Zhao, Jie; Liu, Yulong; Wu, Longhao; Duan, Chang Kui; Liu, Yu Xi; … · PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED...

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Transcript of Zhao, Jie; Liu, Yulong; Wu, Longhao; Duan, Chang Kui; Liu, Yu Xi; … · PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED...

Page 1: Zhao, Jie; Liu, Yulong; Wu, Longhao; Duan, Chang Kui; Liu, Yu Xi; … · PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 13, 014053 (2020) Observation of Anti-PT-Symmetry Phase Transition in theMagnon-Cavity-Magnon

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Zhao, Jie; Liu, Yulong; Wu, Longhao; Duan, Chang Kui; Liu, Yu Xi; Du, JiangfengObservation of Anti- P T -Symmetry Phase Transition in the Magnon-Cavity-Magnon CoupledSystem

Published in:Physical Review Applied


Published: 28/01/2020

Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Please cite the original version:Zhao, J., Liu, Y., Wu, L., Duan, C. K., Liu, Y. X., & Du, J. (2020). Observation of Anti- P T -Symmetry PhaseTransition in the Magnon-Cavity-Magnon Coupled System. Physical Review Applied, 13(1), 1-6. [014053].https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.014053

Page 2: Zhao, Jie; Liu, Yulong; Wu, Longhao; Duan, Chang Kui; Liu, Yu Xi; … · PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 13, 014053 (2020) Observation of Anti-PT-Symmetry Phase Transition in theMagnon-Cavity-Magnon


Observation of Anti-PT -Symmetry Phase Transition in theMagnon-Cavity-Magnon Coupled System

Jie Zhao,1,2,3 Yulong Liu,4 Longhao Wu,1,2,3 Chang-Kui Duan,1,2,3 Yu-xi Liu,5 and Jiangfeng Du 1,2,3,*

1Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale and Department of Modern Physics,

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China2CAS Key Laboratory of Microscale Magnetic Resonance, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei,

230026, China3Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and

Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China4Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

5Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China

(Received 1 July 2019; revised manuscript received 29 October 2019; published 28 January 2020)

As the counterpart of PT symmetry, for anti-PT -symmetry abundant phenomena and potential appli-cations have been predicted or demonstrated theoretically. However, experimental realization of thecoupling required in anti-PT symmetry is difficult. By our coupling two yttrium iron garnet spherescommonly to a microwave cavity, the large cavity dissipation rate makes the magnon-magnon couplingdissipative and purely imaginary. Thereby, the hybrid magnon-cavity system obeys a two-dimensionalanti-PT Hamiltonian. In terms of the magnon-readout method, the method adopted here, we demon-strate the validity of our method in constructing an anti-PT system and present the counterintuitivelevel-attraction process. Our work provides a platform to explore the anti-PT -symmetry properties andpaves the way to study dynamical evolution and topological properties around exceptional points inmultimagnon-cavity systems.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.014053


In the real world, quantum systems interact with thesurrounding environment and evolve from being closedoriginally into open ones [1,2]. Hamiltonians describ-ing open systems are generally non-Hermitian. Becauseof the nonconserving nature, the eigenenergies are com-plex numbers and the corresponding dynamics are com-plicated [3]. One special type of non-Hermitian system,which respects parity-time (PT ) symmetry, has triggeredunprecedented interest and has been widely explored the-oretically and experimentally [4–7]. Another special typeof non-Hermitian system is the anti-PT symmetric sys-tem, which is the counterpart of the PT -symmetric sys-tem and always preserves properties conjugated to thoseobserved in PT -symmetric ones [8,9]. On the basisof the conjugated properties, abundant phenomena andpotential applications of anti-PT systems have been pre-dicted or demonstrated theoretically, especially aroundthe exceptional points (EPs). Examples include unidirec-tional light propagation [10], flat full transmission bands[11], enhanced sensor sensitivity [12], construction of a

*[email protected]

topological superconductor [13], and potential effects onevasion of quantum measurement back-action [14]. Moti-vated by the intriguing phenomena and various potentialapplications, experimental realizations of anti-PT sym-metric systems are highly desirable. However, because ofthe requirement of purely imaginary coupling constantsbetween two bare states, there have been few experimentalstudies on anti-PT symmetry [8,9,15,16].

