Your Final Destination - Part 2

Heaven or Hell? 096/fut1-096.html DuncanLong.htm Your Final Destinati on: Part 2


Asks the question we all must answer sooner or later: Which way is my life going?

Transcript of Your Final Destination - Part 2

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Heaven or Hell?

Your Final Destination:

Part 2

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No matter who you are, your life is headed in No matter who you are, your life is headed in either one of two directions. There are no either one of two directions. There are no

exceptions. You alone will decide which way it exceptions. You alone will decide which way it will go and the choice you make will have will go and the choice you make will have

eternal consequences for you.eternal consequences for you.

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You are headed either You are headed either toward Heaven…toward Heaven…

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… Or toward

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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

How can you know if your life is moving toward Hell?

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It is true that God is Love and a loving God. He is not only a God of love, however, but the Bible shows that He’s also a God of holiness, and justice and judgment. His holiness cannot come into the presence of unholiness of any sort. If He does His holiness will destroy the unholy thing or person.

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It’s similar to matter coming into contact with anti-matter. Each would destroy the other. The difference is that God can’t be destroyed, so only the unholy would be destroyed.

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God is also a God of Justice. He must judge and punish sin and those who commit sin (who we call “sinners”). His nature of justice demands that. He has established laws for perfection and He cannot set aside the demands of the Law for eternal damnation and separation from Him for anybody who sins. If you are trusting in your own goodness, the Law’s demands for an absolutely perfect life must be applied.

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Therefore, if you sin (break God’s Law of perfection which He laid down to show what you would have to do and not do if you want to be holy by your own effort) God has to punish you because the Law demands punishment. It can never save you from the consequence of violation of its principles. It can only pronounce the punishment required for violating it – eternal separation from God in Hell.

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So, if you think you’re pretty good, and much better than some “hypocritical” Christians. Let’s take a little test to see just how good you are. And whether you will have to be condemned to Hell. Remember that if you break even one of God’s Laws and do it only once, you have the sin on you and God has to destroy it, and you because you have it on your soul. He cannot allow it to enter Heaven where He is.

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1. God’s law of perfection demands that you have never told a lie.

Have you ever told a lie? If you answer “NO”, you will be guilty of telling a lie.

What do we call a person who tell lies? A liar, right?

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2. God’s Law of perfection demands that you never have used His name in vain (that means to use it as a curse word or to express anger or even just as slang) like “G—d---!”. This is called blaspheming.

Have you ever done that? You most probably have.

What do we call a person who blasphemes? A blasphemer, right?

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3. God’s Law of perfection says, Don’t commit adultery. Jesus said that if you even look at another person who is not your spouse and desire sex with them in your heart, you have committed adultery.

Have you ever looked at another person and desired to have sex with that person? Sure you have.

We call a person who commits adultery an adulterer.

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4. God’s Law of perfection demands that you never stole anything, ever.

Did you ever take something that didn’t belong to you and keep it? That’s called stealing.

What do we call a person who steals? A thief, right?

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Since you admit you did those things, by your own admission you will have to face God on Judgment Day already condemned as

A lying, blaspheming, adulterous thief. And there’s no way you remove those sins by your own goodness. There’s no way you can say, that was a long time ago. The sins are still there. God has to send sinners to Hell since that’s the demands of the Law, and God cannot break His own law. Where do you think you would go?

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The Good News

The good news is that God IS love. God loved you so much that He sent Jesus, His only Son, to take the punishment you deserve and pay the penalty for your sins – all of them. They are all paid for. The lying, the cheating, the occult, the pornography, the adultery, the hatred of others (which is the sin of murder according to the Bible) and all the rest. It has been paid in full.

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God did that so that He could satisfy the demand for justice that He judge your sin, and also to show His love for you. He took the judgment on Himself, through His only Son. That’s how much He wants to come into contact with you. He has made a way to remove the sins from your soul completely and forever. Now you must do something if you want to get them removed and avoid going to Hell. It’s really simple.

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You have to talk to God and admit that He would be right and just to send you to Hell because you are a sinner who has done all those things and much, much more.

Then you have to sincerely repent (tell Him you are sorry and willing to turn from your sinful lifestyle) and ask Him to forgive you for all the sins you committed, and ask Him to wash them away in the Blood of Jesus.

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Finally ask Jesus to come into your heart and live there (don’t try to figure it out how He can do that, just ask it and accept it that He did). Then thank Him for saving you and ask Him to guide you from now on.

Of course you should find a Bible teaching church to fellowship with and read the Bible asking God to help you understand it.

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If you just confessed your sins and asked Jesus to save you and wash you clean from sin, then you can be sure that you are now on the road that leads to Heaven. But if you stubbornly refused to do so, then be sure that you are on your way to Hell and God didn’t send you to Hell. You CHOSE for yourself to go to Hell rather than Heaven. You alone are responsible for going to Hell.

End Part 2