MEMORIES OF YOUTH COME WITH HALLOWEEN Society, So Far, Not Enthusiastic Over Holiday Spirit That Tuesday Will Bring.Art Lecture Given at Woman's Club Tomorrow. Hy Klizaberth Witt. So far society has uot shown itself unusually enthusiastic over the holiday spirit that Tuesday of this week will bring. Thcro are, of course, . accounts of entertainments that have used harmonious decorations. Hut that is all in tho cotirso of events. Every successful hostess makes use of the nearest celebration. Nevertheless, llalioween is exciting. 1 don't believe any one ever fully sneaks away from tho singlo shiver that comes with its approach. Memories of tho fascinating stories that have centered around it como floating back In the ghostly gray of the shapes they depicted. The old witch with her broomstick and her tall peaked hat, seated with bet hooked nose, bent in ghastly mischief against the pale light of the moon, starts suddenly from a cloud of them. And the suddenness of her approach breaks the spell of awe. More spirited pictures of the fortunes told with apple parings, a mirror held before you as you do- sconded the cellar stairs.backwards!.the feat attained only by the practiced few, of "bobbing" apples, take their place. You remember the times you dressed up in your mother's trash basket and your father's long pants and "went out" with tho boys and girls of your neighborhood. Won't you always remember the houses that you were sure would lit¬ erally "bear fruit"? Can it be that society has grown old? The Woman's Club will have its first lecture on Art tomorrow aft¬ ernoon at 4 o'clock. Tea will be served following the lecture. Tho more frivolous activities will begin with tho afternoon tea given by Mrs. Charles Mylcs Collier, to her dobutnnto daughter, Hannah. It will tnko place at her home, on the Cary Street Road, from 4 to (J o'clock. On Tuesday afternoon also tho card party of the Sweet Briar Alum¬ nae Association will take place at the Woman's Club, at 3 o'clock. Tho wedding of Miss Mnry Hoe Tanner to William C. Minter, of Martinsville, will be celebrated Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, at tho homo of Mrs. W. T. Shepherd, Hellevue Park. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. William Amouette Terrell will bo hos¬ tess at a tea for her sister. Miss Elinor Fry, at her homo at the Harvard Apartments. Saturday night there will be tho usual informal dance at the Coun¬ try Club. Cnmcmn- \rrlnslon Weil <11 it K . Tho wedding of Mis* Octnvla Ar¬ rlngton. daughter of Mr and Mrs. John White Arrlnston, of < ireenvllle. S. C., and niece of Mrs. J. II. Ingram, of tills city. to Ewan l".n:ilcl Cam¬ eron. soli of tho Into Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Catnoron. of Ulchmond. wag of much Interest to .society lu re. It took place Inst evening at s:u» o'clock at Clirlst Church, Greenville, Hev. Frank A. Juan performing the ceremony. The church wax d< 'ora?. <1 with palms, white chrysanthemums and cathedral candles. Tho bride entered with her father, who save her In marriage. She r dress of lace and tulle embroidered in pearls, and her veil of illusion was edKud with rose potilt lace. She car¬ ried a shower hotuiuot of orchitis and lilies of tho valley. Mm. William Williams was matron pf honor. She woro a dress of Amer¬ ican Beauty-colored brocaded chiffon and carried shaded pink pom-pom chrysanthemums. Miss lillen llelmo Boott, of Klchinond, was maid of honor. She wore a dress of the same £0d carried pom-pom chrysaiitht-- proms shaded pink. The brido was also attended by two little flower girls, Graham mid Ca.rtcr Arrlnston. They wore frocks of palo pink glorletto and carried posegaya of Sweetheart roses. Tho groom had as hie best man Flack wood Cameron, of Heading, l'a., und the groomsmen were Stuart Grattan Christian, John Uoyd. Taze¬ well M. Carrlngton, Jr.. of Kiehmorid. end Nelson liattlo Carrlngton and r.i' haxd W. Arrlngton. The ceremony was followed by a reception tit tho home of the bride s par* ntu. Tho house was decorated with pink chrysanthemums and 1 aims. Guests from a distance at- lei.dii.g the wedding ami reception vi-rt: Mis. S. 1'. Arrlngton, «>r War* I,t. n, >;. C-: Mrs. John 11. Ingram. Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Watkin*. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Christian, Mr. ami Mrs. I "aimer Leigh. Mim Ullen l'.oiriic «. .,tt. Mr. and Mrs. Jul*';' Ingram. T. M.' Carrlngton. Jr.,. Ji-Ln. H"> d. of l;lrhn. >nd; Houston 1'parson, of Treii- loti. N. J : Mrs. John Cronley, Misses Mary and Jean Cameron, Dean Maury, Miss Nell Wise, Mr. aiul Mrs. Alexan¬ der Cameron, of lliohmond; Mr. and Mrs. 1'lackwood Cameron, ot lteatl- ing. M rt>. Flora Znin. of ti«»r- fif>nsv:ilc; Mr. and Mrs. lleron Cross- man, <¦'. Ardrnore, l'a.; Mrs. Lyman Gilbert, of llarrlsburg. l'a.; Miss >i*len Cameron, of Paris. France; Mrs. Jl 'salle ILxall Noland, of Mid- dleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron will make their home Sr. Itichinond. 'lea for llelm t antes. Mrs. William Ainonetto Terrell will 1 f< h'.'stesp on Friday alternoon in J.onor of her sister,* Miss Kllnor Fry. Mho is a debutante <'f this season. Tfc" tea will 1 ». given at Mrs. Ter¬ rell s homo at tho Harvard Apart- cieuts, and will Include oniy the d< utant.-a c.f this seat-on. Mi-». Ter- i-'i v. as bifoio her marriage Miss Virginia Fry. Uoorr-I tiiinay AV editing. ]:i\!tat :.s have b< en Issued for the marriage of Miss Margaret Urown Conway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J owhat >n Fc. «jh Conway, i f l>an- vllle, t'< Warner M re, Jr., s"n e.i Mr. ai.'l V.'iirner M >r.. of thi* ( ,ty. I!.' w.- :rig w t. ... . l'la> <. j,. the l.i-t lv.ptist Church, in I'an- ville itt C' k on .- turday even- :i. r 11. Tho »4i» :n- i.v will be follow. ! by a reception at t!,.. I...IM ! tbride.- J ..rents. J i'J V.'< st Main Str'el, Hanvilte. Mr. arid Mis. M'lore will be at home fifur February 1 at 1111 West Grace ,<-"tt. et. Hi" brnond. Will Not ¦ ¦ o California. Mi-s 1-1.a Hilil"i will le at the Cl,« t' Tflel'l Ajiartinenls during the winter. h:.e will :. >t be in Calif' nla. as sb' Intended f i Her ftludio \i be b< ;<i M t'.c K >'. :h Apartments Mellon II tn Ser%f l.lllieli. I rlnr * iie wo-k t i' . nl . vein I it Se."' ion li *.'! till VVoi. an s An lliary of St. Pauls Clmrili will s.iv Mil' lie .11 from l2:*:o to 2 i. i,t t lie j'.ir. h house l"i i.riiin' nt rIe! w a v. ill I i\ e i hai . ot t . h ffa ! r. I'nlr'iltf^it'^ fur I iiril I'll r I > . Mt rule rs of the HI -hi:, nd ' hapt- i 'I ! i.' efct 1 : lit: . .. , AI ti u. i. Ai'. at:, .ill be I. ulli.