WMT WTMJ KWK WIBA WLS (sw- 11.87)

* CBS -Phil Baker, comedian (Gulf Oil) ; Oscar Bradley's

Orch.; Guest: WFBM WSBT WHAS WJR (sw- 11.83)

CBS -Sunday Night Party: WISN WBBM WCCO WOC

NBC -Fireside Recitals (American Radiator) ; Sigurd Nilssen, bas- so; Helen Marshall, sop.: KSD WMAQ WHO (sw -9.53) Mr. Nilsen will sing "Drink

to Me Only with Thine Eyes" and Fox's "The Hills of Home." Miss Marshall will offer German's "Dream O'Day Jill" and Arne's "Where the Bee Sucks, There Suck I."

News: WMBD WTAQ KMOX -The Land We Live In WBOW -Ft. Harrison Glee Club WGN- Evensong WIND- Invitation to the Waltz WIRE- Indiana on Parade WLW- Strands of Beauty WROK -Court of Human Rela-

tions 6:45

NBC Fitch Jingle Prgm.; Morin Sisters & Ranch Boys: WHO WMAQ KSD WLW (sw -9.53)

WBOW -Twilight Musicale * WEBQ- BEHIND THE MICRO -

PHONE (1210 kc) WIND -Thomas Edison, drama WMBD-QChapel Hour WOC -News WTAQ -Dinner Music


Be an Actor ?" (Chase & San- born); dir., Haven MacQuar- rie: WHO WTAM KSD WIRE WMAQ WTMJ WIBt. WLW (sw -9.S3)

* CBS- NELSON EDDY'S OPEN House (Vicks) Nadine Con- ner, sop.; Josef Pasternack's Orch.: KMOX WISN WFBM WOC WHAS WBBM WCCO WJR WSBT WMBD (sw. 11.83) "Give a Man a Horse He Can

Ride "; "Lord's Prayer" (Ma- lotte); Miciiela'a Aria from "Carmen "; Soldier's Chorus from "Faust "; "I Love You Truly "; "Babnaginage" (Her- bert) : "someday": "Valen- cia."

NBC -"Appointment at Westmins- ter," draina: WLS (sw- 11.87)

MBS- Father Chas. E. Coughlin: WMT KWK

WBOW- Concert Orch. WCFL- Lithuanian Prgm. WGN- Arthur Sears Henning WIND -Walkathon WROK -Ferde Grofe's Orch. WTAQ -Classic Prgm.

7:15 WGN -George Hamilton's Orch. WIND- Sunday Evening Music WROK -Lee Harrison, songs


edian (Texaco) Bobby Breen; Deanna Durbin; Jacques Re. nerd's Orch.: WOC WMBD WJR WSBT WFBM WHAS KMOX WISN WBBM WCCO (sw- 11.83)

KWK -June Curran & Collegians WBOW- QEvangelical Church WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WIND -Top Tunes of the Day WMT -Playbox Theater WROK- Pilgrim Rest Hour WTAQ- Memoirs of a Concert

Master 7:45

KWK -Jewels of the Madonna WIND -Know Your Authors

8:00 NBC -Walter Winchell's Jergens

Journal: WENR WMT WLW KWK (sw- 11.87)

NBC -Manhattan Merry -Go -Round (Dr. Lyons) ; Pierre Le Kreun, tnr.; Men About Town, trio; Lois Bennett, sop.;' Orch.: KSD WHO WTAM WIBA WTMJ WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53)

* CBS -Ford Sunday Evening Hour; Victor Kolar, cond.: Myra Hess, pianist; Guest: WHAS KMOX WCCO WFBM WBBM WMBD WOC WISN WJR WSBT (sw- 11.83) Misa Hess: First Movement

from Concerto in A minor (Grieg): Gigue from the "Fifth French Suite" tBach l: Etudes in F major and A hat (Chopin). Orchestra: 'Tne Great (.:ate at Kiev" from "Pictures at an Exhibition" (Moaasorgaky) Air for the G

String (Bach); "Turkish March (Mozart); Entrance of the Clans and Scotch Idyll from "Henry VIII Suite" (Saint -Saens). Chorus and Or- chestra: " Finlandia'' (Sibeli- us): "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" (Maker).

WCFL -Irish Hour WGN -News; Red Norvo's Orch. WIND -News WROK- Symphonic Hour W SUI -,AVespers WTAQ -Ave Maria Hour


pling Rhythm Revue, Star. ring Frank Parker, tar.; Judy

Canova; Anne & Zeke; Shep Fields' Orch.; George Jessel, m.c.: WMT WENR WLW KWK (sw- 11.87)

WIND -Top Tunes of the Day 8:30

* NBC- AMERICAN ALBUM OF Familiar Music (Bayer's As- pirin); Frank Munn, tnr.; Lucy Monroe, sop.; Amster- dam Chorus; Arden & Arden, piano duo; Bertrand Hirsch, violinist; Gus Haenschen's Orch.: WHO WIRE WMAQ WTAM WIBA WTMJ KSD (sw -S.53) Miss Monroe will sing the Sempre Libera from Verdi's

opera "La Travista." Mr. Munn will offer "My Heart Stood Still." And Mr. Ilirscli will play "Orchids in the Moonlight" as a violin solo.

WGN -Gabriel Heatter WIND -Sunday Evening Club WTAQ- News

8:45 * NBC -Edwin C. Hill, the

Spectator (Real Silk) ; Harry Sosnik's Orch.: WENR WMT KWK WLW (sw- 11.87)

WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WTAQ -Cinderella Ballroom

9:00 * NBC -General Motors Concert;

Symph. Orch. ; Joseph Schmidt, tar., g'.est; KOA WHO WIBA WIRE WMAQ WTAM WTMJ (sw -9.53) Mr. SchMidt will sing "E lure-

van le stelle" from Puccini's "'Posen," "La donna e mo- bile" from Verdi's "Rigolet- to," "A Star Fell Out of Heaven" from his recent hit film "Wine and Waltz." Schu- bert's "Du hint die Ruh" and Lemicavallo's '' Mattinata." The orchestra's program in- cludes Mendelssohn's "Fin - gal's Cave," the Andante movement from Tschaikow- ski's "Symphony No. 4 in F Minor," Debussy's "Prelude a l'Aores Midi (Fun Faune" and "Feria." the fourth movement from Ravel's "Rapsodie Es- pagnole."

CBS -Original Community Sing (Gillette Razor) ; Milton Berle, comedian; Billy Jones graPrnie Hare, Interviews & ngs; Wendell Hall, sing leader: Andy Sannellá s Orch.: WBBM KMOX WBMD WSBT WOWO WFBM WMBD WOWO WOC WJR WOC (sw -6.12)

KSD -Harry Reser's Orch. WBOW. String Ensemble WCFL -Amateur Hour WGN -Melodies from the Sky WIND -.t Gospel Prgm. WROK- Camera Catches Rockford WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:15 NBC -Carol Weymann, sop.: KWK

WMT (sw -6.14) KSD- Weather Report WENR- Income Tax Talk WLW -Jack Randolph, songs WROK- Musicale WTAQ -Club 41

9:30 KVVK -News WBOW- Trianon WENR- Edison Symphony Orch. WLW -Melodrama WMT. AGospel Pram. WROK -Night Club of the Air WTAQ -Cinderella Ballroom

9:45 CBS -H- V. Kaltenborn, news

commentator: WOC WISN WJR WSBT WHAS WOWO (sw6.12)

KMOX -Thank You, Stusia KWK -Coyita Bunch & Soloists WBBM- Sports Huddle WCCO -Jack Randolph, bar. WFBM -News WGN -Hockey; Toronto Maple

Leafs vs. Chicago Black Hawks WMBD -Dance Orch. WTAQ -Cinderella Ballroom

10:00 NBC -Judy & the Bunch; News:

WMT CBS -Eddie Cantor: KNX KSL NBC-When Day Is Done; liar -

vey Hays. narrator: WIRE WBOW (sw -9.53)


NBC -Fitch Jingle Prgm.: KPO KOA KPRC WBAP

News: WMBD WLW KMOX -Jerry Cooper, songs KWK -Range Riders WCFL. ,National Revival WENR -Globe Trotter WHO -Musical Headlines WIBA -Melody Hour WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WJR -In the Hermit's Cave WMAQ- Norman Ross, sports re-


6/21 E


WROK- Slumber Music WTAM -Tom Ireland; Creolians WTAQ -Slumber Music WTMJ -News; Sports

10:15 NBC -Jack Denny's Orch.: KSD

WTAM WBOW (sw -9.53) NBC -King's Jesters: WENR NBC -Walter Winchell: WBAP

WSM KPRC WOAI Gov. Townsend: WFBM WOWO News: WHO WCCO WMT WIRE KMOX- George L. Scott ,organist KOA -Thank You, Stusia KWK- Hockey: St. Louis Flyers

vs. Tulsa Oilers WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. WIBA -Glen Brandy's Orch. WIND -Midget Auto Races WLW- Vincent Travers' Orch.

WMBD -Roger Pryor's Orch. (CBS)

WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. WROK- Evening Song WTAQ -Club 41 WTMJ -Dance Music Till 12:30

a.m. 10:30

NBC -News; El Chico Spanish Revue: WIRE KSD WTAM WBOW (sw -9.53)


NBC -Feeding a City, drama: WMAQ WIBA WMT

NBC -Rippling Rhythm Revue: WSM WBAP KPRC WOAI

NBC -Jack Benny: KPO KOA News: KMOX WTAQ

WCCO- Reports WCFL- Swedish Glee Club WENR -Phil Levant's Orch. WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WHO -Dream Maker's Book WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WOWO -Back Home Hour

10:45 KMOX- Johnny Davis' Orch. WCCO -Abe Lyman's Orch. (CBS) WLW -Ace Brigode's Orch. WTAQ- Riverside Ballroom

11:00 CBS -Vincent Lopez' Orch. WOC

WBBM WISN WMBD WJR NBC- Johnny Hamp's Orch.:


MBS -Clyde Lucas' Orch.: WGN WMT

KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orch. KWK- Hockey; St. Louis Flyers

vs. Tulsa Oilers WCCO -Joe Sanders' Orch. WFBM- Indiana Roof Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -Orean & Poems WMAQ -Bob Crosby's Orch. WTAQ -Dance Music

11:15 CBS- Vincent Lopez' Orch.:

WFBM KMOX WCFL -Herb Buteau's Orch. WHAS -Dance Band WIND- Dramas of Life

11:30 NBC -One Man's Family: KPO CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WOC


NBC -Blue Barron's Orch.: KSD WHO WTAM WIRE WBOW

NBC -Eddie Fitzpatrick Orch.: KWK WIBA (sw -6.14)

MBS- George Hamilton's Orch.: WGN WLW WMT

KOA -Al Kavelirt s Orch. WCCO -Jimmy Greco s Orch. WCFL -Carl Sands' Orch. WENR -Lou Breese's Orch. WIND -Bob Tinsley 's Orch. WMAQ -Stan Norris' Orch- WTAQ- Riverside Ballroom

11:45 CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WHAS WENR -Charlie Agnew's Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch.

12:00 MBS- Bernie Cummins' Orch.:


Sunday March 7

KMOX -When Day Is Done KOA -News WBBM -News & Weather WCFL -Armand Buisseret's Orch. WENR -Louis Panico's Orch. WIND -The Nite Watch WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch.

12:15 KOA- Bridge to Dreamland WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch. Er.1 of Sunday Programs

Monday March 8 Monday

I MORNING 7:00 a.m. CST

NBC -Morn. Devotions: WIBA KWK

CBS -On the Air Today; The Oleanders: (sw- 21.52)

Musical Clock: WIRE WOC WBBM WHO

News: WTAD WMT KMOX -Sing, Neighbor, Sing WBOW- Musical Clock WCCO Aii Almanac WCFL- Breakfast Parade WFBM -Early Birds WGN -Good Morning Prgm. WHAS -Betty & Gordon Sizemore WIND- Polish Prem. WISN -Early Risers Club WJJD -Rhubarb Red, songs WLS -Julian Bentley, news WLW -Chandler Chats WMAQ- Suburban Hour WMBD- Breakfast Melodies WMBI- QSunrise Service WSBT -That Morning Bugle WTMJ -Hillbillies

7:15 NBC -Wm. Meeder. organist:

WCFL NBC -Good Morning Melodies:

WBOW Musical Clock: WTAD WMT KMOX- Travelogue KWK- QGrady Cantrell WAAF -Just About Time WCCO -Jr. Broadcasters Club WGN -Wake Up & Sing WHAS -Texas Rangers WHO- Hardware News WIBA- Morning Serenade WJJDFarm Service Period WLS- Prairie Ramblers & Patsy WLW -To be announced WMBD -Buffalo Trailers WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

7:30 NBC -Cheerio: WLW CBS -Lyric Serenade: (sw- 21.52) News: WTMJ WIBA WSBT KMOX -Clock of the Air KWK- Pep -up Parade WAAF -Breakfast Express WBOW -Chanticleer Club WCBD -%Gospel Tabernacle

WCCO- Musical Chimes WCFL -Ballads of the Breakfast

Table WGN -The Golden Hour WHAS -Modern Mountaineers WHO- Musical Fashion Notes WJJD -Q Christian Science Prgm. WLS -Pokey Martin & Arkansas

Woodchopper WMBD- Musical Clock

7:45 NBC -Martinez Bros.: WCFL CBS -Montana Slim: (sw- 21.52) KMOX -Let's Compare Notes WHAS -Pickard Family WIBA -Musical Clock WJJD- Kinneÿ s Hawaiians WLS -Jolly Joe's Pet Pals WMBD -Police Flash WTAD -Nets WTMJ -Collerator Quarter -Hour

8:00 * NBC- Breakfast Club; Walter

Blaufuss' Orch.: WCFL (sw- 15.21)

CBS- Metropolitan Parade: WSBT WOWO WFBM (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Streamliners: WIRE KSD Gene & Glenn: WHO WOC News: WMBD KWK KMOX -Harry W. Flannery,

Views on News WCBD- Sports, Music & Time WHA Bardwagon WHAS -News WIND -It Happened This Week WJJD -Red & Gene

E (S/Y1

WLBL -Market Reports & Agri- cultural News

WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WLW -Hymns of All Churches WMAQ- Fashion Horoscope; News WMT -Tim Brady's Round -up WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ -Revolving Stage

8:15 CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens

(Kirkman's Soap): (sw- 21.52) Musical Clock: WHO WOC KMOX -Ozark Varieties KWK -Tonic Tunes WBOW- Morning Headlines WHA- Morning Melodies WHAS -Breakfast Business WIND -Cafe Continental WJJD -The Toastmaster WLBL -Grab Bag WLS- Julian Bentley, news WLW -Hope Alden's Romance

8:30 CBS -Richard Maxwell, songs;

News: WOWO WSBT (sw- 21.52)

MBS -iacoh Tarshish WGN WLW News: WFBM WTAQ KWK-Hillbillies WBOW -Sundial Revue WCBD - Polish Prgm WCCO -Time Signals WHAS -Chats with Dolly Dean WIBA- Breakfast Club (NBC) WIND -News & Current Hits WJJD -Melody Kings WLS- QMorníng Devotions WMBD-Bandwagon WMT -Fran Voelker organist WROK -Organ Reveries WTAD- Inner -State Chuhches

8:45 NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns, cur-

rent topics; News: WIRE WBOW

CBS - Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old Dutch Cleanser) KMO)I (sw- 21.52)

Party Line: WHAS WMBD KSD-Tel -a- Tunes; News KWK- German Music WCCO -Gene & Glenn WFBM -Apron Strings WGN -Good Morning WIBA- Society Reporter WIND - Morning Dance WJJD- Tuberculosis institute WLBL- aMorning Devotionals WLS -Hilltoppers WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc. WMT -Oddities in the News;

Women in the News WOC-News WOWO -On the Mall WSBT- Morning Devotions WTAQ -Musical Clock WTM., Racket of Melody

9:00 NBC -Breen & de Rose, songs:

WBOW * CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch

(Cold Medal) WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. sketch (Old English Wax): WMAQ KSD(sw- 15.331

MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WGN KWK

News: WMT WROK WAAF -The Answer Man WCBD -Italian Prgm. WCFL- German Prgm. WHO -Morning Melodies WIBA -News; What's New? WIND -Cub Reporter, sketch WIRE -Happy Long WISN -Party Line WJBC -Your Happy Hour WJJD -Popular Organ Melodies WLBL-Markets WLS- Current Events WLW- Linda's First Love WMBD -B & M Messenger

WOC- Musical Clock WOWO -Magazine of the Air WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Homemakers' Chat WTAQ -Women's Hour WTMJ -What's New in Milwau-

kee? 9:15

NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis Philippe): WMAQ KSD (sw-1533)

* NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21)

CBS- Moderr, Cinderella, sketch (Gold Medal) KMOX WFBM WHAS WBBM WCCO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Vaughn de Leath, songs: WIBA KWK

NBC -Bachelor's Children: WGN WLW

Hymns of all Churches: WHO WOC

WAAF -Organ Melodies WBOW- Mid -Morning Musicale WHA -News & Views WIND -Good News Tunes WIRE -Mary Baker WISN -On the Nine -Fifteen WMHDShutin Prgm WMT -Scotty Views the News WROK -On the Mall WSUI- Musical Favorites WTAD -Lem & Luther, Old Songs

9:30 NBC -Pepper Youngs Family,

sketch (Camay): WLS WMT (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Betty Crocker; Hymns of all Church; John K. Wat- kins, news (Gold Medal): WBB!)I ;VFRM KMOX WCCO WHAS (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch (An acin) WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

Betty & Bob: WHO WOC Party Line KWK WIND WAAF- Miniature Concert WBOW- Market Reports WCBD -Music & Flowers WCFL -Under City Skies WGN- Harold Turner, pianist WHA -Musical Varieties WIBA -Josh Higgins, sketch WIRE -Music & Drama WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WJJD -Two of a Kind, Julane Pel-

letier & Ben Kanter WLW- Garden Talks; Mail Bag WMBD -News WOWO -Morning Dance Hour WROK- Intimate Review WSBT- Fashion Pointers WSUI -Book Shelf WTMJ -String Trio

8:45 * NBC- Today's Children, sketch

(Pillsbury): WMAQ WIRE WHO WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Viennese Sextet: WCFL NBC -Edward MacHugh, the Gos-

pel Singer (Ivory Soap): WLW NBC -Kitchen Cavalcade (C. F.

Mueller Co.) : (sw- 15.21) Party Line: WTAD WOC KWK-News WCBD -Hit Tunes WGN -Radio Cooking School WIBA -Melodic Interlude WIND-Bandbox WISN -Concert Contrasts WJBC -Farm Hour WJJD -Dude Martin WLS -News; Markets WMBD -Window Shopper WMT -Magic Kitchen WOWO- American Home WSBT -Morning Melodies


(Ivory Flakes): WLS (sw- 1521)

NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab -0) : KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO (sw- 15.33)

* CBS -Heinz Magazine of the Air; "Trouble House," drama- tic sketch; B. A. Rolfé s Orch.; Reed Kennedy, bar.; Mrs. Sarah Lockwood, interior deco- rator, "Early American Cabinet Makers," guest: WISN WBBM WFBM WCCO WHAS KMOX WOC (sw- 21.52)

KWK -Rapid Service WAAF -Woman's Hour, Prudence

Penny WBOW- Looking Around WCBD -U. S. Government Prgm. WCFL -Melody Echoes WDZ -Piano Prattle WGN -Get Thin to Music WHA -Homemakers WIBA -Robt. Gately, bar. (NBC) WIND -News WJJD -Mid Morning Jamboree * WKBB -MOVIE GOSSIP (1500

kc) WLBL- Markets & Agri. News WLW-Stocks, News WMBD -Musical Interlude WMT -Melody Mountaineers WOWO- Souvenirs WROK- Markets; Police Court WSBT- Goodwill Industries, Inc. WSUI -Within the Classroom WTAD -Morning Varieties WTAQ- Memory Lane WTMJ -Household Hints

10:15 * NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch

(Dr. Lyons) : WMAQ WTMJ KSD WHO (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Personal Column of the Air (Chips()) WLW WLS (sw 15.21)

NBC -Three Marshalls: WCFL WBOW KWK

WAAF -Swingtime WCBD- Rhythm Men WDZ -Sheb Marchino, songs WIBA-Today's Almanac WIND- Rhubarb Red, songs WIRE -For Women Only W.1RC- Request Prgm. WMBD- Toastmaster Bakers WMT -Music Memory Contest WOWO -Tri- Topics WROK -Woman's Forum WSBT -Harlan Hogan


(Rinso): WCCO WBBM WISN WHAS WMBD KMOX (sw- 21.52)

* NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): WLS KWK WMT (sw- 15.21)

NBC -How to be Charming, sketch (Phillips): WMAQ WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33)

MBS -Love Song- WGN WLW WAAF -Estelle Barnes, pianist WBOW -News WCFL -Harmony Hi -Spots WDZ-Newscast WFBM- Kitchen Clinic WHO -Party Line WIBA -Your Home WIND- Fashion Flashes WIRE- QBible Institute WJBC -News; Dollar Daze WJJD-Women's Exchange Prgm. WMBI- Devotional Hour WOC -Organ Melodies WOWO- Linda's First Love WSBT- Melody Makers WTAD -Ma Perkins WTAQ- Masters of, Swing

10:45 * NBC -Edward MacHugh, the

Gospel Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS ItWK WMT (sw- 15.21)

* CBS -Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe (Lysol): WBBM WCCO KMOX WHAS WOWO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Voice of Experience (Wa- sey Products) : WIBA WLW WMAQ WHO WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33)

Party Line: WJJD WIRE WAAF -Foolish Questions WBOW -Pat & Leo WCFL -Voice of Cookery WDZ- Xavier Cugat's Orch. WGN -Don Pedro & Piano * WIBU -MOVIE GOSSIP (1210

kc.) WIND- Markets; Song Bar WISN -Little Theater of Life;

Hall Quartet WJBC -Payne Pioneers WMBD- Linda's First Love WROK -Amer. Family Robinson WSBT -In Movieland WSUI -Program Calendar WTAQ- Hawaiian Melodies

11:00 NBC -Honeyboy & Sassafras, com-

edy team: WIRE WCFL CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Pebe-

co): WBBM KMOX WFBM WCCO (sw- 17.76)

* NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel logg): WMAQ WLW (sw- 15.33)

KSD -News; Variety Features KWK- Sunshine Special WAAF -Melody Parade WBAA -Amer. Institutions, Prof.

Robert Phillips WBOW -Alice Cornett, songs WDZ- Hawaiian Paradise WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA -Talking Book WHAS -Melodies & Moods WHO -Kitty Keene, Inc WIBA-Linda's First Love WIND -News from Life WISN -News; Movie Chat WJBC -homemaker's Pay Day WJJD- Bureau of Missino Persons WLBL- Markets & Agri. News WLS- Morninz Homemakers WMBD Police Bulletins WMT- Marriage Clinic WOC -Music & Flowers WOWO -Party Line WROK -Helen Benson, cowgirl WSBT- Shoppers' Guide WSUI -Within the Classroom WTAQ -Piano Improvisations WT11.1 of all Chuches

11:15 * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin

(Kleenex): WMAQ KSD WHO WIRE (sw- 15.33)

* CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds'): KMOX WCCO (sw- 17.76)

MBS -Tom, Dick & Harry: WGN WLW

KWK -Three Marshalls (NBC) WAAF -Nedra Gordonier, contr. WBBM -Quarter Hour of Romance WBOW -Farm Prgm. WCFL -Tunes on Top WDZ -News of Your Neighbor WFBM -Hope Alden's Romance WHAS- Linda's First Love WIBA- QLutheran Devotions WIND -Rhythm for Two WISN -Organ Melodies WJBC -Dough Boy WJJD -Criminal Court Interviews WMBD -Bargain Counter WMT -Lou Webb, organist WOC- Morning Parade WOWO -Melody Book WROK-Musicale WTAD -Dance Music WTAQ- Hollywood on Parade WTMJ Beur & Bob. sketch

11:30 CBS- Romance of Helen Trent;

Virginia Clark (Edna Wallace Hopper) WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX (sw- 17.76)

* NBC -Nat Farm & Home Hour; Speaker: WMAQ KWK WIBA WLW WHO (sw- 1521)

NBC -Gene Arnold & the Cadets: WCFL

KSD The Refreshment Club WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WBOW- Market Reports WCCO -Kitty Keene WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WGN -Bob Elson on State Street WHA -Organ Gems WIND -H Zimmerman, organist WIRE-Linda's First Love WISN -Even As You & I WJBC -News & Interviews

(Continued on Next Page)



Monday March 8


(11:30 a.m. Continued)

WJJD- Safety Court WMBD- Musical Magic Revue WMBI -Continued Story Reading WMT- German Band WOC- Inquiring Mike WOWO -Home Folks' Frolic WROK - Helene Kimberley WSBT- Rhythmic Age WTAD- Police News WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

11:45 CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch.

(Affiliated Products); Peggy Allenby: WBBM KMOX WFBM WHAS (sw- 17.76)

Nensw: WBAA WMT WAAF - Hollywood Brevities WBOW- County Agr. Agent WCCO -Ma Perkins, sketch WCFL -Fashions on Parade WDZ- Crossroads Trading Post WGN -We Are Four WIND -Eh & Zeb. sketch WIRE -Farm Hour WISN- String Ensemble WJBC -Reid & Vin WLS- Markets & News WMBD -His Molests. the Bah, WOC- Chimes & Farm Bureau WOWO -Farm Servire WROK -Round the Town WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Farm Flashes WTAD -Dance Orch. WTAQ -Mail Man WTMJ-News ; Heinies Grenadier


NBC -Joe White tnr.: WCFL (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Five Star Revue (Karo & Linit); Morton Bowe, tor.; Mere Bell, songs; Ray Sinatra's Orch.; Bill Johnstone, Holly- wood reporter: WBBM WCCO WHAS WOWO KMOX (sw- 15.27)

Man on the Street: WBOW WDZ News: WJJD WMBD WOC KSD WAAF- Symphonic Hour WBAA -Agricultural Forum WFBM-'Way Down East WGN -Music from Texas WHA -Noon Musicale WIND- Peacock Court WISN -Heat Wave WJBC- Merrymakers WLBL- Agriculture News WLS- Dinnerbell Prgm WMBI-,Midday Gospel Hour 'VMT tlRlhilhe WSBT -News; Farm Flashes WSUI- Rhythm Rambles WTAQ -Farm Hands

12:15 NBC -Dan Harding's Wife, sketch:

(sw- 15.33) CBS -Make Believe; Soloists &

Orch.: WOC (sw- 15.27) KMOX -Magic Kitchen WBAA -Bud Bryant's Orch. WBBM -Milton Charles, organist WBOW- Wranglers WCCO -Chili Beaners WCFL- Noon -day Concert WFBM -Farm Bureau Prgm. WGN -Wife vs. Secretary WHAS -College of Agriculture WIND -Milt Herth, areanist WJBC- Torrid Tunes WJJD -Noon Day Service WMBD -Town Crier; Farm Market WMT -Question Man; Voice of

Iowa WOWO- Today's News WROK -Column Left, a Sits WTAD - Sports Summary

12:30 NBC -Words & Music: (sw- 15.33)


CBS -"Spring Financing with Co- operative Credit," W. I. Myers, speaker: WOWO WOC WSBT (sw- 15.27)

News: WIBA WBOW KWK -Range Riders WBAA- Athletic Review, Homer

Allen WBBM- Truman Bradley WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance WCFL -A World of Music WDZ -Lazy Jim Sings the News WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN -,Mid -Day Service WHA -Farm Prem. WHAS- Savings Talk; Markets WHO- Variety Prgm WIND -One Night Band Stand WIRE- Reporter WLW- Charles Dameron Presents WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife WMBD -Farm News WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WROK -Man on the Street WTAD -Home & Neighborhood

Prgm. WTMJ- Rhythm Rascals

12:45 CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories (Spry): WBBM WISN WFBM WCCO KMOX WMBD WHAS (sw- 15.27)

Livestock Markets: WIBA WLS News: WDZ WHO KSD- Follow the Moon, sketch KWK -Musical Prgm. WBAA -Noon Musicale WBOW -Magic Musical Revue WCFL -For Women Only WIND -News; Markets WIRE -Words & Music (NBC) WLW -Tommy & Betty WMAQ- King's Jesters WMT -Joe Doakes; Aunt Fanny WOC- Swingapators WOWO -Earl Gardner's Orch, WROK -Home Folks Hour WSBT-Man-on-the-Street WTMJ- Sidewalk Reporter


NBC -American Education Forum: WIRE WCFL (sw- 15.33)

CBS -News Through a Woman's Eyes (Pontiac): WISN WBBM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 15.27)

* NBC -Navy Band: WM4Q EWE (sw- 15.21)

Man on the Street: WMBD WTAQ

KSD -Frank McGuire WAAF- Hoosier Philosopher WBOW -,Rev. Archie Brown tVCBD- ,Fundamental Bible Class WDZ -Chick Martin WGN- Concert Orch WHO Open House WHA -State Capitol Prgm. WIBA- Melody Moments WIND -Federal Farm Credit Adm. WJJD- Mid -day Roundup WLS -Red Foley; Lily May Girls

of the Golden West WLW- School of the Air; Drama

Classics WMT -Iowa Cornhuskers; Many

Happy Returns WOC -Bill Edmonds, songs WOWO Agricultural Prgm WSBT -News; Harlan Hogan WSUI- Musical Chats WTAD -News WTMJ Markets & News

1:15 CBS -American School of the Air;

History, "The Theater" :


KSD -Educational Series WAAF -Do You Remember? WDZ- Markets Close WGN- Lawrence Salerno & Piano WHAS- University of Kentucky WHO -Hits & Encores WIBA -Navy Band (NBC) WIND -Let's Dance WLS -Melody Parade WMBD -Buffalo Trailers WMT -Getman Band WROK-Dreamers WTAD- Concert Hall of the Air WTAQ- Premier Tunes of the Day WTAQ- Rhythm & Romance WTMJ -Dance Orch,

1:30 NBC Jane Cortland ntanist

WIRE WCFL (sw- 15.33) News: WTAQ KWK KSD -News; Orch. WAAF -Man on the Street WBOW- Market Reports WCBD -Zion Studio Musicale WDZ -Ruthie Mooré s Harmonica WGN- Painted Dreams. sketch WHA -Agricultural Leaders WHO Market Report WIND- Italian Prem. WJJD- League of Women Voters WLS -Grain Market Summary

WI.W -Learn to Sing WMBD -Ask Me Another WMT-Bill Brown, Movie Man WROK -Rippling Melodies

1:45 * CBS -MYRT & MARGE, sketch (Super Suds); Billy Artzt's Orch.: WBBM WFBM KMOX WISN WCCO WHAS (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Personal Column of the Air: (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Charles Sears, tnr.: WCFL KSD

Judy & Jane: WHO WO' KWK -Coyita Bunch & Soloists WAAF -Waltztime WBAA- Markets & Weather WBOW -,Christian Science WDZ -Do You Know? WGN- Marriage License Bureau WIRE- Hughes Reel WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WLS -Ralph Emerson, organist WLW-Vocational Agriculture WMBD- Trading Post WMT- Variety Prgm. WOWO- Question Box WROK -Kiki Bird & Singing Cy WSBT- Rhythmic Serenade WTAD- Miniature Musical Magic

Review WTAQ -House of Peter MacGregor WThl,l Home Harmonizers

2:00 * NBC -Rochester Civic Orch.; Guy Fraser Harrison, cond.: (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Colonel Jack Major's Variety Prgm.: WOC WOWO WSBT WMBD (sw- 15.27)

NBC- Pepper Young's Family, sketch (Camay): WMAQ KSD WHO WLW WTMJ (sw- 15.33)

MES -Molly of the Movies. sketch WGN KWK

KMOX- Inquiring Reporter WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WBBM- Barnyard Follies WBOW -Variety Musicale WCBD -Polish Prgm WCCO- Police Reports WCFL -Organ Music WDZ- Birthday Party WFBM -News WHA- School of the Air WHAS -Jack Amlung's Orch. WIBA- Success Story WIND-Continental Orch. WIRE -House of McGregor WISN -Mary Ann Presents WJJD -Ben Kanter, pianist WLS- Homemakers' Prgm. WMT -Margaret Johnson, pianist WROK- Musicale WSUI- Poetic Interlude WTAD -Women's Variety WTAQ -Fine Arts Trio

2:15 * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch; Marjorie Hannan. WMAQ WLW WHO WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Colonel Jack Major: WISN WHAS

News: WCCO WIND KMOX- Linda's First Love KWK -Dance Orch. WBOW- Market Reports WCFL -Roch. Civic Orch. (NBC) WDZ -Man on the Train WFBM- Pacific Paradise WGN -June Baker, home talk WIBA -International Scene WIRE -Plow Boys WJJD -The Future Citizen WMAQKings Jesters WMT- Rochester Civic Orch. WSUI- Within the Classroom

2:30 * NBC -Vic & Sade. sketch

(Crisco): WLW WHO WMAQ WTMJ KSD (sw- 1533) * CBS -Pop Concert; Howard Barlow's Symphony Orch.: WOWO WISN WCCO WHAS WFBM WOC WSBT (sw- 15.27)

MBS -Len Salvo, organist : WGN KWK

KMOX- Barnyard Follies WBOW -Roch. Civic Orch. (NBC) WCBD -,North Shore Church WDZ- Decatur on the Air WCBD -J. C. O'Hair WHA -Organ Melodies WIBA-Gems of Melody WIND -Torrid Tunes WIRE- Matinee Varieties W.IJD Happy Harmonies

WLS -Homemakers WMBD- D.A.R. Prgm. WROK -Record Breakers WTAD -Island Serenaders WTAQ -News; Afternoon Musicale


(Ivory Flakes): WHO WMAQ WTMJ WLW KSD (sw- 15.33)

KWK- Rochester Civic Orch. (NBC)

WDZ -WPA Musicale WGN- Concert Orch.

