Page 1 of 4 Case Number _ZC-19-036_ ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date: Council District 5 May 7, 2019 Continued Yes _X_ No __ Case Manager Jocelyn Murphy__ Surplus Yes ___ No _X_ Council Initiated Yes ___ No _X Owner / Applicant: Steve W. Robinson Site Location: 11432 Mosier Valley Road Mapsco: 54Z Proposed Use: Animal Processing with retail sales Request: From: “AG” Agricultural To: “PD/I” Planned Development for all uses in “I” Light Industrial plus animal processing with no outside storage, stockyards, or animal pens; site plan included. Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is not compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is not consistent. (Significant Deviation) Staff Recommendation: Denial Background: The proposed site is located near the corner of Rodolphus Street and Mosier Valley Road. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to “PD/I” Planned Development for all uses in “I” Light Industrial plus animal processing with no outside storage, stockyards, or animal pens; site plan included. No outside storage of items or outdoor livestock pens will be on site. The applicant indicates that the operation of the business includes customers bringing animals to the site early in the day, the animal is processed, and the customer picks up the product at the end of the day. No live animals are expected to remain in the building long term nor should any animals be kept outside. The proposed 6,000 sq.ft. building does not appear to provide adequate space for the keeping of animals. The front of the building operates as a retail meat market open to the public. A site plan has been provided for the building and parking lot. It indicates that the rear of the large tract will remain open and undeveloped at this time and no outside storage or pens for livestock keeping. Staff has requested that the applicant indicate on the site plan the lighting plan for the property. As the city’s lighting ordinance is minimal at this time, a note was placed that zero foot candles of light shall cross the property line. Staff also requested that a note include that the lights will be shielded. The applicant indicated no fencing is planned at this time. Zoning Commission Recommendation: Denial by a vote of 7-0 Opposition: One person spoke Support: None

Transcript of ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council Meeting Date...

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Case Number _ZC-19-036_


City Council Meeting Date: Council District 5 May 7, 2019

Continued Yes _X_ No __ Case Manager Jocelyn Murphy__ Surplus Yes ___ No _X_ Council Initiated Yes ___ No _X

Owner / Applicant: Steve W. Robinson Site Location: 11432 Mosier Valley Road Mapsco: 54Z Proposed Use: Animal Processing with retail sales Request: From: “AG” Agricultural

To: “PD/I” Planned Development for all uses in “I” Light Industrial plus animal processing with no outside storage, stockyards, or animal pens; site plan included.

Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is not compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is not consistent. (Significant Deviation) Staff Recommendation: Denial Background: The proposed site is located near the corner of Rodolphus Street and Mosier Valley Road. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to “PD/I” Planned Development for all uses in “I” Light Industrial plus animal processing with no outside storage, stockyards, or animal pens; site plan included. No outside storage of items or outdoor livestock pens will be on site. The applicant indicates that the operation of the business includes customers bringing animals to the site early in the day, the animal is processed, and the customer picks up the product at the end of the day. No live animals are expected to remain in the building long term nor should any animals be kept outside. The proposed 6,000 sq.ft. building does not appear to provide adequate space for the keeping of animals. The front of the building operates as a retail meat market open to the public. A site plan has been provided for the building and parking lot. It indicates that the rear of the large tract will remain open and undeveloped at this time and no outside storage or pens for livestock keeping. Staff has requested that the applicant indicate on the site plan the lighting plan for the property. As the city’s lighting ordinance is minimal at this time, a note was placed that zero foot candles of light shall cross the property line. Staff also requested that a note include that the lights will be shielded. The applicant indicated no fencing is planned at this time.

Zoning Commission Recommendation: Denial by a vote of 7-0

Opposition: One person spoke Support: None

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The Comprehensive Plan for this area was changed to Single Family several years ago to support the residential regrowth of the historic Mosier Valley community. A delineation was designated at Rodolpus St. acknowledging the primary uses in the area; east of Rodolplus is indicated as industrial future land use and west of the street is indicated as single family. This is also the area including a new city park dedicated in 2014. Additional adjacent property is being considered for purchase to expand the park. Recent zoning cases in the general area to single family residential have resulted in new home construction. A rezoning case is currently being processed to rezone this general section of Mosier Valley to match the future land use map and prepare the area for residential redevelopment. At the Zoning Commission, the applicant explained that the business intends to raise small animals offsite and bring them to the business, kept within the 5,950 square foot building where the processing and retail will also occur. Customers can select an animal and have it processed. The case was continued at the April 2nd City Council meeting. At the time of this report no additional information has been received. Site Information:

Owner: Steve W. Robinson 12104 S. Pipeline Road Fort Worth, TX 76040

Agent: Dennis Hopkins Acreage: 5.74 ac Comprehensive Plan Sector: Eastside Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses:

North PD 236 Planned Development for E uses plus uses related to wood chipping, composting, materials and storage and equipment storage; “AG“ Agricultural / industrial earth moving and equipment storage

East “AG“ Agricultural / gas well, vacant South PD 183 Planned Development/Specific Use for concrete crushing facility,

“AG“ Agricultural / vacant West “AG“ Agricultural “I” Light Industrial / large lot single-family, small light industrial

Recent Relevant Zoning and Platting History: Zoning History: ZC-15-001 PD-534 Planned Development for “I” uses plus tow yard facility with no

more than 20 parking spaces and no outside storage, approved by City Council, effective 03/02/15 (east of the subject property in industrial future land use area)

ZC-12-081 PD 954 PD/G plus outside storage of construction vehicles and trailers only; site plan waived, eff. 12/29/12 (north of subject area)

ZC-03-275 PD-534 Planned Development for vehicle exchange facility with no more than 20 parking spaces and no outside storage, approved by City Council 01/13/04 (east of the subject property in industrial future land use area)

ZC-96-087 PD 236 Planned Development for E uses plus uses related to wood chipping, composting, materials and storage and equipment storage with development standards; eff. 4/8/1997

ZC-95-021 PD 183 Planned Development/Specific Use for concrete crushing facility with various regulations, approved by City Council 09/12/95 (southeast of subject property)

Platting History: None Site Plan Comments: The site plan as submitted is in general compliance with the zoning regulations. TPW/Transportation and Public Works site plan comments: 1. Maintain access to the well site to the South. 2. Parkway Improvements such as curb and gutter, pavement tie-in drive approaches, sidewalks and drainage inlets may be required at the building permit issuance via parkway permit 3. Sidewalks and street lights are required for all public and private streets and public access easements as per City of Fort Worth Standards

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Platting Comments: 1. A final plat application for the entire 5.945 acres must be submitted, reviewed, approved and recorded at the Courthouse prior to the issuance for a building permit. Fire Comments: No comments at this time. TPW Stormwater Comments: No comments at this time. Water Comments: No comment (Comments made by Platting (Subdivision Ordinance), Transportation/Public Works, Fire, Parks and Water Department staff cannot be waived through the Zoning Commission and City Council. Approval of the zoning site plan does not constitute the acceptance of conditions.) Transportation/Access

Street/Thoroughfare Existing Proposed In Capital

Improvements Plan (CIP)

Rodolphus Street County Road County Road No Mosier Valley Rd County Road County Road No

Public Notification:

300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on February 19, 2019. The following organizations were notified: (emailed February 21, 2019)

The following organizations were notified:

Organizations Notified East Fort Worth, Inc. Trinity Habitat for Humanity Eastside Sector Alliance Streams And Valleys Inc HEB ISD

Development Impact Analysis:

1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing a zoning change from to “PD/SU” Planned Development/Specific Use for tow yard and short term outdoor auto storage. Predominant land uses surrounding the proposed site are gas pad site with wells and compressors to the east, vacant to the north, and industrial uses to the south. Single-family homes are located northwest of the proposed site. Due to the existing industrial uses and gas well pad site, the proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding land uses.

2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency

The 2018 Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Single-Family. The plan was changed from Light Industrial to Single-Family in 2011 with the intention of supporting the residential redevelopment of the Mosier Valley community. The proposed zoning is not consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan policies:

• Separate incompatible land uses with buffers or transitional uses. Some land uses have attributes such as height, proportion, scale, operational characteristics, traffic generated, or appearance that may not be compatible with the attributes of other uses.

Based on lack of conformance with the future land use map and policy as stated above, the proposed zoning is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The primary use of the site for industrial animal processing would be considered a Significant Deviation from the desired residential use.