-. on. i ai i party '.< i\ n a; lli< Woiioin- lib Tue.-iiii i noon .it 3 o'i loel: The ivir: i-i i aril party i- an .i. ia! ' m and t »i year M»s tri i n > har; e. A lililoin r I 'a i b. ri i.i-rveil fin' i i f.t I .- i s n .ty be iiiad* tlii .. n 11m ii .nan, Mrs. cut.'I ins. "i H.r i, .'.!» ] * 111 > >: i Adams, MIhh Cailo rii,.. m. :. r. Mi-- Mary 'J'a.vlor or M llat'a hin. Then will he niml' fi.r i ab ,luli will b. attra.-lively lit .rated lor the ilall'iv. i . n . i."ni. Those who linvo reserved tables are requested t<> bring cauls and pencils. Among tlif |>atront'sscs of the af¬ fair arc: Mrs. Mi'.'uln Addison. Mrs. T. 'I'. A'lain.s. Mrs. C. 1'. Harnett, Mrs. .folia Hancock. Mrs. Granvtllo Val¬ entine, Mrs. .lames II. Green. Mrs. Norman Johnson, Mrs. Karnost Moore. Mrs. Horace Flowers, Mrs. Hon Pur- cell, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. Thomas P. Jelfress, Mrs. Warner Moore, Mrs. Allen Valentine, Mrs. Oervas S. Tay¬ lor. Mrs. Crainlison Moscley, Mrs. Clautle l")ean. Mrs. Mann S, Valen- t lite. Miss Kllon Hall. Mrs. Kugene I»es Portes, Mrs. It a yinoinl Massoy, Miss -Mary Hall Saunders. Mrs. l.ysli I lazeljjrove. Mrs. P. 1). HeverUigo, Mis. II. II McKev. Among others who have received tallies :ir« Miss Carol Minor. Miss Klizahi ill l.vtco, Miss Juliette Saun¬ ders. Mrs. liranttcr Ancarrow, Miss Anna HeVeridgc. Miss Kleanor Wil¬ liams. Miss Martha Alsop, Mrs. Hen¬ ry Tyler. Miss Jean Hlalr, Mrs. John Cecil. Miss Julia Wherry, Miss Plo- rine Guilhert, Miss Virginia Jones. Mrs. Carringtyii Williams, Miss Gladys Saul. Miss Carrie Taliaferro, Miss Lucy Taliaferro. Wedding Wedncmliiy. The wedding of Miss Mary L,ee Tanner, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William 10. Tanner, of this city, to William <). Mlnter, Jr., of Martins¬ ville, will take place at 10::ni o'clock Wednesday morning. Novembc r 1. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shep¬ herd. Hellevuo l'ark. .Spent Week-I". nil nl Hr>n Slnwr. Miss Anne II. (lunn, who has spent the past two weoks in New York with her cousin, Mrs. Willard Honte Is returning home today. Miss Gunn spent this week-etul at Hryn Mawr College w ith Miss Helen George, a member of the senior class. Mr«. W ilson Clinlrnian. Mrs. H. W. Wilson Is general chair¬ man of the card party to he given on November S at 3 o'clock, at the lawis Glnter Community House un¬ der the auspices of the Glnter Park Woman's Clul>. The proceeds of tin affair will no to th»3 Crippled Clill dren's Hospital. Assisting Mis. Wil son are Mesdamcs W. P. ltedd, W OurrluS;, Frank lloadloii. 1C. XV. I'm ley, \V. O. Howard, Jlarpor Hhel- toli, l.uwton Crutohflcld, Albert I'eii- nypacker, Ovoruo Harper uud itob- «11 Henley. There Will bo ii prize at each table. nnd loth bridge and five hundred will 1><> played. Flayers are asked to bring their own cards, scorv [iivib and ponclls. Tables muy bo ro^- served bv calling Houlovard 3709-W. Boulevard 4334-W or Uoulovurd 3SS7-J. Scrvlee Legion to Cilve Kuncfton. An affair that will bo of much Interest In early November Is the card party which the Service Legion is giving !n the ballroom of the Klch- mund Hotel on the afternoon of No¬ vember 10, from 3 to 0 o'clock. I'rlzen will be dainty articles of handwork made bv the metnl crs. and many novel features will be Introduced. There will bo attractive booths for homemade cukes and candles. Reservations have been mndo i»y Ml, K Leo Trlnkle. Mrs. .1. Allison I Indues Mrs. Itob. rt 1»- Ford. Miss Hell I Vrkins, Mrs. Willis l'ulliam. Mrs T. W. Kern. Mrs. 1>. A. l'ren- tivs. Mr- II. Julian Myers. Jr.. Mrs. ). \V l-'osti r. Mrs IM.asantoti Con- oil. st. Mrs II. U Lorraine. Mrs. C. T. Norman. Mrs. C. Howard Lewis. Mr< s. 1! ldvlnnstone. Mrs. \\. L. Newell Mrs' \V. .1. Judd. Miss Einina NVtherland. Mrs. II. K. Wade. Mrs CT. c Wall. Mrs. Charles W. llarlan. Miss May C.reener. Miss Katherine i* l:vans. Mrs. W. W. Foster. Mrs. John Serey Mrs. Itlcluird Talley. Mrs. .1. K. How'inaii, Mrs. 11. A. Itlcnner. Mrs. Henry J. Tresnon. Mrs. It. .' Tavlor. Mrs Fred Morlolc. Mrs. T-rank Ferrandlnl. Mrs. L'oilie Milhiser, Mrs. W. II. I"owell. s. Joseph l.e Masiirler. Mrs. It. "W. Wlltion. Mrs. Robert Vincent. Mrs. John K batier. Mrs ].: C. Walthall. Mrs. 1-rank L. J.> son. Mrs. 1'. J- White. Mrs. C. W Massle. Mrs. T'eoinas it Johnson Mrs. 1*. T. Horner and others. Visited Submarines. Mrs. Hertha M Smith, instructor h, the science department of the . .idl.*(iiate School, chaperoned the following students mi a visit to the submarines on Friday afternoon last. <ividents In this party arc members ,,f the junior and senior classes: Misses Mary Hates. Anno Krad>, Hv. 1 vti ltrlstow. Anne Florance. M.i rc.i ret (J onion. Virginia H"1U- inanii, Mary Montague. Mary Mor- de.-ai, Connie Vendleton. Kathrjn HiillingHirg. Margaret Walton. \ r- uiiiia Kelvin, F.lir.abeth <-all. xir" ginla. Oliapin. Charlotte ^5)? ! Marv 1 Union Huke. Marshall lllnUr- 11. Ion Fasten, Anne Lamb. Marj Miller. Virginia (juarles. Bva Saun- (i. rs Corliinc Sheppard. F.lsle Snow. Marv Taylor. Misses Marlon Forbes ami Alice Grey Welsh ac¬ companied the party. Miss Weils Hnlerlntncd. \ uuinlier of entertainments have mv.,, for Miss Wells the past wi.-U. On Thursday Miss btuart Hlanton. -r 17tut lirove Avenue, gave a luncheon. The Leo Tail lost of the American Legion gave a rcccv- ,i... for Miss Wells Wednesday aft- .Mlf^ eruoon lit mion Theological . "v Miss Wells has Just returned from New Orleans, where she spoke l.efore the national convention of the American Legion. Ofllcers Will Kntertnln. The Otlie.-rs of Hi" Ladies of Char- It \ will entertain members ana friends at a Halloween tea and so¬ cial on Tuesday afternoon from i to o'clock, at St. Joseph s Acad¬ emy. Fourth and Marshall Streets. Pretty Home \Vediting. o On Tuesday afternoon, October -i. at I o'clock, tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kdgar Locke. 1"S Over- i.rook Roml, was the scene of a prot- t \ wedding, when their sister. Miss Marv Kin ma Pemberton. was mar¬ ried'to Elvln Uryan Mlars, of Ocean V lew. l>r. Fred It. Chenault. of H."tad .Street Methodist Lplscopal Church, otllcUtlng. The home was ,1... mated with palms, ferns, flowers i tid shaded lights. Just l.efoio Hie reinony, Mrs. II. P. Whltehurst hang "At Uawnlng." and was ac¬ companied by Miss Hosa Itoberson. who played the wedding march. The bride wore a traveling suit of I'oirct twill with hat to match and a corf age hou.iuct of orchids and lilies of the \alley. She entered with her brother, William Edgar Locke, who gave her In marriage, and war met at the altar by tho groom and hi. Vest man, .1. Klaine Splggle. The maul nt' honor was Miss Mil¬ dred Jennings, whose gown was of orchid Canton crepe with trimmings of silver. She carried a shower |ii>u(|\i< t "f Sunburst roses. The ling bearer was littlo Miss Virginia Locke, a niece of the bride, and she wore a frock of pale pink French organdie, and carried tho ring on a white satin pillow. ] A:ter a wc.l.ii:.