YourNewLifePlan...• brain fog leaving you confused, unable to complete simple tasks without...

16 Private Facebook Group: 1 YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind Living a Vibrant Life through Menopause & Beyond Written & Prepared by Clare Shepherd. YourNewLifePlan. Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach, Author ClinDipNHF, FNTP © 2017 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. Modification of this design does not void the copyright. This program is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. The author of this book assumes no liability for undesired outcomes that may occur as a result of following the suggestions and procedures described herein. Any participants following this programme who have an underlying health condition which requires medical attention are urged to consult with their medical practitioner before making any dietary changes described herein.

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind

Living a Vibrant Life through Menopause & Beyond

Written & Prepared by Clare Shepherd. YourNewLifePlan. Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach, Author ClinDipNHF, FNTP © 2017

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. Modification of this design does not void the copyright. This program is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. The author of this book assumes no liability for undesired outcomes that may occur as a result of following the suggestions and procedures described herein. Any participants following this programme who have an underlying health condition which requires medical attention are urged to consult with their medical practitioner before making any dietary changes described herein.

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body &

Hello! Welcome to ‘7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind’ I’m Clare Shepherd, registered nutritional therapist, and I specialise in helping busy ladies transition through the menopause years as naturally as possible feeling in control of their body & mind, plus gaining the confidence and freedom to live the life they choose. With over 34 symptoms attributed to menopause it can be such a difficult, confusing and maybe a fearful time for many women. If you’re like me, or the many women I work with, then you may well be struggling with one or more of these common challenges:

• hot flushes and the cold sweats dictating the clothes that you wear, ruining make-up and hair and keeping you bathed in wet sheets throughout the night

• low energy meaning you simply get through the day functioning at a low level, completing just the chores you have to do.

• brain fog leaving you confused, unable to complete simple tasks without writing a list and taking twice as long to complete, shaking your head to try and create some clarity of thought.

• weight gain especially around the middle that doesn’t shift whatever you do. The diet and exercise regimes you may have followed in the past having no impact and you don’t like what you see in the mirror

• swinging moods that can put a strain on your personal relationships, leaving you feeling out of control

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind

• sleepless nights leaving you waking unrefreshed in the morning, with little or no enthusiasm for the day ahead

You are not alone! I remember all too well my own menopause misery and the (meandering) journey I took to discover how best to naturally manage my symptoms and re-gain control and confidence in what was happening to my body and mind. Having entered peri-menopause in my early 30’s and my symptoms being dismissed by the medical profession for nearly 7 years, leading to a full hysterectomy just before my 40th birthday, I do understand the struggles and pains of menopause, physically, emotionally and spiritually. How it can impact on every area of life. I found that making diet and lifestyle changes, getting support when needed, continuing to build upon and action my knowledge and skills, I was able to naturally minimise the symptoms of menopause. Now (too) quickly counting off the years in my 60’s, I’ve come out the other side ‘Beyond Menopause’ confident about my long-term health, excited about what I intend to be the best third of my life! Having worked for me I began sharing what I’d learned with menopause clients and they too started to notice the benefits in a very short space of time.

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Gill shares: I was ‘flabby’, constantly tired, sleep was poor. I had no motivation and no enthusiasm for life. After just a few weeks I felt ‘less clogged’, my memory had significantly improved and I was sleeping through the night! Joy!”.

Cheryl became concerned about her general feelings of menopause malaise and reported: “Now it feels like the old me is emerging …. I now feel I can live an active middle and old age and not miss out on all the fun I have always enjoyed until a few years ago”

Both busy ladies, struggling with menopause symptoms and desperate to feel good about themselves and life


I was then challenged to create a plan to help many more ladies naturally create harmony and balance of their chaotic menopause hormones that: 1. Wasn’t too restrictive 2. Fitted into a busy lifestyle 3. Didn’t involve cooking 2 or more meals in the evening 4. Gave options 5. Allowed flexibility to ‘live life’, 6. Home exercises avoiding expensive gym memberships 7. Took away a lot of the ‘thinking’ 8. Controlled the carb and sugar cravings 9. Explained WHY different choices could be so beneficial and 10. Provided structure and support

The YourNewLifePlan Vibrant Life health programmes were born.

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind

Fiona: Followed the Vibrant Life VIP programme and continued to apply the philosophy, it became a natural lifestyle for her. She now holds her own healthy nutrition and weight loss retreats to inspire other ladies too.

After all, there is no quick fix, there is no one single natural pill, potion or lotion that will solve all ills, but taking responsibility now will have immense benefits both now and in the long term.

