Zabarwan Times E Paper English 15 August 2014

C M Y K C M Y K C M Y K FRIDAY 15 August | 2014 | 18 Shawal, 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 224 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa) Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K C M Y K Srinagar Aug,14: The country is celebrating its 68th Independence Day today with lot of enthusiasm and fan-fare. On this occasion, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Nation from the ramparts of Red Fort after unfurl- ing the National Flag. In Jammu & Kashmir tight security is in place to avert any untoward incident and all routes leading to Bakshi Stadium have been sealed. Intense frisking is being carried at all en- try points and security forces have been put on duty in strength. The main function is slated at Bakshi Stadium, Srinagar where the Chief Minister Omar Abdulla will unfurl the National Flag and take salute on the march past. Similar func- tions will be held through out the state. Meanwhile In his Indepen- dence Day Message, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah presented the over- view of the major achievements of his government registered during last about six years in the main sec- tors of Roads, Water Supply, Power, Education and Health. He also re- ferred to the growth and improve- ment registered in Agriculture, Horticulture and allied sectors. He listed measures taken for youth welfare, empowerment of people and curbing the corruption. Omar Abdullah made special refer- ence to the improvement of peace and security situation in the State during the last more than five and a half years and said that 80 percent reduction has been achieved in the militancy related incidents. He said all schools and hospitals have been vacated from occupation of security forces. He said 1000 private build- ings, 300 government buildings, 40 hotels and 30 industrial units have also been cleared from the security forces occupation. He said rehabil- itation policy has been introduced for the youth who had crossed LOC and wanted to return back to nor- mal life. He said 350 youth have re- turned under this policy so far. He said 54 bunkers have also been re- moved from Srinagar city. The Chief Minister said that Pass- port Policy has been made peo- ple-friendly and NOC for three lakh passports has been accorded during the last five years. He said 1850 youth have been benefited under the Amnesty Policy. He said war- rants under PSA have been brought down 50 percent in last about six years from 2500 in 2008 to 1420 by now. Omar Abdullah said that in a histor- ic step his government empowered people to ask any question to the government on its all performance under the Right to Information Act. He said by implementing Public Services Guarantee Act a common man was empowered to ask time bound delivery of basic public ser- vice. He said these measures along- with e-purchasing, e-tendering, third party monitoring, constitu- tion of Vigilance Commission and Re-constitution of Accountability Commission have strengthened in- stitutions and empowered people to curb corruption. The Chief Minister said that by creating new Administrative Units across the State particularly in re- mote and backward areas has taken government to the doorsteps of the people and our promise in this re- gard has been fulfilled. Omar Abdullah said that under a long term strategy he tried to pro- vide a platform to the youth so that they can prove their mettle both within the State and the outside. He said initiative of SKEWPY is an important step in this direction. He said 16000 youth have been benefit- ted by way of receiving seed money under SKEWPY while Rs. 50 crore has been yearly provided to the un- employed youth as unemployment allowance. “On the employment front, my gov- ernment provided one lakh jobs to the youth in government depart- ments during the last five years, whereas over 50,000 jobs were pro- vided in the private sector”, he said. Omar Abdullah mentioned the development of agriculture and horticulture sectors and said that his government paid highest atten- tion to the welfare of farmers and growth of agro-based economy. He said while attention See I-Day On PG 11.. 68 th Independence Day being celebrated today Omar lists major achievements of his govt in his independence message Says basic infrastructure got a Phillip during his Tenure Says freedom is a challenge New Delhi Aug, 14: The Pres- ident Pranab Mukherjee has said that freedom is a celebra- tion; independence is a chal- lenge. In the 68th year of free- dom, we have reaffirmed the power of our individual and collective liberties by electing through a remarkably peaceful electoral process, a stable gov- ernment with a clear majority for a single party, after three decades. The increase in voter turnout to 66 per cent from the last election’s 58 per cent shows the vitality of our democracy. This achievement has given us an opportunity to take up the challenge of governance by re- forming the policies, practices and systems of governance so that the enormous See President On PG 11.. Srinagar, Aug 14 (KNS): As the third list of National Con- ference is coming to fore after August 15 with the name of chief minister Omar Abdullah to figure in it, senior NC lead- ers have proposed nomination of Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar as the party candidate from N’s bas- tion Ganderbal. Sources told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that since Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is dismayed over party’s perfor- mance in the assembly segment of Ganderbal and has own much reluctance in contesting from the turf, hectic deliberations are going on within the nation- al conference wherein name of Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar is strong- ly being recommended. If Jabbar’s name is made final, it would be for the first time since 1977 that is after 37 years when any person apart from Abdullah Family will contest from central Kashmir’s Gan- derbal. Son of late Sheikh Abdul Jab- bar, a known political activist and associate of NC founder Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Jabbar junior joined the party along with hundreds of his sup- porters in August last year. Describing his entry into the NC as returning home, Jabbar reposed faith in the policy, pro- gram of NC and the vision and ability of its leadership. Chief Minister Omar Abdullah at that time expressed hope that young Ifaq would work with en- thusiasm and energy to give flip to the policy program of NC. Before contesting 2008 elections against NC as a Congress candi- date from Ganderbal constitu- ency, Jabbar junior served JKP as sub-inspector. He had se- cured above 5000 votes in 2008. Had his votes gone in favour of then PDP candidate, Qazi Mohammad Afzal, Omar could have lost the 2008 elections as well to Qazi, who had defeated him from the same constituen- cy in 2002 elections. Jabbar before leaving Congress last year got angered with the Congress as he was not consid- ered for the MLC’s slot when the term of the then Congress MLC from Ganderbal Ali Mo- hammad Bhat had ended. The UPA chairperson and Con- gress president, Sonia Gandhi had given a personal audience to Jabbar when he went to meet her in New Delhi last time. Meanwhile, when contacted the senior NC leadership See Skips On PG 11.. As Omar skips Gbl, Jabbar to contest from NC stronghold Srinagar, Aug 14: Over the reports that the gov- ernment is regularizing daily wagers here, oppo- sition Peoples’ Democrat- ic Party (PDP) Thursday stated that this could be a one good decision among countless wrong decisions taken from the last five years PDP cautioned that the state is at the brink of administrative collapse as the fast track recruit- ments announced in the recent past are yet to see the light of the day. The party maintained that the SSB and the PSC has been virtually made ‘non-func- tional’ with the back door becoming the formal door in the NC government. Talking to KNS, PDP chief spokesman Naeem Akhtar told KNS that the system of governance has been dismantled in the state as the NC workers are busy in looting the youth in the name of jobs. He said that rates have been fixed for different posts. “Though we welcome the regular- ization of daily wagers as this could be one good decision made among countless wrong ones but where was the govern- ment when the daily wa- gers were beaten up on the streets by the same dispensation. This is nothing but the election stunt.”Akhtar flayed the government- stating that loot and plunder is going on in the state as few months have remained in government’s tenure. “Rates have been fixed and the ones not deserv- ing the posts are getting through by virtue of mon- ey and political influence. The state will not only in the coming days is going to witness the financial crises but also the admin- istrative collapse,” said Akhtar. (KNS) Srinagar, August 14: On the eve of Independence Day of India, the Au- thorities in Kashmir have stepped up security across the region for the smooth conduct of Independence Day functions, security officials said. A high-alert has also been sounded following series of militant attacks in last three days in south Kashmir. The police and paramilitary forces conducted frisking of vehicles in the heart of Srinagar throughout the day while the reports of frisking of civilians and vehicles were also re- ceived from other parts of the val- ley. The forces have already erected barricades in the city and entry and exits points of the city along with ar- moured vehicles also deployed. See Eve On PG 11.. Heightened security on Independence Day eve Srinagar, August 14:The Awantipora town in south Kashmir on Thursday ob- served a complete shutdown against the killing of a civilian during an attack on police by militants last evening. Two policemen and a civilian were killed when militants fired upon a police vehicle at Galandar in Pampore area of Pulwama district. The civilian identified as Man- zoor Ahmad, a mechanic by profession, was also See Attack On PG 11.. Srinagar, August 14: As Pakistan celebrated its Independence Day, a Pa- kistani flag was placed on the iron fence of Prat- ap Park in Lal Chowk near Press Enclave in Srinagar city by activists of Dukhtaran-i-Millat . Official sources told GNS that on the eve of Paki- stan’s Independence Day, two girl activists of DeM who were wearing hijab appeared in Lal Chowk near Press enclave car- rying Pakistani flags in their hands. Sources said that the girls later placed the flag on the iron fence op- posite to the Abi Guzar Lane which immediately caught the attention of the media persons. Soon after the girls placed the flag on the fence and subsequently fled from the area. In the meantime, police rushed to the spot and removed the flag. "Some unknown persons had placed the flags on the fence," said a local police officer.He said the incident should See Hajin On PG 11.. Regularization of Daily wagers PDP terms the proposal ‘one good among countless wrongs’ President addresses nation on the eve of 68 th Independence Day Awantipora shuts against civilian’s killing in Pampore attack Srinagar, Aug 14 : Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has strongly con- demned the attack on police party at Galander Pampore near here in which two police personnel and a civilian have lost their lives. In a message to the bereaved fam- ilies and to the Police Department, the Chief Minister has expressed his solidarity with them and said that those who have committed this crime are cowardice and See CM On PG 11.. Pakistani flags appear in Srinagar city, Hajin Jammu, August 14: Army under White Knight Corps has launched “MIS- SION HUM SAFAR”, a cleanup drive at “KA- LITH FIELD FIRING RANGES” to sanitize the ranges from unexploded explosives and shells. The mission commenced on 05 August 14 and will continue till the entire range area is sanitized. Kalith Field Firing Range is a notified range and is located in Akhnoor sub division of Jammu Dis- trict. It is being used by the Army since 1970 for firing of Infantry and Ar- tillery weapon systems. “During the mission, In- dian Army is carrying out the physical search of the impact area of the ranges by using explosive detec- tor dogs, remotely oper- ated vehicles, mine prod- ders, deep search metal detectors and bomb dis- posal teams. So far, it has carried out the search of 80% of impact area of ‘W’ Sector (Artillery Range) and 75% of the area of ‘X’ Sector (Mortar and Dem- olition Range)”, a state- ment by army issued to GNS said. The statement said that army is using a combi- nation of manual and technologically advanced techniques for clearing the area. In the initial phase, the Army would be sanitizing the complete impact area of ‘X’ Sector and ‘W’ Sector. Thereafter a deliberate search will be carried out to search the complete range area to ensure that no unexplod- ed bomb is leftover. There were blinds were found in X sector during the said mission and destruction of the same has been car- ried out in location. “The efforts put in by the Army is yielding pos- itive results as seen by the encouraging response displayed by the locals of the area who are partici- pating and showing up in large numbers to attend the specially organised interactive sessions”, the statement said, adding that the initiative shown by the Army is expected to not only restore the flo- ra and fauna of the area but help the See After On PG 11.. After Tosamadan, army starts clean up drive at Kalith Firing Range CM condemns attack on police party


