Download -  · Aliza Yusuf A Sulaiman Ismael Mohammed Tadie Nirvana Yonis Well done to our Remarkable Readers for this week:- Leonardo, Mohammed F, Ahmed, Anya


N 28th Sept 2017

Issue 88

We were so pleased to be able to invite Mrs Lynda Clapham, the librarian at Sidney Stringer

to come and open our new library at Sidney Stringer Primary. After the grand opening she

stayed to read the children a story.

The children are all looking forward to using the new library and reading the new books.

In Flamingoes and Foxes this week …

On Monday 25th September we all went to Kenilworth Castle. Whilst we were there we spent some time exploring,

had a tour around the castle and went inside the gatehouse. We learnt about what the different parts of a castle

are called and used our imaginations to think about what it would have been like to live there!

In Dolphins and Dragonflies this week….

Year 1 children have been to Lady Herbert’s garden to look at the local plants and trees. They had

a leaf identification sheet. The children looked closely at the pictures and matched them to the trees and

plants that we saw.

In Bees and Butterflies this week…

This week Reception have been learning to find one more than a number in Maths. In Literacy, the children have been

reading the story, ‘The Biggest Bed in the World’ and they then acted out the story using props. We also started Phon-

ics this week which the children really enjoyed and they have learnt the sounds m, a, s, d, t. The Bees and Butterflies

have been practising their cutting skills too in the creative area and outside they have been building the biggest bed in

the world.

Congratulations to our Stars of the




Mohammed B D



Aliza Yusuf A

Sulaiman Ismael

Mohammed B Tadie

Nirvana Yonis

Well done to our Remarkable Readers for this week:-

Leonardo, Mohammed F, Ahmed, Anya

The menu for next week will be for WEEK TWO



This week in Starlings we have been making magic pictures using wax

crayons. We have also been playing skittles practising our hand eye

coordination and our counting skills by keeping score.

Please telephone the office by 9am if your child is

absent on 02476 627405

Need more details? Please contact Mrs Emma McCann [email protected] Sidney Stringer Primary Academy 024 76 627405

Email: [email protected]

Our Child Protection Officers are:

Mrs Emma McCann - Head teacher—[email protected]

Miss S Reeve - [email protected]

Mrs L Mills - Learning mentor - [email protected]

Mrs Jos Parry, Chair of Governors— [email protected]

The school Safeguarding Policy is available to view on our school website.


Friday, 13th October –Teacher Training Day (school is closed)

Monday, 23rd—Friday 27th October—Half Term (school is closed)

Thursday, 21st December—Term ends


On Friday 6th October our PTA, Friends of Sidney Stringer Primary will be

hosting a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan cancer support.

We are asking for donations of cakes and other snacks, such as samosas,

to sell to raise money. These donations can be given to your child’s class teacher on

the day or the day before. All parents are invited to join us after family assembly on

the 6th October to buy a cake and have a tea or coffee with us to raise money for a

worthy cause.

Children can also bring some money to buy a cake at playtime. Please put 20p in a

named envelope and hand it to your child’s teacher on Friday.

One of our parents, Lisa Pirinc, will Brave the Shave and is having her head shaved to raise money and

awareness for this amazing cause. Please come along and show her your support.

On Thursday 12th October the children will be celebrating Harvest Festival. We will be

having a visitor from a local food bank and finding out where food donations go. With

this in mind we would be grateful for any donations of tinned, dried and packet foods,

that we can donate to the food bank. Please send donations in with your child, or pop

them into the school office. All donations will be gratefully received. Thank you.