Zou for Kids


Transcript of Zou for Kids

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AGENDA● Interactive

Plan○ Objectives○ Strategies○ Execution

■ Creative

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● Increase Awareness by 30%● Share Information● Increase in-store traffic +

purchases by 30%

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Owned MediaPaid Media

Earned Media

Social Media Campaigns

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Mobile App

Social Media

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● A way to connect the brand to the consumer

● 24/7 access○ helps with overall brand image and

information sharing● Used to compete with intratype

competitor, The Children’s Place

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● Clean and organized● The header, footer and navigational tools

will be consistent throughout all pages● The header will take up less than 25-30%

of the page● The home page content will draw the

visitors attention through the use of a large photo slider that showcases featured product

● The URL of the site will be http://www.zouforkids.ca

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● The navigation of the site will be organized and easy to use

● The tool will be consistent throughout the site

● The navigational tool will include fully functional drop down menus

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● Completely functional and interactive● Includes a customer registration tool and

login page● Visitors will be able to find the location of

the store easily● Visitors will be able to search for products

and information, using a functional search bar

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● Photos/graphics serve a clear purpose and are relevant to the brand and products

● Colour palette:○ blue, pink, grey, black and white○ provides a good contrast and not

distract the eye

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● Content of the website will be used to inform the visitors

● Content will be available through the navigational tool

● Product content will include:○ product names○ price○ description○ associated age etc.

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● Will include photos of products offered and the store

● Little flash content on the site○ Allows site to load quickly○ Would distract from site purpose

● Offers a mobile app for the visitors convenience

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● Will engage the visitor through the login and register feature

● Will include a page for all ZOU FOR KIDS social media links

● Social media will link back to the website

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● No advertising space to keep the site clean and free from clutter

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● Will be the center of online connection for consumers

● Social media○ builds traffic to the site

● Paid search, email marketing and online advertising

● HTML meta-tagging keywords:○ “Oakville Childrenswear”, ○ “Organic Childrenswear”, ○ “Hypoallergenic Childrenswear”, ○ “High Quality Childrenswear” etc.○ Traffic increase by 20%

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● Used to create a more interactive experience for the consumers.

● Visitors will be able to register for the ZOU FOR YOU rewards program

● View the products offered, ● Give directions to the store from

their current location● Contact information.

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● Layout will match the desktop website○ Colour scheme○ Content○ Functionality

● Will be optimized solely for mobile

● Website will include a direct link to app stores

● The URL for the mobile site will be http://www.zouforkids.ca

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● Most popular social media network used worldwide, with 1.4 billion registered users (Global Social Networks Ranked By Number of Users, 2015).

● Allows users to interact with brands ● Allows brands to

○ “boost” posts○ promote pages○ reach more users who fit within their

demographic, geographic and psychographic targets.

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● Facebook Insights○ view analytical information about the

brand● ZOU FOR KIDS can promote and inform

users of the ZOU FOR KIDS rewards program● GOAL: 300-500 followers by EOY

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● Potential to reach consumers is great○ 300 million registered users, as of March 2015

● Users can follow brand accounts, as well as like and comment on posts.

● ZOU FOR KIDS can post: ○ photos of product○ the store atmosphere, promotional material○ other relevant content to entice the consumer

● Utilize relevant hashtags to acquire more brand awareness and increase the number of likes and follows on the account.

○ #Childrenswear ○ #Fashion ○ #ForKidsOnly

○ #KidsFashion etc.

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● Promote/inform users of the ZOU FOR KIDS rewards program

● GOAL: 300-500 followers by EOY

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● “Helps people discover the things they want to plan, buy and do”

● Users can follow accounts, follow specific boards, as well as like and comment pins.

● ZOU FOR KIDS could show: ○ latest collections○ consumer generated content○ inspirational content○ other relevant information.

● Pinterest For Business offers analytical information

○ website traffic (when a “Pin” button is added to the brand website)

○ metrics about visitors who engage with the brand.● GOAL: 300-500 followers by EOY

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● Allows users to:○ “Check-in” to businesses they visit○ Write reviews about the brand○ Discover new businesses.

● Businesses can:○ target their listings to specific targets, based on

location○ see who is searching for what the business offers○ who have visited similar businesses

● Learn more about the customers who visit the store:

○ Who is visiting the store on a weekly basis ○ Who is a first time visitor etc.

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● ZOU FOR KIDS could promote: ○ the business○ any promotional offers and sales, as well as ○ receive feedback directly from consumers.

● ZOU FOR KIDS can create and offer special promotions to customers ○ Can be redeemed through showing their

phone to one of the customer service reps in the store.

○ Some offers will be exclusive to ZOU FOR YOU rewards cardholders

● EXAMPLE: Buy 1, Get 1 free on accessories

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Paid SearchOnline Advertising


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PAID SEARCH● Allow more people to become aware of the

stores existence○ when searching for childrenswear online.

● Paid search tactics are manageable ● Offers immediate analytical information

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● Used to generate brand awareness, by sharing information with the consumers.