WHA- School of the Air; Ameri- can Authors

WIND -Music & Banter WJJD -Karl & Harty, songs WMBD -Pop Concert (CBS) WTAD -Frances Mourning, pianist

3:00 * NBC -HOUR OF CHARM (General Electric); Phil Spi- talny's All -Girl Orch. with Maxine; Rosaline Greene, m.c.: WMAQ WTMJ WHO WIRE (sw -9,53)

CBS - "Treasures Next Door," U. S. Office of Education; Dramatization of Works of Literature, "Uncle Remus": WFBM WMBD WISN WOWO, WSBT WOC (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Paul Martin's Orch.: WENR D.A.R. Prgm.: WSUI WMT KMOX -Ma Perkins, sketch KWK-Melodies WAAF -News & Weather WBBM -Meet the Missus WBOW- Afternoon Siesta *'WCCO- LADIES FIRST WCFL -Robt, T. Van treas. talk WDZ -News WGN -Way Down East W'HA- Reader's Spotlight

WHAS- Jackson Family WIBA -Human Side of Music WIND -Stars Over Manhattan WJBC -God's Cheer tor Shut -Ins WJJD -Jose Manzaneras WLW- Charlie Dameron & Organ WMBI- Sacred Music WTAQ -Classic Hour

3:15 CBS -Osbury College Glee Club:


NBC -Paul Martin's Orch.: KWK (sw- 15.21)

MBS -Life of Mary Sothern: WGN WLW

KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc, WAAF- Better Housing Speaker WBBM -Radio Gossip Club WBOW - Devotional Service WCFL- Afternoon Musicale WDZ-Harry Reiser WHAS -,Week -day Devotions WISN -His Majesty the Baby WJJD -News WMT- Reporter of Odd Facts;

Melody Lingers on WTAD -Lawrence Glossmeyer

3:30 * NBC-"FOLLOW THE MOON," drama (Woodbury's Soap) with Elsie Hitz & Nick Dawson WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53)

NBC -Johnny O'Brien, harmonica player: WCFL WBOW (sw- 15.21)

CBS- Chicago Variety Hour: WOC WMBD WFBM WSBT WHAS (sw- 15.27)

News: WJBC WIND KMOX- Houseboat Hannah KWK -Fed. of Women's Clubs WAAF -International Potpourri WBBM -Art Kahn, pianist Wt -Ft) Musicale WDZ -Ferde Grofé s Orch. WENR -Music Circle WGN-Good Health & Training WHA P.T.A. Forum WW1 W v Down Flst WIBA - ,Bible Readings WIND -News; Continental Orch. WISN -News; Prem. Preview WJJD -Flannery Sisters, songs WI1\ Rely A. Bolo .ketch WMT -Ed Fitzgerald & Co. WOWO.AOld Time Religion WROK -Blackhawk Ranch WSUI- Previews & Reviews WTMJ -Down a Country Road

3:45 NBC -Young Hickory, sketch:

WENR KWK WMT (sw- 15.21) CBS -Chicago Variety Hour: WISN

WCCO NBC -The Guiding Light. sketch

(White Naptha): WHO WMAQ KSD WLW WTMJ (sw -9.53)

KMOX -Personal Column WBBM- Linda's First Love WBOW- Lyrical Quarter Hour WDZ -Home Folks Hymn Hour * WEBQ -MOVIE GOSSIP (1210

kc) WGN- Harold Turner, pianist WHA -From Treasured Volumes WHAS -Hope Alden's Romance WIBA- Rhythm & Romance WIND -Thru the Hollywood Lens WIRE -Harry Bason WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WMBI -"Ministry of the Printed

Page" WSUI -Organ Melodies WTAD -Yellow Fang WTAQ -At the Crossroads

4:00 NBC -Adventures of Dari Dan

(Dare-Rich): WIRE (sw -9.53) CBS -Milton Charles. organise


NBC -Let's Talk it Over; Anne Hard, journalist; Alma Kit- chell, contr.; Guest Speaker: WENR KWK WIBA WMT

CB- not to It Vurse i orps (sw- 15,27)

NBC -Marlowe & Lyon, pianists: KSD WBOW

MBS- Harold Stokes' Orch.: WGN WMT

KMDX- Josephine Halpin, com- mentator

WAAF -Now & Then WBBM -Kitty Keene WCCO- League of Women Voters WCFL- United Charities Talk * WDZ -MOVIE GOSSIP I' f 1 +M Tea Time Tunes WHA -Music of the Masters WHAS -Univ. of Louisville WHO -P. -T. A. Prgm. WIND- Continental Dreh WJBC -Wesleyan Hous WJJD -Supper Time Frolic WLW -Dick Tracy, sketch WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WMBI-Music & Message WOC-News WOWO- Concert Hall WROK -Piano Moods WSBT- Homespun Verse WSUI -Elementary Spanish WTAD -Go 'Round WTAQ- Studio Frolic WTMJ -Rhythm & Rhyme; Movie

Letter 4:15

NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston Straight Shooters: (sw -9,53)

CBS- Dorothy Gordon's Children's Corner: WISN WOC WCCO WSBT WOWO (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Helen Jane Behlke, songs: WMAQ KSD WBOW

KMOX -Hope Alden's Romence WBBM- Bittersweet Melodies WCFL -Lupi Italian Prgm. WDZ -Melodeers WHO -Houseboat Hannah WIND- Sketches in Melody WLW -Jack Armstrong, sketch WMT -Tea Time Tunes WMBD -Roy King, songs

WROK -Star Dust WTAD- Popular Music Review

4:30 NBC Jack Armstrong sketch,

(Wheaties): (sw -9.53) CBS Doris Kerr, songs- WOC

WSBT WISN (sw- 1527) NBC -Frank Watanabe and the

Professor : WMAQ WIRE KSD WBOW * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady; Ireene Wicker: WLW (sw- 15.21)

CBS -News Through a Woman's Eyes (Pontiac): WFBM

NBC -Four Dictators' Orch.: WENR WMT

KMOX -Joe Karnes, pianist KWK -Three Pals WAAF -Happy Jack & Handy An-

dy, duet WBBM -Man on the Street WCCO -Schedule; Livestock WDZ -Dance Hour WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHAS -Out of the Dusk WHO- Rhythm & Romance WIBA Betty Gras. organist

WIND- Current News & Organ * WJBC -MOVIE GOSSIP WMBD -News; Pet Corner WOWO Ace Williams WROK -Tea on the Terrace WSUI -Elementary German WTAD -White Sisters WTAQ -Children's Prgm. WTMJ -Meet the Artist

4:45 NBC-Little Orphan Annie, sketch

(Ovaltine) WLW (sw -9.53) NBC -Advs. of Dari Dan, sketch

(Dare Rich): KSD WMAQ WHO

CBS -Wilderness Road, sketch: WFBM WISN WCCO WSBT KMOX WOWO WOC (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Old Homestead. dr 'n.i: KWK WENR WIRE WMT WBOW (sw- 15.21)

KMOX -Let's Compare Notes WAAF- Novelettes WBBM -My Diary WCFL- Doreen Faire WDZ -Dick & Cookie WGN Margery Graham. Book -a

Week WIBA -The Lone Cowboy WIND-Continental Orch WROK -In Old Mexico WTAD -Movie Chatter

NIGHT 5:00

CBS-Sunhrite Jr Nurse (


NBC -Army Band: WENR WMT CBS -Tito Guizar. tnr.: News:

WOWO (sw- 21.52) NBC -Slovenian Singing Society:

(sw -9.53) MBS -Johnson Family: WGN

WLW KSD -News; Orch. KWK- Musical Prgm. WAAF -Petite Musicale WBOW- Sundown Express WCFL -Tea Time WFBM Bohemians WHO -Betsy Ross Bulletin; Revue WIBA -WPA Prgm. WIND- Cumberla,id Ridge Runners WIRE -Cub Reporters WISN -Show Window its -OD- Polish Prgm

WJR -News WMAQ -Big Bill Baker, sketch WMBD -Buck Jones WOC The Hawk's Trail WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSBT -The Hawks Trail WTAD -Children Stories WTAQ -Bureau of Public Service WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch


NBC -John Gurney, basso: WCFI ( sw -9.53)

CBS -Elsie Thompson, organist WOC

NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston String tt Shooters 14 MAC/ KSD

CBS -News of Youth (Ward Bread) : WBBM KMOX (sw 21.52)

KWK- Adventures of Betty & Billie

Wl.cO -Front Page Parade WGN -Buddy & Ginger WHAS -Hank Keené s Gang WHO -Jr. Nurse Corps WIBA- Outdoor Wisconsin WIRE- Jimmie Allen, sketch WJR -Envoys of Melody WLW -Paul Pierson's Orch. WMBD -Where to Go; The Ange-

lus; Colonel Beeney WMT -Tune Times WOWO- Sports WROK -WPA Orch. WSBT -Dan Dunn WTAD -Dance Parade WTAQ -Guy Watts, pianist WTMJ News

5:30 * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady,

Ireene Wicker: WGN NBC -News; Music Is My Hobby;

Guest: WIRE (sw -9.53) CBS -Gogo de Lys, songs : WOWO

WSBT WHAS (sw- 21.52) Jack Armstrong, sketch. WHO


WTAD Sports: WAAF WISN WROK KSD -Terry & Ted, sketch KWK -Gale Page, contr. (NBC) WBBM -John Harrington, news WCFL- Strolling Singers WENR What s the News? WFBM -School Sketches WIBA-News ; Real -life Story ; In-

terlude WLW -Bob Newhall, sports WMBD -The Hawk's Trail WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ- Hawks' Trail WTMJ -Heinie's Grenadiers


* NBC -Lowell Thomas, news (Sun Oil) WLW (sw- I5.21)

CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly (Wond- er Bread) : WOC WISN WFBM WBBM WCCO KMOX WJR

NBC -Flying Time ,sketch: WENR (sw -9.53)

NBC -Little Orphan Annie (Oval - tine) : KSD WGN

NBC -Escorts & Betty: WCFL KWK

Sports Review: WMBD WIRE WIBA

WAAF -Tower Tunes WHAS -Organ Magic WHO -Sunset Corners Opry WIND -Getman Hour WMAQ -Dick Steele, boy reporter WMT -Little Orphan Annie, sketch WROK -Don & Sleepy, songs WSBT- Crimecasts WTAQ -Choirs of the World

6:00 NBC -Mary Small, songs: KWK


sodent) KSD WLW WHO (sw-9.53)

CBS -Poetic Melodies ( Wrigley's Gum) : WJR (sw- 11.83)

CBS -Howard Neumiller, pianist: WMBD



Dinner Dance Music: WSBT WMT

Sports Review: WFBM WOC KMOX- Headline Highlights 'BBM -Davy Arians WBOW -Home Decorators WCFL -Grace Wilsbu. contralto WENR -Palace Varieties WGNChuck Wagon Time

WHAS -News WIBA Dinner Concert WISN- Twenty Fingers of Melody WJJD -Supper Time Frolic WMAQ- Donald McGibeny,

mentator (NBC) WROK -News; Dinner Music WSUI- Dinner Hour Prgm. WTAQ -String Ensemble WTMJ -Gypsy Four



* NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO Station (Alka- Selfier): WIRE WMAQ WHO WIBA WTMJ (also re- broadcast at 10:15 p.m.)


CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (Atlantic Refining) : (swL 11.83)

NBC -Bughouse Rhythm: WENR KWK WIRE

KSD -Xaxier Cugat's Orch. WBOW -Si & Ezra WCFL -Voice of Carelessness WJR -Vocal Variet ies WLW- Bernie Cutomin's WMT- Stories from Life WSBT -Sports Review



* NBC -HORLICK'S LUM & AB- nec, sketch: WENR WLW

CBS -Ray Heatherton, bar.: WISN WFBM WCCO WHAS (sw- 11.83)

Diamond City News. WTMJ KSD


KMOX -Show World Broadcast KWK- Sports Review; News WBBM -Tom Donnely's Orch. WBOW -Tune Hits WCFL Songs in the Spotlight WIRE -Terry & Ted WJR -The Allen Fancily WMAQ- Norman Ross, news; Voice

of Carelessness WOC -Dan Cupid Interviews WROK- Homespun Hour WSBT -Eddie Burnett


* CBS -Boake Carter (Philco) commentator: WCCO WBBM WJR KMOX WHAS (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Passing Parade (Duart Sales) : WMAQ

Diamond City News: WMT WIRE News: WOC WFBM WIND KMOX -W. P. A. Prgm. KSD- Listening Post; Stories from

Life KWK -John, bar. (NBC) WBOW- Sports Parade WCFL -Guest Hoar WENR- Totten or Sports WGN -Bob Elsott, sports WHO -Tony Cabooch WIBA -Roy Campbell's Royalists

(NBC) WIND -Roller Skating Derby WISN- Miniature Music Hall WLW -Salon Orch. WMBD -Value Hints WROK -Home Folks Frolic WSBT -20th Century Serenade WTAQ-Harmonic a Sodbusters WTMJ -Dance


Molly (Johnson's Wax); Mar- ion & Jim Jordan; Ted Weems' Orch.: WIRE WMAQ WHO KSD WTAM WTMJ WIBA

CBS- Horace Heidt's Brigadiers (Alemite) Lysbeth Hughes & King Sisters: WBBM KMOX WFBM WHAS WCCO WJR (sw- 11.83)

* NBC -Helen Hayes in "Bambi," drama (Sanka Coffee); Mark Warnow's Orch.: WLS WMT KWK (sw- 11.37)

MBS -George Hamilton's Orch.: WGN WLW

WBOW -News WCFL -Don Norman, news WIND-Lithuanian Prgm. WISN -Down By Herman WBMD -Bob Black's Orch. WOC- Musical Story Lady WROK -Mayor C. Henry Bloom WSBT - Polish Hour WSUI -Children's Hour WTAQ -Van Zeeland Troubadours

7:15 WBOW- Variety Prgm. WCFL- Philip Kinsman WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMBD -Music of the Prairies WOC Voice, of Friendship WROK- Musicale WTAQ- Anniversary Club


* CBS -Pick & Pat (Dill's Best); Benny Krueger's Orch.; Ed- ward Roecker, bar.: KMOX WBBM WHAS WFBM WCCO WJR (sw- 11.83)

* NBC -The Voice of Firestone; Margaret Cpeaks, sop.; Rich- ard Crooks, tnr.; Mixed Chor- us; Symphonic Orch.; dir., Alfred Wallenstein: WIBA KSD WTMJ WIRE WTAM WHO WLW WMAQ (sw -9.53)

NBC -Sweetest Love Songs Ever Sung (Phillips) ; Natalie Bo- danya, sop.; Frank Munn, tnr.; Victor Arden's Orch.: WLS WMT KWK (sw- 11.87)

WBOW- Diamond City News WCFL -Tunes on Tap WGN -Lone Ranger, drama WIND -Judge Gutknecht's Traffic

Court WISN -Woods Dreyfus WMBD.Friendly Forum WOWO -George Hall's Orch. WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSUI -With the Authors WTAQ -Hayracketeers


WBOW -Music You Love WCFL -Talk of the Town WISN -Songs You Remember WOC -This & That WOWO -Sport Slants WROK- Winnebago Schools

furnier Hour WSUI -Musical Prgm.



* CBS -LUX RADIO THEATER; Grace Moore,- guest in "Mad- ame Butterfly ": WFBM WISN WHAS WBBM KMOX WCCO WJR WMBD (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Good Time Society: WIBA WLS (sw- 11.87)

NBC -Warden Lawes in "20,000 Years in Sing Sing (Sloan's Liniment) ; "The Count & the Counterfeits," drama: WMAQ WTAM WIRE WHO KSD (sw- 9.53)

KWK -News; To be announced WBOW- Fireside Hour WCFL -Herr Louie's Weasel WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch. WIND -Racing Returns WLW -For Men Only WMT -Public Forum WOC -Gems of Melody WOWO- Spelling Contest WROK -Barn Dance Frolic WSBT -Basketball Game WSUI -All- University Sing WTAQ -Chats with Your Neighbor WTMJ -Helen Hayes, drama


WCFL -Just About Dogs WGN -Diamond City News WTAQ -June Gross


* NBC -JACK PEARL'S RA- leigh & Kool Show; "The Baron Muenchausen & Cliff "Sharlie" Hall; Tommy Dorsey's Orch.; Morton Bowe, tnr. ; Suzy, Algy & Boris, stooges; Eddy Wright, Jack Leonard & Three Esquires, vocalists: KWK WMT WENR (sw- 11.87)

NBC -To be announced: WIBA WHO WLW WTAM WMAQ KSD (sw -9.53)

WBOW -Ind. St. Teachers' College WCFL -Question Bee WGN -Clifton Utley WIND -Dixie Land Band WIRE -Top Tunes WOC- Vivian Benshoff, songs WROK -Clarence Lindsey, tnr. WTAQ -News


WGN -News; Quin Ryan. sports WIND -Speaking of Love WOC -Tonic Tunes WROK -Harry Reser's Orch. WTAQ -Today's Almanac


* NBC- RICHARD HIMBER'S Studebaker Champions: Stuart Allen, tnr.: WENR WMT KWK (sw -6.14)

* CBS -Wayne King's Orch.: WHAS WCCO WBBM KMOX WFBM (sw -6.12)

* NBC- Carnation Contented Pro- gram; Lullaby Lady; Male Quartet; Frank Black's Orch.; Doring Sisters; Vivian Della Chiesa, sop.: WMAQ WTAM WTMJ WIBA KOA WIRE KSD WHO (sw-9.53)

MBS- Famous Jury Trials: WGN WLW

WBOW-News WCFL- Automobile Workers, talk WIND -Mi t, Herth, organist WISN -Rendezvous 1VMBD- Orpheus Club WOC- Gordon Fraser WOWO- Hollyhock Lane WROK -Builders WSUI -Dept. of Speech Prgm. WTAQ -Dance Music


WBOW -Dancing Melodies WCFL -Labor Flashes WIND -Walkathon WOC- Monday Presents WTAQ -Club 41


NBC -Nat'l Radio Forum: (sw -6.14)

* NBC -The Krueger Musical Toast; Martin Block, m.c.; Jerry Cooper, bar.; Sally Singer: (sw -9.53)

CBS -Let Freedom Ring; "Free- dom of Speech," drama: WOC WCCO WSBT KMOX WISN (sw -6.12)

NBC -Music for Moderns: WIRE KSD WBOW

KWK -Irish Minstrels WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch. WCFL Barratt O'Hara WFBM -Hollywood Impresions WHAS -Song Hits of Week

WHO -Curt Rogosinski, pianist WIBA -Smoke Rings WIND -Evening at the Country

Club WJR- Peaceful Valley WMAQ -Moments You Never For-

get WMBD -Under the Capitol Dome WMT -Evening Serenade WOWO -Thank You, Stusia WROK -Musicale WTAM -Symphonic Variations WTAQ -Popular Dance WTM,I- Variety Prgm.



Diamond City News: WOWO WHAS

KWK- Norman Paule, soloist WBBM -Jack Randolph, bar. WCFL -Vella Cook, contralto WFBM -Piano Twins WGN -Henry Weber's Pageant of

Melody WIBA- Symphony Concert WIND -News & Sports WLW -Larry Funk's Orch. WMBD -Buffalo Trailers WROK -News WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air



CBS- Poetic Melodies tWrigley's Gum) ; Franklyn McCormack. poetry; Jack Fulton. tnr.; Carlton Kelsey's Orch.: WFBM WCCO KMOX WBBM WHAS KSL

NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: WTAM WBOW (sw 9.53)

NBC -Don Ferdi's Orch.: KWK CBS -Ted Lewis' Orch.: WOWO

WSBT News: WMBD WOC WLW WJR WCFL -Monte Randall, commen-

tator WENR -Globe Trotter WHO -World Dances WIBA -Melody Hour WIND- Swedish Prem. WISN -Wrestling Matches WMT -Dream Sones WROK -Noncan Jenkins' Orch. WTAQ -Tonic Tunes WTMJ -News; Sports


* NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO Station (Alka- Seltzer) : KOA KPO


NBC -Jimmy Kemper's Song Stor- ies: WIBA WBOW (sw -9.53)

NBC -Don Ferdi's Orch.: WCFL CBS- Pretty Kitty Kelly, sketch:



KMOX -France Laux, sports WENR- King's Jesters WLW -Jimmy James' Orch. WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. WROK- Eevning Song WTAQ -Club 41 WTMJ -Dance Music 'Till 12:30

a.m. 10:30

NBC -Glen Gray's Orch.: WIRE WBOW WHO WTAM (sw -9.53)

CBS -George Olsen Orch.: WMBD WOC

NBC -Phil Levant's Orch.: WENR WIBA WMT

CBS -Jay Freeman's Orch.: WFBM WJR WSBT

NBC -Voice of Firestone; Mar- garet Speaks, sop.: KPO KOA

CBS -Pick & Pat (Dills Best) :

KNX KSL News: KWK WBBM WCCO -Rollie Johnson; Reports WCFL- Melodies in the Night KMOX- Headline Highlights WGN -N. Y. Golden Glove Bouts WHAS- Norman Voelcker, pianist WIND -Bob Tinslcy's Oren WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMAQ -Frankie Masters Orch. WOWO -Slumber Hour WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAQ -News

10:45 CBS- George Olsen's Orch.: WISN

WBBM KMOX- Cameron & Karnes, songs KWK -Phil Levant's Orch. (NBC) WCCO -Frank Gordon's Orch. WCFL -Glen Gray's Orch. (NBC) WENR -Happy Jack Turner WIND -News WLW- Bernie Cummins' Orch. WMAQ -Clem & Harry, songs WOWO -Jay Freeman's Orch. WTAQ -Home Folks Frolic

11:00 NBC -Magnolia Blossoms; Fisk


NBC -Bob Crosby's Orch.: WMAQ WIBA


CBS -Horace Heidt's Brigadiers: KNX

Dance Orch.: KWK WTMJ KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orch. WCCO -Joe Sanders' Orch. WENR -Henry Busse s Orch. WGN -Mal Hallett's Orch. WHAS -News WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -Organ and Poems WMT -Zero Hour WSBT -Club Lido WTAQ- Varieties


STORIES KWK- Crosby's Orch. (NBC) WHAS -Dance Band WIBA- Interlude WIND -House of Peter McGregor WTAQ -Popular Orch.

11:30 NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: WIBA

WENR KWK CBS -Bob McGrew's Orch.: WOC


NBC -Francis Craig's Orch.: KSD WIRE WHO WMAQ WTAM

NBC -Vox Pop: KPO MBS -Michael Zarin's

WLW WMT KOA -Night Club WCCO -Jimmy Greco s Orch. WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WTAQ -Radio Night Club

11:45 NBC -Charlie Agnew's Orch.:

WIBA WENR KWK CBS -Bob McGrew's Orch.: WHAS WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch.

12:00 KMOX -When Day Is Done KOA -News WBBM -News & Weather WENR -Louis Panico's Orch. WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch. WIND -The Nite Watch WLW -Sammy Kaye 's Orch. WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch.

12:15 KOA- Stringin' Along WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch.

12:30 MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN



Monday March 8

MAXINE Mon. 3 pm CST

Frequencies KMOX-1090 WIEN-1120 KOA-830 WJBC-1200 KBD-550 WJJD-1130 KWK-1350 WJR-750 WAAF-920 WLBL-900 WBAA-1400 W LS-870 WBBM-770 WLW-700 WBOw-1310 WMAQ-670 WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 WCFL- 70 WRIT-600 WDZ-1020 WOC-1370 WENR-870 WOWO-1160 WFBM-1230 WBJN-1370 WON-720 WROH-1410 WHA-940 WSBT-1360 WHAS-820 WM-1200 WHO-1000 WTAD-900 WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 WIND-560 WTAQ-1330 WIRE-1400 WTMJ-620

KOA Griff Williams' Orch. WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters Orch.

12:45 WBBM -Austin Mack's Orch. WMAQ -Four Dictators' Orch.

1:00 WGN -George Hamilton's Orch.

1:15 WBBM -Rov Eldridge s Orch WCFL- Irving Margaff's Ensemble

End of Monday Pro.ams




Tuesday March 9 Tuesday


MORNING 8:00 a.m. CST

* NBC- Breakfast Clut/, Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: WCFL (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Dear Colutnbia, Fan Mall Dramatization: WFBM WSBT (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Streamliners: WIRE KSD Gene & Glenn: WHO WOC News: WMBD KWK KMOX -Harry W. Flannery. Views

On News WCBD- Sports, Music & Time WHA Bandwagon WHAS -News WIND- Shadows of the Past WJJD -Red & Gene WLBL- Market Reports & Agri-

cultural News WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WLW -Hymns of All Churches WMAQ- Fashion Horoscope; Nei.a 11 MT -Tim Brady's Roundup WOWO.Radio Bible Class WTAQ- Musical Clock WTMJ -Revolving Stage

8:15 CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens

(Kirkman's Soap): (sw- 21.52) KMOX -Ozark Varieties KWK -Tonic Tunes WBOW- Morning Headlines WHA -Morning Melodies WHAS- Breakfast Business WHO -Musical Clock WIND -Deep South WJJD -The Toastmaster WLBL -Grab Bag WLS -Julian Bentley, news WLW -Hope Alden's Romance WOC- Musical Clock

8:30 CBS Richard Maxwell. sones

News: WOWO WSBT (sw- 21.52)

KWK-Hillbillies WBOW- Sundial Revue WCBD Polish Prgm. WCCO -Time Signals WFBM -News WGN-Good Morning WHAS -Goodwill Industries Prgm. WIBA- Breakfast Club (NBC) WIND -News & Current Hits WJJD -Melody Kings WLS-.Morning Devotions WLW- Garden Talks; Tommy &

Betty W \r BD- Bandwagon WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WROK -Organ Reveries WTAD- Inner -State Chuhches WTAQ -News

8:45 NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns,

current topics; News: WIRE WBOW

CBS Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old Dutch Cleanser) - KMOX (sw- 21.52)

Monticello Party Line: WMBD WHAS

KS() Tel KWK- German Music WCCO -Gene & Glenn WFBM -Apron Strings WIBA- Society Reporter WIND- Morning Dance WJJD -Ill. Fed. of Women's Clubs WLBL- .Morning Devotionals WLS- Morning Minstrels WLW -Kitty Keene WMT -Women in the News; Police

Blotter WOC -News WOWO -Mornine Musicale WSBT -/Morning Devotions WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ Basket of Melody

9:00 NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage

Patch, sketch (Old English Wax): WMAQ KSD (5W- 15.33)


* CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Medal) : WBBM WFBM WHAS WCCO KMOX (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Shelter & Brenner, pianists: WBOW

MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WGN KWK

News: WMT WROK WAAF- Miniature Concert WCBD -Italian Prgm. WCFL- German Prgm. WHA -Your Health WHO Morning Melodies WIBA -News; What's New? WIND -Cub Reporter, sketch WIRE -Happy Long WISN -Party Line WJJD- Bosworth Broadcast WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News 1VLS -Music Appreciation WLW-Linda's First Love WMBD -B & M Messenger WOC- Musical Clock WOWO -Bill Board WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -What's New for Milady WTAQ -Women's Hour WTMJ -What's New in Milwau-

kee? 9:15

NBC- John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis Philippe). WMAQ KSD (sw 15.33)

* NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Model r. Cinderella, sketch (Gold Medal) : WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

MBS- Bachelor's Children: WGN WLW

Hymns of All Churches: WHO WOC

KWK -Rhythm Melody Revue WBOW- Mid -Morning Musicale 11 I i \ ri u. it/ Ouserver WIBA- Vaughn de Leath, songs WIND -Good News Tunes WIRE -Mary Baker WISN -On the Nine -Fifteen WMBD- Shut -In Prem. WMT- Louise Hathaway WROK -On the Mall WSUI -Musical Favorites WTAD -Lem & Luther, Old Songs

9:30 NBC- Pepper Young's Family.

sketch (Camay) : WLS WMT (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Betty Crocker; Hymns of All Churches; John K. Wat- kins, news (Gold Medal): WFBM WBBM KMOX WCCO WHAS (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Just Plan. Bill, sketch (Anacin) : WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

Betty & Bob' WOC WHO Party Line: KWK WIND WAAF -Happiness Time WBOW- Market Reports WCBD -Word of Truth WCI L -World Tour WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WHA- Musical Varieties WIBA -Josh Higgins, sketch WIRE -Dr. Aumann WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WJJD -Two of a Kind, Julane Pel-

letier & Ben Kanter WLW -Hello Peggy WMBD -News WOWO-Mary Berghoff WROK -Intimate Review WSBT -Morning Melodies WSUI -Book Shelf WTMJ -One Girl in a Million

9:45 NBC- Kitchen Cavalcade (C. F.

Mueller Co.): (sw- 15.21) * NBC -Today's Children. sketch

(Pillsbury) : WMAQ WIRE KSD WTMJ WHO (sw- 15.33)

NBC- Viennese Sextet: WFCL WBOW

Party Line: WTAD WOC KWh hews WAAF- Estelle Barnes, pianist WGN -Cookery Question Box WIBA -What's New? WIND -One Girl in a Million WISN- Modern Classics WJJD -Dude Martin WLW- Harmonica Rascals WMBD -Window Shopper WMT -Magic Kitchen W'0W0 American Home


(Ivory Flakes): WLS (sw 15.21)

NBC -David Harum, sketch (Bab- ()); Peggy Allenby: WIRE WMAQ WHO KSD (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Mary Lee Taylor (Pet Milk) : WOC WMBD KMOX WHAS WBBM WFBM

CBS -Captivators: (sw- 21.52) KWK -Rapid Service WAAF -Woman s Hour WBOW- Melody on Parade WCBD Prophetic News WCCO -Organ Melodies WCFL-Morning Musicale WDZ -Piano Prattle WGN -Get Thin to Music WHA-Homemakers WIBA -Robert Gately, bar. (NBC) WIND- Municipal Court WISN -Vocal Varieties WJJD- Mid- morning Jamboree WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLW- Livestock Reports; News WMT - Melody Mountaineers WOWO- Souvenirs WROK- Markets; Musical Inter-

lude WSBT- Safety Council WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -News WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ Household Hints

10:15 * NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch

tDi Lyons) WMAQ WTM.I KSD WHO (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Dr. Murray, Amer. Dental Ass'n Speaker: WISN WOC

NBC -Personal Column of the Air (Camay): WLW WLS (sw- 15.21)

CR+ Quality Twins Ed East & Ralph Dumke; Helen Carroll, vocalist (Knox Gelatine): WBBM WFBM KMOX WHAS (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Vagabonds: WCFL WBOW hWK -Ranee Riders 1VAAF- Variety WCCO -Jean Abbey WDZ -Sheb Marchino, songs WIBA Today's Almanac WIRE -For Women Only WJBC -Request Prgm. WMBD -Buffalo Trailers WMT -A Word to the Wives W OW O -Tri- Topics WROK- Woman's Forum WSBT- Harlan Hogan


tRinso): WI CO WBBM WISN WHAS WMBD KMOX (sw- 21.52)

* NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch: WMT KWK WLS sw- 15.21)

NBC -The Mystery Chef: (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Symphony Workshop: KSD WMAQ WIRE

MBS -Love Song: WGN WLW WAAF -Swingtime WBOW -News WCFI. Harmony Hi -Spots WDZ- Newscast WFBM Kitchen Clinic WHO -Party Line WIBA -Salvation Army Prgm. WIND Kitchenette WJBC -News & Organ Music WJJD -Women's Exchange Prim WMBI-Home Hour WOC -Organ Melodies WOWO -Lindá s First Love WSBT -Salon Musicale WTAD -Ma Perkins WTAQ- Masters of Swing WTMJ- Traffic Court

10:45 * NBC- Edward MacHugh. the

Gospel Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS KWK WLW WMT (sw- 15.21)

CBS- Eleanor Howe's Homemakers Exchange (Ice Industry): WCCO KMOX WOWO WBBM WHAS WISN (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Allen Prescott, The Wife Saver (Manhattan Soap): WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Al Short's Orch.: WIBA KSD

Party Line: WIRE WJJD WAAF- Foolish Questions W BOW -Pianologue WCFL -Voice of Cookery WDZ- Xavier Cugat's Orch. WGN Petticoat Philosophy

WHA -Song Favorites WHO Organ Melodies WIND- Markets & News WJBC -Payne Pionners WMBD -Linda's First Love WOC- Library Prgm. WROK- Bulletin Board of the Air WSBT -In Movieland WSUI -Program Calendar WTAD -Movie Chatter WTAQ- Favorites of Yesterday

11:00 * NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel-

logg): WMAQ 1VLW (sw- 15.33)

CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Peb- eco) : WBBM KMOX WFBM WCCO (sw- 17.76)

NBC -Honeyboy & Sassafras: KWK WIRE WCFL

KSD- Variety Features. WAAF -Melody Parade WBAA -Enid Wilson, sop, WBOW -Farm Folks WDZ- Hawaiian Paradise WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA -Music Appreciation Course WHAS -Melodies & Moods WHO Kitty Keene WIBA -Linda's First Love WIND -News from Life WISN -News; Organ Melodies WJBC -Homemaker's Pay Day WJJD Bureau of Missine Persons WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News W -I.- Morning Homemakers WMBD -Wagon Jubilee; Police

Bulletins WMT- Stories from Life; Morn.

Matinee WOC-Morning Parade WOWO -Partv Line WROK- /Tabernacle Hour WSBT- Harmony Hall WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ Hymns of Ali Chur chee

11:15 * NBC -Story cf Mary Marlin

(Kleenex): WMAQ KSD WHO WIRE (sw 15 '33)

* CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds') :

KMOX WCCO (sw- 1736) NBC- Armchair Quartet: WLW

KWK WAAF -Charles Fogarty, tnr. WBAA -Mr. T. K. Noss, news WBBM -Quartet Hr. of Romance WCFL -Timely Tunes WDZ -News of Your Neighbors WFBM -Hope Alden's Romance WGN -Mark Love; Piano WHAS- Linda's First Love WIBA- /Lutheran Devotions WIND -Rhythm for Two WJBC -Dough Boy WJJD -Criminal Court Interviews WMBD Bargain Counter WMHI- Sacred Music WMT -Lou Webb. organist WOWO - Melody Book WROK- Morning Musicale WSBT- Pacific Paradise WTAD -Dance Music WTAQ- Dramas of Life WTMJ -Betty & Bob, sketch

11:30 CBS- Romance o1 Helen Trent

(Edna Wallace Homier', WFBM KMOX WBBM WHAS (sw- 17.76)

* NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hr.; Sec'y of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace; Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: WMAQ WIBA WLW KWK WHO (sw- 15.21)

NBC -Gene Arnold & the Cadets: WCFL

KSD- Refreshment Club WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WBAA- Principles of Bookkeeping,

L. G. Minier WBOW- Market Reports WCCO -Kitty Keene WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WGN -Bob Elson on State Street

WIND -H. Zimmerman, organist WIRE- Linda's First Love WISN -Even As You & I WJBC -News & Interviews WJJD- Safety Court WMBD -Hymn Time WMBI -Continued Story Reading WMT- German Band WOC lnouiring Mike WOWO -Home Folks' Frolic WROK- Helene Kimberley, songs WSBT -Blue Streaks WTAD -Police News WTAQ -Steel Almanac WTMJ -Morning Melodies

11:45 CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch

(Affiliated Products) WBBM WHAS WFBM KMOX (sw- 17.76)

News: WMT WBAA WAAF -Song Styles WBOW- County Agr. Agent WCCO-Ma Perkins. sketch WCFL- Fashions on Parade WDZ -Trading Post WGN -We Are Four WIN"Eb & Zeb " sketch WIRE -Farm Hour WISN -Ivory Interlude WJBC- Musical Almanac WLS- Markets & News WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby WOC- Musical Almanac WOWO -Farm Service WROK -'Round the Town

WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Farm Flashes WTAD -Popular Music WTAQ -Mail Man WTMJ News, Heinie's Grenadiers

r AFTERNOON] 12:00

NBC -Sylvia Clark, monologist: WCFL (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Jack Berch & his Boys; (Fels Naptha Soap): KMOX WCCO (sw- 15.27)

Man on the Street: WBOW WDZ News: WJJD WOC WMBD KSD WAAF- Symphonic Hour WBAA -Horne Economics Prgm. W vrsis1- noppmg News WFBM -Way Down East WGN -Melody Time WHA -Noon Musicale WHAS -Hank Keenes Gang WIND -Peacock Court WISN -Heat Wave VvilBc Roland Struve L.ueninn WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News W Ls Unuierbell Prgm. WMBI -.Midday Gospel Hour WMT- Hillbillies WOWO- Musical Almanac WSBT -News; Farm Flashes WSUI- Rhythm Rambles WTAQ -Farm Hands

12:15 NBC -Dan Harding's Wife, sketch:

t sw 15.33) CBS -"Senate Judiciary Com-

mittee Hearing: WOC (sw- 15.27)

KMuX -Magic Kitchen WBAA -Bud Bryant's Orch. WBBM- Herbert Foote, organist WBOW -Wranglers WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall WCtL- Noonday Concert WFBM Farm Bureau Prgm WGN Wife vs. Secretary WHAS -College of Agriculture WIND -Milt berth, organist WJJD- ANoon Day Service WMBD -Town Crier; Farm Mkts. WMT -Question Man; Voice of

Iowa , i Today's News

WROK- Column Left, news WTAD- Sports Summary

12:30 NBC -Words & Music: (sw- 15.33) CBS -Geo. Hall's Orch.: WISN

WOC (sw- 15.27) News: WIBA WBOW Variety Prgm.: KWK WHO WBAA -Dr. Carl J. Klemme,

Scientific News Review WBBM- Truman Bradley WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance WCFL -Your Personal Reporter WDZ -Lazy Jim Sings the News WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN -.Mid -Day Service WHA -Farm Prgm. WHAS -Savings Talk; Markets WIND -/Christian xceuce rtcai WIRE Reporter WLW -Musical Sketches; Variety

Time WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife.

sketch WMBD -Farm News WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WOWO - Háppy Herb WROK -Man on the Street WTAD -Home & Neighborhood

Prgm. WTMJ -Dance Orch.