Recently, collective excitations of spin ensembles in fer-romagnetic systems (also called “magnons”) have drawnconsiderable attention due to their very high spin density,low damping rate, and high cooperativity with microwavephotons [17,18]. Especially the ferromagnetic mode in anyttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere can strongly [19–22] andeven ultra-strongly [23,24] couple to the microwave cavityphotons, leading to cavity-magnon polaritons. On the basisof cavity-magnon polaritons, quantum memories havebeen realized [25] and remote coherent coupling betweentwo magnons has been proposed [26] and observed [27].At the same time, coupled cavity-magnon polaritons areattractive systems for exploring non-Hermitian physicsbecause of the operability of the parameter space aroundEPs [15,28,29], as well as their easy reconfiguration, theirflexible tunability, and especially the strong compatibility

2331-7019/20/13(1)/014053(6) 014053-1 © 2020 American Physical Society

Page 3: Zhao, Jie; Liu, Yulong; Wu, Longhao; Duan, Chang Kui; Liu, Yu Xi; … · PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 13, 014053 (2020) Observation of Anti-PT-Symmetry Phase Transition in theMagnon-Cavity-Magnon

JIE ZHAO et al. PHYS. REV. APPLIED 13, 014053 (2020)

with microwaves [30,31], optics [32–35], and mechanicalresonators [36,37].

Here we propose a coupled magnon-cavity-magnonpolariton system to experimentally demonstrate anti-PTsymmetry [11]. The purely imaginary coupling betweentwo spatially separated and frequency-detuned magnonmodes is realized by our engineering the dissipative reser-voir of the cavity field. Differently from previous cavity-magnon-polariton experiments, in which the signals areextracted from the cavity [19–24], we obtain the signalsdirectly from the magnons by use of the coupling-looptechnique. The experimental data fit well not only withthe original-experiment-Hamiltonian-calculated transmis-sion spectrum but also with the one predicted by thestandard anti-PT Hamiltonian. By continuously tuningthe non-Hermitian control parameter (e.g., the cavity decayrate), we present the spontaneous symmetry-breaking tran-sition at the EPs, which is accompanied by energy-levelattraction. The results are compared with the data normallyobtained from the cavity. This comparison demonstratesthat the magnon-readout technique enables us to measurethe magnon state separately in a multimagnon-cavity cou-pled system and allows the exploration of many significantphenomena. Our work provides a technology to extract sig-nals from hybrid multimagnon-cavity systems. By usingthis technique, we also construct a platform to explorethe anti-PT -symmetry properties, and this may pave theway to study dynamical evolution processes around theEPs, such as the topological phase transition and thenonreciprocal energy transfer.


Our experimental setup is schematically shown inFig. 1(a). Two YIG spheres are placed inside a three-dimensional oxygen-free-copper cavity with inner dimen-sions of 40 × 20 × 8 mm3. The YIG spheres of 0.3-mmdiameter are glued on one end of two glass capillaries,which are anchored at two mechanical stages. The YIGspheres are placed near the magnetic field antinode ofthe cavity mode TE101 through two holes in the cavitywall. Two grounded loop readout antennae, antenna 1 andantenna 2, are coupled with YIG sphere 1 and YIG sphere2, respectively. In this setup, we can change the positionsof the YIG spheres relative to the loop antennae by tun-ing the mechanical stages. In our experiment, we focus onthe Kittle mode, which is a spatially uniform ferromagneticmode. To avoid involving other magnetostatic modes, theantennae are carefully designed and assembled. Antenna3, with a length-tunable pin, is used to control the dissipa-tion rate of the cavity. When we probe the system from thecavity, antenna 1 and antenna 2 are removed. The wholesystem is placed in a static magnetic bias field, which iscreated by a high-precision room-temperature electromag-net. The bias magnetic field and the magnetic field of the

(a) (b)

FIG. 1. (a) Our experimental system. Two YIG spheres areplaced inside a three-dimensional oxygen-free-copper cavity.Antenna 1 and antenna 2 are coupled to the YIG spheres, andantenna 3 is coupled to the cavity. These three antennae can beconnected to a vector network analyzer to measure the transmis-sion spectra S11, S22, and S33. In the experiment, antenna 3 canbe used to control the dissipation rate of the cavity. The colored-slice figure shows the simulated magnetic field distribution of thecavity TE101 mode. (b) The coupling mechanism between twoYIG spheres. When the cavity dissipation rate κ is much largerthan the dissipation rates of the two magnons (i.e., κ � γ1, γ2),the two magnons are dissipatively coupled with each other andthe cavity behaves as a dissipative-coupling medium.

cavity TE101 mode are nearly perpendicular at the sites ofthe two YIG spheres.

