Your Body Is Its€¦ · 150 pretty styles, made from the most at-tracive summer materials. Priced...

SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1915. BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE FIVE Your Body Is Its Own Doctor "! t THE BODY IS A COMPLETE CHEMICAL LABORATORY. . When normal, it manufactures enough anti-toxin, and secretes fluids that neutralize disease-producing "germs" and poison- ous foreign material infecting the tissues. These poison-de- vouring agents reach every cell in the body at each beat of the heart which circulates the blood through the body; and they contain the blood-cells that destroy germs. But when the sys- tem is in a weakened condition, the production of germ fighters is diminished and the body is in jeopardy of infection. Here is Avh«re Osteopathy is essential. By a process of •scientific and intelligent adjustment of the spine tissues the manufac- ture of natural ?mti-toxin is increased to normal, and the body can again destroy the invading germs. It is simply enabling the body to regain its POWER OF RESISTANCE. Thousands of people testify to this helpful effect produced solely by Ost* i* eopathy, and to the RETURN OF THEIR HEALTH through it> BISMARCK INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY DRS. BOLTON AND BOLTON, PHYSICIANS IN CHARGE Dr. M. Evangeline Bolton specializes in women and chil- dren's diseases and Obstetrics. All curable acute and chronic diseases successfully treat- ed without drugs. Electric Baths in connection. Note NEW Location— SUITE 1 to 5 EPPINOER BLOCK YOUR PERSONAL Appearance Is Worth Much DON'T LET IT BE DESTROYED. SHAMPOjOING, HAIRDRESSING, MANICURING, FACIAL MASSAGE, SCALP TREATMENT, ELECTROLYSIS i'Ui -= 4; BATH AND BODY MASSAGE 41 ii * » •Mis •& Hk ifl 'V 3061-2 Main Street Telephone 373 : , V. m 3 S* i 1 "Model 43 *•' it f Meet no Other Car Like It In Model 43 the Olds Motor Works achieved -what^no other manufacturer has;yejt. ;at- ,, :.ctompted. The caf is unique, Original, strik- ingly different from any other automobile under $1,500 to $2,000. In increasing the wheelbase to 120 inches an increase^ in price would logically be expected, but the manufacturers have so arranged production and so provided for the purchase of materials that we can offer the car at $190.00 ... less,than the preceding model. Price of Model 43 $1,095 f o -h. Lansing, Mich. \ . y£i ?. Demonstrations by appointment. 1 \c-,K Established I8M Incorporated 1899 To make every car a, perfect as possible, both as a machine and as a work of art is our aim. National Highway Motor Co. Agents 311 Main St. Bismarck, N. D. ft. T ••K.t Society News < Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Longman of Cin- cinnati have been in Bismarck for a short visit as guests of Mrs. X. L. Call. They leave Bismarck for home today. . Visits Sitter. Mrs. A. M. Da hi of Minneapolis ar- rived this week for a lengthy visit with her sister, Mrs. Francis Murphy, and her family, 924 Fourth street. U. C. T Meeting. The United Commercial Travelers will meet at the K. P. hall this after- noon at 3:30 o'clock. Those in charge want every member of the U. C. T. to be< present for there is special busi- heis to be attended to. Go to Yellowstone Park. Miss Grace Murphy of Minneapolis, sister of Francis Murphy, 924 Fourth street, and Mrs. Francis Murphy will leave this noon for a trip through Yel- lowstone Park. Mrs. Murphy will be absent from Bismarck for about a month. Return From Exposition. Dr. and Mrs. \V. H. Bodenstab and family returned yesterday from San Francisco. Mrs. Bodenstab has been absent from Bismarck for about three months, and Dr. Bodenstab for five Weeks. They report a pleasant trip and enjoyed ihe exposition immense- ly. Country Club Doings. The regular table d'hote dinner was served last evening to several mem- bers and their friends at the Country club. A number spent the evening on the floor, practicing several new danQC steps, and enjoyed a most in- teresting evening. Friends ivere glad to greet Dr. and Mrs. Bodenstab, who returned home yesterday via the N'orth Soo and made a brief call at the clubhouse. Suffrage Club. The Suffrage club will meet Tues- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. P. Quain. 502 Sixth street, at 3 o'clock. This meeting is expected to be of more than usual interest. A splendid program has been prepared. Music will be furnished by Mrs. Bernard Jlorthrost. It is expcctcd that* sever- al out-of-town ladies will be present. A large attendance by Bismarck lad- ies therefore would be very gratifying. Everyone is cordially invited. ' Miss M. Sutton, a returned mission- ary from Malaysia, is doing itinerat- ing on the. Bismarck district for the W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church. She speaks in Dickinson this evening and she will address the women and young people and all others interest ed, in .McCabe M. E. church, Bis marck, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Miss iSutton recently spoke in Jamestown and was well received. It i3 hoped that many will come out Tuesday afternoon to hear her mes- sage. •< * Mandan Chautauqua. Today is the last day of the Man- dan Chautauqua. A special train will leave Bismarck .for Mandan at 1:30, returning at u p. m. Mandan time. This will enable those who attend to take in all the Chautauqua as well at the baseball game between the All Na- tions and the Mandan teams which will be played at 4:30 immediately af- ter the afternoon program. It is ei- pected that John Donaldson, one of the world's greatest colored pitchera, will pitch. The regular Chautauqua program for today will consist of the following numbers: At 2:30 there will be a prelude tby the Eleanor Olson Concert Company, at 3:15 a lecture by Rev. Fr. Hughes, at 7:30 an addreaa by Rev. Fr. Hughes, and at 8:15 a full concert by the Eieanor Olson Concert Company. Johnson's Popular Priced Store.