Your text goes here - Hiss Church - Home · That’s a great question. I wish I could tell you! You...

November, 2013 I wonder how much of our life is spent trying to get somewhere, be it commuting to work, traveling for business, going to a vacationing destination, etc. I bet it’s a huge percentage. All that time spent trying to get from where we are to where we want (or need) to be. You don’t need to have been around Hiss very long to recognize the phrase, “Join the Journey.” It’s the concluding line of our Vision “Loving God, Loving All, Changing Lives… Join the Journey.” It begs the question thought, “Journey to where?” That’s a great question. I wish I could tell you! You might be thinking, “Well, you’re the pastor, the shepherd of this flock. Shouldn’t you have an idea where we’re headed?” Fair question. Consider Abraham… By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going. Hebrews 11:8 His call wasn’t to reach a destination, but rather to be faithful in the journey, and faithful he was. Like Abraham, we have God’s eternal promises to look forward to as a destination, but in this life our calling is not to focus on the destination, but rather be faithful in the journey, demonstrating God’s love for the world in the way we conduct ourselves on a daily basis, allowing God’s grace to change our lives for the better, and being the means through which God can reach out to this world that he was dying (literally) to save. In a world caught up in reaching meaningless destinations, Jesus says, “Follow me.” In other words, “Join the Journey.” That’s where the action is!

Transcript of Your text goes here - Hiss Church - Home · That’s a great question. I wish I could tell you! You...

November, 2013

I wonder how much of our life is spent trying to get somewhere, be it

commuting to work, traveling for business, going to a vacationing

destination, etc. I bet it’s a huge percentage. All that time spent

trying to get from where we are to where we want (or need) to be.

You don’t need to have been around Hiss very long to recognize the

phrase, “Join the Journey.” It’s the concluding line of our Vision

“Loving God, Loving All, Changing Lives… Join the Journey.” It

begs the question thought, “Journey to where?” That’s a great

question. I wish I could tell you! You might be thinking, “Well,

you’re the pastor, the shepherd of this flock. Shouldn’t you have an

idea where we’re headed?” Fair question.

Consider Abraham…

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to set out for a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; and he set out, not knowing where he was going.

Hebrews 11:8

His call wasn’t to reach a destination, but rather to be faithful in the journey, and faithful he was.

Like Abraham, we have God’s eternal promises to look forward to as a destination, but in this life our

calling is not to focus on the destination, but rather be faithful in the journey, demonstrating God’s love for

the world in the way we conduct ourselves on a daily basis, allowing God’s grace to change our lives for the

better, and being the means through which God can reach out to this world that he was dying (literally) to


In a world caught up in reaching meaningless destinations, Jesus says, “Follow me.” In other words, “Join

the Journey.” That’s where the action is!

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Tending the Flock


1st Joan Spicer

1st John Lamp


Sharon Rogers


Anna Cecil


Helen Magay


Tom Porcella


Betty Lou McLaughlin


Sarah Rohrs


Patti Wurzbacher


Amy Lamp-Zajdel


Megan Rohrs


Linda Lassahn


Marie Sasse’


Matthew D. Tonelson


Linda Miller


Lisa Wilson

21st James Wancowicz, III


Catherine Boram


Adam Russell


Paul Danik


Carol Jagoe


Carol Piotrowski


Lindsey Bird


Gail Danik

We omitted a very important B-day in Sept. Our

Paul Zaccaria turned 90! A belated big Happy

Birthday! You wear your age well!



Anne & Bud Myers


Margie & Bill Miller


Denise & Terry Jones


Chris & Murielle Robbins


Lindsey and Lyle Tilton


Robert & Joan German


Bob & Robin Hollifield


Barbara & Dan Beres

WEDDINGS: Pastor Tim Dowell

will unite in holy matrimony on Nov. 9,

2013 Melissa Hartner and Michael

Hofmann, Jr. The Hiss congregation congratulates

and sends best wishes to them on their marriage.

BIRTHS: The Hiss Congregation congratulates

Dawn and Bill Geiger on their recent August 2,

2013 addition of Calla Geiger. She joins sister,

Maeve. Welcome!

BAPTISMS: On Oct. 27th

, 2013 at the

11:00 AM service Hiss welcomed into

the family of Christ through holy baptism

Rosalie Victoria Roccio, daughter of

David and Ashley Wise Roccio and

Hope Teressa Eliason, daughter of Nicholas and

Faith Armstrong Eliason. Both are great-

grandchildren of Tessie DiNissio.

Hiss Church will welcome into the family of Christ

through holy baptism on Nov. 10, 2013 at the 9:30

service, Carrie Ann Robbins, daughter of

Christopher J. and D. Murielle Robbins.