In our system, the two YIG spheres work in the low-excitation regime, and thus the collective spin excitationof the YIG spheres can be regarded simply as harmonicresonators. In the dissipative regime, our system can beapproximately described by the standard anti-PT Hamil-tonian [11] (see Sec. C in Supplemental Material [38] fordetails):

Heff =(

� − i(γ + �) −i�−i� −� − i(γ + �)

), (1)

where i� is the dissipative-coupling rate and � = (ω1 −ω2)/2 is the effective detuning in the rotating referenceframe with frequency (ω1 + ω2)/2, where ω1 (ω2) is theresonant frequency of magnon 1 (magnon 2). For the Kit-tle mode, the frequency of a magnon linearly dependson the bias field �Bi; that is, ωi = γ0

∣∣�Bi∣∣ + ωm,0 (i = 1, 2),

where γ0 = 28 GHz/T is the gyromagnetic ratio and ωm,0is determined by the anisotropy field. To obtain the effec-tive Hamiltonian in Eq. (1), we further require that thedissipation rates of the two magnons are nearly equal(i.e., γ1 ≈ γ2 = γ ) and the magnon-1 cavity coupling rateg13 approximately equals the magnon-2 cavity couplingrate g23 (i.e., g13 ≈ g23 = g). In the regime of κ � γ

and κ � ∣∣ω3 − ω1(2)

∣∣, with cavity dissipation rate κ , theeffective coupling rate � = g2/κ . We can convenientlyobtain the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian in Eq. (1), λ± =


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−i(γ + �) ± √�2 − �2. When |�| > |�|, the eigenval-

ues are normally complex, and the system works in theanti-PT -symmetry-broken phase regime. If |�| < |�|, theeigenvalues are purely imaginary and the system worksin the anti-PT -symmetry phase regime. The condition|�| = |�| defines the EP.

We can probe the magnon-cavity-polariton system fromeither the magnon or the cavity. When we probe the sys-tem from the magnon, we carefully tune the mechanicalstage and change the positions of the YIG spheres rela-tive to the positions of the readout antennae to change theexternal dissipation rate γ11 (γ21) of magnon 1 (magnon 2)so that the readout antennae are critically coupled to themagnons; that is, γi0 ≈ γi1 (i = 1, 2), where γi0 is theintrinsic dissipation rate of the magnon. In this situation,the total dissipation rate of magnon 1 (magnon 2) shouldbe γi = γi0 + γi1 ≈ 2γi0 (i = 1, 2). In this setup, the dis-sipation rate of the cavity is controlled by our changingsolely the pin length of antenna 3. When we probe the sys-tem from the cavity, the signal is injected into the cavityfrom antenna 3, and the reflected signal is measured fromthe same port. In this case, the overall dissipation rate ofmagnon 1 (magnon 2) equals the intrinsic dissipation rate;that is, γi = γi0 (i = 1, 2). In this measurement setup, werequire that antenna 3 is critically coupled to the cavity. Toachieve this requirement, we paste carbon tape at the elec-tric field antinode of the cavity mode to change the cavityintrinsic dissipation rate κint and change the pin length ofantenna 3 to change the dissipation rate κ3, such that thecondition κint ≈ κ3 can be satisfied. All system parame-ters used in both readout methods are presented in Table I,which shows that the difference between g13 and g23 andthe difference between γ1 and γ2 are both less than 5% oftheir average values. Therefore, we can safely ignore thedifference between dissipation rates γ1 and γ2 and the dif-ference between coupling rates g13 and g23 (see Sec. A inSupplemental Material [38] for details) [11].

Using the magnon-readout method, we read the reflec-tion parameters S11 and S22 from antenna 1 and antenna2, respectively. In this case, the magnon-readout anten-nae are coupled to the YIG spheres and to the cav-ity simultaneously. In other words, the applied probemicrowave signal through antenna 1 (antenna 2) drivesnot only magnon 1 (magnon 2) but also the cavity with

relative phase ϕ13 (ϕ23) simultaneously. The reflected sig-nals from magnon 1 (magnon 2) and the cavity also pre-serve the same relative phase ϕ13 (ϕ23). On the basis of themechanism, we can solve the input-field–output-field rela-tion as sout = −sin + √

κkeiϕk3c + √γk1a (k = 1, 2). Com-

pared with the magnon-readout method, the cavity-readoutmethod is much simpler. The injected signal from antenna3 drives only the cavity, and the input-field–output-fieldrelation has the normal form, sout = −sin + √

κ3c. Usingthe magnon-cavity-magnon coupled original Hamiltonianand the input-field–output-field relation, we can solve thewhole spectrum with the standard input-output theory inboth readout methods (see Sec. B in Supplemental Material[38] for details) [39–41].


