
³Breathe´ Was all I heard when I came to. ³You are new again´ The voice spoke again I felt as if I knew this voice; from a past life of sorts. Another place, another time this voice was familiar to me, yet quite distant. A burning sensation steaming from my neck caught me off guard. I couldn¶t move nor scream. The pain was unbearable. Then, as I began to slowly rise from this stupor, the  pain started to subside. My eyes wouldn¶t open but I could hear things all around me. I could hear  breathing and the pitter-patter of small animals. Then, I opened my eyes. All around me were these people, if you could call them that. Pale and almost lifeless, they stood staring at me upon this alter. Above me was a nice looking young man and he spoke. ³My friends, I give you the vampire Zadeck´ Then I had remembered.I remember my life before the change vaguely. I was promised eternal life and the ability to protect others, two things I have always wanted to do and they agreed to allow me to  become a vampire. I was eighteen years old at the time looking for my niche in the world. I had often  pondered eternal life, and the promise of it seemed to be too great to pass up.Even if it meant forfeiting my mortal life to join the ranks of the undead. You may ask yourself why I write. I do it for my sanity. I have been given eternal life and, though it sounds great, once everyone in your life is dead and gone; what do you have to live for? What do I have to protect anymore? July ³Zadeck all you ever do is sit behind that desk and work´ I looked up and Lorelai. She was a short girl who was very pale and blond. She was one of my closest vampire friends.She was born in the Savannah, Georgia in the late 1700¶s. The only thing she truly retained from life was the human¶s ability to be extremely vengeful. I don¶t blame her for this, but the manner in which she was created. She was what you could call a ³call girl´ she would have a good time with men for a price.She met a vampire man and he used his charismatic nature to completely make

Transcript of Zadeck_11

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Was all I heard when I came to.

³You are new again´ The voice spoke again

I felt as if I knew this voice; from a past life of sorts. Another place, another time this voice was

familiar to me, yet quite distant. A burning sensation steaming from my neck caught me off guard. I

couldn¶t move nor scream. The pain was unbearable. Then, as I began to slowly rise from this stupor, the

pain started to subside. My eyes wouldn¶t open but I could hear things all around me. I could hear

breathing and the pitter-patter of small animals. Then, I opened my eyes.

All around me were these people, if you could call them that. Pale and almost lifeless, they stood

staring at me upon this alter. Above me was a nice looking young man and he spoke.

³My friends, I give you the vampire Zadeck´

Then I had remembered.I remember my life before the change vaguely. I was promised eternal

life and the ability to protect others, two things I have always wanted to do and they agreed to allow me to

become a vampire. I was eighteen years old at the time looking for my niche in the world. I had often

pondered eternal life, and the promise of it seemed to be too great to pass up.Even if it meant forfeiting

my mortal life to join the ranks of the undead. You may ask yourself why I write. I do it for my sanity. I

have been given eternal life and, though it sounds great, once everyone in your life is dead and gone; what

do you have to live for? What do I have to protect anymore?


³Zadeck all you ever do is sit behind that desk and work´

I looked up and Lorelai. She was a short girl who was very pale and blond. She was one of my

closest vampire friends.She was born in the Savannah, Georgia in the late 1700¶s. The only thing she

truly retained from life was the human¶s ability to be extremely vengeful. I don¶t blame her for this, but

the manner in which she was created. She was what you could call a ³call girl´ she would have a good

time with men for a price.She met a vampire man and he used his charismatic nature to completely make

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He was tall and pale with long blond hair. I¶ve known him since 1967. He is a hippie I found

completely stoned at the Monterey Pop Festival. He is one of my closer male friends along with the leader

of the society Bartholomew. Physically he didn¶t look threatening but I will vouch for him on his fighting

ability especially when it comes to his true love, Lorelai.

³Have you heard the news«´

³About Alexi and Lucia´ he said cutting me off.

He shook his head in disgust. ³They barely know each other while I have known Lorelai for over

ten years.´

³This may come back to bite us, Rizith´

He nodded in agreement.

³When was the last time you left this office Zadeck?´

³When did last semester at college end?´

³Dude it¶s time to get out, summer is almost over and we will have to attend college like normal

humans our age´

³I can have my third master¶s degree´ I said with sarcastic excitement.

³Then once the teachers that taught us die off you will get your fourth but come on let¶s go out´

I thought for a moment and groaned; he was right.

³Beach?´ I asked

Upon saying that within all of two seconds both of my friends stood before me in their best beach

attire. I dressed quickly as well and got into my truck and we drove down to the beach.Living in

Brunswick County, North Carolina there are only a few things to do and that is go to the beach or leave

town to go up to Wilmington,thankfully we live just moments from a perfectly good beach on Oak Island.

Luckily, we aren¶t affected by sunlight but we must cover our sensitive eyes from the sun. It is

about a five minute drive from our house to the beach. When we arrived we carried our things down to

the water and blended in with the human population.

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³What have I gotten myself into?´ I asked myself. I didn¶t feel like being here I would have

rather been working on things for my higher powers.

I thought even more. I am about three or four months ahead on everything; I deserve the break.

Maybe it will make me work harder.

We stepped into the water and we proceeded to splash each other and have a good time. The sun

was bright even through my dark sunglasses. Everyone was enjoying the warm summer sun. I watched

children play and it made me nostalgic for my mortal life. I will never have kids with another immortal

woman. I love caring for small things. Even though I do some of the darkest things within the society, I

like to believe I still have a caring heart..

I looked over to my two friends kissing and laughing with each other. I don¶t know how to feel

about that though; love I mean. In this moment in time I actually felt as if this was something I needed;

the feeling of needing someone and being needed. It¶s weird though; I¶d never needed this before, I

haven¶t needed anything in over one hundred years.

³Guys, I think I¶m going to take a walk.´ I told them

³Ok, leave the keys where we can find them just in case´ Rizith told me.

I nodded and walked to the shore. I went over to where we had put our stuff down, put on my

shirt and put the keys on top of Rizith¶s shirt.

I proceeded to walk down the beach. Girls would look and whisper to each other about me. I

guess it¶s just the compelling nature of a vampire. I would wave at some and pretend to check out others

and they would sigh and swoon over me. Mortals are funny creatures. I continued to walk down the beach

then in the distance one girl caught my eye.

My, was she beautiful. A beautiful sun kissed body with long flowing black hair and the figure of

a goddess. I approached her as if I was under her spell. I walked by her too nervous to talk to her but then

was compelled to turn around. I walked back to her but this time I spoke to her.

³Hey´ I said.

³Hey´ she said with this cute little ring in her voice.

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She examined me more closely.

³Do we go to the same school?´ she asked.

³If I recall correctly I believe we do´ I said with a smile and a stomach full of butterflies.

Where are all of these human feelings coming from. I screamed at myself in my head.

³Your name is Zach right?´

I nodded my head.

³And your name is«´


We continued to talk and we exchanged phone numbers. Half an hour passed and a guy came up

to us. He looked like some serious nerd with glasses and swim trunks with a superman logo on it. Angel

jumped up and kissed him.

³Zach, meet myboyfr-sorry, fiancé, Cody.´

My heart sank.

³How¶s it going dude?´ I asked him trying to be friendly.

³What are you doing talking to other guys Angel?´ He said glaring at her.

I felt this defensive twinge go through me.

