Your bbq secrets

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Great Home Cookin'Recipes

Professional Barbecue Recipes! Competition style ribs, butts, chicken, and beef brisket...

Have you ever been to a restaurant and ordered a plate full of succulent, mouth watering, fall off the bone, ribs? Would you believe me if I told you that "competition BBQ" is better than any barbecue you can get in any restaurant? Now... you can learn the secret barbecue recipes of barbecue Pros. Soon youll be able to cook on a level that you never knew even existed.

Great Home Cookin'Recipes

Great Home Cookin'Recipes

We give you all the details like...

Very detailed and exact barbecue recipes to cook championship ribs, butts, chicken and brisket. Each one is cooked differently and is explained in it's own chapter.Cookers - the different types and how you can slow smoke on anything from a professional offset smoker to your old trusty Weber kettle grill and everything in between.

.How to smoke a turkey.

How your wood choice will impart that sought after smoke flavorand smoke ring.

How marinades, brines, and injections will improve the qualitybarbecue recipes.

You have to use rubs... your meats will be bland without them.

Great Home Cookin'Recipes

Your new book will also tell you how to properly use finishing sauces and glazes on your barbecue recipes - our raspberry vinagrette based "secret" recipe for chicken is worth the price of the book by itself. It's by far the best chicken I have ever tasted and took 9th place out of 50+ of the best teams in the Country - not too shabby! This was at the Lakeland Pig Festival in Florida which is the Florida State Barbecue Championship. In another smaller contest (about 30 teams at Boone Hall in Charleston, SC), this recipe took 4th place. And more recently, this barbecue recipe took 1st place in Barnsville, GA. We also placed 2nd in ribs and 2nd in pork in this event.

Great Home Cookin'Recipes

We also give you some great information on competitions, how to prepare for competitions, and even a checklist of what to bring to a competition.A complete list of all the BBQ Associations known to exist with the web address for each. Each BBQ Association has it's own contests and you can find their schedules easily with the information in your new book. We'll also show you where you can get a list of all contests in one place.How to trim spareribs St Louis Style and how to trim a brisket.A whole chapter on barbecue science - smoke rings and maillard reactions.A complete list of resources for smokers, rubs, sauces, forums, and much, much more!

Great Home Cookin'Recipes

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