On the basis of the magnon-readout method, we candemonstrate that the approximation used in our system isvalid and construct the anti-PT symmetry. We apply biasmagnetic fields B1 and B2 to bias magnon 1 and magnon2 at frequency ω1 and ω2, respectively. In our experiment,the resonant frequencies ω1 and ω2 are set to satisfy therelationship ω1 − ω2 = 2π × 5.4 MHz, and thus the effec-tive detuning in this configuration |�| = 2π × 2.7 MHz,which is constant in all experiments. Then we measurethe reflection parameters S11 and S22 from antenna 1 andantenna 2, respectively. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the mea-sured S11 and S22 data are fitted well with the calculatedspectra with use of the original-experiment Hamiltonian(see Sec. B in Supplemental Material [38] for details).This result proves that the physical model used in solv-ing the measurement spectra is sufficient. On the otherhand, the anti-PT Hamiltonian in Eq. (1) describes asystem with dissipatively coupled detuned resonators. Wecan solve the corresponding reflection spectra with thestandard anti-PT Hamiltonian in Eq. (1), as shown inFig. 2(b), in which the resonant dips are marked with trian-gles. To compare the experimental results with the spectrapredicted by the standard anti-PT Hamiltonian, we drawthe triangles at the same position in Fig. 2(a). We con-clude from this comparison that the resonance occurs atthe right frequency and amplitude, which are predictedby the standard anti-PT Hamiltonian. The measurement

TABLE I. Parameters used in the cavity-readout and magnon-readout methods. γ1 and γ2 are the dissipation rates of magnon 1 andmagnon 2, respectively. g13 or g23 is the coupling strength between the cavity and magnon 1 or magnon 2, respectively. |�| is theeffective detuning. κint is the intrinsic dissipation rate of the cavity (without additional ports). κ1, κ2, and κ3 are the dissipation ratesintroduced by antenna 1, antenna 2, and antenna 3, respectively.

2*Probe method System parameters (MHz)

γ1/2π γ2/2π g13/2π g23/2π |�| /2π κint/2π κ1/2π κ2/2π κ3/2π

Cavity-readout 1.11 1.11 9.77 9.61 2.7 Tunable 0 0 ≈ κintMagnon-readout 2.22 2.22 6.65 6.41 2.7 1.5 0.45 0.92 Tunable


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JIE ZHAO et al. PHYS. REV. APPLIED 13, 014053 (2020)

(a) (b) (c)

FIG. 2. (a) The magnon-readout results with different cavity dissipation rates κ in the unit of 2π MHz. The circles and the squaresrepresent the experiment data of spectra S11 and S22, respectively. The solid lines and the dash-dotted lines are the fitting results obtainedwith the original-experiment Hamiltonian. The triangles mark the resonant-dip positions in the original-anti-PT -Hamiltonian-solvedspectra, as shown in (b). (b) Spectra S11 and S22 solved by the original anti-PT Hamiltonian in Eq. (1). The triangles indicate theresonant dips in the spectra. (c) Cavity-readout result in anti-PT -symmetry phase (upper panel) and in anti-PT -symmetry-brokenphase (lower panel). The circles are experimental data and the solid lines are theoretical predictions from the original-experimentHamiltonian with best-fit parameters.

data demonstrate that the approximations are sufficient andindicate that we successfully construct anti-PT symmetryin a magnon-cavity-magnon coupled system.

In addition to the magnon-readout method, we can alsoprobe the system through antenna 3 by the cavity-readoutmethod. As shown in Fig. 2(c), although the measureddata can be fitted well with the spectra given by theoriginal-experiment Hamiltonian (see Sec. F in Supple-mental Material [38] for detailed experimental data), theresults cannot prove that we successfully construct an anti-PT system. Because the cavity mode c is eliminated inthe large-dissipation-rate approximation, we cannot com-pare the measurement results with those obtained with theanti-PT Hamiltonian. Compared with the cavity-readoutmethod, we find that the well-developed magnon-readouttechnique allows us to verify the validity of adiabaticelimination of the cavity field.

We now discuss the spontaneous phase transition of theanti-PT system. In our experiments, the coupling ratesbetween magnons and the cavity are fixed values, andare around 2π × 6.5 MHz. To observe the anti-PT sym-metry phase transition, we need to increase the effectivecoupling rate � = g2/κ by decreasing the overall dissipa-tion rate of the cavity κ , where κ = κint + κ1 + κ2 + κ3 inmagnon-readout method, where κint is the intrinsic dissi-pation rate of the cavity (without additional ports) and κ1,κ2, and κ3 are the dissipation rates introduced by antenna1, antenna 2, and antenna 3, respectively. With differentcavity dissipation rates, we obtain the corresponding trans-mission spectra S11 and S22, as shown in Fig. 2(a). When

