Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung...Warm water and liquid soap as well as disposable...

Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung Dienst- u. Paketanschrift: Technische Universität Chemnitz Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung Thüringer Weg 11 09126 Chemnitz Postanschrift: Technische Universität Chemnitz 09107 Chemnitz GERMANY Bankverbindung: Hauptkasse des Freistaates Sachsen Deutsche Bundesbank IBAN: DE22 8600 0000 0086 0015 22 BIC: MARKDEF1860 ZfSG hygiene concept for the university fitness studio ZFG (Zentrum für Fitness und Gesundheit), Reichenhainerstraße 31-33, for the resumption of training operations 1. Fundamentals The TUC hygiene concept 1 is to be obeyed. In addition, the concept is based on the requirements and guidelines of the Ordinance of the Saxon State Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Cohesion on Protection against the Coronavirus SARS- CoV-2 and COVID-19, the General Decree on the Execution of the Infection Protection Act 2 , on the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute for infection control 3 , as well as the sports sector-specific recommendations for action for university sports operations in the context of the Corona crisis of the General German University Sports Association (Bochum/Dieburg, 28.05.2020) 4 . 2. Minimum distance The minimum distance of 1.5 metres is to be maintained between persons in each direction. Where necessary, the minimum distance between exercise equipment has been increased. The minimum distance has been measured out in the waiting area of the ZFG, as well as in the ladies' and men's changing rooms and marked accordingly with barrier tape or by taped zones on the floor. 3. Face masks According to the TUC's hygiene concept, every trainee is obliged to wear a mouth-nose cover (mouth-nose mask) in case of possible contact with people under 1.5 m. 5 This means that a mouth-nose mask must be worn when entering the Pegasus building, when waiting in front of the check-in desk and in the changing rooms. "Attention must be paid to the proper handling of the mouth-nose-covering (putting it on and taking it off, no shifting while wearing it)". 6 The mask may only be removed when using the strength and cardio equipment in the training area. No mouth-nose-coverings are provided to the trainees. In case the trainee has forgotten his mask, he will not be allowed to enter the ZFG. In this case there is no claim for compensation for the unused training time. 4. Visitor flows The visitor flows are directed in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of people or to prevent them from falling below the minimum distance. A separate entrance and exit area will be provided for the 1 https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/bfau/documents/corona/Hygienekonzept_TUC_END.pdf 2 https://www.coronavirus.sachsen.de/amtliche-bekanntmachungen.html#a-6650 3 https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/nCoV_node.html 4 https://www.adh.de/fileadmin/user_upload/adh.de/pdf/service/Verbandsdokumente/oeffentlich/Sportbereichsspezifi sche_Handlungsempfehlungen_des_Hochschulsportbetriebs_im_Rahmen_der_Corona-Krise_adh_28052020.docx.pdf 5 „Jede Person an der TU Chemnitz ist verpflichtet, in den Gebäuden (jedoch nicht auf Freiflächen) bei möglichem Personenkontakt, also auf allen Treppen, Fluren und in gemeinsam genutzten Räumen etc., Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (Mund-Nase-Maske) zu tragen.“ 6 https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/bfau/documents/corona/Hygienekonzept_TUC_END.pdf

Transcript of Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung...Warm water and liquid soap as well as disposable...

Page 1: Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung...Warm water and liquid soap as well as disposable towels are available in the sanitary area for hand hygiene. 7. Small-sized equipment

Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung

Dienst- u. Paketanschrift: Technische Universität Chemnitz ∙ Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung ∙ Thüringer Weg 11 ∙ 09126 Chemnitz Postanschrift: Technische Universität Chemnitz ∙ 09107 Chemnitz ∙ GERMANY Bankverbindung: Hauptkasse des Freistaates Sachsen ∙ Deutsche Bundesbank IBAN: DE22 8600 0000 0086 0015 22 ∙ BIC: MARKDEF1860

ZfSG hygiene concept for the university fitness studio ZFG (Zentrum für Fitness und Gesundheit),

Reichenhainerstraße 31-33, for the resumption of training operations

1. Fundamentals

The TUC hygiene concept1 is to be obeyed.