68th Independence Day being celebrated today Omar lists major achievements of his govt in his independence message Says basic infrastructure got a Phillip during his Tenure

Transcript of Zabarwan Times E Paper English 15 August 2014

Page 1: Zabarwan Times E Paper English 15 August 2014




FRIDAY 15 August | 2014 | 18 Shawal, 1435 AH | PAGES 12 | VOL NO: 4 | ISSUE NO: 224 | RS: 2/- (AIR SURCHARGE FOR JAMMU /DELHI/LEH 50 Paisa)Pen For Justice Largely Circulated, No. 1 Bilingual Daily of J&K


Srinagar Aug,14: The country is celebrating its 68th Independence Day today with lot of enthusiasm and fan-fare. On this occasion, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Nation from the ramparts of Red Fort after unfurl-ing the National Flag. In Jammu & Kashmir tight security is in place to avert any untoward incident and all routes leading to Bakshi

Stadium have been sealed. Intense frisking is being carried at all en-try points and security forces have been put on duty in strength. The main function is slated at Bakshi Stadium, Srinagar where the Chief Minister Omar Abdulla will unfurl the National Flag and take salute on the march past. Similar func-tions will be held through out the state. Meanwhile In his Indepen-

dence Day Message, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah presented the over-view of the major achievements of his government registered during last about six years in the main sec-tors of Roads, Water Supply, Power, Education and Health. He also re-ferred to the growth and improve-ment registered in Agriculture, Horticulture and allied sectors. He listed measures taken for youth welfare, empowerment of people and curbing the corruption.Omar Abdullah made special refer-ence to the improvement of peace and security situation in the State during the last more than five and a half years and said that 80 percent reduction has been achieved in the militancy related incidents. He said all schools and hospitals have been vacated from occupation of security forces. He said 1000 private build-ings, 300 government buildings, 40 hotels and 30 industrial units have also been cleared from the security forces occupation. He said rehabil-itation policy has been introduced for the youth who had crossed LOC and wanted to return back to nor-mal life. He said 350 youth have re-turned under this policy so far. He said 54 bunkers have also been re-moved from Srinagar city.The Chief Minister said that Pass-port Policy has been made peo-ple-friendly and NOC for three lakh

passports has been accorded during the last five years. He said 1850 youth have been benefited under the Amnesty Policy. He said war-rants under PSA have been brought down 50 percent in last about six years from 2500 in 2008 to 1420 by now.Omar Abdullah said that in a histor-ic step his government empowered people to ask any question to the government on its all performance under the Right to Information Act. He said by implementing Public Services Guarantee Act a common man was empowered to ask time bound delivery of basic public ser-vice. He said these measures along-with e-purchasing, e-tendering, third party monitoring, constitu-tion of Vigilance Commission and Re-constitution of Accountability Commission have strengthened in-

stitutions and empowered people to curb corruption.The Chief Minister said that by creating new Administrative Units across the State particularly in re-mote and backward areas has taken government to the doorsteps of the people and our promise in this re-gard has been fulfilled.Omar Abdullah said that under a long term strategy he tried to pro-vide a platform to the youth so that they can prove their mettle both within the State and the outside. He said initiative of SKEWPY is an important step in this direction. He said 16000 youth have been benefit-ted by way of receiving seed money under SKEWPY while Rs. 50 crore has been yearly provided to the un-employed youth as unemployment allowance.“On the employment front, my gov-

ernment provided one lakh jobs to the youth in government depart-ments during the last five years, whereas over 50,000 jobs were pro-vided in the private sector”, he said.Omar Abdullah mentioned the development of agriculture and horticulture sectors and said that his government paid highest atten-tion to the welfare of farmers and growth of agro-based economy. He said while attention

See I-Day On PG 11..

68th Independence Day being celebrated todayOmar lists major achievements of his govt in his independence message Says basic infrastructure got a Phillip during his Tenure

Says freedom is a challenge New Delhi Aug, 14: The Pres-ident Pranab Mukherjee has said that freedom is a celebra-tion; independence is a chal-lenge. In the 68th year of free-dom, we have reaffirmed the power of our individual and collective liberties by electing through a remarkably peaceful electoral process, a stable gov-ernment with a clear majority

for a single party, after three decades. The increase in voter turnout to 66 per cent from the last election’s 58 per cent shows the vitality of our democracy. This achievement has given us an opportunity to take up the challenge of governance by re-forming the policies, practices and systems of governance so that the enormous

See President On PG 11..Srinagar, Aug 14 (KNS): As the third list of National Con-ference is coming to fore after August 15 with the name of chief minister Omar Abdullah to figure in it, senior NC lead-ers have proposed nomination of Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar as the party candidate from N’s bas-tion Ganderbal.Sources told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that since Chief Minister Omar Abdullah is dismayed over party’s perfor-mance in the assembly segment of Ganderbal and has own much reluctance in contesting from the turf, hectic deliberations are going on within the nation-al conference wherein name of Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar is strong-ly being recommended.If Jabbar’s name is made final, it would be for the first time

since 1977 that is after 37 years when any person apart from Abdullah Family will contest from central Kashmir’s Gan-derbal.Son of late Sheikh Abdul Jab-bar, a known political activist and associate of NC founder Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Jabbar junior joined the party along with hundreds of his sup-porters in August last year.Describing his entry into the NC as returning home, Jabbar reposed faith in the policy, pro-gram of NC and the vision and ability of its leadership.Chief Minister Omar Abdullah at that time expressed hope that young Ifaq would work with en-thusiasm and energy to give flip to the policy program of NC.Before contesting 2008 elections against NC as a Congress candi-date from Ganderbal constitu-

ency, Jabbar junior served JKP as sub-inspector. He had se-cured above 5000 votes in 2008. Had his votes gone in favour of then PDP candidate, Qazi Mohammad Afzal, Omar could have lost the 2008 elections as well to Qazi, who had defeated him from the same constituen-cy in 2002 elections.Jabbar before leaving Congress last year got angered with the Congress as he was not consid-ered for the MLC’s slot when the term of the then Congress MLC from Ganderbal Ali Mo-hammad Bhat had ended.The UPA chairperson and Con-gress president, Sonia Gandhi had given a personal audience to Jabbar when he went to meet her in New Delhi last time. Meanwhile, when contacted the senior NC leadership

See Skips On PG 11..

