Z TIlE PEWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01384/00241.pdf · TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE...

TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 3 1906 M r r I- Z PEW OF ARCHER ARE GETTING NISY flit Prtfwwi Ttwm is Build- ing in All Lists NEW FACTORIES AND MILLS T m Will Install Bottling W rka anti New Sawmill Will be Erect Town Will Incorporate Other Areaer Frbriarj 2 Misa Alda- BtBkaif at left y at rd y f r Orange Heigau where will conduct a pri- vate eehoul Mitt Agate MeLan hoe pone tn- latAbd Orora where has a in HB Wv0- Mias Ethel Haynesof Quincy is visit Is her Mead Hiss Leila Bauknight Mrs 8 0 D Pai ii home again haviaff peat some time Texas MfM RoblMoa of Marietta Ga it tiling the family of Rev Wa Jdell- E4 dB4 Otboro and wife and Mr BeagravM and wile of Plaiofleld lad here for the winter Mr sid Mrs Howard of Memphis eld Meads of Dr DPats are here for the balance of the winter The boardwalk frost depot to town in eeaaleted sad to rauch enjoyed by tfettriana G D Fleming eaaae near losing hit retMeaee tail Friday sight His out ft ght Are from smoking meat M4 with great effort bit dwelling was saved Besides the baildiBg ka loat eoaiiderable meat and pota At a sailed meeting of the Citizen of Araaer Monday eight it was decided vBtiaae the of Archer whfea kid beea allowed to lapse sad aeiicea are posted tar aa election of awkan oa the March Tha Maddox Foundry A Machine Ce have a great deal of work on hand Mr Maddox ha sixteen maehiaiata- enBleyed 0 D Wood has purchased the 8na e- ly Breperty of 80 aeret- Mearea Veaable the naval store haa bought the Seottoa prop arty Md has adored from Kaoapaha Concern the class Teas fReer Notes r r eke x are pre ketoses crned fees to- t j let et c i pecan g ¬ ¬ to hie aew hoate here The Tampa Cider and Vinegar Wow are going to put ia a large plant here for bottled good J O HlteheoekACo hue bought the timber right Irma T Barber and will aooa beg la pattiag ia a plant for BMaafMtariBg it into lumber of dif kraal kinds Beth Brown ha sold farm here- to Mr Weimar who taken pos issues Mr Brown haa moved to Largo where he has bought grove property and will reside J T Fleming net with a painful eldest oa Wedaeeday evening He kid been la Gainesville oa that day Md la retiming did not notice the step at Archer until the train had started when he jumped off falling tad trikiag hia temple on the rod of a eroMtie rendering him unconscious A colored BUB who taw him fall went to his asaiitaaee and took him home No aarloaa results are anticipated now aaha getting along nicely and ia able to be op today Little Mie Pauline Anderaon fell from her pony on Monday and broke- a arm Both Mr Fleming and Paul tae are under the care of DePass Hodgson Wood have installed a lighting plant in their store COLLECTIONS ARE GOOD County Tax Collector Dickinson Meet- ing With Fine Success County Tax Collector W I IMckin sos reported to The Sun Thursday that he has ao far enjoyed flue success in collecting this year having issued since the books were opened nearly receipts There is a great dial due yet re marked Collector Dickinson From the information I have at prv nt the books will positively close on 31 arch 31st and there are yet about 4600 re eeipta to be issued This means a lot of work aad if property owner swarm is the office it will require about my force can do to accommodate then It is important therefore that delinquents settle their taxes prompt- ly so that we may accommodate them all Some of the receipts art quite lengthy requiring teveral hours to write To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE IMOMO Quinine ii OB each box V Crows signature hi ha I a lit A gasoline 1 I I Tablets refund mone if it I fails to cU k a ace a y s sew t 200 t r all- s p Druggist t 15e- r 1 i > ¬ + DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAYS BACK Utecy Trwtk Makes Yw Miserable Almost papers is sure to know of the won irrful- p i cures nude ly I Jr- Kilmers Swamp Rout the J dcr remedy u It male leal triumph of the nineteenth century I discovrrtd after years Kcientiic research by Dr Kilmer the kidney and ladder specialist and is wonderfully in curing lame uric acid citarrh of the Madder and KriKhla IJMM e which is the worst furor of kidney trouble Ur Kilmers SwampRoot is not rec- ommended for everything but if you have kidney liver or tr u l it the remedy you nctd It hs- Wn testtil in in hi work and in practice and has prove successful in every case that a arraiiKuniktit ha Uen made which nil readers if this irfij r who not already thitl it may luvo a bottle