ZUNO September 2015 e-Newsletter

ZUNO e- newsletter / Monthly Issue # 02 September 2015 A lso in this issue New Skills Laboratory for Lusaka School of Nursing and Midwifery Nursing Leaders in the region look to the future with optimism News briefs 3 rd September 2015 has gone down in history as the day the Private and Government nursing Colleges in Lusaka held the first ever combined graduation ceremony. 319 Nurses and Midwives drawn from both Government and Private Nursing Schools graduated among them 77 Combined Registered midwives who are the first ever students to train as both registered Nurses as well as Midwives. The Zambian government through the Minister of Health Joseph Kasonde expressed optimism that the country has received staff that will make a significant contribution to the much needed qualified human resources in the health sector. Dr Kasonde urged the graduates to apply their skills in promoting safe motherhood, care of acutely and critically ill patients and increased clinical supervision of students. The graduation marked the 44 th graduation Ceremony for the Government’s University Teaching Hospital’s Lusaka Schools of Nursing and Midwifery, Operating Theatre Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Clinical Instructor Nursing and Paediatric and Child Health Nursing. It was the 3rd Graduation Ceremony for the Private Nursing Colleges of Makeni College School of Nursing and Lusaka Health Institute School of Nursing. Congratulations to Edward Mulwanda for having received the 2015 ZUNO trophy for being the best student in Operating Theatre Nursing program at UTH Lusaka School of Nursing and Midwifery. Edward Mulwanda awarded by ZUNO for emerging Best Student in Operating Theatre Nursing We are on Twitter! The ZUNO is now on twitter. The creation of the twitter account in addition to our existing Facebook book account has been necessitated by the growing need for us to communicate with our membership and partners. Follow us on @zambiancarers for latest news and information. First ever combined graduation for Nursing Schools in Lusaka

Transcript of ZUNO September 2015 e-Newsletter

Page 1: ZUNO September 2015 e-Newsletter

ZUNO e- newsletter / Monthly Issue # 02 September 2015

Also in this issue

New Skills Laboratory for Lusaka School of Nursing and Midwifery

Nursing Leaders in the region look to the future with optimism

News briefs

3rd September 2015 has gone down in

history as the day the Private and Government nursing Colleges in Lusaka held the first ever combined graduation ceremony.

319 Nurses and Midwives drawn from both Government and Private Nursing Schools graduated among them 77 Combined Registered midwives who are the first ever students to train as both registered Nurses as well as Midwives.

The Zambian government through the Minister of Health Joseph Kasonde expressed optimism that the country has received staff that will make a significant contribution to the much needed qualified human resources in the health sector.

Dr Kasonde urged the graduates to apply their skills in promoting safe motherhood, care of acutely and critically ill patients and increased clinical supervision of students.

The graduation marked the 44th

graduation Ceremony for the Government’s University Teaching Hospital’s Lusaka Schools of Nursing

and Midwifery, Operating Theatre Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Clinical Instructor Nursing and Paediatric and Child Health Nursing. It was the 3rd Graduation Ceremony for the Private Nursing Colleges of Makeni College School of Nursing and Lusaka Health Institute School of Nursing.

Congratulations to Edward Mulwanda for having received the 2015 ZUNO trophy for being the best student in Operating Theatre Nursing program at UTH Lusaka School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Edward Mulwanda awarded by ZUNO for emerging Best Student in Operating Theatre Nursing

We are on Twitter!

The ZUNO is now on twitter. The creation of the twitter account in addition to our existing Facebook book account has been necessitated by the growing need for us to communicate with our membership and partners. Follow us on @zambiancarers for latest news and information.

First ever combined graduation for Nursing Schools in Lusaka

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The Lusaka Schools of Nursing and

Midwifery now has a Skills Laboratory that will enhance the learning of nursing students and the safety of patients.

The Skills Laboratory will enable nursing and midwifery students to practice clinical skills in order to acquire the desired competencies before handling the real patients in the practice settings.