12:45 CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories (Spry): WBBM KMOX WCCO WISN WMBD WFBM WHAS (sw- 15.27)

Livestock Markets. WIBA WLS News: WHO WIND WDZ KSD -Follow the Moon WBAA -Noon Musicale WBOW - Melody on Parade WCFL -For Women Only WIRE -Words & Music (NBC) WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters WMT -Joe Doakes; Aunt Fanny;

Cornhuskers WOC-Swingapators WROK -Home Folks Hour WSBT-Man-on-the-Street WTMJ-Sidewalk Reporter


(Rinso): WFBM NBC -Dr. Joseph E. Maddy's

Band Lessons WMAQ WIRE (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Song Stylists: WOC WISN WHAS

Man on the Street: WBBM WMBD

KMOX -Exchange Club KSD -Allan Clark, bar. KWK -Musical Prgm. WAAF- Hoosier Philosopher WBAA- Dental Forum WBOW -/Rev. Archie Brown WCBD J. C O'Han WCCO- Calendar Notes WCFL -Farm Forum WDZ -Chick Martin WGN- Concert Orch. WHA -State Capitol Prgm WHO -One Girl in a Million WIBA -Melody Moments WIND -Civic Repretoire Theatre WJJD- Mid -day Roundup WLS -Red Foley, Lily May Girls

of the Golden West WLW- School of the Air; Active

Citizenship WM I Cornhuskers; Many Happy

Returns WOWO-We Shall Have Music WSBT -News; Harlin Hogan WSUI- Musical Chats WTAD -News WTAQ -Man on the Street

Markets & News

1:15 * CBS- American School of the

Air; Music; Music of Poets & Authors: WOWO WFBM WOC WBBM KMOX WISN WCCO WSBT (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Charles Sears, tnr.; Al Short's Orch.: WIBA KWK

KSD- Educational Series WAAF-Interlude WBAA -Electrical Shop WDZ- Markets Close WGN- Harold Turner, pianist WHA -Chansonette WHAS -Univ. of Kentucky WHO-Musical Almanac WND -Let's Dance WLS -Otto's Novelodeons WMBD- Oddities in the News;

Fiesta WM 1-German Band WROK- Dreamers WTAD -Concert Hall of the Air WTAQ- Premier Tunes of the Day N 1 .vi.l Dan,, Orch

1:30 NBC -It's a Woman's World;

Howard Price, vocalist; Harold Levy's Orch.; Wm. Farrand, m.c.; Claudine Macdonald, dir.: WMAQ WIRE (sw- 15.33)

* NBC -Music Guild: Guests: WCFL WIBA

News: KWK WTAQ KSD -News; Orch. WAAF -Man on the Street WBAA -Jimmy Woodruff, guitarist WBOW- Market Reports 1) t. BD -Zion Musicale WDZ -The Dreamers WGN- Painted Dreams, sketch WHA -Practical Economics WHO Market Repovt WIND -Musical Mirror WJJD -Ill. Medical Society WLS -Closing Gram Market WLW -Story Drama WMT Bill Brown, Movie Man WROK- Josephine Harmon, songs


sketch (Super Suds); Billy Artzt's Orch.: WBBM WCCO WISH WFBM KMOX WHAS (sw- 15.27)

NBC- Personal Column of the Air: (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Jack Baker, tnr.: KSD WBOW

Judy & Jane: WHO WOC KWK- Norman Paule, songs WAAF -Judy Talbot, the girl about

town WBAA- Markets & Weather WDZ- Senator Fishface WGN- Nothing But the Truth WIRE -On the Mall WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WLS -Ralph Emerson, organist WLW -Art Appreciation WMAQ- Martha Holmes, home ser-

vice WMBD -Trading Post WMT- Variety Prgm. WOWO-Question Box WROK- Rippling Melodies WSBT- Rhythmic Serenade WTAD- Frances Mourning WTAQ -House of Peter McGregor W'TM.I Home Harmonizei-

2:00 NBC -Pepper Young's Family,

sketch (Camay): WMAQ KSD WHO WLW WTMJ (sw 15 33) S -Tuesday



* NBC -Marine Band: WMT



MBS -Molly o Movies, sketch WGN KWK

KMOX -Hello, ' eggy WAAF -Red H t & Low Down WBAA -Story hue WBBM -Barnyard Follies WBOW -Teachers' College WCBD Polish Prem WCCO -Marke . ; Police Reports WCFL -Eddie anson, organist WDZ -Birthda Party WFBM -News WHA- School tf the Air; Heroes

of History WIBA -Culber on Bridge Series WIND -Conlin ntal Orch. WIRE House of McGregor WISN -Mary nn Presents WJJD - Ben rater, pianist WLS- Homem. ers' Prgm. WROK -Arthu Anderson, accordi-

onist WSUI- Poetic Interlude WTAD -Wome 's Variety WTAQ- Americana

2:15 * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch, Marjorie Hannon: WMAQ KSD WTMJ WLW WHO (sw- 15.33.)

NBC -Marine Band: WCFL KWK (sw- 15.21)

KMOX- Linda's First Iove WBAA -Music with the Masters WBOW- Market Reports WCCO -News; Stocks Reports WDZ -Man on the Train WFBM -School Sketches WGN -June Baker. home talk * WIBA -BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE WIND -News WIRE -Plow Boys -

WISN-Tuesday Jamboree (CBS) W.IJD- Federal Housing Prgm WROK -Two Guitars WSUI -Within the Classroom

2:30 * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch: t Crisco) ; Bernardine Flynn: WHO KSD WMAQ WLW WTMJ (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Blue Flames Quartet: WOC WHAS WSBT WFBM WOWO WISN (sw- 15.27)

MBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WGN KMOX- Barnyard Follies WBOW- Concert Orch. WCBD -J Scripture Truth Hour WCCO- Mayor's Safety Council WDZ- Decatur on the Air WHA -Organ Melodies WIBA- ABible Hour WIND- Torrid Tunes WIRE -Matinee Varieties WJJD -Happy Harmonies WMBD -Parent- Teachers Assn W Ls- Homemakers WROK- Record Breakers WTAD -Island Serenaders WTAQ -News; Afternoon Musicale



CBS- Library of Congress Musi- cale; Coolidge String Quartet: WFBM WHAS WSBT WOWO WOC WISN (sw- 15.27)

NBC -"Have You Heard? " : WCFL WMT KWK (sw- 15.21)

WBAA- Treasure Chest, Prof. P. E. Lull

WDZ -WPA Musicale WHA -School of the Air; Story

Time WIND -Music & Banter * WJBL- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE WJJD -Karl & Harty, songs WTAD- Bessie Dean Reinert

3:00 NBC -General Fed. of Women's

Clubs: WMAQ WIRE WHO (sw -9.53)

NBC -Chick Webb's Orch.: WENR WMT WIBA (sw- 15.21)

KMOX -Ma Perkins, sketch KWK -Musical Prgm. WAAF -News & Weather WBAA- Jefferson High School WBBM -Meet the Missus * WCCO- LADIES FIRST WCFL -Eddv Hanson, organist WDZ- Newscast WGN -Way Down East WHA -Our Speech WHAS- Jackson Family WIND -And What Do You Think WJBC- !\Bible Study Hour WJJD -Jose Manzaneras WLW- Arthur Chandler. Jr., or-

ganist WMBD- Library of Congress Mu-

sicale (CBS) WMBI -Gospel Music WSUI- Business Foreetasting WTAQ- Classic Hour WTMJ -Paul Skinner

3:15 NBC -Men of the West, quartet:

WMAQ WHO WIRE (sw -9.53)

Ba R/21

MBS -Life of Mary Sothern: WGN WLW

KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. KWK -Chick Webb's Orch.

(NBC) WAAF -Organ Interlude WBBM Radio Gossip Club WBOW- QDevotional Service WCFL -F. H. A. Speaker WDZ-Shut in Prgm. WHAS - Weekday Devotions WIND -Waltz Time WJJD -News WMT -Odd Facts; Tonic Tunes WSUI- Afternoon Musicale * WTAD -MOVIE GOSSIP (900

kc) WTMJ -U. of Wis. Extension Talk

3:30 * NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON, drama (Woodbury's Soap) with Elsie Hitz & Nick Dawson: WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53)

CBS -Sing & Swing; Carlton Kel- sey's Orch.: WFBM WMBD WOC WHAS WSBT WCCO (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Happy Jack, songs: WCFL KWK WMT WIBA WBOW

KMOX- Houseboat Hannan WAAF -Petite Musicale WBAA -We Have Music WBBM -Art Kahn, pianist WDZ -Sons of the Pioneers WENR -Music Circle WGN -Good Health & lraining WHA -Moods and Melodies Witt: Way Down East WIND -News & Continental Orch. WISN -News; Prgm. Preview WJBC -News WJJD- Flannery Sisters, songs WLW -Betty & Bob, sketch WMBI- I See By the Papers WOWO -\Old -Time Religion WROK -Blackhawk Ranch WSUI -Club Calendar WTAD -Dance Hour WTMJ -Down a Country Road

3:45 NBC -Young Hickory, sketch:

KWK WENR WMT (sw- 15.21) NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch

(White Naptha): WMAQ KSD WHO WTMJ WLW (sw -9.53)

KMOX -Personal Column WBAA -The Apothecary WBBM-Linda's First Love WBOW- Lyrical Quarter Hour WCCO -Hello Peggy WCFL -Nat'l League of American

Penwomen WDZ -Home Folks Hymn Hour WGN -Afternoon Serenade

WHAS -Hope Alden's Romance WIBA- Rhythm & Romance WIND -Thru the Hollywood Lens WIRE -Harry Bason WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WSUI -Southern Airs WTAD -Yellow Fang WTAQ -At the Crossroads

4:0r * NBC -Nellie Revell Interviews: WIRE KSD WHO (sw 9.53)

CBS -Tito Guizar, tnr.: WSBT (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Your Health; Dramatized Health Lessons; Dr. Morris Fishbein, guest speaker: WIBA WENR KWK WMT

News: KSD WOC KMOX- Josephine Halpin, com-

mentator WAAF -Jimmie Kozak, pianist WBAA- Practical Speech Prob-

lems, Prof. P. E. Lull WBBM -Kitty Keene WBOW -Hollywood Brevities WCCO -North Star School WCFL- Melody Matinee WDZ -Ranch Boys WFBM-Tea Time Tunes WGN -Howard Lanin's Orch. WHA -Music of the Masters WHAS -Western Kentucky State

Teachers College WIND -Continental Orc:i WISN- German Hour WJBC -News WJJD -Supper -Time Frolic WLW -Dick Tracy, sketch WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WMBD- jTrinity Tabernacle WMBI -Foreign Language Service WROK-Markets WROK -Piano Moods WSUI -Second -Year Spanish WTAD -Go 'Round WTAQ- Studio Frolic WTMJ -Swingsters; Movie Letter

4:15 NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston

Straight Shooters: (sw -9 53) CBS -Science Servise Series: WOC

WSBT WOWO WCCO (sw- 15.27)

KMOX -Hope Alden's Romance KSD -Charm Sisters, vocal trio WAAF- Contrasts WBBM -Hello, Peggy WBOW -H. O. L. C. Talk


WCFL -John Maxwell, talk WDZ -Organ Reveries WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHO -Houseboat Hannah WIND- Sketches in Melody WIRE -Feel. Music Project WLW -Jack Armstrong, sketch WMAQ -To be announced WMBD Miss Patti WROK -Star Dust WTAD -Music Review

4:30 NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch

(Wheaties): (sw -9.53) CBS -St. Louis Syncopators:


* NBC -Kellogg s Singing Lady. Ireene Wicker WLW (sw 15.21)

NBC -Frank Watanabe & the Professor: WMAQ WIRE KSD WBOW

KMOX- Travelogue KWK -Three Pals WAAF -This Rhythmic Age WBAA -Twilight Musicale WBBM -Women in the Headlines WCFL- Raspberry College WCCO -Schedule; Livestock WDZ -Dance Hour WENR -Four Dictators' Orch.

(NBC) WGN -Jess Kirkpatrick; Piano WHA -Spanish Prgm. WHAS -Out of the Dusk WHO -Hello Peggy WIBA -Betty Gray organist WIND -News & Organ WMBD -News; Pet Corner WMT- Freshest Thing in Town WROK -Musicale WSUI -Elementary German WTAD -Magic in the Air WTAQ -Children's Prgm. WTMJ -Blue Room Ensemble

4:45 NBC- Doring Sisters, trio: KSD

WMAQ WBOW CBS -Wilderness Road, sketch:


NBC -Gale Page nntr.: WIRE KWK WENR WMT

NBC- Littie Orphan Annie, sketch (Ovaltine) : WLW (sw -9.53)

WAAF -Harmony Hall WBAA -Radio Travel Review WBBM -Harry Richman WCFL -Nina Winans WDZ. -Dick & Cookie WGN -Margery Graham, books WHA -In Deutscher Sprache WHO -Sweet Shop Revue WIBA -The Lone Cowboy WIND -Continental Orch. WMBD -Happy Train WROK- Children's Hour

NIGHT 5:00

NBC -Science in the News: WMAQ (sw -9.53)

CBS -Del Casino, songs: WFBM WOC WOWO WBBM WSBT WCCO WMBD (sw- 21.52)

NBC- Meredith Willson's Orch.: WMT KWK WENR

MBS -Johnson Family: WGN WLW

KMOX -Safety Legion KSD -News; Geo. Hall's Orch. WAAF- Cocktail Capers WBOW -Sundown Express WCBD -Dinner Concert vt Fi Tea rime

WHAS -Under Ether; Mildred Lee WHO -World Entertains WIBA -Univ. of Wis. Band WIND -Cumberland Ridge Runners WIRE -Cub Reporters WISN -Show Window W,t.ID- Polish Prgm. WJR -News WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAD -Big Brotherhood WTAQ- Bureau of Public Service WTMJ Jack Armstrong -seich

5:15 NBC -Three X Sisters, harmony

trio: WCFL (sw -9.53) CBS -Alexander Cores, violinist:

WOC (sw- 21.52) NBC -Meredith Willson's Orch.:

(sw- 15.21) NBC -Tom Mix and His Ralston

Straight Shooters: WMAQ KSD

KMOX- Miniature Musical Revue KWK -Peggy Duncan, songs WBBM -Howard Neumiller, pian-

ist WCCO -Front Page Parade WFBM-Christian Science WGN- Armchair Melodies WHAS -Hank Keene's Gang W1RE- Jimmie Allen, sketch

WJR-Envoys of Melody WLW -Phil Davis' Orch. WMBD -Where to Go; The Ange-

lus; Piano Fantasy WOWO- Sports WROK -WPA Orch. WSBT -Dan Dunn WTAD -Dance Parade WTAQ -Guy Watts, pianist WTMJ -News

5:30 * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady. Ireene Wicker: WGN

CBS -News; Dinner Concert: WOWO WMBD WHAS (sw- 21.52)

NBC -News; Tom Thomas, bar.: WIRE WIBA

Jack Armstrong, sketch KMOX WCCO WHO WOC WMAQ


KSD -Terry & Ted, sketch KWK -Tony Russell, songs(NBC) WAAF -Sport Shorts WBBM -John Harrington, news WCBD-J J. C. O'Hair, pastor WCFL -Melody Revue WENR-What's the News? WPM Bohemians WISN -Sports Parade WLW -Bob Newhall. sports WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WROK -Sport Review WSBT -News; Dinner Dance WSUI -Daily Oowan of the Air WTAQ -Drama WTMJ- Heinié s Grenadiers

5:45 * NBC -Lowell Thomas, News (Sun Oil). WLW (sw- 15.21)

CBS- Pretty Kitty Kelly (Wond- er Bread) : WOC KMOX WJR wFBn1 WBBM WCCO W1,01

NBC -Flying Time, sketch: WENR

NBC Little Orphan Annie (Oval Tint i KSD WGN

NBC -Escorts & Betty: WCFL Sports Review: WMBD WIRE

WIBA KWK Improve My Music Club WAAF- Eventide Echoes WBOW- Sundown Express WHAS -Organ Magic WHO- Sunset Corners Opry W1ND- German Music WMAQ -Dick Steele, boy reporter WMT tlrphan Annie, sketcn WROK -Bob Kail, songs WSBT -Crimecasts WTAQ- Choirs of the World

6:00 * NBC -AMOS 'n' ANDY (PEP.

sodent) : WLW KSD WHO (sw -9.53)

CBS-Poetic Melodies (Wrigley'. Gum) : WJR (sw- 11.83)

CBS- Concert Ensemble: WISN WMBD

* NBC -Easy Aces, sketch (An acin: KWK WENR WMT WIRE WTMJ (sw- 11.87)

Sports Review: WFBM WOC KMOX- Headlines WBBM -Davey Adams WBOW -Home Decorators WCCO -Easy Aces WCFL -Grace Wilson, contralto WGN -Check Wagon Time WHAS -News WIBA Dinner Concert WJJD -Supper Time Frolic WMAQ- Donald McGibnev. comm. WROK -News; Dinner Music WSBT- Dinner Dance WSUI- Dinner Hour Prgm. WTAQ- String Ensemble

6:15 NBC -Vocal Varieties (Turns);

Smoothies; DeVore Sisters; Wm. Stoess' Orch.: WHO KSD WMAQ WLW WIRE (sw -9.53)

CBS Wonders of the Heaven: WMBD WISN WBBM WHAS WOC

CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (At- lantic Refining) : (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Tastyeast Jesters: KWK WENR WMT (sw- 11.87)

KMOX- France Laux, sports WBOW -Si & Ezra WCFL -Voice of Carelessness WFBM -Bohemians W1BA- Workers in Industry WJR -Diamond City News WSBT- Sports Review WTMJ- Question Bee


ner. sketch: WENR WLW CBS -Alexander Woollcott, the

Town Crier (Granger Tobacco) WBBM KMOX WISN WCCO WJR WHAS WFBM (sw- 11.87)

NBC- Hendrik Willem Van Loon: KSD


K11 P. sport Review; News WBOW -lune Hits WCFL-Songs in the Spotlight WGN -Bob Elson. sports WIRE -Terry & Ted WMAQ- Norman Ross, news; Nor-

man Shearer, pianist WOC- Fireside Melodies WROK -Home Folks Frolic WSBT -Hits from the Shows

6:45 * CBS -Boake Carter (Philco), commentator: WBBM KMOX WJR WHAS WCCO (sw- 11.87)

NBC -Passing Parade (Duart Sales): WMAQ

NBC -Florence George, sop.: KWK

News: WFBM WOC K3D- Rhythm Makers WBOW -Sport Parade WCFL -Guest Hour WENR -Florence George, sop.

(NBC) WGN- Concert Orch.

Tuesday March 9


WHO Diamond City News WIBA -Juvenile Stars of Tomor-

row WIND- Roller Skating Derby WIRE- Anything Can Happen WISN -Amer. Family Robinson WLW- Bernie Cummins' Orch. WMBD -Value Hints WMT -Dance Orch. WSBT -Notre Dame Round Table WTAQ -Twilight Melodies WTMI -Tune Furnishers

7:00 * NBC -JOHNNY PRESENTS (Phillip Morris) Russ Mor- gan's Orch.; Charles Mar- tin's Three Minute Thrillers; Phil Duey, bar.; Frances Adair, songs; Giersdorf Sisters, trio & Rhythm Rogues; Guests: WHO WTMJ KSD WMAQ WTAM WLW WIBA (sw -9.53) * NBC -LOG CABIN DUDE Ranch; Louise Massey & West- erners; Jackie Coogan: WMT WLS WIRE KWK (sw- 11.87) * CBS- Hammerstein Music Hall (Kolynos): Lucy Laughlin. sop.; John S. Young; Ted Hammerstein, m.c.; George Rasely & Benay Venuta, vocal- ists, Glenn Hunter, guests: WFBM WHAS WCCO WBBM WJR KMOX (sw- 11.83)

WBOW- Robert's News WCFL-Don Norman, news WGN -Tom, Dick & Harry WIND- Lithuanian Prgm. WISN -Down By Hermans WMBD -Good Neighbor WOC-Bernice Engdahl WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSUI -Children's Hour WTAQ- Popular Concert

(Continued on Next Page)

ASTAIRE: Why so solemn,Char- lie - worried about tonight's

Packard Hour?

BUTTERWORTH: Don't be silly,

stranger. There's nothing to

worry about with Fred Astaire,

Johnny Green's Orchestra, Conrad Thibault, Francia White and Trudy Wood on the




Tuesday March 9


7:15 WBOW- Melody on Parade W (F L -Joe Grein, talk WGN -George Hamilton's Orch. WOC- Tuesday Presents WROK -Jerry Evans, tnr. WSBT -The Idle Hour WTAQ- Anniversary Club

7:30 * CBS -AL JOLSON SHOW; (Rinso -Lifebuoy); Sil Silvers. comedian; Martha Raye. songs; Lionel Stander; Victor Young's Orch.: WHAS WCCO WISN WMBD KMOX WFBM WJR WBBM (sw- 11.83)

* NBC -Edgar A. Guest in Wel- come Valley; Betty Winkler (Household Finance): WLW WLS WMT KWK (sw- 11.87) * NBC -Wayne King's Orch. (La- dy Esther): WHO WTMJ WMAQ WIBA KSD WIRE WTAM

WBOW- Toastmaster Auditions WCFL Tunes on Tan WGN -Listen to This WIND -"Business Today" with

Fred W. Meuller WOWO -Earl Gardner's Orch. WROK- Kitten Kapers WSBT -What's the Answer?

; .._+.-.r,á.rr...:_1Swa,IT'' .--., ._.. TT. .?v_?y}.FA:e,'.71110r.VIllerg-rra;abr!@T ̂ C..+ni

WSUI- Iowans in the News WTAQ -Hayracketeers

7:45 WCFL -Voice of the Air WIND -Colonial Room Ensemble WOC -Down Memory Lane WOWO- Indiana Artists WSUI -Art News

8:00 * NBC -Ben Bernie & All the Lads (Keglined); Adolphe Menjou & Martha Raye, guests: WMT WLW WIBA WLS KWK WTMJ (sw- 11.87)

* CBS -"Watch the Fun Go By," (Ford) Al Pearce's Gang; Nick Lucas vocalist: Larry Marsh's Orch.; Zeke Manners' Gang, guests: WJR WSBT WOWO WFBM WHAS WISN WBBM WCCO KMOX WOC WMBD (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Vox Pop (Molle Shave), conducted by Wallace Butter- worth & Parks Johnson: KSD WHO WIRE WTAM WMAQ (sw -9.53)

WBOW -Barn Dance WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch. WIND - Racing Returns WROK- Voices of the Farm WSUI -Radio Child Study Club WTAQ -Talk

8:15 WCFL- Spencer & Lee WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WROK -Tubby Weeks, songs WTAQ -Sam Designe

8:30 HAVE YOU VOTED YET in the

big Star of Stars election? If not, do so now by filling out the coupon which appears on Page 2 of this issue. * NBC -PACKARD H 0 U R ;

Fred Astaire; Chas. Butter- worth, comedian; Trudy Wood, vocalist; Johnny Green's Orch.; Conrad Thibault, bar.: Francia White, sop.: WIRE WMAQ WIBA WTM.I WHO WTAM KSD (sw -9.53) * CBS -Jack Oakie's College (Camel Cigarettes) ; George Stoll's & Benny Goodman's Orchs.; Collegiate Talent & George Jessel, guest: WOWO


NBC- Husbands & Wives (Pond's Cream); Sedley Brown & Allie Lowe Miles: WENR KWK WMT (sw- 11.87)

WCFL- Rosalinda Morini WGN -Carveth Wells, travel talk WIND -Drama Recording WLW-Melodrama WROK- Wrestling Matches WSUI -Evening Musicale WTAQ -News

8:45 WCFL -Songs & Composers WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports WIND -Speaking of Love WSUI -Woodland Rambler WTAQ -Today's Almanac

9:00 NBC -To be announced: WMT

WENR KWK (sw -6.14) KOA -Fred Astaire (NBC) WBOW -News WCFL - Social Security Talk WGN- Sinfonietta WIND -Milt Berth at the Organ WLW -Crosley Follies WSUI -Guest Artist Prgm. WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:15 WBOW- Variety Prgm. Wt r l.abot Flashes WGN -Night Skies & Beyond WIND Walkathon WTAQ -Club 41

9:30 * NBC -President Roosevelt, "The State of the Union ": WENR WIRE WMT WBOW * CBS -President Roosevelt, "The State of the Union" : KMOX WCCO WFBM WOWO WSBT WHAS WOC WISN WBBM

WMBD (sw -6.12) * NBC -President Roosevelt, "The State of the Union" : KSD WLW KOA WIBW WTMJ WCFL WMAQ WHO WTAM (sw -9.53)

* MBS -President Roosevelt: WGN KWK

WIND- Rhythm in Red WJR- Scenes in Harmony WTAQ -St. Norbert College

9:15 KOA- Meredith Willson's Orch.

KSD -Jack Randolph, bar. KWK -Coyita Bunch & Soloists WHAS -Mark Warnow's Orch. WHO -Jack Kerrigan, bar. WIBA -Blackfriars: Death Speaks WIND -News & Sports WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMAQ -Whistler & His Dog WROK-News WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAM- Walter Hansen. pianist WTMJ -To be announced

10:00 * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP - sodent): WMAQ WVIRE KOA

CBs Poetic Melodies i W r ieley Gum): Franklyn MacCormack; Jack- Fulton, tnr.; Carlton Kelsey's Orch.: KMOX WHAS WCCO WFBM WBBM

NBC -Velvet Violins: WBOW WCFL (sw -9.53)

CBS -Ozzie Nelson's Orch.: WSBT WOWO

News: WMBD WOC WLW WJR KV, K -Ranee Riders WENR -Globe Trotter WGN -Night Skies & Beyond WIBA- Melody Hour WHO -Dance Rhythm WIND -Remote Control WISN -Jubilee Singers WMT- Electric Park Band WROK- Norman Jenkins' Orch. WTAM -Pinky Hunter's Orch. WTAQ -Tonic Tunes WTMJ -News; Sports

10:15 NBC -Martinez Bros. Quartet:

WBOW WCFL (sw -9.53) CBS -Ozzie Nelson's Orch.: WOC


NBC -Paul Ash's Orch.: WMT KWK

CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly: KNX News: WCCO WFBM WHO WMT

WIRE KMOX- Johnny Davis' Orch. KOA -To be announced WENR- King's Jesters' Orch. WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WIBA -Glen Brandy's Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -String Quartet WMAQ -Money Talks WROK -Evening Song WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch.

WTAQ -Club 41 WTMJ -Dance Music 'Till 12:30

a.m. 10:30

NBC -Dreams of Long Ago: WCFL WBOW WIRE WHOH (sw- 9.53)


NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: WMAQ WIBA

CBS -Al Jolson: KNX KSL NBC -Johnny Presents : KPO KOA News: WBBM KWK WTAQ KMOX- Headline Highlights WCCO- Rollie Johnson; Reports WENR -Phil Levant's Orch. WGN -Freddy Martin's Orch. WIND Roh Linsley'= Orch WLW- Bernie Cummin's Orch. WMT -Dance Orch. WROK -Lou Blake's Orch.

1U:4ó CBS -George Olsen's Orch.:

KMOX WBBM KWK -Frankie Masters' Orch.

(NBC) WCCO -Frank Gordon's Orch. WENR -Happy Jack Turner. songs WHO -American Legion Prgm. WIND -News WMAQ -Clem & Harry, songs WMT- Freddy Martin's Orch. WTAM -Dreams of Long Ago

(NBC) WTAQ -Home Folks Frolic

11:00 NBC -Phil Ol:man's Or ,-h. - WIBA

KOA WCFL (sw -6.14) NBC -Henry Busse's Orch.: KSD

WIRE WHO WENR WBOW CBS -Art Shaw's Orch.: WJR NBC -Shandor; Henry Busse's


CBS -Watch the Fun Go By (Ford): KNX

MBS- Horace Heidt's Orch.: WMT WGN

Dance Orch.: WIND WFBM KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orch. KWK -Irving Rose's Orch. WCCO -Joe Sanders' Orch. WHAS -News WIND- Leaders in Dance iTme WLW -Organ & Poems WMAQ -Bob Crosby's Orch.

KMOX -Dusty Rhoades' Orch. WSBT -Club Lido WTAM -Shandor; Blue Barron's

Orch. WTAQ- Varieties WTMJ -Dance Music

11:15 KMOX- Lorraine Grimm, songs KOA- Community Chest Prgm. KWK -Ohman's Orch. (NBC) -

WFBM -Art Shaw's Orch. (CBS) WHAS -Dance Band WIND In the Crimelight WTAQ -Pouplar Orch.

11:30 NBC Griff Williams' Orch.:

KWKA WIBA KOA CBS -[sham Jones' Orch.: WOC



CBS- Alexander Woollcott: KNX KSL

MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN WMT

WCCO -Benny Meroff's Orch- WCFL- Armand Buisseret's Orch. WVINI) Bob Tinsley's Orch. WLW Larry Funk's Orch. WMAQ -Stan Norris' Orch WTAQ -Radio Night Club

11:45 NBC -Charlie Agnew's Orch.:


CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WHAS WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -Ace Brigode's Orch.

12:00 MBS -Hugo Mariani's Orch: WLW

WGN KMOX -When Day Is Done KOA -News WBBM -News & Weather WENR -Louis Panicó s Orch. WIND -The Nite Watch WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch. WTAM -Hal Goodman's Orch.

12:15 KOA- Stringiñ Along WBBM- Austin Mack's Orch.

12:30 MBS -Red Norvo's Orch.: WGN

WLW KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. End of Tuesday Programs

Wednesday March IO Wednesday MORNING 7 :00 a.m. CST

NBC -Morn. Devotions, Soloists & Organist: W1BA KWK

CBS -On the Air Today; Olean. ders: (sw- 21.52)

Musical Clock: WIRE WOC WBBM WHO

KMOX -Sing, Neighbor, Sing WBOW -Musical Clock WCCO -Au Almanac WCFL- Breakfast Parade WFBM Early Birds WGN -Good Morning Prgm WHAS -Betty & Gordon W1ND- Polish Prgm WISN -Early Risers' Club WJJD- Rhubarb Red, songs WLS- Julian Bentley, news WLW- Chandler Chats WMAQ- Suburban Hour WMBD- Breakfast Meloides WMBI- ,Sunrise Service WMT -News WSBT -That Morning Bugle WTAD -News WTMJ - Hillbillies

7:15 NBC -Wm Meeder organist:

WCFL NBC -Good Morning Melodies:

WBOW Musical Clock: WMT WTAD KMOX- Travelogue KWK -,Grady Cantrell WAAF -Just About Time WCCO -Jr. Broadcasters Club WGN -Wake Up & Sing WHAS -Texas Rangers WHO- Hardware News tt IHA Morning Serenade WJJD -News W1.5Prairie Ramblers & Patsy WLW -To Be Announced WMBD-Buffalo Trailers WTMJ- Variety Prgm

7:30 CBS -Salon Musicale- (sw- 21.52) NBC -Cheerio: WLW News: WTMJ WIBA WSBT KMOX -Clock of the Air KWK- Pep -up Parade WAAF -Breakfast Express WBOW -Chanticleer Club WCBD- ,Gospel Tabernacle



W CCO Musical Chimes WCFL- Ballads of the Breakfast

Table WGN- Golden Hour WHAS- Modern Mountaineers WHO Musical Fashion Notes WJJD- QC)rristian Science Prgm. WLS -Pokey Martin & Arkansas

Woodchopper WMBD -Musical Clock

7:45 NBC -Martinez Bros.: WCFL CBS -Montana Slim: (sw- 21.52) KMOX -Let's Compare Notes WHAS- Pickard Family WIBA -Musical Clock WJJD -Kinney's Hawaiians WLS -Jolly Joe's Pet Pals WMBD Police Flashes WTAD -News WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

8:00 * NBC -Breakfast Club; Walter

Blaufuss' Orch.: WCFL (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Music in the Air; News: WSBT WFBM (sw- 21.52)

NBC- Streamliners: WIRE KSD Gene & Glenn WOC WHO News: KWK WMBD KMOX -Harry W. Flannery, Views

on News WBBM Variety Prgm WCBD- Sports, Music & Time WHA Bandwagon WHAS -News WIND -Carnival WJJD -Red & Gene WLBL- Market Reports & Agri-

cultural News WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WLW -Hymns el All Churches WMAQ- Fashion Horoscope; News WMT -Tim Brady's Round -Up WOWO- ,Radio Bible Class WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ -Revolving Stage

8:15 CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens

(Kirkman's Soap): (sw- 21.52) Musical Clock: WHO WOC KMOX -Ozark Varieties KWK -Tonic Tunes WBOW- Morning Headlines WHA Mcrnine Melodie.- WHAS- Breakfast Business WJJD -The Toastmaster

WLBL -Grab Bag WLS- Julian Bentley, news WLW -Hope Alden's Romance * WSBC -MOVIE REVUE (1210

kc.) 8:30

CBS -Allen Prescott, the Wife Saver (Sweetheart Soap): KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

MBS -Jacob Tarshish: WGN WLW KWK-Hillbillies WBOW- Sundial Revue WCBD - Polish Prgm WFBM -News WIBA -Breakfast Club (NBC) WIND -News & Current Hits WJJD -Melody Kings W'LS ,Morning Devotions WMBD- Bandwagon WMT -Frank Voelker organist WROK -Organ Reveries WSBT -Serenade; News WTAD- Inner -State Churches WTAQ -News

8:45 NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns,

current topics; News: WIRE WBOW

CBS - Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old Dutch Cleanser) : KMOX (sw- 21.52)

KSD -Tel -a -Tunes WCCO -Gene & Glenn WFBM -Apron Strings WGN -Good Morning WHAS -Monticello Party Line WIBA- Society Reporter WJJD -Tuberculosis Institute WLBL -,Morning Devotionals WLS-Hilltoppers WLW -Kitty Keene, Inc WMBD -Party Line WMT -Oddities in the News;

Women in the News WOC-News WOWO- Richard Trojan WSBT -,Morning Devotions WTAQ -Musical Clock WTM.l Basket of Melody

9:00 NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage

Patch, sketch (Old English Wax): WMAQ KSD (sw- i5.33)

* CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Medall WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Breen & de Rose, songs: WBOW

MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WGN KWK

News: WMT WROK WAAF- Answer Man WCBD -Italian Prgm. WCFL -German Prgm WHA -Your Health WHO: Morning Melodies WIBA -News; What's New? WIND -Cub Reporter, sketch WIRE Happy Long WISN -Party Line WJJD- Bosworth Broadcast WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -World of Commerce WLW-Linda's First Love WO( Musical Clock WOWO -On the Mall W i;RD B & M Messeneet WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Newslyweds WTAQ -Women's Hour WTM I What New in Milwau-

kee' 9:15

NBC -John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis Philippe): KSD WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

CBS Modern Cinr;erella sketch (Gold Medal) WBBM KMOX WHAS WFBM WCCO (sw- 21.52) * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21)

MBS- Bachelor's Children: WGN WLW

Hymns of All Churches: WHO WOC

KWK -Rhythm Melody Revue WAAF -W altztime WBOW- Mid -Morning Melodies WHA -News & Views WIBA -Vaughn de Leath, songs WIND -Good News Tunea WIRE -Mary Baker WISN -On the Nine -Fifteen WMBD- Shut -In Prgm. WMT- Scotty Views the News WROK -On the Mall WTAD -Lem & Luther, Old Songs WSUI -Musical Favorites

9:30 R!- Penner Yonne', Family sketch (Camay) : WLS WMT (sw- 15.21)

CBS -Betty Crocker , Hymns of All Churches; John K. Wat- kins, news (Gold Medal): WBBM WFBM KMOX WCCO WHAS (sw-2L52)

NBt- dust Hain Bill sketch (Ar: acin) WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

Betty & Bob, sketch: WHO WOC Party Line: KWK WIND WAAF -Adult Education Council

Talk WBOW- Market Reports WCBD- Rhythm Men WCFL -Under City Skies WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WHA- School of the Air; Nature

Tales WIBA -Josh Higgins, sketch WIRE -Dr. Aumann WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WJJD -Two of a Kind, Julane Pel-

letier & Ben Kanter WLW-Mail Bag WMBD -News WROK- Intimate Review WSBT- Fashion Pointers WSUI -Book Shelf WTMJ -Variety Prgm.