From St. Ursula,

My Mentor always told me to never look

down when things get scary, God Is looking out for

the poor and needy! What a blessing! This month,

when the need seems too high, we receive a bequest

from a family! This will help us meet those needs for

the most worthwhile of our neighbors and buy food

for those that need help in stretching the food

dollar! May you all share in our joy that we may be

the GOOD SAMARITAN that seeks to help those

that are trying so hard to care for their families and

meet basic needs!

Income; $12,851.20 BEQUEST

605.00 GIFTS

Expense: $3,349.55,

- 3 -

$137.44 food for the shelter [Sarah's hope]

200.00 Wal-Mart, Mars certificates for

special needs

$ 1,952.11 To help 26 families stay in their

homes [avoid eviction}

$1,020.00 21 families could meet the

utilities bill !!

Thank you all, who so loyally support the charitable

work for our neighbors! Dick Keys

Thank you to our young folks, Julie Cody,

Mackenzie White, Ian Lamp and Meghan Hurley for

beautifying our arcade by planting pansies under

the direction of Phyllis Wiley. Good job, Kids!

Dear Hiss Members,

The Oakleigh Elementary school community

would like to thank you for the donations of school

supplies. The students, parents and faculty benefit

greatly from your support, both by knowing that you

care and by having the needed items available for

their use. It has been so helpful for our students,

whose parents, because of financial difficulty, were

not able to purchase items from the school supply


Parents and teachers have sent e-mails,

asking for items that new students need, as well as

sending students to the guidance office for items

that they were unable to purchase. As the school

year goes on, the students will have access to your

school supplies, making the school day go smoothly

for all. You have made such a difference in your

awareness of the efforts of the students in the

learning process. Thank you again for your



Sylvia Lemons, Principal

Amy Malinowski, Asst. Principal

Ann Rothlisberger, School Counselor.



From Phyllis Wiley

At Hiss, we:

Provide free meeting rooms for the following community groups

1. Boy Scouts 2. Girl Scouts 3. Lion’s Club

4. Overeaters Anonymous 5. Narcotics Anonymous 6. Alcoholics Anonymous 7. Al-Anon 8. Food Addictions Recovery Anonymous

Offer Vacation Bible School for Hiss children and children in the community

Provide annual scholarship awards to our high school graduates

Serve the Eastside Shelter. Hiss volunteers go to the ESS on a monthly basis to prepare and serve a meal. The food is paid for by members that attend the 8:00 am and 9:30 am worship services.

Served the community at Easter time by having an Easter egg hunt open to all children in the local community.

Served breakfast at Manna House on a monthly basis.

Donated more than 4000 canned food items and other food staples to the St. Ursula (St. Vincent DePaul) Food pantry.

Donated cash to St. Ursula (St. Vincent DePaul) for community assistance for rent, prescriptions, utilities, etc.

Donated cash for community assistance through the Good Samaritan Fund.

Delivered (by the Boy Scouts) 50 empty grocery bags to homes in the community. The result of this food drive was the collection and donation of approximately 5500 cans and other food items to Christus Victor Church (Victor’s Vittles).

Send workers along with money to Baltimore County Christian Work camp each summer.

Supplied many neighborhood schools with school supplies. One member has adopted a school to supply all needed materials.

Provided meeting space for Just Aerobics each week. They pay for the space as they could not find space elsewhere.

Work with St. Ursula and Christus Victor to meet the needs of local people in the community. The community action office is at St. Ursula.

Supported the Susanna Wesley House.

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Supported, through the United Methodist Women, the following agencies; Susanna Wesley House, East Side Shelter, Board of Child Care, Scholarship Fund.

Read to the preschool classes twice a week. (One member of the church does this each week.)

Donated plants to the church flower boxes that help beautify the community, helping to make Parkville a more pleasant place to live.

Distributed (through the Outreach Committee) Christmas baskets to the House of Ruth.

Distributed (through the Outreach Committee) gifts from the hat and mitten tree to area schools and homeless as needed.

Served (through the Outreach Committee) brunch to the homeless once a month/weekly

Our membership vows say that we will honor the church with our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness. It appears that many of us are doing just that. Thank you all for your service to your church and community. How can you become involved? Step out of the boat! Join the Journey!


Use them for Thanksgiving Dinner

and buy them for gifts!

Just a reminder that beets are still

available for purchase for $3.50/pint and

$6/quart. E-mail [email protected].

or call the church office at 410-668-5665 to place

your order.

If you ever walk into the church on Beet Canning

Day you will be assaulted by the aromas arising

from the kitchen of pungent vinegar, spices and

beets being processed.

