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Faith for the Impossibleby Gordon Robertson, see page 8


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february 2012 3

“I can’t believe this is happening”An intruder broke into Kevin’s

home and violently attacked him. As he lay on the fl oor waiting to die, Kevin

asked God to care for his family. What happened next will astound you!

Debt-free at last!Vickie was left with $60,000 in credit card debt after her divorce. Faced with this overwhelming stress, Vickie took a bold step—and found fi nancial freedom. You can use the same strategy in your life.

Real People. True Stories.

Rescued from rock bottomLosing both parents by the age of 16, Rosemary fell into alcoholism and was on a suicidal path. After years of agony, Rosemary discovered someone who dramatically changed her life. Find out what caused her amazing transformation.

2 frontlines

Night Walking for Water NHL Star Gets Surprise

Although Hari was no sleepwalker, he spent most nights walking in search of water. With no water source in their village in western India, all water had to come from a well

that was miles away. Because Hari worked dawn to dusk as a bricklayer and his wife, Suneetha, tended their fi elds, neither one had time to haul water during the day. That meant that while his family slept, Hari walked for hours to get water. Sometimes he walked all night.

When CBN learned of the need, they drilled a new village well. As it gushed, everyone danced with joy in the water. Hari still can’t stop grinning: “It feels so good to wake up refreshed and ready to go to work.” Suneetha is grateful as well, saying, “You have brought so much happiness to our home.”

Mike Fisher is in the spotlight as an NHL center for the Nashville Predators, and as country singer Carrie

Underwood’s husband. But this pro hockey player has endured his share of physical pain, including surgeries on his elbow, wrist, knee and shoulder.

Two years ago he had a serious inner-ear infection that worried him when the pain lasted a month. But instead of needing another surgery, his healing came while watching The 700 Club!

When Mike heard Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen pray for someone with a left inner-ear infection, he said, “That’s me!” He recalls, “They just prayed that it be healed and it sure was. It went away and that was that…. That was the Lord working—so, thank you!”

The pain never returned. And, Mike adds, “If you let Him work, just give Him a chance; you’ll never look back.”

Let these testimonies lift your spirit and build your faith. See them on demand at


A drink of water and a good night’s sleep Ear healed after 700 Club prayer!

Fisher received something unexpected.

CBN provides lifesaving water worldwide.

Partners in Prayer

I am deeply grateful to you for standing with CBN in faith. As we reach out to the world with God’s love, we ask your ongoing prayers for: • Laborers. Jesus says in Luke 10:2, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest fi eld. Taking the Gospel to new frontiers requires a growing staff and unique partnerships in key areas of the world.• Fruitfulness. In John 15:8, Jesus tells us, This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. We want to glorify God by rescuing those who are dying and drawing millions of souls to Him.• Open doors. Paul writes in Colossians 4:3, Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message. We ask for new opportunities to broadcast the Good News for a global harvest. • Provision. Genesis 22:14 promises, The LORD will provide. To reach full effectiveness in world evangelism, we need God’s wisdom, favor, and fi nancial blessing.

Thank you for partnering with us as, together, we prepare the nations for Christ’s return!Scripture is quoted from the NIV.



President, CBN

CBN partners make it possible for international teams to construct over 100 water wells each month. • Find out what you can do to help preserve lives.

• Log on to• Enter “partners clean water” in the search box.

• Listen to faith-fi lled music from country stars Carrie Underwood, Randy Travis, and more.

• Go to

How to Build a Better MarriageVisit and discover dozens of practical ways to put new life into marriage and family relationships.

Check these out…

• Five Things Every Marriage Needs • What Men Wish Women Knew• Rekindle the Romance • 12 Ways to Keep Your Love Alive• Dealing With Pet Peeves

Plus many more free resources from marriage and family experts!

Stamping Out HungerFinances had always been tight for Angela, a single

mom in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. But life got even harder when her kidneys failed. She went on dialysis and, at times, couldn’t work. She was frightened—not only for herself, but especially for her daughter, Brianna.

As the sole source of income for her family, Angela says there were many days that she wondered, “What’s going to happen? What are we going to do? How am I going to take care of her?”