As Omar skips Gbl, Jabbar to contest

from NC strongholdSrinagar, Aug 14: Over the reports that the gov-ernment is regularizing daily wagers here, oppo-sition Peoples’ Democrat-ic Party (PDP) Thursday stated that this could be a one good decision among countless wrong decisions taken from the last five yearsPDP cautioned that the state is at the brink of administrative collapse as the fast track recruit-ments announced in the recent past are yet to see the light of the day. The party maintained that the SSB and the PSC has been virtually made ‘non-func-tional’ with the back door becoming the formal door in the NC government.Talking to KNS, PDP chief spokesman Naeem Akhtar told KNS that the system of governance has been dismantled in the state as the NC workers are busy in looting the youth in the

name of jobs. He said that rates have been fixed for different posts. “Though we welcome the regular-ization of daily wagers as this could be one good decision made among countless wrong ones but where was the govern-ment when the daily wa-gers were beaten up on the streets by the same dispensation. This is nothing but the election stunt.”Akhtar flayed the government- stating that loot and plunder is going on in the state as few months have remained in government’s tenure. “Rates have been fixed and the ones not deserv-ing the posts are getting through by virtue of mon-ey and political influence. The state will not only in the coming days is going to witness the financial crises but also the admin-istrative collapse,” said Akhtar. (KNS)

Srinagar, August 14: On the eve of Independence Day of India, the Au-thorities in Kashmir have stepped up security across the region for the smooth conduct of Independence Day functions, security officials said.A high-alert has also been sounded following series of militant attacks in last three days in south Kashmir.The police and paramilitary forces conducted frisking of vehicles in the heart of Srinagar throughout the day while the reports of frisking of civilians and vehicles were also re-ceived from other parts of the val-ley. The forces have already erected barricades in the city and entry and exits points of the city along with ar-moured vehicles also deployed.

See Eve On PG 11..

Heightened security onIndependence Day eve

Srinagar, August 14:The Awantipora town in south Kashmir on Thursday ob-served a complete shutdown against the killing of a civilian during an attack on police by militants last evening. Two policemen and a civilian were killed when militants fired upon a police vehicle at Galandar in Pampore area of Pulwama district. The civilian identified as Man-zoor Ahmad, a mechanic by profession, was also

See Attack On PG 11..

Srinagar, August 14: As Pakistan celebrated its Independence Day, a Pa-kistani flag was placed on the iron fence of Prat-ap Park in Lal Chowk near Press Enclave in Srinagar city by activists of Dukhtaran-i-Millat . Official sources told GNS that on the eve of Paki-stan’s Independence Day, two girl activists of DeM who were wearing hijab appeared in Lal Chowk near Press enclave car-rying Pakistani flags in their hands. Sources said that the girls later placed the flag on the iron fence op-posite to the Abi Guzar Lane which immediately caught the attention of the media persons. Soon after the girls placed the flag on the fence and subsequently fled from the area. In the meantime, police rushed to the spot and removed the flag. "Some unknown persons had placed the flags on the fence," said a local police officer.He said the incident should

See Hajin On PG 11..

Regularization of Daily wagersPDP terms the

proposal ‘one good among countless wrongs’

President addresses nation on the eve of 68th Independence Day

Awantipora shuts against civilian’s killing in Pampore attack

Srinagar, Aug 14 : Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah has strongly con-demned the attack on police party at Galander Pampore near here in which two police personnel and a civilian have lost their lives.In a message to the bereaved fam-ilies and to the Police Department, the Chief Minister has expressed his solidarity with them and said that those who have committed this crime are cowardice and

See CM On PG 11..

Pakistani flags appear in Srinagar city, Hajin

Jammu, August 14: Army under White Knight Corps has launched “MIS-SION HUM SAFAR”, a cleanup drive at “KA-LITH FIELD FIRING RANGES” to sanitize the ranges from unexploded explosives and shells. The mission commenced on 05 August 14 and will continue till the entire range area is sanitized. Kalith Field Firing Range is a notified range and is located in Akhnoor sub division of Jammu Dis-trict. It is being used by the Army since 1970 for firing of Infantry and Ar-tillery weapon systems. “During the mission, In-dian Army is carrying out the physical search of the impact area of the ranges by using explosive detec-tor dogs, remotely oper-ated vehicles, mine prod-ders, deep search metal detectors and bomb dis-posal teams. So far, it has carried out the search of 80% of impact area of ‘W’ Sector (Artillery Range) and 75% of the area of ‘X’ Sector (Mortar and Dem-olition Range)”, a state-ment by army issued to

GNS said.The statement said that army is using a combi-nation of manual and technologically advanced techniques for clearing the area. In the initial phase, the Army would be sanitizing the complete impact area of ‘X’ Sector and ‘W’ Sector. Thereafter a deliberate search will be carried out to search the complete range area to ensure that no unexplod-ed bomb is leftover. There were blinds were found in X sector during the said mission and destruction of the same has been car-ried out in location. “The efforts put in by the Army is yielding pos-itive results as seen by the encouraging response displayed by the locals of the area who are partici-pating and showing up in large numbers to attend the specially organised interactive sessions”, the statement said, adding that the initiative shown by the Army is expected to not only restore the flo-ra and fauna of the area but help the

See After On PG 11..

After Tosamadan, army starts clean up drive at

Kalith Firing Range

CM condemns attack on police party

Page 2: Zabarwan Times E Paper English 15 August 2014

11 Srinagar, Friday 15 August 2014 Zabarwan Times










Owner , Printer & Publisher: Suhail Malik Editor -in-Chief: Bashir Malik Editor: Shahana Malik Legal Advisor: Syed Riyaz Hussain RNI NO. JKBII/2011/39764, Email: [email protected] Publised at Govt. Quarters , M-13 Magarmal Bagh Srinagar-190001 J&K, Printed at:- Sangarmal Offset Press Humhama Sheikhpora Tele/Fax: 2478370 Cell No. 09999964750, 9796 787844