Canning days are usually hot with no AC in the

kitchen. Mardy Peters, Mary Macreadie and their

team can be seen peeling and slicing about 5 huge

pots of cooked beets. Dee Lawry and Paula

Cavanaugh can be seen manning the jars and

canners. Mardy presides over her “secret” recipe of

pickling juice. Other helpers include the Bowlings,

Donna Robinson, Barbara Getz, and Cathy Eurich.

After the jars have been processed, they are cooled,

cleaned, labeled and stored for sale and use at the

Oyster and Ham Dinner where they are eagerly


Donations for pickling supplies are always

appreciated. Sales of the Famous Hiss Beets often

raise more than $3000 for the General Fund. If you

haven’t tried them you are missing a special treat.

We’ve heard that even those who do not care for

beets like Hiss Beets!

Mary Macreadie, Mardy Peters and Dee Lawry


Betty Thornton will be selling the

Hiss Cookbook at the Fall Festival.

They make great Christmas or

Hostess presents. Proceeds from the

cookbook are being used to help pay for the 175th

Anniversary Celebrations of Hiss Church. You may

also purchase the cookbook by contacting the

church office.

- 5 -





Saturday, Nov.

23, 2013

10 am-6 pm.

Family-Style Dinner begins at 1 pm.

Hey, Folks…It is that time of year again when

we beg for your help to produce our largest fund

raiser of the year. For it to be a success, we need

many hands. Don’t wait to be asked…volunteer

now! Some of the things which you might help

with: work with Sharon Meyers making Crafts,

peel potatoes, chop celery, set tables, help set up

or tear down, wash & dry dishes,

fry oysters, pack carry-out dinners, work in attic

treasures, make baked goods, candy,

etc…help greet and serve

dinner, invite your FRANS

to come to dinner with

you, help to publicize the

event at your workplace,

etc…and the list goes on. Please

call Mardy Peters or Mary Macreadie ASAP,

and let them find a place for you! Mardy and

Mary will soon need to “retire”. They are

looking for a few good folks to shadow them and

learn the ropes for putting on this great event.

Are you that “shadow”? Sign on now!

CANDY TABLE For Fall Festival: It

is time to begin thinking of the fall

festival. Phyllis Pitarra and Dee

Lawry are in charge of the home-made candy sales.

Donations of 10X sugar are needed. Please place

your donations of 10X sugar in the box in the

kitchen. Cash donations are needed to cover other

ingredients used in candy-making. Place your cash

donation in an envelope labeled “candy” and send

to the church office or put in the offering plate on

Sunday morning.

The candy making schedule follows. If you

know how to make candy or would like to learn

your help would be appreciated!

Monday, November 11th at 9:30am

Friday, November 15th at 9:30 am

Wednesday, November 20th at 10:30am

Chocolate/Vanilla Butter Creams, Peanut Butter,

Coconut and Tiger Butter, Sweet Potato candy

Coconut Sweet Potato, Peppermint Bark, Fudge &

Peanut Brittle are some of the varieties which may

be available.

The Attic Treasures have been a

major fundraiser for Hiss over the

years under the direction of Winnie

Tillett and Phyllis Wiley. They and

their team are busy putting in

countless hours of sorting, cleaning and organizing

our castoffs to be presented at the Fall Bazaar and

Oyster and Ham Dinner on Nov. 23, 2014.

If you are doing some serious Fall Cleaning and

have castoffs (books, tools, puzzles, games,

decorations, kitchen utensils, artificial trees, all size

paper and plastic bags, etc.), please bring them to

Room 104 ASAP. Perhaps you would like to

volunteer to help set up or work with Attic

Treasures. Give the girls a call!



Theresa McQuire will be leading the 9:30 class in

Room C beneath the sanctuary. We hope many of

you will take advantage of this study to be reminded

of the real reasons for the seasons.

A Thrill of Hope is a DVD study designed for use in Sunday School classes, small-group studies, and other church group gatherings. This 50-minute DVD-based study presents the familiar story of Christmas as told in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Each scripture passage is illustrated and

interpreted in the stunning artwork of John August Swanson along with commentary by some of America’s premier biblical scholars, names such as Dr. Thomas A. Long, Dr. Michael Joseph Brown, Dr. Carol A. Newsom and more. The study is divided into six one hour sessions with a 7-minute video for each chapter. Each video featuring a passage of a Scripture, commentary by the scholars, and a Swanson work of art based on that passage. Included are:

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• A Visit (Luke 1:26-38) • The Nativity (Luke 2:1-7) • The Shepherds (Luke 2:8-20) • Epiphany ((Matthew 2:1-12) • Presentation in the Temple (Luke 2:21-40) • Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-15) Along with the DVD, the discussion guide has suggested questions and beautiful full-color artwork.