sent free by mail nlxni l ok tell tt K moic al ut S warn pRmt and how to findout if have or ladder trou- ble writing mention reading tin generous offer in this i nd send your address to Dr KSv r Si Co iuKhrloi N Y The regular and ilollar the ljttk r n c suBi Roct all Irt yifts Dtnt make any mistake hat rememlwr the name Ko t D u Imcrs Swaui Root and the address Ut liamton N Y oa every bottle trtOlI reads the feat ne liver illtl 1111 of I ill 1 to atc f CJ paper JIll f roil w hn netts I J L l treat t sutce w iniiiy tvay l bye y V hen goo ti ¬ > > ¬ > < > = > + ± + + REQUISITION DENIED Gov Terrell of Georgia Reuses to Grant J N Strobhar report reached this city jMttr nay that How Terrell hat declined to great a requiiitinn made upon him by Brrmard of Florida for James N Stmbhar who i wanted in Gainesville tn answer the charge of embezzle- ment preferred by the Atlantic Coat Line for that Strobhar ii alto wanted hi Atlanta on a similar charge Governor Terrell say that Strobhar answer the demands of the law in Georgia before bring allowed to- go anywhere Requisition ron else for The Got the must first Itch Ringworm E T Lucas Wingn Ky writes April 23 9O years I had been aftlictrd with a malady known as the itch The itching was most unbearable I had tried for years to find relief having tried all remrdica I could hear of betides a nnmber of drctors I with to state that one single application of Ballard Snow Liniment cured me completely and permanently Since then I have used the liniment on two s piirate casions for ring worm and it cured completely We WJc and f I Sild by V M Juhnnnn Improved Train Service via Atlantic Coast Line The Atlantic Coat Line and its are now operating solid through trains from Jacksonville to Atlanta via Waycro s Tifton and with through coaches to Nashville and Pullman buffet sleeping cars to St Louis and Trains leave Jacksonville via Coast Line daily at 900 p m ami arrivt Tifton I J5 a m flacon I 0 a m Atlanta a m Chattanooga Irlft p m 3 p m yule lJ5 a in St Louis OR am and CliiCAco t 30 m Good connections made at Jack- sonville hoot all Florida points thus affording the quickest and must venient servue from territory to the Vi 4t For further information see tick t agent or consult The Purple Folder Luckiest Man in Arkansas Im the liifkifst irtHii in rk nti writes II I lanky of Uriino im the rettorHtion of my wifes health nf ter years of continuous and blerdine front tilt lungs and I owe my guts fortune to the world greatest medicine Dr Now Dis- covery for Cunsumption which I know from experience will curs consumption if taken in time My wife improved with first bottle rind tw lre holilf completed the cure the worst cough and colds or refunds At all drug stuns HV and Trisl bottles free For 10 to 12 oc Chic i 50 I hill 6M eon tnll hill l mont con- nections Ma- con Atlan- tic Evans a urn tins lire Kings urns y fl a I > ¬ + + + RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Kirby Smith Chapter Feels the Death of General Wheeler At the meeting of Kirby Smith Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy held at the home of the president Mrs Jihn Chesnut Thurs- day afternoon the following resolu- tion of respect were parsed on the death of General Joseph Wheeler Whereas the Almighty Creator of the Universe has seen fit to take from his earthly duty and labors that gal- lant and honorable defender of his country General Joseph Wheeler and Whereas the people of the Smth- especinlly the dear women who real- ized that in the sillies he was their protector were loyal to him until death he it Resolved That the memb rs of Kirby Smith Chapter collectively and individually tender to the members of till family of General Wheeler our inoit profound and loving sympathy- for we realize that nu truer or no nobler man ever lived aa proven by his brave and gallant deeds on various occasions Resolved further that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minute of this Chapter and that the tame be published in the papers of Gainesville and in The Jacksonville and that a ropy be for- warded to the family of the beloved General a Timt Union w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT- On the Death of Gen Joseph Wheeler- by JJ Finley Chapter- At a meeting of the J J Finley Chapter U P C Thii ml ay afternoon the following resolution on the death of General Joseph Wheeler were passed Whereas The Almighty Creator and Ruler of the Universe has in his wisdom and mercy seen fit to remove from hi earthly labors one of the most gallant defenders of the Soah in the person of General Joseph Wheeler and