| trip North. Mr. the kaufmann store SALON I>E IJKAl Ti: It takes but a minute more to luwc a SMART coiffure A double part pompadour blend¬ ing perfectly with your hair per- inits you to change from short or thin hair to an attractive head- dress in less than no time. JQJ service is ready to assist you in de¬ vising a new coiffure and Htutdrnrirtg oj ercep- showing you llOW fcimplc it noiuii sfaU, tLSir lyemg, is to arrange. hum ua.iv.tif; dm. facuil and scalp tread >enu of superior merit in tin Btmtty Stdon. {Exclusive Samples Tiou> cm Display IZvtvtti lladdey company U0.5 TE. "Alain m. and Mri. Klvln I try an Mlltrs will l>e home at Ooonn VloW. At>pronrliliiir Murrlnxr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Tliomns P. Deltrtol; announce tlio engagement nnd ap¬ proaching marrlagn of their daugh¬ ter. lthoda lluls«y, to James Albert 1II11. Tito wedding will take place very quietly In late November, ow- i it IT to recent death In the bride's family. For Crippled Children'* T.Iospllnl. Much Interest Is being taken In the card party for the crippled chil¬ dren tc be (riven by the Sunshine Circle of King's Daughters In the ballroom of Richmond Hotel. No¬ vember S. from 3 to u o'clock. Tables cam be reserved by calling l.toule- vard 3-150. Players are asked to bring: cards and pencils. In Honor of Minn C'oleiiinn. An attractive event <>f last week was a bridge party given by Mrs. William Dabncy, Jr.. at her home. MOO Park Avenue. Friday evening. The affair was given In honor of .Miss Virginia Coleman, whose mar¬ riage to (irahm l.»an< aster, will take) place tomorrow. The rooms were prettily fixed with Itride roses and Siink and white chrysanthemums. In the dining-room a large bride's cake formed the centerpiece of i he table set with vnses of green. The gnosis included only a few of Miss Cole¬ man's friends. Other affairs were given for Miss Coleman last week. Mr i:< n.iamln W. Davis, formerl" Miss Dorothy Cnrdwell. entertained deliuhtfully <>n Tuesday afternoon. Miss Kutlhi save a brlilgo luncheon at her home on Thursday. On Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Maben Clark gave a ton .it her home on Patterson Avenue for her. On Saturday evening. Miss French gave a reception for the im- medlato families and the trlends of tho brldo and groom to bo. For limner. Miss Odessa Brun#r, whose mar¬ riage to Hart Brown Crenshaw, will take place on November 4. has been tho guest of honor nt a number of interesting affairs during tho past week. Mrs. Howard Taylor, of "Prespoot 11111," Hanover, entertained at u lovely bridge luncheon. Invitations were limited to the bridesmaids, cov¬ ers holm? laid for ten. Anions the other entertainments given in honor of Miss Tlrunnr was a nilscellaneous shower last Satur¬ day by Miss Katherlne Stephens, ^ bridge .party by Mrs. 1'. A. Wllhite Hnd a liiwi'l shower on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. II. l«ortio Smith. Jlriiellt Unnnnnt. Great interest Is being manifested ,n the ben ell t dansant to bo given for Catnp Wakoham on Wednesday, November Sacred Heart lloys' School auditorium. Mrs. Frank H. Nott, Mrs. Thomas A. llrown, and .Mi.-s Mary Mussel will act, as host- ct-ses for the occasion. 'I rev* el t.Gill. A pretty wedding of interost throughout Virginia took placo on Tuesday ..veiling. October 24, at 8:3o ..! loch. in St. Jaitios' liplsoopal Church, Hovdton, Va.. when Miss Anne Hamilton Gill became the bride of T. Ilroaddus Trcvvctt. of Hlrhmond, the ceremony boiiiK performed by Kov. Herbert N. Tucker.. Mrs. Her¬ bert N. Tin ker presided at the organ. The bride wore a gown of white chiffon velvet vvitli pearl trimmings and court train, vvitli veil of Illusion and real lace caught with orange blossoms. She carried a slower bouquet of Itrido roses and lli*.-s ot the valley. Mrs. O. U, Green, of Boydtoa. and Mra. P»ttun M. QUI, or Hiohmond, alstera of the bride, wero niHtrona of honor. The bridesmaids wore: Mlsaea Kthel Trevvett, of Rich¬ mond, alater of tho Rroom; Elizabeth Manfon, of Kenbrldge; Vtrglnla Goode, of Ronton, and Mildred Stowart. of Bauxite, Ark. Tho flower Klrl was little MIhs >iuzel Andrews, of Norfolk, a cousin of tho bride. Tho rlngboarer was Master Claudo Hell Green, nephew of the bride. Tho brldo was given In marrlago by her elder brother, Pettus M. Glli, of Rich¬ mond. Tho groom had as Ills best man Jobn Adair I'lircoll, of Hlctunon 1. Tho groomunien were: Messrs. Krnest Saunders, of !.'red cricks burg; Arthur Trovvett, of Richmond, brother of the uruom; Hubert Walton, of ltlohinoiid; Morris King, of Richmond, cousin of the groom; 1 lenry Junim, of Doydton, and Krank (5111, o*f Antlors. brother of tlio bride. 11. Green, of Hoyd ton. brother-in-law of the lirlde, was mas¬ ter of ceremony. After tho wedding an informal re¬ ception was given to tho lirld;il parly by Mr. ami Mrs. C. II Green ul their home In Itoydton. I.ater in the even- lot; tlio bride anil bridegroom left for an extended Northern trip to Ganada. Niagara Kails, Boston and New York Glty On their return, Mr. and Miv. Trevvett will be at home in tho Sweet Briar Apartment, 1127 West Grace Street, Richmond. The Pride is the youngest daughter of .lames M. Gil I and Emma I*'. Gill. The groom Is tho oldest son of Mr. a lid Mrs. Arthur Trevvett, of Rleh- moiid. Tin; out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trevvett, Miss lithe. Trevvett. A. T. Trevvett, John 1'ur- cell, Morris King, Hob Walton. I >r. and Mrs. T. A. Underbill, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gill, all of Richmond; Krtietit Saunders, of Fredericksburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Androws and daughter. Hazel, of Norfolk; Mlsa Clara Noblett, of New York City; Miss Elizabeth Mnnson, of Kenbridge; Robert U Allen, of Kenhrldgo; MIhs Mlltlr«'J Stewart, of Bauxite, Ark.: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faulkner, uf Chaao City. Wctfdlnar Ktit Month. Mr. and Mrs. Alvtn Gordon Qunrles. Sr., announce the engagement and