was given to increase productivity his personal fo-cus was on quality production of agriculture produce and popularization of modern methods of farm tech-niques. He said adequate supply of fertilizers, seeds and timely advices on farm practices where made necessary ingredients of the agriculture policy under which the sector was also kept free from all taxes.Omar Abdullah said that schemes of drip-irrigation in orchards, rejuvenation of snail horticulture area, cultivation of disease resistant and high-yielded va-rieties of fruit plants were introduced. He said Saf-fron Mission and Basmati Rice Production Mission were launched in the State. He said four lakh farmers lakh were given Credit Cards. He said 12000 snails or-chards have been rejuvenated.The Chief Minister said that due to various steps put in place by the government the production of rice, wheat pulses, other agriculture produce and fruit has shown remarkable increase.Omar Abdullah said that production of milk in the State has increased by 4 lakh tones during the last about six years. He said 30000 poor farmers have been provided backyard poultry to give fillip to their econ-omy.The Chief Minister said that power has remained under highest focus during the tenure of his govern-ment. He said as against generation of 750 MW hydro energy from 1947 to 2008 including 450 MW Baglihar HEP, his government in just about six years has start-ed projects of the capacity of 1500 MWs and laid foun-dation for generating 9000 MWs of hydro power. He said his government has also send proposals to Gov-ernment of India for generation of 5000 MWs of solar energy and 2000 MW of wind energy in the State. He said special attention has been made to upgrade LT/HT system. He said 18000 new transmission lines have been installed and the electricity loses have been brought down.On road sector Omar Abdullah said that during the last five years 270 new bridges have been construct-ed besides construction of 10000 kilometers of new roads and macadamizing 15000 kilometers. He said 19000 kilometers roads have also been upgraded and under PMGSY 1150 schemes have been taken in hand for road construction in rural areas. He said of these 750 schemes have been completed so far. He said two flyovers one each at Srinagar and Jammu are under execution at present and Mughal Road has already been completed and opened for traffic.The Chief Minister mentioning education sector said that 5000 new primary schools have been opened and equal number have been upgraded during the last five years. He said 625 middle schools have been upgraded to high schools. He said 16000 new school buildings have been constructed and 170 modern laboratories provided to higher secondary schools.The Chief Minister said that two Central Universities, two new University campuses about two dozen degree colleges, 50 polytechnics and ITIs and hundreds of schools were established to enhance the opportunity and accessibility of local youth to pursue higher goals in education particularly in the fields of sciences and technology. He said the higher education budget has been increased from Rs. 60 crores per year in 2008 to Rs. 380 crores in 2014.Omar Abdullah said that during the last five and a half years more than 200 health institutions of differ-ent categories have been opened and upgraded. He said two new maternity hospitals, one super special-ity hospital and various district hospitals have been made fully or partially functional. He said 15 hos-pital projects and 48 primary health centres have also been completed in this period. Lal Ded Hospital has been upgraded. He said 12815 doctors and paramedics have been appointed to provide adequate staff to the hospitals.The Chief Minister said that 1000 new PHE schemes have been completed besides digging 10000 water pumps in different areas to aug-ment drinking water supply programme. He said 200 treatment plants and 43 water testing units have also been completed besides pro-viding safe drinking water to 5000 government schools. He said 10 large and medium irrigation projects have been completed and 10 are under exe-cution. He said various drinking water augmentation works are under execution in Jammu and Srinagar while an artificial lake is nearing completion in Jam-mu.The Chief Minister said that with the improvement in peace situation the number of tourists visiting the State has increased year after year. He said during the period from 2003-2008 24 lakh visitors visited Kashmir as against 50 lakhs during the period from 2008-2014 so far which is likely to goes up to 55 lakhs by the end of the year.Omar Abdullah said that equal attention has been giv-en to the sectors Urban Development, Housing, Social Welfare, Industries and Commerce, Handicrafts, Rev-enue and Rehabilitation, Animal and Sheep Husband-ry, Science and Technology, Information Technology, etc. He said development of remote and backward ar-eas and poorer sections of the society is also received equal attention to achieve inclusive development.

The Bakshi Stadium, where Chief Minister Omar Abdullah will unfurl Indian flag and take salute of the parade, has been completely sealed by police and CRPF with three-tier security blanket around the stadium. “All roads leading to the Stadium have been sanitized while they will be sealed tomorrow,” the security officials told GNS.Reports said the sharp shooters have been de-ployed at positions around the stadium and also at some buildings near the venue.They said additional CRPF personal would be deployed in across the valley to maintain law and order. “Tomorrow is Friday while separat-ists have also called for a shutdown as well as boycott of functions, so we have to keep a check on this aspect as well,” the officials said.The mobile services would also be snapped till from tomorrow morning till noon as militants in the past have used the mobile phone to carry out attacks, sources said.Reports from south Kashmir added that forces conducted searches in different areas of Pampo-re and its adjoining areas.“The forces conducted searches at Kadlabal, Galandar, Sempora as well as in Tral,” sources told GNS.The forces have sealed all the venues for Indepen-dence Day functions across the state. (GNS)

remained tight lipped over the nomination of Jabar from Ganderbal stating that the 3rd list will reveal all the facts.Meanwhile, Jabbar when contacted told KNS that he is working in the party with zeal and zest and what-ever role he is given by his party, he will abide by the orders . In the recent past, NC’s general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar told KNS that the party is releasing the 3rd list after August 15 and that Omar’s assembly segment will also be included. Most likely, according to the reports, Omar will contest from Sonawar as-sembly segment of Srinagar.(KNS)

aspirations of our people can be fulfilled with vision, commitment, integrity, speed and administrative capability.He said In a democracy, good governance is exercise of power for efficient and effective man-agement of our economic and social resources for the well-being of the people. This power has to be exercised within the framework of the Constitution through the institutions of state. With the passage of time and changes in the eco-system, distortions do ap-pear making some institutions dysfunctional. When one institution does not function in the manner ex-pected of it, phenomenon of overreach sets in. While some new institutions might become necessary, the real solution lies in re-inventing and restoring the existing ones to serve the purpose of effective govern-ment.

killed during firing. Police said the civilian was shot dead by militants. Howver, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, which claimed responsibility of the attack, denied their hand in civilian’s killing and blamed it on police. Since early morning, all the shops and other commer-cial establishments were shut in the town. Eyewitnesses told GNS that hundreds of people at-tended the funeral of the slain civilian. “On the occa-sion, people shouted pro-freedom slogans,” they said. The situation, however, remained peaceful in the town with no incident of violence reported. (GNS)

have no respect for precious human lives.Omar Abdullah prayed for peace to the departed souls and conveyed his sympathy to the bereaved families. (KNS)

not be seen as any major breach of law and order. He said that the flag was not hoisted as is being re-ported. It was placed on the fence of the park by some pedestrians," he said. Incidentally, the spot where the Pakistani flags were put up is under constant watch of police and security agencies. In fact, intelligence sleuths also keep an eye on the place. Similarly, a Pakistani flag was hoisted and was ac-cordingly removed by police at old Barzullah in Out-skirt’s of Srinagar city. Meanwhile, at least two Pakistani flags were hoisted at Hajin area of Sumbal in north Kashmiri’s Bandipo-ra district, sources said, adding that all the flags were immediately removed by the police. (GNS)

locals and their livestock to move unhindered and in a fearless manner. The Army has been tak-ing special care of the lo-cal sentiments and needs by strictly adhering to Range Closure period where in no firing of any nature is permitted to be carried out during Hol-idays, Sowing/Harvest-ing period and school examinations, the state-ment further said. (GNS)

On India’s Inde-pendence Day eve, Indo-Pak

armies exchange fire in Poonch

Poonch, August 14: On the eve of India’s In-dependence Day, the armies of India and Pa-kistan army on Thurs-day exchanged fire along Line of Control in Poonch district, sources said. Sources told GNS that the Pakistan army ini-tially fired at Indian posts at Trikundi Nallah in Balakote sector of the district this morning. “The firing started at 6:00 am and continued till 9:00 am. After Paki-stan firing, the Indian army retaliated,” they said, adding no one was injured during firing. The firing came on the day when Pakistan is celebrating its Indepen-dence Day while India will celebrate tomorrow on Friday. At 5:00 pm, the sources said, Pakistani forces started firing mortars along LoC at Panjini Nal-lah.

