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The Cosmic Collection: PISCESYour Pisces Career & Wealth Profi le

How do the Astrological signs handle their fi nances? The answer changes dramatically from one Sun sign to the next: While some signs are impulsive with their cash, others are naturals at saving for that proverbial rainy day. Some signs are driven to make money, while others have an easy-come, easy-go relationship with jobs

and income. And as for investments, each sign approaches opportunities diff erently, whether with caution, optimism, confi dence or indecision. Read on to fi nd out how your Zodiac sign approaches all aspects of fi nances, from career to savings and investments and more.

Your Money Profi le OverviewThe sign of the Fish isn’t very practical when it comes to fi nances, so saving money or pursuing a high-income career may not be in the cards for you. You also possess a very tender heart, making it all too easy for you to get stuck in situations where you’re paying more than you can aff ord to support someone else as well as yourself. Since you tend to have a loose, unrealistic relationship with money — you might even be the type to ignore consumer debt or other problems, as if that will make them disappear — it may be smart for you to work with an accountant or fi nancial advisor. Just be sure to fi nd someone trustworthy who can give you sound advice about how to spend and invest your cash. Don’t let anyone take fi nancial advantage of your idealistic, compassionate nature.

Let’s face it, Pisces, in your heart of hearts, making money just isn’t at the top of your list of priorities. Sure, you like to have plenty of cash and credit cards in your wallet, but mostly because they make life easier. After all, like water, money is a great lubricant. Not having enough of it creates too many sticky situations, and the sign of the Fish doesn’t like that!

Since you’re a Water sign, you understand intuitively that money prefers to circulate rather than accumulate. Since you aren’t particularly ambitious, money might fl ow in your direction rather easily, but it also drains away with equal ease. Thus, your fi nancial status may ebb and fl ow, like the tides. You’re extremely generous and compassionate, and you’re very aware of people who are less fortunate than you.

Regardless of your fi nancial situation, you’re always ready with a donation of time or money to assist a worthy person, organization or cause. The day-to-day fl uctuations of interest rates or the stock market probably don’t hold your attention; you have more important things to concern yourself with, and therefore you can all too easily lose your grip on your money — perhaps literally. Losing your cash, having it stolen or paying far too much for a good or service are common experiences for your sign, because Pisces doesn’t always pay close enough attention to what’s going on around them. Your judgment can also be adversely aff ected by drugs or alcohol, not to mention wishful thinking or denial, so you may benefi t from a more grounded fi nancial partner or guide.

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What’s Your Money Motivator?Your money motivator tells you what gets your fi nancial juices fl owing and what makes your stream of income run dry. It will show you how others may view you through your fi nancial habits and give insight into what careers you may enjoy pursuing and why.

Earning money isn’t your main concern in life. No, your primary motivation is serving others, an instinct that profoundly aff ects your career choices. A job in healthcare, food service or

public service would be a fi ne choice for you, as would any job on or near the water, including lifeguarding, fi shing and working on a cruise ship.

Fields that highlights your creativity, such as art or music, feed your soul as well as your wallet. Still, your career might end up taking the path of least resistance: you could make do with a job that’s convenient or easy to attain, or simply the one that falls into your lap.

Are You A Spender Or A Saver?You’re a passive investor at best, you might even fantasize about money fl owing your way without any real work or interaction on your part. The problem is, your wishful thinking can act as a blinder in real life, preventing you from seeing the reality of your situation. You might take investment cues from people you think you can trust instead of determining your own course.

You might also have money hidden away in some secret location that only you know about. A few words of caution are in order: be sure that your fi nancial aff airs are legal and above board. Avoid even the appearance of wrongdoing. And if you suff er from compulsive spending habits, don’t hesitate to get help.

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Your Ideal CareerSettling on a career path to pursue can be quite a tricky business. What type of work will make you feel happy and fulfi lled, as if you’re doing something meaningful with your life? Which job will provide the income and benefi ts you need to support the lifestyle of your choosing? Which profession will meet the ambition that swells within you, fulfi lling the image you have of yourself? Some of us are lucky enough to fi nd an occupation early and easily that feels like a natural fi t — one that utilizes our strengths while challenging us to develop our weaker points; one that is engaging and fascinating and a pleasure to show up to every day. But many of us are still searching for that perfect job that can become a career for life. If you’re in the latter category, read on to fi nd out about the gifts and strengths of your astrological sign that can translate into the perfect career for you.

Dreamy, creative Pisces lives in a world of the imagination. You might spend more time in fantasy than reality; thus, you can thrive in a career that taps into this love of illusion, such as children’s book illustrator, magician, musician or visual artist, or photographer. You are also quite deeply emotional and intuitive, and have a way with animals as well as people. You could really enjoy working as an animal trainer, school counselor or social worker, although do take care with emotionally intense jobs that might prove to be too heavy a burden on your heart. You can also work wonders in an alternative career such as a tarot card reader, psychic or astrologer. Finally, since you are quite selfl ess in your urge to help and support others, you could make a

wonderfully intuitive nurse, midwife or doula, veterinarian, or therapist.

