Youtube stats research

This is a screen shot from YouTube. It provides statistics on the song of our choice ‘England’. Providing statistics showing where most of the views come from and the typical age group and gender of listeners. This research is important because it provides research on our target market and is large-scale research (the video has 16, 626 views and counting). It also shows where the majority of views come from i.e. the video being embed on Facebook has achieved 649 views which would give us a good idea of where to advertise our media product to our target audience. It also shows which countries the video has been viewed in most which allows us to figure out where in the world the most views come from using the map above, with the most views coming from the UK and the second most coming from Austrailia. Audience Research

Transcript of Youtube stats research

Page 1: Youtube stats research

This is a screen shot from YouTube. It provides statistics on the song of our choice ‘England’. Providing statistics showing where most of the views come from and the typical age group and gender of listeners. This research is important because it provides research on our target market and is large-scale research (the video has 16, 626 views and counting). It also shows where the majority of views come from i.e. the video being embed on Facebook has achieved 649 views which would give us a good idea of where to advertise our media product to our target audience. It also shows which countries the video has been viewed in most which allows us to figure out where in the world the most views come from using the map above, with the most views coming from the UK and the second most coming from Austrailia.

Audience Research