approaching marring® of their diumh- ter, Sarah Jeanotto, to Kev. Luther Junius Derby, of Franklin. The wedding will take place early in November. .Mnrrln|(r of .Mian I'.oli. Tlio marriage of Miss Glndys Leo Eck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (>s- wald Eck, to Forrest Eldred Uiw- erence. of Ellertion, was solemnized on Wednesduy, (let. IS, at 11 o'clock In Tabernacle Haptlst Church, Kev. Aubrey Williams, pastor of the church, otliclating. Miss Taylor ren¬ dered tlio wedding music. Miss Vclma Kessler sang. Tho bride wax given in marriage by her father. Henry Carle lilueth- geti was best man. She wore a suit i>f brown duvetyne with fur trim¬ mings; her flowers wore a corsage boui|uet <>f Bride roses and lilies of tli«' valley. Mies Anna Evelyn Lnuterbacli was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Evlyn Eck. flr.ter of the bride, and MIhs Tholrna Vaughn. Little Miss Hilda Tucker, cousin of tin; bride, was rlnghenrer. Robert Bess. of 11 in tor:. W. Va., and James Vcrlatider, of At lee, acted as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Intwrenco left Immediately after tho ceremony for a Nortiirn trip, after which they will make their home in Charlottesville. Miss Anna Lautorbach entertained aT a miscellaneous Fli'iWer oil Satur¬ day afternoon, October 14, in liomir of Mlsa Eolt. Miss Velm* Kensler entertained with music. Mri. T. H. Vlur entertained tlio bridal party «t dinner on Tuesday evening. Octo¬ ber JT, In her homo nt 1700 l<Mojrd Avenue. (ifothoRBn.Hrjnol<l». Of much Intercut throughout the Stute win the wedding In Preabyta- rlan Church, Chniiv City, on Thura- djiy evening nt X o'clock, when Miss Aline Holmes Reynolds 'became tho 1 ride of fronton IjowIs Geoghegan. Tin* ceremony was performed by tho bride's uncle, Pr. Thomas Cury John* son, of Richmond. Assisted by the Initio's pastor, Itev. Walter H. Har- rop. Miss Marjorle CreRory, of Chans City, played the wedding' music and Charles James Kaulkner unni;. The ushers were Messrfi. Talmadgo Don- nan. Richmond; Cornelius Allen, Ken- bridge; Thomajt Cary Johnson, Jr.. Ilampdcn-Sldney; tieorgo Coinpton, Rlackstone; John Russell, Clarks- vllle, and Charles E. Uooghegau. Jr., Washington. The maid of honor was Miss Elinor Johnson, of Klrliniond, onunin of the bride. The hrlde was given away by her brother, Charles Reynolds, of Norfolk. The best man was Marshall CeoKhngnti. Immediately following the cere'- niony a reception was held by the bride's parents In their home. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson assisted Mr. and Mrs KobeitH and the bridal pnrty In receiving. Tii<> brldo and pmom left later for a wedding trip to J'.oston, Now York and Atlantic City. The* will be at home. after November 15 at the home of the. bride's parent! In Chase City. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. (Continued on Fourth Page.) HItOA I) STREET AT FOURTH A Distinctive Display of Poiret Twill dresses For Women and Misses $4250 IN THE OPINION of most women, workmanship and quality in a Frock count for as much as style. That is true. And in (his group the very best workmanship, the very highest quality and the newest styles, too, are evidenced plainly. Navy, brown and black Poire! Twills, featuring especially the new basque effect and the circular-skirt. Straight lines are shown, with metal ornaments. Braid is handsomely used. Several models have the new Bertha lace collars; sleeves are loose flowing things, or tailored, according to the dross. These arc really cleverly fashioned Dresses, and they will meet with the hearty approval of leaders of Fashion. $12.50. Magnificent Styles In Fur-Trimmed wraps $55.00 Upward ELEGANCE of fabric and style originality.the new Wraps excel in smartness. Elaborate styles in wrap-arounds, giving a slim silhouette; blouscd-back models with rope girdles; metal ornaments are favored; Mikado sleeves are used much; trimmings of Caracul, Fox, Wolf, Squirrel and Beaver; the newest lustrous Wool fabrics of the season. Prices begin at $55.00. Vogue has passed her judgment on Capes, and they have been recognized, in all their newness, as stylish additions to the Fall and Winter wardrobes. These are priced $45.00 and up. The Most Brilliant of all the neiv CHA PEA UX arc touched with Gold or Silver METAL CLOTH, Metal Threads, Gold and Silver Threads.all have prominence in the very newest Parisian Millinery. Fashion has found many ingenious new ways of making Velvet Ilats, ornamenting and combining many of the love¬ liest with gleaming Metal Cloth. We are especially anxious that you see these models. Of course, we have a multitude of other Hats without a trace of silver or gold. Three Particularly Smart Hats One perfectly lovely model is created of Blue Velvet. It's rather small in size. The brim is of Mole fur, which gracefully turns up. The crown is sprinkled with glistening gold threads. Another model is a gorgeously colored Poke effect, a Panne Velvet and Metal Cloth combination with Kolinsky fur edgings. A large handsome Hat is made of Brown Velvet, with a draped back and rolled- front brim, trimmed in hand-made ostrcih roses, sand color. Prices, $15.00 to $10.00. Fur Jacqucttes Coats and Wraps REP R 10 SENT ATI VE items from stocks where qual¬ ity of pelts and correctness of style would attract, re¬ gardless of price and where the prions are so low :is to Inter¬ est in themselves. Hudson Seal Coal*. . $325.00 (Dyed >1u«»krat) Full-length Coats. with deep collar an! cuffs of Beaver. Scotch Mole Capos $325.00 A new model whore the fur is draned as gracefully as. a fabric. Itacconn Coafs . $2*25.00 Forty-inch Coats of dark full- furred pelts. Musk rat Coals $125.00 Trottour models of selected natural pells, with particu¬ larly handsome linings. Klaek Caracul ('apes.. $205.00 Full-length Coats of soft black Caracul, with collar and cuffs of Squirrel. Caracul Jacquetlos . . . $225.00 The Coat so much in demand as a separate wrap or as part of a three-piece Costume. In platinum, black, Beige and Cinnamon. t For GolfingI Two Items from our Sweater Shop A SLIP-ON model that is exceeding¬ ly smart and attractive is made of brushed Mohair. Its round neck ap¬ peals to most women, and a narrow sash gives it a clever finish. This Sweater is shown in white, buff and brown. It should prove popular at $5.50. A Mannish Alpaca Coat Sweater at $12.50 This golf sweater buttons right down the front. It's r <>h- ioned of Alpaca, in V-neck styles, with smart set-in pock¬ ets. This model comes in buff and brown.


