Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

Answer Book 3 Solutions by Concern Your questions, answered. To see all questions and answers or to ask a question, visit


Questions and answers from our Formspring, grouped by typed of skin care concerns. Designed to help in selecting the right skin care products for you.

Transcript of Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

Page 1: Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

Answer Book 3

Solutions by ConcernYour questions, answered.

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Page 2: Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Page 3: Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

What is the best product to use for fine wrinkles?

For those who can tolerate sunscreens, good basic UVA and UVB protection can help eliminate many fine wrinkles.

Though our line does not provide UV protection as defined by the FDA, the antioxidants and peptides we used in Defend make it a good product to help you avoid and reduce fine wrinkles.

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Ahem, hypothetically, if a person has deep forehead wrinkles at 36 years old, about how long would it take to see results/reduction in the not-so-fine lines using control? Or is that not the best choice?

If a person had *cough* hypothetically of course, deep forehead wrinkles, Control would be a person's best choice. This is because Control addresses wrinkles caused by sun damage and expression lines, as well as loss of elasticity and tone.

Give it time though - it's always best to approach wrinkles like you would a cut or scrape - the body takes time to respond.

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Oily or Breakout Prone

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The weather is getting hot and humid in my area. What product is suggested to prevent breakouts?

Using Prep at night will help clear pores, slough off dead skin and treat skin with breakout-reducing vitamins and antioxidants.

Adding Boost or Defend to your daytime routine will also help to reduce breakouts, shorten their duration and heal damage.

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Do you have anything to treat mild acne for a woman in her 30's?

Our product called Boost is very popular with those experiencing acne because it helps calm skin, helps regulate oil production, and reduces inflammation caused by breakouts.

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What is the best product to make your skin not look so shiny and at the same time, help prevent breakouts?

Defend really helps to absorb excess oil throughout the day without making your skin drab-looking. Defend also has ingredients to help fight breakouts and new wrinkles.

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Dry or Sensitive

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What does it mean when skin is scaly - super dry? And can it be brought back to being moist again?

Always consider checking with your dermatologist to identify and treat specific skin conditions.

Most often, people with scaly skin are experiencing damage caused by stress, environment, harsh products or even diet or hormones.

One way to refresh and balance skin is to use products that exfoliate, protect and heal - and drink more water!

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Is PREP gentle enough for me to use as I have sensitive skin? Why is it preferable to use PREP at night?

Always test Prep first on a small area of skin to determine your own skin's compatibility with Prep.

We always suggest Prep to be used at night because immediately following microdermabrasion, skin is more sensitive to light and prone to UV damage. Since the whole point of Prep is to help erase sun damage and cumulatively improve skin's appearance and since we want you to get the most out of our products, we advise you only use Prep at night.

Prep is not necessarily suited for the most sensitive skin types, but works amazingly well for those with normal to sensitive skin. Prep is better tolerated compared to other microdermabrasion products because of its creamy base full of skin soothers and botanicals.

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What's the best product for dry sensitive skin?

From our line, Boost is the best solution for dry and sensitive skin.

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Any suggestions for calming rosacea on my cheeks? I have tried lots of products but nothing seems to work well.

Products with green or white tea, vitamin B5 and/or niacin help to calm rosacea flair-ups.

Our product called Boost is well reviewed as a solution for those with rosacea. Read more in this Truth In Aging story:

YBF Boost zaps rosacea

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In my 20s & 30s, I had oilier skin, so I would use a powder base. Now I'm in my 40s, and my skin is drier. Cream or liquid products still make me break out, but powder products make my skin appear flaky. What do you recommend?

Look for cream or liquid make-up products that include oil absorbers such as clays or nylon 12, like the ingredients we use in Defend, Control and Correct.

These liquid/powder hybrids do a good job of creating a look that's not dry & powdery or overly oily.

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What's your recommended regimen for dry skin?

Regular exfoliation is important, followed by products that heal, protect and balance skin. So, our best recommendation is Prep and Boost.

