Your hotel needs Sales & Marketing that you can afford

That produces results at a price you can afford You need an effective sales team Sales and Marketing for your hotel


You hotel needs sales and marketing the is effective but also one you afford that get results in days not months. You also get revenue management and help with your reviews and ratings. Get the tools and help you need at a price you can afford.

Transcript of Your hotel needs Sales & Marketing that you can afford

  • 1. That produces results at a price you can afford You need an effective sales team Sales and Marketing for your hotel

2. Much more than just sales BEYOND THE SALES HELP YOU NEED YOU GET A WHOLE TEAM 3. Heritage consulting will get you listed on all major search engines with results in days not Months. Check your website listing score and review your landing page Search engine marketing is much more effective than SOE. But when used together make a powerful combination to tie your hotel to the market your want. Get your hotel listed on dozen of website and search engines that promote your hotel! Well help you position your hotel to get the maximum RevPAR . Recap star reports, check your competitor rates Heritage Consulting can create Facebook , Twitter & Four Square accounts for you. What is Offered Local SEO 1 SEM 2 Your hotel will see the results in Star reports and in third party booking but most importantly in Revenue. A 5 to 7 thousand dollar increase is common. We will monitor you reviews and assist with programs to improve your ranking. Revenue mgmt. 3 Social Media 4 Increased sales 5 Reputation mgmt. 6 4. Does your hotels Star Report look like this? 5. Heritage can make it look like this 6. Just a couple of examples results Want results like this? 7. Or this Or this? 8. Wingate Star Report 9. So how much is the investment? Set up $500.00 Takes about 10 days Monthly Marketing $399.00 Results in 45 days Works for all brands Get the tools you need 10. Heritage Consulting (504) 939-3390 Questions? More Information?