Page 1: YOUTH COME HALLOWEEN€¦ · MEMORIES OF YOUTH COMEWITHHALLOWEEN Society, So Far, Not Enthusiastic Over Holiday Spirit That Tuesday Will Bring.ArtLecture Given at Woman's Club Tomorrow.


Society, So Far, Not Enthusiastic Over Holiday SpiritThat Tuesday Will Bring.Art Lecture Given

at Woman's Club Tomorrow.

Hy Klizaberth Witt.So far society has uot shown itself unusually enthusiastic over the

holiday spirit that Tuesday of this week will bring. Thcro are, of course,. accounts of entertainments that have used harmonious decorations. Hut

that is all in tho cotirso of events. Every successful hostess makes useof the nearest celebration.

Nevertheless, llalioween is exciting. 1 don't believe any one everfully sneaks away from tho singlo shiver that comes with its approach.Memories of tho fascinating stories that have centered around it comofloating back In the ghostly gray of the shapes they depicted. The oldwitch with her broomstick and her tall peaked hat, seated with bethooked nose, bent in ghastly mischief against the pale light of themoon, starts suddenly from a cloud of them. And the suddenness ofher approach breaks the spell of awe. More spirited pictures of thefortunes told with apple parings, a mirror held before you as you do-sconded the cellar stairs.backwards!.the feat attained only by thepracticed few, of "bobbing" apples, take their place. You remember thetimes you dressed up in your mother's trash basket and your father'slong pants and "went out" with tho boys and girls of your neighborhood.Won't you always remember the houses that you were sure would lit¬erally "bear fruit"?

Can it be that society has grown old?

The Woman's Club will have its first lecture on Art tomorrow aft¬ernoon at 4 o'clock. Tea will be served following the lecture.

Tho more frivolous activities will begin with tho afternoon teagiven by Mrs. Charles Mylcs Collier, to her dobutnnto daughter, Hannah.It will tnko place at her home, on the Cary Street Road, from 4 to (Jo'clock.On Tuesday afternoon also tho card party of the Sweet Briar Alum¬

nae Association will take place at the Woman's Club, at 3 o'clock.Tho wedding of Miss Mnry Hoe Tanner to William C. Minter, ofMartinsville, will be celebrated Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, attho homo of Mrs. W. T. Shepherd, Hellevue Park.On Friday afternoon, Mrs. William Amouette Terrell will bo hos¬tess at a tea for her sister. Miss Elinor Fry, at her homo at the HarvardApartments.Saturday night there will be tho usual informal dance at the Coun¬try Club.

Cnmcmn- \rrlnslon Weil <11 itK .

Tho wedding of Mis* Octnvla Ar¬rlngton. daughter of Mr and Mrs.John White Arrlnston, of < ireenvllle.S. C., and niece of Mrs. J. II. Ingram,of tills city. to Ewan l".n:ilcl Cam¬eron. soli of tho Into Mr. and Mrs.Alexander Catnoron. of Ulchmond.wag of much Interest to .society lu re.It took place Inst evening at s:u»o'clock at Clirlst Church, Greenville,Hev. Frank A. Juan performing theceremony. The church wax d< 'ora?. <1with palms, white chrysanthemumsand cathedral candles.Tho bride entered with her father,who save her In marriage. She

r dress of lace and tulle embroideredin pearls, and her veil of illusion wasedKud with rose potilt lace. She car¬ried a shower hotuiuot of orchitis andlilies of tho valley.Mm. William Williams was matron

pf honor. She woro a dress of Amer¬ican Beauty-colored brocaded chiffonand carried shaded pink pom-pomchrysanthemums. Miss lillen llelmoBoott, of Klchinond, was maid ofhonor. She wore a dress of the same£0d carried pom-pom chrysaiitht--proms shaded pink.The brido was also attended bytwo little flower girls, Graham midCa.rtcr Arrlnston. They wore frocks

of palo pink glorletto and carriedposegaya of Sweetheart roses.Tho groom had as hie best man

Flackwood Cameron, of Heading, l'a.,und the groomsmen were StuartGrattan Christian, John Uoyd. Taze¬well M. Carrlngton, Jr.. of Kiehmorid.end Nelson liattlo Carrlngton andr.i' haxd W. Arrlngton.The ceremony was followed by a

reception tit tho home of the bride spar* ntu. Tho house was decoratedwith pink chrysanthemums and1 aims. Guests from a distance at-lei.dii.g the wedding ami receptionvi-rt: Mis. S. 1'. Arrlngton, «>r War*I,t. n, >;. C-: Mrs. John 11. Ingram.Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Watkin*. Mr.and Mrs. Stuart Christian, Mr. amiMrs. I "aimer Leigh. Mim Ullen l'.oiriic«. .,tt. Mr. and Mrs. Jul*';' Ingram.T. M.' Carrlngton. Jr.,. Ji-Ln. H"> d. ofl;lrhn. >nd; Houston 1'parson, of Treii-loti. N. J : Mrs. John Cronley, MissesMary and Jean Cameron, Dean Maury,Miss Nell Wise, Mr. aiul Mrs. Alexan¬der Cameron, of lliohmond; Mr. andMrs. 1'lackwood Cameron, ot lteatl-ing. M rt>. Flora Znin. of ti«»r-fif>nsv:ilc; Mr. and Mrs. lleron Cross-man, <¦'. Ardrnore, l'a.; Mrs. LymanGilbert, of llarrlsburg. l'a.; Miss>i*len Cameron, of Paris. France;Mrs. Jl 'salle ILxall Noland, of Mid-dleburg.Mr. and Mrs. Cameron will maketheir home Sr. Itichinond.

'lea for llelm tantes.Mrs. William Ainonetto Terrell will1 f< h'.'stesp on Friday alternoon inJ.onor of her sister,* Miss Kllnor Fry.Mho is a debutante <'f this season.Tfc" tea will 1 ». given at Mrs. Ter¬

rell s homo at tho Harvard Apart-cieuts, and will Include oniy thed< utant.-a c.f this seat-on. Mi-». Ter-i-'i v. as bifoio her marriage MissVirginia Fry.Uoorr-I tiiinay AV editing.

]:i\!tat :.s have b< en Issued forthe marriage of Miss Margaret UrownConway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J owhat >n Fc. «jh Conway, i f l>an-vllle, t'< Warner M re, Jr., s"n e.iMr. ai.'l V.'iirner M >r.. of thi*( ,ty. I!.' w.- :rig w t. ... . l'la> <.j,. the l.i-t lv.ptist Church, in I'an-ville itt C' k on .- turday even-

:i. r 11. Tho »4i» :n- i.vwill be follow. ! by a reception att!,.. I...IM ! tbride.- J ..rents. J i'JV.'< st Main Str'el, Hanvilte.Mr. arid Mis. M'lore will be at homefifur February 1 at 1111 West Grace,<-"tt. et. Hi" brnond.

Will Not ¦ ¦o t« California.Mi-s 1-1.a Hilil"i will le at theCl,« t' Tflel'l Ajiartinenls during thewinter. h:.e will :. >t be in Calif'nla. as sb' Intended f i Herftludio \i be b< ;<i M t'.c K >'. :hApartments

Mellon II tn Ser%f l.lllieli.I rlnr * iie wo-k t i' . nl . veinI it Se."' ion li *.'! till VVoi. an s Anlliary of St. Pauls Clmrili will s.ivMil' lie .11 from l2:*:o to 2i.i,t t lie j'.ir. h house l"i i.riiin' ntrIe! w a v. ill I i\ e i hai >¦ . ot t .

h ffa ! r.