Whereas The gratitude nf the wo- men of the sixties can only expire with their latest breath therefore Resolved That their sympathies- for those he left behind writ a fountain and must be expressed there- fore be it I I I up as I ¬ + Resolved That the members of the j J J Finley Chapter of this city i to each and every member of Gen- era Wheelers family the most pro- found and loving sympathy and b it further Unsolved That we hold in loving memory the gallant deeds of tins no- ble man and be it further Resolved That these resolution be spread on the minute book of our Chapter that they be published in The Sun and Elevator and thru a copy be sent to the family of the gal noble and much loved General one of the greatest uf Dixies CASTOR For Infants and Children m M YH Hare Always Bears the Signature of L Fire of Incendiary Orioln forte Felt T bit Fast B ir nt conHlnlnc in all bt tuiii and 4o pr ons were tlrrd by Inrmdlnri early Thursday morn Inx hilt melt blaze was dlscovonil In time ami extlnculshed before serious dnninro wj The occurred within fin s ot each other Croup IViiins with the symptoms of a com mon Kohl Th re is nchilliticiis inc sore throrit hot kin q iiirk purr hoarseness and respiration iive fry c dose of Hore- hound Syrup the child will cry for it and at the tlr t if a InuipyL- Miicb apply frequently Ittllnrds Snow liiiimeiu to tin throat flirt New Iolo write March IP I think rallardi llurehnund Syrup a wonderful remedy and so pleasant to take by W M ori- II r if Mipt f r any live Inu Mitns li ifh fLuite Uint he path never us l ant thought with him la la Its Infancy Wordsworth I Bill t I don mall Hull rl1 l r t liar It ten- der Daily ant patriotic defender New Three v tires nee o rat I rig 1 tads gild t ¬ < < > + + cou i Tcil bm why you ahv s K Tell him to ask h ccr r about it Poctors use it a great dc f- all forms of thcut and lang toe w b a fcm Vtpt H 1 c Attrc R Y I r Irrh p- ve lur r 1 m I on hnJ E d a r en 1I U I I i1 YlY Or rrwrnw wrar W rns ar n- it s si ls 1 e rrn Lo 1 > > > < + + JAB M GBABAH- OBO W lima V H E TATLOB Cashier Las GRAHAM heat Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE ONLY NATIONAL RANK IN ALACHUA CO Capital 5000000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 30000 00 nr G S MERCHANTS CO Retailers and Jobbers IB Staple and Fancy Groceries tain lirin Stttl an Fertilizers SOUTH SIDE SQUARE t GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Highest market price paid for Chickens Eggs and other Prtxiuee and Rye We handle only the VERY BEST goods at the LOW- EST PRICES and guarantee satisfaction always REALTY COMPANY E E VOYLE MGR Abstracts of Title and full information furnished regarding land io this county Our manager ha lived in this county thirty year au- JIE IE FIRE ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE P renting k number of prominent American and English eompanie REAL AND CITY LOANS Gfvi n es v ILLe s a ow GAINESVILLE Doe oacktss bUIDe qu1 so beak tD ieo State ole te 81e auaoaa R E A omplete stock of Ha Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton tal ABSTRACT Inoorporatc11 thorcughly conversant title Florida President ez tnsttety a with faeilititl say aeebo stPeoetal a rsUeae AU Eullcew promrnrUoed TAYLORR t deed is VOIE Die TOE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc ESTAllUSliKD The question I Render reliable services of every sort along the line of of Title the I Land Titles in the State of Florida particularly Alachna county first consid on i o r the investor Towns Etc SPECIALTIES Abstract Tax Sale Seanh PUN of auntie References First National Yank of Gainesville Dutton A Co Bankers New Train Service Between Jacksonville and Atlanta Leave Jacksonville TMH p in Arrive Atlanta SI III Pullman Slreping Curs can be omuiied in Atlanta until i i a m Leave Atlanta Amvejat mviu JJj Pullman Sloping Cars can be occupied in Atlanta Ilia SOUTHERN RAILWAY Cars wive i leaving and arriving Jacf onvill 1 Ditrict Jacksonville Fl I j of Tllle i rer SRt1It 4lxcen I If F Railway XD a > Sorr ors tof p a H p s C L USXJ Pam tI Agent tC 1Reds Land y 10fTIIBoy I D ill F1t akfast + + GOOD BREAD AIDS DIGESTION e M f- ITS YOUR OWN FAULT KEYSTONE BAKERY t If to rct1I I z I hoot R T StllEIC Prop I reP cyst ru tr Ir d rr r- rt ar II e4- r ar ru terry fit Iii i The Florida Fruit and Truck UltrMllY InprO- CA LA FLA A handsomely illustrated maRftim to the interests of the fruit and vegetable growers f Florida A speda trial ulcriptior n months will be sent on receipt of A cents stvnps taken I J IIIIJ Utie 1Ufl Single of Grower Editor liar f copit III +