Elizabeth Siskey, chair, and Betty Thornton, co-

chair are in gear with their committees and planning

a year-long calendar of events to celebrate 175

years of Hiss United Methodist Church in the

Parkville Community. The Service of Celebration

will be on September 21, 2014. Other events are

being planned for each month of the year.

The committee is asking for the help of all members

in helping to locate past members who may have

moved away, but would be interested in the

Anniversary. They are also seeking testimonials of

remembrances and memorabilia and pictures of the

past to include in visual presentations. If you have

information to share please contact the church at

410-668-5665 or e-mail to [email protected].

December 5, 7 PM following the 6:30 E&C meeting

will be the next Anniversary Committee Meeting.

You are welcome to attend if you are interested in

planning and being a part of this very special event.



Victor’s Vittles Food Pantry has been helping to

serve those in need since June 1999. The

community has been very supportive with donations

and food drives, and because of committed donors,

they are able to thrive.

Not only do they help those who come to the pantry

for assistance, they also facilitate a way for those

who want to volunteer in a worthwhile cause to do

so. They have been very lucky with some faithful

volunteers who help in the pantry, but are always

looking for additional help to maintain the level of

service they are able to provide. New volunteers

are always welcome. Community Service Hours

may be obtained by volunteering in their program.

Victor’s Vittles is open on Saturdays from 9-11:30

AM. They are located at Christus Victor Lutheran

Church, 9833 Harford Rd, in Carney. They assist

those in the 21234, 21236, and 21286 areas.

If you have any question, need or would like to

volunteer please call the church at 410-668-8089.

The Annual Food Drive is Nov. 1-30. Hiss collects

food weekly to assist Christus Victor’s Food Pantry.

They are grateful for our help and support.

The FUNraising Group will be having a

Craft/Vendor Fair on Sat., Nov. 30th from 10 am to

4 pm. We are opening space to HISS Members first

who are crafters or sell items such as AVON,

Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple,

etc. Please contact Sue Crue at

410-599-7925 ASAP. If you are

not a crafter or vendor, please

support the fund raiser by shopping

for Holiday gifts and personal use.

- 7 -

Thanksgiving Eve Services at Hiss


Wednesday, Nov. 27th

, at 7:30 PM. Please

bring canned goods to share with those

less fortunate. We welcome St. John’s

Lutheran and St. Ursula’s R.C. Churches

for this Ecumenical Service.

Christmas Holiday Dates for Your


Advent Workshop: Sunday, Dec. 1, 2-5 pm.

Alternative Gift Market: Sun. Dec. 1,

Crossroads Café

Breakfast with Santa: Sat., Dec. 7th

9-11:30 AM

Children’s Pageant: Dec. 8th

at 9:30 AM

Live Nativity: Dec. 8th

at 6-7:30 PM

Christmas Eve Services: Dec. 24th

at Noon in the

Chapel, 7:00 PM and 11:00 PM



Happy New Year’s Eve! Wed., Dec. 31st.




If you have been attending Hiss and would like to

know more about our church and what being a

United Methodist entails, please join us for a light

luncheon on Sunday, November 3rd

from 12:15 –

3:15. The pastors will be there to lead, and you will

get to connect with some more of our “new” people.

If you like what you hear, and after prayerful

consideration you decide that you desire

membership, you will take your membership vows

on Nov. 10th

at the service you normally attend.

Child care can be provided if we receive

prior notice of your need.

Please Donate Food for the

Needy and Thanksgiving

Baskets Now is the time to begin donating products to

restock our food closet for the Thanksgiving

baskets. Items needed: Canned vegetables and

potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, applesauce,

sweet potatoes, cash donations for turkeys,

pumpkin pie filling, cake mixes and any other

canned or dry goods that you would like to donate.

Baskets are located in the narthex and the education

building. Donations are also

collected at the altar during our

Thanksgiving Eve Service.

Veteran’s Day

Nov. 11, 2013

A Prayer for our Soldiers

Oh Heavenly Father,

Help keep our men and women safe while they are

defending our freedom

Help them fight with valor, serve with honor, and

come home when the fight is won.

- 8 -

For those who should fall to any harm, Oh Lord,

please watch over them so that they can return

home to the families that love them.

In the dark of night and the heat of battle, may our

prayers – and your divine love- offer them comfort

and protection.

This we pray.

Hiss Church will once again be collecting money

to purchase Strength for Service (To God and

Country) to honor veterans past and present for

their service. Our Church is one of many across the

nation that supports Strength for Service, a

devotional book written for those in the service of

others. More than 420,000 copies of this life-

changing book have already been distributed

overseas, but hundreds of thousands more are

needed for those currently serving stateside or

abroad. Your donations will make a difference in

the lives of American heroes.

