Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience...

(Title) Improving Inbound Marketing Activities Your logo / Name if proposing as an individual

Transcript of Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience...

Page 1: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

(Title) Improving Inbound Marketing Activities

Your logo / Name if proposing as an individual

Page 2: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

How to use this templateThanks for downloading the template and we hope it will help you structure your next proposal!!

• This template contains the building blocks we consider best practice.

• It's editable and nothing is set in stone! In other words, you should adjust the template and structure to your specific situation. Is it a large and complex opportunity? Then make sure to go detailed in the areas that matter like Approach, Team/ Your Experience and Case Studies. Is it a relatively small opportunity? Maybe cut down a little in some areas but show them you care.

• Add your own logo if you are proposing as a company, otherwise your name and consider inserting your picture to make it more personal

• And finally, don't forget to delete this page, replace our logo with your own, and proofread !

Best of luck,

Team at Outsized


Page 3: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

SummaryOne-page summarising why you are the right partner and uniquely placed to deliver value. Highlight your key capabilities, experience, skills and expertise that relevant to this particular project. Personalise if you can, make reference to any call or meeting had upfront.

Dear First Name,

Thank you for taking the time to discuss / Thank you for sharing information regarding your inbound digital marketing needs with a particular focus on driving more traffic to your website and improving lead conversion rates to sign up for your premium product. Based on my/our experience (at company name if a firm), I am/ we are confident I / we can help you significantly increase your site traffic and conversions over the next six months.

I have / Company Name has been delivering best-in-class digital marketing services for over XX years (to clients in Industry X). Based on your current digital marketing needs, my/ our recommended approach will focus on content strategy, channel optimisation and advanced conversion techniques. I/ We will help you attract high-quality traffic to your site through content that's valuable to your target personas, make sure they see it, and deliver true return on your investment by implementing world-class conversion tactics.

I/ We have outlined our approach and credentials in this document. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

(your signature)

Full name (and title if applicable)


Page 4: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

ContentsYour objectives............................................................................................5

Your team / Your consultant........................................................................6

Approach - guide.........................................................................................7

Approach example 1 (simple)...................................................................8

Approach example 2 (medium)................................................................9

Approach example 3 (large and/ or complex projects)...........................10


Case studies - version 1............................................................................12

Case studies - version 2 ...........................................................................13

Timelines & commercials..........................................................................14


Total fees................................................................................................14

Expenses & taxes...................................................................................14

Thank you..................................................................................................15



Page 5: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Your objectivesOne-page summary of the background to the project and how you have interpreted what the Client wants done, i.e. the project scope and expected outputs/ success factors. This serves two purposes, demonstrate your understanding of the Client’s requirements and it ensures there are no misunderstanding or expectation gaps.

Background about the situation (one paragraph)

• Scope areas in bullet format, e.g.:

1. Content strategy (topics, authors, format)

2. Channel strategy optimization (xxxx)

3. Conversion rate improvements (xxxxx)

What does success look like? (outline qualitative or quantitative metrics that will define whether the project is successful or not – include a note about the time period over which this should be achieved but not details as that will be covered later)


Page 6: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Your team / Your consultantSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa


Bullets on relevant experience, key brands worked for and any specific aspects to highlight

Role in this project

John DoeTitle

Bullets on relevant experience, key brands worked for and any specific aspects to highlight

Role in this project

John DoeTitle

Bullets on relevant experience, key brands worked for and any specific aspects to highlight

Role in this project

John DoeTitle

Bullets on relevant experience, key brands worked for and any specific aspects to highlight

Role in this project

John DoeTitle

Page 7: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Approach - guide (remove this from your proposal! ) The approach segment together with your credentials is the most important part of the proposal / pitch. It is your chance to highlight that you have thought about how to help your client succeed, and that you have a structure to do it

Your approach segment should cover:

• Details of the methodology and approach you will take to deliver the project

• Phasing and workstreams you envisage being included – this will allow you to breakdown the project scope into manageable and distinct parts

• High level content description of each workstream/phase

• Outline key dependencies between workstreams

How you describe and visualise your approach depends on a number of things, such as the complexity, duration, type of project, etc. We hope the following pages can provide you with some inspiration for your specific circumstances!