9:45 NBC -Viennese Sextet: WCFL

WBOW NBC- Edward MacHugh, the Gos-

pel Singer (Ivory Soap) WLW * NBC -Today's Children, sketch

(Pillsbury) : WMAQ KSD WHO WTMJ WIRE (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Kitchen Cavalcade (C. F. Mueller Co.): (sw- 15.21)

KWK News WAAF -Novelettes WCBD Hit lunes WGN -Radio Cooking School WIBA -Melodic Interlude WIND -The Bandbox WISN- Concert Contrasts WJJD -Dude Martin WLS -News; Markets WMBD - Window Shopper WMT -Magic Kitchen WOC -Party Line WDWO- American Homc WSBT -Morning Melodies WTAD -Party Line


(Ivory Flakes): WLS (sw- 15.21)

NBC -David Harum. sketch (Bab -0); Peggy Allenby: KSD WMAQ WHO WIRE (sw15.33) * CBS -Heinz Magazine of the Air; "Trouble House," sketch; B. A. Rolfe's Orch.; Reed Ken- nedy, bar.; William Lyon Phelps, Prof. at Yale Univ., guest: WOC WCCO WHAS WFBM WBBM KMOX WISN

CBS -Art Giles' Orch.: WOC (sw- 15.27)

KWK -Rapid Service WAAF -Woman's Hour WBOW -Looking Around WCBD-Prophetic News W(-FI Uele.dv Echoes WDZ -Piano Prattle WGN Get Thin to Music wi t Homemakers WIBA -Robt- Gately, bar. (NBC) WJJD - Mid -morning Jamboree WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLW -Live Stock Reports; News WMBD-Musical Interlude WMT- Mtisic Makers WOWO-Souvenirs WROK- Markets; Police Court

News WSBT -P. T. A. Prgm. WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -News WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ - Household Hints

10:15 * NBC- Backstage Wife. sketch

(Dr. Lyons): WMAQ WTMJ KSD WHO (sw- 15.33)

NBC- Personal Column of the Air (Chipso) WLW WLS (sw 15.21)

KWK-Ranee Riders WAAF -Swingtime WBOW -Vagabonds (NBC) * WCAZ -MOVIE GOSSIP (1070

kc) WCFL -Under City Skies WDZ -Rabyn Weaver, songs WIBA -Today's Almanac WIND- Rhubarb Red WIRE -For Women Only WJJD- Strollin' Tom WMBD- Toastmaster Bakers WMT -Music Memory Contest WOWO -Tri- Topics WROK -Woman's Forum WSBT- Harlan Hogan

e/91 H


10:30 NBC -How to Be Charming, sketch

(Phillips): WMAQ KSD WTMJ (sw-1533)


* NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): WLS KWK WMT (sw- 15.21)

MBS -Love Song: WGN WLW WAAF- Estelle Barnes, pianist WBOW-News WClLLim pony Hi -Spots WDZ- Newscast WFBM- Kitchen Clinic WHO -Party Line WIBA -Your Home WIND- Fashion Flashes WIRE-Bible Institute WJBC -News; Dollar Daze WJJD -Women's Exchange Prgm. WMBI- Shut -in Request Prgm. WOC -Organ Melodies WOWO -Linda's First Love WSBT -Shidler Serenade WTAD -Ma Perkins WTAQ- Masters of Swing

10:45 NBC -Voice of Experience (Wasey

Products): WMAQ WHO KSD WLW WIBA WTMJ (sw 15.33)

* CBS -Dr Allan Roy Defoe (Lysol) : WBBM WCCO KMOX WHAS WOWO (sw- 21.52)

* NBC- Edwari, MacHugh, the Gospel Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS WMT KWK (sw- 15.21)

Party Line: WIRE WJJD WAAF -Foolish Questions WBOW -Pat & Leo WCFL -Voice of Cookery WI)Z -Gene McCormick's Band W -Don Pedro & Piano WHA -Operetta Favorites * WIBU- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE (1210 kc.) WIND -Markes & News WISN- Masters of Melody WJBC -Payne Pioneers WMBD- Linda's First Love WROK -Amer. Family Robinson WBT -In Movieland WSUI -Program Calendar WTAD -Movie Chatter WTAQ -Home Problems

11:00 NBC -Honeyboy & Sassafras:

WIRE WCFL KWK WMT CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Pebe-

co): WFBM WBBM WCCO KMOX (sw- 17.76)

* NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel- logg) : WMAQ WLW (sw- 15.33)

KSD -News; Variety Features WAAF -Melody Parade WBAA -Amer. Institutions, Prof.

Robert Phillips WBOW -Farm Folks WDZ- Hawaiian Paradise WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA -Talking Book WHAS -Harry Richman WHO Kitty Keene. Inc WIBA- Linda's First Love WISN -News; Movie Chats WJBC -Homemaker's Pay Day WJJD- Bureau of Missing Persons WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WI.S-Morning Homemakers WMBD -Thrift Message: Police WOC- Morning Parade WOWO -Party Line WROK -Helen Benson, cowgirl WSBT- Shoppers' Guide WSUI -Within the Classroom WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ Hymns of All Churches

11:15 * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin

tKleenex): WMAQ KSD WIRE WHO (sw- 15.33)

* CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds'): WCCO KMOX (sw- 17.76)

NBC -Homespun: WCFL MBS -Tom, Dick & Harry: WGN

WLW KWK -Pop. Tunes WAAF- Georgia Erwin WBBM- Quarter Hr. of Romance WDZ -News of Your Neighbor WFBM -Hope Alden's Romance WHAS- Linda's First Love WIBA- JSLutheran Devotions WIND- Rhythm for Two WISN -Organ Melodies WVJBC Dough Boy WJJD Criminal Court Interview. * WLBL- OFFICIAL D E T E C-

TIVE STORIES (900 kc.) WMBD - Bargain Counter WMT -Lou Webb. organist WOWO -Melody Book WROK- Musicale WTAD -Dance Music WTAQ -Hollywood on Parade WTMJ -Betty & Bob. sketch

11:30 NBC -Gene Arnold & Cadets:


E 6/21

* NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hr Guest Speakers: WMAQ WHO WLW KWK WIBA (sw- 15.21)

CBS- Rotnatwe ut Helen I relu .F I..


Schools Prgm eshntent Club n -, gergent

WBOW- Market Reports

WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WGN -Bob Elson on State Street WHA -Organ Gems WIND -H. Zimmerman, organist WIRE- Linda's First Love WISN -Fven As Vogt & T

WJBC -News & Interviews LIt uns,

WMBD -Musical Magic Revue WMT- German Band WOC- Inquiring Mike WOWO -Home Folks' Frohr WROK- Helene Kimberly, songs WSBT- Rhythmic Age WTAD -Police News WTMJ -Variety Prgm.

11:45 CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch

(Affiliated Products): WFBM WHAS WBBM KMOX (sw- 17.76)

WAAF -Hollywood Brevities WBAA -News WBOW- County Agr. Agent V(;CU Ma Perkins, 'sketch WCFLFashions on Parade WDZ- Trading Post WGN -We Are Four WIND -Eb & Zeb, sketch WIRE -Farm Hour WISN -Notes and Footnotes WJBC -Reid & Vin WLS -Markets & News WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby WMT -News WOC- Chimes & Farm Bureau WOWO -Farm Service WROK- 'Round the Town WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Farm Flashes WTAD -Popular Hits WTAQ -Mail Man WT11.1 .News; Heinié s Grenadiers


NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: WCFL (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Five Star Revue (Karo & Linit); Morton Bowe, tnr.; Meri Bell, songs; Ray Sina- tra's Orch.: Bill Johnstone, Hollywood reporter: WBBM KMOX WCCO WOWO WHAS (sw- 15.27)

Man on the Street: WBOW WDZ

News: WMBD WOC WJJD KSD WAAF- Symphonic Hour WBAA -Farm Facts for Fact Folks WFBM -'Way Down East WGN -Music from Texas WHA -Noon Musicale WIND -Peacock Court WISN -Heat Wave W.1 BC-Merrymakers WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News W LS- Dinnerbell Prgm. WMBI- JiMidday Gospel Hour WMT -Cedar Valley Hillbillies WSBT -News; Farm Flashes WSUI- Rhythm Rambles WTAQ -Farm Hands

12:15 NBC -Dan Harding's Wife, sketch:

(sw- 15.33) CBS- Senate Judiciary Committee

Hearing: (sw- 15.27) KMOX -Magic Kitchen WBAA -Bud Bryant's Orch. WBBM -Milton Charles, organist WBOW- Wranglers WCCO-Musicale WCFL -Noon Day Concert WFBM -Farm Bureau Prgm WGN -Wife vs. Secretary WHAS -College of Agriculture WIND -Milt Herth, organist WJBC- Torrid Tunes WJJD -fNoon Day Service WMBD -Town Crier; Farm Mkts. WMT -Question Man; Voice of

Iowa; Markets WOC -Civic Hour WOWO -Today's News WROK- Column Left, news WTAD- Sports Summary

12:30 NBC -Words and Music; Ruth

Lyon, sop.: (sw- 15.33) CBS -George Rector, Food Talks

(Phillips Soups): (sw- 15.27) Man on the Street: WOWO

WROK Variety Prgm.: KWK WHO WBAA -Vocational Guidance WBBM -Truman Bradley WBOW -News

WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance WCFL -World of Music WDZ -Lazy Jim Sings the News WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN -QMid -Day Service r-m Prem WHAS- Savings Talk; Markets WIBA-News WIND -One Night Band Stand WIRE- Reportet WLW -Charles Danieron Presents WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife,

sketch WMBD -Farm News WMTCedar Valley Hillbillies

Joe Dnakes Aunt Fanny WOC -This & That WSBTLuncheon Dance WTAD -Farm & Neighborhood

Prgm. W'; ., Rhythm Rascals

12:45 NBC -Words & Music: WIRE CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life


* NBC -Nellie Revell: (sw- 15.21) Livestock Markets WLS WIBA News: WHO WDZ KSD -Follow the Moon, sketch WBAA -Noon Musicale WBOW -Magic Musical Revue WC1L -For Wooten Only WIND -News; Livestock Markets WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMAQ -Kings Jesters WOC- Swingapators WOWO -Earl Gardner's Orch. WROK -Home Folks Hour WSBT- Man -on- the -Street W'TMJ- Sidewalk Reporter


(Rinso): WFBM CBS -News Through a Woman's

Eyes [Pontiac) WBBM .VIN WHAS WCCO KMOX (sw- 15.27)

NBC -George Hessberger's Orch.: KWK WCFL

NBC- Modern Romances. drama: Guests: WMAQ (sw- 15.21)

NBC -Music Guild: (sw- 15.33) KSD -Frank McGuire, tnr. WAAF- Hoosier Philosopher WBAA -Principles of Leadership,

Prof. O. F. Hall WBOW -jRev. Archie Brown WCBD -J. C. O'Hair WDZ -Chick Martin WGN -Concert Orch. WHA -State Capitol Prgm. WHO -Open House WIBA- Melody Moments WIND -Ind. Univ. Prgm WJJD -Mid -day Roundup WLS Red Foley, Lily May, Girls

of the Golden West WLW- School of the Air; Travelog WMBD -Man on the Street WMT -Iowa Cortthuskers; Many

Happy Zleturns WOC -Bill Edmonds Songs WOWO -To be announced WROK -Lions Club Luncheon WSBT -News; Harlan Hogan WSUI -Musical Chats WTAD -News WTAQ -Man on the Street WTM.IMarkets & News

1:15 * CBS -Amer. School of the Air

Geogrpahy; "Panama & the Panama Canal ": WISN WOC KMOX WOWO WBBM WCCO WFBM WSBT (sw- 15.27)

KSD -Educational Series WAAF-Interlude WDZ -Markets Close WGN- Lawrence Salerno: Pianist WHAS -Univ. of Kentucky WHO -Hits & Encores WIBA- County Farm Prgm. WIND -Let's Dance WLS- Melody Parade WMBD -Modern Music WMT -Musical Almanac WTAD -Concert Hall of the Air WTAQ- Premier Tunes of the Day WTAQ -Rhythm & Romance WTMJ .1, hambel nt Commerce

1:30 NBC -Jean Dickinson, sop. Jos-

eph Littau's Orch.: WCFL NBC -Choir Symphonette: WMAQ Market Report: WLS WHO KSD -News; Orch. KWK -News WAAF -Man on the Street WBOW- Market Reports WCBD -Front Page Drama WDZ -Bucaneers WGN -Painted Dreams. sketch WHA -Air -Lanes to Homemaking WIND -Italian Hour WJJD- Property Tax Talk WLW -Story Plays & Rhythmics WMBD -Ask Me Another WMT -Bill Brown. Movie Man WROK -Rippling Melodies WTAQ -News

1:45 NBC -Personal Column of the Air:

(sw- 15.33) * CBS -MYRT & MARGE.

sketch (Super Suds); Marge Damerel; Billy Artzt's Orch.: WBBM WCCO WISN KMOX WHAS WFBM (sw- 15.27)

Judy & Jane. WHO WO( KSD -Jack Baker, tor. (NBC) KWK -Coyita Bunch & Bill Fore-

man, songs WAAF -Happy JarJe, & Handy

Andy e WBAA- Markets & Weather WBOW-Christian Science WCBD- Information Bureau WDZ- Honeymooners WGN -Marriage License Bureau WIBA -Jean Dickinson, sop.

(NBC) WItit. Hughes Reel WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WLS -Otto's Novelodeons WLW- Dramatic Rise of North-

west Territory - WMAQ- Martha Holmes, home ser-

vice WMBD- Trading Post WMT -Variety Prgm. WOWO- Question Box WROK -Wiki Bird & Singing Cy WSBT- Rhythmic Serenade WTAD- Miniature Musical Magic

Review WTAQ -House of Peter McGregor WTMJ -Home Harmonizers

2:00 NBC -Do You Want to Write?

Margaret Widdemer: WBOW CBS -Manhattan Matinee Wt 'C

WSBT WOWO WMBD (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Pepper Young's Family, sketch (Camay) : KSD WHO WMAQ WLW WTMJ (sw 15.33)

MBS -Molly of the Movies, sketch WGN KWK

KMOX- Inquiring Reporter WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WBAA- Musical Album WBBM- Barnyard Follies WCBD -Polish Prem. WCCO- Markets; Police Reports WCFL -Organ Music WDZ -Birthday Party WFBM -News WHA -School of the Air; Journeys

in Music Land WHAS -Jack Amlung's Orch. WIBA- Success Story WIND -Continental Orch. WIRE -House of McGregor WISN -Mary Ann Presents WJJD -Ben Kanter, pianist WLS - Homemakers' Prgm. WMT -Izzy on the Air; Margaret

Johnson, pianist WROK -Matinee Musicale WSUI- Poetic Interlude WTAD -Women's Variety WTAQ -Fine Arts Trio

2:15 * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per

kins, sketch with Margery Hannon. Willard Farnum &

Virginia Payne: WMAQ WTMJ WLW WHO KSD (Fw -I5

CBS- Manhattan Matinee: WHAS WISN

Nß( Continental Varieties KWK WCFL (sw- 15.21)

KMOX- L'inda's First Love WBAA -Booknotes from the

Browsing Room WBOW- Market Reports WCCO -News; Stocks WDZ -Man on the Train WFBM- Charity Couch WGN -June Baker, home talk WIBA- Memoirs of a Concert Mas

ter WIND -News WIRE -Plow Boys

March 10 Wednesday WJJD -These Valient, drama WMT- Afternoon Music WSUI -Within the Classroom

2:30 * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Cris

co); Bernardine Flynn & Art Van Harvey: WHO WMAQ WLW KSD WTMJ (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Current Questions Before Congress: WOC WFBM WOWO WMBD WISN WCCO WHAS WSBT (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Continental V a r i e tie s: WBOW

KMOX -Barnyard Follies WBAA- Afternoon Musicale WCBD-11Lutherau Prem WDZ- Decatur on the Air WGN- Concert Orch. WHA -Organ Melodies WIND- Torrid Tunes WIRE- Matinee Varieties WJJD -Happy Harmonies WLS -Homemakers WMT -Court Husseÿ s Orch. WROK- Record Breakers WTAD -Island Serenaders WTAQ -News; J(Rev. P. N. But-

ler 2:45


CBS -Jimmy Brierly & Leon Gold- man's Orch.: WOWO WSBT WFBM WMBD WISN WCCO

NBC -Norcross Sisters: WMT WCFL KWK WBOW (sw- 15.21)

WBAA- Melody Time WDZ -WPA Musicale WHA- School of the Air; Let's

Draw WIBA -Mrs. Genschaw, pianist WIND -Music & Banter WJJD -Karl & Harty, songs WTAD- Frances Mourning

3:00 * NBC -Henry Busse's Orch.:

(Mar -o -Oil) : WMAQ WIRE WHO (sw -9.53)

CBS -Curtis Institute of Music: WDWO WMBD WIcN WFBM WSBT WOC (sw- 1527)

NBL -Nat'l Congress .1 Parents & Teachers Ass'n: Mrs. Benja- min F. Langworthy, president of the assn. cond.; Guest Spkr.: WENR WIBA

KMOX -Ma Perkins, sketch KWK- Musical Prgm. WAAF -News & Weather WRAA- Pri ,,cinles of Speech, Mr.

Robert Horn W his tl y)ecl the Missus WBOW -Afternoon Siesta * WCCO- LADIES FIRST WCFL -Ill. Fed. of Women's Clubs WDZ- Newscast WGN -Way Down East WHA- Applied Psychology WHAS- Jackson Family WIND -Stars Over Manhattan WJBC- Christian Story Hour WJJD -Jose Manzaneras WLW -Harry Richman: Freddi(

Rich's Orch. WMBI - /\Sunday School Lesson WMT- Afternoon Music WSUI -Amer. Legion Auxiliary WTAQ -Classic Hour WTMJ -Paul Skinner

3:15 NBC-Collegians, vocal trio: WHO

WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53) MBS -Life of Mary Sothern : WGN

WLW KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. KWK -Mo. Fed. Women's Clubs;



Frequencies KMOX-1090 WI8N-1120 ROA-830 WJBC-1200 IjSD-550 WJJD-1130 7r0'I¿-1350 WJR-750 WAAF-920 WLBL-900 WBAA-1400 WLS-870 WBBM-770 WLW-700 WBOW-1310 WMAQ-670 WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 WCFL-970 WMT-600 WDZ-1020 WOC-1370 WENR-870 WOWO-1160 WFBM-1230 WRJN-1370 WGN-720 WROK-1410 WHA-940 WSBT-1360 WHAS-820 WSIII-1200 WHO-1000 WTAD-900 WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 WIND-560 WTAQ-1330 WIRE-1400 WTMJ-620

WAAF -Dick Merrill, flyer BBM Radio Gossip Club

WBOW- QDevotional Service WCFL -Eddy Hanson, organist WDZ- Christian Science Lecture WHAS- QWeekday Devotions WJJD -News WMT -Odd Facts; Tonic Tunes WTAD- Lawrence Glossmeyer WTMJ -Fed. of Women's Clubs


drama (Woodbury's) with Elsie Hitz & Nick Daw- son: WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53)

NBC -Bailey Axton, tnr.: KWK WBOW WCFL WIBA (sw- 15.21)

hMOX- Houseboat Hannah WAAF- Petite Musicale WBBM -Signor Carmello WCCO-Musicale WDZ -Ferde Grofe's Orch. WENR -Music Circle \'CN Good Health & Training

WHA -Extension Education WHAS- Curtis Institute of Music WHO-Way Down East WIND -News; Ind. State Police WISN -News; Prgm. Preview W J BC- Newscast WJJD -Flannery Sisters WLW -Betty & Bob, sketch WMBI -Question Hour WMT- Parent Teachers' Council WOWO -Old Time Religion WROK -Blackhawk Ranch WSUI- Public Health Talk WTMJ -Down a Country Road

3:45 NBC -Young Hickory, sketch:

WENR WMT KWK (sw- 15.21) CBS -Del Casino, tnr.: WFBM


NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch (White Naptha): WMAQ WHO KSD WLW WTMJ (sw -9.53)

KMOX- Personal Column WAAF -Salon Interlude WBAA- Musical Interlude

(Continued on Next Page)

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It Is Most Likely Corroded and Has Poor or Loose Noisy Connections NO MORE BUZZES, CLICKS and shorts from sunnier rains and winter snow and sleet when using an F. & H. Capacity Aerial Eliminator. Equals an aerial 95 ft. long, strung 50 ft. high. yet occupies only 144 inch; by 4 inch apace behind your radio -- guaranteed to give you nationwide reception or your money back.

BETTER TONE AND DISTANCE GUARANTEED Sensitivity, selectivity, tone and volume Improved. No lightning danger or un- sightly lead -In and aerial wires. Makes your set complete in itself. Forget

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On the market five years. 100.000 satisfied customers in II. S. and foreign countries. In use from the Arctic Region of Norway to the Troples of Africa. Chosen by Government for use on Naval Hospital bedside radios. Each factory tested on actual long distance reception. Can not harm set- Easily connected to any radio, including radios having no ground or radios for double(. aerial.

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WHAT USERS SAY San Antonio, Tea. It might interest you to know that with the Capacity Aerial Eliminator I get European sta- tions easily and In the winter get Australia, Russia, Honolulu and many Jap Short Wave Stations. I get all Pacific Coast Stations on the broadcast band.

Signed: Davenport, Ia. Received your Radio Aerial E minator and it sure works fine. Also works swell on Short Wave band. Wish I had found it long ego. Signed:




Wednesday March 10


(3:45 p.m. Continued)

WBBM-Linda's First Love WBOW- Lyrical Quarter Hour WCFL- Herman Nagel, food chem-

ist WDZ -Home Folks' Hymn Hour WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WHA -Ideas in Novels WHAS -Hope Alden's Romance WIBA- Rhythm & Romance WIND -Thru the Hollywood Lens WIRE -Harry Bason WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WSUI -Opera Arias WTAD -Yellow Fang WTAQ -At the Crossroads

4:00 NBC -Adventures of Dari Dan

(Dari Rich): WIRE (sw -9.53) CBS- Sunbrtte Jr Nurse t:orps

(sw- 15.27) NBC -Marlowe & Lyon, pianists:


KWK WMT WENR KMOX- Josephine Halpin. com-

mentator WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist WBAA- Lafayette PTA Prgm. WBBM -Kitty Keene WCCO -Congress of PTA WCFL -Melody Matinee WDZ -Ranch Boys tVSBM -Tea Time Tunes WGN -Dance Orch. WHA -Music of the Masters WHAS -Eastern Kentucky State

Teachers' College WHO -Talks to Teachers WIND-Continental Orch. WISN -Al Trace's Orch. (CBS) WJBC -Wesleyan Hour WJJD- Supper Time Frolic WLW -Dick Tracy, sketch WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WMBD -.,Trinity Tabernacle WMBI -Hymns You Love to Sing WOC -News WOWO- Concert Hall WROK- Markets WROK -WPA Orch. WSBT -On Wings of Tomorrow WSUI- History in Review WTAD -Go 'Round WTMJ- Rhythm & Rhyme; Movie

Letter WTAQ- Studio Frolic

4:15 CBS- Dorothy Gordon's Children's

Corner: WISN WCCO WSBT WOWO (sw- 1527)

NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston Straight Shooters. (sw- 9.53))

NBC -Helen Jane Behlke, songs: KSD WMAQ

KMOX -Hope Alden's Romance WAAF- Contrasts WBAA- Safety Musketeers WBBM -Signor Carmella WCFL- Loin Italia, Prgm WDZ -Hour of Romance WGN -Bible Stories with Music WHO- Houseboat Hannah WIND- Sketches in Melody WLW -Jack Armstrong, sketch WMBD -Jack Lyons' Tune Time W MBI -Tract I.eagu. WO.;- Afternoon Recess WTAD -Music Review WSUI- Speech Clinic of the Air

4:30 NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch:

(Wheaties): (sw -9.53) CBS -Blue Flames, quartet WISN

WSBT WOC (sw- 15.27) NBC -Frank Watanabe & the Pro-


* NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady, Ireene Wicker: WLW (sw- 15.21)

CBS -News Through a Woman's Eves (Pontiac) : WFBM

KMOX -Joe Karnes, pianist KWK -Three Pals WAAF- Gaieties WBAA -Twilight Musicale WBBM -Signor Carmello WCCO- Schedule; Livestock WDZ -Dance Hour



WENR -Four Dictators' Orch. (NBC)

WGN -To be announced WHA -Die Deutsche Musik Stunde WHAS -Out of the Dusk WHO- Rhythm & Romance tVIBA Betty Gray organist WIND -News & Organ WJBC -News; League of Voters 11' N)BD -News . Pet Corner WMT- Freshest Thing in Town WOWO -Ace Williams * WRJN- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE (1370 kc) WROK -Tea on the Terrace WTAD -White Sisters WTAQ- Children's Prgm. WTMJ -Carla Pestalozzi

4:45 NBC -Adventures of Dari Dan

(Dari Rich): KSD WMAQ WHO

CBS Wilderness Road < ketch WFBM WISN WOC WSBT KMOX WOWO WCCO (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Little Orphan Annie, sketch (Ovaltine): WLW (sw -9.531

NBC -Old Homestead drama WBOW WIRE KWK WENR WMT

WAAF -Organ Melodies WBAA -.,Meditations, Rev. Otto

Scott Steele WBBM -My Diary WCFL -Eddy Hanson, organist WDZ -Dick & Cookie WGN -Margery Graham, Book -a-

week WIBA -Lone Cowboy WIND-Continental Orch. WMBD -Happy Train WROK -In Old Mexico WTMJ- Victorians

NIGHT 5:00

NBC -Harry Kogen's Orch.: WENR KWK WMT

CBS-Buddy Clark, songs: WOWO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Our American Schools: (sw -9.53)

CBS- 'unbrite Jr. Nurse Corps WCCO KMOX WBBM WHAS

MBS -Johnson Family WGN WLW

Hawk's Trail: WOC WSBT KSD -News; Geo. Hall's Orch. WAAF -Cocktail Capers WBOW- Sundown Express WCFL-fea Time WFBM -Music & Flowers WHO -Betsy Ross Bulletin; Revue WIBA- D.A.R, Prgm. WIND -Cumberland Ridge Runners WIRE -Cub Reporters WISN -Show Window WJJD- Polish Program WJR -News WMAQ -Big Bill Baker, sketch WMBD -Buck Jones WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAD -Children Stories WTAQ- Bureau of Public Service WTMJ -J ack Armstrong, sketch

5:15 NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston

Straight Shooters: KSD WMAQ NBC -Carol Deis, sop.: WCFL

(sw -9.53) CBS -News of Youth (Ward

Bread) : WBBM KMOX (sw- 21.52)

KWK -Peggy Duncan, songs WCCO -Front Page Parade WFBM -.,Wheeler Mission Prgm WGN -Buddy A Ginger WHAS -Hank Keene's Gang WHO -Jr. Nurse Corps. WIRE -Jimmie Allen, sketch WJR- Envoys of Melody WLW- Tommy & Betty WMBD -Where to Go; The Ange-

lus; Auction of the Air WOC -Ann Leaf, organist (CBS) WOWO- Sports WROK -WPA Orch. WSBT -Dan Dunn WTAD -Dance Parade WTAQ -Guy Watts, pianist WTMJ News

5:30 NBC -News; Castles of Romance:

WIRE (sw -9.53) CBS -News; Geo. Hall's Orch.:

WSBT WHAS WOWO (sw- 21.52) * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady, Irene Wicker: WGN

Hawk's Trail: WMBC WTAQ Jack Armstrong. sketch KMOX


WJBC KSD -Terry & Ted

KWK -Clark Dennis, tnr. (NBC) WAAF -Sport Shorts WBBM -John Harrington, news WCFL -Strolling Songsters WENR -What's the News? WIBA -News; Real -Life Story; In-

terlude WISN- Sports Parade WLW Bob Newhall, sports WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WROK -Sport Review WTMJ- Heinie's Grenadiers

* NBC -Lo wder "Thomas, news tSun Oil) WLW (sw- 15,21)

CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly (Won- der Bread) : WOC KMOX i t\ BBM WCCO Wish WJR

NBC- Little Orphan Annie (Oval tine) KSD WGN

NBC -Flying Time, sketch: WENR (sw -9.53)

NBC- Escorts & Betty: KWK WCFL

Sport Review: WMBD WIBA WIRE

WAAF -Tower Tunes WBOW- Sundown Express WHAS -Organ Magic WHO -Sunset Corners ()pry WIND- German Hour WMAQ -Dick Steele, boy reporter WMT Little Orphan Annie sKetch WROK -Don & Sleep, songs WSBT -Crimecasts WTAQ -Choirs of the World

6:00 * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP -

sodent) . WHO WLW KnD (sw -9.53)

CBS -Poetic Melodies t Wrigley's Gum) : WJR (sw- 11.83) * NBC -Easy Aces, sketch (Ana - cin): WENR WMT KWK WIRE WTMJ (sw- 11.87)

Sports Review: WFBM WOC KMOX- Headline Highlights WBBM -Davy Adams WBOW -Home Decorators WCCO -Easy Aces WCFL -Grace Wilson, contralto WGN -Chuck Wagon Time WHAS -News ti lisA Dinner Concert

WISN- Concert Ensemble (CBS) WJJD- Supper Time Frolic WMAQ- Donald McGibeny, comm. WMBD -Honor the Law WROK -News; Dinner Music WSBT- Dinner Dance WSUI- Dinner Hour Prgm. WTAQ- String Ensemble

6:15 * NBC -UNCLE EZRA'S RADIO station (Alka- Seltzer): WMAQ WIRE WHO WTMJ WIBA (sw -9.53)


NBC -Tastyeast Jesters, trio: KWK WMT WENR (sw- 11.87)

CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (Atlantic Refining) : (sw- 11.83)

KSD- Xavier Cugat's Orch. WBOW -Si & Ezra WCFL -Voice of Carlesness WJR -Jack Randolph WI.WMusical Revue WSBT -Sports Review


ner, sketch: WENR WLW CBS -Gogo de Lys, songs: WISN

WFBM WCCO WBBM WOC (sw- 11.83)

Diamond City News: WTMJ KSD

News: WHO WIBA WMBD WMT KMOX -Tom Baker, tnr. KWK Sport Review; News WBOW -Tune Hits W'('FI Songs in the Spotlight WHAS -Early Evening Revue WIRE -Terry & Ted WJR -The Allen Family WMAQ- Norman Ross, news; Voice

of Carelessness WROK- Homespun Hour WBT -Eddie Burnette WTAQ -News

6:45 * CBS -Boake Carter (Philco),

commentator : WCCO WBBM WJR WHAS KMOX (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Ruth Lyon, sop.; Harry Kogen's Orch.: KSD

NBC -Mario Cozzi, bar.: WIBA KWK

Diamond City News: WIRE WMT News WOC WFBM WIND WBOW- Sports Parade WM. Robert Harmon WENR -Hal Totten on Sports WGN -Bob Elson, sports WHO -Tony Cabooch WIND -Roller Skating Derby WISN- Miniature Music Hall WLW -Songs You Love WMAQ -Income Tax Talk WMBD -Value Hints

WROK -Home Folks Frolic WSBT -20th Century Serenade WTAQ -Organ Music


(Tenderleat Tea); Anthony Smythe & Kathleen Wilson: WMAQ WIBA WHO WLW WTMJ KSD WTAM

* CBS -Cavalcade of America (Du Pont) ; "Life of Stephen Girard," drama with music; Don Voorhees' Orch.: WCCO WHAS KMOX WFBM WBBM WJR (sw- 11.83)

NBC- Broadway Merry -Go -Round (Dr. Lyons) ; Beatrice Lillie, comedienne; Al Rickey's Orch.: WLS WMT KWK WIRE (sw- 11.871

WBOW -News s_ . I. Don Norman, news WGN -Lone Ranger, drama WIND -Lithuanian Prgm. WISN -Down By Hermans WMBD -Jack (Baron) Pearl WOC- German Band WOWO -Earl Gardner's Orch. WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSBT -Carnival WSUI-Children's Hour WTAQ -Clara Dawes

7:15 Variety Prgm.: WBOW WOWO WCFL -Stars of Tomorrow WROK -Fred Searle, tnr. WTAQ -Anniversary Club


(Bayer's Aspirin): WLS WMT KWK (sw- 11.87) * CBS -Burns & Allen (Campbell Soup); Henry King's Orch.; Tony Martin, tnr. : WBBM WFBM KMOX WHAR WOWO WJR WMBD WCCO (sw- 11.83)

* NBC -Wayne King's Orch. (Lady Esther): WMAQ WTMJ WHO WIBA WIRE WTAM KSD

MBS -Music for the Family:.WLW WGN

WBOW -Diamond City News WCFL-Tunes on Tap WIND -Art in Modern Life" with

Prof. John Shapley WISN -Woods Dreyfus WOC -Ave Maria Hour WROK- Rockford Public Schools

Musical Half -hour WSBT -What's the Answer?; In-

vitation to the Waltz WSUI- Professor's Wife WTAQ -Hayracketeers

7:45 WBOW -Rainbow Trio tat Ft. laIt, of the town WIND -Colonial Room Ensemble WISN -Songs You Remember WSBT -Under the Capitol Dome;

News WSUI -Sports Review

8:00 NBC -Fred Niblo's Professional

Parade; Leopold Spitalny's Orch.: KWK WIRE WLS WBOW (sw- 11.87)

* NBC -FRLD ALLEN'S TOWN Hall Tonight (Sal Hepatica); Portland Hoffa; Peter Van Steeden's Orch.: WIBA WTAM WLW WHO WMAQ WTMJ KSD (sw -9.53)

* CBS -CHESTERFIELD PRGM. Nino Martini, tnr.; Andre Kos - telanetz' Orch.; David Ross, announcer: WBBM WCCO WFBM WHAS WISN WMBD WOWO KMOX WOC WJR (sw- 11.83)

WBOW -News W( FL Herr Louie & the Weasel WGN -Gabriel Heatter, news WMT -Band Wagon WROK- Voices of the Farm WSBT -Stars Over Manhattan WSUI -Drama Hour WTAQ -Chats with Your Neighbor

8:15 WBOW- Spanish Strings WCFL -Music & Flowers WGN -Diamond City News WMT -Professional Parade (NBC) WROK- Studio Musicale WTAQ -Quartet


Box Theater starring Jessica Dragonette, sop.; Al Good - man's Orch.: WCCO WHAS KMOX WMBD WOWO WISN WJR WFBM WBBM (sw- 11.83)

WBOW- Concert Orch. WCFL- Peacock Kelly's Orch. WENR -Professional Par a de

(NBC) WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WIND -Dixie Land Band WMT -Jazz Nocturne WOC- Vivian Benshoff, songs WROK -Lee Harrison, songs

WSBT -Stock Co. of the Air WTAQ -News

8:45 WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports WIND- Speaking of Love WOC -Tonic Tunes WROK -Harry Reser's Orch. WTAQ- Today's Almanac

9:00 * CBS -Gang Busters (Palmolive

Shave Cream) ; True Crime drama: WBBM WFBM WHAS WOWO KMOX WCCO WISN WJR (sw -6.12)

* N31- Lüt.KV STRIKE Ha Parade & Sweepstakes; Lanny Ross, tnr., guest; Bob Har- ing's Orch.; Buddy Clark & Edith Dick, vocalists; Song - smiths Quartet: WMAQ WHO MBA WLW K>I' WTMJ KOA WTAM (sw -9.53)

NBC -Minstrel Show; Gene Ar- nold: WIRE WENR KWK .