Thankfully, CBN partners offered the help Angela needed through CBN’s Operation Blessing Hunger

Strike Force. Through a ministry partner, Angela receives food and other necessities, along with a steady supply of compassion and encouragement.

Angela received a kidney transplant, but her medication is expensive. “I didn’t have to choose between being hungry and getting medication,” she says. “It’s a wonderful feeling. It really is.”


One family at a time…

Angela and her daughter have a new lease on life, thanks to generous CBN partners.




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february 2012 5

CBN partners reach out with compassion

Reaching AmericaHere at home, a caring, dedicated team at CBN’s

Prayer Center is available to pray for hurting people 24 hours a day. Last year they led 32,500 people to Christ and prayed for over 2.5 million prayer requests—and saw amazing answers.

Plus, The 700 Club reaches 19 million Americans a month, like Jerry, a long-distance trucker in Aberdeen, Washington. Despite being in and out of churches all his life, he had never felt God’s love and even questioned if Jesus is real.

One day he was watching the program as Kristi Watts led a prayer for salvation. Then, to his amazement, she added, “There’s a man by the name of Jerry, and you’ve been questioning if Jesus is real. Jerry, Jesus is real. That’s why you were called out by name…. Believe in your heart that He is Lord.” Jerry committed his life to Christ that day, joined a Bible-believing church, and is on fi re for God!

Changing nationsYou are also taking God’s love to 136 countries in

42 languages through CBN’s powerful programs, and miracles are happening. For instance, in Nigeria, Esther and her husband had been married for eight years but were still childless, which is culturally unacceptable there. Esther recalls, “There was a lot of pressure from my family and friends to leave my husband and end the marriage.”

They were at the point of desperation when a friend invited them to watch The 700 Club. As Gordon Robertson talked about the Bible story of Hannah who trusted God for a child, they said, “That sounds like us!” Believing that God could fulfi ll their heart’s desire, they prayed with Gordon to accept Christ and also prayed in faith for a child. A month later Esther was pregnant, and nine months later she had a healthy baby boy, named Gordon in honor of that prayer.

Transforming the lostThrough CBN’s inspiring programs, lives in crisis are

being touched in places like hospitals and prisons. For instance, Jonathan had run notorious gangs in nine cities in El Salvador and was sentenced to 23 years in prison. But after witnessing the deaths of 12 inmates, including

his cellmate, he lived in fear. One day while watching The 700 Club, he was moved by the story of a New York gang member whose life changed when he found Christ. Jonathan sought out the CBN prayer team that visits the prison and gave

his life to Jesus. Jonathan testifi es, “The evil man died. The violent

murderer vanished. I was born again—I am a new creation in Christ Jesus!” Today in prison he serves the Lord by playing keyboard for the worship team. Because caring CBN partners like you take God’s love to the prisons, this man has gone from leading gangs to leading people in worship.

Extending a handYou are also showing love to desperate families through

the international outreaches of CBN by offering food, medical care, disaster relief, clean water, job training, and much more. Partners and friends have reached out to more than 249 million people in over 100 countries and in all 50 states.

Last year alone, you delivered 80 million pounds of food and relief aid for Americans in need through CBN’s Operation Blessing International. You’ve been there for people like Angie, a Texas widow on Social Security. She takes care of her six grandchildren. They all live with her, including the youngest child who is only two years old. With the soaring cost of food and utilities, Angie was struggling to provide for her family. But through a ministry partnering with CBN’s Operation Blessing, you are helping her feed her grandchildren. Angie is grateful, and says, “They give from the heart and care about people.”

Caring for orphans Through Orphan’s Promise, you are supporting

children’s outreaches in over 50 countries. You’re giving a better future to kids like Oat, a 10-year-old in Thailand. After losing his mom and dad to HIV, a relative took him in. But he was treated badly. Oat’s teacher knew of his situation and intervened, getting permission for him to live at a Christian home sponsored by Orphan’s Promise. Oat was thrilled and says of his new life, “I like it here. I have fun and have good friends. Everyone is kind to me. They accept and love me like I belong to their family!” Because you care, this little boy is in a safe, happy, Christian home—and he’s excited about life.

