Žilina Innovation Policy (ZIP)

Žilina Innovation Policy (ZIP) Advantages for the region and its actors http ://zip.utc.sk


Žilina Innovation Policy (ZIP). Advantages for the region and its actors http://zip.utc.sk. Phases of technical ontogenesis. Source: Regionale Innovationssystem aus Betriebswirtschaftlicher Perspektive – DUV - 2004. What is innovation?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Žilina Innovation Policy (ZIP)

Page 1: Žilina Innovation Policy  (ZIP)

Žilina Innovation Policy (ZIP)

Advantages for the region and its actors http://zip.utc.sk

Page 2: Žilina Innovation Policy  (ZIP)

Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

What is innovation?








Societal Use








Societal Use

Phases of technical ontogenesisSource: Regionale Innovationssystem aus Betriebswirtschaftlicher Perspektive – DUV - 2004

“The necessary step to introduce a new and improved product, service or production process on the market.

It embraces not only technological considerations but also organisational, managerial, commercial and training requirement which contribute to the economic competitiveness of the firm and hence the regional economy to which it belongs.”

(“Green Paper on Innovation”, CEC Luxembourg, 1996)

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

What is RIS – Historical Retrospection

The 1994 White Paper: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment and the 1996 Green Paper on Innovation identified a series of weaknesses/lacks in innovation capacity in Europe. These include:

- Low levels of research and development investment;

- Lack of co-ordination at various levels of research and technological development;

- Limited success in converting scientific ideas and technological achievements into

industrial and commercial successes.

Useful Links:White Paper: Growth, Competitiveness and Employment:http://europa.eu.int/en/record/white/c93700/contents.htmlGreen Paper on Innovation:http://europa.eu.int/en/record/green/gp9512/ind_inn.htm

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

What is RIS – Historical Retrospection

Both papers identified a need to define a global strategy bringing together the

public authorities,

education/research institutions,

companies and

various sections of society concerned

and stress the importance of the regional level in the definition and implementation of such a strategy.



Industry Science

Innovation Technology


Key Actors

Added Value

Implementation BasisSustainability

Catalogueof Measures




Industry Science

Innovation Technology


Key Actors

Added Value

Implementation BasisSustainability

Catalogueof Measures


Triple Helix Science - Industry -Administration

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

What is RIS?

Against this background the European Commission in particular DGXIII and DGXVI launched a complementary action - RIS.

RIS is an opportunity for regional authorities, in partnership with the main actors concerned, to develop within their regions a set of activities to increase innovation capacity.

RIS is essentially:

endogenous long term, sustainable ‘bottom-up’ PROCESS

oriented towards the business communities needs.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Primary Effects of RIS projects and Objectives of the EU

Raise awareness of innovation issues through the region amongst companies, public bodies, private sector organisations and the regional or local authorities;

Improved levels of networking, collaboration and co-operation within, and outside, of the region;

Increased level of knowledge of innovation strategies and approaches amongst staff of the project and others involved in economic development;

Diffusion of information and best practice, both within the region and trans-nationally;

Promotion of innovation policy within the region;

Creation of an innovation culture

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Why RIS in Žilina?

Promotion of innovation policy within the region;

The 2004 Summary Innovation Index (SII)

Source: Innovation Scoreboard 2004 - EU

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Why RIS in Žilina?

Existing need to enhance competitiveness and succeed in international competition

(mainly all other European Regions have started such a process to improve their competitiveness)

International positioning of the region

RIS as a starting initiative for systematic approach to innovation in the region

Improvement of cooperation climate between actors in the region

Source: IRE Secretariat

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Why RIS in Žilina?








1991 1996

Unemployment Ratein % DK

Unemployment Ratein % EU-15

Regional Innovation Strategies are a key factor of improvement of overall economic performance of the region

More and better jobs in the region







1991 1996

R&D employees in %of total DK

R&D employees in %of total EU-15

R&D expenses in %of GDP DK

R&D expenses in %of GDP EU-15

Strategic leveraging of financial resources (linkages with EC Structural Funds programmes)

Attracting international investments

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Who does ZIP concern?

