YSTS Lesson 705 (2)

Lesson 705 GOD’S GLORY DEPARTS FROM ISRAEL MEMORY VERSE: And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken” (1 Samuel 4:22). TEXT: 1 Samuel 4:1-22 The constant battles between Israel and the Philistines are illustrative of what happens between a believer and the devil. As God gave Israel victory when they were in right relationship with Him, the same is possible for Christian youths today. In the text, the time for divine punishment upon Eli, his sons and Israel had arrived. The children of Israel were humiliated in battle and everyone ran to his tent. In the process, the ark of God, which represented the divine presence, was taken by the Philistines and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slained. As Eli heard this bad news, he fell backward, broke his neck and died. During this time, Phinehas’ wife was due to deliver. As she heard the news while she travailed, she died. Before her death, she named the child Ichabod meaning: “The glory is departed from Israel”. Sin, whether privately or publicly committed, has devastating, deadly and damnable consequences now and in the future. Youths who live in sin today should know that God will not allow any sinner to go unpunished. The only way of escape from divine punishment is total and complete repentance and faith in Christ. (Romans 10:9,13). THE DEFEAT AND DEATH OF THE PRIESTS IN ISRAEL (1 Samuel 4:1-5,10-18; 17:1- 10; Isaiah 59:1,2; Joshua 7:1-5,10-12; Proverbs 1:24-33) The Philistines had war with Israel in Aphek. But Israel was defeated and thirty-four thousand men were killed (verses 2,10). What a great destruction of lives! The elders of Israel were surprised. They asked: Wherefore hath the LORD smitten us to day before the Philistines?” (verse 3). Question 1: What was the main reason for the defeat of Israel? Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people(Proverbs 14:34). The main reason for the defeat of Israel was sin. Sin, whether in the individual or family or nation, will hinder the presence, protection and power of God. Furthermore, Israel must have gone to battle according to the leading of their hearts because there was no directive from God through Samuel. Also, divine direction and process of divine judgment must have been at work. Perhaps, God might have wanted Hophni and Phinehas to be on the battle field the same day so as to fulfill His word (1 Samuel 2:27-36; 3:11-14). Israel’s way was displeasing to the Lord. Hence, her enemies were at war with her. This was the time for divine


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Transcript of YSTS Lesson 705 (2)

Lesson 705


MEMORY VERSE: And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken (1 Samuel 4:22).

TEXT: 1 Samuel 4:1-22

The constant battles between Israel and the Philistines are illustrative of what happens between a believer and the devil. As God gave Israel victory when they were in right relationship with Him, the same is possible for Christian youths today. In the text, the time for divine punishment upon Eli, his sons and Israel had arrived. The children of Israel were humiliated in battle and everyone ran to his tent. In the process, the ark of God, which represented the divine presence, was taken by the Philistines and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slained. As Eli heard this bad news, he fell backward, broke his neck and died. During this time, Phinehas wife was due to deliver. As she heard the news while she travailed, she died. Before her death, she named the child Ichabod meaning: The glory is departed from Israel. Sin, whether privately or publicly committed, has devastating, deadly and damnable consequences now and in the future. Youths who live in sin today should know that God will not allow any sinner to go unpunished. The only way of escape from divine punishment is total and complete repentance and faith in Christ. (Romans 10:9,13).

THE DEFEAT AND DEATH OF THE PRIESTS IN ISRAEL (1 Samuel 4:1-5,10-18; 17:1-10; Isaiah 59:1,2; Joshua 7:1-5,10-12; Proverbs 1:24-33)