Says anything anytime can happen

Srinagar, Aug 14 : Dismayed over the non- implementation of In-terlocutors’ report, Prof Radha KumarThursday remarked that Kashmir continues to remain ‘volatile’ and anything can hap-pen anytime in the Himaliyan region.“It is really unfortunate that the recommendations are yet to be implemented on ground. It is not only we (Interlocutors) who have been disappointed, it the

disappointment also for the peo-ple who have talked to us at that time. I had earlier also clarified that the credibility is at stake as the people have reposed trust in us,” Radha told KNS over phone. She stated that e has not been approached by the government for the purpose of any develop-ment on the reports submitted by the Interlocutors. “No noth-ing was done on ground. I only came to know about any devel-opment over the issue via news-papers. No one has contacted us since the new government took over.”Maintaining that Kash-

mir is ‘volatile’ issue and it con-tinues to remain the same every time and that anything can hap-pen anytime in the region. “We have seen few militant attacks in the recent past, fortunately they were few but the situation is really disturbing. Elections are coming to near and the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) is the need of the hour.”She maintained further that when-ever, any process for the imple-mentation of the recommendations of Interlocutors report, Interlocu-tors will extend their full support. (KNS)

Kashmir situation volatile: Radha Kumar

Srinagar, Aug 14 On this occasion, IGP Kashmir while expressing his deep condolences for the martyrs said that the sacrifices of the martyrs strengthen our resolve to fight the menace of terrorism with renewed vigour. He said it is the result of these sacrific-es that we have been able to create an at-mosphere of peace and will continue to do so no matter what it takes for our nation to build peace in the our state.He further added that J&K police as a fami-ly will stand with the martyrs and their fam-ilies and they will be taken care of so that the void that has been created by the demise of their loved ones get filled. He said that all of us have suffered the wrath of terrorism in one way or the other and our commitment remains undeterred in fighting terrorism to mitigate the sufferings of the people.Glowing tributes were paid to the policemen and civilian who at-tained martyrdom yes-terday and two minutes silence was observed as a mark of respect for police martyrs and for all other citizens of the state who fell to the ter-rorist violence in last two and a half decades.

Martyr HC Mohammad Yaqub joined the police department in the year 1992. He is survived by his aged parents and two minor kids while Ct. Mehraj-ud-Din joined this department in 2007 was unmarried and is survived by mother and two sisters.The martyr Manzo-or Ahmad Qasab was a motor mechanic by profession and was the lone son. He is sur-vived by an old and infirm father, four sis-ters’ two of whom are unmarried, wife and a kid. It is pertinent to men-tion here that last eve-ning, IGP Kashmir . A G Mir visited the fam-ily of Manzoor Ahmad Qasab at Awantipo-ra and expressed his deep sorrow over the unfortunate death. IGP assured the family that they are not alone in this moment of grief and can feel their pain.Later on after Asar Prayers, a special prayer meeting was held in Jamia Masjid, District Police lines Srinagar which was at-tended by IGP Kashmir and other officers and jawans. A congregation of Quran Khawani and Dua-i-Magfirat was held for all the martyrs of yes-terdays terrorist attack. (KNS)

Srinagar, August 14: Ministry of Home Af-fairs (GOI) today an-nounced President’s Police Medal for Distin-guished Service, Police Medal for Meritorious Service and Police Med-al for Gallantry for the year 2014. The Medals are awarded on the eve of Independence Day every year. Officers awarded Pres-ident’s Police Medal for Distinguished Ser-vice are IGP (Traf-fic) J&K, Mr. Muneer Ahmed Khan and DIG, IRP Jammu, Mr. Vijay Singh Samyal. Police Medal for Mer-itorious Service have been awarded to IGP, Mr. T. Punchok, SP, Mrs. Savita Parihar, Dy. SsP, Mr. Parsho-tum Lal Sharma, Mr. Abdul Wahid Giri, Mr. Hamid Hussain Choud-hary, Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Wani, Mr. Ra-jinder Singh Rahi, Mr. Mohammad Ajaz Bhat, Mr. Liyakat Ahmed Qadri, Private Secre-tary to DGP, Mr. Pawan Kumar Gupta, (PS to ADGP Hqr.) Mr. Farooq

Ahmed, SIs, Mr. Ghu-lam Nabi Rather and Mr. Lal Bhat, ASIs, Mr. Farooq Ahmed Bhat, Mr. Buaditta, Mr. Kar-nail Singh and Mr. Zaf-far-ullah Mir, HCs, Mr. Abdul Salam Bhat and Mr. Mohammad Rafiq Wagay. Awardees of Police Medal for Gallantry include Dy. SsP, Mr. Choudhary Iftikhar Ahmed and Mr. Rayaz Iqbal Choudhary, In-spectors, Mr. Moham-mad Manzoor Gojree and Mr. Sajad Mir, SI Tabraz Ahmed Khan, Late ASI Kafil Ahmed Mir, HC Sugreev Ku-mar, Constables, Mr. Fayaz Ahmed and Mo-hammad Sadiq Quershi. The Director General of Police, Mr. K. Rajendra Kumar has congratu-lated the awardees and their families on this joyful occasion. Stress-ing upon the awardees to reaffirm their com-mitment towards the public service, he has hoped that such oc-casions come in their future life again and again. (GNS)

IGP Kashmir chairs condolence meetingDuaieya Majlis held in DPL, Srinagar

President’s Police Medals-2014 announced

JKP gets 30 Medals, Rajendra congratulates awardees

Page 3: Zabarwan Times E Paper English 15 August 2014


‘Dev of Uri my mission of life; results visible on ground’

CHANDANWARI (URI), AU-GUST 14: Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mr. Taj Mohi ud Din today appealed people to close their ranks and defeat the de-signs of vested elements who are hell bent on pushing the State to un-certainty. He said development of Uri and upgradation of infrastruc-ture in the town has been the mis-sion of his life.

Addressing a largely attended convention of people who had come from different corners of Uri, the Minister asked the people to judge parties on the basis of performance and agendas rather than on catchy slogans and emotive outbursts.

Mr. Taj said certain divisive ele-ments that have no agenda of own have tendency to create confusion among masses and lure them with

emotional appeals and slogans. He asked people to question these ele-ments about their developmental agendas and welfare initiatives about people.

The Minister said the Govern-ment during last six years has cre-ated huge infrastructure and com-pleted a number of developmental projects which have really helped people of the State in a big way. He said people of the State are witness to this huge developmental turn-around and appealed them not to let it be disrupted by these divisive elements.

Responding to the reception of the crowd, Mr. Taj said development of Uri has been a lifetime mission to him. He said Uri’s development is an open chapter for everyone to watch. He asked the people to make a comparison of what the area was 12 years ago and draw conclusions then only.

The Minister thanked the people

of Uri for the continued support to him during the last 12 years saying he has been overwhelmed by the re-sponse and feels indebted to them. He assured the people that he would leave no stone unturned in getting people of the area their due share in governance and development and getting it at par with other de-veloped cities and towns of the State like Srinagar, Baramulla etc.

Referring to the development of Uri during the period he repre-sented it in the Assembly, Mr. Taj said it was during his tenure that Uri got the first college, three high-er secondary schools and 16 high schools. He said the number of mid-dle schools, which stood at 26 before his representing the area, rose to 95. Similarly, he said, 200 more prima-ry schools were opened in the area taking the number to 270.

The Minister said there were no filtration plants or lift irrigation schemes in Uri.

KISHTWAR, AUGUST 14: The minister of State for Home, Indus-tries, commerce, and tourism, Mr. Sajad Ahmad Kichloo has reiter-ated Govt’s resolve to ensure eq-uitable development of backward and remote areas adding that a multi-pronged strategy has been evolved to bring socio-economic transformation among the people living in bad pockets of the state.Addressing public gathering at In-shaan in Warwan tehsil of Kisht-war district, Mr. Kichloo said that the present Govt. has brought ad-ministration at the door steps of the common people adding that creation of new administrative units in nook and corner of the state especially in the hilly and rugged terrain of Kishtwar district is a good decision in right direction for this purpose. He said no stone will be left unturned to come up-to the expectations of the people who have pinned high hopes with the present dispensation.Mr. Kichloo, who is currently on five days ex-

tensive tour to the remotest and in-accessible areas of District Kisht-war including Basmeena, Sukhnai, Inshaan, Margi, Bumri, Rekanwas, Aapti etc, asked the people to strengthen the hands of Chief Min-ister Mr. Omer Abdullah who has a clear vision about the all-round de-velopment of J&K. He said the state during last five and a half years of the present Govt. has witnessed an era of unprecedented development and progress.The Minister said that ensuring equitable development of all the regions and sub-regions of the state with focus on bad pockets remains the core of planning and development process adding that there will be no discrimination in this regard. He said “Strengthening the hands of Omer Abdullah will be a big contribution of the people towards making J&K a prosperous and welfare state”.Listing landmark achievements of the present Govt., Mr. Kichloo said road connectivity, which is imperative for boosting socio-economic activities, has been

flagged as the top most priority fol-lowed by expansion and consolida-tion in the education sector. Power generation has, for the first time in the history of the state, received serious attention which is bound to make J&K a power surplus state in next few years. He said formation of Chenab Valley Power Develop-ment Corporation will go a long way in this direction. Similarly other sectors especially PHE, ru-ral development, irrigation have registered unparallel growth, Mr. Kichloo added.Mr. Kichloo, ac-companied by a team of senior of-ficers and engineers of the district administration, also took stock of the pace of developmental activi-ties at a meeting held at Inshaan Warwan and issued on the spot is-sued directions for addressing the grievances of the people.At Bas-meena the minister in presence of the officers held public durbar and listened the demands of the people and asked the concerned officers to solve burning problem.