³I¶m sorry, I¶ll leave man. I¶m not trying to cause any problems here´

³Damn straight´

³CODY!´ Angel shouted.

³Don¶t worry about it´

I walked away ignoring their bickering behind me.

Damn he was jerk . I thought to myself.

All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed with this feeling of sadness I couldn¶t shake. I felt awful

walking back to my friends. I got back and they were cuddled up on the beach. I was so overwhelmed by

this feeling of sadness, that I actually became jealous of them.

³Have a good time on your walk?´ Lorelai asked.

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³Why the long face?´

³No reason just remembered that there are some things that I need to take care of later´

³Your mind is weary you might need to rest´ She told me.

See vampires sleep for about a day every few months or so just to sort all the information that

they have acquired in that time period.

³Maybe you are right. You guys about ready?´

³Yeah bro lets ride´

We got into my truck and I drove back home. Angel; oh did that name ring like a bell in my


Later that day I stopped feeling the sadness I had felt earlier but I actually felt really relaxed as I

sat in my office chair. It was unusual, my flocculation of emotions. Within the past two hours I had gone

from sad, to happy, to relaxed. I sat there in confusion wondering to myself where all of these human

emotions were coming from. I felt my phone buzz.

³Hey is this Zach?´ it asked.

My heart began to race. I quickly replied.

³Yeah hey what¶s up? This is Angel right?´

I gathered my papers on my desk and stacked them neatly and I checked my Email.

As I combed through my email I saw several from Bartholomew talking about the bonding of Lucia and

Alexi, work that needed to be done about a human who knows our secrets, and about a shipment of

moonshine, yes vampires make moonshine it¶s known as ³The Wizard¶s Elixer´. Humans can¶t get

enough of that stuff. The society was made on the grounds of protecting one another¶s secret and the less

humans that know what we are the better. I heard my phone buzz.

³Not much what about you? I¶m sorry about what Cody did today.´

³It¶s quite fine dear. If I knew you were taken I wouldn¶t have been flirting with you.´ I replied


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I looked up and Lorelai was standing at the door with a wine glass in her hand.

³I don¶t know what to think of you sometimes Zadeck´ She said shaking her head and placing the

glass on my desk.

³What do you mean?´ I asked taking a sip of blood in the glass.

³All work and no play make Zadeck a dull boy´ she said with a wink.

³What if I told you I believe I¶ve met someone?´

³I would say you were full of it.´

³Well I met a girl at the beach today I feel an odd connection to.´

³You mean a human woman?´

I nodded.

She looked at me with a look of disgust.

³What does a human woman have to offer you?´

³I don¶t know but I feel weird when I talk to her´

³I could tell you were a little off when you got back from your walk´

³There is only one thing about this girl´

³I knew there was a catch´ She said with a smirk.

³She is taken and engaged to be married to this man who I don¶t believe loves her like he should´

She perked up.

³Well I guess she wouldn¶t be the one for you hmmm?´

³I¶m not sure what she sees in him but I believe I am much better´

³Well of course Zadeck no guy is as good as you?´

³Rizith?´ I asked.

She shook her head no.

³You are something special Zadeck and I¶m sorry I still come on to you even when Rizith and I

are together but you should know that you are something pretty spectacular´

³Thanks Lorelai´

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³No problem´

She appeared next to me and kissed me on the cheek then whispered into my ear.

³If you need to forget this girl you know where I live.´

She left the room.

Suddenly I got this impatient feeling I couldn¶t explain so I looked at my phone and Angel had

texted me back.

³Well I had fun talking to you today you seem to be an interesting person.´

I smiled.

³You are quite interesting yourself darling.´

I leaned back in my chair and looked at the clock, it read 9:36. Being a timeless being it

fascinates me a human¶s obsession with time. It is one of the four things that cant be taken back, along

with the spoken word, the fired arrow, or the neglected opportunity; oh the neglected opportunity. I

neglected a major opportunity today with Angel. She seems to be someone special. I don¶t know how she

loves that man but she does. How do you love someone so controlling? Someone who talks to you the

way he talked to her? I began to feel this rage within me.

N o one should treat people they love like that. I thought to myself.

I finished my snack and threw the glass against the wall shattering it to bits, both Lorelai and

Rizith appeared in the room.

³Zadeck what¶s your problem man?´ Rizith asked.

³It¶s nothing ,seriously.´

³Zadeck has a thing for a human girl.´ Lorelai chimed in.


I nodded.

³You know that is frowned upon.´

³I¶m well aware but there is something about her I just can¶t explain.´

³So you are starting to form the connection?´

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The connection is the empathic connection that vampire mates feel for the other, it¶s


³I don¶t believe so.´ I said looking down at a receipt for some of the wizard¶s elixir.

³Come on dude don¶t lie.´

³I¶m not lying.´ I said starting to get annoyed.

³What¶s her name dude?´

³I¶m not telling´ I said sticking my tongue out at him.

³Angel´ Lorelai said almost singing it.

Rizith proceeded to dance around my desk and sing the song about us kissing in a tree.

³Damn it, that¶s enough.´

Lorelai joined in the mocking.

³Alright I admit it I like her´

³Good, because admitting you have a problem is the first step.´

I stuck my tongue out at her and I checked my phone.

³Hehehe you called me darling.´ Her text said.

This made me smile like my attention is wanted. Not all hope is lost.

I looked back up and they were on the computer looking at her Facebook page.

³Bro don¶t you see she is engaged?´

³I know that¶s why I feel so bad.´

They continued to internet stalk her and Cody. I made my way through the house into the pantry

to get another glass of blood.

³Zadeck you won¶t believe this.´ Rizith said in excitement.


³They both have their addresses posted under their contact information.´

³Let¶s ride by her house´ Lorelai suggested.

³Yeah dude it¶d be fun!´ Rizith added.

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³I don¶t think we should stalk the poor girl´

³It¶s not stalking its admiring from a distance´ Loreali said with a chuckle.

Rizith is like a road map of Brunswick County. He has spent weeks on end memorizing all of the

roads and everything. Everything in the tuck was quiet and Lorelai as usual felt the uncontrollable urge to

break the silence.

³I¶ve heard rumors about the Nosferatu being back.´

³Whatever, they haven¶t been a threat since I¶ve been alive.´ I said.

³You never had to deal with them Zadeck but I¶m not going to mess around.´

See the Nosferatu are vampires that oppose the society. They are unlike our members The

members of the Society of Blood and Shadow were living that were changed into the walking dead while

the Nosferatu are vampires created from corpses. They don¶t blend in with humans because they have

feral look with Grayish-Blue skin and large canine teeth. They can¶t walk by the sunlight for they are

killed like in most vampire legends.

³I still don¶t believe it.´

She shook her head.

³Turn left on this street, then take a right on the next´

I took the directions from Rizith and proceeded down the street.

³This is the house right here.´

I went down the street a little farther and parked the truck.

³You will be ok by yourself babe right?´ Rizith asked.

³You two go on I will watch the truck.´

I got out and sprinted down the street to her house.

