“You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

“You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Transcript of “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Page 1: “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

“You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Page 2: “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Objectives• Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand

and respect self and others.

• PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills• PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities• PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view• PS:A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual• Differences• PS:A2.6 Use effective communications skills• PS:A2.7 Know that communication involves speaking, listening and nonverbal behavior

• Standard B: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

• PS:B1 Self-knowledge Application• PS:B1.1 Use a decision-making and problem-solving model• PS:B1.2 Understand consequences of decisions and choices• PS:B1.3 Identify alternative solutions to a problem• PS:B1.4 Develop effective coping skills for dealing with problems• PS:B1.5 Demonstrate when, where and how to seek help for solving• problems and making decisions• PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills• PS:B1.7 Demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences

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Co-FacilitatorThis year we will incorporate co-facilitation into our

Advisement sessions. This will give you (the student) an opportunity to increase your level of confidence in speaking

in front of a group.

Who would like to help me facilitate/teach the advisement session today?

Page 4: “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

6 Pillars of Character

Page 5: “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Last Week We Discussed Bullying,

this week we will discuss the topic of


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Character Counts!!!!Respect

• Treat others with respect. Follow the Golden Rule.• Be tolerant of differences.• Use good manners, not bad language.• Be considerate of the feelings of others.• Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone.• Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.

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What’s Expected of You @

Lovejoy Middle

We are on the road of going from Good to Great!!!

Respect yourselves by…

• Doing your best• Being responsible for our own actions, assignments and property• Coming to school on time and prepared• Using words and language that are not mean, vulgar or offensive• Being honest and fair• Bringing only appropriate items to school• Behaving safely

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What’s Expected of You @

Lovejoy Middle

Respect others by…

• Accepting everyone’s differences• Observing lunchroom rules• Being polite, courteous and cooperative• Not pushing, kicking, fighting or engaging in horseplay• Walking at all times in the halls and cafeteria• Following directions from all LMS staff• Not throwing food or other items

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Respect goes both ways: between the teacher and student

Page 10: “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Mean Teachers or

Misbehaving Students?

Your Thoughts?

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Have you ever seen this situation before?

What are some ways in which the student responds?

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Inappropriate Student Responses

• Talking Back (Displaying an Attitude)• Disrespectful Behavior (Slamming Books, Kicking

Desk, etc.)• Use of Foul Language• Disobeying Teacher • Walking out of the Classroom

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Arguing with Teachers, Classmates or Anyone Leads to this…..

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Also Be Aware of what your Facial Expressions and Body Gestures Are Saying.

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How to Diffuse the Situation• Don’ talk back to your teachers. • Calmly speak to your teacher one on one after class. (if they are available)• Listen to your teacher before responding, then ask may you speak• Learn to accept Constructive Criticism

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How Do You Treat Substitute Teachers?

You should treat them with respect

How would you want your mother or grandmother to be treated if they

were substitute teachers?

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You Make the Call…..

Disrespectful to the Teacher

YES or No?

Sleeping in Class

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You Make the Call…..

Disrespectful to the Teacher

YES or No?

Talking while the teacher is conducting class

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You Make the Call…..

Disrespectful to the Teacher

YES or No?

Being annoying to your classmates

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You Make the Call…..

Disrespectful to the Teacher

YES or No?

Yelling/Calling out during class!!

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REMEMBER:Teachers Have Rules & Expectations

Grades are Achieved; Not Received

So be sure to do your BEST at all times!!

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Page 24: “You Must First Respect Yourself, Before Anyone else will”

Disrespect You have


Thinking Map Activity: Identify 6 forms of disrespect toward a teacher you have seen in your classroom

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RESPECT forMy teacher

Thinking Map Activity: Identify 6 ways you as a student can show your teacher Respect

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