YOUR MINISTRY IS NOT IN VAIN Appreciation Sundays.


Transcript of YOUR MINISTRY IS NOT IN VAIN Appreciation Sundays.


Appreciation Sundays

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Brett & Katie Sears... because they live their lives as an example to follow. Their example taught

me how to walk with Jesus.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Huh family... because they helped me feel comfortable in my own

skin as I sought for the truth and enlightenment.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Executive Church Board... because I know I can trust them for leading the church in the direction that God

intends and that there are no personal agendas.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the worship team... because they help me to focus my attention on God irrespective of where I am when I walk into

Sunday service. They help me to worship God in the manner that God deserves.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the truck drivers... because I am on worship team and I know how hard it is for me to get up early. When you get up

even earlier on Sunday morning, in rain and snow, you show me what kind of heart is

possible for the Lord. Thank you!

Appreciation Sunday

The children’s ministries... because I don’t have to do it! Honestly, I recognize how

important the children and youth ministry is but I don’t have that passion. Thank you that

you are willing to give up your time, attendance in worship service, and energy for

the young.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Andrew... because he has been supportive of me during hard times.

He has been there for me when troubles come and shows me the love of Christ

continuously. He is a good friend, great pastor and a loving supporter in times of

need. Thank you for being there for me when I fell down.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Kevin... because he’s been my youth group leader for three years

and has always been a friendly, funny guy. He can be serious too when needed, and always

taught us well, but in a fun way which wouldn’t make us fall asleep. He taught us all

about what God has done for us.

Appreciation Sunday

The toddler’s ministry... because it helped my son to learn the love of God through the workers who served there each week taking care of, teaching, and loving him. It helped my son to become independent, make new

friends and want to come to church.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Ministerial Staff... because week in and week out they have brought me encouragement and

God’s convictions.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of music... because it makes the worship services very uplifting and personal to worship God with the lyrics and rhythm.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of small groups... because it drew me closer to other Christians and made me more accountable to both myself and to my fellow small group members. Thank you

to my small group leaders for their leadership and devotion to the group and God.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of worship teams... because worship is the most effective and intimate

method that connects me to God. It’s essential for helping me to experience His

presence when I’m “dry.”

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of worship teams... because they are able to connect me to God through song, words and the sacrifice of their own

time. Appreciate them very much. Thank you!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of all the pastors... because the sermons or messages are very useful for

our daily lives. They are very practical.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Kevin... because of his example of unfailing love for his wife.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Michelle White... because of her courage to be open with her love and real

struggles with God.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the worship teams... because they help me to quiet myself after a busy week and prepare myself for worship.

Appreciation Sunday

The children’s ministry... because my kids actually are realizing who Jesus is.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of YouthQuest... because I’ve seen how my children have matured in their walk with our Lord. The constant spiritual feeding to their souls is a priceless gift.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the pastoral team... because every week they seem to have a fresh and bold word from the Lord. Each one has a

different style but God uses them all. They speak the word with courage and

compassion. Thanks Guys!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of MJ... because she faithfully ministers in the office and in children’s ministry. She loves this family

of God.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of our pastors... because they bring the messages that God lays upon their hearts. The sermons are practical and always give me something to work through

during the week.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Andrew... because he mentored my husband.

Appreciation Sunday

The children’s ministry... because they loved and welcomed our children every


Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the AV Team... because you continually come in weekly to set up and

provide sound for worship. As the wife of one of these people on ministry I need to support my husband from now on as I need to support

his love for this ministry.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Michelle White... because when she sings I experience the touch of Jesus in my life. Her passion, the depth of feeling grips my heart. The Lord has used

this gift he has blessed her with to touch my life and to help me to understand the depth of

His love for me.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of MJ... because you personally sacrifice to ensure the church runs efficiently.