Representatives of regional and local authorities

Higher education institutions

Research Institutions

Innovative companies/entrepreneurs

Chambers of Commerce

Business Innovation Centres

Regional Development Organisations


Business Associations


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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Raising of general awareness of entrepreneurial and innovative thinking within the broad society

- campaigns on technological developments

- sectoral and technology foresight studies

Case Study – RIS StrathclydeRIS Strathclyde supplemented econometric projections for the region by an analysis of strategy documents developed by Local Enterprise Companies responsible for local economic development. It also drew on national technology foresight exercise undertaken by the Department of Trade and Industry Foresight dissemination events organised by the Scottish Office.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Raising of general awareness of entrepreneurial and innovative thinking within the broad society

- Innovation awards

Case Study – RIS OverijsselFrom early 1999 a regional television programme Da Vinci has been broadcasted, promoting innovative developments in 12 regional SMEs. The winner of the first Overijssel Innovation Award was then chosen in the final programme.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Improvement of specialised skills of human resources in innovation and technology

- mobility of business personnel to research/education and vice versa

- support for technology/innovation audits and business plans in companies

Case Study - RIS Dytiki MacedoniaIn RIS Dytiki Macedonia, technological audits have been carried out by Thessalonica Technology Park. A sample of companies, based upon representative mix of sectors, were `audited` with an emphasis on largest companies in each sector. The technology audits were undertaken through interviews based upon structured questionnaires and a short performance report provided to the company involved.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Better infrastructure facilitating innovation

- establishment of a centre for regional innovation development

- creation of common multi-purpose testing laboratories

More and better R&D and innovation in the region

- enhanced participation of companies in international R&D projects

- better access of SMEs/entrepreneurs to larger companies R&D facilities

- development of solutions to solve specific R&D and innovation problems

in companies

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Better access to finance / new funding opportunities

- available grants for cooperative research

- available grants for stimulation of contract research

- R&D vouchers for SMEs

Case Study – RITTS UusimaaThe objective was to help companies to undertake research projects which were considered as too expensive, long term and of a high quality. To do so, it was decided to give money to the companies in form of R&D vouchers to stimulate the use of R&D services instead of promoting supply side activities.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Better access to finance / new funding opportunities

- soft loans and subsidies

- mobilisation of private investors towards innovation – (pre-)seed capital, venture capital funds, business angels

Case Study – RIS West MidlandsOne of the target of RIS West Midlands was expanding of formal and informal sources of venture capital by developing of a system of Business Angel brokering which matches venture capitalists to SMEs with innovation projects. Moreover in order to support the financing of the companies in pre-seed stage, `The West Midlands Growth and Innovation Fund` has been established.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Better access to finance / new funding opportunities

- influencing of funding priorities – impact on Structural Funds programmes

Case Study – RIS West MidlandsThe Objective 2 European Secretariat and Programme Monitoring Committee considered the extend to which the project applications reflected RIS West Midlands Strategy when considering which projects to support under the West Midlands Objective 2 Programme.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Better networks and partnerships in the region, Technology transfer

- involvement of regional and local governance into innovation process (e.g.

creation of special regional parliamentary committee for promotion of regional

innovation development)

- active involvement of higher education institutions into the innovation process

Case Study – RIS ++ Lower AustriaThe RIS++ Lower Austria has underlined the importance of collaboration between education sector and business community. The pilot action „Innovation Assistant“ serves as an successful example of technology (know how) transfer from higher education institutions to companies. The success of this pilot action has allowed for development of new concept, the so called „Innovation Assistant for Export/Internationalisation“.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Potential advantages for these actors out of ZIP

Better networks and partnerships in the region

- development of sustainable regional technology networks

- establishment and/or further development of supply chains and company


- development of regional innovation finance networks

- better cooperation among companies, development of enterprise network

Case Study – RIS++ Lower AustriaWithin RIS++ Lower Austria Strategy, a pilot action „Mini Networks of Strategic Customer Value Orientation“ was put in place. The idea behind was to promote cooperation among enterprises in offering joint/combined products or services in order to attract more customers from the region.

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Úvodná konferencia 24. 1. 2006, Žilina

Your Implication in ZIP - Outlook

Become a recognised KEY-PLAYER in the field of innovation in your region

Participation to the modulation of the RIS process

Initiation of relevant pilot actions within ZIP

Leadership for selected pilot actions within ZIP

Shared ownership over the resulting strategy of RIS