Your Health is in Your Hand


Transcript of Your Health is in Your Hand

• Massaging Pressure Points in Palm and Under feet to Revitalize Organs

• In our body all vital organs in body are connected to pressure points in their

palms and under feet.

• Just applying suitable pressure on them will give you relief from all related


The Best Pressure Points for Sleep and Relaxation

• According to the National Sleep Foundation, every week almost 60% of Americans suffer from insomnia-like symptoms.

• These symptoms include waking and not feeling refreshed, problems with staying asleep and the inability to fall asleep quickly.

• If you are experiencing insomnia-like symptoms, try acupressure for a good night’s sleep instead of taking sleep medication.

• Acupressure has shown to help insomniac sufferers fall asleep for longer and have a better quality sleep, according to a study in Milan, Italy at the San Gerardo Hospital.

• This is the only sleep-related pressure point located on the head.

• The pressure point is located just before the ear, along the soft

section before your neck muscles connect with your jaw line.

• To get the most out of this pressure point, use your index and

middle finger and firmly press into the depression for 15 to 20


• You should begin to feel relaxed, calm and sleepy.

Insomnia Pressure Point

• This is the insomnia pressure point located at thebottom of the feet.

• Picture a line from each ankle bone to sole of yourfoot, the pressure point is just in front of the heel.

• Use a pen to find the intersection point of the lines onthe sole of the foot.

• Apply pressure to this point to get relief frominsomnia.

• It is the most tender spot on the sole of the foot, so becareful when applying pressure, it should not hurt ifyou are doing it right.

Neuro Acupressure point that helps with relaxation• The inner gate, is a pressure point that helps

with relaxation and to calm the spirit.

• This is one of the most effective pressure points to relieve sleep problems.

• It is a natural depression between the tendons in the hand and can be found by placing 3 fingers at the base of the wrist until you find the depression.

• The use of steady pressure will help you to feel less tight and more relaxed.

• For a night of continuous relief, try taping a kidney bean to the pressure point.

Three Mile Point

• This point is located two finger width below the knee cap and four finger widths towards the outside region of the leg.

• Applying pressure at this point increases and regulates energy flow, relieves fatigue and helps in increasing concentration.

• Apply pressure for 1 minute and move to the next point.

Great Rushing

This point is located in the webbing between the big and the second toe.

Applying pressure on this point helps in unblocking the choked meridians and maintaining smooth flow of energy through the meridians.


• This point is located at the side of the inside of the foot, three finger width behind the base of the big toe.

• Applying pressure at this point helps all-round nourishment and balanced circulation of energy throughout body and mind, helps in relieving the mind from worries and anxiety.

• In addition it also helps relieve ankle pains.

Inner Gate

• If you draw a straight line on your palm starting between your index and middle finger and straight through your arm, this point will lie on this line 3 finger widths above the wrist crease.

• Applying pressure on this point helps in protecting the heart from excess stress, encourages deep breathing and relieves nausea.

Outer Gate

• This point is located on the back side of the arm 3 finger widths above the wrist, between the two tendons.

• Stimulating this point helps in supporting the immune function and increases energy flow through the body.

Union Valley

• This point is located in the webbing between the thumb and the index finger.

• Stimulating this point helps in reducing muscle tension and relieving stress.

Central Treasury

• This point is located two finger widths above the point where yours arms meet your chest.

• Stimulating this point helps in beep breathing, increasing blood flow and balancing the emotions

Will’s Chamber

• This point is located at the mid-section of your waist, about 3 finger widths away from the spine.

• Stimulating this point helps in distributing energy flow through all meridians, strengthen the whole body and relieve back tension.

Shoulder Well

• This point is located at the ridge of the Shoulder halfway between the point of your shoulder and the base of your neck.

• Stimulating this point helps in relieving stress and tension and unhindered flow of energy.