MBS- Romance & Roses; Musical Variety Show: WGN WMT

WCFL -Seeley Institute WIND -Milt Herth, organist WMBD -Little Bits from Life WOC- Rhythm & Romance WROK -.,Gospel Hour WSBT- Leaders in Dance Time WSUI- Musical Frolic WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:15 WCFL -Labor Flashes WIND -W alk a thou WOC- Wednesday Presents WTAQ -Club 41

9:30 NBC -Tales of Opera, drama:

WENR WMT CBS -To be announced: WHAS


NBC -Gladys Swarthout, sop. (Ice Industry) ; Frank Chapman, bar.; Concert Orch., dir. Robt. Armbruster: WMAQ WTMJ WTAM WLW WIRE WIBA KOA KSD WHO (sw -9.53)

KWK -News; Sport spotlight WCFL -Barratt O'Hara, talk WGN- Fireside Theater WIND -Evening at the Country

Club WISN -The Open Door WJR -Immortal Melodies WMBD- Business Equipment Show WOWO -Thank You, Stusia WROK -Musicale WSUI- Memory Lane

9:45 CBS -Patti Chapin, songs : WFBM


Diamond t: 5 News: WOWO WHAS

KMOX -Thank Vou Stusia KWK- Norman Paule, songs WBBM- Sports Huddle WCFL -Union Label League WIND -News & Sports WROK-News WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ- Varieties

10:00 * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP

sodent): WMAQ WIRE KOA CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.:


(sw -9.53) CBS -Poetic Melodies (Wrigley s

Gum); Franklyn MacCormick; Jack Fulton, tor. ; Carlton Kel- sey's Orch.: WCCO WFBM WBBM KMOX WHAS

News: WMBD WOC WLW WJR KWK -Range Riders WCFL -Monte Randall, commen-

tator WENR -Globe Trotter WGN - George Hamilton's Orch. WHO -Dance Rhythms WIBA- Melody Hour WIND- Remote Control WISN- Madison Singers WMT -Dream Songs WROK -Norman Jenkins' Orch. * WTAQ -MOVIE GOSSIP ( 1330


WTAQ -Tonic Tunes WTMJ -News; Sports

10:15 NBC-King's Jesters: WBOW

WENR (sw -9.53) CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.:


CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly: KNX NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station:


WMT WIRE KMOX- France Laux, sports KWK -Emil Coleman's Orch.

(NBC) WCFL -WPA Artists WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch.

WIBA -Glen Brandy's Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -Mary Paxton & Orch. WMAO Lou Breese's Orch. WROK- Evening Song WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch. WTAQ -Club 41 WTMJ -Dance Music 'Till 11:30

a.m. 10:30

NBC- Meetin' House, . drama: WCFL WBOW WIRE WIBA WHO (sw -9.53)


CBS -Burns & Allen: KNX KSL News: WBBM KWK IIMOX- Headline Highlights KOA -Light on the West WI CO Rollie Johnson . Reports WENR -Phil Levant's Orch. WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WLW' -Don Bestor's Orch. WMAQ -Frankie Masters' Orch. WMT -Dance Orch. WOWO-Slumber Hour WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAM- Dramatic Players WTAQ -News

10:45 CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch.: WOWO

WBBM KMOX NBC -Glen Gray's Orch.: KWK

WMT WC( Cecil Hurst's Orch. WENR -Happy Jack Turner, songs WHO-Veterans' Forum WLW -Larry Funk's Orch. WMAQ -Clem & Harry, songs WTAQ -Home Folks Frolic

11:00 NBC -Mike Riley's Orch.: WIRE



NBC -Bob Crosby's Orch.: WMAQ WMT (sw -6.14)

CBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WOWO

NBC -Fred Allen: KPO KOA Dance Orch.: WFBM WTMJ KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orcit. KWK -Irving Rose's Orch. WCCO -Joe Sanders' Orch. tt-F:NR Henry Busses Orch. WGN -Dance Orch. WHAS -News WIND- Leaders in Dance Time Wl W Organ & Poems WSBT -Club Lido WTAQ- Varieties

11:15 CBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.:

WFBM KMOX KWK -Lyman s Orch. (MBS) WHAS -Dance Band WHO -Mike Riley's Orch. (NBC) WIND -House of Peter McGregor WTAM -Hal Goodman's Orch. WTAQ -Radio Night Club

11:30 NBC -Lights Out, "Chicken

Heart," experimental drama series: WHO KSD WBOW WIBA WTAM WMAQ WIRE

NBC -Lou Breese's Orch.: WMT KWK WENR


WCCO -Jimmy Greco's Orch. WCFL- Armand Buisseret's Orch. WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WIND Bob Tinsley's Orch WLW- Bernie Cummin's Orch.

11:45 NBC -Charlie Agnew's Orch.:

WENR KWK WMT CBS -Larry Lee's Orch.: WHAS WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch.

12:00 KMOX -When Day Is Done KOA -News WBBM -News & Weather WENR -Louis Panico's Orch. WGN -Hugo Mariani s Orch. WIND -The Nite Watch WLW -Ted Fio- Rito's Orch. WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch.

12:15 KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch

12:30 KOA -Griff Williams' Orch. WBBM -Earl Hoffman's Orch WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. WGN Red Norvo's Orch. WLW -Al Lyon's Orch. WMAQ-King's Jesters' Orch.

1:00 WBBM -Roy Eldridge's Orch. WGN George Hamilton's Orch.

1:30 WBBM- Austin Mack's Orch.

End of Wednesday Prgma.

6/21 la


Thursday March I I Thursday

MORNING 8:00 a.m. CST

CBS -Greenfield Village Chapel: WSBT WFBM (sw- 21.52)

* NBC -Breaktast Club, Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: WCFL (sw 15.21)

NBC -Streamliners: WIRE KSD Gene & Glenn: WHO WOC News: KWK WMBD WHAS KMOX -Harry W. Flannery, views

the news WCBD- Sports, Music & Time W NA Bandwagon WIND- Shadows of the Past WJJD -Gene Walsh, songs WLBL- Market Reports & Agri-

cultural News WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WLW -Hymns of All Churches WMAQ -Fashion Horoscope; News WMT Tim Brady's Roundup WOWO -Q Radio Bible Class WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ -Revolving Stage

8:15 CBS -As You Like It: WFBM

WSBT CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens

(Kirkman's Soap) (sw- 21.52) Musical Clock: WHO WOC KMOX -Ozark Varieties KWK -Tonic Tunes WBOW- Morning Headlines WHA- Morning Melodies WHAS- Breakfast Business WIND -Deep South WJJD -The Toastmaster WLBL -Grab Bag WLS -Julian Bentley. news WLW -Hope Alden's Romance

8:30 CBS -As You Like It News:

WSBT WOWO (sw- 21.52) News: WFBM WCCO WTAQ KWK -Hillbillies WBOW- Sundial Revue WCBD- Polish Prgm WGN -Good Morning WHAS -Woman's Interests WIBA -Breakfast Club WIND -News & Current Hits WJJD -Melody Kings WLS- AMorning Devotions WLW- Garden Talks; Tommy &

Betty WMBD-Bandwagon WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WROK -Organ Reveries WTAD- Inner -State Churches

8:45 NBC Adela Rogers St. Johns.

current topics; News: WIRE WBOW

CBS Bachelor's Children. sketch (Old Dutch C;eanser) KMON ( sw- 21.52)

Party Line: WHAS WMBD rosD Tel a Tune - KWK- German Music WCCO -Gene & Glenn WFBM -Apron Strings WIBA- Society Reporter WIND -Morning Dance WJJD -Ill. Fed. of Women's Clubs WLBL- QMorning Devotionals WLS- Morning Minstrels WLW -Kitty Keene WMT -Women in the News; Po-

lice Blotter WOC-News WOWO- Morning Musicale WSBT- AMorning Devotions WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ Basket of Melody

9:00 NBC -Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage

Patch, sketch (Old English Wax) . WMAQ KSD (sw- 15.33) t CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Med31) WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 2152)

NBC -Charles Harrison, tnr.: WBOW

MBS -Len Salvo, organist: WGN KWK

News: WMT WROK WAAF- Miniature Concert W CBD- Italian Prgm WCFL- German Prgm WHA -Your Health WHO Morning Melodies WIBA -News; What's New? WIND -Cub Reporter. sketch WIRE -Happy Long WISN -Party Line WJJD Bosworth Broadcast WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -Practical Geography WLW -Linda's First Love WMBD B & M Messenger W'OC Musical Clock WOWO -Bill Board

E 6/21

WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI- Better Vision Prgm. WTAQ -Women's Hour WTMJ -What's New m Milwau-

kee? 9:15

* NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch: WLS (sw15.21)

CHs Moue( Cinderella net,n I Gold Medal) WRR47 NFRM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

Nb. ,.,un's Other Wife, sketch. (Louis Philippe) WMAQ KSD (sw1,33)

MBS- Bachelor's Children: WGN WLW

Hymns of All Churches: WHO WOC

KWK Rhythm Melody Revue WBOW -Mid- Morning Musicale WHA- Keeping Up with Science WIBA -Vaughn de Leath, songs

(NBC) WIND -Good News Tunes WIRE -Mary Baker WISN -On the Nine -Fifteen WMBD- Shut -In Prgm WMT -Louise Hathaway WROK -On the Mall .

WSUI -Yesterday's Favoritesc WTAD -Lem & Luther, Old Songs

9:3C NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch (An.

acin) WMAQ (sw- 15.33) CBS -Betty Crocker; Hymns of

All Churches; John K. Wat- kins, news (Gold Medal) :


NBC -Pepper Young's Family. sketch (Camay): WLS WMT (sw- 15.21)

Betty & Bob: WHO WOC Party Line. KWK WIND WAAF- Happiness Time WBOW- Market Reports WC BD Hit l'unes WCFL -World Tour WGN -Beauty Forum WHA -Art Appreciation WIBA -Josh Higgins, sketch WIRE -Dr. Aumann WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WJJD -Two of a Kind WLW -Betty Moore WMBD -News WOWO- Literary Revue WROK -Intimate Review WSBT -Morning Melodies WSUI -Book Shelf WTMJ -One Girl in a Million

9:45 * NBC -Today's Children, sketch:

(Pillsbury) : WMAQ KSD WHO WTMJ WIRE (sw- 1533)

NBC- Viennese Sextet: WCFL WBOW

NBC -Kitchen Cavalcade (C. F. Mueller Co.): (sw- 15.21)

KWK -Nrws WAAF -Novelettes WCBD -Movie News WGN -Radio Cooking School WIBA -Melodic Interlude WIND -One Girl in a Million WISN -Hall Quartet WJJD -Dude Martin WLS -News. Markets WLW -Wildeson's Wildcats WMBD -Window Shopper WMT -Magic Kitchen WOC -Party Line WOWO -American Home WTAD -Party Line


(Ivory Flakes): WLS (sw 15.21)

NBC -David Harum sketch (Bab O): KSD WIRE WMAQ WHO (sw- 15.33)


CBS -Spotless Town Gazette (Sapolio): (sw- 21.52)

KWK -Rapid Service WAAF -Woman's Hour WBOW -Melody on Parade WCBD- Prophetic New WCCO -Organ Melodies WCFL- Melody Echoes WDZ -Nancy White WGN -Get Thin to Music W HA- Homemakers WIBA- Robert Gately. bar (NBC) WIND -News WISN- Masters of Melody WJJD- Mid -morning Jamboree WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLW- Markets & News WMT -Music Makers WOWO- Souvenir WROK- Markets; Musical Inter-

lude WSBT- Four -Eleven Alarm

WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -News WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ -4th & 5th Districts P.I.A.

10:15 NBC -Personal Column of the An.

(Chipso) 15.21)


CBS Quality (wins Ed Fast &

Ralph Dumke; Helen Carroll, vocalist (Knox Gelatine): WBBM KMOX WFBM WHAS (sw- 21.52)

* NBC - Backstage. Wite, sketch. (Dr Lyons): WTMJ KSD WMAQ WHO (sw 15 33)

CBS -Cheri McKay & the Three Notes: WISN WOC

KWK -Range Riders WAAF -Variety WBOW- Vagabonds (NBC) WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall WCFL- Echoes from Havana WDZ -Robyn Weaver, songs WIBA- Today's Almanac WIND -Bud Birmingham & his

Buckaroos WIRE-For Women Only WJBC- Request Prgm. WJJD -The Gossiper WMBD -Garland of Roses WMT -A Word to the Wives WOWO Tri- Topics WROK -Woman's Forum WSBT -Harlan Hogan

10:30 NBC -Betsy Moore; Lew White.

organist (Benjamin Moore & Co.): WMAQ WTMJ(sw- 15.33)


* NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch: (Crisco): WLS KWK WMT ( sw- 15.21)

MBS -Love Song: WGN WLW Organ Music: WJBC WOC KSD -George Hall's Orch. WAAF -Swingtime W BOW -News Wt FL- Harmony Hi -Spots WDZ- Newscast WFBM -Kitchen Clinic WHO -Party Line WIBA -Salvation Army WIND -Kitchenette WIRE- Dramas of Life WJBC -News; Organ Music WJJD- Women's Exchange Prgm WMBI (-]Missionary Hour WOWO- Linda's First Love WSBT -Salon Musicale WTAD -Ma Perkins WTAQ- Masters of Swing

10:45 * NBC -Allen Prescott, the Wife

Saver, (Manhattan Soap) WMAQ (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Eleanor Howe's Homemakers Exchange; (Ice Industry) WRRM WfWO KMO)Y WCC( WHAS WISN (sw- 21.52)

* NBC Edward MacHugh, The Gospel Singer, (Ivory Soap) WLS WLW WMT KWK (sw 15.21)

NBC -Al Short's Orch.: WIBA KSD

Party Line: WIRE WJJD WAAF- Foolish Questidns WBOW- Pianologue WCFL -Voice of Cookery WDZ -Our School System WGNPetticoat PLllosophy WHA -Piano Gems WHO -Betty Moore Triangle Club WIND- Markets & News WJ BC-Payne Pioneers WMBD- Linda's First Love WOC- Tingling Tunes WROK-Musicale WSBT -In Movieland WSUI- Program Calendar WTAD -Movie Chatter WTAQ -Hawaiian Melodeers WTMJ -Radio Forum

11:00 * NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel-

logg) : WMAQ WLW (sw- 15.33) CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Pebe

co) WBBM WFBM KMOI WCCO (sw- 17.76)

NBC -Honeyboy & Sassafras: WIRE WCFL KWK

KSD -News; Variety Prgm. WAAF -Melody Parade WBAA -Morning Musicale WBOW -Farm Folks WDZ- Hawaiian Paradise WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA -Music Appreciation Course WHAS- Melodies & Moods WHO -Kitty Keene, Inc. WIBA- Linda's First Love WIND News from Life WISN -News; Organ Melodies

WJBC- Homemakers Pay Da% WJJD- Bureau of Missing Person: WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WI .a, .Horning. Homemakers WMBD -Wagon Jubilee; Police

Bulletins WMT- Stories from Life; Morn.

Matinee WOC- Morning Parade WOWO -Party Line WROK- ATabernacle Hour WSBT -Harmony Hall WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ -Hymns of All Churches

11:15 * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin

(Kleenex). WMAQ WIRE WHO KSD sw-15.33)

* CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds'): KMOX WCCO (sw- 17.76)

NBC -Armchair Quartet: WLW KWK

WAAF -The Gaieties WBAA -Mid -day Melodies WBBM -Quartet Hour of Ro-

mance Wll LTimely Tunes WDZ -News of Your Neighbor WFBM -Hope Alden's Romance WGN -Mark Love; Piano WHAS-Linda's First Love WIBA- ALutheran Devotions WIND -20th Century Serenade WJBC -Dough Boy WJJD- Criminal Court Interview WMBD -Bargain Counter WMT -Lou Webb at the Organ WOWO -Melody Book WORK -NYA Sketch WBT- Romany Moods WTAD -Dance Music WTAQ- Dramas of Life WTMJ Betty & Bob. sketch

11:30 CBS`Romance GI Helen Trent

(Edna Wallace Hopper); Vir- ginia Clark: WBBM KMOX WFBM WHAS (sw- 17.76)

* NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hr.; Post Office Dept.; Guest Speakers; Walter Blaufuss' Orch.: WHO (sw- 15.21) WMAQ WIBA KWK WLW

NBC -Gene Arnold & the Cadets: WCFL

KSD (refreshment Clut WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WBAA -Principles of Bookkeeping,

L. G. Minier WBOW- Market Reports W( CO Kitty Keene

WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WGN -Bob Elson on Mate Street WIND. H. Zimmerman, oreanist WIRE -Linda's First Love WISN -Even As You & I WJBC -News & Interviews W.I.ID Safety Court WMBD- Public School Singers WMBI- Continued Story Reading WMT -German Band WOC- Inquiring Mike WOWO - Rondoliers WROK- Helene Kimberley, songs WSBT -Blue Streaks WTAD -Police News WTAQ -Steel Almanac WTMJ -Morning Melodies

11:45 CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch

rAffiliated Products) WBBM WHAS WFBM KMOX (sw- 17.76)

Musical Almanac: WJBC WOC News: WBAA WMT WAAF -Dance Revue WBOW- County Agr. Agent WCCO -Ma Perkins, sketch WCFL- Fashions on Parade WDZ- Crossroads Trading Post WGN -We Are Four WIND -Lloyd Cutler. farm talk WIRE -Farm Hour WISN -Ivory Interlude WLS- Markets & News WMBD -His Majesty. the Baby WOWO -Farm Service

MYRTLE VAIL Thurs. 1:45 pm CST

WROK- 'Round the Town WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Farm Flashes WTAD -Popular Hits WTAQ -Mail Man WT11.1 vvws Heinie's Grenadiers


NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: WCFL (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Jack Berch & His Boys (Fels Naptha); Mark War - now's Orch.: WCCO KMOX (sw- 15.27)

News: WMBD WOC WJJD KSD WAAF- Symphonic Hour WBAA -Give Us a Song WBBM- Shopping News WBOW -Man on the Street WDZ -Man on the Street WFBM -'Way Down East WGN -Silver Serenade WHA Noon Musicale WHAS -Hank Keene s Gang

(Continued on Next Page)


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Thursday March


(12 noon Continued) WIND -Peacock Court WISN -Heat Wave WJBC- Roland String Ensemble WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -Dinnerbell Prgm. WMBI -,,Mid -day Gospel Hour WMT -Cedar Valley Hillbillies WSBT -News; Farm Flashes WSUI- Rhythm Rambles WTAQ -Farm Hands

12:15 NBC -Dan Harding's Wife, sketch:

(sw- 15.33) CBS -Senate Judiciary Committee

Hearing: (sw- 15.27) KMOX -Magic Kitchen WBAA -Bud Bryant's Orch. WBBM- Herbert Foote, organist WBOW -Wranglers WCCO-One Girl in a Million WCFL- Noonday Concert WFBM -Farm Bureau Prem WGN -Wife vs. Secretary WHAS -College of Agriculture WIND -Milt Hearth at the Organ WJJD -,,Noon Day Service WMBD -Town Crier; Farm Mkts. WMT -Question Man ; Voice of

Iowa WOC -Ciciv Hour WOWO -Today's News WROK- Column Left, news WTAD- Sports Summary

12:30 NBC -Words & Music: (sw- 15.33) CBS -George Rector, food talks

(Phillips Soups): (sw- 15.27) News: WIRE WIBA WBOW KWK- Variety Prgm. WBAA -Jo Friend, popular songs WBBM- Truman Bradley WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance WCFL -Your Personal Reporter WDZ -Lazy Jim Sings the News WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN -,,Mid -Day Service WHA -Farm Prgm WHAS -Savings Talk; Markets WHO- Variety Prgm. WIND- Remote Control WLW- Charles Dameron Presents WMAQ -Dan Harding's -Wife,

sketch WMBD Farm News WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WOWO -Happy Herb WROK -Man on the Street WSBT- Luncheon Dance WTAD -Farm & Neighborhood

Prgm. WTMJ -Dance Orch.

12:45 CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories (Spry) : WMBD WISN KMOX WCCO WFBM WBBM WHAS (sw- 15.27)

Livestock Markets: WIBA WLS News WHO WIND WDZ KSD -Follow the Moon, sketch WBAA -Home Helps & Happen-

ings WBOW- RaBtbow Trio WCFL -For Women Only WIRE- Bridge School WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters' Orch. WMT -Joe Doakes, Aunt Fanny WOC- Swingapators WOWO -Earl Gardner's Orch. WROK -Home Folks Hour WSBT- Man -on- the -Street WTMJ -Sidewalk Reporter


I Rinso) : WFBM NBC -Men Who Made America;

"Sun Magic," story of Harry Steenbock, drama: WMAQ WLW

CBS -Rambles in Rhythm: WISN WHAS (sw- 15.27)

* NBC -Music Guild: WIRE (sw 9.53)

Man on the Street: WBBM WMBD WTAQ

KMOX- Exchange Club


KSD- Afternoon Varieties KWK -Musical Interlude WAAF- Hoosier Philosopher WBAA -Arsene Summers, contr. WBOW -,,Rev. Archie Brown WCBD -J. C. O'Hair WCCO -Calendar Notes V, CFL -Farm Forum WDZ -Chick Martin WGN- Concert Orch. WHA -State Capitol Prgm. WHO One Girl in a Million WIBA -Melody Moments WIND- Purdue University Prgm. WJJD- Mid -day Roundup WLS -Red Foley, Lily May, Girls

of the Golden West WMT -Iowa Cornhuskers; Many

Happy Returns WOC -Bill Edmonds WOWO- Purdue Agri. Prem. WSBT -News; Harlan Hogan WSUI -Musical Chats WTAD -News WTMJ- Markets Si News

1:1.5 * CBS -American School of the

Air; Science; "How to Change Electricity into Magnetism "; Music (Intermediate) ; Int'l B'cast froni Warsaw: WISN WOC WOWO KMOX WCCO WFBM WBBM WSBT (sw- 1527)

MBS -Sally Jo Nelson, songs: WGN KWK

KSD- Educational Series WAAF- Interlude WBAA- Better Expression WD /Markets Close WHAS -Univ. of Kentucky WHO -Musical Almanac WIBA -Music Guild (NBC) WIND -Let's Dance WI-S- Otto's Novelodeons WMBD- Oddities in the News;

Fiesta W M h German Band WROK-Dreamers WTAD- Concert Hall of the Air WTAQ -Tunes of the Day; Rhy-

thm & Romance Wl V1.1 Dance torch

1:30 NBC -It's a Woman's World;

Howard Price, vocalist; Harold Levy's Orch.; Wm. Farrand, m.c.; Claudine Macdonald, dir.: WMAQ WIBA WIRE (sw -9.53)

NBC- General Federation of Women's Clubs; Education for Living; Guest Speaker: WCFL

News: KWK WTAQ KSD -News; Green Brothers WAAF -Man on the Street WBAA- Geography in the News WBOW- Market Reports WCBD -Zion Studio Musicale WDZ- Master Singers WGN- Painted Dreams, sketch WHA -Through Travelers' Eyes WHO- Market Report WIND -Musical Mirror WJJD -Ill. Medical Society WLS -Closine Grain Market WLW -School of the Air; Story

Lady WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man WROK -Rippling Melodies WTAD -Colonel Lee Francis

1:45 NBC -Sidney Sukoenig, pianist:

WIRE NBC -Personal Column of the Air

(sw- 15.33) NBC -Charles Sears, tnr.: WIBA


sketch (Super Suds); Billy Artzt's Orch.: WBBM WCCO WFBM KMOX WISN WHAS (sw- 15.27)

Judy & Jane: WHO WOC KWK -Norman Paule, songs WAAF -Gypsy Fortunes WBAA- Markets & Weather WDZ -Joey & Chuck WGN- Nothing But the Truth WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WLS -Ralph Emerson, organist WLW -Health & Physical Educa-

tion WMAQ- Martha Helmes, home

service WMBD- Trading Post WMT- Variety Prgm. WOWO- Question Box WROK -Vocal Varieties WSBT- Rhythmic Serenade WTAQ -House of Peter McGregor WTMJ -Home Harmonizers

2:00 NBC -Pepper Young's Family,

sketch (Camay) : WMAQ KSD WHO WTMJ WLW (sw- 1533)

CBS -Thursday Matinee: WOWO WHAS WSBT WOC WMBD (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Caballeros; Soloists & pian- ist: WCFL

MBS -Molly of the Movies, sketch: WGN KWK

KMOX -Hello, Peggy

WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WBAA-Aviation Today WBBM -Barnyard Follies WBOW- Teachers' College WCBD Pnli,1. Prem WCCO- Markets; Police Reports WDL- Birthday Parts WHA- School of the Air; Health

Winners WIBA- Bridge Series W IND- Continental Orch. WIRE -House of McGregor WISN -Mary Ann Presents WJJD -Ben Kanter, pianist WLS- Homemakers' Prgm. WMT -Tea Time Tunes WROK- Matinee Musicale WSUI- Poetic Interlude WTAD -Women's Variety WTAQ- Echoes of the Stage

2:15 * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch . Marjorie Han nan; Virginia Payne & Willard Farnum: WMAQ WLW WHO KSD WTMJ (sw- 15.33) * NBC -Eastman School Symph. Orch.: WCFL WBOW (sw- 15.21)

MBS- Skeeter Palmer's Orch.: WMT

KMOX- Linda's First Love KWK -Time to Relax WBAA -Songs & Melodies WTMJ -Down a Country Road WCCO -News; Stocks WDZ -Man on the Train WFBM -Happy Feet WGN -June Baker. home talk WIBA -WPA Musicale WIND Nen- WIRE -Plow Boys WISN- Thursday Matinee (CBS) WJJD- Federal Housing Prgm WROK -Two Guitars WSUI -Within the Classroom

2:30 * NBC -Vic & Saite, sketch (Crisco) Bernardine Flynn & Art Van Harvey: KSD WLW WMAQ WHO WTMJ (sw- 1533)

CBS -Do You Remember ?; Old Favorite Melodies: WFBM WMBD WISN WOWO WOC WHAS WSBT (sw- 15.27)

KMOX- Barnyard Follies KWK -Fred Berren's Orch. WBAA -Glenn Crose, guitarist WCBD Raclin Debuts WCCO -Dr. W. A. O'Brien WDZ- Decatur on the Air WGN -Time to Relax WHA -Chansonette W IBAAinencana WIND- Torrid Tunes WIRE- Matinee Varieties WJJD -Happy Harmonies WI h Homemakers WROK- Record Breakers WTAD- Island Serenaders WTAQ -News; Afternoon Musicale


CBS -Library of Congress Musi- cale; Coolidge String Quartet: WFBM WMBD WISN WOWO WHAS WSBT WOC (sw- '15.27)

MBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WMT WGN

KWK- Eastman School Symph. Orch. (NBC)

WBAA- Treasure Chest, Robert Horn

WCCO-Musicale WDZ -WPA Musicale WHA - School ofit the Air; Music

Fun, Edna Morphy WIND -Music & Banter WJJD -Karl & Harty, songs WTAD- Frances Mouring

3:00 NBC- Fashion Show; dir. Charles

LeMaier; Orch.: WMAQ WHO WIRE WIBA KSD (sw -9.53) * NBC -Light Opera Co.: KWK WENR

KMOX -Ma Perkins, sketch WAAF -News & Weather WBAA -We Have Music WBBM -Meet the Missus WBOW- Afternoon Siesta * WCCO- LADIES FIRST WCFL Organ Prgm WDZ- Newscast WGN -Way Down East WHA Language of Music

WHAS- Jackson Family WIND -And What Do You Think WJBC Prophetic Flour WJJD -Jose Manzaneras WLW- Arthur Chandler, Jr., or-

ganist WMBI -Short Stories WSBT -School Musicale WSUI -This American Indian WTMJ -Tunesmiths WTAQ -Classic Hour

3:15 MBS -Life of Mary Sothern


KMOX Kitty Keene Inc. WAAF -Organ Interlude WBAA- Better Vision WBBM -Radio Gossip Club WBOW -,,Devotional Service WCFL -Child Study & Parent

Education WDZ- Shut -in Prgm. WHAS -,,Weekday Devotions WIND -Waltz Time WJJD -News WMT -Odd Facts; Tonic Tunes WSUI -Afternoon Musicale * WTAD- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE WTMJ- Community Fund Prgm.

3:30 * NBC -FOLLOW THE MOON. drama (Woodbury's Soap) with Elsie Hitz & Nick Daw- son. WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53)

* CBS -Army Band: WOC WFBM WCCO WMBD WHAS WSBT (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Metropolitan Opera Guild WMT KWK WIBA WCFL WBOW (sw- 15.21)

News. WIND WJBC b NI, :X Houseboat Hannah KSD -Frank McGuire, tnr. WAAF- Lutheran Prgm. WBAA- Parade of Melody WBBM -Art Kahn, pianist WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WENR -Music Circle WGN -Good Health R Training WHA -Moods & Melodies WHO -Way Down East WIND -News & Orch. WISN -News; Prgm. Preview WJJD -Flannery Sisters, songs WLW -Betty & Bob, sketch WMBI-Sacred Music WOWO -,,Old -Time Religion WROK -Blackhawk Ranch WSUI -Radio Review

3:45 NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch

(White Naptha): WMAQ KSD WLW WHO WTMJ (sw -9.53)

NBC -Young Hickory, sketch. WENR KWK WMT (sw- 15.21)

KMOX -Personal Column WBAA- Education Si Society WBBM- Linda's First Love WBOW -Lyrical Quarter Hour WCCO -Hello Peggy WCFL- Maureen Mae WDZ -Home Folks' Hymn Hour WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHAS -Hope Alden's Romance WHO- Houseboat Hannah WIBA- Rhythm & Romance WIND -Thru the Hollywood Lens WIRE -Harry Bason WISN -Army Band (CBS) WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WSUI -Waltz Favorites WTAD -Yellow Fang WTAQ -At the Crossroads

4:00 NBC- Archer Gibson, organist:

WIRE WHO (sw -9.53) CBS -Current Questions Before

Congress: WISN WSBT WOC WCCO (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Noble Cain & A Cappella Choir: WENR WIBA KWK WMT WBOW

KMOX- Josephine Halpin. corn mentator

WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist WBAA- Musical Favorites WBBM -Kitty Keene WCFL -Eddy Hanson, organist WDZ -Joan Johnson WFBM -Tea -Time Tunes WGN -Dance Orch. WHA -Music of the Masters WHAS -Theological Seminary WIND- Continental Orch WJBC-Wesleyan Hour WJJD- Supper Time Frolic WLW -Toy Band WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WMBD -,,Trinity Tabernacle WMBI- Foreign Language Service WROK- Markets WROK -Piano Moods WSUI -International Scene WTAD -Go 'Round WTMJ -Swingsters; Movie Letter WTAQ- Studio Frolic

4:15 NBC -Annette King, contr: WIRE CBS -All Hands on Deck: WISN

WSBT WCCO (sw- 15.27) NBC -A Cappella Choir: (sw-

15.21) NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston

Straight Shooters: (sw -9.53) KMOX -Hope Alden's Romance WAAF -May Robson, actress WBAA- Answer Me This WBBM - Hello, Peggy WCFL -John Maxwell, talk WDZ -Organ Reveries WHO- Houseboat Hannah WIND -Whiting Community Spot-

light WLW -Jack Armstrong, sketch WMAQ -To be announced WMBD -Miss Patti

WOC -News WROK -Star Dust WTAD -Music Review WSUI -Stamp Collector

4:30 NBC -Jack Armstrong, sketch

(Wheaties) (sw -9.53) CBS -All Hands on Deck: WOC

WOWO * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady, Irene Wicker: WLW (sw- 15.2l)

NBC -Frank Watanabe & the Professor: WIRE WMAQ WBOW

KMOX -Travelogue KWK -Three Pals WAAF -This Rhythmic Age WBAA -Twilight Musicale WBBM -Women in the Headlines WCCO- Schedule; Livestock WCFL- Raspberry College WDZ -Dance Hour WENR -Four Dictators' Orch.

(NBC) WFBM- Downtown Chatter WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WHA -Federal Orch. WHAS -Out of the Dusk WHO -Dance Rhythms WIBA -Betty Gray. organist WJBC -News

`IBD News, Pet Corner WMT -Freshest Thing in Iowa * WRJN -MOVIE GOSSIP (1370

kc.) WROK -Musicale WSUI -Elementary French WTAD -Magic in the Air WTAQ-Children's Prgm. WTMJ -Rhapsody Rhythm

4:45 NBC -Little Orphan Annie, sketch,

(Ovaltine): WLW (sw -9.53) CBS -Wilderness Road, sketch:


NBC -Happy Jack, songs: WIRE KWK WENR WMT

NBC -Doring Sisters, trio: WMAQ WBOW

WAAF -Carl Milles, sculptor WBAA -Travel Radio Review WBBM -Harry Richman WCFL -Mary Jane Dodd WDZ -Dick & Cookie WGN -Margery Graham, Book -a-

Week WHO -Sweet Shop Revue WIBA -The Lone Cowboy WIND- Continental Orch. WMBD -Happy Train WROK -In Old Mexico WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

NI'GHT 5:00

NBC -Amateur Sports; Bill Slater: WMAQ (sw -9.53)

CBS -Patti Chapin, songs: WOC WBBM WSBT WMBD WCCO WFBM WOWO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Harry Kogen's Orch.: KWK WENR WMT

MBS -Johnson Family: WGN WLW

KSD -News & Orch. KMOX -Betty Moore WAAF- Concert Master WBOW- Sundown Express WCBD- Dinner Concert W( I Teu lime WHAS -Under Ether; Mildred Lee WHO -Pop Concert WIBA -Wis. Wildfire Fed WIND -Ridge Runners WIRE -Cub Reporters WISN -Show Window WJJD Polish Prgm. WJR -News WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. * WTAD -OFFICIAL DETECTIVE

STORIES WTAQ- Bureau of Public Service WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch

5:15 NBC -Cappy Barras Swing Har

monicas: WIBA WCFL (sw- 9.53)

CBS -Clyde Barrie, bar.: WOC (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston Straight Shooters: WMAQ KSD

KMOX- Miniature Musical Revue KWK -Linda Ray, soloist WBBM- Howard Neumiller, pian-


WCCO F rort Page Parade WFBM -,,Christian Science WGN- Armchair Melodies WHAS -Hank Keene's Gang WIRE -Jimmie Allen, sketch WJR- Envoys of Melody WLW -Vicki Chase, songs WMBD -Where to Go; The Ange -

lue; Piano Fantasy WMT -Who's Who in H. S. Bas-

ketball ?

WOWO- Sports .