Thanks MJ!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Nursery Staff... because they tirelessly care for precious newborns to allow

parents time to worship God.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of StarKids... because it provides me the opportunity for my wife and I to spend the time to connect with the Lord. It

also provides the opportunity for our daughter to meet new friends and grow up in

a Christian environment.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Steve... because of his sermons which spoke to me, from the very first one I heard from him at Toronto Chinese

Community Church to now!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Andrew... because he believes in me!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Truck Drivers, Refreshment Volunteers, &Children’s

Ministry... because you sacrifice your time. You glorify God with all you do, making the

whole service run smoothly! When newcomers come they will see God. I appreciate your efforts very much.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of music... because each song blesses my heart and moves me in ways that mere words cannot. The children’s ministry has allowed space for me to learn about God.

It has also allowed my child to make Christian friends.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Worship Teams, Pastoral Team, & StarKids... because you help me re-connect with God in my heart. Your sermons give me reminders of what it means to be a

follower of Christ. You help me to have space to be close to God knowing that I can fully

trust that my son is in good hands, body and soul.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of children’s Sunday School... because you taught my son about Jesus and allowed me the opportunity to worship God

and get fed with God’s words with a peaceful mind.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of StarKids... because you provided a desperately needed alone time for us away from our demanding little one. You gave us time to reconnect with God again.

Thank you!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of StarKids... because our kids can learn about Jesus and come to know Him

one day. Thank you also for equipping us through take it home training.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of StarKids, Worship Teams, & Refreshment Teams... because my kids

continue to learn more about God and how to become a good Christian. The worship teams help me to praise God through songs and also see how great and powerful God is. Thank you to all those who prepare snacks every Sunday. My kids have a chance to enjoy the food while

we catch up with other families and other people through conversation. Thanks again!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the AV team... because playing in worship is easy. Setting everything up to play is not. Everyone does a great job

every week. I always look forward to worship and the sound team always comes through. Even if the truck is late or doesn’t arrive at


Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Joyce Page... because of the love she exudes for this church family. She always has an encouraging word to share.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the AV Team... because they are steady and dependable – always there. Without them, it would be hard to hear and see God’s word in service. I hope they know

how HUGE of a deal that is!!!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Grace Cheng... because she loves the youth. She sees their God-given

potential, points it out, and loves them. My teenagers are blessed by her leadership and

generous love!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Jack Ott... because he showed my son that survival skills, fishing,

the outdoors – these are all made by the Creator – and the heart of the warrior that God has put in my son was created by God


Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the worship team... because music is a way for me to focus on God making

the words of the songs a true expression of my emotions/heart. It helps prepare my heart before each service. I appreciate and thank

you for your efforts each week that you devote to practicing, but also your set up and

take down of the equipment each week.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Harris & Amy Tan... because of their hospitality in their home, their

outpouring of love to me during the summer in the summer semester group.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the AV team... because it gives me the privilege to listen to God’s

words in both music and word.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Worship Teams... because the teams always take the effort to make Sunday worship meaningful through

song. I always feel God’s presence during this time. Thank you for the time and energy you

put into making worship a time for us to meet God every Sunday.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Worship... because it prepares my body (heart, mind & soul) to meet the living God. The prayers in music

and the words between songs help my busy mind settle, and my often occupied mind

remember that I am worshipping the Lord now.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Church Administrative Staff (Mary Jane)... because you work

behind the scenes, but your hard work does not go unnoticed. I look forward to receiving

the weekly bulletin and the emails from Cornerstone. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the inner workings that

make our church run smoothly.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Worship Teams... because I feel connected with the

congregation when we all sing together and praise God. I appreciate the words of the

worship leaders who remind me that we sing not just because the music is beautiful, but because we are worshipping god and re-

committing our live to Him.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Ben Chan... because it allowed me to step back from CYQB and

spend more time with my family.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Welcome Team... because they always greet me with a smile and help me mentally prepare for worship

service. Thank you for always being so warm and welcoming.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of all the pastors... because they helped me to get closer to know Christ and transform me to be a better person and help others as well to know God. Thank you

for helping me find peace and happiness from my relationship with God and others around


Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of God’s Word (Sermons)... because truth is spoken in completeness, in love, in wanting to help me grow and be all

that God’s designed me for.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the women’s bible study group... because of all the sharing and

encouragement we had to grow together in Christ.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of StarKids... because I can have undivided attention in service. I can connect with God one on one. I can quiet

down to hear His voice. I can sing my heart out (without my daughter saying I’m too loud) to God to praise him for the blessings He has

poured into my life. Thank you to ALL who serve in StarKids. Your serving heart is not in


Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of YouthQuest... because it has brought my family closer to God as a whole in ways that I could not do on my own. Having

Christ in my life I continually pray that it would be the same for my girlfriend and our

children. God has touched our children through YouthQuest retreats and other

fellowshipping activities. I thank God for that.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of worship... because singing beautiful rhythms about God and to God

allows me to have the song in my head for the whole week, which is a reminder to me about

God in my life. Thank you for the worship ministry teams who sing so well and play the

music so well.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Welcome Team... because the made me feel very welcome the

first time I visited Cornerstone.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of worship... because it has created a wider and deeper channel for me to

connect with God as well as giving me an opportunity to serve.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Worship Teams... because you create a sense of belonging to

God’s family.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Worship Team... because it helped me to experience God in real ways.

It helped bring me before God, open to hearing His voice.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Pastoral Team... because the words of truth through your preaching

helped to bring about true life change. Thank you.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Worship/AV Teams... because worshipping God with music gives

me great joy and I love worshipping God with the church. Thank you for spending time

choosing the songs, rehearsing and coming early each Sunday to prepare.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Pastor Jeremy... because of your time guiding, providing resources,

praying timely encouragements for those of us who facilitate as leaders of small groups –

even when at times you yourself feel discouraged.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Women’s Bible Study (Darla Sutherland)... because she

encouraged me to encourage and pray for others and reach out to other women.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the truck drivers/Sunday setup teams... because without you all, the Sunday celebrations would not be as blessed

as they had been to all of us!

Appreciation Sunday

The Sports Ministry: Ultimate Frisbee/Sports Night... because of the

wholesome activities for people who have joined us and the opportunities you have provided to develop friendships through

which Christ’s love has been demonstrated.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the prayer team... because the prayers, scripture verses, encouraging words shared by the prayer team members have helped my family and I get through

many difficult and challenging life situations. Thank you and may you continue to be a

blessing to others.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of StarKids... because Charis, Jalen (JJ) and Wesley look forward to every Sunday to learn scriptural truths and to be loved by the StarKids teachers and helpers.

Thank you!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the set up team... because we have a place to worship! Thank you!

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Worship Teams... because their faithfulness inspires me to praise God, even when I don’t feel like it.

Usually by the end of the song I realize why I was supposed to be in church.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the baptismal services... because it demonstrated to me the power and

strength of baptism, moving me.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Dorothy Pang... because she goes out of her way to step out in obedience

to encourage others, especially me. I also feel so encouraged to see how God uses her gifts.

Thank you, dear sister.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the Greeting Team/Small Groups... because we were encouraged to

come back to church due to the sincere welcoming atmosphere around and in the congregation. We thank the small group

ministry for all the blessings to our lives.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of Darla Sutherland... because she has been an instrument for God to work

in the lives of so many women. She goes beyond bible study group and opens her

house and heart to walk along with those who need guidance and encourages others to


Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of nursery... because it allowed us to attend service for the first time as new parents without having to worry about our

baby, which was so meaningful after a whole month of missing service to care for our newborn. There were tears of joy at that

service. Thank you for that day, and every Sunday for sacrificing your time at service.

Appreciation Sunday

The ministry of the truck/AV/Worship... because it allows a special time of praise to

our God.