The book was distributed in World War II. A

young Boy Scout found a copy in his grandfather’s

trunk. For his Eagle Scout Project in 2002 he

sought to have it updated, published and distributed

to today’s soldiers. The United Methodist Men

have been instrumental in the re-distribution of the


Please place your donation in the collection plate

noted “Strength for Service”, or mail to office. The

cost of one book is $7.50, but the more we collect,

the less expensive the book becomes and the more

can be purchased. We would like to have this

money sent in by November 18th



Hiss has continued the

tradition of giving crocheted

baby afghans to infants at

their baptism. We are in

need of baby yarn. If you

would like to donate some baby yarn

or money for the yarn, please bring it to the church

office. Thank you. A special thank you to

Hildegard Owens who continues to crochet the

afghans for the little ones.

VIM NEWS: Start saving so you can be a

member of the 2014 Team to Nicaragua where you

will work on water projects. When third world

countries have clean water, many good things begin

to happen! Get out of the boat!


Hiss is reaching out and offering a free brunch

every Saturday of every month for homeless,

lonely, hurting and needy folk, from 10-12 in room

105. If you would like to be involved in this

ministry please call Kristen Whiteley at 443-635-

4178. For November Outreach is collecting,

Sponges, Floor cleaner, Dish soap, Toilet cleaner,

and Multi-purpose cleaners for bathroom and/or

kitchen to be used at Manna House.

On the third Wed. of each month Phyllis Wiley and

her team prepare a meal and volunteer at the

Eastern Resource Center for the Homeless. They

appreciate the financial and food gifts of Hiss

friends. If you would like to volunteer, just let them


It is not too early to be looking for good sales on

warm accessories for the Christmas Mitten tree,

so stock up soon! Also, look for the “angel” tree for

needed gifts for the House of Ruth closer to


Manna House Needs Breakfast Volunteers

Please join in the joy that Manna

House is now open and serving the

less fortunate seven days per week!

Manna House is now offering a hot

meal every day from 8:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

Monday through Sunday. If you or anyone you

know is available and willing to help serve

breakfast any day of the week, please do not

hesitate to contact Karen Blake, Volunteer

Coordinator at 410-889-3001.

Manna House, Inc-435 E. 25th Street, Baltimore,

Maryland 21218

For more information, see Donna Robinson.

- 9 -

Hiss Women’s Retreat The weekend of September 27-29 was a blue-sky

kind of weekend with comfortable temperatures…a

perfect Fall weekend. Twenty women from Hiss

and their friends gathered at Middle Creek Manor in

Fairfield PA for their 7th

Annual Woman’s Retreat.

Cara Achterburg led the group in “My Happiness

Project”, a topic taken from Gretchen Ruben’s book

of the same title. Through discussion in small

groups, games, and lecture we learned that we make

our own happiness. Happiness can be fleeting but

true joy comes from within. The Bible says, James

1:2 -4, NLT Dear brothers and sisters,[ when

troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity

for great joy. For you know that when your faith is

tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let

it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed,

you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Psalm 16:9. Therefore my heart is glad and my

tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.

The concordance reads: True joy is far deeper than

happiness; we can feel joy in spite of our deepest

troubles. Happiness is temporary because it is

based on external circumstances, but joy is lasting

because it is based on God's presence within us.

We learned that we can take small steps in many

different areas of our lives to make our lives more

comfortable and increase our contentment. Things

like conquering clutter, showing love, making time

for friends, being mindful, breaking large tasks into

small projects, making lists to check off, all help to

increase our happiness quotient. Many of us came

away with resolutions and determination to change

our lives for the better.

The weekend helped us to get to know each other

on a more personal level. Together we enjoyed

meals, crafts, pampering, singing, hiking, free time

in the towns, games and laughter. Some of us were

the recipients of a massage by the magical hands of

newly licensed therapeutic masseuse, Gail Gallon

for which we were so grateful.

On Sunday Sharon Meyer led us in meaningful

worship and communion. Next year Dale Salah and

Janey Snyder have volunteered to plan and lead the


Annual Woman’s Retreat. The more the

merrier, so plan now to be a part of this worthwhile


You can find more pictures on the Hiss Facebook


2013 Woman’s Retreat

September 2013 Mission Letter from United Methodist Missionaries,

Nan and Miguel

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your prayers, interest, and moral and economic

support for the ministries in Nicaragua.

This year the Women and Community programs have

included education and actions to improve the environment.

An August report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration says last year was among the 10 warmest years

on record around the world. In the United States, last year was

the warmest ever recorded, with temperatures a full degree

higher than the previous record and more than three degrees

higher than the 20th century average. Another recent study by

Stanford University scientists found the Earth’s climate is

currently changing at a rate far faster than at any other point in

the past 65 million years. Without intervention, the current

pace could spur a rise in annual temperature of roughly 9 to 11

degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. People in

Nicaragua are worried because it is already really hot here!