In a world where the needs are so great, you are offering a lifeline of love to so many people in need. May God bless you!

CBN partners are sharing God’s love with millions of people. Here are just a few of the many ways friends like you are reaching out worldwide:

Demonstrating God’s Love to a Hurting World

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His Decision or Permission?

Bennett Chapel Baptist Church, a small congregation in Possum Trot, Texas, made national news when families adopted more than 70 foster children from all over the state. Bishop Martin wrote about it in his book Small Town, Big Miracle.

It began in 1997, when his wife, Donna, was mourning her beloved mother’s death and cried out to God. The answer she sensed in her spirit surprised her: Think about those who did not have what you had. Give back—foster and adopt.

Soon after, Martin started preaching that message, and church families began taking in foster children. CBN’s Orphan’s Promise came alongside these families by providing computers and an after-school tutoring program to help the children succeed academically. Orphan’s Promise also enlisted experts to help the children and their families deal with issues like anger management and self-esteem—just some of the challenges faced when “becoming family.”

Many of the children had suffered heartbreaking abuse, and out of their woundedness came negative behavior. Now more than a decade later, they have become teen athletes and honor roll students with hopes and career dreams.

One success story is eight-year-old Michael, who had been in several homes by age fi ve. Then he came to live with Brenda (Donna’s sister) and her husband. “[Michael] didn’t know anything about crawling up in a mother’s arms,” says Brenda. Today he is thriving, thanks to a loving home—and the love of CBN partners.

Small Church With a Big Heart Eat Healthy and Spend LessFamilies adopt over 70 foster children How one man lost 100 lbs. on a budget


Lee, a pastor in Lexington, Kentucky, is a trim 184 pounds. But almost four years ago he weighed 284 pounds and was headed for diabetes, heart problems, and a short life.

So how did he lose 100 pounds? By diligently exercising, and smart food shopping. Here’s

how he eats healthy on a budget: • Cut out processed foods, quick fi xes like chips• Snack on complex carbs like oatmeal, nuts, and whole-wheat bread• Buy lean protein, fruits and veggies in season• Bake, broil and grill—no more frying • Look for sales and buy in bulkIn fact, dieticians Patti Geil and Tami Ross say that anyone can eat healthy

for under $7 a day! Tami says, “Stick close to Mother Nature.” For example, choose fi ve pounds of natural, fat-free potatoes for $2.79 instead of fi ve pounds of high-fat, highly processed potato chips for $16.50.

tips for saving money on food:

This is the second of 12 monthly Frontlines articles based on Pat Robertson’s insightful teaching series 12 Principles of God’s Guidance.

PHILIPPINES● The regional Prayer Center

responded to 8,201 calls, 150,712 text messages, 1,635 letters and e-mails, and 1,502 online chats. As a result, nearly 12,700 people prayed to receive Christ.

LATIN AMERICA● 209,729 people benefi ted from

humanitarian aid and 6,672 from ministry-related outreaches through the efforts of our regional ministry Prayer Centers, ministry teams, and CBN’s Operation Blessing. In addition, 3,318 people called for prayer. Thanks to these ministry efforts, 1,655 made Jesus the Lord and Savior of their lives.

SOUTH AFRICA● CBN reached out to a woman

named Thelma, who lives in a secluded village in South Africa that is only accessible by river. There is no medical facility in the area, so when Thelma’s eyesight started deteriorating, she was concerned: “Reading the Bible is very important to me. I prayed to God for help.” Thelma learned that a medical team, supported by CBN, came from hours away to help the people of her village. She had her eyes tested and received reading glasses. “My prayers were answered,” she says. “Now I can read just fi ne. Thank you; I am very happy.”


Look at what you are doing around the world

During a recent month:


1. Buy only sale items using newspapers, store fl iers, websites2. Purchase generic brands to save 20 to 30 cents on

the dollar3. Stay along the store’s perimeter, where healthier foods are

located 4. Look high and low—stores place expensive items at

eye level5. Use bulk packages of meat to prepare different meals like

casseroles, salads and soups

Honoring a Loved OneHonor those who hold a special

place in your heart, remember departed loved ones, or celebrate special people and events with a CBN Tribute gift.