WRCK -WPA Oreh. WSBT -Dan Dunn WTAD -Dance Parade WTAQ -Guy Watts, pianist WTMJ -News

5:30 * NBC -Kellog's Singing Lady; Ireene Wicker: WGN

NBC -News; Chu Cho Martinez, tnr.: WIBA

CBS -News; George Hall'. Orch.: WSBT WHAS WOWO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -News; Three X Sisters: WIRE

Jack Armstrong, sketch: WCCO WHO WOC KMOX WMAQ


KSD Terry & Ted, serial KWh Musical Headlines WAAF -Sport Shorts WCBD -J. C. O`Hair WFBM Bohemians WISN -Sports Parade WLW -Bob Newhall, sports WMBD -Our Mysterious Universe WMT -Frank Voelker, orgnaist WROK -Sport Review WTAQ -Drama WTMJ -Heinié s Grenadiers

5:45 * NBC -Lowell Thomas, News

(Sun Oil). WLW (sw 15211 CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly (Wond-


NBC -Flying Time, sketch: WENR NBC- Orphan Annie, sketch

( Ovaltine) : KSD WGN Sports Review: WMBD WIRE

WIBA KWK-Women's Committee of the

St. Louis Symphony WAAF -DX Tips; Ben Hespen WCFL- Escorts & Betty (NBC) WHAS -Organ Magic WHO- Sunset Corners Opry

WIND- German Hour WMAQ -Dick Steele, boy reporter WMT -Little Orphan Annie, ske ̂ ch WROK -Bob Kail, songs WSBT-Crimecasts WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ- Choirs of the World

6:00 * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY (PEP - sodent): WLW KSD WHO (sw -9.53)

CBS- Poetic Melodies, t Wrigley's Gum): WJR (sw- 11.83) * NBC -Easy Aces, sketch; Jane Ace (Anacin): WENR WMT WIRE KWK WTMJ (sw- 11.87)

Sports Review: WFBM WOC hMOX- Headline Highlights WBBM -Davey Adams WBOW -Home Decorators WCCO -Easy Aces WCFL -Grace Wilson, contralto WGN -Chuck Wagon Time WHAS -News WIBA Dinner Concert WISN- Concert Ensemble (CBS) WJJD- Supper Time Frolic WMAQ -Donald McGibeny, comm. WMBD -Music Hour WROK -News; Dinner Music WSBT- Dinner Dance WSUI- Dinner Hour Prgm. WTAQ- String Ensemble

6:15 CBS -"Ma & Pa," sketch: (At-

lantic Refining): (sw- 11.83) CBS- Northwestern Unit., Book

shelf: WISN WBBM WOC NBC -Tastyeast Jesters, trio:

KWK WENR WMT (sw- 11.87) NBC -Vocal Varieties (Turns) ;

Smoothies; DeVore Sisters; Wm. Stoess' Orch.: WHO KSD WMAQ WIRE WLW

KMOX- France Laux, sports WBOW -Si & Ezra WCFL -Voice of Carelessness WFBM -Bohemians -

WHAS -To be announced WIBA -Social Security Act WJR- Diamond City News WSBT- Sports Review WTMJ- Aristocrats with Prince &

Princess of Song 6:30

* NBC -HORLICK'S LUM & Abner, sketch: WENR WLW

CBS -Alexander Woollcott, "The Town Crier" (Granger Tobac- co): WCCO WFBM KMOX WHAS WJR WISN WBBM (sw- 11.83)


KSD -Helen Traubell, songs KWK Sport Review; News WBOW -Tune Hits WCFL -Songs in the Spotlight WGN -Bob Elson, sports WIRE -Terry & Ted WMAQ- Norman Ross, news: Nor-

man Shearer. pianist WOC- Fireside Melodies

6/41 H


WROK -Home Folks Frolic WSBT -Hits from the Shows

6:45 * CBS -Boake Carter (Philco)

commentator WCCO WRBAI KMOX WJR WHAS (sw- 11.83)

MBS- Pleasant Valley Frolics: WGN WLW

News: WFBM WOC WIND KSD -Rhythm Makers KWK -Grace & Scotty, songs

(NBC) WBOW -Sports Parade WCFL -Guest Hour WENR -Hal Totten on Sports WHO- Diamond City News WIBA -Fauerbach's Roundy WIND- Roller Skating Derby WIRE -Anything Can Happen WISN -Amer. Family Robinson WMAQ -Moon Glow Melodies

(NBC) WMBD -Value Hints WMT- Dinner Dance Music WSBT -Dixieland Band WTAQ -Organ Music WTMJ -Tune Furnishers

7:00 HAVE YOU VOTED YET in the

big Star of Stars election ? If not, do so now by filling out the coupon which appears on Page 2 of this issue.

* NUC-RUDY VALLEE'S VARI- ety Hour (Royal Gelatin); Edgar Bergen, ventriloquist; Guests: WMAQ WHO WLW WTMJ WIRE WTAM WIBA KSD (sw -9.53)

* CBS -A & P Bandwagon Star- ring Kate Smith "Command Appearance," La Brun Sis- ters, Three Ambassadors, Jack Miller's Orch.; Margaret Sulla- van & Henry Youngman, guests: WJR WOC KMOX WFBM WBBM WHAS WCCO (sw- 11.83)

NBC -To be announced: KWK (sw- 11.87)

WBOW-News WCFL -Don Norman, news WGN -Tom. Dick & Harry WIND- Lithuanian Prem. WISN -Down by Hermans WLS.The Old Judge WMBD- American Legion Band WMT -Bamberger Symph. Orch. WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSBT -Music of the Masters WSUI -Children's Hour WTAQ -Imperial Hawaiians

7:15 WBOW -Melody on Parade WCFL -April, May & June WGN -George Hamilton's Orch. WLS -Ralph Emerson, organist

WROK- Musicale WSBT -Lawyers' Club Forum WSUI- Television Prgm. WTAQ- Anniversary Club

7:30 MBS -Guy Lombardo's Orch.:

WGN WMT KWK -Grace Church Choir WBOW- Toastmaster Auditions WCFL -Tunes on Top WIND Spare the Rod WISN -Salon Ensemble WLS -What Since Repeal? WMBD Friendly Forum WROK -Twnty Fingers of Har-

mony WSBT -What's the Answer? Deep

South WSUI -Ass'n of Univ. Women WTAQ -Hayracketeers

7:45 W(FI. talk of the Town WIND -Colonial Room Ensemble WISN -Waltz Time WLS- Active Citizen WROK -Dance Hour WSBT -Your Government; News WSUI- Bookworm Turns

8:00 * NBC - Boston Symph. Orch.:

WIRE * CBS -Major Bowes Amateur


* NBC -LAN NY ROSS' MAX - well House Show Boat; Irene Hubbard; Modern Choir; Mar- garet McCrae, vocalist; Molas- ses 'n' January ; Al Goodman's Orch.; Guests: WIBW WHO WTMJ WLW WMAQ WTAM KSD (sw -9.53)

KWK -This Is Paris WBOW -Mayor Beecher WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WIND- Racing Returns WLS- Lawyer Lincoln. sketch WMT -Style Talks; Band Wagon WROK- Voices of the Farm WSBT -Hayloft Jamboree WSUI -Child Study Club WTAQ -Talk

8:15 WBOW- Spanish Strings Wt -l' I- >neneer & Lee WMT -This Is Paris WROK- Tubby Weeks, songs WTAQ -June Gross

8:30 NBC- America's Town Meetine

WENR WIRE WMT WBOW (sw- 11.87)

KWK -Roger Fox' Orch WCFL -Income Tax Talk WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch.

WIND -Night Traffic Court WROK -Alenander Sisters, songs WSUI- Evening Musicale WTAQ -News

8:45 WCFL -Lois Russell WGN-News, Quin Ryan sports WROK -Tuberculosis Ass'n WSUI- Academy of Science WTAQ- Today's Almanac


tu re with Floyd Gibbons (Col- gate): WFBM WCCO KMOX WIBBM WHAS WISN WJR (sw -6.12)

* NBC -Bing Crosby's Music Halt (Kraft) with Bob Burns, come

dian; Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.; Andre Segovia, guitarist, guest: WTAM KOA WHO KSD WIBA WMAQ WLW WTM.t (sw -9.53)

KWK -Cardinal Courtesy Prgm. WCFL - Seeley Institute WGN -George Hamilton's Oreh. WIND -Milt Herth, organist WMBD -It Happened to Me WOC- Rhythm & Romance WOWO- Little Theater WROK -Rock River Barn Dance WSBT -You and the Story and

the Music WSUI- Community Theater WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:15 KWK -Piano Portrait WCFL- l.ahor Flashes WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch. WIND -Walkathon WMBD -Buffalo Trailers WOC- Thursday Presents WTAQ -Dance Music

9:30 NBC-Jamboree ; Roy Shield's

Orch.; Bill Thompson, m.c.; Sylvia Clark: WENR WIRE WBOW

* CBS -March of Time: KMOX WBBM WCCO WFBM WHAS WJR (sw -6.12)

KWK -News, Sport Spotlight WCFL -Barratt O'Hara WGN -Henry Weber's Concert Re-

vue WIND- Rhythm in Red WISN -Helen Wittman, songs WMBD- Business Equiment Show WMT -Tehel's Bohemians WOC- Sportlight Revue WOWO- Xavier Cugat's Orch. WSBT -To be announced

9:45 KWK -Coyita Bunch; Soloists WCFL -Fed. Women High School

Teachers WIND -News & Sports WISN -Dance Orch.

WMBD -Elm City Quartet WMT- Jamboree (NBC) WOWO -Ole Tavern Orch. WROK-News WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ -Popular Orch.

10:00 * NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY tPEP

sodent) : WMAQ WIRE KOA CBS -Poetic Melodies, (Wrigley's

Gum) ; Jack Fulton, tor.; Franklyn MacCormack ; Carlton Kelsey's Orch.: WHAS KMOX WCCO WFBM WBBM

NBC- Pianist: John B Kennedy news: WCFL WBOW (sw -953)

CBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.: WSBT WOWO


KWK Range Riders WHO -World Dances WIBA -Melody Hour WIND -Roumanian Nat'l Prgm WISN -Vocal Varieties WMT- Electric Park Band WROK- Norman Jenkins' Orch. WTAM- Margaret Rudd, pianist WTAQ -Tonic Tunes WTMJ -News; Sports

10:15 NBC -Martinez' Bros.: WBOW

(sw -9.53) CBS -Tommy Dorsey's Orch.:


WIRE KMOX- Moments You Never For-

get KOA -Thank You Stusia KWK -Dance Orch. (NBC) WCFL -Herb Buteaú s Orch. WENR -King's Jesters' Orch. WGN -Freddy Martin's Orch WHAS-Here's To You WIBA -Glen Brandy's Orch. WIND -Eric Brux, tnr. WLW -Los Amigos Prgm. WMAQ- Goldeis Dragon 1VROK- Evening Song WTAM- Mickey Katz' Orch. WTAQ -Dance Music WTMJ -Dance Music 'Till 12:30

10:30 NBC -Phil Levant's Orch.: WENR CBS- George Olsen's Orch.: WOC

WISN WMBD NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch..


CBS -Isham Jones' Orch.: WFBM WSBT WHAS

NBC -Show Boat: KOA CBS -Cavalcade of America: KNX

KSL MBS -Kay Kyser's Orch.: WMT


News: WBBM KWK WTAQ WCCO -Rollie Johnson, Reports WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WIRE - Basonology WROK -Lou Blake's Orch . WTAM- Northern Lights

10:45 KMOX- Headline Highlights KWK -Levant's Orch. (NBC) WBBM- George Olsen's Orch. WCCO -Frank Gordon's Orch WENR -Happy Jack Turner. songs WIRE -Frankie Masters' Orch. WJR -Isham Jones' Orch. WLW -Bernie Cummin's Orch. WMAQ -Clem & Harry, songs WTAQ -Home Folks Frolic

11:00 CBS -Roger Pryor's Orch. WOC

WJR WBBM WISN WMBD NBC- Ifenry Busse's Orch.:

WENR (sw -6.14) CBS -Ted Fio- Rito's Orch: WFBM NBC -Jerry Blaine's Orch.: WHO

KSD WIRE WIBA WBOW MBS -Benny Goodman's Orch..

WGN WMT KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orch. KWK -Dance Orch. WCCO -Joe Sanders' Orch. WHAS -News WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -Organ & Poems WMAQ -Bob Crosby's Orch. WSBT -Club Lido WTAM -Shandor; Blue Barron's

Orch. WTAQ-Varieties WTMJ -Dance Music

11:15 CBS -Ted F'io- Rito's Orch.: KMOX KWK-Busse's Orch. (NBC) WHAS -Dance Band WIND -In the Crimelight

11:30 NBC -Don Ferdi s Orch.: KWK NBC -Ben Bernie's Orch.: WHO



CBS -Alexander Woollcott: KNX KSL

MBS -George Hamilton's Orch.: WGN WMT

KOA -Night Club WCCO -Jimmy Greco's Orch. WCFL -Carl Sands' Orch. WENR -Lou Breese's Orch. WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WMAQ -Stan Norris' Orch. WTAQ -Radio Night Club

11:45 CBS- Vincent Lopez Orch.:

WHAS WENR- Charlie Agnew's Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch.

Thursday March I I

ELSIE HITZ Thurs. 3:30 pm CST

Frequencies KMOX-1090 WISN-1120 KOA-830 WJBC-1200 KSD550 WJJD-1130 KWK-1350 WJR-750 WAAF-920 WLBL-900 WBAA-1400 WLS-870 Wi1BM-770 WLW-700 WBOW-1310 WMAQ-670 WCBD-1080 WMBD-1440 WCCO-810 WMBI.1080 WCFL-970 WMT-600 WDZ-1020 WOC-1370 WENR-870 WOWO-1160 WFBM1230 WRJN-1370 PION-720 WROK-1410 WHA-940 WSBT-1360 WHA3-820 WBUI-1200 WHO-1000 WTAD-900 WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 WIND-660 WTAQ-1330 WIRE-1400 WTMJ620

12:00 KMOX -When Day Is Done KOA -News WBBM -News & Weather WENR -Louis Panicti s Orch. WGN -Hugo Marianni s Orch. WIND -The Nite Watch WLW-Sammy Kaye's Orch. WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch.

12:15 KOA -Eddie Fitzpatrick's Orch. WBBM- Austin Mack's Orch.

12:30 KOA -Griff Williams' Orch. WBBM -Earl Hoffman's Orch. WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WLW -Larry Funk's Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters' Orch.

12:45 WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch. WMAQ -Four Dictators' Orch. End of Thursday Prgms.

Friday March 12 Friday


8:00 a.m. CST * NBC- Breakfast Club; Orch.:

WCFL (sw- 15.21) CBS -Metropoltan Parade ; News:

WSBT WFBM (sw- 21.52) NBC -Streamliners; Orch.. KSD

WIRE Gene & Glenn: WOC WHO News: WMBD KWK KMOX -Harry W Flannery Views

the News WBOW- Morning Headlines WCBD -Sports, Music & Time WHA Bandwagon WHAS -News WIND -It Happened This Week WJJD -Gene Walsh, songs WLBL- Market Reports & Agri-

cultural News WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WLW -Betty Crocker WMAQ- Fashion Horoscope , News WMT -Tim Brady's Roundup WOWO- ,Radio Bible Class WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ -Revolving Stage

8:15 CBS -Jack & Loretta Clemens

(Kirkman's Soap) : (sw-21.52) Musical Clock: WHO WOC KMOX -Ozark Varieties KWK -Tonic Tunes WBOW -Sundial Revue

HA Morning Melodies WHAS -Breakfast Business WIND -Cafe Continental WJJD -The Toastmaster WLS -Julian Bentley, news WLW -Hope Alden's Romance

8:30 CBS -Allen Prescott, the Wife

Saver (Sweetheart Soap): KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

F. 6/21

MBS -Jacob Tarshish. speaker: WJJD WLW

News: WTAQ WFBM KWK-Hillbillies WCBD -Polish Prgm WGN -Good Morning Prgm WHAS -Chats with Dolly Dean WIBA- Breakfast Club (NBC) WLS -[]Morning Devotions WMBD-Bandwagon WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WOWO- Richard Trojan WROK -Organ Reveries WSBT- Serenade; News WTAD- Inner -State Churches

8:45 NBC -Adela Rogers St. Johns,

current events; News: WIRE WBOW

CBS -Bachelor's Children, sketch (Old Dutch Cleanser) : KMOX (sw- 21.52)

KSD -Tel -a -Tunes KWK -German Music WCCO -Gene & Glenn WFBM -Apron Strings WHAS -Monticello Party Line WIBA- Society Reporter WIND -Morning Dance WJJD -Know Your Postal Service WLBL -,Morning Devotionals WLS -Morning Minstrels WLW -Kitty Keene WMBD -Party Line WMT -Women in the News; Po-

lice Blotter WOC News WOWO -On the Mall WSBT -,Morning Devotions WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ -Basket of Melody

9:00 NBC -Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage

Patch, sketch (Old English Wax) - WMAQ KSD (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Breen & de Rose: WBOW

* CBS -Betty & Bob, sketch (Gold Medal) WBBM WFBM WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

KWK- Joseph Bier, bar. WAAF -The Answer Man WCBD -Italian Prgm. WCFL- German Prgm WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA- Dental Health WHO Morning Melodies WIBA -News; What's New? WIND -Cub Reporter. sketch WIRE -Happy Long WISN -Party Line WJBC -Your Happy Hour WJ.ID- Bosworth Broadcast WLBL -Mkt. Repts, & Agri. News WLS- Midwest College Speaker WLW- Linda's First Love WMBD -B. & M. Messenger WMT -News WOC- Musical Clock WOWO -Magazine of the Air WROK -News WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Are You a Collector? WTAQ -Women's Hour WTMJ -What's New in Milwau

keg? 9:15

NBC- John's Other Wife, sketch (Louis Philippe): WMAQ KSD (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Modern Cinderella, sketch (Gold Medal): WBBM WFBM

WHAS KMOX WCCO (sw- 21.52)

* NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch: WLS (sw- 15.21)

MBS -Bachelor's Children: WGN WLW

Betty Crocker: WHO WOC KWK- Rhythm Melody Revue WAAF- Novelettes WBOW- Mid -Morning Musicale WHA -World Peace News

WIBA -Vaughn de Leath, songs (NBC)

WIND -Good News Tunes WIRE -Mary Baker WISN -On the Nine- Fifteen WMBD- Shut -in Prgm. WMT- Scotty Views the News WROK -On the Mall WSUI- Yesterday's Favorites WTAD -Lem & Luther, Old Songs

9:30 NBC -Just Plain Bill, sketch

(Anacin) : WMAQ (sw- 15.33) CBS -Betty Crocker, cooking

talk: (Gold Medal) : KMOX WFBM WBBM WCCO WHAS (sw- 21.52)

NBC- Pepper Young's Family. sketch (Camay) : WLS WMT (sw- 15.21)

Betty & Bob: WOC WHO Party Line: KWK WIND WAAF- Miniature Concert WBOW- Market Reports WCBD -Rhythm Men WCFL -World Tour WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WHA Musical Varieties WIBA -Josh Higgins, sketch WIRE Music & Drama WISN -Ann Leslie's Scrapbook WJJD -Happy Harmonies WLW -Hello Peggy WMBD -News WOWO- Morning Dance Hour WROK -Intimate Review WSBT- Fashion Pointers WSUI -Book Shelf WTAD -Human Hiram WTMJ- Variety Prem.

9:45 CBS -Musical Interlude ; John K.

Watkins, news (Gold Medal) :


NBC -Viennese Sextet : WCFL WBOW

* NBC -Today's Children, sketch (Pillsbury): WMAQ WTMJ KSD WHO WIRE (sw- 15.33)

NBC- Edward MacHugh, the Gos- pel Singer (Ivory Soap) WLW

NBC- Kitchen Cavalcade (C. F. Mueller Co.): (sw- 15.21)

KWK -News WCBD -Hit Tunes WGN -Radio Cooking School WIBA- Melodic Interlude WIND -The Bandbox WISN -Concert Contrasts WJBC -Farm Hour WJJD -Dude Martin WLS News; Markets WMBD -Window Shopper WMT -Magic Kitchen WOC -Party Line wnWÛ.American Home WSBT -Morning Melodies WTAD -Party Line


(Ivory Flakes) : WLS (sw- 15.

NBC -Da21) vid Harum, sketch (Bab -0): WIRE WMAQ KSD WHO (sw- 15.33)

* CBS -Heinz Magazine of the Air; "Trouble House," sketch; B. A. Rolf's Orch.; Reed Ken- nedy, bar.; Albert Payson Ter - hune, author, guest : WISN KMOX WCCO WBBM WHAS WOC WFBM (sw- 21.52)

KWK -Rapid Service WAAF -Woman's Hour WBOW -Jane Justice WCBD- Prophetic News WCFL- Mormne Musicale WDZ -Men Behind the Classics WGN -Get Thin to Music WHA-Homemakers WIBA -Learn to Dance WIND -Municipal Court WJJD- Mid -morning Jamboree

WL8L-Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLW -Live Stock : News WMBD -Musical Interlude WMT -Music Makers WOWO- Souvenirs WROK- Markets; Police Court

News WSBT- Readers' Review WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -News WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ -Household Hints

10:15 * NBC -Backstage Wife, sketch

(Dr. Lyons): WMAQ WHO KSD WTMJ (sw- 15.33)

NBC -Personal Column of the Air (Chipso) WLW WLS (sw- 15.21)

EWE -Range Riders WAAF -Swingtime WBOW -Vagabonds (NBC) WCFL- Echoes from Havana WDZ -Sheb Marchino, songs WIBA- Today's Almanac WIRE -For Women Only WJBC- Request Prgm. WMBD- Toastmasters Bakers WMT -Music Memory WOWO -Tri- Topics WROK- Woman's Forum WSBT- Harlan Hogan

10:30 * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch

(Crisco) : WLS KWK WMT (sw- 15.21)

NBC -How to be Charming, sketch (Phillips) : WMAQ KSD WTMJ (sw- 15.33)


MBS -Love Song: WGN WLW WAAF -Estelle Barnes, pianist

(Continued on Next Page)



Friday March 12


(10:30 a.m. Continued)

WBOW -News W CI L -Hat mony Hi -Spots WDZ- Newscast WFBM- Kitchen Clinic WHO -Party Line WIBA -Your Home WIND- Fashion Flashes WIRE -¿Bible Institute WJBC -News; Dollar Daze WJJD -Women's Exchange Prgm. WMBI- QRadio Bible School WOC -Organ Melodies WOWO- Linda's First Love WSBT -Shidler Serenade WTAD -Ma Perkins WTAQ- Masters of Swing

10:45 NBC -Voice of Experience (Was.

ey Products): WTMJ WMAQ KSD WHO WIBA WLW (sw- 15.33) * CBS -Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe (Lysol): WBBM WOWO WHAS WCCO KMOX (sw- 21.52) * NBC- Edward MacHugh, Gospel Singer (Ivory Soap): WLS WMT KWK (sw- 15.21)

Party Line: WIRE- WJJD WAAF- Foolish Questions WBOW -Pat & Leo WCFL -Voice of Cookery WDZ -Xavier Cugat's Orch. WGN -Don Pedro & Pianó WHA -Peace Preparedness WIND -News; Markets WISN -Hawaiian Harmonies WJBC -Payne Pioneers WMBD -Linda's First Love WROK- Bulletin Board WSBT -In Movieland WSUI- Program Calendar WTAD- Varieties WTAQ -Home Economics

11:00 * NBC -Girl Alone, sketch (Kel- logg): WMAQ WLW(sw- 15.33)

CBS -The Gumps, sketch (Pebe- co) : KMOX WBBM WFBM WCCO (sw- 17.76)

NBC- Honeyboy .5 Sassafras: WIRE WCFL WMT

KSD -News; Variety Prgm. KWK- Sunshine Special WAAF- Melody Parade WBAA- Principles of Sociology,

T. K. Noss WBOW -Farm Prgm. WDZ- Hawaiian Paradise WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA -Talking Book WHAS -Harry Richman WHO -Kitty Keene WIBA-Linda's First Loves WIND-News from Life WISN -News; Movie Chat WJBC- Homemaker's Pay Day WJJD -Bureau of Missing Persons WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -Homemakers' Prgm WMBD- Thrift Message; Police

Bulletins WMBI -Gospel Music WOC- Morning Parade WOW° Pane Line WROK- Musicale WSBT- Shoppers' Guide WSUI- Within the Classroom WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ -Betty Crocker

11:15 * NBC -Story of Mary Marlin; Joan Blaine (Kleenex): WHO WMAQ WIRE KSD (sw- 15.33) * CBS -Ted Malone (Hinds'): KMOX WCCO (sw- 17.76)

NBC -Stout Hearted Men, quartet: KWK WCFL

MBS -Tom. Dick & Harry: WGN WLW

WAAF -Bob Sherman WBBM - Quarter -Hour of Romance


WDZ -News of Your Neighbor WFBM Hope Alden's Romance WHAS-Linda's First Love WIBA- QLutheran Devotions WIND Rhythm for Two WISN -Organ Melodies WJBC Dough Boy WJJD- Criminal Court Interviews WMRD- Bargain Counter WMT -Lou Webb, organist WO( l ront Page Drama WOWO- Melody Book WROK -Morning Musicale WTAD Dance Music WTAQ -Hollywood on Parade WTM.1 Betty & Bob

1] :30 NBC Gene Arnold & Cadets:

WCFL CBS Romance of Helen Trent

(Edna Wallace Hopper); Vir- ginia Clark: WFBM WBBM WHAS KMOX (sw- 17.76) * NBC -Nat'l Farm & Home Hour; Conservation Day Pro- gram.; Guest Speakers; Uncle Sam's Forest Rangers, sketch: WMAQ WLW WHO WIBA KWK (sw- 15.21)

KSD -Refreshment Club WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WBOW- Market Reports NH CO Kitty Keene WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WGN -Bob Elson on State Street WHA -Organ Gems WIND -H. Zimmerman, organist WIRE- Linda's First Love WISN -Even As You & I WJBC -News & Interviews WJ.IDSafety Court WMBD- Musical Magic Revue WMBI-Continued Story Reading WMT- German Band WOC- Inquiring Mike WOWO -Home Folk Frolic WRDK- Helene Kimberley, songs WSBT- Rhythmic Age WTAD -Police News WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

11:45 CBS -Rich Man's Darling, sketch

(Affiliated Products) WBBM WHAS WFBM KMOX (sw- 17.76)

WAAF -Dance Revue WBAA -News WBOW- County Agr. Agent WCCO -Ma Perkins, sketch

WCFL -Fashions on Parade WDZ- Crossroads Trading Post WGN -We Are Four WIND -"Eb & Zeb." sketch WIRE Farm Hour WISN -Notes & Footnotes WJBC -Reid & Vin WLS- Markets & News WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby WMT -News WOC- Chimes & Farm Bureau 1VOWO -Farm Service WRDK- 'Round the Town WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI -Farm Flashes WTAD- Popular Hits WTAQ -Mail Man WTMJ -News; Heinié s Grenadiers


CBS -Five Star Revue (Karo & Linit) Morton Bowe, tnr.; Mori Bell, songs; Ray Sinatra's Orch.; Bill Johnstone, Holly- wood Reporter. WBBM WCCO WHAS WOWO KMOX (sw- 1527)

NBC -Dick Fidler's Orch.: WCFL (sw- 15.33)

News: WMBD WJJD KSD WOC WAAF -Symphonic Hour WBAA -Agricultural Forum WBOW -Man on the Street WDZ -Man on the Street WFBM -'Way Down East WGN -Music from Texas WHA -Noon Musicale WIND -Peacock Court WISN -Heat Wave WJBC-Merrymakers WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -Dinnerbell Prgm. WMBI- QMidday Gospel Hour WMT-Hillbillies WSBT -News; Farm Flashes WSUI- Rhythm Rambles WTAQ -Farm Hands

12:15 NBC -Dan Harding's Wife, sketch:

(sw- 15.33) CBS -Senate Judiciary Committee

Hearing: (sw- 15.27) KMOX -Magic Kitchen WBAA -Bud Bryant's Orch. WBBM -Milton Charles, organist WBOW-Wranglers WCCO -One Girl in a Million WCFL- Noonday Concert WFBM -Farm Bureau Prgm.

Wily Wife vs. Secretary WHAS -College of Agriculture WINO Milt Herth. organist WJBC- Torrid Tunes WJJD -QNoon -day Service WMBD -Town Crier; Farm Mkts. WMT- Question Man; Voice of

Iowa WOC -Civic Hour WOWO- Today's News WROK- Column Left, news KTAD -Sports Summary

12:30 NBC -Words & Music: (sw- 15.33) CBS- George Rector, food talks

(Phillips Soups): (sw- 15.27) NBC -Love & Learn, sketch:

WCFL Variety Prgm.: WHO KWK WBAA- Athletic Review, Homer

Allen WBBM- Truman Bradley WBOW- Flashes of News WCCO -Hope Alden's Romance WDZ -Lazy Jim Sings the News WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN -Mkts. ¿Mid -day Service WHA Farrar Prgm WHAS- Savings Talk ; Markets WIBA -News WIND -One Night Band Stand WIRE- Reporter WLW- Cl'.rles Dameron Presents WMAQ -Dan Harding's Wife,

sketch WMRD -Farm News WMT- Markets; Hillbillies WOWO -Man on the Street WROK -Man on the Street WSBT- Luncheon Dance; It Could

Happen to You WTAD -Farm & Neighborhood

Prgm. WTMJ- Rhythm Rascals

12:45 CBS -Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories (Spry): WBBM WCCO KMOX WISN WFBM WMBD WHAS (sw- 15.27)

Livestock Markets: WLS WIBA News: WHO WIND WDZ KSD -Follow the Moon, sketch WBAA- Woman's Club Recital WBOW- Musical Revue WCFL -For Women Only WIRE -Words & Music (NBC) WLW -Tommy & Betty WMAQ- King's Jesters WMT -Joe Doakes, Aunt Fanny WOWO -Earl Gardner's Orch.. WROK -Home Folks Hour WSBT-Man-on-the-Street WTAQ- Weather Master W1 MJ- Sidewalk Reporter

1:00 * CBS -BIG SISTER, SKETCH (Rinso): WFBM * NBC -Music Appreciation Hour: WMAQ WCFL WIRE WLW KSD (sw- 15.21 -15.33)

CBS -News Through a Woman's Eyes (Pontiac): WCCO KMOX WHAS WBBM WISN (sw- 15.27)

MBS -Concert Orch.: WGN KWK WAAF- Hoosier Philosopher WBAA -Retail Division of Cham-

ber of Commerce, Mary Wagner WBOW -QRev. Archie Brown WCBD -J C. O'Hair WDZ -Chick Martin WHA -State Capitol Prgm. WHO -Opon House WIBA -Melody Moments WIND -Federal Housing Prgm. WJJD- Mid -day Roundup WLS -Red Foley, Lily May, Girls

of the Golden West WMBD -Man on the Street WMT -Iowa Corhhuskers; Many

Happy Returns WOC -Bill Edmonds Songs WOWO -Sari & Elmer

WSBT -News; Harlan Hogan WSUI - Musical Chats WTAD -News WTAQ -Man on the Street WTMJ -News; Dance Orch.

1:15 * CBS- American School of the Air (Two 15 Minute Periods) Current Events, Shepard Stone; Vocational Guidance; "Making a Job for Yourself ": WISN WSBT WOWO WBBM WOC WFBM WCCO KMOX (sw- 15.27)

MBS- Lawrence Salerno, bar.: WGN KWK

WAAF -Interlude WBAA -You & Your Health WDZ -Markets Close WHAS -Univ. of Kentucky WHO -Hits & Encores WIBA -Music Appreciation Hour

(NBC) WIND -Lake County Tuberculosis

Inst. Talk WLS -Melody Parade WMBD- Modern Music WMT -Musical Almanac WROK-Dreamers

WTAD- Concert Hall of the Air WTAQ -Tunes of the Day WTAQ- Rhythm & Romance

1:30 'News: WTAQ KWK WAAF -Man on the Street WBAA -Great Inventions WBOW- Market Reports WCBD Zion Studio Musicale WDZ -Melodeers WGN -Painted Dreams, sketch WHA -World Affairs WHO -Marke: Report WIND -Italian Hour WJJD -P. -T. A. Prgm. WLS- Closing Grain Markets WMBD -Ask Me Another WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man WTAD -Book Review

1:45 * CBS -MYRT & MARGE. sketch (Super Suds); Billy Ai tzt's Orch.: WBBM WFBM WISN WCCO KMOX WHAS - 15.27)

,lud r- Jane. WHO WOC KWK -Coyita Bunch & Soloists WAAF -Rus Perkins, bar. WBAA- Markets & Weather WBOW -¿Christian Science WDZ -Sergt. Joe Ryan WGN Marriage License Bureau WJD -The Serenader WLS -Ralph Emerson, organist WMBD- Trading Post WMT- Variety Prgm. WOWO- Question Box WROK -Wiki Bird & Singing Cy WROK- Rippling Melodies WSBT- Rhythmic Serenade WTAD- Miniature Musical Magic

Review WTAQ -House of Peter McGregor WTMJ -Home Harmonizers

2:00 NBC -Pepper Young's Fancily,

sketch (Camay): WMAQ KSD WHO WLW WTMJ (sw- 15.33) * CBS -Cincinnati Symphony Or- chestra; Eugene Goosens, dir.; Bronislaw Huberman, violinist: WOWO WMBD WFBM WSBT WOC (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Bill Krenz' Orch.: WBOW MBS -Molly of the Movies, sketch

WGN KWK KMOX- Inquiring Reporter WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WBAA -Musical Album WBBM- Barnyard Follies WCBO- Polish Prgm. W -CCO- Markets & Police Reports WCFL-Souvenirs WDZ- Birthday Party WHA -School of the Air; Rhythm

& Games WHAS -Jack Amlung's Orch. WIBA -Success Story WIND-Continental Orch. WIRE -House of McGregor WISN -Mary Ann Presents WJJD Ben Kanter, pianist WLS- Homemakers' Prgm WMT -Izzy on the Air; Margaret

Johnson, pianist _WRDK- Matinee Musicale WSUI- Poetic Interlude WTAD -Women's Variety WTAQ -Fine Arts Trio

2:15 * NBC -Oxydol's Own Ma Per- kins, sketch; Willard Farnum: WMAQ WLW KSD WTMJ WHO (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Cincinnati Symph. Orch.: WISN WHAS

NBC -Tune Twisters: WCFL KWK KMOX-Linda's First Love WBAA -Commercial Law, L. G.