Transcript of Z TIlE PEWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01384/00241.pdf · TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE...

Page 1: Z TIlE PEWufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01384/00241.pdf · TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 3 1906 M r r I-Z PEW OF ARCHER ARE GETTING NISY flit Prtfwwi Ttwm


M rr





flit Prtfwwi Ttwm is Build-

ing in All Lists


T m Will Install BottlingW rka anti New Sawmill Will beErect Town Will Incorporate

OtherAreaer Frbriarj 2 Misa Alda-

BtBkaif at left y at rd y f r OrangeHeigau where will conduct a pri-

vate eehoulMitt Agate MeLan hoe pone tn-

latAbd Orora where has a inHB Wv0-

Mias Ethel Haynesof Quincy is visitIs her Mead Hiss Leila Bauknight

Mrs 8 0 D Pai ii home againhaviaff peat some time Texas

MfM RoblMoa of Marietta Ga ittiling the family of Rev Wa Jdell-E4 dB4 Otboro and wife and Mr

BeagravM and wile of Plaiofleld ladhere for the winter

Mr sid Mrs Howard of Memphiseld Meads of Dr DPats are

here for the balance of the winterThe boardwalk frost depot to town in

eeaaleted sad to rauch enjoyed bytfettriana

G D Fleming eaaae near losing hitretMeaee tail Friday sight His out

ft ght Are from smoking meatM4 with great effort bit dwelling wassaved Besides the baildiBgka loat eoaiiderable meat and pota

At a sailed meeting of the Citizen ofAraaer Monday eight it was decidedvBtiaae the of Archerwhfea kid beea allowed to lapse sadaeiicea are posted tar aa election ofawkan oa the March

Tha Maddox Foundry A MachineCe have a great deal of work on handMr Maddox ha sixteen maehiaiata-enBleyed