The Women and Community Scholarship Program provides

study scholarships to economically disadvantaged youth and

- 10 -

prioritizes youth from remote villages, single parent homes

and girls (63.5%). In 2013 the program is supporting 75

students including five sixth graders (who have to travel to

another village to study); 51 high school students (7th

to 11th),

six technical study students (teaching degrees, and skill-based

studies that are at most two years) and thirteen college

students who study journalism, physics, pedagogy, nursing,

accounting, medicine, rural development, social studies and

industrial engineering.

The students all do some kind of social work to give back to

the community. The high school students teach adult literacy

or assist primary school teachers with first and second graders

learning to read. The college students help W&C assisting in

training workshops with design and facilitation. The students

also attend monthly trainings with W&C.

So far this year they have reflected on the following themes:

Adolescence and Dating, Self-Esteem, Violence against

children and youth, Violence against Women and an initial

meeting in February to talk about the program and

expectations. In the workshop on Violence they split into

groups and read different stories about families and couples

and then identified the kinds of violence used (psychological,

physical, economic, sexual, etc.). They also reflected on a

Bible passage and discussed how Jesus was against violence

towards women and children.

They shared about the violence they experience or see in their

homes, in their neighbors, at school and at church. They also

talked about how the children and women in the situations

need orientation and counseling by a group like Women and

Community. And they committed to try to talk to friends who

are in situations of violence.

In the workshop on Violence Against women the groups

identified and discussed situations of violence they know

about in their communities. Then all of the groups designed

little plays about different situations – tender, sad and funny:

We see the development of actors and actresses with these


Sociodrama about Violence Agaisnt Women

Gloria Mayorga, who coordinates this program, also facilitates

four workshops a year with the parents. So far this year she

has facilitated one about prevention of violence against


Below are two brief autobiographies of students.

History of Amanda Karina Rojas from the village of Villa

Esperanza, Scholarship student

I am sixteen years old and in my family there are five kids; we

all have to travel to another village to go to school. My

mother is single and unemployed and we are a poor family.

My father is not around and doesn’t help with anything.

Women and Community came into my life four years ago. I

have had the scholarship since my second year of high school

(eighth grade) and this scholarship has helped me be able to

stay in school. School is free but I need the money for

transportation, some food and photocopies of books. This year

I will graduate and my dream is to be able to have a career and

improve my life. I would like to get a degree in English and

then teach in our municipality. I would be “someone” and be

able to help my family, and they really need help. I am

thankful to W&C for helping me be able to fulfill my goals.

Marbelly Katy Pravia Manzanarez, College


I am a first year university student in

Pedagogy. I feel so thankful to W&C

because in my family we are four siblings

and only have the income my mother can

bring in. Without the scholarship there is no way I could get a

degree. I get up at 2am to be able to study in Managua on

Saturdays because I live in a remote village 20 km from the

municipal seat. Between walking and the bus rides it is a four

hour trip each way. I am also an active member of the Youth

Network Against Violence and I train other youth in my

village to prevent violence and to promote gender equity and

other rights.

Yeimi Guevarra Urbina is a third year physics student who

studies in Managua with a scholarship from W&C as well as a

scholarship from the public university that includes housing

and basic food.

Yeimi is far right front row,

purple shirt

Yeimi was chosen best student in her career at the largest

public university in 2012! We were all so excited. When she

was in SFL she was an active member of the Youth Network

against Violence. She says that these three years of college

have changed her way of thinking, acting and being, and says

she is aware of the great opportunity she has and is

encouraging others to focus on studying.

This year’s Youth Festival

Against Violence was to Build a

New Society with Gender

Equity. It was a day of fun and

learning for 281 youth from the

area about how equality

between men and women

benefits all of us.

To support Missionaries your church can write a check to

your conference earmarked Miguel Mairena # 12877Z) or

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Nan McCurdy #10801Z. To support Women and Community

programs earmark the check: Women and Community

#13285 A.

To give online go to:

Mission/Give-to-Mission and put the number above in the

space, then click on the project and click Give Now.

Hiss November Calendar

Nov. 1 and 2: Scrapbooking Workshop. Call Sue

Crue or register on line at

Nov. 3: New Member and Inquirers’ class. 12:15

in Crossroads Café.

Nov. 10: New Members join Hiss at the service

they normally attend.

Nov. 11: Veterans Day: Strength for Service

Nov. 13: Charge Conference, 6:30 PM

Nov. 17: Stewardship Sunday and kickoff for 175th

Anniversary year.

Nov. 18th

: Donations for Strength for Service due

Nov. 23: Annual Hiss Oyster and Ham Dinner (1-6

pm) and Fall Bazaar (10 am-6 pm).