In addition, the concept is based on the requirements and guidelines of the Ordinance of the Saxon

State Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Cohesion on Protection against the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, the General Decree on the Execution of the Infection Protection Act2,

on the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute for infection control3,

as well as the sports sector-specific recommendations for action for university sports operations in

the context of the Corona crisis of the General German University Sports Association (Bochum/Dieburg, 28.05.2020)4.

2. Minimum distance

The minimum distance of 1.5 metres is to be maintained between persons in each direction. Where

necessary, the minimum distance between exercise equipment has been increased. The minimum

distance has been measured out in the waiting area of the ZFG, as well as in the ladies' and men's changing

rooms and marked accordingly with barrier tape or by taped zones on the floor.

3. Face masks

According to the TUC's hygiene concept, every trainee is obliged to wear a mouth-nose cover (mouth-nose

mask) in case of possible contact with people under 1.5 m.5 This means that a mouth-nose mask must

be worn when entering the Pegasus building, when waiting in front of the check-in desk and in the changing


"Attention must be paid to the proper handling of the mouth-nose-covering (putting it on and taking it off,

no shifting while wearing it)".6

The mask may only be removed when using the strength and cardio equipment in the training area. No

mouth-nose-coverings are provided to the trainees. In case the trainee has forgotten his mask, he will not

be allowed to enter the ZFG. In this case there is no claim for compensation for the unused training time.

4. Visitor flows

The visitor flows are directed in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of people or to prevent them

from falling below the minimum distance. A separate entrance and exit area will be provided for the

1 https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/bfau/documents/corona/Hygienekonzept_TUC_END.pdf 2 https://www.coronavirus.sachsen.de/amtliche-bekanntmachungen.html#a-6650 3 https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/nCoV_node.html 4https://www.adh.de/fileadmin/user_upload/adh.de/pdf/service/Verbandsdokumente/oeffentlich/Sportbereichsspezifische_Handlungsempfehlungen_des_Hochschulsportbetriebs_im_Rahmen_der_Corona-Krise_adh_28052020.docx.pdf 5 „Jede Person an der TU Chemnitz ist verpflichtet, in den Gebäuden (jedoch nicht auf Freiflächen) bei möglichem Personenkontakt, also auf allen Treppen, Fluren und in gemeinsam genutzten Räumen etc., Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung (Mund-Nase-Maske) zu tragen.“ 6 https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/bfau/documents/corona/Hygienekonzept_TUC_END.pdf

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trainees. Both areas are to be used in a one-way street system. There are five demarcation strips in the

entrance area of the ZFG before check-in. These are located on the floor at a distance of 1.5m. This means

that there will be a maximum of 5 persons in the ZFG waiting area at the same time.

Furthermore, the following measures ensure that entrance and exit to the ZFG are controlled in

accordance with hygiene regulations:

The minimum distance of 1.5 metres is to be maintained between persons in each direction. Where

necessary, the minimum distance between exercise equipment has been increased.

The minimum distance has been measured out in the waiting area of the ZFG, as well as in the ladies' and men's changing rooms and marked accordingly with barrier tape or by taped zones on

the floor.

An admission control is carried out by the trainer personnel. A display of the TUC hygiene concept is

clearly visible to all participants in the entrance area.

One-way street regulations are indicated by arrows on the floor and additional signs.

The trainer personnel and the trainees are to disinfect their hands immediately after entering and

before leaving the ZFG. The minimum distance of 1.5m is to be observed.

5. Ventilation plans

All windows of the ZFG are to be set to tilt function during the training operation.

The ZFG trainer personnel are also obliged to ensure cross ventilation with fresh air every 30 minutes for a period of 5 minutes.

This includes not only the training areas, but also changing rooms and restrooms.

At the end of a booking slot, a longer cross-ventilation time of at least 10 minutes must be

implemented by the trainer personnel.

6. Hand hygiene

To maintain hand hygiene, four disinfectant sprays along with paper towel dispensers, a disinfectant

stand in the entrance area, and the washbasins in the ladies' and gents' sanitary facilities are

available for use.

Warm water and liquid soap as well as disposable towels are available in the sanitary area for hand hygiene.

7. Small-sized equipment7

Small-sized equipment (e.g. dumbbells, medicine balls or elastic bands) can only be handed out by

the trainer staff at the check-in desk. Before returning the used equipment to the trainer personnel,

they must be disinfected by the trainees.