Minier WBOW- Market Reports WCCO -News; Stock Reports WDZ -Man on the Train WGN -June Baker, home talk WIBA -W.C.T.U. Prgm. WIND -News WIRE -Plow Boys

WJJD -Art of Living WMT -Jimmie Smith's Orch. WSUI -Within the Classroom

2:30 * NBC -Vic & Sade, sketch (Crisco): WMAQ WLW WHO WTMJ KSD (sw- 15.33) * NBC -Int'I Br'cast from War- saw, Poland; Third Int'I Cho- pin Competition: KWK WBOW WCFL (sw- 15.21)

MBS -Sammy Kaye's Orch.: WMT WGN

KMOX- Barnyard Follies WCBD- QLutheran Prgm. WCCO -Fed. of Women's Clubs WDZ- Decatur on the Air WHA -Organ Melodies WIBA- Sacred Melodies WIND- Torrid Tunes WIRE- Matinee Varieties WJJD -Two of a Kind WLS Homemakers WROK- Record Breakers WTAD- Island Serenaders

WTAQ -News; QRev. B. R. Reuss


WCCO -Art Institute of the Air WDZ -WPA Musicale WHA- School of the Air; Explor-

ing Our Needs WIBA -Travel Talk WIND -Music & Banter WJJD -Karl & Harty, songs WTAD -Frances Mourning

3:00 * NBC -TEA TIME AT MOR- rells; Gale Page, contr.; Chas. Sears, tnr. ; Don McNeill, m.c.. Joseph Gallicchio's Orch WMAQ WIRE WHO (sw -9.53)

NBC -Radio Guild, drama: KWK WENR

KMOX -Ma Perkins, sketch WAAF -News; Weather

uripl Meet the Mi«os WBOW- Afternoon Siesta * WCCO- LADIES FIRST WCFL -Organ Melodies WDZ -¿Church of God WGN Way Down East WHA - Workers' Changing World WBAA -We Have Music WIBA -To be announced WIND -Stars Over Manhattan WJBC - ¿Sunday School i-es.on WJJD -Jose Manzaneras WLW -Harry Richman; Freddie

Ro h's Orch WMBI -¿Radio Bible School WMT- Afternoon Music WSUI- Forensic Forum WTAQ- Afternoon Classics WTMJ -Tunesmiths

3:15 MBS -Life of Mary Sothern: WGN

WLW KMOX -Kitty Keene, Inc. WAAF- Health Talk WBAA -Afternoon Melodies

`v1 liartin Gossip Clan WBOW- ¿Devotional Service WCFL -Sons of Amer. Revolution WJJD -News WMT -Odd Facts; Tonic Tunes WTAD- Lawrence Glossmeyer WTMJ -Mental Hygiene


drama (Woodbury's) with Elsie Hitz & Nick Dawson: WMAQ WIRE (sw -9.53)

CBS -Among Our Souvenirs: WOC WHAS' WSBT WMBD WFBM (sw- 15.27)

News: WJBC WIND Voice of Wisconsin: WHA WIBA KMOX- Houseboat Hannah WAAF -International Potpourri WBAA- Lafayette Little Theater

Drama WBBM -Art Kahn ,pianist WBOW- Cocktail Hour WCCO-Musicale WCFL -Hamiltonians WDZ -Lets Visit School WGN -Good Health & Training WHO -Way Down East WIND -News; Continental Orch. WISN -News; Prgm. Preview WJJD -Flannery Sisters WLW Betty & Bob, sketch WMBI- Gospel Music WMT -Ed Fitzgerald Co. WOWO -¿Old Time Religion

WROK -Blackhawk Ranch WTMJ -Down a Country Road

3:45 NBC -The Guiding Light, sketch

(White Naptha): WMAQ KSD WLW WHO WTMJ (sw -9.53)

CBS -Salvation Army Band: WFBM WOC WMBD WISN WSBT WCCO (sw- 15.27)

KMOX- Personal Column WBBM- Linda's First Love WBOW- Lyrical Quarter Hour WCFL- Herman Nagel, Food

Chemist WGN- Arthur Wright & Organ WHAS -Hope Alden's Romance WIND -Thru the Hollywood Lens WIRE -Harry Bason WJJD -Club Cabana WMBI -The Jew WTAD -Yellow Fang WTAQ -At the Crossroads

4:00 NBC -Adventures of Dari Dan

(Dari Rich): WIRE (sw -9.53) CBS -Sunbrite Jr Nurse Corp,

(sw- 15.27) NBC -Three Rancheros, vocal

trio: WENR WMT CBS -Al Trace's Orch.: WMBD

'VISN WCCO NBC -Marlowe & Lyon, pianists:


KMOX- Josephine Halpin. com mentator

KWK -Public Interest Period WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist WBAA- Musical Favorites

WBBM -Kitty Keene WCFL -Eddy Hanso WDZ -Home Folks Hysrlialla WFBM -Tea Time Tunes WGN- Concert Orch. WHA -Music of the Masters WHAS-¿Weekday-Devotions WHO -Drake Roundtable WIBA -Betty Gray, organist WIND -Tango Music W.IBC- Wesleyan Hour WJJD- Supper -Time Frolic WLW -Toy Band WMAQ -Tea Time Varieties WMBI- QJewish Sabbath Service WOC -News WOWO- Concert Hall WROK- Markets; Piano Moods WSBT- Scholastic of the Air WSUI -Baconian Lecture WTAD -Go 'Round WTAQ- Studio Frolic WTMJ -Rhythm & Rhyme

4:15 * NBC -Kellogg's Singing Lady,

Ireene Wicker Presents Chil- dren's Operetta: WMT WTMJ WGN WIBA (sw- 15.21)

NBC -Helen Jane Behlke, songs: WMAQ

NBC-Tom Mix & His Ralston Straight Shooters (sw-9 531

CBS- Dorothy Gordon's Children's Corner: WISN WOC WCCO WHAS WSBT WOWO (sw- 15.27)

KMOX -Hope Alden's Romance KSD -Bruce Gordon, bar. WAAF -Front Page Drama WBAA -Magic Carpet WBBM -Signor Carmello WBOW- Purdue Univ. Prgm. WCFL- Italian Prgm. * WDZ- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE WENR -Music Circle WHO- Houseboat Hannah WIND- Sketches in Melody WIRE -Fed. Music Project WLW-Jack Armstrong, sketch WMBD -Jack Lyons' Tune Time WROK -Star Dust WTAD -Music Review

4:30 NBC -Jack Armstrong sketch

(Wheaties): (sw -9.53) CBS -Doris Kerr. songs: WISN

WOC (sw- 15.27) NBC -Frank Watanabe and the


CBS -News Through a Woman's Eyes (Pontiac): WFBM

KMOX -Joe Karnes, pianist KWK -Three Pals WAAF- Gaieties WBBM -Man on the Street WCCO- Schedule; Livestock WDZ -Dance Hour WENR -Four Dictators' Orch.

(NBC) WHAS -Out of the Dusk WHO -Hello Peggy WIND -News; Organ Music * WJBC- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE WLW-Story Time WMBD -News; Pet Cerner W'OWO -Ace Williams WROK -Tea on the Terrace WSBT- Questions and Answers WSUI- Second -Year French WTAQ- Children's Prgm.

4:45 NBC- Adventures of Dari Dan

(Dari- Rich): KSD WMAQ WHO

CBS - Wilderness Road, sketch: WFBM WISN WCCO WOWO WSBT KMOX WOC (sw -15.27)

NBC Little Orphan Annie sketch (Ovaltine): WLW (sw -9.53)

WBBM -My Diary WCFL- Meditation WDZ -Dick & Cookie WGN- Margery Graham, book a

week WHO -Sweet Shop Revue WIBA -The Lone Cowboy W'IN'D Continental etch. WMBD -Happy Train WROK -In Old Mexico WTMJ -Home Service NBC Old Homestead. drama:


WAAF- Harmony Hall WBAA- Melody Mood WTAD -Movie Chatter

NIGHT 5:00

NBC -Harry Kogen's Orch.: KWK WMT WENR

CBS -Sunbrite Jr. Nurse Corps: KMOX 'WCCO WBBM WHAS

NBC- Education in the News: (sw -9.53)

CBS -Ray Heatherton, bar.: WOWO (sw- 21.52)


MBS-Johnison Family: WGN WLW


STORIES WBOW -Sundown Express WCFL -Tea Time WFBM- Bohemians WHO -Tonic Tunes WIBA -Saving Lives WIND -Ridge Runners WIRE -Cub Reporters WISN -Show Window WJJDPolish Prgm.

WJR -News WMAQ -Big Bill Baker, sketch WMBD -Buck Jones WMT -Cozy Corners WOC -The Hawk's Trail WROK -Musicale WBT -The Hawks Trail WTAD -Nipp & Tuck Club WTAQ -Bureau of Public Service WTMJ -Jack Armstrong, sketch

5:15 NBC -Barry McKinley, bar.:

(sw -9.53) NBC -Tom Mix & His Ralston

Straight Shooters: WMAQ KSD

CBS -News of Youth (Ward Bread): WBBM KMOX (me 21.52)

KWK -Peggy Duncan, songs 1VCCO -Front Page Parade WCFL -Mundelein Players WFBM -Butler Univ. Prgm. WGN -Buddy & ginger WHAS -Hank Keené s Gang WHO- Junior Nurse Corps WIBA- Variety Prgm. WIRE- Jimmie Allen. sketch WJR- Envoys of Melody WLW- Harmonica Lads WMBD -Where to Go; The Ange-

lus; Wagon Jubilee WOC -Eton Boys (CBS) WOWO- Sports WROK -WPA Orch. WSBT -Dan Dunn WTAI) -Dance Parade WTAQ -Guy Watts, pianist WTMJ -News

5:30 NBC -News; Robert Gately, bar.:

KWK CBS -News; George Hall's Orch.:

WSBT WHAS WOWO (sw- 21.52)

NBC -News; Carol Deis, songs: WIRE

Jack Armstrong, sketch: KMOX WMAQ WHO WCCO WOC


KSD -Terry & Ted, sketch WAAF -Sport Shorts WBBM -John Harrington, news WFBM-Bohemians WGN -Harold Turner. pianist WIBA -News; Real Life Story WISN- Sports Parade WLW -Bob Newhall, sports WMBD -The Hawk's Trail WMT -Frank Voelker, organist WROK -Sport Review WTAQ -Hawks Trail WTMJ -Heinie' s Grenadiers

5:45 * NBC-Lowell Thomas, news

(Sun Oil): WLW (sw- 15.21) CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly (Wonder


NBC -Little Orphan Annie, sketch (Ovaltine): WGN KSD

Sports Review: WMBD WIRE WIBA

KWK- Escort & Betty (NBC) WAAF -Tower Tunes WBOW -Tune Hits WCFL -Strolling Songsters WDZ -Movie Billboard WENR -Flying Time, sketch

(NBC) WHAS -Organ Magic WHO- Sunset Corners Opry WIND- German Hour WMAQ -Dick Steele, boy reporter WMT- Orphan Annie, sketch WROK -Don & Sleepy, songs WSBT- Crimecasts WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ -Choirs of the World

6:00 * NBS -AMOS 'N' ANDY

f Pepsodent) : WHO WLW KSD (sw -9.53)

CBS Mortimer Gooch. sketch (Wrgley's Gum): WJR (sw- 11.83)

CBS- Howard Neumiller, pianist: WCCO

NBC -Uncle Sam at Work, dra- ma: KWK WENR WIRE

Sports Review: WFBM WOC KMOX- Headline Highlights WBBM -Davey Adams WBOW -Howie Decorators WCFL-Grace Wilson, contralto WGN -Chuck Wagon Time WHAS -News

E 8/21

WIBA -Dinner Concert WISN- Twenty Fingers of Melody WJJD- Supper Time Frolic WMAQ -Donald McGibeny, cóm-

mentator WMBD -Honor the Law WMT -Mile A Minute Revue WROK -News; Dinner Music WSBT- Gatley's Gaieties WSUI -Dinner Hour Prgm. WTAQ -String Ensemble WTMJ -Gypsy Four


Station (Alka Seltzer) ; Pat Barrett: WMAQ WIRE WHO WTMJ WIBA (sw -9.53)


NBC -Stainless Show ; Ford Bond, narrator; Mario Cozzi, bar.; Josef Stopak's Orch.: WENR KWK WMT (sw- 11.87)

CBS -Ma & Pa, sketch (Atlantic Refining) : (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Edwin C. Hill, news: WBOW KSD- Rhythm Makers WBOW -Si and Ezra WCFL -Voice of Carelessness WJR -Vocal Varieties WLW- Bernie Cummins' Orch. WSBT -Sports Review


ner, sketch; Norris (Abner) Goff: WLW WENR

CBS -Buddy Clark, songs: WISN WBBM WCCO WFBM WOC WHAS (sw- 11.83)

Diamond City News: WTMJ KSD News: WHO WIBA WMBD WMT KMOX -Show World Broadcast KWK- Sports Review; News WCFL -Songs in the Spotlight WIRE -Terry & Ted WJR -The Allen Family WMAQ -Norman Ross, news; Voice

of Carelessness WROK- Homespun Hour WSBT -Eddie Burette WTAQ -News

6:45 NBC -The House That Jacks

Built; Organ Music & Guests (Duff- Norton Mfg. Co.): WMAQ (sw- 15.21)

NBC-Singin' Sam, The Barbasol Man: WLW

* CBS -Boake Carter (Philco), commentator: WBBM KMOX WHAS WJR WCCO (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Cabelleros; Soloist & Pian- ist: (sw -9.53)

NBC -Jean Dickinson, sop.: KWK Diamond City News: WIRE WMT News: WFBM WOC WIND KSD- Drama; Stories from Life WBOW- Sports Reporter WCFL -Guest Hour WENR -Hal Totten on Sports WGN -Bob Elson, sports WHO -Tony Cabooch WIND -Roller Skating Derby WISN -Health Talk WN(BU- 'salve Hints WROK -Home Folks Frolic WSBT- Rhythm in Red WTAQ -Organ Music WTMJ -Dance Orch.


Grape Juice); drama: WIRE WMT WLS KWK (sw- 11.87)

CBS -Broadway Varieties (Bi -So- Dol) ; Oscar Shaw, bar. & m.c.; Carmella Ponselle, sop.; Eliza- beth Lennox, contr.; Victor Arden's Orch.: WBBM KMOX WCCO WFBM WHAS WJR (sw- 11.83)


cert; Lucille Manners, sop.; Rosario Bourdon's Orch.; Rev- elers Quartet : WMAQ WTMJ KSD WHO WIBA WTAM (sw -9.53)

* MBS- Coffee Club; Richard Himber's Orch.; Gogo de Lys & Stuart. Allen, vocalists: WGN

WBOW -News WCBD -Don Norman, news WIND -Lithuanian Prgm. WISN -Down by Herman's WJBC -People's Choice WLW -Pogue's Scrap Book WMBD -Bob Black's Orch. WOC- German Band WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSBT -Jack Collins WSUI -Music Hour WTAQ -Jane Young

7:15 NBC -Singin' Sam, the Barbasol

Man: WLS KWK WMT (sw- 11.87)

WBOW- Variety Prgm. WCFL -Stars of Tomorrow WIRE-(:ilhert Marche o

WJBC -Twilight Reveries WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMBD -Local News

WROK -Musicale WSBT -Dude Ranch Nights WTAQ -Anniversary Club


Hal Kemp's Orch.; Kay Thompson ; The Rhythm Sing- ers: WBBM WOC WOWO WFBM WHAS KMOX w(-CO WISN WJR WMBD (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Death Valley Days, drama (Borax): WLS WLW WMT KWK (sw- 11.87)

WBOW- Diamond City News WI. FL -Tunes on Tap WGN -Lone Ranger, drama WIND -News Behind the News WIRE -Jack (Baron) Pearl WROK- Livingston Trio, songs WSBT -Antes Sisters WSUI -Negro in Literature WTAQ- Hayracketeers

7:45 WBOW- Rainbow Trio W l7l- 'Palk of the Town WIND- Colonial Room Ensemble WROK- Howard Russell, tnr. WSBT- Invitation to the Waltz;

News WSIJI -Album of Artists

8:00 * CBS -Hollywood Hotel (Camp-

bell's Soup) ; Fred MacMurray, m.c.; Anne Jamison, sop.; Igor Gorin, bar.; Frances Langford, contralto; Raymond Paige's Orch.; Hugh Herbert, Doris Nolan & Geo. Murphy, guests in "Top of the Town," drama: WHAS WMBD WBBM WJR WCCO KMOX WOWO WFBM (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Abe Lyman's Waltz Time (Phillips); Frank Munn, tnr.; Mary Eastman, sop.: WMAQ KSD WTAM WIRE WHO (sw- 9.53)

* NBC -Universal R h y t h m (Ford); Rex Chandler's Orch.; Walter Gross & Milton Kraus, pianists; Caroleers Mixed Cho- rus; Countess Olga Albani, sop.: KWK WIBA WTMJ WMT WLW WLS (sw- 11.83)

WBOW- Concert Orch. WCFL -Herr Louie & the Weasel WGN -Bob Becker, dog chats WIND- Racing Results WISN -Bert Hirsch WOC -Gems of Melody WROK- Voices of the Farm WSBT -Stars Over Manhattan WSUI- Parade of Events WTAQ -Safety Council

8:15 WCFL -Judy Talbot WGN -Diamond City News WISN -Bert Hirsch WROK -Lee Harrison, songs WTAQ -Vocalist


al Biscuit); Victor Moore & Helen Broderick;' Orch., dir. Lew Kosloff: WENR KWK WIBA WTMJ WM-T WLW (sw- 11.87)

* NBC -True Story Court of Hu- man Relations, drama: WMAQ WHO KSD WTAM (sw -9.53)

WCFL -Sport Parade WGN -Red Norvo's Orch WIND -Dixie Land Band WIRE -Band Dance WISN -Songs You Remember WOC- Vivian Benshoff, songs WROK -Basketball WBT -Carnival WSUI- Evening Musicale WTAQ -News

8:45 WCFL- Pearla Barti WGN -News: Quin Ryan. sports WIND- Speaking of Love WISN- American Weekly WOC -Tonic Tunes WSUI- Literary Favorites WTAQ- Today's Almanac

9:00 * NBC- Campana's First Nighter,


* CBS -Philadelphia Orch; dir., Eugene Ormandy (Banking Service): WISN WBBM WHAS WOWO- WMBD WFBM WCCO WJR WSBT KMOX (sw -6.12)

NBC -25th Birthday Celebration of Girl Scouts of America: .WENR WMT

MBS- Coffee Club Club; Richard Himber's Orch.; Gogo de Lys & Stuart Allen, vocalists: KWK

W BOW-New s

WCFL -White Goods Workers Pro- gram

WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch. WIND -Milt Herth, organist

WOC- Rhythm & Romance WSUI -Mecca all WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:15 WCFL -Labor Flashes WIND -Walkathon WMBD- Buffalo Trailers WOC- Friday Presents WTAQ -Club 41

9:30 NBC -Pontiac Varsity Show;

John Held, Jr., m.c.; Students from Iowa Univ., guests: KOA WMAQ WTAM WIRE WTMJ WLW KSD WIBA (sw -9.53)

CBS -To be announced: WSBT WISN WCCO WHAS WBBM KMOX WFBM WOC (sw -6.12)

NBC -Vivian della Chiesa sop.: WENR WBOW (sw -6.14)

KWK -News; Sport Spotlight WCFL -Barratt O'Hara WGN- Behind the Camera Lines WHO -String Quartet WIND- Evening at the Country

Club WJR- Favorite Melodies WMBD- Business Equipment Show WMT-Bandwagon WOWO -Thank You, Stusia WROK -Moviedom Off the Record WTAQ -Hawaiian Strings

9:45 CBS -Vocals by Verrill: WFBM


NBC -Elza Shallert Interviews Walt Disney, Donald Duck &

Clarabell Cow: WMT WBOW (sw -6.14)

Diamond City News: WOWO WHAS

KMOX -Thank You Stusia KWK -Norman Paule, songs WBBM- Sports Huddle WCFL- Insurance Talk WENR -Bob Crosby's Orch. WHO -Carveth Wells, travelogue WIND -News & Sports WROK -News WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ- Variety Show

10:00 *NBC -AMOS 'N' ANDY


NBt -John Winters, organist. George R. Holmes: (sw -9.53)

CBS -Abe Lyman's Orch.: WSBT WOWO

NBC -Chicago Symphonic Hour: WBOW

CBS- Mortimer Gooch, sketch (Wrigley's Gum): WCCO


News: WMBD WOC WLW KWK -Range Riders WCFL- Amateur Hour WENR -Globe Trotter WGN- George Hamilton's Orch. WHO -Dance Rhythms WIBA -Melody Hour WIND- Swedish Prgm. WISN -To be announced WJR -News WMT -Dream Songs WROK -Norman Jenkins' Orch. WTAM -Friday Night Variety WTAQ -Tonic Tunes WTMJ -News; Sports

10:15 NBC -Chicago Symphonic Hour:

WENR (sw -9.53) CBS -Abe Lyman's Orch.: WOC

WHAS WISN WMBD WJR CBS -Pretty Kitty Kelly: KNX NBC -Uncle Ezra's Radio Station:


WIRE KMOX- France Laux. sports KWK -Paul Ash's Orch. (NBC) WBBM -Roger Pryor's Orch. WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WIBA -Glen Brandy's Orch. WLW -String Quartet WMAQ -Money Talks WROK -Evening Song WTAQ -Club 41 WTMJ -Dance Music 'Till 12:30


10:30 CBS- George Olsen's Orch.: WOC

WMBD WISN NBC -Paul Ash's Orch.: WCFL

WBOW WIRE WHO (sw- 9.53)

NBC -Chicago Symphonic Hour: WIBA

CBS -Jay Freeman's Orch.: WHAS WJR WSBT WFBM

NBC -Court of Human Relations: KPO KOA

CBS -Hal Kemp's Orch.: KNX KSL

News: WBBM KWK WTAQ KMOX -Headline 'Highlights WCCO- Rollie Johnson; Reports WGN- Freddy Martin's Orch. WIND Bob Tinsley's Orch. WLW- Salute to Johnstown, Pa. WMAQ Frankie Masters' Orch. WMT -Dance Orch. WOWO- Slumber Hour WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAM- Mickey Katz' Orch.

10:45 NBC -Chicago Symphonic Hour:

KWK WMT K1410X -Al Cameron & Joe Karnes WBBM -Geo. Olsen's Orch. (CBS) WCCO -Cecil Hurst's Orch. WENR -Happy Jack Turner, songs WIBA -Hal Klatz' Orch. WIND News WMAQ -Clem & Harry, songs WOWO -Jay Freeman's Orch.

(CBS) WTAQ -Home Folks Frolic

11:00 NBC -Bob Crosby's Orch.: WMAQ

(sw -6.14) NBC -Emery Deutsch's Orch.:



MBS -Dance Orch.: WMT WGN KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orch. KWK -Irving Rose's Orch. WCCO -Joe Sanders' Orch. WENR -Henry Busse's Orcn. WFBM -Dance Orch. WHAS -News WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW -Organ & Poems WSBT -Club Lido WTAM -Shandor, violinist; Blue

Barron's Orch.

Friday March 12


WTAQ -Varieties WTMJ -Dance Music

11:15 KMOX -Lombardo's Orch. (CBS) KWK- Crosby's Orch. (NBC) WFBM -Louie Lowe's Orch. WHAS -Dance Band WIND -House of Peter McGregor

11:30 CBS -Art Shaw's Orch.: KMOX



NBC -George Breecé s Orch.: KWK WMAQ

MBS- Clyde Lucas' Orch.: WGN WMT

KOA -Night Club WCCO -Jimmy Greco's Orch. WCFL -Carl Sands' Orch. WENR -Lou Breese's Orch. WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WJR- Meditations WLW -Don Bestor's Orch. WMBI- Midnight Hour WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch. WTAQ -Radio Night Club

11:45 WENR -Charlie Agnew's Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLW- Bernie Cummins' Orch.

12:00 MBS -Hugo Mariani's Orch.:

WGN WLW KMOX-When Day is Done KOA -News WBBM -News; Weather WENR -Louis Panico's Orch. WIND -The Nite Watch WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch.

12:15 KOA -AI Kavelin's Orch. WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch.

12:30 WBBM -Earl Hoffman's Orch. WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. WGN -Red Norvo's Orch. WLW -Larry Funk's Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters

12:45 WMAQ -Four Dictators' Orch.

1:00 WBBM -Roy Eldridge's Orch. WGN- George Hamilton's Orch.

End of Friday Programs



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We paid M. M. $267 in 3 weeks for exceptional "cellar crop" patented mushrooms! Big free picture book tells if your cellar, shed, barn suitable. We buy all crops thrn ten branches. Write today. (Estab. 1908).

UNITED MUSHROOM CO. 3848 Lincoln Ave., Dept.43, Chicota

Saturday March 13 Saturday

TITO GUIZAR Sat. 5:45 pm CST


6:00 a.m. CST Home Folk's Hour: KMOX

WBBM KWK- L.arly Bird WAAF -Top o' the Morning WHAS -Hank Keene's Gang WHO -\Morning Devotions WIND -Farm Bulletin & Commn-

nity Service WIRE -Bar Nothing Ranch WLW- ,Nation's Family Prayer WJJD -Farm Service; News WLS-Farm Bulletin Board WMT -Tall Corn Time WMBD -Good Morning Prgm.;

News & Farm Markets WOC- Morning Bulletin Board WTAD -On the Mall

6:15 Barnyard Follies: KMOX WBBM WBOW -Morning Melodies WCCO -Tinne Signals; News WHO -Sing, Neighbor, Sing WIND -Round Up WLS- Livestock Estimates WLW -\Morning Devotions WTMJ -,Council of Churches

6:30 CBS -Organ Reveille: (sw- 21.52) WAAF- Eye -Opener Prgm. WBOW -\Rev. Drake WCFL -Wake Up WFBM-Churk Wagon WHAS -Asbury College WHO -Farm News WIND -Club Cabana WJJD- ,Faluily Bible League WLS -Musical Almanac WLW -Swing Time WMBD -Trading Post WMT -\Family Altar WROK- Musical Clock WTAD- Hillbilly Boy WTMJ -\Concordia College

6:45 News: WOC WLW WIND KMOX -Works Progress Adm. WBBM -Your Morning Reporter WCCOOshkosl: Boys

WHO -Almanac of the Ail WLS -Pat Buttram WMBD -Anniversary Prgm. WOWO -Farm How WTAD -Organ Reveries WTMJ -Nlusical Almanac

7:00 NBC -\The Church & the World

Today; "The Sacredness of Personality," Dr. Alfred G. Walton, speaker: WIBA KWK

CBS -On the Air Today; Lyric Serenade: (sw- 21.52)


News: WMT WTAD KMOX -Home Folks' Hour WCCO -Air Almanac WCFL- Breakfast Parade WFBM -Early Birds WGN -Good Mornune Pr= WHAS -Betty & Gordon WIND -Polish Prgm. WISN -Early Risers Club WJJD- Rhubarb Red, songs WLS- Julian Bentley, news WLW -Lee Erwin, organist WMAQ- Suburban Hour WMBD -Breakfast Melodies WMBI- \Sunrise Service WSBT -That Morning Bugle WTMJ -Hillbillies

7:15 NBC -Win Meedet organist:

WCFL NBC.(, .,nn Mnrnine Melodies:

WBOW WLW Musical Clock: WMT WTAD KMOX -Rise & Shine KWK -,Grady Cantrell WCCO -Jr. Broadcaster's Club WGN -Wake Up & Sing WHAS -Texas Rangers WHO -Hardware News

WIBA- Morning Serenade WJJD -News W-Ls Prairie Ramblers & Patsy WMBD -Pete & Jack WTMJ- Variety Prgm.

7:33 CBS -Ray Block, pianist: (sw-

21.52) NBC- Cheerio: WLW WBOW News: WTMJ WIBA WSBT KMOX -Clock of the Ait KWK- Pep -Un- Parade WAAF -Breakfast Express WCBD -(\Gospel Tabernacle WCCO -Musical Chimes WCFL - Ballads of Break tact Table )VGN The Golden Hour WHAS -Modern Mountaineers WHO- Musical Fashion Notes WJ.IH b( hrnstias Science Pr em. WLS -Uncle Buster & The Big

Yank Boys WMBD -Musical Clock

7:45 NBC -Dandies of Yesterday:

WCFL CBS -Oleanders Isw- 21.521 KMOX -Let's Compare Notes WHAS- Pickard Family WIBA Musical Clock WJJD- Kinney's Hawaiians; News WLS -Jolly Joe's Pet Pals WMBD -Polish Flash MI Mt King Coal's Quarter Hr. WTAD -News

8:00 NBC -Streamliners: WIRE KSD * NBC -Breakfast Club; Walter

Blaufuss' Orch.: WLW WCFL (sw -15.21 )

CBS -Fred Feibel, organist: WSBT WFBM WOWO (sw-

21.52) Gene & Glenn : WHO WOC News: WMBD KWK WHAS KMOX -Harry W Flannery hews

The News WBOW- Morning Headlines WCBD -Sports, Music & Time 11 HA Bandwagon WIND -Pages from an Old Hymnal WJ.ID -Gene Walsh, songs WLBL- Market Reports & Agri-

cultural News WLS -Lulu Belle & Scotty WMAQ- Fashion Horoscope WMT Tim Brady's Roundup WTAD -Old Aunt Mary WTAQ -Musical Clock WTMJ -Revolving Stage

8:15 Musical Clock: WOC WHO KMOX -The Corn Huskers KS1K Tonic Tunes WBOW -Sundial WHA -Music for Children WHAS- Breakfast Business WIND -Dixie Land and WJJD -The Toastmaster WLBI. -Grab Bag WLS- Julian Bentley, news

8:30 CBS - Mellow Moments: News:

WHAS WSBT WOWO (sw- 21.52)

News: WTAQ WFBM ICWK- Hillbillies WBOW- Streamliners (NBC) WCBD- Polish Prgm. WCCO- Newscaster WGN-Good Morning WHA- Instrumental Music Les-

sons WIBA -Breakfast Club (NBC) WIND -News & Current Hits WJJD -Melody Kings WLS -\Morning Sunday Sshool WMBD- Bandwagon WMT -Frank Voelker organist WROK -Organ Reveries WTAD -Inner -State Churches

8:45 KSD -Tel -a-Tunes: News KWK -German Music WCCO -Gene & Glenn WFBM -Apron Strings WIBA- Society Reporter WIND Morning Dance WJJD- Salvation Army WLBL -\Morning Devotionals WLS- Morning Minstrels WLW -Synagogue on the Air WMBD -Mellow Moments; News WMT-Women in the News; Po-

lice Blotter VP Or Newa WTAQ- Musical Clock WTMJ- Basket of Melody

9:00 NBC -News; Breen & de Rose,

songs: WMAQ WLW KWK CBS -Your Home and Milne: WISN


NBC -News; Charioteers- KSD WBOW WHO (sw- 15.33)

No _, \\ TAD WROK WMT F 1,)N Carolyn Pryce 1C \ \I' -Miniature Concert WBBM-Women in the Headlines Il CB!) Italian Prgm WCCO -Hugh Aspinwall WCFL- German Prgm. WGN -Len Salvo, organist WIBA -News; What's New? WIND -Cub Reporter, sketch WIRE Old Fashioned Hymns WJJD- Bosworth Broadcast WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS-Juluor Stars Prgm. WMBD-13 & M Messenger WO(- Mlsical Clock WSUI -Child Play WTAQ- Women's Hour WTMJWhat's New in Milwau-


9:15 NBC -Vass Fancily: KSD WMAQ

WHO (sw- 15.33) * CBS- Richard Maxwell, songs:


NBC -Raising Your Parents; Ju vecile Forum: WIBA WMT WLW KWK

KMOX- Miniature Musical Revue WBBM -Shopper's Review WBOW -Mid -Morning Musicale W'GN- Morning Melodies WHAInternational Scent WIND -Good News Tunes WIAF -Mary Baker WMBD -Shut -in Prgm. WROK -On the Mall WSUI -Yesterday's Favorites WTAD -Lein & Luther, Old Songs

9:30 * CBS -Let's Pretend, Children's


NBC -Manhatters; Dance Orch.: WIRE WHO (sw- 15.33)

KMOX- Better Films Council WAAF- Happiness Time WBOW- Market Reports * WCBD- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE WCFL -Troubador WCCO Organ Melodies WGN -Ed Fitzgerald & Co. WIND Harmony Parade WJJD -Two Guitars WLS -Big Chief Waldo WMAQ -Morn. Greetings WMBD -News WROK -Prep Sport Review WSUI -Book Shelf WTAD- Popular Dance Review WTMJ -One Girl in a Million

9:45 NBC -Clark Dennis, tnr.: WMAQ F. H. A. Prgm.: WCFL WCCU KMOX- Travelogue KSD -Manhatters (NBC) K W K -News AVAAF- Estelle Barnes, pianist WBOW -Melody on Parade WCBD Hit l uner WIBA -Todav's Almanac WIND -One Girl in a Million WJJD -Dude Martin WLS -Julian Bentley, news WLW -Ohio Fed. of Music Clubs WMBD -Window Shopper WMT -Magic Kitchen WTAD -More Stately Mansions WTMJ -Boy Scouts of America

10:00 NBC -Our American Schools:


* CBS- Children's Concert; Phil - harmonic Symphony Society of N. Y., Ernest Schelling, cond.: WISN WOWO KMOX WHAS WOC WMBD WBBM (sw- 21.52)

NBC -Madge Marley. sop.: WCFL News: WTAQ WIND KWK -Rapid Service WAAF -Woman's Hour WCBD-J. C. O'Hair WCCO -Organ Melodies * WCLS -FOR YOUR INFOR-

MATION WDZ- Newton on the Air WFBM -Children's Hour WGN -Get Thin to Music WHA -Homemakers WIBA -Madison Community Union WJJD- Melody Kings * WKBB- BEHIND THE MICRO-

PHONE (1500 kc) WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS Ralph Waldo Emerson 1\'I W Live'4toek Reports News WMT -Music Makers WROK -Markets; Literlude WSBT -Dick Cover, organist WSUI- Musical Chats

10:15 NBC -Minutemen, quartet: WLS

W'LW' WIBA KWK (sw -15.21 )

NB(' :' 11hulple pianist WNI WBOW WTMJ WMAQ KSD (sw- 15.33)

WAAF.Variety WCCO- Stocks WCFL Echoes from Havana WIND -Bud Birmingham & his

Buckaroos WIRE-Fed. of Music Clubs W,IBC-Reguest Prgm. WJJD -Serenader WLS -Arkie, songs WMT -A Word to Wives WROK- Woman's Forum

10:30 NBC Magic of Speech: WIBA

(sw- 15.21) CBS Children's Concert: WCCO

W SU NBI- :NT y,tery Chef : (sw- 15.33) NBC -Bromley House, bar.: WHO

WMAQ KSD WIRE News: 1VDZ WJBC KWK -Boy Scouts of America;

Speaker WAAF -Swingtime WBOW -Par 16 Party WCFL- Morning Musicale WGN -Betty Crocker WIND- Kitchenette WJJD- American Family Robinson WLS-The Bergstroms WLW- Academ of Medicine WMBI -K .Y. B. Club WMT -Key Men WTAQ- Masters of Swing WTMJ-Carla Pestalozzi

10:45 NBC.Hnmo Town sketch: KSD

WHO WIRE (sw15.33) NBC -Gene Arnold & the Ranch

Boys (Fitch): WMAQ KWK Uncle Dick's Kiddie Klub WAAF- Foolish Questions WCFL -The Shopper WDZ -News of Your Neighbor WGN -Len Salvo, organist WHA -Piano Gems WIND -Valpariso Univ. Prem. WJBC -Pavne Pioneers WJJD -Henry King's Orch. WLS -Red Foley, Lily May &

Gilrs of Golden West WLW- Wander in the Orient WMT -Homemaker's Matinee WROK-Kiddie's Club WSUI -Program Calendar WTAD -Movie Chatter WTAQ -Hawaiians WTMJ -State Board of Health

11:00 * NBC -Chasins' Music Series;

Abram Chasins, pianist: KSD WMAQ WIBA (sw- 15.33)

CBS -Children's Concert: (sw- 17.76)

NBC -\Call to Youth: WLW WCFL

KMOX- Hollywood Reporter WAAF- Novelettes WBAA -Just Kids, featuring tal-

ented children WDZ -Voice of Villa Grove WFBM- Bohemians WGN Melody Time W H.A -Consumer's Searchlight WHO -Governor Kraschel WIND -News from Life WIRE -Ho Pt. Ne Club WJBC- Homemaker's Pay Day WJJD -High School Hour WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -Morn. Homemakers; Martha

Crane & Helen Joyce WMBD- Weekend Prgm. Review;

Police Bulletins WMT -Governor Kraschel WSUI- Science News of the Week WTAQ -Lyman Nellis, organist WTMJ -Gypsy Four

11:15 NBC -Genia Fonariova, sop.:

WLW KMOX- Junior Radio Parade WBOW- Variety Prgm. WCFL -Timely Tunes WGN -June Baker, home talk WHO -Chasin's Music Series

(NBC) WIND -20th Century Serenade WJBC -Dough Boy WMBD- Bargain Counter WMBI %\Teen -Age Bible Study WMT -Lou Webb, organist WROK -Helen Benson, songs WSUI -Morning Melodies WTAD -Dance Music WTAQ- Hollywood on Parade WTMJ- Marquette Univ. Talk