I'nlr'iltf^it'^ fur I iiril I'll r I > .Mt rule rs of the HI -hi:, nd ' hapt- i'I ! i.' efct 1 : lit: . .. , AI ti u. i.Ai'. at:, .ill be I.ulli.-. on. i ai i party '.< i\ n a;lli< Woiioin- lib Tue.-iiii inoon .it 3 o'i loel: The ivir: i-ii aril party i- an .i. ia! ' m andt »i year M»s tri i n> har; e. A lililoin r I 'a ib. ri i.i-rveil fin' i i f.tI .- i s n .ty be iiiad* tlii .. n 11m ii.nan, Mrs. cut.'I ins. "i H.r i, .'.!»] * 111 > >: i Adams, MIhh Cailo rii,.. m. :. r.Mi-- Mary 'J'a.vlor or M llat'ahin. Then will he niml' fi.r i ab

,luli will b. attra.-livelylit .rated lor the ilall'iv. i .n . i."ni.

Those who linvo reserved tables arerequested t<> bring cauls and pencils.Among tlif |>atront'sscs of the af¬fair arc: Mrs. Mi'.'uln Addison. Mrs.T. 'I'. A'lain.s. Mrs. C. 1'. Harnett, Mrs..folia Hancock. Mrs. Granvtllo Val¬entine, Mrs. .lames II. Green. Mrs.Norman Johnson, Mrs. Karnost Moore.Mrs. Horace Flowers, Mrs. Hon Pur-cell, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. ThomasP. Jelfress, Mrs. Warner Moore, Mrs.Allen Valentine, Mrs. Oervas S. Tay¬lor. Mrs. Crainlison Moscley, Mrs.Clautle l")ean. Mrs. Mann S, Valen-t lite. Miss Kllon Hall. Mrs. KugeneI»es Portes, Mrs. Ita yinoinl Massoy,Miss -Mary Hall Saunders. Mrs. l.ysliI lazeljjrove. Mrs. P. 1). HeverUigo,Mis. II. II McKev.Among others who have received

tallies :ir« Miss Carol Minor. MissKlizahi ill l.vtco, Miss Juliette Saun¬ders. Mrs. liranttcr Ancarrow, MissAnna HeVeridgc. Miss Kleanor Wil¬liams. Miss Martha Alsop, Mrs. Hen¬ry Tyler. Miss Jean Hlalr, Mrs. JohnCecil. Miss Julia Wherry, Miss Plo-rine Guilhert, Miss Virginia Jones.Mrs. Carringtyii Williams, MissGladys Saul. Miss Carrie Taliaferro,Miss Lucy Taliaferro.Wedding Wedncmliiy.The wedding of Miss Mary L,ee

Tanner, daughter of the late Mr. andMrs. William 10. Tanner, of this city,to William <). Mlnter, Jr., of Martins¬ville, will take place at 10::ni o'clockWednesday morning. Novembc r 1. atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shep¬herd. Hellevuo l'ark..Spent Week-I". nil nl Hr>n Slnwr.Miss Anne II. (lunn, who has spent

the past two weoks in New Yorkwith her cousin, Mrs. Willard HonteIs returning home today. Miss Gunnspent this week-etul at Hryn MawrCollege w ith Miss Helen George, amember of the senior class.Mr«. W ilson Clinlrnian.Mrs. H. W. Wilson Is general chair¬

man of the card party to he givenon November S at 3 o'clock, at thelawis Glnter Community House un¬der the auspices of the Glnter ParkWoman's Clul>. The proceeds of tinaffair will no to th»3 Crippled Clilldren's Hospital. Assisting Mis. Wilson are Mesdamcs W. P. ltedd, W

OurrluS;, Frank lloadloii. 1C. XV.I'm ley, \V. O. Howard, Jlarpor Hhel-toli, l.uwton Crutohflcld, Albert I'eii-nypacker, Ovoruo Harper uud itob-«11 Henley. There Will bo ii prize ateach table. nnd loth bridge and fivehundred will 1><> played. Flayers areasked to bring their own cards, scorv[iivib and ponclls. Tables muy bo ro^-served bv calling Houlovard 3709-W.Boulevard 4334-W or Uoulovurd3SS7-J.Scrvlee Legion to Cilve Kuncfton.An affair that will bo of much

Interest In early November Is thecard party which the Service Legionis giving !n the ballroom of the Klch-mund Hotel on the afternoon of No¬vember 10, from 3 to 0 o'clock. I'rlzenwill be dainty articles of handworkmade bv the metnl crs. and manynovel features will be Introduced.There will bo attractive booths forhomemade cukes and candles.

Reservations have been mndo i»yMl, K Leo Trlnkle. Mrs. .1. AllisonI Indues Mrs. Itob. rt 1»- Ford. MissHell I Vrkins, Mrs. Willis l'ulliam.Mrs T. W. Kern. Mrs. 1>. A. l'ren-tivs. Mr- II. Julian Myers. Jr.. Mrs.). \V l-'osti r. Mrs IM.asantoti Con-oil. st. Mrs II. U Lorraine. Mrs. C.T. Norman. Mrs. C. Howard Lewis.Mr< s. 1! ldvlnnstone. Mrs. \\. L.Newell Mrs' \V. .1. Judd. Miss EininaNVtherland. Mrs. II. K. Wade. Mrs CT.c Wall. Mrs. Charles W. llarlan.Miss May C.reener. Miss Katherinei* l:vans. Mrs. W. W. Foster. Mrs.John Serey Mrs. Itlcluird Talley. Mrs..1. K. How'inaii, Mrs. 11. A. Itlcnner.Mrs. Henry J. Tresnon. Mrs. It. .'Tavlor. Mrs Fred Morlolc. Mrs. T-rankFerrandlnl. Mrs. L'oilie Milhiser,Mrs. W. II. I"owell. s. Joseph l.eMasiirler. Mrs. It. "W. Wlltion. Mrs.Robert Vincent. Mrs. John K batier.Mrs ].: C. Walthall. Mrs. 1-rank L.J.> son. Mrs. 1'. J- White. Mrs. C. WMassle. Mrs. T'eoinas it JohnsonMrs. 1*. T. Horner and others.Visited Submarines.Mrs. Hertha M Smith, instructor

h, the science department of the. .idl.*(iiate School, chaperoned thefollowing students mi a visit to thesubmarines on Friday afternoon last.<ividents In this party arc members,,f the junior and senior classes:Misses Mary Hates. Anno Krad>,Hv. 1 vti ltrlstow. Anne Florance.M.i rc.i ret (J onion. Virginia H"1U-inanii, Mary Montague. Mary Mor-de.-ai, Connie Vendleton. KathrjnHiillingHirg. Margaret Walton. \ r-

uiiiia Kelvin, F.lir.abeth <-all. xir"ginla. Oliapin. Charlotte ^5)? !Marv 1 Union Huke. Marshall lllnUr-11. Ion Fasten, Anne Lamb. MarjMiller. Virginia (juarles. Bva Saun-(i. rs Corliinc Sheppard. F.lsle Snow.Marv Taylor. Misses Marlon

Forbes ami Alice Grey Welsh ac¬companied the party.Miss Weils Hnlerlntncd.