BANDIPORA, AUGUST 14: A meeting of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) was held under the Chair-manship of Additional Deputy Commissioner, Bandipora here today. The meeting reviewed the progress made for the conduct of forthcoming As-sembly Elections.

The Additional Deputy Commissioner who is also the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) for Bandipora Constituency enjoined upon the BLOs to accelerate the registration of voters and ensure that hundred percent registrations is made within the stipulated period. He asked them to improve their progress and ensure that every youth above the age of 18 years is enrolled in the electoral roll. He said that the ASHA and Anganwari workers have also been given the responsibility to assist respective BLO in their areas.

The BLO’s on the occasion put forth their issues before the chair for redressal. The ERO as-sured them that their genuine grievances would be addressed on priority.

Among others, Chief Medical Officer Ban-dipora, Chief Development Project Officer Ban-dipora besides BLOs of Bandipora Constituency (comprising of 124 Polling Stations) attended the meeting.

Kichloo visits inaccessible Inshaan, Basmeena, Sukhnai areas of Kishtwar

BLOs meet held at Bandipora

The growing trend of radio jockeys (RJs) mim-icking parliamentarians and their “double-mean-ing” talks is a serious issue, information and broadcasting minister Prakash Javadekar told Rajya Sabha on Thurs-day.

To a question posed by actor-turned-politi-cian Jaya Bachchan of the Samajwadi Party, he said these were not in “good sense”.

The minister pointed out that there was an electronic media moni-toring centre.

To a query on the is-sue of forced retirement of some RJs upon attain-ing age of 35 years by All

India Radio, Kolkata, Javadekar said the order was stayed as soon as the matter came to his notice.

Raising the issue, Derek O’Brien of the Tri-namool Congress said he could not understand what “great biological changes” happen after RJs attain the age of 35 years.Agreeing with him, Javadekar recalled Ameen Sayani whose voice enthralled listeners of All India Radio for de-cades and said, “It’s noth-ing to do with age.”

The minister also said the government was contemplating allowing private FM channels to broadcast “AIR news clips”. Javadekar said

the government aims to raise the number of com-munity radio channels to 700 from 243 now. Raising the issue, Derek O’Brien of the Trinamool Con-gress said he could not understand what “great biological changes” hap-pen after RJs attain the age of 35 years.

Agreeing with him, Ja-vadekar recalled Ameen Sayani whose voice en-thralled listeners of All India Radio for decades and said, “It’s nothing to do with age.” The minis-ter said the government was envisaging extension of private FM radio ser-vices to about 227 new cit-ies in addition to 86 cities at present.

Overcoming resistance by the judi-ciary, Parliament took on Thursday the much-delayed historic step of clear-ing two bills to have a new mechanism to appoint judges to higher courts and scrap the collegium system which has been under severe criticism.

Rajya Sabha approved with over-whelming majority the 121st Consti-tution Amendment Bill along with the National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, 2014, a day after Lok Sabha gave its nod to the measure with a crucial amendment of the opposition Congress being accepted by the govern-ment. The Constitution Amendment Bill was passed with 179 votes in favour among 180 votes polled while noted law-yer Ram Jethmalani abstained. The Appointments Commission Bill was ap-

proved by voice vote. Approval of the 245-member Upper House to the mea-sure is significant as ruling NDA is in a minority there. The two measures were taken up separately after questions were raised by members over legislative competence of the House amid apprehen-sions that it could be struck down by the judiciary as ‘ultra vires’.A determined government asserted that Parliament is supreme and competent enough to enact laws and that it has no intention of trans-gressing on independence of the judi-ciary through the new law.Law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad underlined that the new measure of appointing judges to Supreme Court and High Courts will come into effect only after ratification of the Constitution Amendment Bill by 50 per cent state assemblies.

RJs mimicking MPs a serious is-sue, says I-B minister Javadekar

Parliament passes historic law to overturn collegium system for

judges’ appointment

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 14: According to Registrar General, High Court of Jammu and Kashmir, Au-gust 18, 2014 shall be observed as holiday for the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir on account of Shri Kris-han Janam Ashtami.

Co-operative Societies inspected at Budgam

BUDGAM, AUGUST 14: Secretary, Co-operative De-partment, J&K Government, Mr. R.K. Koul today vis-ited many blocks of district Budgam particularly B.K. Pora and Chadoora.

During the visit, the Secretary inspected number of Co-operative Societies including Marketing Society Natipora.The Secretary was informed by the Deputy Registrar Co-operative Societies, Budgam that the sale and service of Co-operative Society Chadoora has con-ducted a business of Rs. 2.84 crores of fertilizers and Rs. 1.26 crores of other consumer goods during the year 2013-14.In Chadoora, Mr. Koul while inspecting the shop-ping/office complex of the Society issued directions for completion of Ist floor at an earliest.The Secretary Co-operative impressed upon the officers and other func-tionaries to hold interaction sessions regularly with the general masses at the block level.

J&K High Court to observe August 18 as holiday

Announces construction of Yusmarg-Surasyar road to boost

tourism, trade in the areaCHADOORA, AUGUST 14-

In a major initiative aimed at to bring socio economic revolu-tion in the backward and Kan-di areas of Charar- i-Sharief constituency, the Minister for Finance & Ladakh affairs to-day announced to construct a road to connect famous tourist resort Yusmarg with Surasyar, Chadoora. He said construc-tion of Surasyar- Yusmarg road is a long cherished demand of the people of Charar-i-Sharief constituency which will pro-vide alternate road to Yusmarg tourist resort and give boost to tourism and trade related ac-tivities in the area.

Addressing a series of public gatherings at Nowhar, Bonyar, Pethyar and Surasyar in Tehsil Chadoora, Mr. Rather said that concerned engineers have been asked to initiate sur-vey and estimate process for

construction of this road im-mediately. He also announced to upgrade and macadamise Hanjoora to Branwar road un-der PMGSY.

Mr Rather said making Charar- i-Sharief constituency a model is the cherished dream of his life adding that Charar-i-Sharief is perhaps the first hilly constituency of the State to have near 100 percent road con-nectivity with highest number

of multi crore cement bridges providing road connectivity, which otherwise is divided by gaudy Doodhganga and Apzari nallas. He said the constituency has highest number of Sub Dis-trict Hospitals, Primary Health Centres, Higher Secondary and High Schools. He said due to his consistent effectives during 37 years span of his public life, al-most every sector of the life has witnessed growth and the con-

stituency is heading towards development and prosperity.

Responding to the de-mands of the locals, the Min-ister announced to provide 24X7 medicare facilities at the Primary Health Centre, Surasyar. He said creation of new Administrative Block at Surasyar will become the ful-crum of speedy development of the areas. About enhancing ration quota, Mr Rather said

the Government is vigorously pursuing the matter with the Central Government to issue ration quota to the consumers of the State as per the 2011 cen-sus adding that presently State gets ration on the basis of 2001 census which has created a huge gap between demand and the supply of ration in the State. It is hoped that the Centre will shortly issue necessary orders in this regard.

Asserting that J&K has witnessed unprecedented growth &development during last five and half years of the present Govt. which will re-membered as the golden era in the history, the Minister asked the people to strengthen the hands of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah adding that this will be their big contribution in re-building the turmoil ravaged State. Mr. Rather said that the present Govt. is very much con-cerned about development and prosperity of the state and the planning and development pro-cess has been fully re-oriented to ensure for this purpose.