The materials must furthermore be disinfected by the trainer staff immediately before the equipment is handed over to the trainees. The trainer personnel is to fill out the list for the loan of equipment


The small-sized equipment is selected according to the effectiveness of the cleaning possibilities.

Only equipment whose surfaces allow for fast and reliable disinfection are to be handed out to the trainees.

Training with a heart rate belt is not possible. The BORG scale can be recommended as an


7 Small devices include therapy bands, dumbbells, gymnastics balls or medicine balls. Large-scale equipment includes both strength training equipment and cardio training equipment such as steppers, spinning cycles or rowing ergometers. These are listed separately under point 7.

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The bell in the entrance area has been permanently removed in order to exclude an exchange of

viruses via this contact surface.

A total of four paper towel holders and one disinfectant bottle each are provided for surface

disinfection in the cardio area, in the strength training area and in the functional strength room.

The disinfection of large equipment must be carried out independently by the trainees after each


The paper towel holders are to be checked and refilled by the trainer personnel.

8. Training plans & anamnesis

At the beginning of each booking unit, the trainer staff are to explain the distance and hygiene rules

and asks the trainees about their state of health. Students and staff may not start their training at

the ZFG if symptoms such as fever, cough, cold and/or flu-like symptoms are present.

A training instruction by the trainer personnel (anamnesis for training plan creation) may only be

carried out with a face mask. Wearing the mask is mandatory for both the trainee as well as the

trainer personnel throughout the anamnesis as well as the training instruction.

Exercises that lead to a considerable increase in breathing frequency (aerosol formation) are not to be included in new training plans. Already existing training plans should be adapted with regards to

this requirement for the trainee.

9. Handling of COVID-19 symptoms

Persons considered to be part of the risk group with regards to COVID-19 (persons over 60 years of

age or with previous illness) are especially informed about protective measures.

Prior to check-in, the trainer personnel are to explain the regulations on distance and hygiene

protocols and inquire about the trainee's state of health.

Persons with symptoms that indicate COVID-19 (e.g. fever, sore throat, cough) are excluded from

attending the ZFG.

The exclusion is made clear by a sign at the entrance to the ZFG. The exclusion applies to both the

trainer personnel as well as the trainees.

10. Seating arrangements

The seating arrangement in the entrance area has been removed.

Seating facilities are available in the changing room area and occasionally on the equipment training area. These are wipeable surfaces. The ZFG trainer staff will carry out a surface cleaning of the

seating areas at hourly intervals.

11. Regulation of changing room access and utilisation

Changing into training attire before arriving for a training slot is mandatory for all trainees.

Changing in the locker rooms is not permitted.

There are only 10 lockers available in the men's changing rooms and 4 lockers in the ladies' changing rooms. All other keys have been removed from the counter area and cannot be

accidentally handed out by the trainer staff. The lockers are only to be used to store personal items.

Access to the changing rooms is only granted for use of the lockers. When resuming training

protocols, the trainer personnel are to ensure that the changing rooms are only entered for the use of the lockers.

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12. Implementation of cleaning protocols

The toilets are to be cleaned and disinfected every hour by the trainer staff. In addition to the toilets and washbasins, the door handles in the entire toilet area are to be cleaned as well. For cleaning, the

trainer personnel are provided with cleaning agents, disinfectants and gloves.

The lockers situated in the changing rooms are to be cleaned by the trainer personnel after each

booking slot.

13. Booking periods

Given that the reopening of the ZFG in regular form is not possible under current circumstances, individual

time slots are released for booking via the University Sports BookSys. This results in the following opening

hours from Monday to Friday:

1. morning slot: 08:00-10:00

2. morning slot: 10:00-12:00


3. afternoon slot: 15:00-17:00

4. afternoon slot: 17:00-19:00

5. afternoon slot: 19:00-21:00

A maximum of 10 trainees may register for each of the specified slots. Access is controlled by the ticket

system of BuchSys. There will also be a list on which the trainees sign to have taken note of the hygiene

concept and to comply with it. Anyone violating the requirements of the hygiene concept can be expelled

at any time by the shift-leading trainer personnel without claim to reimbursement of fees.