\ uuinlier of entertainments havemv.,, for Miss Wells the past

wi.-U. On Thursday Miss btuartHlanton. -r 17tut lirove Avenue, gavea luncheon. The Leo Tail lost ofthe American Legion gave a rcccv-,i... for Miss Wells Wednesday aft-.Mlf^

eruoon lit mion Theological "v Miss Wells has Just returnedfrom New Orleans, where she spokel.efore the national convention of theAmerican Legion.Ofllcers Will Kntertnln.The Otlie.-rs of Hi" Ladies of Char-

It \ will entertain members anafriends at a Halloween tea and so¬cial on Tuesday afternoon from ito o'clock, at St. Joseph s Acad¬emy. Fourth and Marshall Streets.Pretty Home \Vediting.

oOn Tuesday afternoon, October I o'clock, tlie home of Mr. andMrs. William Kdgar Locke. 1"S Over-i.rook Roml, was the scene of a prot-t \ wedding, when their sister. MissMarv Kinma Pemberton. was mar¬ried'to Elvln Uryan Mlars, of OceanV lew. l>r. Fred It. Chenault. ofH."tad .Street Methodist LplscopalChurch, otllcUtlng. The home was,1... mated with palms, ferns, flowersi tid shaded lights. Just l.efoio Hie

reinony, Mrs. II. P. Whltehursthang "At Uawnlng." and was ac¬

companied by Miss Hosa Itoberson.who played the wedding march.The bride wore a traveling suit of

I'oirct twill with hat to match anda corf age hou.iuct of orchids andlilies of the \alley. She entered withher brother, William Edgar Locke,who gave her In marriage, and warmet at the altar by tho groom andhi. Vest man, .1. Klaine Splggle.The maul nt' honor was Miss Mil¬

dred Jennings, whose gown was oforchid Canton crepe with trimmingsof silver. She carried a shower|ii>u(|\i< t "f Sunburst roses. Theling bearer was littlo Miss VirginiaLocke, a niece of the bride, and shewore a frock of pale pink Frenchorgandie, and carried tho ring on awhite satin pillow. ]A:ter a wc.l.ii:.| trip North. Mr.

the kaufmann storeSALON I>E IJKAl Ti:

It takes but a minute more

to luwc a SMART coiffureA double part pompadour blend¬ing perfectly with your hair per-inits you to change from short orthin hair to an attractive head-dress in less than no time.

JQJserviceis ready to assist you in de¬vising a new coiffure and

Htutdrnrirtg oj ercep- showing you llOW fcimplc itnoiuii sfaU, tLSir lyemg, is to arrange.hum ua.iv.tif; dm. facuiland scalp tread >enu ofsuperior merit in tinBtmtty Stdon.

{ExclusiveSamples Tiou> cm Display

IZvtvtti lladdey companyU0.5 TE. "Alain m.

and Mri. Klvln I tryan Mlltrs will l>ehome at Ooonn VloW.At>pronrliliiir Murrlnxr.Mr. nnd Mrs. Tliomns P. Deltrtol;

announce tlio engagement nnd ap¬proaching marrlagn of their daugh¬ter. lthoda lluls«y, to James Albert1II11. Tito wedding will take placevery quietly In late November, ow-i it IT to recent death In the bride'sfamily.For Crippled Children'* T.Iospllnl.Much Interest Is being taken In

the card party for the crippled chil¬dren tc be (riven by the SunshineCircle of King's Daughters In theballroom of Richmond Hotel. No¬vember S. from 3 to u o'clock. Tablescam be reserved by calling l.toule-vard 3-150. Players are asked tobring: cards and pencils.In Honor of Minn C'oleiiinn.An attractive event <>f last week

was a bridge party given by Mrs.William Dabncy, Jr.. at her home.MOO Park Avenue. Friday evening.The affair was given In honor of.Miss Virginia Coleman, whose mar¬riage to (irahm l.»an< aster, will take)place tomorrow. The rooms wereprettily fixed with Itride roses andSiink and white chrysanthemums. Inthe dining-room a large bride's cakeformed the centerpiece of i he tableset with vnses of green. The gnosisincluded only a few of Miss Cole¬man's friends.Other affairs were given for MissColeman last week. Mr i:< n.iamlnW. Davis, formerl" Miss DorothyCnrdwell. entertained deliuhtfully<>n Tuesday afternoon. Miss Kutlhi

save a brlilgo luncheon at her homeon Thursday. On Friday afternoon.Mrs. John Maben Clark gave a her home on Patterson Avenue forher. On Saturday evening. MissFrench gave a reception for the im-

medlato families and the trlends oftho brldo and groom to bo.For limner.Miss Odessa Brun#r, whose mar¬

riage to Hart Brown Crenshaw, willtake place on November 4. has beentho guest of honor nt a number ofinteresting affairs during tho pastweek.

Mrs. Howard Taylor, of "Prespoot11111," Hanover, entertained at ulovely bridge luncheon. Invitationswere limited to the bridesmaids, cov¬ers holm? laid for ten.Anions the other entertainments

given in honor of Miss Tlrunnr wasa nilscellaneous shower last Satur¬day by Miss Katherlne Stephens, ^bridge .party by Mrs. 1'. A. WllhiteHnd a liiwi'l shower on Wednesday atthe home of Mrs. II. l«ortio Smith.Jlriiellt Unnnnnt.Great interest Is being manifested

,n the ben ell t dansant to bo givenfor Catnp Wakoham on Wednesday,November Sacred Heart lloys'School auditorium. Mrs. Frank H.Nott, Mrs. Thomas A. llrown, and.Mi.-s Mary Mussel will act, as host-ct-ses for the occasion.'I rev* el t.Gill.A pretty wedding of interost

throughout Virginia took placo onTuesday ..veiling. October 24, at 8:3o..! loch. in St. Jaitios' liplsoopalChurch, Hovdton, Va.. when MissAnne Hamilton Gill became the brideof T. Ilroaddus Trcvvctt. of Hlrhmond,the ceremony boiiiK performed byKov. Herbert N. Tucker.. Mrs. Her¬bert N. Tin ker presided at the organ.The bride wore a gown of white

chiffon velvet vvitli pearl trimmingsand court train, vvitli veil of Illusionand real lace caught with orangeblossoms. She carried a slowerbouquet of Itrido roses and lli*.-s otthe valley. Mrs. O. U, Green, of

Boydtoa. and Mra. P»ttun M. QUI, orHiohmond, alstera of the bride, weroniHtrona of honor. The bridesmaidswore: Mlsaea Kthel Trevvett, of Rich¬mond, alater of tho Rroom; ElizabethManfon, of Kenbrldge; VtrglnlaGoode, of Ronton, and MildredStowart. of Bauxite, Ark. Tho flowerKlrl was little MIhs >iuzel Andrews,of Norfolk, a cousin of tho bride. Thorlngboarer was Master Claudo HellGreen, nephew of the bride. Thobrldo was given In marrlago by herelder brother, Pettus M. Glli, of Rich¬mond. Tho groom had as Ills bestman Jobn Adair I'lircoll, of Hlctunon 1.Tho groomunien were: Messrs. KrnestSaunders, of !.'redcricksburg; ArthurTrovvett, of Richmond, brother of theuruom; Hubert Walton, of ltlohinoiid;Morris King, of Richmond, cousin ofthe groom; 1 lenry Junim, of Doydton,and Krank (5111, o*f Antlors. brotherof tlio bride. 11. Green, of Hoyd of the lirlde, was mas¬ter of ceremony.After tho wedding an informal re¬

ception was given to tho lirld;il parlyby Mr. ami Mrs. C. II Green ul theirhome In Itoydton. I.ater in the even-lot; tlio bride anil bridegroom left foran extended Northern trip to Ganada.Niagara Kails, Boston and New YorkGlty On their return, Mr. and Miv.Trevvett will be at home in thoSweet Briar Apartment, 1127 WestGrace Street, Richmond.The Pride is the youngest daughter

of .lames M. Gil I and Emma I*'. Gill.The groom Is tho oldest son of Mr.a lid Mrs. Arthur Trevvett, of Rleh-moiid.

Tin; out-of-town guests were: Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Trevvett, Miss lithe.Trevvett. A. T. Trevvett, John 1'ur-cell, Morris King, Hob Walton. I >r.and Mrs. T. A. Underbill, Mr. and Mrs.