³Let me know when you find her window´

He nodded and we walked around the house. The first window I looked into was the kitchen. I

saw her mother standing in front of the refrigerator. She had the same skin tone as Angel; she looked as if

she had a Hispanic background. Her mother looked out the window and I ducked quickly and she

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continued to eat her ice cream. She walked out the kitchen into a room I couldn¶t see so I looked into the

next window. In this window there was a room that was an office where her father was sitting. Her father

is an older gentleman who looks to be about Rizith¶s actual age. He seemed to be quite engrossed in his


The next window contained what I had come here for. I looked into the room and there lay Angel

half asleep on the bed. She was so lovely. I peered through the glass more closely. She was wearing cute

flowery pajamas and she was hugged up to a teddy bear. I placed my hand on the window and it made a

small noise and she looked. I hid out of sight. After about a minute Rizith was next to me.

³This is it I suppose?´ he asked me.

I nodded.

He looked through the window.

³She is pretty, but no woman is as fair as my Lorelai.´

I chuckled knowing what he said wasn¶t true; this girl was the fairest of them all. Nothing is more

beautiful than mortal sleep it brings out something in her and within a moment I felt this safe warm

feeling as if I was being held by someone.

³She is just sleeping dude.´

³There isn¶t anything more beautiful don¶t you agree?´

³Mortals are slaves to sleep´

³Don¶t you miss it?´

³Dude the only thing I miss from being mortal was getting high.´

I rolled my eyes.

³There is more to mortal life than getting high.´

³Sure.´ he said with sarcastic tone.

³Alright I believe I shall let her sleep.´

³Good lets go.´

G oodbye darling. I said in my head.

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I pressed my lips to the glass and ran up the street.

³What took you two so long?´ Lorelai began to bitch.

³We would have been back sooner but Romeo here had to take his time saying goodbye to his

sleeping beauty.´

³Someone¶s in love´ Lorelai started to sing.

What if I am in love? She is a mortal and I am well immortal. How would it work? I can¶t rob her

of a human life for my own selfish needs. It pains me for I know I could live a thousand more years and I

will never find a woman like this again. Her beauty and grace surpasses anything I have ever seen. She is

like a butterfly so fragile and beautiful. I remembered Cody; that jerk. The way he spoke to her was

completely unfair. How does a guy like that deserve the perfection of her? I started up the truck.

³You know what would be fun?´ Rizith said with an evil grin

³Oh lord what has you devious little mind came up with?´

³Let¶s go to HIS house.´

³Show me the way´ I said pulling away with a smile.

I¶ m a good guy. I reminded myself, though sometimes it was hard to believe that. Am I a

monster? Would she ever see me for more than just a monster? I have no clue. For the first time in a

long time I felt something run through me; fear. Ive always just believed that fear was weakness. What if

she is my weakness, the one thing I couldn¶t survive without? Though I barely know her I don¶t know

how I even survived these past decades without her and I haven¶t a clue how I would ever be able to.

I love her.

I love her more than any mortal or immortal I have ever met. What¶s the matter with me? Have I

become weak with my affection? I won¶t let this affect me. I am Zadeck, Lord of Secrets!

Does she feel the same? I asked myself.

Am I her undead Romeo and she my living breathing Juliet? Shakespeare refers to them as ³Star-

crossed lovers´ which makes me wonder are Angel and I too star-crossed and if not then how would the

stars align for a creature of the night and something that is so perfect? I have faith in God. God is

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Both of my friends laughed.

Lorelai poked one of the tires with her fingernail.

³Did I do that?´ she said with a chuckle.

We spent the next five or ten minutes completely messing this car up and by the time we were

done you couldn¶t even tell it was a car. Afterwards we sprinted back to the truck. We spent the whole

ride home laughing and carrying on about what we did to his car.

We arrived home and I went straight to my office and sat there by the candle light waiting to talk

to my Angel again.

Most of my summer was spent like this where I would go and check on my Angel. I had claimed

her as my own. I would talk to her sporadically but nothing serious; less then I wanted. Lorelai had almost

convinced me to give up the ghost, how could I ever mean as much to her as he does. Seemingly my

³life´ had come to a halt and time itself was my enemy. I have all the time in the world to think of her,

remember her, and love her even after her death. I decided that nothing was going to keep me from her

not even some weakling mortal man who treats her in the worst of ways. I, Zadeck Valortiu, shall come

out victorious in this battle she will be my mortal maiden and I her immortal lord.


I would see her and Cody often, I seen him more than I ever wanted to see him. He would always

look away as if he was ignoring me or pretending I wasn¶t there but I was. Oh did I gander at her. She

was the fairest lady of them all and who couldn¶t help but look for she was my precious flower.


³Are you going to the game tonight?´ Lorelai asked.

³Yeah I have to keep an eye on LeeAnna.´

³Do you want some company?´ she asked in a flirtatious tone.

³I will be ok I need some«alone time´

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³Suit yourself´

School was mundane. Nothing I haven¶t heard countless times or lived through. What is a mortal

to tell the immortal that lived through the event incorrect? I can¶t help but laugh at the ignorance of man

and at things man has done. I still for the life of me don¶t understand this, why do I feel love? Am I still

human deep down somewhere? I shouldn¶t think of her, nevermore. She is with another man; engaged to

be married. I shouldn¶t meddle in the affairs of humans. It¶s not a healthy lifestyle for me or should I say


³Zadeck, are you going to the game tonight?´ asked LeeAnna as I was walking her to the gym.

³You know I am.´

³Is Bear coming?´ She said shaking her dirty blond hair.

Bear is one of my friends that has had my back many times in fights the least I could do is help

him keep her safe. He loves her.

³I am sorry to inform you that Bear won¶t be there.´

She had a look of gloom on her face.

³And I joined this cheer squad just for him´ she pouted and her bright blue eyes seemed to be


³Don¶t worry, Its just one game´

³Yeah, the FIRST game.´

³LeeAnna you have me here and I am one of your friends its still special, right?´

³Yeah, Yeah´

I opened the door for her.

³You men from the Victorian era´ she said shaking her head.

³What should I make you open the door for me?´

³That¶s not how it works´

³My point exactly´

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She rolled her eyes and walked into the gym.

I saw the whole cheer squad there. Among the girls there none where as beautiful as my Angel.

There I go again not MY Angel but CODY¶S Angel I kept saying that to myself over and over again. I

had a hard time coming to terms with it. Nothing has been hard in my life in a hundred years.

³Hey everyone Im sorry Im late´

Do I dare look up? Is it her?

I looked up and there was Angel; beautiful as ever. My heart leapt from my chest. The cheer

coach motioned her into formation and they did some stretching. My attention was with the task at hand;

watch LeeAnna. My mind drifted to Angel and her presence alone made me feel week. The connection

started back it seemed. I felt this underlying sadness with a hint of liberation thrown in there I didn¶t

know if I like it or dislike it but seeing her made me feel amazing, like everything was right in the world.

I stayed for the whole game, as promised. Everything in me wanted to say something to Angel, but I

couldn¶t muster the courage to do so. She is the girl of my dreams, I just wish I could tell if she felt the


³So, did we do ok?´ Leanna asked, interrupting my train of thought.

³Yeah, I think so.´

³You weren¶t paying an ounce of attention were you?´

³Was too!´ I said like a child,

³Yeah, to that Angel girl.´ She rolled her eyes at me as I stuck my tongue out at her.

I walked her back to her car. ³He wanted me to tell you to drive safe.´ She just gave me a quick

hug goodbye and was on her way. I spent the short ride home thinking of none other than Angel. She was

the definition of perfection in a living, breathing form.