— Adv. Porto Panama Hats Cool as » drop of Dew Hand woven, soft, durable, com- fortable. Good as the South Am- erican Panama, but cooler, lighter, more dressy. Direct irom maker to you, $1.50 postpaid. State aize and send money order. Money re- funded if you are not perfectly satisfied. Very stylish Cor Ladies this year. MARTIN LOPEZ & CO., P. O. Box 148, S 23, San German, Porto Rico. References: Bank de Economfas, San German. COMING TUESDAY, J U LY MME. 0LGA H PETR0VA The stage'sfmosf beautiful and talented star, in The HEART °I PAINTED WOMAN Five acts^of superb dramatic action ..GRAND.. A FeW Mid-July Specials ID IGHT in the midst of the summer season, just when you are in need of summer dresses, millinery furnishings and shoes, we are making several special prices. Prices that you will not, and cannot afford to overlook. These specials include the best in our lines. The quality could not be better, and the styles are the latest and most attractive. Come in tomorrow and take advantage of these mid summer specials. The longest part of the hot weather is still before you, and you will need cool, comfortable wearing apparel. Our stock of dresses is especially attractive. House Dresses Dresses'to wear in the home—dresses that will keep .von cool and comforable during' the hot hours uf the day when you must do up the work about the house. And very tn9ty stvlos, loo. i Priced Special $1 Wash Dresses Silk Dresses Wo liav? marked our Silk Dresses in three lots. The line includes beautifully made dresses in messeliues. silk crepes and taf- fetas. A fine asortment of styles in many colors. $8.50 to $12.00 Dresses to close out at $5.25 This is a line we are justly proud of. 150 pretty styles, made from the most at- tracive summer materials. Priced Special $2 * Middy Blouses We luive.'it fine line of these summer Blouses. In various styles, and all sixes. SPECIAL—Children's White Middies—sizes 6 to 12 years. $1.00 values Special at 65c $13.50 to $20.00 Dresses to close out at $8.00 $20.00 to $25.00 Dresses to close out at $10.00 Silk Waists White Jap Silk Waists in all sizes. Plain and neatly embroid- ered patterns- Extra Special at 98c *****^«*********** *****..->******«***»**********************»****** ******************<?************************************************** Millinery Again we mention the specials in our Millinery Department We have added many more bargains to our bargain tables and npw practically every Ilat in the store will go at a greatly re- duced price. The special prices includc all Panamas and Light Summer Shapes. $2.50 to $3.50 Values TO CLOSE OUT AT $1.00 $4.00 to $6.00 Values TO CLOSE OUT AT $2.50 $6.50 to $10 Values TO CLOSE OUT AT $4.50 www**********#*****#*******************************"***** 3 Extra Special on Gloves Long Silk Gloves in white and colors, $1.50 values will be clos- ^ ed out at | \ ! J s Special Discount on Travel- ing Goods for the Vacationist $1.19 *******************************************************************• Leonard Refrigerators Refrigerators are exceptionally interesting articles of furni- ture in our Furniture Department these hot summer days. We want YOU to come in and inspect this peer of all refrigera- tors. See itf| white porcelain lining. It is well advertised as being "As clean as a clean china dish.'' Fitted with sanitary shelves of wire mesh. And being equipped with trigger locks, the latest in modem locking devices for refrigerators, and in fact everything is included in its making that is the latest and most sanitary. WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THESE REFRIGERATING MACHINES 14 OFF ON ALL EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINOS, SKIRTINGS and EMBROIDERED DRESS PATTERNS Our Trunk, Suit Case and Traveling Bag Department has been doing a heavy business so far this season, but we still have a large stock which will afford a very good selection to the per- son who has not yet gone on their vacation. Suit Cases of all kinds, rattan, fibre, leather and reed. Traveling Bags in all kinds of leather. And one of the largest lines of Trunks in the city. All kinds- sizes and in a wide range of prices. STARTING TOMORROW A TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT WILL PREVAIL IN OUR TRAVELING GOODS DEPARTMENT. EACH DAY BRINGS US NEW SUMMER DRESSES AND SKIRTS. COME IN AND SEE THEM IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT WE AL- SO HA VE SOME SPECIALS IN WHITE SHOES, OXFORDS and PUMPS White Nubuck five button Oxford, Diana, last. A Reg. $4 value Special Price £2.75 White Nubuck 14-button Shoe, regularly selling at $5.00 Special to Close Out at $3.25 White Nubuck Pump. Regularly selling at $4.00 Special Trice to Close Out £2.75 White canvas Shoe, 14-button, Diana last, Reg. selling at $3.50 Special Price £2.50 ' \ White Outing Shoe, rubber sole and heel. A dandy piece of footwear for summer Special Price $1,65 All kinds of White Shoes, both rubber, leather and combina- tion soles in our Shoe Department.