0 D Wood has purchased the 8na e-

ly Breperty of 80 aeret-Mearea Veaable the naval store

haa bought the Seottoa proparty Md has adored from Kaoapaha


the class















let etc





to hie aew hoate hereThe Tampa Cider and Vinegar

Wow are going to put ia a large planthere for bottled good

J O HlteheoekACo hue boughtthe timber right Irma T Barber andwill aooa beg la pattiag ia a plant forBMaafMtariBg it into lumber of difkraal kinds

Beth Brown ha sold farm here-to Mr Weimar who taken posissues Mr Brown haa moved toLargo where he has bought groveproperty and will reside

J T Fleming net with a painfuleldest oa Wedaeeday evening Hekid been la Gainesville oa that dayMd la retiming did not notice thestep at Archer until the train hadstarted when he jumped off fallingtad trikiag hia temple on the rod ofa eroMtie rendering him unconsciousA colored BUB who taw him fall wentto his asaiitaaee and took him homeNo aarloaa results are anticipated nowaaha getting along nicely and iaable to be op today

Little Mie Pauline Anderaon fellfrom her pony on Monday and broke-a arm Both Mr Fleming and Paul

tae are under the care of DePassHodgson Wood have installed a

lighting plant in theirstore


County Tax Collector Dickinson Meet-ing With Fine Success

County Tax Collector W I IMckinsos reported to The Sun Thursday thathe has ao far enjoyed flue success incollecting this year having issuedsince the books were opened nearly

receiptsThere is a great dial due yet re

marked Collector Dickinson Fromthe information I have at prv nt thebooks will positively close on 31 arch31st and there are yet about 4600 reeeipta to be issued This means a lotof work aad if property owner swarmis the office it will require aboutmy force can do to accommodatethen It is important therefore thatdelinquents settle their taxes prompt-ly so that we may accommodate themall

Some of the receipts art quitelengthy requiring teveral hours towrite

To Cure a Cold in One Day


ii OB each boxV Crows signature








Tablets refund mone if itIfails to cU
















r 1 i





Utecy Trwtk Makes Yw MiserableAlmost

papers is sure to know of the won irrful-p i cures nude ly I Jr-

Kilmers SwampRout the

J dcr remedyu It male

leal triumph of thenineteenth century

I discovrrtd after yearsKcientiic research

by Dr Kilmer thekidney and

ladder specialist and is wonderfullyin curing lame

uric acid citarrh of the Madder andKriKhla IJMM e which is the worstfuror of kidney trouble

Ur Kilmers SwampRoot is not rec-ommended for everything but if you havekidney liver or tr u l it

the remedy you nctd It hs-Wn testtil in in hiwork and in practice and hasprove successful in every case that a

arraiiKuniktit ha Uen madewhich nil readers if this irfij r whonot already thitl it may luvo abottle sent free by mail nlxni l ok telltt K moic al ut Swarn pRmt and how tofindout if have or ladder trou-ble writing mention reading tingenerous offer in this i nd send youraddress to Dr KSv rSi Co iuKhrloiN Y The regular

andilollar the ljttk r n c suBi Roct

all Irt yifts Dtnt makeany mistake hat rememlwr the name

Ko t D u Imcrs Swaui Rootand the address Ut liamton N Y oaevery bottle

trtOlI reads the

featne liver illtl 1111


ill 1







w hn netts







iniiiy tvay


yV hen

goo ti




> < >








Gov Terrell of Georgia Reuses toGrant J N Strobhar

report reached this city jMttrnay that How Terrell hat declined togreat a requiiitinn made upon him by

Brrmard of Florida for James N

Stmbhar who i wanted in Gainesvilletn answer the charge of embezzle-ment preferred by the Atlantic CoatLine for that Strobhar iialto wanted hi Atlanta on a similarcharge