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind

7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind

Following these simple guidelines covering nutrition, exercise and mind-set you can help you start to make a big difference to how you look and feel. Of course it’s not going to happen overnight, but you may well notice a difference in just 7 days. No time at all.

Why This Will Work For You

I KNOW THIS WORKS! It’s worked for me (more than once!) and like the ladies above it works every time when the strategies, suggestions and support offered are explored and embraced.

Even when just a very small step is taken, following just one of the suggestions I’m sharing with you below, the difference can be profound. Combine them all and you can fly in as little as 7 days.

In my Facebook group I often run supported free mini challenges. Maybe drinking water for 7 days, or cutting out refined sugars and carbs for a week, even keeping a gratitude journal, and the difference is amazing. The most common benefits reported are over just 7 days are:

• having much more energy,• being less stressed,• feeling in control,• sleeping better, and even• weight loss of up to 6lb.

Just think how much more you could benefit applying these changes for more than 7 days, keep taking those

small steps?

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Individually each of the below can make a difference, but combine them, you have the ‘7 Secrets’ to Creating your

Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind








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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind

The ‘7 Secrets’ above are ALL embraced within my programmes, as I truly understand and appreciate the need and the power of

addressing both the body & mind to balance hormones and create optimum health.


To start you off on your journey I’ve given you 10 suggestions below that will touch on each of the above. Of course there are other tools & strategies too, that’s why the personal support is so important, looking at what works for you, what will fit into your busy lifestyle and address your problems and concerns. Try these for 7 days though and you should definitely notice a difference!

1. Drink plenty of water.

Water assists in flushing the body of toxins, nurtures the brain (80% water) and provides a clean environment for everyone of your beautiful 75 trillion cells to thrive and survive. Think of each cell as being a fish in a tank, if you don’t change the water the fish will become sick. It’s the same for the cells in your body.

You can only be representative in your world of the collective health of your cells. So if they feel sick and stressed, then you will also.

Drink 2L of pure clean water every day and remove all other fluids except herbals teas, juices and smoothies, you will definitely feel the benefits, and will possibly start to lose excess weight too. It makes such a difference to how you look and feel, especially with hot flushes, mental clarity and energy.

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Drinking water at the right time is so important too, priority should be given to drinking an adequate amount of water on awakening and 30 minutes before main meals. Also avoid water in plastic

bottles too: they leach chemicals (xenoestrogens) into the water that are known to disrupt hormones.

2. Green Vegetables

“Eat your greens” my mother would insist! Although I ignored her until I was 27, which in hindsight I’m sure contributed to the problems in my 30’s.

Whether leafy or cruciferous like broccoli, cabbage, kale, green vegetables are super-foods that are in abundant supply for you, excellent at promoting healthy oestrogen metabolism. They are bursting with essential vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein, fats, anti-oxidants, water, simply everything you need to promote natural healing and long-term health.

The fibre is particularly important as it promotes colon health and helps remove excess oestrogens. If your bowels are not regular, oestrogen can be reabsorbed back into the body leading to excess oestrogen circulating, increasing the risk of breast cancer. It’s good to open your bowels daily.

If you find it difficult to eat 5 portions of greens a day, a green smoothie is absolutely ideal.

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3. Brightly Coloured Fresh Fruit

Brightly coloured fresh fruit, berries are also high in vital nutrients and can easily be incorporated into your daily smoothie.

They also contain powerful antioxidants that help combat the damage from free radicals generated from toxins generated following a poor diet and lifestyle.

4. Good ‘Essential’ Fats

Consume oily foods rich in essential fatty acids as found in avocado, salmon, mackerel, nuts, seeds and coconut oil.

These essential fats, or Omega 3’s, are needed for the cell membranes of every cell in your body and make up 20% of the brain, the other 80% being water. If you don’t drink sufficient water it’s easy to understand how clear thinking, memory, motivation and creativity can decline during the menopause years.

Most importantly, they are the raw ingredients for making happy and harmonious hormones. They are the apples for the apple pie. Without them you’re increasing the already chaotic menopausal hormones.

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind By the way, please don’t be afraid of the word ‘fat’. These fats are used for metabolic purposes and can actually help weight loss. 5. Quality Protein Sadly, animal products today tend to be farmed and/or kept in unsuitable conditions, they don’t feed from their natural habitat, may be pumped full of hormones and antibiotics causing long term chronic health problems for all mankind. Yet they do provide complete proteins, ie contain all 9 essential amino acids. Poor quality animal protein should therefore be kept to a minimum, increasing the range and variety from plant proteins in the diet. For example from quinoa, beans, pulses, nuts and seeds. Should you choose to eat meat or fish please do ensure they’re from a grass fed/non farmed/sustainable source. 6. Reduce Chemicals By moderating the over consumption of caffeine and stimulants, alcohol, refined sugars, chemical sweeteners, food additives, colourings, junk food, fried food, Avoiding an excess of wheat & dairy you are reducing the severity of many menopausal symptoms. Removing these from your diet may well banish them altogether! Nature doesn’t need to put a chemical content label on her food.