14. Booking fees

The fee for a 2hr time slot amounts to 2€ for students and 4€ for university employees. Fees will be

collected via SEPA mandate. The trainee gives his/her consent to this at the time of booking.

The course description in the booking system already refers to the ZFG hygiene concept.

In case of non-compliance with the conditions or failure to comply with the guidelines and rules

stated in the ZFG hygiene concept, no withdrawal or cancellation is possible.

15. Contact partner in the event of an inspection

Kristin Röhr | Head of ZfSG | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am IfAB | Thüringer Weg 11 | Raum 102 |

Telefon: +49 (0) 371/531 38434 | Mail: [email protected] | Homepage: https://www.tu-


16. Responsibilities

The trainer personnel are instructed on the implementation of the hygiene concept during the monthly

team meetings. The trainer personnel must sign the acknowledgement of and compliance with the present

concept before resuming their work in the ZFG. The trainees are instructed by means of appropriate


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Figure 1: Disinfectant dispenser in the entrance area to the Pegasus building (Reichenhainer Str. 31-33)

Figure 2: Entrance area to the Pegasus building (Reichenhainer Str. 31-33) with 2 disinfectant dispensers

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Figure 3: ZFG entrance area and Check-In desk, 5 waiting lines 1,5m apart + disinfectant dispenser in front of Check-In desk

Figure 4: Machine training area (max. 6 persons in the room simultaneously, no training on adjacent equipment allowed)

Figure 5: Info sign for machine training area

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Figure 6: Functional training area

Figure 7: Info sign for functional training area

Figure 8: Cardio area (treadmills are to remain locked since running is considered to be a highly intensive endurance exercise; the

remaining cardio equipment like bicycle ergometers and crosstrainers have been spaced 3m apart)

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Figure 9: Course room 1 has been converted into a training area (1 rowing ergometer, 1 spinning bike, free weight training area; max.

3 persons allowed in this room at the same time)

Figure 10: Course room 1 info sign for trainees (posted on entrance door to curse room 1)

Figure 11: General information signs for all equipment areas and training facilities

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Figure 12: Equipment room with 2 squat racks + bench; serves as exit room (max. 3 persons simultaneously - 2 trainees, 1 person

leaving the ZFG)

Figure 13: Exit area (one-way lane principle)

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Figure 14: Ladies' changing room (may be entered by max. 4 people at the same time for locker use in compliance with 2m distancing


Figure 15: Sanitary facilities for ladies (1 toilet and 1 wash basin may be used; shower area has been locked)

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Figures 16 & 17: Men's changing room (may be entered by a maximum of 10 persons at the same time for locker use in compliance

with 2m distancing intervals)

Figure 18: Sanitary facilities for men (1 toilet and 1 wash basin may be used; both urinals, showers and the remaining toilet cubicle

have been locked)

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Figure 19: Info signs for showers (2x in men’s room, 2x in women’s room)

Figure 20: Info signs for toilets (1x in men’s room, 1x in women’s room)

Figure 21: Info signs for women’s changing room (1x) and men’s changing room (1x)

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Figure 22: Info sign located at ZFG entrance door

Figure 23: Info signs pertaining to one-way lane system

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Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung

Dienst- u. Paketanschrift: Technische Universität Chemnitz ∙ Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung ∙ Thüringer Weg 11 ∙ 09126 Chemnitz Postanschrift: Technische Universität Chemnitz ∙ 09107 Chemnitz ∙ GERMANY Bankverbindung: Hauptkasse des Freistaates Sachsen ∙ Deutsche Bundesbank IBAN: DE22 8600 0000 0086 0015 22 ∙ BIC: MARKDEF1860

Facility layout – trainee guidance system

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Signature list for recognition of hygiene concept

Mit meiner Unterschrift erkenne ich die mit dem Hygienekonzept verbundenen Nutzungsbedingungen an und verpflichte

mich, diese einzuhalten. Bei Missachtung der Regelungen erfolgt ein Ausschluss vom Trainingsbetrieb durch das

diensthabende Trainerpersonal.

With my signature, I acknowledge the terms of use associated with the hygiene concept and comply with them. If the

regulations are disregarded, the trainer on duty will exclude me from training.

Name Date Signature