The Philistines had war with Israel in Aphek. But Israel was defeated and thirty-four thousand men were killed (verses 2,10). What a great destruction of lives! The elders of Israel were surprised. They asked: Wherefore hath the LORD smitten us to day before the Philistines? (verse 3). Question 1: What was the main reason for the defeat of Israel?Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34). The main reason for the defeat of Israel was sin. Sin, whether in the individual or family or nation, will hinder the presence, protection and power of God. Furthermore, Israel must have gone to battle according to the leading of their hearts because there was no directive from God through Samuel. Also, divine direction and process of divine judgment must have been at work. Perhaps, God might have wanted Hophni and Phinehas to be on the battle field the same day so as to fulfill His word (1 Samuel 2:27-36; 3:11-14). Israels way was displeasing to the Lord. Hence, her enemies were at war with her. This was the time for divine discipline. Question 2: Why is discipline necessary?Discipline can be divine or through human instrument. Most times, it is designed to be the means of correction and blessing. Discipline helps to show us carelessness or evil in our lives. It helps us to search our hearts, pray and return to God before the judgment day. Discipline helps to restrain us from sin and prevent further disobedience (Psalm 119:67). It also helps us to improve our Christian character and relationship with others. It produces in us the virtue of patience, submission and humility. We should allow discipline to work for our good, perfect us and make us conform to the image of Christ. The defeat of Israel by the Philistines was an act of divine discipline. The elders asked counsel like Joshua, but not from the Lord. Instead of seeking the Lord through repentance, they looked for a device to compel God to give them victory. Man-made devices cannot grant us access to God or His favour. Therefore, the Lord abandoned them to their own devices. Question 3: How can youths enjoy the presence of God today? And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the earth rang again (verse 5). The aim of bringing the ark to the camp for the purpose of victory in battle was to employ God or the ark as a talisman, charm or amulet. Some youths put the Bible, cross or prayer book under their pillow to avoid bad dreams. The only way to enjoy Gods presence, power and protection today is through righteous living after returning to the Lord in repentance (Micah 6:6-8). The ark was brought out of Shiloh into the camp. Hophni and Phinehas accompanied it there. As soon as the ark arrived the camp, the children of Israel shouted for joy. Yet, Israel experienced the most humiliating defeat. The two sons of Eli were slain and the ark of covenant was carried away. Here, we see the futility of depending on religious symbols (cross, oil, picture of church founder, rosary, holy water, etc.) without having a right relationship with the Creator. Israel had despised His word. Yet, they wanted Him to fight for them. Whenever the word of God is despised, defeat is certain and great. But when we love, obey and keep the word of God, great will be the victory from Him. Question 4: Answer TRUE or FALSE:a) Putting Bible under the pillow will give divine victory in spiritual battle.

b) Hanging the crucifix of Jesus Christ will prevent bad dreams.

c) Wearing clothes with the picture of a church founder will give victory.

d) Wearing the image of Mary guarantees victory in battle.

e) Living a holy life and praying in faith will give us victory in all kinds of battles.

THE DECISION AND DETERMINATION OF THE PHILISTINES TO FIGHT ISRAEL (1 Samuel 4:6-9; Genesis 11:1-6; Acts 23:12,13; Judges 7:9-14)

And the Philistines were afraid, for they said, God is come into the camp. And they said, Woe unto us! for there hath not been such a thing heretofore (verse 7). As the ark of covenant came to the camp of Israel, the people shouted for joy. In the camp of the Philistines, they were afraid and would have run away. They cursed themselves and said that the mighty God who smote the Egyptians with plagues before the Israelites had come to fight for them. This should have been the testimony if the Israelites had obeyed the Lord and lived right. However, the Philistines mustered courage and took a decision with determination to fight Israel again (verse 9). Christian youths must differentiate between the courage, decision and determination of the Philistines and that of Gods children. There is bad courage and good courage (Deuteronomy 31:6). There is also good and bad decision and determination. (Daniel 3:16-18). It is bad courage for Christian youths to join ungodly youths to do evil. Punishment awaits those who join the world to do evil (Exodus 23:2). Question 5: What is the importance of good decision and determination in pursuing a God-given project?A good decision with determination backed up with God-given courage will produce great results in life. It makes the youth to have concentration and focus. Decision and determination will overcome every challenge to success. It leads one to know other alternatives to solve problems. The goal of the project will be achieved within a short time. Therefore, learn not to accept defeat at the least challenge.

THE DEPARTURE OF DIVINE PRESENCE IN ISRAEL (1 Samuel 4:19-22; Exodus 33:12-15; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 18:9-11)

As the report of the battle was given to Eli by one of the army who escaped, he could not withstand it. He could not endure the evil report of the scattered, smitten and slain nation. He collapsed, broke his neck and died instantly. Also, as Phinehas wife heard of these evil reports, she was gripped by sudden labour pains. She gave birth to a baby boy and named him Ichabod before she died. The household of Eli knew the blessings the nation would miss as a result of the ark being captured. The departure of the ark meant loss of divine glory, presence, mercy, peace and power of God. Question 6: What is the consequence of allowing divine presence to depart from your life and fellowship?In the same way, the glory of God can depart from a person, family or fellowship. This happens when people are unwilling to fulfil the conditions for the continual presence of God. When we spurn and despise Gods warnings, the glory of God will be removed from us and darkness, desolation and death may prevail (Exodus 33:13-15). Let us pray always and be ready to obey His word in order to enjoy His presence in our lives and fellowship.