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Combination Dry & Oily

Page 17: Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

I'm a African American with dry skin everywhere but my nose do you have product that's good for my combination skin?

We do! Boost or Defend should work very well to balance your combination skin.

Page 18: Your Best Face Skincare - Answer Book 3, Solutions by Concern (product selection guide)

Hi! Whats the best facecare product for oily/dry skin?

Look for products with oil absorbers (and not just silicones that can mask shine).

Products with ingredients that are water and oil soluble (such as Olivem used in Boost) tend to benefit combination skin. Also look for products with vitamin B5 an/or niacin - both of which help balance skin's oil production and reduce breakouts.

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What can I do in the summer when my forehead is still dry but breaks out if I use a good moisturizer?

Incorporate regular exfoliation at night, followed by a cream or serum containing additional antioxidants and vitamin B5.

This will help skin stay clear and become more accepting to daytime moisturizers.

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I'd like to know what is the best product/s for aging skin, like mine. The products I find in the stores are either too oily or don't quench my skin. Thank you!

We take a "treat not coat" approach in our formulas.

If you try our products, you'll notice they feel lightweight compared to most products in stores yet ours our concentrated with actives.

This helps you put less product on your skin for better results.

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Dull or Lacks Moisture

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What is best for early menopausal skin that's dry, wrinkly or lacking lustre?

Our product called Control is great at rejuvenating dull skin as well as treating skin with accumulated sun damage.

Paired with our microdermabrasion cream, Prep, you'll have our best combo for treating pre and menopausal skin that's lost lustre.

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I would like to now what you suggest for menopausal skin - I need firming and toning - especially just under my chin. Can you help?

As well as being very popular with 20-somethings, our daily moisturizer, Boost, has also been reviewed as a great solution for those with pre & menopausal skin because it tones, hydrates and balances.

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Which moisturizer do you recommend? Boost is a great starting point and all-around light, daily moisturizer and anti-ager.

For those with more mature or damaged skin, Control on its own or layered under Boost provides moisture and rejuvenates skin.

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Eye Area

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Do you have a product to help with puffy eyes?

Do we ever!

Our eye cream, Correct, is very well suited to help you address concerns with puffy eyes.

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I need help getting rid of dark circles under my eyes.

Dark circles can be caused by quite a few things. Our eye cream, Correct, includes ingredients helpful for dealing with most causes of dark circles.

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I have dark circles and makeup makes my undereyes look like wrinkled elephant knees. Do you have a magic product that will restore moisture and reduce puffiness and darkness (or am I just dreaming/ deluding myself that such a miracle product exists)?

Elephant knees? After a VERY good laugh...elephant knees? We want to meet you!

We wish a miracle product existed too, but alas it does not. We do our best though with our eye cream called Correct which is great at reducing puffiness, darkness and wrinkles.


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Eyeseryl that dramatically helps the body naturally flush excess fluid from the undereye area, but even that doesn't provide an instant or complete fix.

We believe that by targeting as many causes as possible of eye area puffiness, darkness and wrinkles, that we're providing the BEST solution. As new options become available, we'll keep improving our eye cream as well as our other products!

Darrell:If you have a chance, take a look at my photos on our About page and you'll see that I too have the big bags! There are some things products can help with and there are things no ingredient as of yet will have an impact.

Many things cause undereye bags. In my case as you can see in the photos, it's natural fat deposits. We have started using an ingredient in Correct called

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What in Restore works on the bags under my eyes?

Restore is often used as an eye cream alternative because of the high amount of gentle vitamin C in a gel base that helps to increase elasticity. It's also very toning to the entire eye area.

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Do you have anything specifically for sun damaged skin?

Indeed we do! Prep, Restore and Control are our "heavy hitters" for treating skin that has visible sun damage such as dark spots and deep wrinkles.

Prep smooths and reduces inflammation to clear the complexion, but also infuses skin with brighteners, collagen boosters and wrinkle reducers. Restore works to brighten, tone and heal damaged skin and Control is best suited to help with loss of tone and deep wrinkles.