Governor Terrell say that Strobharanswer the demands of the

law in Georgia before bring allowed to-

go anywhere







must first

Itch RingwormE T Lucas Wingn Ky writes

April 23 9O years I

had been aftlictrd with a maladyknown as the itch The itching wasmost unbearable I had tried foryears to find relief having tried allremrdica I could hear of betides annmber of drctors I with to statethat one single application of BallardSnow Liniment cured me completelyand permanently Since then I haveused the liniment on two s piiratecasions for ring worm and it curedcompletely We WJc and f I Sild by

V M Juhnnnn

Improved Train Service via AtlanticCoast Line

The Atlantic Coat Line and itsare now operating solid

through trains from Jacksonville toAtlanta via Waycro s Tifton and

with through coaches to Nashvilleand Pullman buffet sleeping cars to StLouis and

Trains leave Jacksonville viaCoast Line daily at 900 p m ami

arrivt Tifton I J5 a m flacon I 0 am Atlanta a m ChattanoogaIrlft p m 3 p myule lJ5 a in St Louis OR amand CliiCAco t 30 m

Good connections made at Jack-sonville hoot all Florida points thusaffording the quickest and mustvenient servue from territory tothe Vi 4t

For further information see tick tagent or consult The Purple Folder

Luckiest Man in ArkansasIm the liifkifst irtHii in rk nti

writes II I lanky of Uriino imthe rettorHtion of my wifes health nfter years of continuousand blerdine front tilt lungs and I

owe my guts fortune to the worldgreatest medicine Dr Now Dis-

covery for Cunsumption which I knowfrom experience will curs consumptionif taken in time My wife improvedwith first bottle rind tw lre holilfcompleted the cure the worstcough and colds or refundsAt all drug stuns HV and Trislbottles free

For 10 to 12




hill 6M


tnll hill













fl a








Kirby Smith Chapter Feels the Deathof General Wheeler

At the meeting of Kirby SmithChapter United Daughters of theConfederacy held at the home of thepresident Mrs Jihn Chesnut Thurs-day afternoon the following resolu-

tion of respect were parsed on thedeath of General Joseph Wheeler

Whereas the Almighty Creator ofthe Universe has seen fit to take fromhis earthly duty and labors that gal-

lant and honorable defender of hiscountry General Joseph Wheeler and

Whereas the people of the Smth-especinlly the dear women who real-ized that in the sillies he was theirprotector were loyal to him untildeath he it

Resolved That the memb rs ofKirby Smith Chapter collectively andindividually tender to the members oftill family of General Wheeler ourinoit profound and loving sympathy-for we realize that nu truer or nonobler man ever lived aa provenby his brave and gallant deeds onvarious occasions

Resolved further that a copy ofthese resolutions be spread upon theminute of this Chapter and that thetame be published in the papers ofGainesville and in The Jacksonville

and that a ropy be for-

warded to the family of the belovedGeneral


Timt Union









On the Death of Gen Joseph Wheeler-by J J Finley Chapter-

At a meeting of the J J FinleyChapter U P C Thii ml ay afternoonthe following resolution on the deathof General Joseph Wheeler werepassed

Whereas The Almighty Creatorand Ruler of the Universe has in hiswisdom and mercy seen fit to removefrom hi earthly labors one of themost gallant defenders of the Soahin the person of General JosephWheeler and

Whereas The gratitude nf the wo-

men of the sixties can only expire withtheir latest breath therefore

Resolved That their sympathies-for those he left behind writ afountain and must be expressed there-fore be it




up asI



Resolved That the members of thej J J Finley Chapter of this cityi to each and every member of Gen-

era Wheelers family the most pro-

found and loving sympathy and b itfurther

Unsolved That we hold in lovingmemory the gallant deeds of tins no-

ble man and be it furtherResolved That these resolution

be spread on the minute book of ourChapter that they be published inThe Sun and Elevator and thrua copy be sent to the family of the gal

noble and much lovedGeneral one of the greatest uf Dixies

CASTORFor Infants and Children

m M YH Hare Always

Bears theSignature of L

Fire of Incendiary Oriolnforte Felt T bit Fast

B ir nt conHlnlnc in all bttuiii and 4o pr ons were tlrrdby Inrmdlnri early Thursday mornInx hilt melt blaze was dlscovonil Intime ami extlnculshed before seriousdnninro wj The occurredwithin fin s ot each other