Transcript of Your Body Is Its€¦ · 150 pretty styles, made from the most at-tracive summer materials. Priced...

Page 1: Your Body Is Its€¦ · 150 pretty styles, made from the most at-tracive summer materials. Priced Special $2 * Middy Blouses We luive.'it fine line of these summer Blouses. In various


Your Body Is Its Own Doctor

"! t

• THE BODY IS A COMPLETE CHEMICAL LABORATORY. . When normal, it manufactures enough anti-toxin, and secretes

fluids that neutralize disease-producing "germs" and poison­ous foreign material infecting the tissues. These poison-de­

vouring agents reach every cell in the body at each beat of the heart which circulates the blood through the body; and they contain the blood-cells that destroy germs. But when the sys­

tem is in a weakened condition, the production of germ fighters

is diminished and the body is in jeopardy of infection. Here is Avh«re Osteopathy is essential. By a process of •scientific

and intelligent adjustment of the spine tissues the manufac­

ture of natural ?mti-toxin is increased to normal, and the body can again destroy the invading germs. It is simply enabling

the body to regain its POWER OF RESISTANCE. Thousands of people testify to this helpful effect produced solely by Ost*

i* eopathy, and to the RETURN OF THEIR HEALTH through it>


Dr. M. Evangeline Bolton specializes in women and chil­dren's diseases and Obstetrics.

All curable acute and chronic diseases successfully treat­ed without drugs. Electric Baths in connection. Note NEW Location— SUITE 1 to 5 EPPINOER BLOCK

YOUR PERSONAL Appearance Is Worth Much




4 1 i i * »


•& Hk ifl 'V 3061-2 Main Street Telephone 373

: , V.

m 3 S* i1

"Model 43 *•' • it f

Meet no Other Car Like It

In Model 43 the Olds Motor Works achieved -what^no other manufacturer has;yejt. ;at-

,, :.ctompted. The caf is unique, Original, strik­ingly different from any other automobile under $1,500 to $2,000.