I walked into the house. There didn¶t seem to be anyone home. I walked through the sitting room

and arrived in the dining room, where to my surprise, sat Lorelai at the table by the candle light.

³Where is she?´

³She¶s at home.´

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³I knew she was on the cheer squad.´


³I have my ways.´ She gave me a very mischievous glance.

³You stalker.´ I said in a sarcastic tone.

Rizith appeared next to me.

³I don¶t hear any heartbeats.´

Lorelai looked at him with a mocking glare. ³Zadeck moves at the speed of a snail. She isn¶t


I gave her a stern look. ³Shut it Lorelai.´

³It¶s true slowpoke.´

Rizith glanced confusingly between the two of us.

³You couldn¶t seduce her back here?´

³I didn¶t even speak to her.´

³What a surprise.´

Lorelai smiled. ³I know something you both don¶t know.´

We perked up as we waited for her to reveal her secret.

³Did you notice something different about her?´ Rizith gave me a confused look and I just

shrugged at him.

³No ring.´ She said as she rolled her eyes. ³Wow, vampire men are just as observant as human


A sudden flood of hope rushed through me. I picked up the wine glass and opened the bottle on

the table, wanting to make a toast.

³Here¶s to hoping that I will never be alone again.´ I raised my glass.

³Hell yeah!´ Rizith cheered in agreement. I looked at Lorelai, waiting for a response, before I

took a drink.

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³Yeah, here¶s to you«´ she said glumly, tipping her glass slightly in my direction. We all took a


I went to my office right after our celebratory drink and sat behind my desk to catch up on some

paperwork. I tried to focus, but I had the strange urge to log onto Facebook. I prayed that maybe I could

talk to Angel. It didn¶t take long to find her profile and send her a friendship request. After that, I knew

all I could do was wait. I switched over to my email, checking to see if there was any Blood and Shadow

business that needed my attention. I carefully combed through the list of emails. The only email of any

interest was one about an accusation against one of my ³co-workers,´ Alexi. He was being accused of

infidelity against Lucia, his beloved to which he was bound.The crime of infidelity after the bonding is

punishable by death in the society because we have a philosophy; if you aren¶t willing to keep a promise

to a person you love, then you can¶t be trusted to keep promises to the society. I quickly replied.

³Please investigate. We are all innocent until proven guilty.´

I sent that off and switched back to Facebook. She added me! I looked under the instant message

button and saw that she was still online. I knew this was fate. I sent her an instant message.


³Hello ;)´ she said.

³How are you?´ I asked, trying to start a conversation.

³I¶m doing ok, just kinda sleepy.´

³Would you like to go to sleep?´

³Honestly, I¶m fine for right now.´

³Are you sure?´ I didn¶t want to bother her.

³Promise.´ She replied.

I thought for a moment about what I should say to her; how to let my feelings known. I finally

gathered the courage to just tell her.

³You know, I find you quite attractive.´

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She took a while to reply, probably trying to figure out how to respond to such a forward

statement. These were the longest minutes of my existence.

³Thank you. You aren¶t so bad yourself. ;)´

I could have jumped for joy!

³So darling, may I walk you to class tomorrow?´

³Sure sounds like fun. ´

I was suddenly concerned for her physical wellbeing.

³Are you sure you aren¶t sleepy?´

³No«´ she said.

³Well maybe you should get some sleep darling.´

³You¶re so sweet. I guess I will get some sleep.´

³I¶ll text you in the morning. ´

³Ok Good Night.´

³Good night´

She logged off. I kept the window open for a moment. I love you I typed in it. I wished with

everything I was that I could tell her this. I looked around the room, and out the window into the night. At

that moment I made myself a secret promise.

Angel, I f you could only hear my cries of love! I need you more than I could ever need anyone. I

don ¶ t know I don ¶ t know how, but it is you, my pet, that has placed this bewitching spell on me. Tomorrow

shall be the beginning of our forever.

I sat behind my desk and waited until morning, the start of Angel and I¶s happily ever after.

Never again would I be alone. Suddenly, a fear set in. What if she doesn ¶ t understand? I asked myself.

What if she doesn ¶ t feel the same? How could I ever live without her? I refuse to do it. I can ¶ t go on

forever thinking of her it would drive me mad as a hatter.

I sat in silence for a few hours, and then Lorelai came in.

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³Mortal love dies, but immortal love lasts forever.´ She said as she walked over to sit on my

desk. I turned my chair to look at her.

³Lorelai, you couldn¶t be more wrong.´ She looked puzzled.

³What does this mortal tramp have to offer with her living imperfections and fragile body?´

³Lorelai, don¶t you understand? All love is immortal. Love has the ability to carry on through the

ages. It has no beginning nor an end. As long as I love her, 100 years from now our love will still exist

living forever through me.´

³But what can she offer you?´

I looked at her with complete disgust.

³Everything that you never could´ I spat back at her.

She shot me a dirty look and stormed out.

Why can ¶ t anyone see how I feel about Angel? Why can ¶ t Lorelai see that I could never feel the

same about her? Rizith would be devastated to discover Lorelai ¶ s affection for me.

A few hours passed and the sun was rising. The day; September 8, 2010. According to the

weather channel, it was going to be a warm summer day. It was the perfect day for a creature of the night

and a beautiful sun-dweller to plan the seed of love and wait for it to bloom into a beautiful flower. I

dressed in normal human attire relative to the year and my assumed age, which was a rock band shirt,

today it was a Green Day T-shirt, torn jeans, Chuck Taylor sneakers and the fedora I wore to shield my

eyes from the sun.I was the first in the house to get ready for school.

I sat down behind my desk and looked at the clock; 6:30 I had to wait another three hours but

what is time to me? I picked up my phone and decided to send Angel a text.

³Good morning beautiful ;-)´ I put. It was short, sweet, and to the point. Though I could write

pages about the way I felt about her, I knew that human girls enjoy a little challenge.

I walked through the house into my special wine cellar and got myself some breakfast. I met

Lorelai in the hall.

³Good morning darling´ she said to me with her overly charming southern accent and hugged me.

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³Good morning´ I said awkwardly hugging her back.

³What¶s on the plan for you today´ she asked me.

³To make love blossom´

She looked at me and caressed my cheek.

³So you are finally going to accept me hmmm?´

³No today is the day I am going to make my move on Angel´ I said pulling her hand from my


She huffed up and proceeded up the hall in the opposite direction.

As I was getting my drink I heard Rizith come back in, apparently he had been out all night.

³Where have you been?´ I asked

³Tracking Alexi´

³What¶s going on now?´

³He left Lucia high and dry and he isn¶t anywhere to be found´

³Any leads?´


³We will handle it soon enough´

He nodded and went into his room and almost instantly I heard Jimi Hendrix¶s Purple Haze

pouring out of it.

I got my glass and drank though it didn¶t seem right. I wanted something different, I wanted

Angel, but I knew I wouldn¶t and couldn¶t do anything to hurt her.

Two hours passed and Lorelai came to get me.

³School time lover boy´

I grabbed the keys to the truck and we walked out the door. The ride to school was quiet we spent

most of it listening to the radio. On average it takes a human an hour to drive from where we live to

school but it only takes me twenty minutes because I drive like a bat out of hell.

I sat in class thinking; waiting, allowing my mind to think of the negative.