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It’s not just about what you put in your mouth, it’s what you put ON your body, what you do and how you think too that further

disrupt hormones. 7. Avoid Environmental Toxins Consider the ingredients you put ON to your body in the first hour of the day. Chemicals in toiletries, household goods, beauty products, many of which are hormone disruptors, the xenoestrogens I mentioned earlier. These are also found in in plastic bottles, the lining of tin cans, carpets, and the gas emitted from printers and copiers. 8. Exercise This doesn’t have to be hours spent in the gym! Whatever your fitness level there is always something you can do that is one step more than you’re doing now. Anything you can do to encourage MORE movement is beneficial. A brisk walk, a swim, yoga, will all help. Look at the benefits of rebounding too, gently jumping or jogging on a mini trampoline. So beneficial for health and hormones! 9. Breathe! Along with meditation, yoga etc., breathing helps calm the body and reduce internal stress. Reducing any and all stress in your life is paramount to creating more harmonious hormones and reducing the potential of long-term chronic disease.

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YourNewLifePlan 7 Secrets To Creating Your Marvellous Menopause Body & Mind There are a few exercises that you can use, with the 4-7-8 system particularly effective at promoting restful sleep. 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise:

1. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.

2. Place the tip of your tongue on the back of your upper teeth. 3. Close your mouth and inhale gently through your nose to the

count of 4. 4. Hold your breathe for the count of 7. 5. Exhale gently through your mouth to a count of 8, making a

whooshing sound as you do so. 6. This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle for

a total of 4 breaths. 10. Manage Emotions There are so many negative emotions around menopause, it’s so easy to get stuck in a negative way of thinking and behaving, stopping you from making the change you so desire. There are a lot of exercises that can be used depending on your unique needs, but awareness is the absolute key to managing your mind-set. When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, see if you can find a positive to replace it. I’m not saying this is easy, it’s a little like building muscle, but with practice it can become more natural and make such a significant difference to your outlook and your life.

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Further resources and help: If you’ve read this far, started to implement some of the recommendations above, then you’re probably ready to take the next step, find out how you can make the changes that are right for YOU right now, getting the support YOU personally need. If so, I’d like to invite you to explore and join me in one or more of the following:

1. Vibrant Life Membership

Find out how to put all the 7 Secrets collectively into practice? It’s really not as complicated as it looks when taken small step by small step with personal support and guidance provided to

ensure your success.

To find out more about the content of the YourNewLifePlan Vibrant Life Membership programme click HERE


2. Join Our Growing Facebook Community

“It’s good to talk” as the old BT advert used to say.

So many ladies tell me that they don’t know who to talk to about this transition of time in their lives and I completely empathise. They’re concerned about sharing with friends, family and work

colleagues in case they are misunderstood. Others think they are losing their mind, or they can’t cope.

Please do remember, you are never alone

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If you’d like to be part of a community of fabulous women who understand the roller coaster of mid-life and menopause, who are there to give and receive support, then please do join our private

Facebook Group, Beyond Menopause UK. A safe and trusting place to share your concerns and questions, give and receive peer


Please click HERE


3. Personal 1:1 chat

To learn how to apply changes that will work personally for YOU, fit in to YOUR lifestyle (there is no one size fits all as we know)

then I invite you to apply for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION chat with me anytime.

Simply follow this link HERE

I look forward to talking with you.


Wherever you are on your journey I’d like to encourage you to keep on learning and making change, however small.

If you’re happy researching more, trying to find the solution to your menopause concerns and health, I do strongly advise that you DON’T WAIT to create some change, ANYTHING you can do now to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the menopause years, create optimum health now and beyond menopause will make

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such a difference to both the quality and quantity of your life in future years.

76% of over 60 year olds take 2 or more prescription drugs, 38% of which take 5 or more, mostly for preventable or manageable

chronic diseases of body and mind IF action was taken early enough.

Remember: • you are unique• there is no natural one-size-fits-all solution• life ‘beyond menopause’ could and should be the best 1/3 or

more of your life. Don’t waste this opportunity to feel andlook great, live a Vibrant Life.

Wishing you all a Marvellous Menopause journey! Clare J