Equitable development, justice to all hallmark of the present Govt: Rather

Taj asks people to close ranks, defeat elements pushing JK to uncertainty

Consider making some plans for a vacation or short getaway, Libra. Looking forward to something fun can make even the tough-est of days far easier to handle. You’ll be amazed how much you can manage when there’s an end in plain sight. Your entire attitude can lighten. So take the bull by the horns and create an incentive for yourself. Do something special to reward the hard work you do day after day.

Don’t judge someone if he or she has a different lifestyle than what you consider to be OK, Scorpio. You probably lean toward the traditional, yet not everyone feels this way about re-lationships, working, or lifestyle. While it may seem impossible to understand and even frighten you, try not to be too harsh on those you deem odd. You’d be better off using that energy to keep your own life on track.

Friends seeking advice or a shoulder to cry on could be plentiful today, Sagittarius. You’re one of best people to give them the support and care they need. Just be sure that you don’t give so much to others that you don’t have anything left for yourself. True friendship is about sharing and the exchange of problems and help. Running yourself down will leave you in a place where you aren’t going to be much help to anyone.

Getting through today shouldn’t pose too big a problem for you, Capricorn. You may feel a huge second wind that can give you the drive and determination to see your chores and projects through. Make some plans for this evening, such as getting to-gether with friends or taking in an event that really intrigues you. Until then, go about your tasks bit by bit. You’ll get things finished before you know it.

Working within boundaries and restrictions could really get to you today, Aquarius. Yours is an independent spirit and your best achievements are often born of doing things your own way. Yet like it or not, we all have to follow guidelines and rules. Do your best to follow suit and finish what needs to be done. Afterward, you may find more freedom to act independently without consequences. Exercise patience and diligence as needed today.

Chances are that you’ll feel upbeat and positive today, Pisces. Consider sharing this energy with those around you who are feel-ing less than content. Your attitude can have a profound effect on friends, partners, spouses, and children. Even neighbors and ex-tended family can pick up on your spirit without you even real-izing it. Share your optimism with everyone you can today. If you see someone hurt or angry.

Feeling the effects of today’s energies, Virgo? Take heart if this is the case, because the end of the tunnel isn’t as far away as it seems. Do your best to take things one step at a time and see about making some plans for a little fun this evening. Get together with friends or take in a movie. Help yourself feel better by staying busy and focused and follow up with some recreation. Before you know it, the aspect will pass and you’ll be back to normal.

Don’t discount your ability to be extremely resourceful if you need to be, Aries. If you don’t have everything you need or all of the required information, take time to think. Who can you ask? What places can you access? Who might know where you can find what you need? Rather than panic because the pieces aren’t all there, instead make a list of contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.

Try not to let today’s blues get you down, Taurus. While it’s true that some days can seem to drag on, the busier you are the faster time will pass. Get down to finishing any work still before you and then make plans for tonight. If there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, not only will things seem to speed up but you’ll feel better knowing it’s coming.

Dare to be different, Gemini. It can be so easy to fall into a drill. Sleeping at the same time, eating at the same time, wearing the same style, and going about work the same way day after day. Be-fore you know it, you feel like you’re in a rut. The only way to get away from this is to make a decision to break free by doing some-thing unique. Try a new haircut. Wear colors that are unusual for you. If the need is there, consider a new career. Pursue expansion.

If your lifestyle is considerably different than that of others, re-sist feeling self-conscience about it today, Cancer. Try to remember that you chose the life you have for specific reasons. Even if you’ve come to a point where you’re considering a change, there’s no need to feel badly, ashamed, or embarrassed about where you are now. Everyone has to make his or her own way. If this conforms to the norm, that’s fine. If it doesn’t, that’s fine, too.

An enhanced feeling of determination could motivate you today, Leo. Finish the things that aren’t complete and make some plans for this evening. Don’t hesitate to take on something that feels compli-cated or big. Chances are you’ll be able to handle most anything and it will feel great when it’s finished. Enjoy your day by making the most of opportunity.

Page 4: Zabarwan Times E Paper English 15 August 2014

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Friday 15 August 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Safe water---Safe life

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand

reasons to smile.

Quote of the day

Once Kashmir Val-ley was known for its pure water and hardly any tap wa-ter was available

in cities and villages. In fact, the water of open water-bod-ies, rivers, stream and springs was used not only for irriga-tion but the same was used for drinking and cooking purpos-es. Even the farmers working in the fields used to take the water of paddy fields whenever they felt thirsty. It was because the water was not contaminat-ed, it was pollution-free as no chemicals, fertilizers or pesti-cides were used in those days. The menace of polythene and plastic was not there and the present trend of throwing all kind of garbage into rivers, streams and lakes was not prevalent. Now a days, the whole water-bodies including springs and lakes are so much polluted and their water so contaminated that no body can afford to drink it with-out purifying it. Every now and then, the news of spread of water-borne diseases pour in and hundreds of people fall ill and are hospitalized. These water borne diseases claim several precious lives every year and the trend is in-creasing day by day. Neither on governmental level nor on the level of general mass-es anything serious is being done to save the water bodies from being polluted and con-taminated so that valley is free from water-borne diseas-es. It is unfortunate that the state govt. is not getting ben-efitted from several centrally sponsored schemes including that of Rajiv Gandhi Pota-ble Drinking Water Scheme which could have helped in providing safe drinking wa-ter besides conserving, pre-serving and cleansing our wa-ter-bodies including snow-fed rivers, streams and springs which are the soul of our par-adise. Unless state govt. and the people do not join hands and resolve to make our wa-ter wealth as fresh as it used to be several decades back, it will not be possible to save it from being contaminated and becoming source of many dis-eases.

Daily Zabarwan TimesEDITORIAL/ OPINIONEDITORIAL/ OPINIONDaily Zabarwan TimesSrinagar, Friday 14 February 2014

Disclaimer : The contents and comments appearing in any article published in this paper are purely the personal opinion of the writer

Stray dog menace- A

grave problem She Taxi- Offers a Safe Journey for Women

She Taxi, the 24X7 taxi service operated by women for women travellers, will be launched soon at Kochi city, after the suc-cessful implementation of the project in Thi-ruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala.

The service initiated by the Gender Park which func-tions under the Department of Social Justice, Gov-ernment of Kerala has been designed to ensure a safe and reliable mode of transport for women as well as to encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment among women. The ‘24x7 She Taxi Service’ has an advanced safety enabled technology that would make travel-ling much safer and secure. Travellers can book the cab via online or mobile on a 24X7 basis. The trav-eller can dial a specific service number to book the taxi, which will be unique for the entire state. The traveler will receive a Unique Identification Code along with a 24x7 She Taxi service number. This will allow the traveler to verify the cab number be-fore boarding the cab. The cab service will pick the traveler from the designated boarding point and drop at the specified destination. The traveller will have the option to make payment via cash, debit card or credit card. In order to avoid any disputes on the travel fare, an electronic payment system will be introduced. Various other features such as refreshment mini bar and entertainment facilities including music, play stations are also provided in the cabs.The cab, designed and integrated with Global Posi-tioning system(GPS) will enable to monitor and track the activities of the traveller as well as the driver and will facilitate immediate aid in case of any emergency situation. The cabs are also programmed to de-mobi-lize the cab based on the directions from the ‘24x7 Emergency Call Centre’ to ensure a higher degree of pro-active safety element especially during un-foreseen circumstances. Safe Bus, Safe Me, Safe Me Mobile and Safe City Response Ecosystem are the major safety offering technologies used in She Taxi service. The Safe bus technology used to control the speed, sudden break, and sudden turn and to ensure engine safety condition to improve the driving be-havior. Safe Me is a personal emergency alert service to the She Taxi drivers and the passengers inside the cab. Safe Me Mobile is a mobile based emergency alert application for She Taxi drivers outside the car.