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Z adeck you are a vampire, a blood sucking creature of the night who feeds on the living. Who

could ever love you?

As much as I tried I couldn¶t shake these thoughts no matter what. I was afraid. No matter what I

knew that I had to have her. She was slowly becoming my world.

It was the afternoon and I was in the student parking lot scanning the area for my Angel and

suddenly Rizith appeared next to me.

³Don¶t let her go´ he said encouraging me.

³I won¶t´

I looked up and she was pulling in and Rizith punched my arm playfully.

³Get some´ he said with a chuckle and he walked away at a normal human speed.

Here goes nothing.

Seeing her made me happy like life for a moment was breathed back into me I smiled


³Hey Zach´ She said with this cute charm that I thought only children had.

³Hello´ I said nodding my head.

I looked on her shoulder she had a bag with an actor, Johnny Depp, on it and it appeared to be


³May I carry your books´ I asked reaching to take the bag from her.

³Um«its ok.I¶ll just drop them off at my classroom and then we¶ll go for a little walk.´

I pulled my hand back.

Why didn ¶ t she want me to carry it? I thought girls liked that.

³I¶m kind of the strong, independent woman type. Plus it¶s really not that heavy.´

I wasn ¶ t trying to take her independence away, I just wanted to carry her bag but whatever she


³Shall we?´ I asked gesturing to the building.


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I hope the formal speech doesn ¶ t give me away as something different.

We walked in silence and I was afraid. I searched my mind for something to say that would break

the ice, then I looked at her bag.

³So is that your project?´

³Oh yeah. It¶s for the art show in May. ´

³May I see it?´

She pulled it out slowly and unrolled it. It was the silhouette of a lion and a lamb and between

them a red heart. This brought back all hope because this told me she was interested in twilight!

³So the lion fell in love with the lamb´ I said baiting her to say the rest.

³You¶re familiar with twilight?´

³More than you would think´ trying not to die laughing.

I f she loved twilight so much then I know she will accept who I am! I need to get home and look

up all of the quotes Edward said to Bella.

³I¶m a bit of a Twilight nerd. It seemed appropriate that I would submit this into the art show.´

I smiled trying not to laugh. She blushed and this made me so happy! I hopped that she would see

me as her Edward though I know how ridiculous it was. This was a book written for preteen girls to

romanticize vampires.

I examined her closely taking in every detail then I looked down and noticed something on her neck. Was

it another vampire¶s bite?

³What¶s that on your neck´ I asked looking more closely and realizing it was only a mosquito


³Oh that´ she covered it.

³«it¶s just an old mosquito bite. I get them a lot. My mom said it¶s because I have sweet blood.´

She chuckled

At that moment is was just us two around. I couldn¶t see any other students and all I could think

was drink. I felt as if I was some kind of animal for once and I have been deprived of too many meals and

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the wild instincts began to kick in. Then I repressed all of those urges when I looked into her beautiful


³Ok, well this is my classroom here. I¶ll leave my stuff at my desk and we can walk around

campus if you want.´

³Anything you want dear´ I said smiling at her.

I couldn¶t help but smile when she was around. She was the first thing to make me truly happy in

a very long time. I couldn¶t help but be happy around her she was fun loving; I could tell. She came out

the classroom with a smile on her face and we started to walk around the building.

³So«´ she started.

I looked at her.

³I guess you heard what happened«with Cody and me I mean«´

I continued to look at her I felt her pain. The connection now was stronger than ever.

³I had heard rumors and I am very sorry´

But now it is my turn!

She giggled like she heard what I had said in my head.

³Care to let me in on the joke?´ I asked teasing her.

³It¶s nothing really, it¶s just that you¶re really sweet and understanding, but I know part of you is


I stopped thinking. Everything stopped even time. She felt a connection too? That means she IS

the one for me. I pulled myself back together.

³You are very observant´

³But the funniest part is that I¶m just as happy as you are, if not more so.´ She looked away


She is happy we are talking!

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I walked us to the front of the building. I moved closer to her like our connection was magnetic as

well as empathic and she leaned against the wall. I leaned against the wall with my hand coming closer to

her. She seemed nervous so I halted my advance for a moment.

³There is no way you could be half as happy as I am.´

I continued my advance. I was going to kiss her right now. I had to this was my only chance.

³Are you nervous´ I asked her with a confident devilish grin.

³No´ She whispered she seemed nervous.

I came closer.

³How about now?´ I asked making sure my advance was welcome.

³Umm«..´ was all she could say before I pressed my lips to hers. Nothing had felt more amazing

in my life. Her lips; warm against mine it was like the gods themselves sanctioned this due to the

perfection that was in this moment. I pulled her chin up to deepen the kiss. I could have spent the rest of

my eternity in that moment; that one moment of perfection. I pulled away.

She opened one eye then the other and I smiled at her.

³I«um«wow«um«we should«um«´ she began to babble which I thought was cute.

³We should«um«like get to«um«know each other better«right?´

³If that¶s how you wish to proceed then I¶m fine with it darling.´

³O-Ok then.´

I smiled at her. MY Angel now and never again will she belong to another. I remembered she had

class I couldn¶t let her be too late.

³You¶re going to be late for class dear.´

³Oh my god you¶re right. Um, text me, ok?´

³Of course.´

I smiled and kissed her on the forehead one last time and I walked away knowing that I just

started the adventure into my forever with the absolute most amazingly wonderful woman the world has

ever seen.

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I walked back to the truck and Lorelai and Rizith were standing there. Lorelai approached me.

³I smell the human girl on him´

Rizith fist pumped.

³You did it so what happened?´

³I kissed her.´ I said like I was still trying to convince myself it had just happened.

³Way to go dude!´

³Thanks Rizith´

³You two can have guy talk on the way home but this sun is killing me!´

I hopped into the driver¶s seat and my friends climbed in and we proceeded home. On the way

home I made a stop at the store.

³What are we doing?´ asked Lorelai.

³I have to get some things.´

³What?´ she asked suspiciously.

³Some books and movies.´

³Care to share what ones?´

³The twilight series.´

Upon saying this both of my friends erupted in laughter because the twilight series is a joke

among vampires because it exploits the romantic side of it seemingly forgetting that they must drink

blood to sustain them.

³You are joking dude´

³No Rizith Im not´ I said as we were walking inside.

I went to the books section and got all of the books. Lorelai opened one of them and dramatically

recited the prologue of Twilight on our way to find the movies as she did that Rizith laughed loudly; this

really began to annoy me. It took us no time to find the movies and we left. The ride home was grueling

with the taunting about reading the Twilight series to impress Angel but we arrived home.

³I am going to my office to«study´ I said

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They busted out laughing and both proceeded to Rizith¶s room where I heard Jimi Hendrix¶s

Foxy Lady start, which was their love making song. I walked into my office and picked up the first book.

I combed through the pages carefully taking in every detail of the story to remember to say to Angel and

within an hour I had read it. Then I began New Moon.

New Moon made me think; I could never leave Angel for anything even if I felt like it would

protect her because no matter what if I was around I would assure her safety. This seemed to be Edward

backing out. I would¶ve had his head on a silver platter for this. The way it affected Bella emotionally

was enough to jerk a tear from me. By the end of the book I believed that I had gained my respect back

for Edward, but never would I want to be compared to him. I am so much better than that. I couldn¶t ever

leave her for anything ³She is my world now´ quoting Edward.