In increasing the wheelbase to 120 inches an increase^ in price would logically be expected, but the manufacturers have so arranged production and so provided for the purchase of materials that we can offer the car at $190.00

... less,than the preceding model.

Price of Model 43 $1,095 f o-h. Lansing, Mich. \ . y£i ?. •

Demonstrations by appointment. 1


Established I8M Incorporated 1899

To make every car a, perfect as possible, both as a machine and as a work of art is our aim.

National Highway Motor Co. Agents

311 Main St. Bismarck, N. D.

f t . T ••K. t

Society News < Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Longman of Cin­cinnati have been in Bismarck for a short visit as guests of Mrs. X. L. Call. They leave Bismarck for home today. .

Visits Sitter. Mrs. A. M. Da hi of Minneapolis ar­

rived this week for a lengthy visit with her sister, Mrs. Francis Murphy, and her family, 924 Fourth street.

U. C. T Meeting. The United Commercial Travelers

will meet at the K. P. hall this after­noon at 3:30 o'clock. Those in charge want every member of the U. C. T. to be< present for there is special busi-heis to be attended to.

Go to Yellowstone Park. Miss Grace Murphy of Minneapolis,

sister of Francis Murphy, 924 Fourth street, and Mrs. Francis Murphy will leave this noon for a trip through Yel­lowstone Park. Mrs. Murphy will be absent from Bismarck for about a month.

Return From Exposition. Dr. and Mrs. \V. H. Bodenstab and

family returned yesterday from San Francisco. Mrs. Bodenstab has been absent from Bismarck for about three months, and Dr. Bodenstab for five Weeks. They report a pleasant trip and enjoyed ihe exposition immense­ly.

Country Club Doings. The regular table d'hote dinner was

served last evening to several mem­bers and their friends at the Country club. A number spent the evening on the floor, practicing several new danQC steps, and enjoyed a most in­teresting evening. Friends ivere glad to greet Dr. and Mrs. Bodenstab, who returned home yesterday via the N'orth Soo and made a brief call at the clubhouse.

Suffrage Club. The Suffrage club will meet Tues­

day afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. P. Quain. 502 Sixth street, at 3 o'clock. This meeting is expected to be of more than usual interest. A splendid program has been prepared. Music will be furnished by Mrs. Bernard Jlorthrost. It is expcctcd that* sever­al out-of-town ladies will be present. A large attendance by Bismarck lad­ies therefore would be very gratifying. Everyone is cordially invited.

' Miss M. Sutton, a returned mission­ary from Malaysia, is doing itinerat­ing on the. Bismarck district for the W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church. She speaks in Dickinson this evening and she will address the women and young people and all others interest ed, in .McCabe M. E. church, Bis marck, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Miss iSutton recently spoke in Jamestown and was well received. It i3 hoped that many will come out Tuesday afternoon to hear her mes­sage. •< *

Mandan Chautauqua. Today is the last day of the Man-

dan Chautauqua. A special train will leave Bismarck .for Mandan at 1:30, returning at u p. m. Mandan time. This will enable those who attend to take in all the Chautauqua as well at the baseball game between the All Na­tions and the Mandan teams which will be played at 4:30 immediately af­ter the afternoon program. It is ei-pected that John Donaldson, one of the world's greatest colored pitchera, will pitch. The regular Chautauqua program for today will consist of the following numbers: At 2:30 there will be a prelude tby the Eleanor Olson Concert Company, at 3:15 a lecture by Rev. Fr. Hughes, at 7:30 an addreaa by Rev. Fr. Hughes, and at 8:15 a full concert by the Eieanor Olson Concert Company.

Johnson's Popular Priced Store.— Adv.