11:30 NBC -Rex Battle's Orch.: WCFL , KSD WIRE

6/21 if


* NBC -American Farm Bureau Fed. Prgm.; Guest Speaker: WLW WMAQ WIBA WHO KWK (sw- 15.21)

CBS -George Hall's Orch.: WFBM WOWO WMBD WHAS (sw- 17.76)

WAAF -Myrna Dee Sergent WBBM -Dental Assn Speaker WBAA -High School Guest Prgm. WBOW- Market Reports WCCO- Safety Talk WDZ -Sons of Pioneers WGN -Bob Elson, on State Street WIND- Little Red Schoolhouse WISN- Germar. Hour WJBC -News & Interviews WJJD- Melody Kings WMBI- Church -School Hour WMT- German Band WOC- Inquiring Mike WROK- Helene Kimberley, songs WSBT- Double Trouble WSUI-Travelogue WTAD- Police News WTMJ- Morning Melodies

11:45 CBS -Geo. Hall's Orch.: WCCO

KMOX WSBT WAAF -Georgia Erwin WBBM- Milton Charles, organist WBOW- County Agr. Agent WDZ- Crossroads Trading Post WGN- Howard Lanin's Orch. WHA- W.P.A. Facts & Plans WIND -Eb & Zeb WIRE -Farm Hour WJJD -Debator's Forum WLS- Markets & News WMBD -His Majesty, the Baby WMT -News WOC -This & That; Farm Bureau WOWO -Farm Service WROK- 'Round the Town WSUI -Farm Flashes WTAD -Popular Hits WTAQ -Mail Man WTMJ -News; Ileinie's Grenadiers

. AFTERNOON', 12:00

CBS -Jack Shannon, tor.: WOWO WHAS WFBM (sw- 15.27)

NBC -Whitney Ensemble: WCFL News: WMBD WOC WJJD KSD KMOX -Magic Kitchen WAAF -Symphonic Hour WBAA- Charles Powell, bar. WBBM -R. O. T. C. Prgm. WBOW -Man on the Street WCCO -Chili Beaners WDZ- Markets Close WHA -Noon Musicale WIND -Dance Orch. WISN -Heat Wave WJBC -Roland String Ensemble WLBL -Mkt. Repts. & Agri. News WLS -Poultry Service Time WMBI -Organ Recital WMT Hillbillies WSBT -News; Farm Flashs WSUI -Rhyhtm Rambles WTAD -News WTAQ -Farm Hands

12:15 CBS -Bob & Vera: WOC WBBM

(sw- 15.27) WBAA -Bud Bryant's Orch. WBOW -Rainbow Trio WCCO -One Girl in a Million WCFL- Noonday Concert WDZ -Man on the Street WFBM -Farm Bureau Prgm. WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WHAS -Hank Keene's Gang WIND -Milt Herth, organist WJJD -Uncle Joe & Aunt Sally WLS- Future Farmers prgm. WMBD -Town Crier, Farm Mkts. WMT- Question Man: Voice of

Iowa WOWO-News WROK- Column Left, news WTAD- Sports Summary

12:30 NBC -Our Barn, Children's Prgm.:

WLW WMAQ (sw- 15.21) CBS -Buffalo Presents: WOWO

WSBT WOC (sw- 15.27) NBC -Campus Capers: WIRE

WCFL KWK- Norman Paule, songs WBAA- Footnotes on the Head-

lines, T. K. Noss WBBM- Truman Bradley WBOW -News WCCO- Markets WDZ -Lazy Jim Sings the News WFBM- Hoosier Farm Circle WGN- ,Mid -Day Service WHA -Farm Prgm. WHAS- Savings Talk; Markets WHO -Luncheon Music WIBA- Melody Moments WIND -Toytown Revue WLS -Closing Grain Markets WMBD -Farm News WMBI -,Gospel Message WMT- Markets; Hillbillies


WROK -Man on the Street WTAD -Farm & Neighborhood

Prgm. WTMJ -Sidewalk Reporter

12:45 CBS -Buffalo Presents: WFBM

WMBD WISN. WHAS Markets: WLS WBAA News: WHO WCCO' WDZ KWK KSD -Mitchell Schuster's Orch. WBBM- Chicago Park District WBOW -Hollywood Brevities WIBA- Livestock, Poultry Markets WJJD -Julane Pelletier, pianist WMT -Aunt Fanny; Cornhuskers WROK -Home Folks Hour WSBT-Man-on-the-Street

1:00 * NBC -METROPOLITAN OPERA Co. (RCA Victor); "Mignon," with Gladys Swarthout, Jose- phine Antoine, Charles Hackett & Ezio Pinza: WTMJ WLW KWK WMAQ WIBA WMT (sw- 15.21 -9.53)


NBC -Your Host Is Buffalo; Orch., Trio & Quartet:: WIRE KSD

Man on the Street: WMBD WBBM WTAQ

KMOX- Exchange Club WAAF -For Mother & Dad WBAA -Radio Stage WBOW -,Rev. Archie Brown WCBD -J. C. O'Hair WCCO -Henry Halstead's Orch. WCFL -Farm Forum WDZ -Chuck Wagon Boys WFBM-,Mid -day Meditation WGN -New England High School

Music Festival WHA- Taxation in Wisconsin WHO -One Girl in a Million WIND -Federal Housing Prgm. WJJD -Mid -Day Round -Up WLS -Home Talent Show WTAD -News

1:15 CBS -Dancepators: WOC WOWO


Rhythm & Romance: WTAQ WHO

WBBM- Herbert Foote, pianist WDZ -Pearlie Mae Shephard WHA -Die Deutsche Musik Stunde WIND -Let's Dance WLS- Homemakers' Prgm. WMBD -Saturday Carnival WROK- Dreamers WTAD- Concert Hall of the Air

1:30 NBC- Golden Melodies: WIRE

KSD WHO CBS -Colgate Univ. Glee Club:


WAAF -Man on the Street WBAA -St. Boniface School Band WBBM -Illinois Federation of Wo-

men's Clubs WBOW- Variety Prgm. WCBD- German Prgm. WCCO -St. Paul Dept. Parks WCFL -Talk by Dr. Bickham WDZ-Montana Sweethearts WIND- Musical Mirror WJJD -Adult Education Council WROK- Rippling Melodies WTAQ -News

1:45 CBS -Clyde Barrie, bar.: KMOX


WAAF -Pacific Paradise WBOW -Reginal Basketball Tour-

nament WCCO- Musicale WDZ -Estelle Dill, songs WFBM -News WISN -Tea Dansante WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WLS -Ralph & Hal WMBD -Trading Post WROK -,Rev. L. E. Eckley WTAD- Bessie Dean Reinert WTAQ -Day Dreamers

2:00 CBS -Down by Herman's: WISN


NBC -Walter Logan's Musicale: WCFL KSD WHO WIRE

WAAF -Red Hot & Low Down WBAA- Campus Variety Prgm. WBBM -Barnyard Follies WCBD -Polish Prgm. WDZ- Birthday Party WHA -Music & the Masters WIND -Continental Orch. WJJD -Chicago Dental Society W I.S- Homemakers WOWO -Regional Basketball WROK- Matinee Musicale WTAD -Women's Variety WTAQ -Pop Concert

2:15 WDZ-Man on the Train WIND -News

WLS- Merry -Go -Round WMBD -Trading Post WROK -Two Guitars

2:30 *-- NBC-Week -end Revue; Orch.


CBS -Dept. of Commerce Series; Subject, "Office Appliances ": WMBD WCCO WOWO WFBM WHAS WSBT WOC (sw- 15.27)

KMOX- Barnyard Follies WCBD -Radio Debuts WDZ- Decatur on the Air WGN -Margot Rebeil & Piano WIND- Torrid Tunes WISN -Tea Dansante WJJD -Henry King's Orch. WLS- Merry -Go -Round WROK- Record Breakers WTAD- Sunday School Lesson WTAQ -News; Afternoon Musicale

2:45 CBS -Tours in Tone: WMBD


WDZ -Meier Sisters WGN -Len Salvo, organist WIND -Dept. of Commerce Talk WJJD -Church on the Hillside WTAD- Frances Mourning

3:00 CBS -"What Are You Tax De-

ductions," Charles Melvoin: WISN KMOX WCCO WMBD WOC WHAS WSBT WFBM (sw- 15.27)

WAAF -News & Weather WBBM -Meet the Missus WCFL -Organ Melodies WDZ- Concert Hall of the Air WENR- Week -end Revue (NBC) WGN -Dance Orch. WHA -Ripon College WIND -You, the Story & the

Music WJBC -Children's Hour WJJD -Jose Manzaneras WMBI -Sacred Music WTAQ- Classic Hour

3:15 CBS -Ann Leaf, organist: WISN


WAAF -Mkts.; Salon Interlude WBBM -Art Kahn, pianist WCFL -Mary Jane Dodd WIND -Waltz Time WJJD -News WTAD- Marian Strauss

3:30 CBS -Williams College Glee Club:


NBC- Spelling Bee: WHO WENR WIRE

WAAF -Green Room WCFL-Musicale WDZ- Tri -Co. Spelling Bee WGN -Howard Lanin's Orch. WHA -Religious Tolerance WIND -News WISN -News; Program Preview WJJD -Flannery Sisters, songs WMBI- %,Radio Bible School WROK -Blackhawk Ranch WTAD -Children's Radio Party

3:45 KSD -Spelling Bee (NBC) WHA -Chamber Music WIND -Thru the Hollywood Lnes WISN -Afternoon Musicale WJJD -Fred Beck, organist WTAQ -At the Crossroads

4:00 CBS -Art Shaw's Orch:. WMBD


KMOX- Josephine Halpin, com- mentator

WBBM -D. A. R. Prgm. WCFL -Starlets WFBM -Scholarship Hour WGN- Skeeter Palmer's Orch. WHA -Robin Hood, drama WIND Continental Orchestra WJBC -Front Page Drama WJJD -Supper -Time Frolic WMBI-Mother Ruth WOC -New" WROK -Piano Moods WTAD -Go 'Round WTAQ -Studio Frolic

4:15 CBS -Art Shaw's Orch.: KMOX

WOC WBBM -Al Trace's Orch. * WCBS -MOVIE GOSSIP (1420

kc) WCFL -John Maxwell WIND -Sketches in Melody WROK -Star Dust WTAD -Music Review

4:30 * NBC -Kaltenmeyer's Kindergar- ten (Quaker Oats) ; Bruce Kamman: WIBA WMAQ WLW WIRE WHO KSD (sw -9.53)

CBS -Drama of the Skies, Dr. Clyde Fisher from Hayden Planetarium: WOC WHAS WSBT WISN KMOX WBBM (sw- 15.27)

MBS -Fred Berren's Orch.: WGN WMT

KWK -Three Pals WAAF- Terrence J. Rasmussen,

bar. WBOW- Variety Prgm. WCCO- Safety Drama WCFL -Melody Matinee WDZ -Speed & Curly WENR- Romance & Rhythm WIND -News & Organ Music WJBC -News WMBD -News; Pet Corner WOWO -Spelling Contest WROK- Musicale WTAQ- Children's Prgm. WTMJ- Rhythm & Rhyme

4:45 NBC -Southernaires , quartet:

WENR WMT (sw -15.21 CBS -Singing Waiters: WBBM


KWK -Boys Club WAAF- Jimmie Kozak, pianist WBOW -Lyrical Quarter Hour WDZ -Harry Reiser WIND -Continental Orch. WROK -In Old Mexico

NIGHT 5:00

In the event the Metropolitan Opera runs past 4:30 p.m., Kal- tenmeyer's Kindergarten will be heard at this time over the following stations: WLW KSD WIBA WMAQ WIRE WHO (sw -9.53)

NBC -Top Hatters, Orch.: WIBA WMAQ WHO WLW (sw -9.53)

CBS -Ben Feld's Orch.; News: WCCO WISN WMBD WOC WSBT (sw- 21.52)

NBC- Pianist ; Nickelodeon ; Syl- via Clark: WENR

KMOX -Piano Recital KSD -News; Organist KWK- Musical Prgm. WAAF -Charles Johnson WBBM -With Other People's

Money WBOW -Sundown Express WCBD -Amer. Family Robinson WCFL -Organ Recital WFBM -Tea Time Tunes WGN -At Close of Day WHAS -Out of the Dusk WIND -Ridge Runners WIRE -,Bible Institute WJBC -Advs. of Flash Gordon W.LID- Polish Prgm.

WJR -News WMT -Bill Brown, Movie Man WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAQ -Bureau of Public Service WTMJ Carroll College

5:15 NBC -Top Hatters' Orch.: KSD

WIRE News: WCCO WTMJ KMOX -Scott R. DeKins KWK -Range Riders WAAF- Joanne Gordon, contr. WBBM -Lee Francis, organist WCFL -Mary Donahue, songs WGN -Harold Turner, pianist WISN -Show Window WJR -This Week in Review * WMBD -Where to Go; Musical

Interlude; CHATTER BOX WMT- Parade of Features WROK -WPA Orch. WSBT -Playshop of the Air WTAD -Dance Parade

5 :30 NBC -News; Alma Kitchell, con-

tralto: WIRE (sw -9.53) CBS -Eton Boys, quartet: WMBD

WFBM WOWO KMOX WOC (sw- 21.52)

* NBC -News; Home Symphony: WENR WIBA

MBS -Enoch Light's Orch.: WGN KWK WMT

News: WTAD WBOW KSD -Dick Liebert, organist WAAF -Sport Shorts WBBM -John Harrington, news WCBD -Rhythm Men WCCO- Tourist Bureau WCFL -Organ Music WHAS -Hank Keene's Gang WHO- Weekly Digest WISN- Sports Parade WLW -Bob Newhall, sports WMAQ- Romance & Rhythm WROK -Sport Review WSBT -News; Dinner Dance WTMJ -Heinie's Grenadiers

5:45 NBC -Religion in the News; Dr.

Walter W. Van Kirk: WMAQ KSD (sw -9.53)

CBS -Tito Guizar, tnr.: WOWO WBBM WSBT WOC WISH (sw- 21.52)

Sports Review: WMBD WIRE WIBA

KMOX- Safety Legion KWK -World Entertains WAAF -Told by a Steel Half -Moon WBOW- Sundown Express WCCO -Uncle Jim Reads the Fun-

nies WCFL-N. Y. A. Sketch WFBM -DePauw Univ. Prgm. WGN -Serenade WHO- Sunset Corners Opry WIND- German Hour WJR- Moments You Never Forget WLW -Alfred Gus Karger WMT -Music Around the Clock WROK- Musicale WSUI -Daily Iowan of the Air WTAQ -Drama WTAQ- Choirs of the World

6:00 NBC -Martinez Brothers Quartet:

KSD WTAM WTMJ (sw -9.53) CBS -Saturday Night Swing Club;

Duke Ellington's Orch.: WSBT WISN WOWO WMBD WCCO (sw- 11.83)

NBC -,Message of Israel; Rabbi Bartlett R. Brickson, guest speaker: (sw- 11.87)

KMOX -Headline Highlights KWK- Variety Prgm. WBBM- Income Tax Speaker WBOW -Tune Hits WCFL -Si Perkins' Folks WENR -Happy Jack Turner, songs WFBM -Len Riley's Sportslight WGN -Chuck Wagon Gang WHAS- Louisville Ensemble WHO- Greater Iowa Commission WIBA- Amer. -Scandinavian Hour WIRE -Lullaby Time WJJD- Supper Time Frolic WLW -Don Bestor,s Orch WMAQ -Norman Ross, news; Nor-

man Shearer, pianist WOC -Sport Summary WROK -News; Dinner Music WSUI -Dinner Hour WTAQ- String Ensemble

6:15 NBC -Hampton Institute Singers:


KMOX- France Laux, sports WBBM -Melodies of Yesterday WCFL -To be announced WENR -Maple City Four, songs WFBM- Bohemians WJR- Diamond City News WLW -Univ. of Cincinnati Prgm. WOC -Swing Club (CBS) WSBT- Sports Review

6:30 * CBS -The Carborundum Band. Edward D'Anna. cond.: KMOX WJR WHAS WBBM WCCO (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Uncle Jim's Question Bee. (G. Washington Coffee): WMAQ (sw- 11.87)

News: WIBA WHO WMBD KWK -Sport Review; News WCFL- Tenpin Tattler

Saturday March 13


Frequencies KMOX-1090 WISN-1120 KOA-830 WJBC-1200 kSD-550 WJJD-1130 KWK-1350 WJR-750 WAAF-920 WLBL-900 WBAA-1400 WLS-870 WBBM-7'70 WLW-700 WBOW-1310 WMAQ-670 WCBD-1080 WMED-1440 WCCO-810 WMBI-1080 WCFL-970 WMT-600 WDZ-1020 WOC-1370 WENR-870 WOWO-1160 WFBM-1230 WRJN-1370 WGN-720 WROK-1410 WHA-940 WSBT-1360 WHAS-820 WSIII-1200 WHO-1000 WTAD-900 WIBA-1280 WTAM-1070 WIND-560 WTAQ-1330 WIRE-1400 WTMJ-620

WENR-Pine Mountain Merryma- kers

WGN -Bob Elson, sports WISN -Melodic Rhythm WLW -RFD Hour WOC- Fireside Melodies WROK -Horne Folks Frolic WSBT -On the Bandstand WTAQ -News

6:45 NBC -The ABC of NBC: WIRE MBS- Concert Orch.: WGN WMT News: WFBM WOC WIND KSD -Rudolph Friml, Jr.'s Orch. KWK -Ran Wilde's Orch. (NBC) WBOW- Parade WCFL -Songs in the Spotlight WHO- Diamond City News * WIBA -OFFICIAL DETECTIVE

STORIES WMBD -Value Hints WTAQ -Organ Melodies WTMJ -Carveth Wells

7:00 NBC -Sat. Nite Party (Sealtest);

New Yorkers Chorus; Don Dickson, bar.; Lucia Graeser, sop. ; James Melton, tor.; Robert Dolan's Orch.: WHO WMAQ WTAM ESD WLW (sw -9.53)

(Continued on Next Page)



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u Pays You Up to 212'" Profit EVERYONE Metalax - amazing new product. WELDS loose or broken parts antl kes neat, PER- MANENT repairs n everything made of wood, metal, glass, leather, etc. Noheat, acid, tools needed. Takes only a minute. HOLDS FOREVER. NOT a glue, cement, solder, or paste! Sells like wildfire! Unlimited demand! Big money for you every hour! WriteNOW for

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(7 p.m. Continued) * CBS -PROF. QUIZ WITH

Arthur Godfrey ( Nash-Kel- vinator) : KMOX WSBT WJR WFBM WISN WCCO WBBM WHAS WOC (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Ed Wynn the Perfect Fool (Spud) Graham MCNan, Don Voorhees' Orch.; Carlos Salzedo, harpist, guest: WLS WMT KWK WIRE WTMJ WIBA (sw- 11.87)

KMOX -To be announced WBOW -News W'LFL -Adult Educ. Council WGN -Tom. Dick & Harry WIND-Lithuanian Prgm. WJBC- People's Choice WMBD -Farm Festival WROK -Fireside Bible Talk WTAQ -Popular Concert

7:15 WBOW- Variety Prgm. WCFL- Jennié s Ensemble WGN -Geo. Hanliltons' Orch. WJBC -Lloyd Shad, bar. WTAQ- Anniversary Club


(Philip Morris); Phil Duey, bar.; Mixed Ensemble; Charles Martin's Circumstantial Evi- dence Thrills, "It Might of Happened to You "; Russ Mor- gan's Orch.: WOC KMOX WHAS WFBM WBBM WCCO WJR WSBT WMBD WISN (sw- 11.83)

NBC -Meredith Willson's Orch.: KWK WIRE WBOW

WCFL-Tunes on Tap WGN -Dance Orch. WIBA -WPA Orch. WIND -U. of Chicago, speaker WLS -Barn Dance Party WMT -Benay Venuta. songs WROK -Glen Olds Pettey, reader WTAQ -American Weekly WTMJ- Reviewing the Leaders in


7:45 WBOW- Basketball Tournament WCFL -St Viator's Debate WIND -Colonial Room Ensemble WROK -Musicale WTAQ -Sports Column


Barn Dance; Henry Burr, Verne Lee & Mary Hoosier Hot Shots, Novelodians, male trio; Sally Foster, Lulu Belle & Arkie, songs; Tobias & Susie; Uncle Ezra; Lucille Long & Joe Kelly, nl.c.; Guest: WLS WIRE KWK WMT (sw- 11.83)

* CBS -r: I OVO Gl8BnNt Speed -Show (Nash- Lafayette); Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WCCO WFBM KMOX WHAt WBBM WJR WISN (sw- 11.83)

VBC-E now Village sketches; (Loose Wiles) Arthur Allen & Parker Fennelly WTAM KSD WMAQ WTMJ WLW WIBA (sw -9.53)

WGN -News; Quin Ryan, sports WHO -Barn Dance Frolic 'VIND- Racing Returns WMBD -Farm Festival WOC -Gems of Melody WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WSBT - Leaders in Dance Time WTAQ -Talk

8:15 WCFI. Herr Louie & the Weasel * WGN- Chicago Symphony Orch. WIND -Northern Indiana High

School Basketball Tournament WROK -Keyhole View of Broad.

way WTAQ -Vocalist

8:30 * NBC -The Shell Show; Joe

Cook m.c.; Ernie Watson's Orch.; Guest : WLW WTAM WIBA WMAQ WTMJ KSD tsw -953)

CBS- Saturday Night Serenade (Pet Milk); Mary Eastman, sop. ; Bill Perry, tnr. ; Gus Haenschen's Orch. ; Chorus; guest: WMBD WFBM WHAS WJR WBBM KMOX WOC

CBS -Symphony Orch.:(sw- 11.83) WCCO- Carveth Wells, travel talk WCFL- Montparnasse WIND -Sketches in Melody WISN -Folk Songs

WROK- Lincoln Park Community Hour

WSBT -Carnival WTAQ -News

8:45 WCCO-Jimmy Greco s Orch. WIND-New Books of the Day WROK -Dance Hour WTAQ- Today's Almanac


Pararle & Sweepstakes, Sidney Rayner, tor., guest; Carl Hoff's Orch.; Edith Dick & Buddy Clark, vocalists; Leaders Male Trio: WBBM WFBM KMOX WHAS WISN WCCO WMBD WJR WOC (sw -6.12)

NBC -Hildegarde, songs: WIRE MBS- Chicago Symphony Orch.:

KWK WMT KOA -Shell Show (NBC) Wt -i L-Seeley institute WIND -Milt Herth at the Organ WLS -Barn Yard Jamboree WROK -Salon Music WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:15 WCFL -Labor Flashes WFBM- Riley's Sportslight WIND Walkathon WROK-Lou Blake's Orch. WTAQ -Club 41

9:30 * NBC -Irvin S. Cobb's Paducah

Plantation (Oldsmobile) ; Doro- thy Page, vocalist; Clarence Muse, bar.; Hall Johnson Ne- gro Choir; Four Blackbirds; John Mather; Norman Field, Harry Jackson's Orch.: WLW KSD WIRE WIBA WTMJ KOA DMAQ WTAM (sw -9.53)

NBC -To be announced: WCFL WFBM -Piano Twins WIND -Book Review WLS -Hometown Memories WROK -WPA Orch. WTAQ -20th Century Club

9:45 CBS -Song Stylists: WSBT WJR

WFBM WHAS (sw -6.12) CBS -Barnsdall Courteous Colo-

nels; Ralph Rose, Jr.; Symph. Orch.; Male Chorus; Richard Lara, Mexican tnr.: WBBM WISN WCCO KMOX

News: WIND WROK WLS -Henry Hornsbuckle; Ram-

blers & Patsy WMBD -Dance Orch. WOC- Melodic Strings WTAQ- Varieties

10:00 NBC -Blue Barron's Orch.: KOA


CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.: WSBT WHAS WFBM * NBC -ALKA -SELTZER NAT'L Barn Dance; Henry Burr, Sal- ly Foster;' Uncle Ezra; Tobias & Susie; Guest: WIBA WLW WTMJ

NBC -Frankie Masters' Orch.: WMAQ

News: KSD WMBD WOC WJR WIND- Leaders in Dance Time WLS -Springtime Jubilee WROK -Norman Jenkins' Orch. WTAQ -Tonic Tunes

10:15 CBS -Benny Goodman's Orch.:


NBC -Ink Spots. quartet WCFL KOA WBOW (sw -9.53)


KSD-Mitchell Srhuster's Orch. KWK- Masters' Orch. (NBC) WGN -Kay Kyser's Orch. WIND -Jimmy Noone's Orch. WLS -Down at Grandpa's WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch. WROK- Evening Song WTAQ -Club 41

10:30 NBC -Emil Coleman's Orch.:

KOA WBOW WIRE KSD (sw- 9.53 )


NBC -Dance Orch.: WCFL CBS -Johnny Presents : KNX KSL MBS- Freddie Martin's Orch.


Nrtv.: WBBM KWK WTAQ KVIOX- Headline Highlights 1, a Johnson , Reports

11. \., Dance Orch. V1110 -Barn Dance Frolic W 1 \1) -Bob Tinsley's Orch. VtL lall Story Club WM AO Henry Busse's Orch WROK -Lou Blake's Orch. WTAM -Pinky Hunter's Orch.

10:45 KMOX- Johnny Davis' Orch. KWK- Irving Rose's Orch. WBBM -George Olsen's Orch. WCCO -Cec. Hurst's Orch NI \Ulurrent News WMAQ -Clem & Harry, songs WTAM- Mickey Katz' Orch. WTAQ -Home Folks Frolic

11:00 NBC -Jerry Blaine's Orch.: KOA

WIRE WTAM KSD WBOW NBC -Bob Crosby's Orch.: WMAQ CBS -Roger Pryor's Urch.. Wu

WBBM WISN WMBD MBS -Dance Orch.: WMT WGN KMOX- Leonard Keller's Orch. KWK -The Sky Riders WCCO -Dick Long's Orch. WCFL -Carl Sands' Orch. WFBM -Indiana Roof Orch. WHAS -News WIBA-Club Chanticleer WIND -Speaking of Love Wt.:" Nat I Baru Dance WLW -Jolly Time; News WSBT -Club Lido WTAQ- Varieties WTMJ -Dance Music

a.m. 'Till 12:30

11:15 CBS -Ted Fio- Rito's Orch : KMOX WCCO- M.A.C. Gophers WFBM -Louie Lowé s Orch. WHAS -Dot & Bill WHO -Jerry Blaine's Orch. WIBA -Bob Crosby's Orch.(NBC) WIND -In the Cringe Light WLW -Organ & Poems

11:30 NBC -Jerry Johnson's Orch. KSD

WBOW WHO CBS -Henry Kind s Orch.: WOC


NBC -Ben Benue s arch.: WMT WCFL WIBA

KMOX -Hal King's Orch. KOA -Al Kavelin's Orch. WCCO- Jimmy Greco's Orch. WGN -Clyde Lucas' Orch WIND -Bob Tinsley's Orch. WIRE -Amos Otstot's Orch. WMAQ -Lou Breese's Orch. WTAM -Dick Fidler's Orch. WTAQ -Radio Night Club

11:45 CBS-Henry n 's Orch. : KMOX King's

Noone's Orch WLW -Bernie Cummin's Orch. WMAQ -Charlie Agnew's Orch.

12:00 MBS -Sterling Young's

WGN WMT KMOX- Dancing Time KOA -News WBBM -News; Weather Man WENR -Stan Norris' Orch. W IND -Nile Watch WLW -Larry Funk's Orch. WMAQ -Phil Levant's Orch.

12:15 KOA -Paul Pentlarvis' Orch. WBBM -Mark Fisher's Orch. WLW -Don Bestor's Orch.


12:30 MBS -Tel Fio- Rito's Orch.: WGN

WMT WLW KOA -Fun -Fare WCCO -Dick Long's Orch. WENR -Frankie Masters' Orch. WMAQ -King's Jesters' Orch.


WBBM -Earl Hoffman's Orch. WCCO- M.A.C. Gophers WI.W Ace Brigode's Orch. WMAQ -Four Dictators' Orch.

1:00 WBBM -Roy Eldridgé s Orch. WGN -Joe Sanders' Orch.

1:30 WBBM -Austin Mack's Orch. WGN -Hugo Mariani's Orch.

End of Saturday Prgms.

12:45 Lyon's Orch. : WGN

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STANDINGS IN THE STAR OF STARS POLL Following are the leaders in the Star

of Stars election now in progress. You will find a ballot for your vote on page 2 of this issue.

STAR OF STARS 1. Jack Benny 6. Rudy Vallee 2. Nelson Eddy 7. Fred Allen 3. Bing Crosby 8. Joan Blaine 4. Lanny Ross 9. Lulu Belle 5. Eddie Cantor 10. Jessica Dragonette

MUSICAL PROGRAMS 1. Vick's Open House 2. Your Hit Parade 3. Show Boat 4. Kraft Music Hall 5. Lady Esther Hour

6. Vallee's Varieties 7. Hollywood Hotel 8. WLS Barn Dance 9. Ford Symphony Hr.

10. Breakfast Club

DRAMATIC PROGRAMS 1. Lux Radio Theater 6. Bambi 2. One Man's Family 7. Today's Children 3. First Nighter 8. Follow the Moon 4. Gang Busters 9. March of Time 5. Mary Marlin 10. Grand Hotel

CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS 1. Singing Lady 2. Orphan Annie 3. Kaltenmeyer's

Kindergarten 4. Coast -to -Coast

on a Bus

5. Jack Armstrong 6. Horn and Hardart 7. Popeye 8. Let's Pretend 9. Dick Tracy

10. Lone Ranger

DANCE ORCHESTRAS 1. Wayne King 2. Guy Lombardo 3. Shep Fields 4. Benny Goodman 5. Rudy Vallee

6. Horace Heidt 7. Al Goodman 8. Ben Bernie 9. Hal Kemp

10. Eddy Duchin

MALE POPULAR SINGERS 1. Bing Crosby 2. Kenny Baker 3. Lanny Ross 4. Frank Parker 5. Rudy Vallee

6. Nelson Eddy 7. Dick Powell 8. Ray Heatherton 9. Tony Martin

10. Frank Munn

FEMALE POPULAR SINGERS 1. Frances Langford 6. Jessica Dragonette 2. Kate Smith 7. Gale Page 3. Harriet Hilliard 8. Martha Raye 4. Doris Kerr 9. Edith Dick 5. Dolly Dawn 10. Deanna Durbin

OPERATIC & CLASSICAL SINGERS 1. Nelson Eddy 2. Jessica Dragonette 3. Lanny Ross 4. Grace Moore 5. Deanna Durbin

6. Lily Pons 7. Lawrence Tibbett 8. Nino Martini 9. Richard Crooks

10. Gladys Swarthout

COMEDIAN OR COMEDY ACT 1. Jack Benny 2. Eddie Cantor 3. Fred Allen 4. Burns and Allen 5. Bob Burns

6. Fibber McGee 7. Lum and Abner 8. Joe Penner 9. Pick and Pat

10. Charles Butterworth

ANNOUNCER 1. Don Wilson 2. Ken Carpenter 3. Jimmy Wallington 4. Milton Cross 5. Tiny Ruffner

6. Harry Von Zell 7. Graham McNamee 8. Ken Niles 9. Bob Brown

10. Paul Douglas

SPORTS ANNOUNCER 1. Ted Husing 6. Ed Thorgerson 2. Bob Elson 7. Bob Newhall 3. Graham McNamee 8. Tom Manning 4. Clem McCarthy 9. Hal Totten 5. Pat Flanagan 10. Stan Lomax

COMMENTATOR 1. Boake Carter 6. Gabriel Heatter 2. Lowell Thomas 3. Edwin C. Hill 4. Walter Winchell 5. Paul Sullivan

7. Jimmy Fidler 8. John B. Kennedy 9. Julian Bentley

10. H. V. Kaltenborn

ACTOR 1. Don Ameche 2. Nelson Eddy 3. Robdrt Taylor 4. Ned Weser 5. Lester Tremayne

6. Fred MacMurray 7. Jack Benny 8. Lanny Ross 9. Bing Crosby

10. Michael Raffetto

ACTRESS 1. Rosaline Green 6. Anne Seymour 2. Jeannette MacDonald 7. Barbara Stanwyck 3. Helen Hayes 8. Myrna Loy 4. Joan Blaine 9. Barbara Luddy 5. Irene Rich 10. Ethel Barrymore

PROMISING NEW STAR 1. Deanna Durbin 6. Martha Raye 2. Helen Jepson 7. Fred MacMurray 3. Bobby Breen 8. Dolly Dawn 4. Shep Fields 9. Jack Randolph 5. Lucille Manners 10. Charlie McCarthy

N 6,_1

J. E. SMITH, President National Radio Institute The man who has directed the honte study training of more men for the Radio Industry than

any other man in America.



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"If I had not ' taken your Course

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Do you want to make more money? Radio offers you many opportunities for well -paying spare time and full time jobs. And you don't have to give up your present job or leave home and spend a lot of money to become a Radio Expert.

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Radio already gives good jobs to more than 300,000 people. And in 1936, Radio enjoyed one of its most prosperous years. More Ilion $500,0110,000 worth of sets, tubes and parts were sold -all increase of more than 80% over 1935. Over a million Auto Radios were sold, a big increase over 1936. 24,000,000 homes now have one or more Itadio sets, and more than 4,100,000 autos are Radio equipped. Every year millions of these sets go out of date and are replaced with newer models. More millions need servicing, new tubes, repairs. etc. A few hundred $30, $511. $75 a week jobs have grown to thousands in 20 years. Anal Radio is still a new industry- growing fast!

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Practically every neighborhood needs a good spare time ser- viceman. The day you enroll I start sending you Extra Money .Inb Sheets. They show you how to do Radio repair jobs that yon cum cash in on quickly. Throughout your training I send you plans Iliat made good spare time money -. $210 to $500 a year -for hundreds of fellows. My training is famous as "the Course that pays for itself."

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Money Back Agreement Protects You I am so sure that 1 can train you successfully that I agree in writing to refund every penny you pay me if you are not satisfied with my Lessons and Instruction Service when you finish. I'll send you a copy of this agreement with my Free Book.

Find Out What Radio Offers You Act Today. Mail the coupon now for "Rich Rewards in Ra- dio." It's free to any fellow over 16 years old. It describes Radio's spare time and full time opportunities and those coming in Television: tells about my training in Radio and Television; show, you actual lettere from men I have trained, telling what they are doing and earning. Find out what Radio offers TUC! MAIL THE COUPON in an envelope, or paste it on a penny post card -NOW!

J. E. SMITH, President Dept. 7CT6A,

National Radio Institute Washington, D. C.

This FREE BOOKhas Helped Hundreds í ̀ of Men to Make More Money J. E. SMITH, President, Dept. 7CT6A National Radio Institute, Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Smith: Without obligating me, send "Rich Rewards in Radio," which points out the spare time and full time oppor- tunities in Radio and explains your 50 -50 method of training men at ]tome in spare time to become Radio Experts. (Please Write Plainly.)








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HERE'S the information about GLEN GRAY and the CASA LOMA

boys readers on the West Coast asked for. Glen's place of birth is Peoria, Ill., the year 1903. He is married, has brown hair and eyes and is 6 feet, 4 inches tall. Although Mel Jenssen formerly led the band, Glen Gray now handles the baton. Kenny Sargent is the ballad vocalist and plays the saxo- phone; Mel Jenssen, violin; Clarence Hutchinrider, clarinet and saxes; Son- ny Dunham, trumpet and trombone; Grady Watts, trumpet; Tony Briglia, drums; Pat Davis, tenor sax and clari- net; Stan Dennis, bass; Joe Hall, pi- ano; Frank Zullo, trumpet and trom- bone; Jacques Blanchette, guitar; Fritz Hummel, violin and trombone; Billy Rauch, trombone, and Art Ralston, saxes and oboe. Pewee Hunt is vocal- ist and trombone player.


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