It didn¶t take me long to read the third one but the third one was of greater interest of me because

the two have a baby. Could this mean I could father a child? The thought of it was enough to make my

almost want to jump for joy. I have never heard of another half vampire. This is completely unheard of

but I would love to try. I wondered how Angel felt about having children. I hope she wanted a few little

ones running around, even if they aren¶t entirely human.

I then watched the movies this gave me visuals of the books that I have just read and I gathered a

few more quotes. I believe now I am ready to swoon any Twilight fan, so I sent her a text.

³Hello sweetheart, sorry I have been studying. How has your day been?´

I walked to the wine cellar and poured myself a drink and came back to my office.

³It¶s ok. I have been having a great day ever since this afternoon, how about you?´

I smiled remembering what had happened today.

³You contributed to the absolute most perfect day of my life.´ I texted

Lorelai camein.

³So Edward are you done?´ she asked trying to be funny.

³Ive been done a while´ I said rolling my eyes.

³Well tomorrow you know what needs to be done?´

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I looked at her confused.

³You should tell Bartholomew.´

I was nervous. I had to tell the leader of Blood and Shadow that another human will be let in on

the secret soon enough. He wouldn¶t be happy or would he? I am practically his right hand. Maybe he

wouldn¶t care I know his wife; Willow would be completely open to the idea.

³You are right I do have to tell him´ I told her.

³See Zadeck wouldn¶t it just be easier to just accept me.´

³I doesn¶t matter if it would be hard on me because Angel can make me happy in ways you could

never imagine!´

³You are foolish Zadeck just foolish; ANY man would die for this body´

³I guess Im not just any man´

Rizith appeared.

³What¶s going on in here?´

³Nothing just a heated conversation about having to tell Bartholomew´ I said resolving the

conflict instantly.

³You should tell him´ he said.

³I am tomorrow´

³Good idea´ he said pulling Lorelai closer kissing her neck.

³I love you babe´ I heard him say to her on the way out my office.

³And I love you too sugar´ she replied sounding almost like Scarlet from Gone With the Wind.

I checked my phone.

³Do you really think that?´ The text said.

³I know without a shadow of a doubt.´ I replied.

I checked the clock; 12:30 a.m she needed to be asleep.

I waited a few minutes and she sent me another text.

³You are such a sweet guy.´

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³Thank you darling I am so very glad you believe I am. It is late you need to get your sleep for


I finished my drink and she texted back.

³You are the first guy to care about whether or not I slept. Good night darling I will text you

when I wake up´

I started to type Good night my darling I love you but then I thought about it and I was afraid she

would think I was weird that I already loved here, though it wasn¶t a lie. I decided to send the text minus I

love you.

I spent the remainder of the night looking over Twilight so I can have my quotes memorized and

ready to tell her the next day.

Time passed slowly through the night as if father time was late and was crawling on his hands

and knees to bring the dawn. I sat at the computer most of the night formulating how I should tell

Bartholomew about my human girl. How would he take it? Would he be angry? I didn¶t care I would do

anything to be with this girl; even spit in my creator¶s face. Now I know how she feels somewhat and

nothing is going to keep me from her.

I looked over at the clock it read 6:47 am I decided to send her a text knowing she most likely

wasn¶t awake.

³Good morning darling I hope you had a great night text me when you get up ok?´

I sat my phone on my desk and walked through the house into the sitting room. The sitting room

was large with large windows; average of any Victorian style house in the south. There was a love seat,

an armchair, and a rocking chair in the room, the walls were painted a deep maroon with black crown

molding. In the floor there is a large wolf pelt that is used as a carpet but the rest is hard flooring that was

original to the house. I sat down in the armchair and instantly Lorelai appeared next to me.

³Good morning sugar´ she said with a thick southern drawl handing me a glass. She was carrying


³Rizith´ she said almost singing his name.

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He appeared and took the glass from her.

³Moring bro´

I nodded at him.

They sat down in the love seat together.

³What¶s going on guys?´

³What are you going to tell Bartholomew?´ Rizith asked me in a very serious tone.

I pondered for a moment.

³Well I am going to tell him the truth.´

³You know he hates outsiders knowing what we are.´

³What if I didn¶t tell her for a while?´

³Then she would begin to question you because a vampire¶s habits are normal to those who know

and understand but to someone who hasn¶t a clue you just look weird and somewhat creepy.´

³You are completely right I couldn¶t keep it a secret from her for long´

³Well Willow will approve´ Lorelai chimed in.

³She would help you convince him this is ok.´ Rizith added.

³Willow is sweet as a Georgia peach´ she said trying to be cute.

³She is exceptionally nice to everyone she meets, maybe you guys are right.´

³All you have to do is get over this hump and you will be breaking head boards and ripping

pillows in no time´ Rizith said with a laugh instantly making Lorelai laugh.

³Watch it´ I said to him in a sarcastic serious tone.

³Ohhh I¶m so afraid what are you going to do read my mind?´ he said again mocking me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my friends laughing. They seem to really be getting a kick out of

this; laughing at me because not only am I in love with a mortal but a complete ³twi-nerd´. Its great to

have friends to laugh about this with. I joined in on the laughing and carrying on which we did for about

an hour.

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I went back to my office to grab my phone and truck keys I checked my text messages I had

received one from Angel.

³Good morning I cant wait to see you today I will be there at 9:00´

I was excited in a hour the most amazing girl in the world was going to be in my arms, right

where I knew she belonged and she would be safe.

We proceeded out the door and made our way to school.

³She is going to also get a kick out of your driving´ Rizith said.

³Oh be quiet´ I begged.

³What are you running? 100? 110?´

I looked down at the speedometer.

³100´ I announced.

³Maybe you should get a Volvo.´ Lorelai said.

I groaned.

³NEVER and I mean NEVER will I let you guys into my personal life!´ I said laughing.

Then I thought maybe that would be nice. I know we could afford it I don¶t like to brag but we

are very wealthy we have about 3.5 million spread out over a few accounts; through the years I have made

wise investments and so have my friends and on top of what we are paid with moonshine we are very well

off and on top of everything we don¶t have to buy food or have running water.

³I might go to the dealership today while I am in Wilmington´

³Sweet so does that mean I can have your truck?´ Rizith asked with the excitement of a child.

³Yes Rizith you can have the truck´

I saw him fist pump in the passenger seat.

I pulled into the parking lot, found a spot, and got out.

³So you are just going to sit here and wait for Bella?´ Rizith said with a smile.


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My two friends left and I was there alone waiting for her. I knew she drove a Jeep Commander so

I kept an eye out for one. I looked at the clock on my phone it read 8:57, I was so excited to see her and

then I looked up and she was pulling in. I wish I could¶ve run using my lighting speed to greet her but I

had to take it slow. She parked and started getting out I looked around and no one was around and her

back was turned so I sprinted over to her.I stood behind her for a moment then her smell hit me. Within a

second I couldn¶t stand it anymore I wanted to drink her then and there but I knew I couldn¶t. I snuck up

behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and she screamed began to pull away from me, I held

her tight and whispered in her ear.