M. Gill, all of Richmond; KrtietitSaunders, of Fredericksburg; Mr. and

Mrs. W. J. Androws and daughter.Hazel, of Norfolk; Mlsa Clara Noblett,of New York City; Miss ElizabethMnnson, of Kenbridge; Robert UAllen, of Kenhrldgo; MIhs Mlltlr«'JStewart, of Bauxite, Ark.: Mr. andMrs. Charles Faulkner, uf ChaaoCity.Wctfdlnar Ktit Month.Mr. and Mrs. Alvtn Gordon Qunrles.

Sr., announce the engagement andapproaching marring® of their diumh-ter, Sarah Jeanotto, to Kev. LutherJunius Derby, of Franklin. Thewedding will take place early inNovember..Mnrrln|(r of .Mian I'.oli.

Tlio marriage of Miss Glndys LeoEck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (>s-wald Eck, to Forrest Eldred Uiw-erence. of Ellertion, was solemnizedon Wednesduy, (let. IS, at 11 o'clockIn Tabernacle Haptlst Church, Kev.Aubrey Williams, pastor of thechurch, otliclating. Miss Taylor ren¬dered tlio wedding music. MissVclma Kessler sang.Tho bride wax given in marriage

by her father. Henry Carle lilueth-geti was best man. She wore a suiti>f brown duvetyne with fur trim¬mings; her flowers wore a corsageboui|uet <>f Bride roses and lilies oftli«' valley. Mies Anna EvelynLnuterbacli was maid of honor. Thebridesmaids were Miss Evlyn Eck.flr.ter of the bride, and MIhs TholrnaVaughn. Little Miss Hilda Tucker,cousin of tin; bride, was rlnghenrer.Robert Bess. of 11 in tor:. W. Va., andJames Vcrlatider, of At lee, acted asushers. Mr. and Mrs. Intwrenco leftImmediately after tho ceremony fora Nortiirn trip, after which they willmake their home in Charlottesville.

Miss Anna Lautorbach entertainedaT a miscellaneous Fli'iWer oil Satur¬day afternoon, October 14, in liomir

of Mlsa Eolt. Miss Velm* Kenslerentertained with music. Mri. T. H.Vlur entertained tlio bridal party«t dinner on Tuesday evening. Octo¬ber JT, In her homo nt 1700 l<MojrdAvenue.(ifothoRBn.Hrjnol<l».Of much Intercut throughout the

Stute win the wedding In Preabyta-rlan Church, Chniiv City, on Thura-djiy evening nt X o'clock, when MissAline Holmes Reynolds 'became tho1 ride of fronton IjowIs Geoghegan.Tin* ceremony was performed by thobride's uncle, Pr. Thomas Cury John*son, of Richmond. Assisted by theInitio's pastor, Itev. Walter H. Har-rop.

Miss Marjorle CreRory, of ChansCity, played the wedding' music andCharles James Kaulkner unni;. Theushers were Messrfi. Talmadgo Don-nan. Richmond; Cornelius Allen, Ken-bridge; Thomajt Cary Johnson, Jr..Ilampdcn-Sldney; tieorgo Coinpton,Rlackstone; John Russell, Clarks-vllle, and Charles E. Uooghegau. Jr.,Washington.The maid of honor was Miss Elinor

Johnson, of Klrliniond, onunin of thebride. The hrlde was given away byher brother, Charles Reynolds, ofNorfolk. The best man was MarshallCeoKhngnti.Immediately following the cere'-

niony a reception was held by thebride's parents In their home. Dr.and Mrs. Johnson assisted Mr. andMrs KobeitH and the bridal pnrty Inreceiving. Tii<> brldo and pmom leftlater for a wedding trip to J'.oston,Now York and Atlantic City. The*will be at home. after November 15at the home of the. bride's parent!In Chase City.The bride Is the daughter of Mr.(Continued on Fourth Page.)


A Distinctive Display ofPoiret Twill dressesFor Women and Misses

$4250IN THE OPINION of most women, workmanship and quality in a

Frock count for as much as style. That is true. And in (hisgroup the very best workmanship, the very highest quality andthe newest styles, too, are evidenced plainly.Navy, brown and black Poire! Twills, featuring especially the newbasque effect and the circular-skirt. Straight lines are shown, withmetal ornaments. Braid is handsomely used. Several models havethe new Bertha lace collars; sleeves are loose flowing things, ortailored, according to the dross.These arc really cleverly fashioned Dresses, and they will meet withthe hearty approval of leaders of Fashion. $12.50.

Magnificent Styles InFur-Trimmed wraps

$55.00 UpwardELEGANCE of fabric and style originality.the new Wraps excel in smartness. Elaborate

styles in wrap-arounds, giving a slim silhouette; blouscd-back models with rope girdles;metal ornaments are favored; Mikado sleeves are used much; trimmings of Caracul, Fox, Wolf,Squirrel and Beaver; the newest lustrous Wool fabrics of the season. Prices begin at $55.00.Vogue has passed her judgment on Capes, and they have been recognized, in all their newness,as stylish additions to the Fall and Winter wardrobes. These are priced $45.00 and up.

The Most Brilliantof all the neiv

CHAPEA UXarc touched with

Gold or SilverMETAL CLOTH, Metal Threads, Gold and Silver Threads.all have prominence

in the very newest Parisian Millinery. Fashion has found many ingeniousnew ways of making Velvet Ilats, ornamenting and combining many of the love¬liest with gleaming Metal Cloth.We are especially anxious that you see these models.Of course, we have a multitude of other Hats without a trace of silver or gold.

Three Particularly Smart HatsOne perfectly lovely model is created of Blue Velvet. It's rather small in size.The brim is of Mole fur, which gracefully turns up. The crown is sprinkled withglistening gold threads.Another model is a gorgeously colored Poke effect, a Panne Velvet and Metal Clothcombination with Kolinsky fur edgings.A large handsome Hat is made of Brown Velvet, with a draped back and rolled-front brim, trimmed in hand-made ostrcih roses, sand color.Prices, $15.00 to $10.00.

Fur JacqucttesCoats and WrapsREP R 10 SENTATIVE items

from stocks where qual¬ity of pelts and correctnessof style would attract, re¬

gardless of price and where theprions are so low :is to Inter¬est in themselves.

Hudson Seal Coal*. . $325.00(Dyed >1u«»krat)Full-length Coats. with deepcollar an! cuffs of Beaver.

Scotch Mole Capos $325.00A new model whore the fur isdraned as gracefully as. afabric.

Itacconn Coafs . $2*25.00Forty-inch Coats of dark full-furred pelts.

Musk rat Coals $125.00Trottour models of selectednatural pells, with particu¬larly handsome linings.

Klaek Caracul ('apes.. $205.00Full-length Coats of softblack Caracul, with collarand cuffs of Squirrel.

Caracul Jacquetlos . . . $225.00The Coat so much in demandas a separate wrap or as partof a three-piece Costume. Inplatinum, black, Beige andCinnamon.

tFor GolfingITwo Itemsfrom our

Sweater ShopASLIP-ON model that is exceeding¬

ly smart and attractive is made ofbrushed Mohair. Its round neck ap¬peals to most women, and a narrowsash gives it a clever finish. ThisSweater is shown in white, buff andbrown. It should prove popular at$5.50.

A Mannish AlpacaCoat Sweaterat $12.50

This golf sweater buttonsright down the front. It's r <>h-

ioned of Alpaca, inV-neck styles, withsmart set-in pock¬ets. This modelcomes in buff andbrown.