A control room had been set up to track and moni-tor the operations of the cab on a constant basis. All alerts will be received and vehicles will be proactively monitored from this control room. The support of public safety officers is also available.She Taxi is a project that enhances women en-trepreneurship, self employment and financial security of women. The Kerala State Women’s Development Corporation, another associate of the project, will give financial support for the entrepreneurs. KSWDC will provide loans for the entrepreneurs at a lower interest rate to pur-chase the vehicle. Gender Park is the owner of She Taxi service and they manage overall monitoring and coordination. Gender Park will identify the beneficiaries, select and extend fund support to them. Gender Park will organize promotional and branding activities of the project, awareness and training programmes to the entrepreneurs.Gender Park is an autonomous institution pro-

moted by the Government of Kerala to resolve gender inequity in development. Gender Park acts as a convergence centre for Women Studies, Research Activities, Entrepreneurship Initiatives, Documentation, Library, Education, Health and Support, Business and Trade, Productive Sectors, etc. It has been created to tackle the problems and issues of women and to ensure better social securi-ty in all aspects of their well-being. At Gender Park, various activities of women are pooled into a com-mon platform irrespective of social, political or eco-nomic divisions.She Taxi Service is expected to solve the travelling problem of women in late hours up to an extent. It will support the women travellers from working cat-egory and the tourists visiting Kerala. The security and living standard of women will project the de-velopment level of a State. Hence She Taxi, a public sector initiative for women empowerment will be the start of a new epoch.

Kashmir valley is confront-ed with many problems including the erratic pow-

er and water supply besides other day to day problems which make the life of common people a hell in this chilly winter. In addition to the big problems there are small-er problems which have made the life risky particularly that of children, women and old people. For example the menace of stray dogs in the city of Srinagar as well as in other towns and villages is assuming the shape of one of the most dangerous problems. The stray dogs have increased many fold, so have increased the num-ber of the people mostly children and women who have been bit-ten by the stray dogs. Some of the children have even been killed in the dog attacks. It is really shock-ing that the hands of authorities have been tied by so called NGOs who are up in arms when any step is initiated by Municipal Cor-porations against huge number of stray dogs. These NGOs have no sympathy for humans whom these dogs make their prey ev-ery day but for the sake of money and name these NGOs do not al-low any action of the concerned authorities which could help to get rid of these stray dogs. There is no doubt that every human or animal has right to live but when one’s life becomes endangered by the presence of other, some steps have to be taken to protect the life of the specie which is victim of the attacks. The Srinagar Municipal Corporation had made arrange-ments to catch stray dogs and put them at dog house arranged for them so that the citizens are pro-tected from them. But the insuf-ficient space and staff has created hindrances in this project also and the result is that every day we are hearing the news of one per-son or the other been attacked by the stray dogs. Recently a small child was dragged out of his house by dogs in absence of his parents and killed, thus ending a precious life. The government has to think about the increasing dog menace and chalk out a strategy which can neutralize the dogs without providing any opportunity to so called NGOs to make hue and cry. If this is not done it will be-come impossible for children, women and old people even to venture out of their houses as the strength of stray dogs has risen to thousands in the city itself, not the question of other towns and villages.

Aejaz Iqbal

From the moment a baby opens its eyes to this world, its body must adapt to a new life. Every factor to facilitate this adaptation has been put into effect during

and after the pregnancy. The clearest ex-ample of this is the stage of the formation of mother's milk.The formation of the milk is provided by the mother's hormones. The production of milk is connected basically to a hormone called "prolactin" produced by the ante-rior pituitary gland in the brain. During pregnancy, the progesterone and the oes-trogen hormones produced by the placen-ta prevent prolactin from being activated and producing milk. But the placenta is discharged after birth causing the level of progesterone and oestrogen in the blood to fall; after this, prolactin comes into action and contributes to the formation of milk. Because of this communication among the hormones, such a valuable nu-trient as mother's milk is prepared exactly at the moment when the baby needs it. This is indeed a momentous exchange of information. While the placenta is in the body, it performs vital tasks but at the right time it must be ejected. This brings with it a very important development for human life. In the stages of human creation all the things that take place complement one an-other. Certainly, these are clear proofs that every human being has been constructed by a supreme power.And these stages continue after the baby has come into the world. The production of milk by the mother increases according to the baby's need for nourishment. In the first days, up to 50 g. is produced; in the sixth month, the production may be as high as one litre. Those scientists who have tried to find the formula for mother's milk

have been unsuccessful after long investi-gations because there is no standard type of mother's milk. In every mother's body, milk is produced according to the needs of her own baby, and this milk nourishes the baby in a way that no other extrane-ous nourishment can. Research has shown that the antibodies, hormones, vitamins and minerals in mother's milk are deter-mined by the needs of the baby.The use of nutrient material other than mother's milk does not completely meet the needs of the baby. For example, no other nutrient material contains the an-tibodies required for the baby's immune system. Cow's milk is considered to be the classic nutrient material for babies. When we compare it with mother's milk, we can better understand the superiority of the latter. In cow's milk there is a higher amount of casein than in human milk. Ca-sein is a protein found in coagulated (sour) milk. This material breaks down into larg-er pieces in the stomach making digestion difficult. For this reason, cow's milk is harder to digest than mother's milk. The fact that little of this material is found in mother's milk makes the baby's digestion easier.These two kinds of milk are also different with regard to the composition of amino acids. Due to this difference in composi-tion, the total number of amino acids pres-ent in the plasma of a baby fed with cow's milk is greater; the level of some amino acids is too high while the level of others is too low. This has negative effects on the nervous system and, because of the higher protein content, places an extra burden on the kidneys. Another factor that makes mother's milk different is its sugar content. In mother's milk and cow's milk there is the same kind of sugar-lactose. But the amount of lactose in human milk (L / 7g) is different from

that in cow's milk (L / 4.8g). Besides, the large coagulated particles of cow's milk pass much more slowly through the small intestine. For this reason, high amounts of fluid and lactose, which are very import-ant, are absorbed in the first section of the small intestine. Coagulated particles of mother's milk (unlike those of cow's milk) pass through the small intestine easily, and lactose and fluid reach the large intestine. In this way, a healthy intestinal structure develops. The second advantage of the great quantity of lactose found in human milk is that it ensures the synthesis of a material called "cerebroside", which plays an important role in the construction of the essential structures of the nervous sys-tem.Despite the fact that the fat level in moth-er's milk and cow's milk is almost the same, the quality of those fats is different. The linoleic acid in mother's milk is the only fatty acid required in the nourish-ment of the baby.Another factor that distinguishes mother's milk is the amount and proportion of the salt and minerals it contains. For example, in cow's milk the amount of calcium and phosphorus is high; but the ratio of cal-cium to phosphorus in cow's milk makes it difficult to digest properly. Phosphorus can combine with calcium in the digestive tract and actually prevent the absorption of calcium. Therefore, if a baby is given cow's milk in the first days of its life, the way can be opened to certain abnormali-ties due to a drop of the level of calcium in the blood. 1Apart from this, human milk is 50% iron. Because cow's milk contains a much lower proportion of this mineral, babies fed on cow's milk can develop anaemia linked to iron deficiency.Richness in vitamins is another factor that makes mother's milk indispensable for

the baby. From the point of view of the vitamins they contain, mother's milk and cow's milk are quite different. Despite the fact that the level of vitamin A is the same, the level of vitamins E, C and K is higher in mother's milk. The amount of vitamin D in mother's milk is sufficient for the baby's needs.A baby coming into the world from the protected, bacteria-free womb of its moth-er must fight against several bacteria in the external world. One of the most important features of mother's milk is that it protects the baby from infections. The protec-tive cells (antibodies) that pass from the mother's milk to the baby cause the baby to start fighting against bacteria it had never known before, as if it had actually been informed. The antibodies contained in great quantities in the form of mother's milk called "colostrum", which is secreted in the first few days after birth, perform an especially protective function.This protection that mother's milk pro-vides for the baby (protection from slight infections to very serious ones), is vitally important for the first few months, and its benefits increase in proportion to the peri-od of breast feeding.The benefits to the baby of mother's milk become more evident every passing day. One of the things scientists have discov-ered about mother's milk is that it is highly beneficial for a baby up to two years of age. The importance of this recent discovery was revealed to us 14 centuries ago:We have instructed man concerning his parents. Bearing him caused his mother great debility and the period of his wean-ing was two years: "Give thanks to Me and to your parents. I am your final destina-tion." (Qur'an, 31: 14)

Aejaz Iqbal (Microbiologist)Nadihal Bandipora

[email protected]

Mother's Milk