³Its just me sweetheart´

³You scared the crap out of me´

³My apologies darling´

She stood there for a moment in my arms and I pressed my lips to her neck. While kissing her

neck I almost took a bite. The sweet smell of this beautiful creature was almost enough to make me go

mad. I held everything in.

³I may sound crazy but I missed you so much when I left yesterday´ I told her trying to keep my


³I missed you too, like legit!´

She turned her head and looking up at me.

³This is nice´ she said.

Without hesitation our lips met and I felt almost high. We both pulled away at the same time and

I was looking into her eyes. She had the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen.

³Your kisses are addictive.´ I told her

³Im glad you think so.´ She said with a sexy voice.

³You are like a drug to me, like my own personal brand of heroine´

She looked at me. I could see that she instantly made the connection to twilight and she was

completely taken by what I just said. She closed her eyes and kissed me again.

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³There is something about you´ she said.

³Im just your average eighteen year old guy´

She looked at me as if she was studying me and I took this opportunity to take her bag from the

back seat.

³I don¶t want you carrying my things´ she said trying to take it from me.

³Please darling I insist I would make me happy to carry your bag to your classroom it looks much

heavier than it did yesterday.´ I said looking into her eyes tenderly.


I leaned down and kissed her. After the kiss I held out my hand and she instantly took it without

hesitation and we walked hand in hand to class.

On our walk to class I held her hand tight I could feel the difference between the temperatures our

bodies radiated she was warm and full of life and I must have felt completely dead in her hands. She

stepped closer to me and I wrapped on arm around her neck and looked down at her.

³You are so beautiful´ I told her.

³You really think I am?´ she asked looking up at me.

³I don¶t think my darling I know´ I said opening the door for her.

³You are such a gentleman´ She said walking though the door.

³I just like to remind the world that chivalry is far from dead´

We walked up the stairs and Rizith was sitting in the stair way.

³What¶s up dude?´ he asked me and he looked at Angel

³So this is Angel´ he asked looking at her.

³It¶s nice to meet you Warren.´ She said.

He nodded at her and looked at us.

³So this is your girl?´

³Yes this is my girl!´ I said grabbing her and holding her close.

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As soon as I said that I saw Cody at the bottom of the stairs. He looked at me with a look of pure

hate in his eyes and he stormed up the steps and stopped in front of me.

³So you are the new guy?´

I looked to Angel and she continued up the steps and I saw her begin to cry this infuriated me.

³Yeah what is it to you?´

³I knew ever since I saw you on the beach you were going to take her from me.´

I looked over at Rizith and he motioned for me to go check on Angel.

³This isn¶t over´ walking up the stairs.

I saw he went to follow me but Rizith stopped him and the farther I got up the steps I could hear

Rizith treating him. I got to the top and stopped and I could hear her sobbing. I walked in the direction of

the crying and I turned the corner and there she was my precious little butterfly so fragile sitting down on

the floor crying. I sat next to her and held her close.

³Don¶t worry precious Im here´

³I just wish he would leave me alone´ she said through the tears.

³He wont ever bother you again sweetheart I promise´ I said rubbing her hair and letting her cry

on my shoulder.

³I love you´ I said without thinking.

She stopped crying and looked up at me.

³What did you say?´ she asked wiping away a tear.

³Nothing´ I said panicking. What if she thought I was too easily won? What if she thought I was

moving too fast?

³Say it again please.´ She asked with a whimper in her voice.

³I love you´

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

³I think I love you but Im not going to say it, I mean until I know for sure I mean it.´

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I looked at the time and It was 9:26; she needed to go to class. I picked her up off the ground

cradling her with ease and kissed her lips quickly and put her down. I held her hand and walked her to

class. Before she looked at me she turned and looked at me.

³I will be waiting for you outside of your class´ I told her.

³Ok darling.´ She said pulling me into one more kiss.

³See you in an hour and a half´she told me.

³I shall be counting the seconds.´

I let her go and I walked back down the stairs to my classroom I didn¶t see any blood on the way

there so at least Rizith¶s threats were idle and I walked into my class. I sat down and scanned the room. I

never noticed until now that Cody was sitting at the front of the room and he was turned around giving

me a death stare.

Everything in me wanted to kill him at this very moment but I know I couldn¶t. I spent all of class

imagining all the ways I could slowly kill him and how much I would enjoy ripping his head off and

drinking him. With his small stature all he would be is a snack to me. He was an idiot for trying to stare

down a vampire because I can play his little intimidation game and do it much better than he can.

Class ended and I rushed at a normal human speed back up the stairs to Angel¶s class and waited

outside her door. Not even a minute passed and she walked out. I walked up to her and held out my hand

demanding her bag. She handed it to me though I could feel she didn¶t want to and I walked her to her

next class.

We didn¶t have much time to talk but we enjoyed one another¶s company hand in hand. We got to

the door of her classroom and I looked down at my wrist and I was wearing a jelly bracelet of a bat; I

have to keep up with fads! I took it off and handed it to her.

³So you can always think of me when I am not around my love´

She looked at it and looked at me shaking her head smiling.

³What are you thinking?´ I asked her.

³Nothing´ she said still shaking her head.

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³Please tell me, I cant read your mind Angel.´

She looked at me and chuckled.

³Edward said that to Bella.´

³Really?´ I asked knowing he did.

³Yeah, you are a lot like Edward.´

³In more ways than you can imagine darling.´ I said while playing with her hands.

She smiled and looked into the distance.

³Go to class darling.´ I told her.

³I will.´ She kissed my lips quickly, took her bag, and walked in. She sat down and she looked at

me smiling.

I walked down the hall and I stopped dead in my tracks because Cody was walking straight for

me. I knew humans weren¶t smart but he must be the dumbest of the dumb. I stood there and he stopped

right in front of me.

³What is going on between you and Angel´ he demanded pointing his finger in my face.

³Well sir I don¶t believe this is any of your concern´ I told him moving his finger from in front of

my face.

³You wont leave her alone don¶t you see that girl wants her space?´

³She wants her space as she clings to me for dear life.´ I told him sternly.

I looked around and there wasn¶t anyone to be found.

³Look Cody you see that door I am going to give you ten seconds to get out of my sight and

maybe I wont kill you this afternoon.´

³Fine but you haven¶t heard this last of me´ He said storming out of the building.

C oward.

I sat outside Angel¶s classroom and waited for her to finish. While waiting My phone buzzed

with a text it was from Willow.

³Hey there boy so tell me about the human girl´

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³Her name is Angel and she is quite amazing. I love her«I think.´

I looked down the hallway and began to think. What if she is the one? Have I finally found the

woman of my dreams? From this moment on I was going to give my all to her. She had completely stolen

me and I wasn¶t looking to get it back. I looked back down at my phone.

³Maybe you should stop by today´

³I was planning on it to tell Bartholomew´

I looked up and almost instantly she sent me a text back.

³Ok hun I will see you then´

I decided not to text back. I looked out the window into the day and then Lorelai appeared next to


³So sugar how has the human girl been treating you?´

³She has been amazing.´

She huffed slightly.

³I hope you¶re happy´

I looked outside.

³More than I have ever been.´

³Im off to biology´ she said kissing my cheek.

³Alright I will see you in a little bit.´

She walked away and I began to think. What makes her think Angel couldn¶t make me happy? It

is ridiculous to think that I couldn¶t be happy. I felt like the absolute luckiest guy in the world. I told her

the truth I couldn¶t have been happier she was so perfect. I sat there waiting patiently until her class was

finally over and she walked out and over to me.