Assembling of the Prefabricated Skills laboratory for a total value of K1, 260, 00 (U$ 157, 672.11.), was made possible with the help of the United States governments’ President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) with technical support from the Nursing Education Partnership Initiative (NEPI) Coordinating Centre at Colombia University International Centre for Aids Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) and the Nurse Capacity Initiative (INCI).

ZUNO Membership is open to nurses and

midwives registered with the General Nursing Council of Zambia and employed in both in the public and private sector.

Members have the opportunity of advancing their career through ZUNO membership as the Organisation creates an effective platform for networking and training with local and international partners. Other benefits include;

Collective bargaining Continuous professional development

(CPD) Professional & legal representation

and counsel

Lobbying & advocacy Protection against discrimination and

mistreatment in places of work Social and financial support Unit of purpose Access to information & Research

activities IMPORTANT DATES!!!

10-11 December 2015 – Second Quadrennial Conference @New Fairmount Hotel in Livingstone.

6 November 2015- National Council Meeting @Mika Lodge Jesmodine, Lusaka.

New Skills Laboratory for Lusaka School of Nursing and Midwifery

Discover benefits of being a ZUNO member


The General Secretary

Zambia Union of Nurses Organisation

Stand No. 23889, Bennie Mwiinga Housing Scheme

(Formerly PHI)

P.O Box 50375

Lusaka Zambia

Tel: +260- 211-281 869

Fax: +260 -211-281 870

Mobile: +260 – 964 910 842

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.zuno.org.zm

Zambia's Deputy Health Minister Chitalu Chilufya (Left) and US Embassy Charge d’ Affaires David Young (right) unveil the new Skills laboratory

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The National Executive Council successfully held its second meeting and its last

ordinary meeting in 2015. The meeting held at Lima Garden Limited focused on the activities undertaken within the Organisation from March until August 2015. The Council also deliberated on the present and future sustainability of the Organisation. The next NEC meeting will be held on 8 December 2015, in Livingstone ***********************

The Copperbelt ZUNO provincial office has called for improved communication

among ZUNO structures. This came to light when ZUNO General Secretary, Liseli Sitali, and Deputy General Secretary for Operations and Organisation, Tisa Chiponda, visited the provincial office on 07 September 2015, to update them on activities being undertaken at the ZUNO headquarters. The provincial office has also requested that the secretariat considers refurbishing their office.


The ZUNO / Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Safe Surgery Saves Lives pilot project at

University Teaching Hospital will be under going the first phase of the evaluation process during the first week of October 2015. The pilot project was launched at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) on 14th July 2015 followed by the training of operating theatre teams in the implementation of the WHO Surgical check-list. ZUNO is working with ZOTNIG interest group and Surgical Society of Zambia (SSZ) in monitoring the implementation.


Regional nursing leaders met in

Pretoria, South Africa on 28 August 2015 for the Southern African Network of Nurses and Midwives (SANNAM) 12


Regional Annual Network Meeting aimed at building capacity of National Nursing Organisations’ leaderships. The two day meeting was held under the theme “The Role of Nurse Leaders in the Transition from Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals for the Post 2015 Agenda in Southern Africa”. The meeting focused on helping leaders understand their role in influencing the post 2015 agenda and adequately engage in development of national strategies and implementation in their respective countries and the region. ZUNO President, Thom Yung’ana, and General Secretary, Liseli Sitali, represented the organisation. The Nursing leadership in the region used the meeting as an opportunity for deep introspection into SANNAM sustainability and its future impact on its member organization and the health system in the region. Among the issues discussed included using existing opportunities such as technology to reduce time taken to bring about the needed change in the health sector, forming strategic partnerships and positioning nursing as a force for change. *****************************


“As a nurse, we have the

opportunity to heal the heart, mind,

soul and body of our patients, their

families and ourselves. They may

forget your name, but they will

never forget how you made them

feel.” — Maya Angelou.