Flexible as a dolphin, you’ll navigate successfully through any number of professions, Pisces, but you’ll be happier in a career that caters to your sensitive, intuitive nature. Pisces is known as the sign of healing, and not surprisingly, the health care industry is swimming with people born under the sign of the Fishes! Not just doctors and nurses, either. You can be particularly eff ective as a therapist of any sort: physical therapy, water therapy, energy worker, massage, color or aromatherapy; the list goes on and on.

Since Pisces rules the feet, you may choose to be a podiatrist or foot doctor, or focus on the feet in your healing work. You might work in shoe design, production or sales. You could use your creative side in fashion design or modeling, art or music or as a creative or artistic director. You are awake to the power of images, so a career as a graphic artist or photographer is ideal, or you could enter the fi lm industry as a screenwriter, videographer, costume designer, cosmetics and makeup, hair, or any other support position.

Pisces is a sign of service, so a career in customer service or in the health, food or public service sectors is very appropriate for you. Your sign is known to be compassionate, so many Pisces people work in nonprofi t, religious or spiritual organizations, or in philanthropic operations, under the radar and without a lot of recognition. Since Pisces is a Water sign, you may navigate your way to a career in the navy, or in boating, shipping or fi shing.

Do You Lead Or Do You Follow?Leadership — based in natural power, courage and control, it’s a quality most people respect and many desire to possess. After all, who wouldn’t want to command a room as soon as they walked into it? We all want others to listen to us, to treat us with respect and to recognize our authority. But the world doesn’t just need leaders. It also needs followers — people who

take direction well and comply with the rules; people who manifest others’ visions by carrying their ideas through to the fi nish. When it comes to getting great things accomplished, people rarely do it on their own. Instead, they join together in teams of leaders and followers — visionaries and those who bring those visions into reality. Thus, both leaders and followers are essential to

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progress. Are you a leader or a follower?

Pisces lacks many of the qualities of a good leader — in a wonderful way. Not being naturally competitive, you rarely feel the need to prove yourself to others. You aren’t concerned with power positions or hierarchies. You’re far more interested in supporting others as they chase down their dreams than you are in pushing your own agenda. Your go-with-the-fl ow perspective enables you to adapt well to change, which makes you an essential team member in times

of transition or crisis. You can even serve as an emotional and spiritual beacon to others who are feeling hurt, lost or overwhelmed.

On the other hand, you may not make the best follower, either — you’re a bit too adept at straying from the beaten path! No matter how sincerely you might want to follow directions, it’s all too easy for you to get distracted and wander off course. You operate best when you can rely on someone strong and trustworthy for partnership or guidance.

What’s Your Job Interview Style?Job interviews tend to strike terror into the strongest of hearts, but knowing how to play to your strengths really does help. Here’s a quick and easy guide to your sign’s job interview style – what to showcase, and which “talents” might be best left un-mentioned! If you know your Ascendant sign, read that one too, because our Ascendant signs usually come across strongly in a “fi rst impressions” situation such as a job interview.

Easily distracted by the hot guy walking past the offi ce window and can easily confused by questions which span more than one sentence, Pisces in an interview gives off a slightly kooky,

slightly vague but very appealing aura. You have a natural empathy which makes others warm to you, especially if the job involves the caring professions, but you do lack the killer instinct and this is all too obvious in jobs of a more competitive nature. What your interview lacks in focus, it more than makes up for in your intuitive understanding of the role. If you can concentrate long enough, and avoid mentioning “that incident”, then you will give a good account of yourself.

Do: Go with your gut instinct when answering questions.

Don’t: Be too needy or insist upon knowing when you will hear a result.

How Will You Retire?If we are very lucky and plan carefully, retirement can be a wonderful time of life. Retirement can mean diff erent ideas to each of us; some seek adventure, while others seek a peaceful quiet and contentment. Our astrological sign can direct us towards whatever retirement it is that we seek for ourselves. Your sign can direct you towards making the right choices for saving and investments, to neither rob from the present to pay for the future or living a devil-may-care, live for today lifestyle.

As the Fish is a Mutable Water sign they know the way up or downstream. Pisces are sensitive and intuitive, but don’t see money as a priority. They should probably have a fi nancial professional

assist them in planning for retirement. Pisces are ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion. You’re idealistic and fi lled with optimism along with a love for lost causes. This can make you a wonderful person, but a questionable investor. Details aren’t your long suit and the day to day fl uctuations of the stock market can overwhelm you. Retirement investment should be planned analytically and without emotion, this is the plan for your fi nancial future, if you cannot put your emotions aside, it would best if you fi nd someone who can.

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About the Author KELLI FOXKelli was fi rst drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and Sun Signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli’s formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA NCGR IV), Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P.), and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA).

Kelli is also the fi rst member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College, and is an emeritus member of its board of trustees. Kepler College is the fi rst college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.

In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her passion to share the knowledge of astrology with people everywhere was reignited.

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies — from web sites to mobile phones and video screens.