³Did you sit here the whole time?´ she asked me.

³Indeed I did´

³That¶s sweet but didn¶t you get bored?´

³I did some work for my English class´ I lied.

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³Ok then´

She looked at me again.

³You know you don¶t have to wait for me?´

³Darling I choose too´ I said getting up and taking her bag; she just handed it to me this gesture

alone made me smile.

³So where are you going now?´ I asked her.

³I am finished for the day but we could get some lunch if you want.´

I had no clue how I was going to explain to her I don¶t eat, well at least human food.

³Im not really hungry I had a large breakfast´ I said thinking on my feet.

³Oh ok dear´ she said looking at me.

³But I am more than willing to stay with you while you eat lunch.´

³Alright´ she said with a smile.

I took her hand and we walked to the cafeteria.

The school cafeteria was like a short order grill the lady behind the counter was an older lady but

she was very sweet. Angel looked on the menu and ordered some chicken tenders and an order of fries.

³I hate eating in front of guys´ she said wrapping her arms around me.

³You should never feel weird about eating in front of me.´

³But I feel fat´

³Darling you are far from fat.´ I said to her. I never understood why human women always

thought they were fat. She had the figure of a goddess and she had the right to eat anything she pleased.

The lady sat the order on the counter and she went and got a cup of sweet tea for Angel and began to ring

her up. She told her to price and Angel pulled her wallet out of her purse to pay but I stopped her.

³Please allow me.´ I said in a cool tone.

³No, its enough you are carrying my bag but I wont let you buy me things.´

³Please it would make me happy´ I insisted again.

³Fine.´ She said looking down.

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I paid and carried it out to a table for her.

³Would you like anything else?´

³No you have already done too much for me today´

³You are my princess you deserve it´

³So I don¶t owe you anything?´ she said looking up with a smile.

³Just your affection´ I told her pressing my lips to her cheek.

She chuckled and began to eat taking tiny bites as if I was judging her by the amount she ate. I sat

there studying her.

³A man values a lady by the way she eats like a bird´ she said in a false proper southern accent.

³Sweetheart you could gorge yourself I would always find you beautiful.´

She covered her mouth to smile.

³Do you want a sip of tea?´

³I don¶t really drink tea.´


³Yeah«Im on a special diet´ I said quoting Edward. She looked at me almost puzzled and

chuckled to herself.

She finished up lunch and I threw her garbage away for her and grabbed her bag.

³You are such a gentleman´ she told me clinging to my free arm as we walked.

³My mother told me to always be a gentleman in the presence of a lady.´

She giggled happily and I opened the back door of her jeep and sat her bag in it and I turned

around to look at her.

³I saw your address on facebook do you mind if I stop by later tonight?´

She looked at her phone to see the time that read 2:00.

³Yeah what time will you be there?´

I thought for a moment I needed enough time to drive and talk to Bartholomew and stop by the

Volvo dealership to pick up a C30, the same card Edward drive in the movie.

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³6:00?´ I asked.

³Yeah that¶s cool.´

³I will see you later sweetheart´

³Bye darling´ she said as I leaned down to kiss her.

She got in and drove away. I knew Bartholomew was going to tell me to tell her what I am so I

had to prepare myself. What if she thinks Im a monster? What if she walks away from me? No matter I

knew what I had to tell her eventually. As she drove away my friends were already back at the truck.

³Rizith will you go with me over there and take the truck home I am getting the Volvo today.´

³I certainly will!´ he said in excitement.

³Well Im going too.´ Lorelai chimed in.

³Alright so I guess we don¶t have to go home then´ I said with relief because then that gives me

more time to meet my 6:00 date with Angel.

It took me no time to get to Wilmington where the Volvo dealership was driving at lightning

speed. I found a Silver C30 and talked with a man about it. Since I was paying for it in cash the whole

process took about an hour. Within this time he commented on how many young people were buying this

car because of the Twilight fad. I took the keys from the man when the bank confirmed everything. I

handed the keys of the truck to Rizith.

³Take good care of her´

³Oh trust me I will´ he said with excitement and they drove off.

I got into my new Volvo and drove to Bartholomew¶s housewhich was only about twenty minutes

away and I parked next to his black challenger. I love muscle cars and I have the money to buy any one I

want and I choose a Volvo. Why? To impress Angel. She will get a kick out of it and I believe it might

soften the blow of what Im about to tell her later tonight.

I walked up the steps and before I could even ring the door bell Willow greeted me with a hug.

Willow is short and very skinny even with her small stature she is still almost as strong as any other

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vampire. She has long black hair but into choppy layers. She is a little bundle of energy and is always

friendly to everyone.

³Zadeck it is so good you dropped by!´ she said with excitement.

She had a glass in her hand I took it and she walked me inside.

³Thank you´ I told her.

³No problem, he is waiting for you in the meeting room.´

I felt nervous for once. I walked through the living room and into their meeting room where he

was sitting in a large armchair reading a book. The sitting room was eloquently designed with a deep

hunter green color and Rosewood molding, hardwood floors but no rug with a shield and crossed swords

hanging on the wall with a focal point being a painting of the couple probably painted well over two

hundred years ago based on what they were wearing. He looked up at me. He was a tall man with black

hair he kept back in a pony tail, dark eyes and very pale; your class vampire.

³Please Zadeck take a seat´ he said gesturing to the chair facing his. It seemed that everything he

said almost had a seductive tone about it similar to Count Dracula. I sat down and looked at him.

³So you have found a woman. Correct?´ he asked me.

³Yes sir I have.´

³A human girl at that?´

³Yes sir´ I said looking down.

³That is the least of my concern´

³Really?´ I asked him looking up.

³Do you believe you will be bound to her?´

This swirled through my head. I wanted to be bound to her very badly.

³Yes sir I believe I will.´

³Then you must tell her what you are but leave the bonding out for now my son, don¶t jump the

gun too soon´

³Yes sir I have a date with her tonight at 6:00´

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³Tell her then.´

³Yes sir´

³Willow darling´ he said

³Yes dear´ she said appearing next to him.

³Fill Zadeck¶s glass for him and kiss me.´

She kissed him and filled my glass.

³I will leave you two alone, call me if you need me love´

³Of course my pet´

She gave him a quick hug and walked out.

They have been together since the early 1600¶s and they still seem to be in love like they were

back then. These two have been through every event in America¶s history together. Bartholomew has

fought and every war America has been in except the civil war and she was a nurse in every one. I looked

up at the painting of them.

I really hope one day Angel and I can be like them.

³Well my son I don¶t want to hold you much longer.´

I stood up and proceeded out the door and they walked out onto the porch.

³Zadeck is that a Volvo?´ Willow asked starting to giggle.

³Yes´ I said almost ashamed.

³So this girl is into Twilight?´

I nodded still quite ashamed.

³That is so adorable, everyone tells me I am like Alice!´ she said giggling.

³You are´ I said

³How can something so small be so annoying?´ I said quoting Edward laughing.

We all three laughed and I gave them a wave and got in the car.

³Text me and let me know how it goes.´ Willow demanded.

³I will´ I promised.

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³You better´ she said giving me a cutesy evil eye.

I pulled out the driveway and started making my way to Angel¶s house.

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