Nov. 24: United Methodist Student Day Offering

Nov. 24: Alternative Gift Market in Crossroads

Nov. 24-Dec 1: National Bible Week

Nov. 27: Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Services at

7:30 PM. Please donate canned goods.


Nov. 30: Crafters and Vendors Fair. 10 am-4pm

Dec. 1: Alternative Gift Market in Crossroads Café


This year you will have the opportunity to give

Uncle Charlie something better than that same old

boring tie, and the teachers something besides

another mug.

On November 24th

and Dec. 1st in the Crossroads

Café, you will have the opportunity of purchasing

gifts that will help your local Parkville Community.

When you purchase the alternative gifts you will

receive a description of your gift and a card to send

the recipient. This year you may choose to help St.

Vincent de Paul (St. Ursula) to support local

community aid to needy, Brunch on Us, MANNA

House, Blankets for Church World Service in New

Windsor, VIM trip to Nicaragua with Il Porvenir

(water and reforestation projects), the 175th

Anniversary Mission Project (to be determined), or

the Eastern Resource Center Project.

Look for more information and an order form in the

bulletin and on the web site

From Evangelism and Comm.

S O U N D B I T E S:

Something to chew on that is good for the soul™


"Let us consider how to stir up one another to love

and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as

is the habit of some, but encouraging one another,

and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."

(Hebrews 10:24-25 RSV)

In community we catch the contagious quality of

faith and hope. Gathering stokes the flames of each

member of the group. We encourage one another.

(Encourage literally means to put courage into, to

give heart!) We become more in Christ because of

the influence of friends. We talk one another into

things. We take bolder action that we might

otherwise avoid. We follow Christ more eagerly.

-- Robert Schnase in Five Practices of Fruitful

Living, find us on Bringing the good news of God’s grace through Jesus Christ to the whole world, "The world is our parish."

PLAN NOW - VIM Leadership Training Seminar will be held Saturday, Jan. 14, 2014, at the Conference Center, with a snow date of Feb. 8. Paul "Nick" Nicholas, Coordinator for United Methodist Volunteers in Mission for the Northeastern Jurisdiction will be the trainer. More details yet to come.

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nd and 3

rd QUARTERS 2013

Estimate of Giving Abbreviation---E of G October 15, 2013

General Fund Abbreviation--- GF

Actual Estimate of Giving Contributions

2013 E of G $207,492.96

9 Months/40 Weeks of 2013 E of G $155,619.72

# Percent of # Amount

GF Contributions Exceeded or Equaled E of G 66 56.897%

Exceeded E of G 26 +$5,420.48

Equaled E of G 40 $0.00

GF Contributions Less Than E of G 49 42.241% -$11,860.97

GF Contributions Zero 1 0.862% -$780.00

116 100.000% -$7,220.49

Total General Fund Contributions

# Percent of # Amount

E of G Year to Date 116 21.091% $148,399.23

No E of G But Have Contributed 215 39.091% $100,359.09

No E of G No Contributions 219 39.818% $0.00

All Possible GF Envelope Givers 550 100.000% $248,758.32

As of Sept. 30, 2013

Total Income Year to Date $316,037

Expenses Year to Date $329,606

Deficit -$13,569

The Budget was increased from $457,049 in 2012 to $467,474 in 2013. As of 9 months of 2013, the

Estimate of Giving Contributions was $964 lower in 2013 than 2012.

In the future, Financial Ministries will only be running Contribution Statements twice a year (at mid-

year and the end of the year). Your statement will be mailed to you.

Thank you for your faithful support and for the contributions we all are willing to make in the future.

Financial Secretary

Robert W. Schaffer

Who Benefits From

Stephen Ministry?

When asked this question, Pastor George Weitzel, a

trained Stephen Ministry Leader exuberantly

answered, “We All Do!”

Stephen Ministry was developed in the seventies to

help local pastors reach more of their congregants

who needed more care than one person could

adequately offer. Dr. Kenneth Haugk in St. Louis,

MO. developed a program that trained lay members

of a congregation to be Care Givers to members in

the church and community who were called Care


At Hiss Church we have 10 active trained Stephen

Ministers. Since beginning our Ministry there have

been over 30 people who have been or are Care


If you are experiencing trial and tribulation in your

life, or if you think you could benefit from a non-

judgmental, confidential listener, or a guide through

your current dark tunnel perhaps now is the time to

see Pastor Weitzel and let him know of your need.

The Minister-Receiver relationship can be as short

as one or two meetings to an on-going relationship.