Porto Panama Hats Cool as » drop of Dew

Hand woven, soft, durable, com­fortable. Good as the South Am­erican Panama, but cooler, lighter, more dressy. Direct irom maker to you, $1.50 postpaid. State aize and send money order. Money re­funded if you are not perfectly satisfied. Very stylish Cor Ladies this year.

MARTIN LOPEZ & CO., P. O. Box 148, S 23, San German,

Porto Rico. References: Bank de Economfas,

San German.



The stage'sfmosf beautiful and talented star, in


WOMAN Five acts^of superb

dramatic action


A FeW Mid-July


ID IGHT in the midst of the summer season, just when you are in need of summer dresses, millinery furnishings and

shoes, we are making several special prices. Prices that you will not, and cannot afford to overlook. These specials include the best in our lines. The quality could not be better, and the styles are the latest and most attractive.

Come in tomorrow and take advantage of these mid summer specials. The longest part of the hot weather is still before you, and you will need cool, comfortable wearing apparel. Our stock of dresses is especially attractive.

House Dresses

Dresses'to wear in the home—dresses that will keep .von cool and comforable during'

the hot hours uf the day when you must

do up the work about the house. And very tn9ty stvlos, loo. i

Priced Special $1

Wash Dresses

Silk Dresses Wo liav? marked our Silk Dresses in three

lots. The line includes beautifully made

dresses in messeliues. silk crepes and taf­

fetas. A fine asortment of styles in many


$8.50 to $12.00 Dresses to close out at


This is a line we are justly proud of. 150 pretty styles, made from the most at-

tracive summer materials.

Priced Special $2 *

Middy Blouses We luive.'it fine line of these summer Blouses. In various styles, and all sixes. SPECIAL—Children's White Middies—sizes 6 to 12 years. $1.00 values

Special at 65c

$13.50 to $20.00 Dresses to close out at

$8.00 $20.00 to $25.00 Dresses to close out at

$10.00 Silk Waists

White Jap Silk Waists in all sizes. Plain and neatly embroid­

ered patterns-

Extra Special at 98c *****̂ «*********** *****..->******«***»**********************»****** ******************<?**************************************************

Millinery Again we mention the specials in our Millinery Department We have added many more bargains to our bargain tables and npw practically every Ilat in the store will go at a greatly re­duced price. The special prices includc all Panamas and Light Summer Shapes.

$2.50 to $3.50 Values TO CLOSE OUT AT

$1.00 $4.00 to $6.00 Values


$2.50 $6.50 to $10 Values


$4.50 www**********#*****#*******************************"***** 3

Extra Special on Gloves Long Silk Gloves in white and colors, $1.50 values will be clos- ^ ed out at |

\ ! J


Special Discount on Travel­ing Goods for the


$1.19 *******************************************************************•

Leonard Refrigerators Refrigerators are exceptionally interesting articles of furni­ture in our Furniture Department these hot summer days. We want YOU to come in and inspect this peer of all refrigera­tors. See itf| white porcelain lining. It is well advertised as being "As clean as a clean china dish.'' Fitted with sanitary shelves of wire mesh. And being equipped with trigger locks, the latest in modem locking devices for refrigerators, and in fact everything is included in its making that is the latest and





Our Trunk, Suit Case and Traveling Bag Department has been doing a heavy business so far this season, but we still have a large stock which will afford a very good selection to the per­son who has not yet gone on their vacation. Suit Cases of all kinds, rattan, fibre, leather and reed. Traveling Bags in all kinds of leather. And one of the largest lines of Trunks in the city. All kinds- sizes and in a wide range of prices.





WHITE SHOES, OXFORDS and PUMPS White Nubuck five button Oxford, Diana, last. A Reg. $4 value

Special Price £2.75 White Nubuck 14-button Shoe, regularly selling at $5.00

Special to Close Out at $3.25 White Nubuck Pump. Regularly selling at $4.00

Special Trice to Close Out £2.75 White canvas Shoe, 14-button, Diana last, Reg. selling at $3.50

Special Price £2.50 ' \

White Outing Shoe, rubber sole and heel. A dandy piece of footwear for summer

Special Price $1,65 All kinds of White Shoes, both rubber, leather and combina­

tion soles in our Shoe Department.