the cavity dissipation rate κ is large, the correspondingeffective coupling rate is smaller than the effective magnondetuning (i.e., � < �). The system works in the anti-PT -symmetry-broken phase, and the separation between thetwo dips in the spectrum is larger than the full width at halfmaximum (FWHM). Using the definition of the EP, wecan obtain the corresponding cavity dissipation rate κ0 =2π × 15.8 MHz. Continuously decreasing the cavity dis-sipation across the EP results in two main counterintuitivephenomena: (i) on decrease of the cavity loss, the mea-sured spectra show mode attraction; (ii) on increase of theeffective coupling strength between the magnon modes, weobserve energy attraction instead of mode splitting. Thesetwo counterintuitive phenomena are basically induced bythe broken-anti-PT -symmetry phase transition. When oursystem works in the anti-PT -symmetry phase, the sepa-ration between the two dips is smaller than the FWHM.To formulate the relationship between the dip separationand the FWHM, we can define the combined spectrum byS = (S11 + S22)/2 (see Sec. D in Supplemental Material[38] for details).

The anti-PT -symmetry-broken-induced level attractioncan be expressed even more clearly by examining theeigenvalues of different dissipation rates κ . In our exper-iment, the line shapes of reflection coefficients S11 and S22are not the normally Lorentzian ones when the cavity dis-sipation rate is not large enough. It is not suitable to extractthe real part (resonant frequency) or the imaginary part(line width) of the eigenenergies of the system by directlyfitting the reflection spectra. We extract the eigenvalues by


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FIG. 3. (a) The real part and (b) the imaginary part of theeigenvalues as a function of κ . The shadowed area with κ >

2π × 15.8 MHz indicates the parametric regime of the anti-PT -symmetry-broken phase.

diagonalizing the effective Hamiltonian with experimen-tal parameters and plot the real and imaginary parts asa function of κ in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), respectively (seeSec. E in Supplemental Material [38] for details). Theexperimental data in Fig. 3(a) reveal that the exceptionalpoint occurs at κ0 = 2π × 15.8 MHz, which correspondsto dissipative coupling rate � = 2π × 2.7 MHz. Accord-ing to Eq. (1), the two real parts of the eigenvalues shouldbe ±2π × 2.7 MHz when the cavity dissipation rate κ

approaches infinity. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the real partsof the eigenvalues corresponding to κ = 2π × 105 MHzare approximately ±2π × 2.7 MHz, which are compatiblewith the theoretical results. When we decrease κ , the dif-ference between the two real parts becomes smaller and isreduced to zero at the EP. The theory predicts that thereshould be two different imaginary parts in the anti-PT -symmetry regime, and a single value of the imaginarypart in the symmetry-broken regime. We also observe thisphenomenon in our experiment, as shown in Fig. 3(b).Figures 3(a) and 3(b) clearly show that when the cavitydissipation rate is decreased (i.e., the effective couplingstrength between the two magnon modes is increased),anti-PT symmetry is broken on crossing the EP andthe counterintuitive energy-level attraction happens. Thedeviation of the experimental data from the theoretical pre-diction is caused by the finite detuning between the twomagnon modes and the cavity mode.


In conclusion, we successfully construct anti-PT sym-metry in a magnon-cavity-magnon coupled system withoutany gain medium. We then directly measure the energy

transmission spectra from the magnon side by applyingthe coupling-loop technique. The magnon-readout resultsclearly show that the anti-PT symmetry is broken atthe phase transition point (i.e., the EP), accompanied bya counterintuitive energy-attraction phenomenon insteadof the energy repulsion widely reported in strongly cou-pled resonator systems [19–22]. Encircling around such anexceptional point in the future may allow us to observevarious topological operations based on nonadiabatic tran-sitions. The negative frequencies (negative-energy modes)in an anti-PT symmetric Hamiltonian equivalent to har-monic oscillators with negative mass also have a closeconnection to evasion of quantum measurement back-action [14]. By comparison with the cavity-readout results,we uncover the ability of the magnon-readout methodin exploring multimagnon-cavity coupled systems. Ourexperiment illustrates the power of the magnon-readoutmethod and provides motivation for further explorationsof macroscopic quantum phenomena and the fundamentallimit of quantum sensing based on EPs [12].


We thank Pu Huang and Liang Zhang for helpful discus-sions. This work was supported by the National Key R&DProgram of China (Grant No. 2018YFA0306600), the Chi-nese Academy of Sciences (Grants No. GJJSTD20170001and No. QYZDY-SSW-SLH004), and the Anhui Initia-tive in Quantum Information Technologies (Grant No.AHY050000).

J.Z. and Y.L. contributed equally to this work.

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