Ideally, the pair meet once a week for about one


The Stephen Ministers benefit because in the

extensive 50 hours of training they learn many

Christ-based skills that serve them not only with

their Care Receivers, but in their own lives. Caring

for others is one of the ways we “step out of the

boat” as Pastor Tim’s sermons have advocated. The

Hiss Stephen Ministers are looking for both folks

who need care and for those who would like to give


Please think about how this program might benefit

YOU and sign on now.



Christmas is coming! We at Hiss Church want to

share the fellowship we enjoy with Jesus Christ

during this wonderful season. Research tells us that

people are more willing to visit a church for the

first time on Christmas Eve than at any other

time of the year. That makes Christmas Eve one of

our best opportunities to invite people to make a

spiritual connection with the Christ of Christmas.

The church calls its outreach effort “Home for

Christmas”, and is sponsored by the Evangelism

and Communications Committee, led by Elizabeth

Siskey and her committee. They are asking for the

help of the congregation-each of you- by first

praying that Hiss may lead many “seekers” to Hiss

Church and to Christ Jesus on Christmas Eve.

Secondly, they request that each member think of

three families that do not regularly attend any

church, and then to share those names and

addresses with the committee. The committee

will then send personal invitations to those people

for our Candlelight Services, without ever

mentioning your name.

People to whom you might wish us to mail an

invitation include acquaintances, relatives, friends

at work, neighbors, people with whom you

socialize, friends at school, people in community

organizations, new people in the community,

business friends, customers and clients, and your

children’s friends families. When you submit these

names please don’t forget to pray that God will use

our invitation as an effective outreach to your

friends, and ask God to help them choose to respond

positively and to join us in celebrating the coming

of Christ. An alternative plan is for you to

personally invite these people to join you at Hiss for

special services and events like the Dinner and

Bazaar on Nov. 23rd

. The number one way of

getting people to come is by personal invitation

and picking them up on your way!

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By working together, we can get the word out to the

largest possible number of people that “there is

room at the inn this Christmas Eve”. You may mail

your names to the church, call them in to the office

(410-668-5665), e-mail or place them in the

collection plate on Sunday.

We want to thank you ahead of time for your

cooperation in bringing more folks to Jesus, our



NOVEMBER 23, 2013





There is a place for you. Please let us know where

you would like to help. All proceeds go to the

general fund to help with our budget. Don’t wait to

be asked. We need your help. Complete this sheet

and place in the collection plate, give to an usher

or turn in to the church office. Thanks in advance

for your help. Be part of the fun! Sign-up now.

God is good all the time!


_____ 8:30 am Prepare vegetables, peel potatoes

_____ Set tables and get eating area ready


Work in kitchen: See or call Mary Macreadie.

______Getting supplies ready

______Make potato salad

______Make cole slaw

______Fry oysters

______Serve food to waiter/waitress

______Wash dishes

______Dry dishes

______Issue carry-out dinners


Dining Room – See Mardy Peters

___ Call to get servers – 14 needed each


___ In charge of servers in dining room

___ Hostess 1:00-3:30

___ Hostess 3:30-6:00

___ Waiter/Waitress 1:00-3:30

___ Waiter/Waitress 3:30-6:00

___ Serve Drinks 1:00-3:30

___ Serve Drinks3:30-6:00

___ Make hot and cold drinks

BAKED GOODS: You should receive a phone call

asking for donations. However, if you were missed

by the callers, your donations are still welcome and

we need your donations. They may be brought to

the church beginning Friday morning. Thanks


I will bake _______________________

HOMEMADE CANDY: See Phyllis Pitarra or

Dee Lawry

______ Make homemade candy in the church


_______Monday, Nov. 11th

at 9:30 am

_______Friday, Nov. 15th

at 9:30 am

_______Wednesday, Nov. 20th

at 10:30 am

Thanks for your help in this project for our church.

Phyllis Pitarra 410-661-2267 (candy)

Dee Lawry 410-665-5389 (candy)

Mardy Peters 410-661-0146

Or 410-292-8221

Mary Macreadie 410-870-3072

Or 443-846-5011

Return form in offering plate, church office or

email form to church office

Church Office; [email protected]



Phone # _________________________________

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A United Methodist Parish Serving Our Lord and

Our Community Since 1839


fax - 410-668-0510

Ministers The People of Hiss Church

Pastor Timothy A Dowell

Pastor Emeritus William C. Miller, Jr.

Associate Minister George Weitzel, Jr.

Director of Evangelism/Communications Dianne Thompson

Director of Music and Organist Jim Shiplet

Contemporary Worship & Media Coordinator Alicia Burley

Director of Choirs Chuck Solomon

Youth Director Taylor Dowell

Editor, Spire Dianne Thompson


Loving God, Loving All, Changing Lives…Join the Journey!


The mission of Hiss Church is to invite people into a loving relationship with God and with all

through the sharing of our faith, our ministries, and our resources.