Simply go to and enter “CBN Tributes” in the search box. You can customize and share your tribute, and donate. It will be a lasting, memorable gift—and a loving celebration of life!

CBN partners make it possible for Orphan’s Promise to support vulnerable children in Texas.

When we want to know God’s will, we must not come to Him with our minds made up. If we have already decided the matter, we really don’t want His will—we just want His permission to do what we want!

God did not give us minds so they would be totally blank. He expects us to use our experience and the wisdom He gives us in our daily lives. As Proverbs 4:6 says, Do not forsake wisdom.

We desire to bring our will into total conformity with the will of God—even if it is diffi cult. He sends Jonah to Nineveh, Abraham to Mt. Moriah with Isaac, and His Son to the cross. And this is His perfect will.

A key passage is Proverbs 3:5-6. It begins, Trust in the LORD with all your heart. We must completely surrender our own will and commit ourselves to God. Revelation follows surrender—not the other way around. The verse continues, Lean not on your own understanding. It is easy to second-guess God. But He says in Isaiah 55:9, As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways. The cross seems foolish to the world—but to us who are being saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Proverbs 3:6 concludes, In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. When we approach Him with trust, when we refrain from leaning on what we think is the smart thing to do, and when we acknowledge that Godis supreme in every aspect of our lives, we can have the absolute certainty that our steps are guided by His Spirit. God bless you! Scripture is quoted from the NIV.

Conforming to His will

“ROAR!”The story of Daniel and the

lions’ den

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Frontlines is published monthly by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., 977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23463, 757-226-7000. Copyright © 2012 by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. Frontlines may also be viewed online at All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. Due to Revenue Canada regulations, not all premiums are available in Canada.

Scripture is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture is taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

8 frontlines

Jesus says, All things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23). Several years ago, that verse struck me like a thunderbolt. All things are possible—for whom? For anyone

who believes! When we believe, we can access the tremendous riches and opportunities of God.

But we can also limit His power in our lives. How tragic that when the children of Israel fi rst came to the Promised Land, they turned back in fear. They had witnessed all the miracles in Egypt. They were delivered from the ten plagues and saw Pharaoh’s army drown. They followed the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fi re by night. They felt the mountain shake and saw Moses’ face shine so brightly that they could not even gaze at him. They saw all that, yet they thought God wasn’t big enough to give them the land He promised them.

I don’t want that limitation for my life and ministry. I want to go forward. I want to take what God has promised and live there. Ephesians 3:20 says that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

My family has Bible time together every Sunday, and I once began by asking, “What is faith?” My daughter, who was twelve at the time, amazed me by saying, “Faith is when you believe in the deepest part of your heart.” It’s true! And incredible things happen when we believe in the deepest part of our hearts and rest on that assurance.

In Matthew 9:22, Jesus heals the woman with the issue of blood, saying, Your faith has made you well. And in verse 29, He heals two blind men, saying, According to your faith let it be to you.

This is astonishing! God has already done the healing. It is up to me to receive it. We may think this is incredible because we are weak and so unworthy—but what is really incredible is that we are so powerful. God has trusted us with the power to speak life and health and prosperity into our lives.

When people ask how to get faith, I respond, “You already have it.” God has given a measure of faith to everyone. If you have the faith to believe that your sins are forgiven, you have all the faith you need. That is why Jesus says in Matthew 17:20, If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

If you have even a tiny speck of faith, then you have faith! It is not about having great faith, it is about realizing what you already have. Jesus tells Peter in Luke 22:32, I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail. And Jesus’ prayers get answered!

So, we may stumble or we may fall, we may be hindered or we may be delayed, but our faith is not going to fail and we are not going to be defeated! God bless you.Scripture is quoted from the NKJV.

Faith for the Impossibleby GORDON ROBERTSON, Chief Executive Offi cer

This teaching is an excerpt from a previous edition of Miracle Living Today. Get future issues of this publication, along with other inspiring teachings on CD and DVD, by signing up to be a Pledge Express partner. Simply go to, enter Pledge Express in the search box and follow the online instructions. Or call 800-759-0700.