● Google AdWords:○ Pay-Per-Click tool allows brands to advertise

websites in the Sponsored Links section of the Search Engine Results Page

○ Helps boost traffic● ZOU FOR KIDS, could use paid keywords:

○ “Organic Childrenswear”○ “Childrenswear Store in Oakville”○ “New Childrenswear Store” etc.

● Measured through the analytics system provided by Google AdWords.

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ONLINE ADS● Direct consumers to the website and/or other

links○ Would result in in-store traffic or online purchase.

● Provide consumers with more information about the products offered

○ would generate more brand awareness.

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● Consumers would be directed to the ZOU FOR KIDS website directly.

● Would be designed to look like the traditional advertising

○ consistent brand image● Content would include

○ store information○ sales○ promotional offers○ contests etc.

● Types of ads:○ banners○ buttons○ rich media○ pre-roll/post-roll on videos

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● Cost-efficient way to reach mobile consumers○ Results in higher returns on

investments than other traditional methods of marketing

○ 21% of consumers use their mobile devices to check emails at least once a day

○ Sending newsletters, event invitations, store announcements, sales, promotional materials etc.

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● Store is new○ Database for email marketing will have to be

created● ZOU FOR KIDS could buy a list.

○ People on this list would have already agreed to receive emails

● Visitors would be able to register as ZOU FOR KIDS customers

○ help to build the database○ will be able to opt-in for emails from ZOU FOR

KIDS.● GOAL: 100 customers in database by EOY

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Social Media


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● Fastest, most efficient way to connect to the target consumer.

○ aids in the understanding of the consumer purchasing preferences.

● Social media interactions are important● ZOU FOR KIDS can get direct insight:

○ about what the consumer likes about the brand

○ get an understanding of their concerns.● Can lead to an increase in brand

awareness and brand image, ● Increase the effectiveness of sharing

information with consumers

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● Users can participate in discussions with the brand/other users

● ZOU FOR KIDS can get a better understanding of how consumers feel about their brand

● Can use Facebook to communicate on an individual basis with users,

○ Can lead to an increase of brand awareness and positive brand image

○ offers more information to the consumer.● Measured through:

○ analysis of likes on posts○ the sharing of posts○ use of hashtags in user comments/posts○ other engagement metrics.

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● Posts must be eye catching and reflect the best quality products in high definition

○ effectively communicate the message with the consumers.

● Followers and users can like, comment and repost ZOU FOR KIDS’ posts.

● More users will be likely to follow the ZOU FOR KIDS Instagram page, if interactions are exceptional

○ increases brand awareness. ● Measured through:

○ monitoring of impact of post based on several variables (eg. time of day, frequency of likes, number of likes and comments)

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Pinterest● Users and followers of the ZOU FOR KIDS Pinterest

account have the opportunity to like, comment and re-pin posts generated by ZOU FOR KIDS which can increase brand awareness and share information with users who have not experienced the brand before

● All ZOU FOR KIDS pins will be directed back to the official website, which will drive online traffic and potentially lead to increased in-store traffic.

● Pinterest interactions can be measured by analyzing number of ZOU FOR KIDS related pins, likes and re-pins.



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● Users are able to “check-in” whenever they visit the ZOU FOR KIDS location

● Users are also able to post reviews on the ZOU FOR KIDS page

○ can drive more in-store traffic○ sharing information with other consumers

● Measure the interactions:○ analyzing how users have ranked them out of 10○ number of visitors○ number of reviews○ nature of reviews (positive, neutral, negative),




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Advantages ● Allows consumers to interact with the brand and other users

● ZOU FOR KIDS can easily measure the interactions on social media

● Consumers can build trust with the brandObjectives Satisfied

● Generate awareness of ZOU FOR KIDS● Share information with the target● Drive in-store traffic

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● Drives awareness● Informs the target of ZOU FOR KIDS as

a brand and the products offered.● Social media likes, comments and

sharing on particular posts and pages can help ZOU FOR KIDS understand consumer preferences

● Customer feedback and interaction is imperative to providing customers with the quality service

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● The reviews of ZOU FOR KIDS by expert children’s fashion blogs and/or Mom blogs has the potential to increase brand awareness, as consumers will trust their opinions.

● Consumers feel comfortable trusting a credible source when making their purchasing decisions

● Expert reviews of ZOU FOR KIDS can cause consumer demand to increase, therefore driving in-store and online traffic.

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Advantages ● Will give ZOU FOR KIDS a better understanding of consumers preferences, concerns and needs

● Consumers value the opinion of other consumers and experts who have experienced the brand and products

Objectives Satisfied

● Generate awareness of ZOU FOR KIDS● Share information with the target● Drive in-store traffic

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Interactive plan can achieve objectives:● Increase Awareness by 30%● Share Information● Increase in-store traffic + purchases by 30%

Through the use of interactive strategies:● paid media● owned media● earned media

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● ZOU FOR KIDS will have opportunities to communicate their message to parents with children under the age of five.

● The tactics of the interactive plan include: ○ a website○ mobile website ○ mobile app○ social media○ search engine marketing○ online advertising○ email marketing○ consumer and expert reviews.

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● By using these tactics, consumers will begin understand the brand and therefore

● Will be provided with an exceptional online experience.

● Interactive plan has the great potential to provide ZOU FOR KIDS with a successful launch campaign.