Yr7 scratch assessment

Scratch Controlled Assessment Year 7 / Computing Name ICT Group Teacher Date



Transcript of Yr7 scratch assessment

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Scratch Controlled Assessment

Year 7 / Computing


ICT Group



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Scratch Controlled Assessment

Task 1

Your mission is to build a car racing game which will look something like this,

1. Firstly you must create the background for the game. This is easily done by editing the stage. First, fill in the background green. Then track create the track using the paint tool. 2. Create a ‘Start’ and a ‘Finish’ line. Ensure you use a colour NOT used anywhere else because you will need to use it later to identify the race winner 3. Now create the car sprites. Do not try to overcomplicate the cars. This is not an art assessment! 4. Each car needs two costumes, one similar to the car sprites above and another costume if the car touches the grass. You can edit the car costume to look as if it has blown up when it touches the colour of the grass. 5. Set a start position for each of the two cars using the (go to) x and y co-ordinates within Scratch. We must also point the cars in the correct direction and make sure they have the correct costumes on, at the start of the race. 6. Now you need to make the cars move, you want them to move forever (loop) and change (turn) direction (left or right) when we press certain keys. Usually in a two player game, the left and right arrow keys would be used for Player 1 and the ‘A’ and ‘S’ keys for player 2. Remember: The more steps you move at once, the faster the cars will travel, in order that your game is ‘playable’. Do not make the cars move too fast.

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Scratch Controlled Assessment

7. The winner will be determined by the first car to touch the finishing line. When this happens, flash a short message stating who has won for 2 seconds and then stop the script. HINT: Use an IF block for this.

You must print screen and explain your work

Please Glue your work here!

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Scratch Controlled Assessment

Task 2

1). Describe the purpose of an If statement.






2). Write an ‘If statement’ for the cars sprite in your game. The chart must show

what happens if the cars stay on the track or if the car goes off the track.

Car Sprite



3) . What is a variable?





(Total 11 marks)