Your logo 

Page 8: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Approach example 1 (simple)

Use this space to draw the attention to certain aspects of the

approach that you want to highlight

Highlight any dependencies either between workstreams or

stakeholder access/ other client dependencies

Build in client reviews/ workshops etc into the activity list

Project Activities Week

Activity 1 1

Activity 2 2–3

Activity 3 4

Activity 4 5

Activity 5 6–7

Activity 6 8


Page 9: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Approach example 2 (medium)• Use this space to draw the attention to certain aspects of the

approach that you want to highlight

• Highlight any dependencies either between workstreams or stakeholder access/ other client dependencies

• Build in client reviews/ workshops etc into the activity list

• If too busy, split into two or more pages


Strategy (week 1)

• Project kick off workshop to align understanding and full background, engage all stakeholders

• Define buyer personas• Prioritise content areas, types of content and channels

• Identify internal and external content creators• Tone of voice, SEO and formatting of content incl.

Infographics and imagery• Publication on relevant channels

• Text• Text• Text

Content Creation (week 2-


Traffic Generation (week 4-


• Text• Text• Text

Conversion optimisatio

n (week 26-52)

Page 10: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Approach example 3 (large and/ or complex project)• Use this space to draw the attention to certain aspects of the

approach that you want to highlight

• Highlight any dependencies either between workstreams or stakeholder access/ other client dependencies

• If too busy, split into two or more pages


Phase 1Mobilisation, As-Is State Assessment & feasibility study

Activity Stream C:Strategy and cost benefit analysis

Activity Stream B:Analyse current state and complete

feasibility study including gap assessment and definition of optimal


Activity Stream A:

Understand ProjectGoals, Engage with

Stakeholders, Mobilise

Start-Up Project (Kick-

off)Manage & Report

Manage Project and


Shared services

transformation programme

Understand business needs for

shared services

Understand current initiatives

Understand vendor landscape

Understand current IT landscape

Analyse processes, people and structure

Review Current State findings with steering committee

Define baseline and shared vision

Define service delivery model

Define high level org. Structure

Agree in scope processes

Review technology and assess scale of

change required

Site location analysis

Identify in-house vs outsourced services

Assess existing vendors

Identify and engage with stakeholders

Define Project Governance


Develop Project Work Plan

Understand strategic priorities

Define the objectives and success criteria

Key recommendations

Review To-Be State with Steering Committee

Define high level TOM

Identify implementation


Communication plan Project plan

Go / No Go

Analyse and review gaps and potential options for To-Be

Verify hypothesis with stakeholders

Map out value drivers

Guiding Principles

Page 11: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Dependencies• Potential project complexities or challenges you have identified and

how these will be mitigated• Assumptions and caveats, this allows you to flag to the client

information that may be subject to change if the base understanding was not correct

• Questions and clarifications• Any thoughts or feedback for the client that may challenge the

scope or their approach to solving it


Page 12: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Case studies (version 1 – if you have few and/ or you want to cover in more detail)




$ size of




Project area, e.g. Innovation

What we did

The result

• Bullet about why you were on the project/ brief overall background of the problem or situation

• Bullets on your main activities • Any specific tools, techniques or

approaches used

” John was a star. He helped us transform our inbound marketing strategy, and thanks to his work we have grown our conversion rates by more than 8x. What’s more he helped us upskilled our internal team”

- CEO Company X or Anonymised if needed

• Describe highlights of the project in terms of qualitative deliverables in 1-2 bullets

• Quantify impact where possible in bullets or brief text, e.g. increased web traffic by 354%, qualified leads by 675% and conversions by 843% over a 6-month period

• Any information about the benefits and outcome of the project

Page 13: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Case studies (version 2 – if you have many and want to show on a couple of pages with 2-3 on each)


Project name


• Brief description about a combination: Project Challenges Approach Outcome Benefits Duration Location Cost

Quote from the client along with the designation and anonymised

name unless approval given

Project name


• Brief description about a combination: Project Challenges Approach Outcome Benefits Duration Location Cost

Quote from the client along with the designation and anonymised

name unless approval given

Page 14: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Timelines & commercials


Specialist skillsDay Rate (USD)

Days on


Other comments

John Doe

Consultant /


Subject matter expert with diverse experience

in xxxXXX XXX


The project is estimated to be completed in XX weeks. The project will be largely remote, but with an in-person kick off, weekly video conference updates and ad-hoc travel to the client’s location if needed

Total fees


Expenses & taxes

• Fees exclude travel costs and expenses• Fees exclude mandatory taxes


Page 15: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

• Demonstrate to the client that you are excited about the opportunity • Consider recapping your main selling points, • Include your logo and contact details again, a picture, name and



Thank you

Page 16: Your objectives · Web viewSpecialists with over XX years of inbound marketing project experience for leading brands across Asia and Africa John Doe Title Bullets on relevant experience,

Your logo 

Appendices Any additional content that may support the proposal