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1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Transcript of YOUR IMPORTANCE TO RIDGECREST 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.

YOUR IMPORTANCE TO RIDGECREST 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 A spiritual gift is an ability to function effectively and significantly in a particular service as a member of His body, the church. (William McRae) This Scripture teaches several things about spiritual gifts: 1) The Spirit works through these gifts to accomplish the will of the Father. Ephesians 1:17-23 God aims to fill the universe with the glory of His Son, Jesus, by making the church the showcase of His glory. 2) Every Christian has at least one gift. 1 Corinthians 12:7 says it clearly, To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 3) These gifts are meant to build up the local church. Ephesians 4:12 Acts 1:8 4) Different gifts are given to each of us as the Lord wills! 1 Corinthians12:12-31 Jesus is the head, which means that He thinks it and the body is to do it-without hesitation. God makes sure that there are people with the right spiritual gifts in every church to do all that He desires for that church to do. If you are at Ridgecrest and dont know that Gods Spirit desires to work IN and THROUGH you to His glory, then you must be a ZOMBIE! Here is a good question to ask, Did God lead me to Ridgecrest? Remember that God creates the body of Christ-who is the head-with ALL the parts that are necessary to do His work at that church. HOW do you become an active member of Ridgecrest ? 1) Pray for guidance and ask the Spirit to open your eyes and ears to His call on your life. 2) Discover your gifts. 3) Do that ministry whenever you get a chance. 4) Make sure this is where Jesus desires for you to be. 5) Use your gifts in humility toward God and love toward others. What would change if I wasnt at Ridgecrest tomorrow?