CroupIViiins with the symptoms of a com

mon Kohl Th re is nchilliticiisinc sore throrit hot kin q iiirk purrhoarseness and respiration iive fryc dose of Hore-hound Syrup the child will cry forit and at the tlr t if a InuipyL-

Miicb apply frequently Ittllnrds Snowliiiimeiu to tin throat flirtNew Iolo write March IP

I think rallardi llurehnundSyrup a wonderful remedy and sopleasant to take by W M


II r if Mipt f r any liveInu Mitns li ifh fLuite Uint he pathnever us l ant thought with him la laIts Infancy Wordsworth






mall Hull rl1

l rt





ant patriotic


New Three




o rat

I rig







< >



cou i Tcil bm why you ahv s K

Tell him to ask h ccr r

about it Poctors use it a great dc f-

all forms of thcut and lang toew b a fcm Vtpt H 1 c Attrc

R YI r Irrh p-

ve lur r 1 mI

on hnJ

E da r en 1I U I


i1 YlYOr rrwrnw wrar Wrnsar n-

it s

sils1 e rrn Lo 1


> >





OBO W lima V

H E TATLOB CashierLas GRAHAM heat Cashier



Capital 5000000Surplus and Undivided Profits 30000 00


G S MERCHANTS CORetailers and Jobbers IB

Staple and Fancy Groceriestain lirin Stttl an Fertilizers


Highest market price paid for Chickens Eggs and other Prtxiuee

and Rye We handle only the VERY BEST goods at the LOW-

EST PRICES and guarantee satisfaction always


E E VOYLE MGRAbstracts of Title and full information furnished regarding land io this

county Our manager ha lived in this county thirty year au-


renting k number of prominent American and English eompanieREAL AND CITY LOANS

Gfvi n es v ILLe s a


Doe oacktss bUIDe qu1 so beak tD ieo State olete 81e

auaoaaR E

A omplete stock of Ha Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton tal


thorcughly conversant title



ez tnsttety a with faeilititl say

aeebo stPeoetal arsUeae AU Eullcew promrnrUoedTAYLORR

t deed




The questionI Render reliable services of every sort along the line of

of Title the I Land Titles in the State of Florida particularlyAlachna county

first consid

on i o r

the investor Towns Etc

SPECIALTIES Abstract Tax Sale SeanhPUN of auntie

References First National Yank of GainesvilleDutton A Co Bankers

New Train ServiceBetween

Jacksonville and Atlanta

Leave Jacksonville TMH p inArrive AtlantaSI III

Pullman Slreping Curs can be omuiied in Atlantauntil i i a m

Leave AtlantaAmvejat mviu JJj

Pullman Sloping Cars can be occupied in AtlantaIlia

SOUTHERN RAILWAY Cars wive ileaving and arriving Jacf onvill1

Ditrict Jacksonville Fl



of Tlllei rer SRt1It 4lxcenI

If F




Sorr orstof p

aH p

s C LUSXJPam tI Agent


1Reds Land






F1t akfast







t If to rct1II



hoot R T StllEIC Prop


reP cyst

ru tr

Ir d rr r-rt ar II e4-r

ar ru terry fit


The FloridaFruit and Truck

UltrMllY InprO-CA LA FLA

A handsomely illustrated maRftimto the interests of

the fruit and vegetable growers fFlorida

A speda trial ulcriptior nmonths will be sent on receipt of Acents stvnps taken


Utie 1UflSingle



liar fcopit III+