• Location Map • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area

• Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph

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• Site Plan • Minutes from the Zoning Commission meeting • Minutes from the City Council meeting

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0 360 720180 Feet

Area Zoning Map


Applicant: Address:Zoning From:Zoning To:Acres:Mapsco:Sector/District:Commission Date:Contact:

Steve Robinson

54Z5.74471715PD/I plus animal processing without outside storage, stockyards or animal pensAG11432 Mosier Valley Road


Created: 2/15/2019 9:38:15 AM

Subject Area300 Foot Notification


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0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet

Area Map


Created: 2/22/2019 8:49:44 AMÜ


Overlay DistrictsAirport Overlay District




Noise ContoursDECIBEL






Council Districts

4 - Cary M oon

5 - Gyna B ivens

6 - Jungus Jordan

7 - Dennis Shingleton

8 - Kelly Allen Gray

9 - Ann Zadeh

3 - B rian Byrd

2 - Carlos E. Flo res

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Icon Consulting Engineers, Inc.

2840 W. Southlake Boulevard, Ste 110

Southlake, Texas 76092

PHONE: (817) 552-6210

FAX: (817) 778-4845

CONTACT: David C. Gregory, P.E.ENFN F-9007

Zoning Case # ZC-19-036 Prepared: Feb. 8, 2019



(682) 738-3060

Director of Planning and Development Date

Not for Construction or Permit Purposes

DAVID GREGORY89296 2/8/19











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430 0 430215 FeetA Com prehens iv e P lan shall not c ons titu te z oning r egulations ores tab l is h z oning d istrict boundaries . (Texas Loc al Governm ent Code, S ection 213.005.) Land use des ignations were approv ed by City Counci l on M arc h 6, 2018.

Future Land Use


Cr eated: 2 /22/2019 8 :49:41 AM


Vacant, Undeveloped, Agricultural

Rural Residential

Suburban Residential

Single Family Residential

Manufactured Housing

Low Density Res ident ial

Medium Density Residential

High Density R esident ial


Neighborhood Commercial

General Commercial

Light Indus trial

Heavy Industrial


Industrial Growth Center

Infras truc ture

100 Year Flood Plain

Public Park, Recreation, Open Space

Private Park, Recreat ion, Open Space

Lakes and Ponds

CMU - Commercial Mixed Use Street

NC - Neighborhood Connector

A - Ac tivity Street

CMCO - Commerc ial C onnec tor

SL - System Link

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0 540 1,080270 Feet

Aerial Photo Map



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APRIL 2, 2019

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7. ZC- 19- 032 - ( CD 2) - Judith Silva, 3403 and 3405 N. Elm Street; From: " A- 5"

One- Family, PD 1204 Planned Development for " E" Neighborhood

Commercial uses excluding alcohol sales, pool hall, smoke shop, video rentals orsales and piercing; site plan waived To: Amend PD 1204 to expand buildingand add a parking lot; site plan included 0.29 acres ( Recommended for

Approval by the Zoning Commission)

Mr. Marcos Gallegos, 3121 Glenda Avenue, completed a speaker card in support of ZoningDocket ZC- 19- 032 and was recognized by Mayor Price but did not wish to address Council.

Motion: Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens,that Zoning Docket ZC- 19- 032 be approved. Motion passed 8- 0, Council MemberAllen Gray absent.

8. ZC- 19- 034 - ( CD 7) - GHI Properties Corp. 3635 NW Centre Drive; From:

RI/ AO" Zero Lot Line/ Cluster with NASJRB Airport Overlay To: " G/AO"

Intensive Commercial with NASJRB Airport Overlay 0. 53 acres

Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)

Mr. Chris Biggers, representing Dunaway Associates, 550 Bailey Avenue # 400, completed a

speaker card in support of Zoning Docket ZC- 19- 034 and was recognized by Mayor Price butdid not wish to address Council.

Motion: Mayor Pro tem Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores,that Zoning Docket ZC- 19- 034 be approved. Motion passed 8- 0, Council MemberAllen Gray absent.

9. ZC- 19- 036 - ( CD 5) - Steve W. Robinson, 11432 Mosier Valley Road; From:AG" Agricultural To: PD/ I PIanned Development for all uses in " I" Light

Industrial plus animal processing with no outside storage, stockyards, or animalpens; site plan included 5. 74 acres ( Recommended for Denial by the ZoningCommission)

Motion: Council Member Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Jordan,that Zoning Docket ZC- 19- 036 be continued to the May 7, 2019, Council meeting.Motion passed 8- 0, Council Member Allen Gray absent.
