Download - A hunter, saw Artemis bathing She forbade him to speak and when he did… became a stag and was torn apart by wolves.

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  • A hunter, saw Artemis bathing She forbade him to speak and when he did became a stag and was torn apart by wolves
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  • To the stars through difficulties
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  • at ones pleasure
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  • god of beauty and desire in Greek myth annually renewed, ever-young god of vegetation his religion belonged to women loved by Aphrodite hunter given to Persephone disguised as baby P fell in love, refused to return him spent 1/3 of year with P, 2/3 with Aphrodite Killed by wild boar (Artemiss jealousy)
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  • God of the winds Helped Odysseus on voyage home Refused help a second time, thinking him cursed Helped Juno delay Aeneas by causing a storm
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  • Sworn statement of fact he has declared upon fact medieval Latin one faces charges of perjury if false
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  • Brother of Menelaus, Helens husband Father of Orestes and Electra King of Mycenae (Argos) Commanded Greek forces in Trojan War Murdered upon return to Greece by wifes lover, Aegisthus Clytemnestra?
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  • Ancient city of Latium southeast of Rome in the Alban Hills Destroyed mid 7 th - century BCE by Rome Head of Latin League Romulus and Remus descendants of royal dynasty
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  • sea goddess wife of Poseidon seals and dolphins her offspring
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  • Wife of Hector Witnessed his gruesome death at the hands of Achilles
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  • Daughter of King Cepheus and Cassiopeia Had to sacrifice her, chained her to a rock Perseus saved her from sea monster, married her
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  • Art for the sake of art Art for arts sake
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  • Art is lasting, life is short
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  • Historical region of Greece (central) containing Athens peninsula Juts into Aegean
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  • Stables owned by King Augeas Hercules cleaned them, 5 th labor flooded the Alpheus and Peneus to quickly and efficiently clean them Hadnt been cleaned in 30 years, 1000 cattle Augeas did not fulfill promise of 1/10 of cattle Hercules killed him
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  • Watching the flight patterns of birds Interpreting those patterns as omens, messages from the gods Groups/alone, sounds, direction, kind of bird Augur= priest
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  • Hail, Mary
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  • Public building in forum Also buildings with religious purposes
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  • bearing gifts spoken by Trojan priest, Lacoon. The Trojans did not listen Athena sent serpents, killed him and 2 sons Son of Priam and Hecuba
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  • Staff carried by Hermes Symbol of commerce and negotiation Not connected w/ medicine. Rod of Asclepius = 1 snake, no wings
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  • Muse of eloquence and epic poetry One of nine daughters of Mnemosyne (nee MOZ i nee) and Zeus
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  • Daughter of Atlas Name = to hide Fell in love w/ Odysseus, offered him immortality O. wanted to go home, Zeus forced her to release him
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  • 1 of 12 daughters of Priam and Hecuba gift of prophecy from Apollo; cursed her w/ never being believed Predicted events that led to fall of Troy
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  • Twin brothers, born of Leda and Jupiter (swan) Brothers to Helen Hastened to her rescue when Theseus and Pirithous hauled her off Castor tamed horses; Pollux was a boxer inseparable Argonautic expedition Castor slain in war w/ Idas and Lynceus Pollux ransomed his life for Castors Jupiter allowed them life alternately Constellation of Gemini Battle of Lake Regillus/Temple in Rome
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  • For the sake of war
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  • (Let the) buyer beware
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  • Took head count in Rome to determine taxation
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  • To compare
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  • Existing only as the product of unchecked imagination; improbable; fantastically visionary Head of lion, body of goat, tail of dragon, breathed deadly fire Chimeara had terrorized Lycia until B. rode in on Peg. Killed him
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  • 520-430 BCE Consul in 460 Dictator in 458 and 439 Hero, opponent of the plebs Son convicted and sentenced to death, he was forced to live on a small farm Called to Rome to serve as dictator (6 mo. term) when war w/ Aequians, Sabines, and Volscii arose Promptly resigned at end of conflict model of civic virtue
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  • Around, used with dates
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  • Sorceress, daughter of Helios. Turned Odysseus men into swine Did not work on Odysseus Fell in love with him and helped him on journey
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  • 69 Aug. 12, 31 BC Last pharaoh Ptolemy dynasty 1 child w/ Caesar, Caesarion 3 children with Mark Antony Aligned w/ MA in 44 BCE to oppose Octavians rule Lost to Octavians forces at Battle of Actium Both C and MA committed suicide Caesarion murdered at Octavians order Egypt = Roman province, Aegyptus
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  • I think therefore I am
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  • A joining together Hello, + World = Hello, World String operation of computer programming, + is the concatenation operator Catena = chain
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  • Emperor, 306-337 CE He and Licinius, co- emperor, issued Edict of Milan, 313 religious tolerance in Empire Imperial residence at Byzantium = New Rome People called it Constantinople, capital of Eastern Roman Empire for over 1000 years Founder of E. Roman Empire
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  • Body of crime Crime must be proven to have happened before a conviction of said crime can occur Duh?
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  • Something that must be corrected
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  • Orderly, harmonious system Antithesis of chaos Pythagoras the first philosopher to use the term in reference to the universe
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  • With a grain of salt
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  • Psyche made Aphrodite jealous. Venus ordered Eros, her son, to punish her but he fell in love. Married her secretly, condition that he only visit her in the dark she discovered his identity, Aphrodite punished her Eventually forgiven and welcomes on Mt. Olympus
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  • Course of life Aka, a resume
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  • Concerning the fact in practice People obeying a contract as though there were a law enforcing it
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  • concerning the law in law vs. in practice Practice may exist but may not necessarily be followed
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  • The act of being thrown out a window
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  • Athenian statesman and orator 384-322 BCE Opposed Macedons expansion Attacked Phillip II for plans for southern expansion Leader of uprising against Alex the Great Committed suicide to avoid being murdered by supporters of Antipater, Alexs successor One of 10 greatest Attic orators
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  • Warned by father Prometheus that Zeus would punish mortals with a flood He and wife, P, built a huge ship Repopulated world by throwing stones which formed new men and women